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 Psychological consultant Han Meiling
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Enrolment Guide for the Second Postgraduate of Natural Enjoyment Therapy

(2014-10-05 14:13:44)



psychological counseling

Psychological consultation teacher

——Cultivate excellent psychological counselors who really work


We train psychological counselors who can do case studies and help people get out of serious psychological barriers!


We train counselors who can help others and help themselves!


We can not only pay rent and support ourselves, but also earn annual income twenty More than 10000 psychological consulting professionals!


As long as you claim that you are a licensed psychological consultant, whether you are a case consultant or a lecturer in the future, you must have a solid case consultation ability!


Our beautiful teachers fifteen Years of experience in individual case psychological consultation, which has been effectively verified by thousands of cases, is an original comprehensive therapy of natural enjoyment! Now we are recruiting the second phase of graduate students, using the mode of mentoring to pass on psychological counseling technology!

The beauty teachers infiltrate the theoretical knowledge and operating skills of psychological consultation into the systematic case internship and the practical learning mode under professional supervision, so that students can really learn to do case consultation.


Four advantages of studying with young teachers:


1、 Combine the practice of psychological counseling to learn the theoretical knowledge of psychology;


2、 Follow the teacher's probation consultation, and fully understand the teacher's consultation theory and skills;


3、 Under the guidance of teachers, independently practice counseling on marriage, teenagers and various psychological problems;


4、 After learning to do psychological consultation, you can either open your own psychological consultation center or open your own psychological consultation room in the most convenient place on the platform created by famous teachers. The annual income is set at twenty More than 10000 yuan.


Training purpose of natural hedonism comprehensive therapy trainees:


The aim is to train first-rate psychological consultants and trainers who can practice independently and become a member of a professional team. What I want to teach is not students, but psychological consultants who can become good teachers! Can save the soul teacher trapped in psychological pain!


1、 Training mode: full-time full-time study.


The trainees are full-time learning. They study with Mr. Han as consulting assistants, cooperate with the teacher in case consultation throughout the process and participate in the case under the guidance of the teacher. All theoretical courses are explained in actual cases. After half a year, we independently conducted case consultation under the guidance of teachers.


2、 Research instructor:


Han Meiling


Psychological consulting experts;


Founder of Natural Enjoyment Integrated Therapy;


Chief psychological counselor and supervisor of Beijing Meiling Psychological Counseling Center;


Invited by CCTV, CCTV Network, China National Radio, Beijing Television, Los Angeles Chinese Radio and other television and radio programs to resolve the psychological crisis of the parties involved in the program and analyze the psychological causes of the situation;


By Global Times, UK BBC , Japan TBS , Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, Beijing Evening News and other television news media interviews; Contributors of more than 20 magazines on mental health.


fifteen Years of experience in psychological consultation and education. It was she who used her psychological counseling skills to break the myth that schizophrenia, various neuroses and various difficult and serious mental disorders are difficult to cure, and created the miracle that thousands of case owners get rid of inhuman psychological torture and walk into a better life. It was she who turned the theory of books into an effective skill in the industry, which greatly expanded the field of psychological counseling. It is a person who improves the skills of psychological consultation and synthesizes the comprehensive application.


Teaching assistant: Dai Baoyi


First practitioner of comprehensive therapy of natural enjoyment; Psychological counselors, supervisors and supervisors of the Meiling Psychological Counseling Center; Director of Beijing Meiling Psychological Consultation Center; National second-class psychological consultant, with six years of experience in case consultation.


He is good at psychological consultation for teenagers, psychological consultation for marriage and emotional problems, consultation and treatment for neurosis such as depression, obsessive-compulsive phobia and various difficult and serious psychological disorders.


3、 Training content and class hours


Registration conditions

one . Have a psychological consultant certificate and master some basic psychological knowledge;


two . Have some experience in the industry and are interested in becoming a professional psychological consultant.


three Submit personal growth report five thousand More than 1000 words.


After completing the study, you will be awarded the certificate of completion of the Natural Enjoyment Therapy Institute. After passing the examination, you can choose to sign a professional consultant, start your own business, and join three development models!


Enrollment quota: three People.


Length of study: one year.


Charge: six ten thousand


Class time: two thousand and fifteen year one month one day


Online registration QQ:800023172


Registration telephone: fifteen billion three hundred and twenty-one million eight hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and eighteen 010-64400315

Sina Weibo registration: @ Psychological consultant Han Meiling



  Official website of Meiling Psychological Consultation Center: www.xl699.com




Advantages of natural hedonism comprehensive therapy trainees http://www.xl699.com/article-641-1.html

Introduction to Natural Enjoyment Integrated Therapy http://www.xl699.com/article-642-1.html


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