Caucasus Mountains

Eurasian Mountains
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synonym caucasus mountains (Caucasus Mountains) generally refers to the Caucasus Mountains (Eurasian Mountains)
Caucasus Mountains (English: Caucasus Mountains, Russian: Кавказскиегоры, Georgian :კავკასიონი, Armenian :Կավկազ, Azerbaijani :Qafqaz)。 Its peak is Elbruce Peak Its altitude is 5642 meters (18510 feet), and it is also the highest peak in Europe.
Main axis of the Caucasus Mountains watershed by Southern Europe and west Asia Of Dividing line be located Black Sea And Caspian Sea between. It runs from northwest to southeast Georgia Armenia and Azerbaijan 3 countries. genus Alpine Movement Formed Folded mountain system It is about 1200 kilometers long and 200 kilometers wide. The mountain is steep, with an altitude of 3000 meters to 4000 meters. Great Caucasus Mountains yes Asia And European Geographic boundary , from Black Sea Northeast coast, namely Russia Taman Peninsula to Sochi Nearby, it starts to extend to the southeast by east Caspian Sea Nearby Baku until. and Little Caucasus It is almost in balance with the Great Caucasus, and the two are connected by the Suram Mountains that separate the Korkis and Kura Alas lowlands. In the southeast of the Little Caucasus Mountains stands the Taresh Mountains Elbers The northwest part of. The Little Caucasus Mountains and Armenian Plateau Constitutes Transcaucasia highland.
The northern side of the mountains is called the Pre Caucasus (or North Caucasus ), genus temperate continental climate The temperature can drop to - 30 ℃ in winter, and as high as 20 ℃ - 25 ℃ in summer precipitation 200 mm~600 mm, more in the central and western regions than in the eastern regions; The south side of the mountain is called Transcaucasia (or South Caucasus), of Subtropical climate The precipitation in the west is more than that in the east, about 1200mm~1800mm. The main mineral deposits are manganese, lead and zinc, and oil and natural gas are more abundant. There are many mineral springs in the north foot, and most of them are health resorts. North Caucasus Russian federation Transcaucasian Georgia Armenia and Azerbaijan three countries. The main rivers are Kura River Kuban River Etc.
Chinese name
Caucasus Mountains
Foreign name
Caucasus Mountains
geographical position
Black Sea And Caspian Sea between
1200 km
200 km
Starting point
Main peak
Elbruce Peak (5642m)

Geological overview

Mountain name
Altitude (m)
Outstanding altitude (m)
five thousand six hundred and forty-one
four thousand seven hundred and forty-one
Russia and Georgia
Dirk Hill
five thousand two hundred and five
two thousand and two
Russia and Georgia
five thousand two hundred and one
one thousand three hundred and sixty-five
Russia and Georgia
Mount Koshtan
five thousand one hundred and fifty-two
eight hundred and twenty-two
Russia and Georgia
Zhanji Mountain
five thousand and fifty-nine
three hundred
Russia and Georgia
five thousand and forty-seven
two thousand three hundred and fifty-three
Russia and Georgia
four thousand and ninety
two thousand one hundred and forty-three
Satellite Map of Caucasus Mountains
The Caucasus Mountains are two continents Dividing line be located Black Sea Azov Sea and Caspian Sea between. To the north Eastern European Plain , arriving in the south Iran turkey Border. It is a combination of Little Caucasus And the huge mountain system composed of Kuma Manech lowlands. Tectonic Cenozoic The Alps Fold zone The terrain is dominated by high mountains and plateaus. From north to south, it can be divided into several generations of Arthas fold belt. The terrain is dominated by high mountains and plateaus. Divided into several parallel rows from north to south Topographic unit : Kuma Manech Lowlands, Stavropol Highlands and the coastal lowlands of the Black Sea; Great Caucasus Mountains Korshida Lowlands and lankaran Lowland, etc; The Little Caucasus Mountains. The Great Caucasus Mountains are young Folded mountain With a total length of more than 1200 kilometers, it is divided into three sections: east, middle and west. The eastern and western mountain areas are relatively low, generally below 4000 meters above sea level; The middle section is narrow and high. Many mountains are above 5000 meters above sea level. Glacial landforms are developed.
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caucasus mountains

The peaks are towering

The total length of the Great Caucasus Mountains is 1200 kilometers, which can be divided into three sections: east, middle and west. The east and west sections of the mountain are relatively low, generally below 4000 meters above sea level, and the mountain is about 200 kilometers wide; The middle part of the mountain is narrow and high. Many peaks are above 5000 meters above sea level. The climate on the mountain is cold, Year-round snow The Caucasus Mountains stand erect Eurasian Between two continents, on the west Black Sea and Azov Sea , east Caspian Sea Is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
 Caucasus Mountains Caucasus Mountains Caucasus Mountains Caucasus Mountains
Caucasus Mountains
Caucasus Mountains
Many peaks in the Caucasus are very tall Absolute height More than 5000 meters above sea level, more than Western Europe The highest peak of - Mont Blanc Among them, "Erfeng" for short Elbruce Peak It is the "leader" among the peaks of the Great Caucasus Mountains, up to 5633 meters high. It is located in the center of the Caucasus, surrounded by mountains, and stands out. Because at bit High latitude The snow and glaciers in the Caucasus Mountains have a strong impact on the terrain Cirque It stands on the mountainside and becomes a ridge as thin as a blade, which has the charm of "Heaven Reliant Sword".
At the top of the mountain, the snow heaps press the mountains, forming a continuous ribbon, which rises and falls for several kilometers along the ridge, and is quite spectacular under the sunshine. And in Ancient glacier At the bottom of the, Trickle It often gathers into a round lake with rippling blue waves, and the scenery is beautiful and charming.
famous Western Caucasus Located at the westernmost end of the Caucasus Mountains, the Reserve was selected and listed in the World Heritage List in 1999. It is located 50 kilometers northeast of the Black Sea. Some areas are isolated from the world. It can only be easily reached by helicopter. It is one of the few mountains in Europe that have not been disturbed by human beings.

Geographical climate

Significant regional differences in climate: north of the Great Caucasus Mountains North Caucasus genus temperate continental climate Southerly Transcaucasia genus Subtropical climate

ecological environment

The Caucasus Mountains extend from northwest to southeast, forming two main mountains, the Great Caucasus and the Small Caucasus, covering an area of 440000, including the foothills square kilometre , is a Natural ecology A region with many changes.
Great Caucasus natural landscape The vertical change of broad-leaved forest 1200m~2200m coniferous forest 2200m~3000m are subalpine and Alpine meadow 2600~3500 meters alpine tundra Above 3000m~3500m is alpine ice and snow belt.
Western Caucasus The vegetation of vertical distribution From the mountain road to the top of the mountain, there are deciduous forests Fir silver birch Caucasian azaleas and shrubs. This place is also a paradise for animals, which is rarely visited by people. Brown bear , Caucasian deer, roe deer European bison Rock antelope Otter Black Stork Golden eagle and short toed eagle live freely here. The most amazing thing about the West Caucasus is the strange insect In the world, records show that there are 2500 species of insects in this area, but the number is more than twice that recorded.

geographical environment

The Great Caucasus has formed a unique physical geography District, its landscape Vertical zonality Obviously, Mountain forest And alpine landscape Crisscross It is mainly composed of the main vein, the front mountain range, the horizontal mountain range and the branches standing in the towering area. This mountain system has a total length of 1200 kilometers Taman Peninsula At the beginning, it runs from northwest to southeast and extends to the Abishilun Peninsula in the Caspian Sea, covering an area of 145000 square kilometers. It can be divided into the axial zone, the north slope and the south slope. The whole mountain range is often divided into three parts, namely, the western Caucasus, the central Caucasus and the eastern Caucasus Earlbluth and Kazbek Is the boundary.
The formation of the Caucasus Mountains is due to Tertiary Occurring The Alps Orogeny The foothills of the northern slope of the Great Caucasus began to rise slowly, passing through a series of slope plains and small hills, reaching the main mountain ridge, which formed a sharp contrast with the steep southern slope.
The Central Caucasus is the highest part of the Great Caucasus Mountains, and has the most glaciers. watershed The absolute height of many peaks in the mountains and flanking mountains exceeds 5000 meters, and most of them exceed the highest peak in Western Europe - Mont Blanc The erosion of snow and glaciers on the terrain is very strong. Huge cirques stand on the mountainside, and some form knife ridges as thin as blades. The top is peak shaped, and the snow heaps press the mountains to form a continuous zone, which rises and falls for several kilometers along the ridge. The bottom of the ancient glacier often converges into a round lake with rippling blue waves, and the scenery is beautiful and charming.
The height of the Western Caucasus is lower than that of the Central Caucasus, while that of the Eastern Caucasus is much higher. Many of its mountains are more than 4000 meters high. Because here Glaciation Smaller, glacial snow landform Morphogenesis incomplete, Paleotopography The damage is relatively serious. Rocks are easy to be weathered and washed away by water. There is almost no cirque lake. After a storm, it often leads to devastating flash floods.


There are more than 1500 glaciers in the Caucasus, Drainage area 2000 square kilometers. The Great Caucasus Mountains are not only climatic Natural barrier It is also a natural barrier for transportation. The only automobile highway crossing the mountains, Georgia Military Highway, is 207 kilometers long, built along the ancient immersion route and using natural canyons. In 1799, the whole line was open to traffic, and the other two roads to the west were the military Ossetia road and the military Shaosu alliance road. Cars cannot cross the Central Mountains by these two roads.
The Caucasus is a mineral resources A very rich region. In the 1950s, Baku , Grozny Oilfield and Kepu Oilfield were once Soviet Union The main source of oil. The gas near Staropol is also the main source of natural gas in the former Soviet Union, which is directly connected by pipelines Moscow and St.Petersburg Southern Chiduli of the Great Caucasus manganese mine Of Reserve As high as number one in the world, and Armenia Of copper mine It is also very famous.
In any case, the Caucasus Mountains have become a famous tourist and convalescent resort. The natural scenery here is beautiful and charming, attracting many tourists from all over the world. Every year, on October 5, Baku will hold the "Melodic Arts Festival of the Caucasus." Local colour , reflecting the local Local Customs The Caucasus is also an ideal place for skiers Alpine skiing From January to March of each year, tourists can go to places such as Eribrewski and Tobabai in the Caucasus Mountains, where there are well-equipped ski resorts that can provide various services for tourists. Tourists can show their talents there. Experience the surprise and comfort of gliding at that moment.
Of course, the most famous tourist attractions in the Caucasus Mountains are Sochi And the Great Caucasus Mountains. Sochi has beautiful scenery and elegant environment. It is adjacent to the Great Caucasus Mountains in the north and is a tourist and convalescent resort. Standing on the Great Ahong Mountain in the suburb, you can look around the mountains of the Great Caucasus with white tongue. The famous spa Mazesta mineral spring dates back to ancient times Imperium Romanum It was very famous at that time. Its mineral water has magical Medical effect Sukhumi It is close to the mountain and faces the sea, with luxuriant trees and numerous places of interest.
There is a castle site in the suburb of Sukhumi, which is unified Georgia It was named by Bagtara III, the first emperor of each principality. There is also a famous Kelasuli Wall 4 kilometers away from the city, which is similar to ancient China the Great Wall It goes through mountains and ranges, rolling and magnificent. In addition, there is a group of grottoes in Ochamchilifei, the most famous of which is two kilometers long.


In the south of the Central Ridge, there is a valley Longitudinal valley , separating the Great Caucasus from the Small Caucasus. This valley begins at Colchis, the edge of the Black Sea in the northwest Marshland This marshland has something to do with a beautiful Greek legend, which is jason The story of the expedition to find the priceless treasure - Golden Wool Sheep.
It is said that golden wool sheep is pure Golden wool Biplane Ram Is the messenger of God Hermes A gift for Nefel. In order to escape the trap of his stepmother Ino, Friksos rode the Golden Hair Sheep to Colchis and was attacked by the king Aeetes Warm hospitality. In order to thank God for his blessing, he killed the Golden Hair Sheep and gave it to Zeus And gave the golden wool to Aeetes. The king nailed the golden fleece to an oak tree in the holy forest of Ares, the god of war, and let a giant tree never sleep Duron Keep watch.
At that time, people all over the world knew that golden fleece was priceless and wanted it, but many people paid their lives for it. He agreed to his uncle's impertinent request and decided to go to Colchis to look for the Golden Fleece, which was sponsored by many heroes. They also came to the Argo, and decided to go with him to look for the Golden Fleece and build great achievements. After a long journey and many hardships, Jason and his companions arrived at Colchis and explained their intentions to King Aeetes. The king did not dare to refuse the request of Jason to his face. He wanted to find an opportunity to kill Jason and his companions. At this time, the queen Hera and the god of love Aphrodite Helped Jason, the king's little daughter Medea Burning the fire of love made her fall in love with Jason, so that she could take the initiative to help him. In the dead of night, Medea dived into Jason's house and told him the king's plan. With the help of Medea, Jason defeated those who spit out fire oxen with torches tied to their tails to overwhelm the enemy And the samurai entered the holy forest of Ares, the god of war.
Here, the ancient trees are towering and do not penetrate the sun. In the darkness, they are shining with golden light, which is the light from the golden wool. When the king returned, Medea, who was hiding in the forest, came out. They met the little prince walking alone in the forest Abu Siltos They decided to take him as a hostage. They continued to walk toward the depths of the forest. An oak tree was hung with golden fleece, as if it was shining Chaoyang The fierce dragon was guarding it. Medea used his magic to make the dragon faint and fall asleep. Jason picked the golden fleece from the tree, and the light of the golden fleece lit up the path in the forest. With this treasure in the world, Jason ran to the ship quickly, and the heroes immediately rose Sail , paddling hard together, the Argo sailed like an arrow. When the king heard the news, he led his fleet to chase him from behind. The situation was very critical. Medea recited a spell, stabbed her brother, the little prince, to death with a knife, and then cut him into several pieces and threw him into the sea. The king had to restrain the body, unable to chase him. So Jason obtained the golden fleece and killed Peleaz, the father who had won the throne Aeson He ascended the throne again.
This story Homer era It used to be popular among the people, and many writers in later generations often wrote about this story. Maybe this story is nothing, but it will be small Caucasus It is covered with a mysterious veil.
After crossing the Surami Pass, the Colchis Marsh Kura River The river valley continued to travel southeast until it reached the Kura Alas Plain on the inner coast. The northwest southeast trend of the small Caucasus is not as distinct as that of the great Caucasus. The Little Caucasus consists of a series of low and folded mountains Iran The nearby mountains are connected. There are piedmont grasslands on the northern slope of the Great Caucasus, followed by Forest steppe And forest areas, and then up to the alpine grasslands, the highest is the permafrost snow and ice zone.