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Early television
CRT TV, commonly known as big ass TV [1] Its structure is a vacuum tube with one or more electron gun , shot by electron gun electron beam When the electron beam hits the inside of the front screen surface of the vacuum tube Luminous paint The technique of producing images by emitting light when struck by an electron beam. Most thick televisions still use this technology, but it is just an improvement on this technology. Many rear projectors are also products of this technology, but they have a reflection program on the display. somewhat Proper noun It must belong to it, for example progressive scanning , 100 Hz, etc. In addition, many new technologies are developed on the basis of this traditional technology. It is the oldest kind of TV.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Development trend
It will develop towards liquid crystal and flat panel in the future
Vacuum tube, electron gun, etc
Mature technology and low price
Maximum size
34 inches
High brightness, good contrast and bright color

brief introduction

CRT TV was the first to come out. After decades of development and improvement, the technology is very mature. The picture quality has reached a very high level, and the price is cheaper than other types of TV sets of the same size. The cost performance ratio is the best among all types of TV sets. The advantages of CRT TV mainly include high brightness, good contrast, bright color, large viewing angle, etc, Ambient light It has little impact on the image quality. If there are very strict requirements for picture quality, CRT TV is still the most reasonable choice. However, CRT TV sets also have shortcomings. First, they are most practical Screen size Usually, it can only reach 38 inches. In addition, it is difficult to thin and light. The 38 inch CRT TV is already very bulky and bulky.

Development history

From the first station in China black-and-white television From its birth to the emergence of the second generation of ultra-thin CRT color TV sets, the CRT TV industry has experienced a period of introduction, growth and maturity. Technically, it also realizes the innovative transformation from black and white to color, from analog to digital, and from sphere to plane. It can be said that the incubation process of CRT market is very complete, following the life cycle trajectory of products.
1. CRT TV introduction period (from the early 1970s to the early 1980s) The first one in China in 1958 Black and white TV (Beijing brand 14 inch CRT TV) was born in Tianjin 712 Factory. Some elements of this TV set are Soviet Union It was developed, but at that time, China's television development technology was basically on the same starting line as Japan's.
On December 26, 1970, China's first colour tv set It was born in the same place, which opened the prelude to the production of China's color TV industry. However, in the 1970s, China's color TV industry developed slowly, Color kinescope And other major components still need to be imported from abroad, plus planned economy The influence of Product performance And product quality are gradually lagging behind Japan, and the gap is growing.
In 1978, the state approved the introduction of the first color TV production line from abroad, which was set up in the original Shanghai TV Factory, now known as SARFT The Group was completed and put into operation in 1982. This marks that the production of China's color TV industry has got rid of the stage of self exploration and embarked on the load advanced technique Of Fast train
Soon, Xianyang Rainbow Factory, the first color tube factory in China, was established, which changed the situation that the main components of color TV in China depended on imports, making the development of color TV industry gradually take shape. During this period, more than 100 color TV production lines of various sizes were introduced nationwide, and domestic brands such as Panda, Venus, Peony and Feiyue emerged in succession.
In 1985, China's TV production reached 16.63 million sets, surpassing the United States, second only to Japan Second in the world Big TV Country of production During this period, domestic brands have made great progress in both technology and scale, and the output of Changhong alone has reached 1500 sets per day per shift. However, due to the structure, price Consumption capacity Restriction of equal conditions, television Penetration rate It is still very low. There are only 17.2 and 0.8 TV sets per 100 households in urban and rural areas respectively.
In 1987, China's TV production reached 19.34 million sets, surpassing Japan and becoming the world's largest TV producer. This position has been maintained.
In the introduction period, CRT TV has experienced the development process from scratch, from black and white to color, and has chosen the development shortcut of introducing production lines. After the major components of TV sets changed the situation of relying heavily on imports, China has taken the initiative in the production of CRT TV sets, and various domestic brands have sprung up like mushrooms. In terms of output, it has successively surpassed the United States and Japan, and has become the world's largest television producer. It can be said that in terms of production, the domestic CRT TV industry has successfully passed the introduction period and achieved good results. What it faces is the popularization and further development of CRT TV, which is the problem to be solved in the growth period.
2. CRT TV growth period (from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s) In the mid-1980s, although the number and scale of domestic color TV sets have developed unprecedentedly, the production lines introduced by domestic enterprises are still relatively backward in technology, and the TV sets produced by them cannot compare with imported color TV sets in technology, variety, function, quality, price and other aspects. Under the impact of a large number of imported color TV sets market position Keep up with the day, not only can't catch the new Market opportunities Even the existing market share has been snatched by foreign brands. In this round of battle, foreign brands won nearly 80% Market share , where Panasonic Toshiba Hitachi And other Japanese brands occupy an absolutely superior position.
In order to break through the situation that foreign brands flooded the Chinese color TV market, Changhong took the lead in initiating price war , nationwide Overall price reduction Fifty days later, the state issued the corresponding price reduction policy for color TV sets. Since then, domestic color TV sets have got rid of the shadow of the planned economy, and the market has taken the helm. For the first time, enterprises have taken the initiative in product marketing. In addition, the advantage of low prices has enabled domestic brands to regain the lost market, and has made color TV sets rapidly popular in China. Soon, Urban residents The ownership of color TV sets is close to 100%, and the ownership of color TV sets in rural areas has reached 32.5%. In the mid-1990s, the price war entered a white hot stage, and some color TV manufacturers with weak strength changed production or were eliminated. Changhong, Hisense, Konka, TCL, Skyworth, etc. have strong strength, advanced technology Competitive awareness Strong color TV enterprises have entered a period of great development and become backbone enterprises in China's color TV market. The leap in technology and low price advantage of domestic brands make the market share of foreign brands shrink day by day. In 1996, the sales volume of domestic color TV sets exceeded that of imported color TV sets for the first time. The market share of domestic brands and foreign brands has gradually changed from 2:8 to 8:2.
In the growth period of CRT TV, the technical disadvantages of domestic brands are exposed. However, domestic brands have recognized the current form, and they have played a price war with foreign brands. This low price tactic has made CRT TV enter the families of ordinary people, which not only helps domestic brands win back market share, but also makes people get greater benefits. At the same time, the fierce price war eliminated the weaker brands in the market, so that the surviving brands established a sense of competition and Crisis awareness It can be said that in the growth period, CRT TV has completed the task of popularization and made China's CRT industry enter the mature period ahead of schedule.
3. Maturity period of CRT TV (from the middle and late 1990s to the present) In the mid-1990s, when the domestic color TV set overwhelmingly occupied the domestic middle and low-end color TV market with the advantage of low price, foreign household appliance enterprises began to turn to technology and upgrade products. On the one hand, they increased their investment in China and accelerated the process of localization, on the other hand, they occupied the market with the innovation of products and technology High end market During this period Representativeness The world famous product of Sony Trinitron Television.
In the late 1990s, China's color TV industry Production technology Production and sales volume , enterprise management, etc. have entered a mature period, and the color TV market has become comprehensive Brand competition Technology comparison between enterprises Specific mass , price comparison, service comparison, constitute the most competitive field in the home appliance industry brand effect More concentrated and leading brands emerged Monopolistic market Trends. According to the survey on the sales of color TV sets in large retail malls in China, the top 10 color TV brands in the market share in 1998 have accounted for more than 80% of the market share.
In terms of technological innovation, CRT TV varieties in this period have completely bid farewell to black and white TV and entered the color world, and have moved from analog to digital. The display has shifted from spherical to flat, so that large screen plasma, rear projection, stereo, high-definition and other color TV technologies have emerged in large numbers, and the pace of innovation is going faster and faster.
In 2001, people predicted that Plasma TV When it will replace CRT color TV, the first generation LCD TV will be launched. However, there are not many LCD TV products sold on the market at this stage, mainly 15 inch products, and the technology is immature, with narrow viewing angle, low contrast, and pictures definition Poor, high price, most consumers wait and see across the shore, more people are willing to see it as a PC display. Therefore, the sales volume of CRT color TV still dominates the color TV market, and plasma TV has become a fashion favorite.
It was not until 2005 that the sixth generation LCD TV was involved in the price plunge of Chinese and foreign brands as soon as it was listed that the development potential of LCD TV began to realize. In 2007, with the further reduction of prices, the sales of LCD TVs accounted for less than 20% of the total, while the sales of CRT TVs fell below 80%. Although the sales volume of CRT TV still accounts for the absolute mainstream, the sales volume of LCD TV has reached 52%. However, we can't just talk about the sales performance of CRT TV.

Development status

1. Market: sales of CRT TV have declined year after year
Although the sales volume of CRT TV still occupies the absolute mainstream of the color TV market, it has declined year after year. In 2006, China's CRT television declined for the first time. According to the data in the Blue Book of China Color TV Research, the sales volume of CRT TVs in 2006 was 31.12 million, Year on year decrease 3%; LCD TV and Plasma TV The sales volume reached 3.8 million units and 0.6 million units respectively, up 200% and 13% year on year respectively.
In 2007, the sales volume of domestic CRT TVs was 27.07 million, down 11% from 2006; The sales volume was 39.2 billion yuan, down 17%. Specifically, in the first half of 2007, the sales volume of CRT TV fell by 7%. at home Primary market The sales of CRT TV has accounted for less than 15%. In the third quarter of 2007, CRT dropped by 18% year on year.
2. Product: weak position gives birth to the concept of ultra-thin
Compared with LCD TV, CRT TV is limited by the imaging principle. The larger the size is, the more picture tubes are needed, and the thicker the size is. Therefore, the maximum size of CRT TV is 34 inches, which is far inferior to the viewing effect of large LCD TV screens. However, the slim and exquisite appearance of LCD TV and the shocking large screen broadcast effect make CRT TV appear "senile", and its sales volume is declining. The weak position urges CRT TV to give birth to the concept of ultra-thin, upgrading and innovating in technology and appearance. In April 2005, TCL The world first launched the first 29 inch ultra-thin CRT TV. subsequently Konka Changhong They also launched ultra-thin CRT TVs.
Soon after the launch of ultra-thin CRT TV, it was sought after by consumers. According to the data from the Blue Book of China Color TV Research, the sales volume of ultra-thin CRT TVs in 2006 was 2.2 million, an increase of more than six times, accounting for nearly 87% of the overall color TV market; LCD TV Market growth rate 200%, with the sales volume reaching 3.8 million sets, accounting for 10.6% of the overall color TV market. In 2007, the growth of ultra-thin CRT TVs was still strong. In the first half of the year, the sales volume of 2.38 million sets increased nearly twice, and exceeded the sales volume of 2006, accounting for 17% of CRT TVs.
3. Price: CRT TV price is approachable
It is understood that before 2007, the average prices of 19 inch, 26 inch, 32 inch, 42 inch and 46 inch LCD TVs in the market were about 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan, 4500 yuan, 8000 yuan and 14000 yuan respectively. In 2007, the prices of 21 inch, 25 inch, 29 inch and 32 inch CRTs were only about 1000 yuan, 1800 yuan, 2200 yuan and 3600 yuan, of which the 21 inch ultra-thin CRTs were sold at the lowest price of 800 yuan. Moreover, the price of LCD has further dropped sharply, forcing the price of CRT TV to become lower and lower, which shows that the price of CRT TV is more approachable.
4. Brand: Foreign funded manufacturers have withdrawn from the CRT TV market
Due to the continuous decline of CRT TV sales and the pressure of the overall flat screen TV market, foreign brands in the Chinese market have basically withdrawn from the CRT TV field. only Sanyo Also adhere to the second Third tier cities Sales of CRT TVs. and Sony Samsung SHARP And other traditional TV manufacturers because they have perfect upstream Industrial resources , has devoted its energy to the production and sales of flat screen TVs. LG The production of CRT TV was also stopped in early 2006.
5. Channel: CRT color TV sets have great potential in secondary and tertiary markets and rural markets
In the first tier market, the sales volume of CRT TV is equal to or slightly inferior to that of flat screen TV, while in the second and third tier markets, CRT TV dominates. The channel distribution of mainstream brands in the secondary and tertiary markets is intensive and the structure is complete, making the sales of CRT TV in the secondary and tertiary markets very smooth. The main contributors to CRT TV sales are the secondary and tertiary markets.
In the vast rural market, television is not facing the problem of good or bad, but still stays in the Yes and No On the difference. Therefore, low-cost CRT TV has broad market prospects in rural areas. Many manufacturers' channel networks are penetrating into rural areas.
6. Promotion: LCD advertising is everywhere, and CRT advertising is rare
Now in Publicity effect Best CCTV Or the CRT TV ads can no longer be seen on local TV stations, and the new LCD TV ads are everywhere. stay Newspapers and magazines It is also difficult to see the introduction of new CRT TV products. On the emerging Internet, there are home appliance websites of all sizes, including LCD TV Plasma TV There are countless reviews and introductions, but the information about CRT TV is poor. stay First tier cities 3C home appliance stores or Shopping Mall LCD TV is placed in the most prominent position, and CRT TV is placed in the corner. All kinds of signs show that the manufacturers have focused on the LCD TV field in their strategic publicity, and the era of CRT TV seems to have gone.

Development trend

1. It's too early to talk about CRT delisting
According to《 Product life cycle theory 》, with the development of technology and Consumption habits Any product will move towards Recession period , that is, enter the phase of elimination. The performance of the product in the recession period is: the sales volume and profit of the product continue to decline, and the product has aged in the market and cannot adapt market demand There are other new products with better performance and lower price on the market, which are enough to meet the needs of consumers. At this time, enterprises with higher costs will stop production because they are unprofitable life cycle It ended one after another, and finally completely withdrew from the market.
In contrast to this theory, CRT TV has experienced 50 years of development in China. With the development of science and technology, it has produced its alternative product - LCD TV. Under the impact of LCD TV, the sales volume and profit of CRT TV have continued to decline. More than half of the products in the market last year have been aged, but there is still a certain market demand Tertiary market And broad Rural market Still has a huge development potential There are still some defects in the performance of LCD TV, an alternative product of CRT, such as Tailing phenomenon Dynamic contrast It is poor, so its performance is not as good as that of CRT TV with mature technology.
More importantly, China's CRT TV Manufacturing By the time of assembly and sales, a very mature industrial chain has been formed, which makes the cost of producing CRT TV far lower than that of LCD TV, and LCD TV has no advantage in price. The high price of LCD TV can not meet the needs of low-income people (still accounting for the majority in China) consumer demand , cannot squeeze CRT TV out of the market. On the contrary, because China does not have the ability to produce LCD TVs core technology TV manufacturers also need to use the profits created by CRT TV to feed LCD TV.
The reasons why foreign-funded enterprises withdraw from the CRT market are as follows: 1 production costs The service cost is higher than that of Chinese enterprises. Second, distribution channel It is too narrow and limited to the first and second tier cities, and the CRT television in these cities has become saturated. Third, foreign brands have the core technology of LCD TV, and have the conditions and advantages to reduce production costs and technological innovation. Therefore, most foreign-funded enterprises will eliminate CRT TV before China.
To sum up, we can see that the current market situation of CRT TV does not fully comply with the life cycle theory Product recession The characteristics of, especially the key price and market demand conditions do not meet, so we say that CRT TV is still in the transition period from maturity to recession, and its delisting theory is still too early.
2. CRT TV still has advantages in the short term
CRT has been developed for decades, and its technology is very mature contrast ratio Such picture quality factors are excellent, and the technology is stable and durable. The life of CRT TV is usually longer than that of LCD TV. In addition, CRT's viewing angle Large reaction rate Fast, colorful Reducibility Also very good. For the majority of Chinese consumers, CRT also has a very attractive place, which is the low price.
In terms of channels, CRT TV has infiltrated into shopping malls and electrical appliances in various counties relying on the business system established over the years Franchise store Delivery with advantages door-to-door service And rich after-sale service The network has won the praise of consumers.
In addition, the Chinese government is also continuing to maintain the survival and development of China's CRT television industry, and will integrate high-definition CRT with liquid crystal, plasma, organic Electroluminescence etc. display technique Same as China IT industry Key technologies in the next 5 to 15 years. In 2007“ Home appliances to the countryside ”The plan has directly promoted the sales of CRT TV in the rural market.
3、 China TV Market CRT and tablet will still coexist in the future
China is not only a big producer of CRT TV, but also a big consumer of CRT TV. China has 1.3 billion people and nearly 400 million families, of which 800 million people and more than 200 million families are in rural areas. According to the estimation of Sanuo Company, 50% - 60% of the annual color TV sets are purchased by rural families, and the vast majority of these color TV sets are CRT color TV sets.
Low price is still the killer of CRT TV in the Chinese market, and the output of CRT TV is large, Technical system Perfect, so CRT TV is Flat panel TV The level of substitution is significantly slower than that of the world. In the first half of 2007, China's color TV industry maintained a small growth trend total output 38.35 million sets. Compared with the same period last year, the output of CRT color TV sets and LCD TV sets accounted for 67.5% and 30.8% respectively. CRT still has the advantage in production capacity. Although CRT TV market share It is gradually decreasing, but for different Consumer groups For example Market space It is still quite large, and CRT TV is still the mainstream of sales.
According to the prediction of Displaysearch on the color TV market, by 2010, China's CRT TV and flat screen TV Total market demand 50% each. China Electronics Chamber of Commerce Research on data display From January to May 2007, the sales volume of CRT TVs in home appliance stores was 2541812, accounting for 66.1% of the total sales volume, and the sales volume was 3937.372 million yuan, accounting for 71.2% of the total sales volume. and Konka Hisense TCL Skyworth Such manufacturers all said they would actively develop new CRT TVs. So we say that CRT and tablet in China's TV market will still coexist in the future. CRT TV has at least five or six years of development in China.
4. CRT is fading out of the market
According to DisplaySearch prediction, global TV Shipment It was flat for two consecutive years and exported in 2012 Western Europe , Japan, etc Developed markets The total amount of TV is predicted to decline by 11%, so it is low-key emerging market 8% annual growth, with CRT and Plasma TV Gradually fade out of the market, and LCD TV will continue to gain greater market share. For emerging markets, the price reduction has also accelerated the process of replacing CRT TV with flat screen TV.



remove dust

After a TV is used for a long time, there will be a layer of dust in the machine. Too much dust will affect the heat emission of components and damage components and circuits Insulation , and even produce High voltage discharge Ignition phenomenon, Severe damage Therefore, dust prevention and removal are the tasks that cannot be ignored in TV maintenance. Dust accumulation available Vacuum cleaner or tyre pump Blow to remove. Carefully remove the cover plate and blow away the dusty part of the machine with the air pump with the metal outlet nozzle pulled out until it is completely blown. Be careful not to touch Electrical components Places that are not easy to remove dust can be removed with a brush. Never use a wet cloth to scrub.

Fault omen

Shut down and power off immediately, and notify professional personnel for maintenance to avoid accidents.
(1) After starting the machine or when using it, you may hear the sound of "popping", or even smell. If you do not shut down the machine immediately, you may damage the components or make Kinescope Burst. This is the ignition of the high-voltage part of the TV, which makes the oxygen in the air electric spark A little ozone is generated under the action.
(2) During use, the TV suddenly smokes or has a smell of burnt smoke. In case of serious open fire, the power supply should be cut off immediately, and the surrounding natural objects should be removed. Use fine sand or wet quilts, blankets, etc fabric Wrap the TV to isolate the air flow, put out the fire and prevent the fire from burning Kinescope The explosion injured people. However, it is strictly prohibited to use water to extinguish the fire, so as to avoid sudden cold burst of the picture tube.
(3) The brightness of the TV suddenly darkens and the whole picture shrinks, which is caused by power failure. Turn off the TV in time to prevent the failure from expanding.
(4) After power on, irregular black dots or lines appear on the screen, which will jump for a long time. You can turn the channel selection button to neutral gear Observe and shut down the machine immediately if it still does not disappear.