growth hormone

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human growth hormone
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synonym GH (Growth hormone) generally refers to growth hormone
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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced by Anterior pituitary Secretory Peptide hormone , 191 amino acid composition , can promote the growth of bones, viscera and the whole body protein synthesis , affect fat and mineral metabolism Growth and development Plays a key role in. [1-2]
Generally, growth hormone is human growth hormone for injection [5] Abbreviation of (former name: Recombinant human growth hormone for injection [2] ), produced by gene recombination technology amino acid Content, sequence and protein structure It is completely consistent with human pituitary growth hormone. stay pediatrics Field, using growth hormone Alternative treatment , can significantly promote the growth of children's height. At the same time, growth hormone in the reproductive field burn It also plays an important role in the field of anti-aging. It has been widely used in clinic. [1] [3-4]
TCM disease name
growth hormone
Common name
Recombinant human growth hormone
English name
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone
Chinese Pinyin
Chong zu Ren Sheng zhang ji su
Drug type
Growth hormone drugs
Prescription Type
Medical insurance type
Class B medical insurance

Each dosage form and its characteristics

Human growth hormone for injection, also known as Growth hormone powder , injection shall be conducted with sterile Water for injection After dissolution, use Syringe Injections. The injection frequency is once a day.
2. Injection
Human growth hormone injection, also known as Growth hormone aqueous , divided into Cartridge bottle Packaging and Pre Potting packing.
(1) Pre filling packaging: single tube single dose packaging, without adding preservatives, can be directly injected in one step, without dispensing and needle replacement.
(2) Cartridge packaging: single tube multi dose packaging, single tube multi dose packaging, adding preservatives (mostly phenol), repeated injections, need to use a syringe to extract liquid medicine for injection. [1]


1. Human growth hormone for injection:
The main components are human growth hormone and forming agent.
2. Human growth hormone injection:
(1) Pre filled packaging:
Main ingredients: human growth hormone.
Auxiliary materials: histidine Polosham 188 mannitol Water for injection
(2) Cartridge bottle packing:
Main ingredients: human growth hormone.
Excipients: histidine, poloxamer 188, mannitol, water for injection glycerol , phenol. [1]


1. Human growth hormone for injection:
This product is white Freeze-drying Powder.
2. Human growth hormone injection:
This product is colorless and transparent liquid. [1]


1. Used for endogenous Growth retardation of children caused by growth hormone deficiency;
2. Used for Noonan syndrome Children caused Short stature
3. Used for children with short stature caused by SHOX gene deficiency or Growth disorders
4. Used for Achondroplasia The resulting short stature of children;
5. For acceptance nutritional support Of adults Short bowel syndrome
6. For Severe burn treatment. [1]


See Drug manual

Usage and dosage

Compliance Doctor's order

Adverse reactions

1. The following may occur when using growth hormone Adverse reactions The information comes from abroad Similar products Literature data, including those occurring in clinical trials and after marketing spontaneity Adverse reactions reported in the report.
2. Data from clinical trials of growth hormone products abroad: because clinical trials are conducted under different conditions, adverse reactions of a growth hormone preparation incidence rate It is often not comparable with another growth hormone preparation, and the incidence of adverse reactions cannot reflect the actual clinical use.
3. Growth hormone is a protein drug, and a few patients will produce antibodies after use. Some studies have shown that a few patients who have not used growth hormone therapy produce growth hormone 6 months after using growth hormone therapy Specificity Antibody, but the antibody concentration does not exceed 2mg/L. Long term injection Recombinant human growth hormone If antibody is produced, but antibody Binding force Low, no definite clinical significance. However, if the antibody binding force exceeds 2mg/L, the efficacy may be affected. Any patient who does not respond to growth hormone treatment, in addition to evaluating their Compliance And thyroid function should be treated with growth hormone Antibody test [1]


1、 epiphysis It is forbidden to be used for growth promotion treatment after it has been completely closed.
2. Serious Systemic infection And other critical patients are acute in the body Shock stage Disabled within.
3. Known effects on growth hormone or its Protective agent It is forbidden for people with allergies.
4. Disabled in presence of activity Malignant tumor Patients. Any existing malignancy tumour It should be inactive, and tumor treatment should be completed before growth hormone treatment. Growth hormone therapy should be stopped if there is evidence that there is a risk of tumor recurrence. Because growth hormone deficiency may be Pituitary adenoma (or other rare brain tumor )Early stage of existence sign Therefore, the existence of such tumors should be excluded before treatment. Growth hormone should not be used for any potential Intracranial tumor Progressive or recurrent patients.
5. Occurrence of the following acute critical diseases complication When prohibited: open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental injuries.
6. Acute respiratory failure Is disabled.
7. Hyperplasia or severe nonproliferation Diabetic retinopathy Disabled by patients.

matters needing attention

1. A patient who is used to make a definite diagnosis under the guidance of a doctor.
2、 diabetes Patients may need to adjust anti diabetes Dose of drug
3. Simultaneous use Corticosteroids It will inhibit the growth promoting effect of growth hormone, so ACTH The dosage of corticosteroids should be properly adjusted in patients with deficiency to avoid the effect of growth hormone inhibition (See Drug interaction
4. A few patients were treated with growth hormone Possible Hypothyroidism It should be corrected in time to avoid affecting the efficacy of growth hormone. Therefore, the patient should have regular thyroid function examination, and if necessary thyroxine Supplement to.
5. Endocrine disorders (including Growth hormone deficiency )Of patients may have Femoral head Epiphyseal plate Slippage, if claudication occurs during the treatment period of growth hormone, attention should be paid to evaluation.
6. Sometimes growth hormone can cause excessive insulin Status, so we must pay attention to whether the patient has Glucose tolerance The phenomenon of reduction.
7. If the blood sugar is higher than 10mmol/L during treatment, insulin treatment is required. If you need more than 150IU/day insulin, you still can't Effective control Blood sugar, this product should be stopped.
8. Growth hormone taking subcutaneous injection You can select around the navel, the upper arm, the outside of the thigh, and the buttocks. The injection of growth hormone requires frequent site changes to prevent long-term injection at the same site Subcutaneous fat atrophy If the injection is conducted at the same site, the interval between injection sites shall be more than 2cm.

Drugs for pregnant and lactating women

Not suitable for use.

Children's medication

Children's understanding of growth hormone in pharmacology, toxicology Pharmacokinetics There is no significant difference with adults in terms of weight. It can be used safely according to weight.

Medication for elderly patients

There is no system for the elderly clinical research

Drug interaction

1. Simultaneous use Glucocorticoid probably Inhibitory hormone Therefore, the dosage of glucocorticoid in growth hormone treatment should not exceed 10-15mg Hydrocortisone /Square meter Body surface area
2. Simultaneous use of non androgens steroid It can further increase the growth rate.

Storage method

1. Human growth hormone for injection:
It can be stored and transported in a dark place at 2~8 ℃ for 7 days at room temperature, and the dissolved solution can be stored in a refrigerator at 2~8 ℃ for 72 hours.
2. Human growth hormone injection:
Store and transport at 2-8 ℃ away from light and avoid freezing. [1]

term of validity

1. Human growth hormone for injection:
24 months
2. Human growth hormone injection:
18 months [1]

Executive standards

1. Human growth hormone for injection:
Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020, registration standard: YBS00032020
2. Human growth hormone injection:
Registration standard: YBS00252019 [1]