Han Fei

[hán fēi]
Philosophers, thinkers, essayists and legalists in the late Warring States Period
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Han Fei (about 280-233 BC), [15 ] Later generations respectfully call him "Han Feizi" or "Han Zi", [16 ] During the Warring States Period, he was born in Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea (now Xinzheng, Zhengzhou, Henan Province). At the end of the Warring States Period Materialism The philosopher of color [17] Thinkers and essayists, [15 ] The main representatives and synthesizers of Legalists. [18 ]
Han Fei learned from the representative figures of the Confucian School a pre-Qin philosopher However, the concept is different from that of Confucianism. "The science of magic of liking names of punishment" and "attributed to Huang Lao" inherited and developed the legalist thought, becoming the warring states He was the epitome of Legalists in the last years. As the son of South Korea, Han Fei wrote to King Han many times, hoping that King Han would make great efforts to govern, but King Han ignored it and never adopted it. This made him very sad, indignant and disappointed, so he wrote many books on his rule of law thought. After reading it, the Qin Emperor admired it very much. In order to see Han Fei, he ordered to attack South Korea. King Han was forced to send Han Fei as an envoy to the State of Qin. However, Han Fei was not trusted and reused in the State of Qin. Later, he was alienated by Li Si and imprisoned, and soon died in prison. [19 ]
Han Fei raised the legalist ideology to Cosmology Therefore, it constitutes a complete theoretical system. [20] Author《 cynicism of the world and its ways 》《 Wutong 》The later generations collected his works and compiled them into Han Feizi. [21 ] The legalist school founded by Han Fei is the first unified autocratic school in China Centralization The birth of the country provides a theoretical basis. After the death of Han Fei, his legalist thought was put in great importance by Ying Zheng, the King of Qin, and was regarded as the key to the governance of Qin, helping Qin to enrich its country and strengthen its troops, and finally unifying the six countries. [22 ]
Han Zi Han Feizi
the warring states
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
one's native heath
Xinzheng, South Korea (now Henan)
date of birth
280 BC
Date of death
233 BC [1]
Key achievements
A master of legalist thought
Main works
Han Feizi
True name
Han Fei

Character's Life


Early experience

Han Fei born the republic of korea Imperial Clan, Yohan Li Wang Born 15 years ago (280 years ago) The capital of South Korea in the late Warring States Period Xinzheng A noble family.
Twenty years ago (275 years ago), Korea was in a difficult situation. Han Fei began to read the "home owned" books of business and management, and the books of Sun and Wu, as well as various miscellaneous books.
Han Huanhui King Ten years ago (262 BC), General Qin White rise Lead the troops to attack Korea and capture 50 cities. The prefect of Shangdang in South Korea surrendered to Zhao. South Korea's ruling class began to fall apart. Around this time, Han Fei, a young man, began to write a letter, which lasted about five years.
In the 15th year of King Huanhui of Han Dynasty (257 BC), Han Fei hated that he could not look for and appoint wise talents to govern the country. Instead, he promoted pompous people over those with actual achievements, so he began to write.
In the 19th year of King Huanhui of Han Dynasty (253 BC), Xunzi left Jixia and came to the State of Chu. King Chunshen appointed him as the order of Lanling to continue his apprenticeship. Before and after that, Han Fei defected a pre-Qin philosopher Under the door, "learn the skills of emperors", students are Liss wait forsomeone. [2-3]

An envoy to the State of Qin

Han Fei's book was handed down to the Qin state The King of Qin greatly appreciated Han Fei's talent. After reading Han Fei's article, he said, "If I can see this person and make friends with him, I will die without regret." Han Wang An Three years ago (235 BC), as Qin attacked Korea, King Han summoned Han Fei at a critical juncture and plotted with Han Fei to weaken the strength of Qin. [2-3]

Killed in prison

Lees Yao Jia He framed Han Fei and slandered him, saying, "Han Fei is the son of South Korea. Now you want to annex the vassal states, and Han Fei will eventually turn to South Korea rather than to the State of Qin, which is human nature. Now you don't appoint him and leave him for a long time to let him go back, which is to leave a legacy for yourself, not to punish him according to law." The King of Qin thought they were right, Han Fei was handed over to the judge for punishment. " Li Si ordered someone to send poison to Han Fei and let him commit suicide. Han Fei wanted to confess himself to the King of Qin, but he couldn't see it. Later, the King of Qin was very regretful and sent someone to pardon Han Fei, who was already dead. [3-4]

Main impacts


Ideological theory

Han Fei was born in the late Warring States Period Materialism The philosopher of color is Legalism of A master Witnessed by Han Fei Late Warring States Period Korea Poor and weak , multiple times Written to King Han He hoped to change the situation of ruling the country without regard to the legal system, raising something that was not used, and using something that was not supported, but his idea was never adopted. Han Fei thought that this was "honest and upright should not be subjected to crooked officials." He retired to write a book and wrote《 cynicism of the world and its ways 》Wutong, Internal Storage, External Storage《 Saying Lin 》Shuo Nan and other works. In these articles, Han Fei highlighted Method, technique and potential The combination of the rule of law theory reached the peak of the pre Qin legalist theory, providing a theoretical weapon for Qin to unify the six countries, and also for the future feudal society period Autocratic monarchy It provides a theoretical basis. [2]
Political ideal
Han Fei's political ideal is to establish a unified feudal state with centralized monarchy. Facing the fierce struggle between the old and the new forces and the situation of feudal separatism at the end of the Warring States Period, he summarized the historical lesson that the Son of Heaven is weak and the princes are strong, and advocated the establishment of a unified feudal state with centralized monarchy. In his works, words such as "New Saint", "Yan Tianzi", "Wang Zi", "Emperor Zi" and "Both the World" reflect his desire; In the chapter "Yang Quan", he pointed out more clearly that this unified centralization of monarchy should achieve "the four sides should be in the center, and the saints should insist on the four sides to effect", replacing division with unification, and replacing separatism with centralization.
In order to make the sovereign's sacred power inviolable, Han Fei advocated to respect the monarch and humble his officials, and proposed to "strengthen the public office, and Du private door" (Inner Chu Shuo II). He advocated that those private door forces and powerful officials like evil tigers should be dispersed, their party should be closed, and their auxiliary (Main Way) should be taken away, and resolutely eradicated and suppressed, Although Han Fei's idea at that time played a progressive role in combating those powerful officials who "lost the law to benefit their private interests and consumed the country to make their families better" (Solitary Anger), he Monarchical power The absolutization and the belief that the interests of the monarch and his subjects must be opposite also deepened the contradiction between the monarch and his subjects. [5]
reform Tuzhi Reform is an important part of Han Fei's thought. Han Fei inherited Shang Yang If there is no one way to govern the world, the country will not follow the old rules ”He put forward the idea of "building up the past without expectation, and breaking the law is always possible", and advocated that "if the world is different, things will be different", and "if things are different, things will be ready for change" (Wutong). Han Fei holds the view of historical evolution, and believes that the era is constantly moving forward. If we do not proceed from today's reality, we should blindly beautify the ancient kings and follow the example of the ancient times. "If you are not stupid, you will be falsely accused" (Xianxue). Since the times have changed, the measures for governing the country should also be reformed. Therefore, he advocates that "sages should repair the ancient times without expectation, and it is illegal to talk about things in the world, because they are prepared" (Wudang )。 He believed that "in the ancient times, we should strive for the Tao, in the middle ages, we should strive for wisdom, and today, we should strive for strength" ("Wutong"). In the era of "today, we should never use leniency to govern the people of the world" ("Wutong"). Only by implementing a series of policies that are conducive to the establishment and consolidation of new feudalism and promote great unity, can we follow the historical trend. Han Fei's Historical view It is his theoretical and ideological weapon in advocating the rule of law. [5-6]
Thought of rule of law
Han Fei's idea of the rule of law is based on the evolutionary historical view as the theoretical basis for the implementation of the rule of law, with the establishment of a unified feudal monarchical state as the ideal and goal of struggle“ Rule by law ”As the core of his ideology epistemology As his weapon for observing things and fighting, they are organically linked and integrated, forming Han Fei's relatively complete ideological system [5]
Han Fei's works summarize Early legalist school His experience has formed a political and ideological system of combining law, art and power with law as the center, and he has become the master of the legalist school who has learned from all the others. Han Fei emphatically summarized Shang Yang Shen Buhai and Be cautious The idea of. Shang Yang, Shen Dao Shen Buhai The three men advocated emphasizing law, power and technique, each with its own characteristics. Han Fei put forward the idea of combining the three closely. Law refers to the improvement of the legal system, potential refers to the power of the monarch, who should hold the military and political power alone, and skill refers to the strategies and means to control officials, control political power, and implement laws. The main purpose of potential is to detect, prevent and maintain the monarchy. Han Fei integrated the three. He praised Shang Yang and Shen Buhai, and pointed out that the biggest disadvantage of Shen Shang's theory was that it did not combine law with art. Secondly, the second major shortcoming of the theories of Shen and Shang is that they are "unfinished"“ Shenzi It's not all about art, Shang Jun It is not all about the law "(Hanzi · Dingfa). Han Fei, according to his own point of view, discussed the content of art and law and the relationship between them. He believed that in order to govern the country, the monarch should make good use of power and art, and at the same time, his subjects must obey the law. Compared with Shen Buhai, Han Fei's "art" has developed mainly in the aspect of "art to know traitors". He believed that the monarch should not trust his subjects too much, and should "try and cooperate" Criminal name ”。 In the aspect of law, Han Fei especially emphasized the thought of "stopping punishment by torture", emphasizing "severe punishment" and "severe punishment". He believes that it is not enough just to have laws and techniques, but to have "potential" as a guarantee. "Shi" means power, and political power means the power and status of the monarch, which can be understood as national authority. He praised Shen Dao for saying that "Yao can't rule three people for a single man, while Jie can rule the world for the Son of Heaven" (The Troubled), and proposed that "we should follow the law and deal with the situation, and then we should govern, Recitation Castration "Then chaos" ("difficult situation").
For the first time, Han Fei explicitly put forward the idea of "law is not inferior to justice", and advocated that "punishment should not avoid ministers, and rewards should not be missed". [7] That's right The rule of law in China The great contribution of ideology has had a positive impact on the elimination of aristocratic privileges and the maintenance of legal dignity.
confucian It stresses that "courtesy is not inferior to common people and punishment is not superior to officials", and the legalists represented by Han Fei have developed it into equality before the law. The law does not show favoritism even to the noble and powerful.
Han Fei advocates teaching by law, which means that in addition to making laws, we must also publicize laws, popularize legal knowledge masses Abide by the law and apply the law to form a good atmosphere of "knowing, understanding and abiding by the law" in the whole society. Teaching by law was the policy of the Qin Dynasty to strengthen the ideological and legal system and consolidate centralization One of the flags of.
Han Fei's idea of rule of law adapted to a certain history of China Development stage The needs of the feudal society in China Centralized system It has played a certain theoretical guiding role in the establishment process of. After the death of Han Fei, the monarchs and ministers of various countries competed to study his book Han Zi, First Emperor of Qin Under his guidance, he completed the imperial cause of unifying the six countries. Han Fei's thought of rule of law has a certain practical significance in later generations, especially his theory of combining law, art and power. Han Fei“ Law based ”It has been put into practice and has become the mainstream of contemporary thought.
Han Fei's learning became a legalist, whose highest ideal was "no action by the king, no action by the law", and he believed that the king should not worry about the action of the law; The officials don't have to work, but the people are law-abiding, and the world is governed by inaction. However, his theory was too respectful of the monarch, which was criticized by later generations. [8]
Philosophical theory
Han Fei is here epistemology Very focused on every aspect Materialism "Theory of Reference". He believes that cognition is a natural attribute of human beings and must rely on human's sense organ And thinking organ, which is a kind of Simple materialism Of the company. He fully affirmed people's cognitive ability, advocated "doing things according to reason", and pointed out that "doing things according to reason is impossible" (Jielao), otherwise, failure is inevitable. He believes that people's cognitive activities are purposeful, so people's words and deeds must be practical. He said, "A man of words is a man of function."( target )”(Questioning and Debating), which pointed out that "if we do not take function as the basis, we should be educated to the highest level of observation and practice to the highest level of firmness, then we should make false statements" (Questioning and Debating); He also stressed the need to use“ Inspection ”It is the standard to test right and wrong. The parameter is comparative study "Verification" is confirmation. He said, "Follow Name and reality To determine right and wrong, and to judge words based on experience "(" Rape, Robbery and Killing Officials ") means that we must check whether the name is consistent with the reality to judge right and wrong, and only by Comparative test To judge whether the words are correct. He also said: "Those who have no experience but need it are stupid; those who can't necessarily rely on it are false" (Xianxue), meaning that it is foolish to make a positive judgment without comparison and verification; It is cheating to use it as a basis if you cannot make a positive judgment.
Han Fei applied his theory of "testing" with simple materialism to political life. On the one hand, he used it to criticize Confucianism and other theories, saying that their ancestors' statements about the former king were false and untested; on the other hand, he used it to assess his officials, asking them to be completely consistent in terms of words, deeds and achievements. Those who were completely consistent in terms of words, work and effects would be rewarded, Otherwise, they will be punished. [5]

Literary achievements

Han Fei slightly stutter But he is an excellent writer with fluent writing style. Han Fei is good at“ Science of Criminal Name and Magic ”, "and it is attributed to Huang Lao". Li Si and Qin Xiang are both students of Xunzi. Han Fei's articles are outstanding, and even Li Si is inferior to him. Han Fei's five books, Gu Fen, Wu Bu, Shuo Nan, Shuo Lin and Nei Chu, contain more than 100000 words. Between the lines, he sighs about the difficulties of the world and life, and reads all the world with thousands of feelings.
Han Fei's article is precise in reasoning, incisive in writing, incisive in argumentation, reasonable in reasoning and to the point; Delicate in design, bold in description, humorous in language, marvelous in plain reality, thought-provoking and alerting artistic effect Han Fei is also good at using a lot of simple fable story And rich historical knowledge as proof materials, explaining abstract truth, vividly reflecting his legalist thoughts and his profound understanding of social life. Many fables appearing in his articles have become popular because of their rich connotations and vivid stories Idiom allusions , has been widely used by people. In Han Feizi fable There are three or four hundred stories, which are famous for "self contradiction", "waiting for the hare", "avoiding diseases and avoiding medicine", "just making up", "old horse knows his way" and so on. These vivid fables contain profound philosophies Ideological The perfect combination with artistry can enlighten people with wisdom literary merit These fables, which are based on social reality, historical figures, historical events or folk stories, are all Han Feizi's social phenomenon Extracted after deep and careful observation. Although these vivid stories come from a specific environment, they contain profound philosophy. The perfect combination of ideology and artistry gives people wisdom and enlightenment.
Han Fei's fables are simple and profound, humorous and cold Zhuangzi The allegorical reasoning method is further developed, with some more realistic factors, which can be called Pre Qin scholars The treasure in the article. His fables vividly reflect the complicated and varied real life, ranging from the change of times, the rise and fall of the country, to personal honor and disgrace. All the emperors and princes of all dynasties, and the women who wanted to recruit husbands and women, have been written in his works, which can be said to span time and space, no doubt. It has a wide range of contents, numerous events and numerous images Pre Qin Fables The most. [9]

Historical evaluation

Sima Qian Historical Records· Biography of Lao Zhuang Shen Han 》It points out that Han Fei "likes the science of name and magic, but it is attributed to Huang Lao", "Han Zi leads the line and ink, cuts things, and makes things clear, and his extremely miserable copy is less gracious", "all originated from the meaning of morality". Preface of Tai Shigong 》Yun: "Han Fei surmises things and follows the trend." [10]
First Emperor of Qin Seeing the books of "Solitary Anger" and "Wutong", he said: "Alas, I can see this person traveling with him, and I will die without hatred!"
Yang Xiong Legalism 》Or ask: "Han Fei wrote the book Shuo Nan and Death It's hard to say. What's the objection? " Said: "The Shuo Nan" covers the reason why he died! "Said:" What also? "" The gentleman moves with propriety, stops with righteousness, and advances with unity, otherwise, he will not worry about his incompatibility. If he talks about people and worries about their incompatibility, he will do everything. "Or said:" It is not worrying about the incompatibility, it is not evil? "Said:" It is not by the Tao, it is also worrying. It is not by the Tao, it is not worrying about it. "
author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》"I heard that a gentleman loves his relatives and people, loves his country and people's country, and enjoys a hundred blessings because of his great achievements and beauty. Today, he is not painting for Qin, but wants to overthrow his ancestral country first to sell his words, and his sin is not allowed to die. What a pity!"
Sima Zhen : "The name of the punishment is skillful, but it is hard to know. Sad for Zhou Fang, and Li Si will die." [11]
Mao Zedong Annotation of Records of the Historian, Biographies of Laozi Han Fei: Han Fei learned from Xunzi, a representative figure of legalists in the Warring States Period, and he proposed that "the rule of law Surgical treatment Potential governance ”The rule of the three feudal monarchs has a great impact on later generations. [12]

interpersonal relationship

full name
Learn from others
Xun Kuang (Xun Zi)
Younger Martial Brother
Senior Brother

Main works

Han Fei's articles were collected and compiled into Han Feizi by later generations. There are 55 articles in 20 volumes, about 100000 words. Han Feizi is mostly Han Fei's own works.
The fifty-five chapters in Han Feizi are listed as follows: First in Qin Dynasty Deposit in South Korea The second, the third, the fourth, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the eighth, the eighth, the tenth cynicism of the world and its ways Eleventh, the twelfth, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, the sixteenth, the seventeenth, the eighteenth, the nineteenth Retirement 20. Yu Laodi is the 21st, Lin Shangdi is the 22nd, Lin Xiadi is the 23rd, observation and action is the 24th, safety and danger is the 25th, morality is the 26th, employment is the 27th, fame is the 28th, general is the 29th, internal reserve is the 30th of the upper seven skills, internal reserve is the 31st of the lower six micro skills External storage Said the upper left thirty second, the outer reserve said the lower left thirty third, the outer reserve said the upper right thirty fourth, the outer reserve said the lower right thirty fifth, the first thirty sixth, the second thirty seventh, the third thirty eighth, the fourth thirty ninth, the fortieth, the fortieth, the forty first, the forty second, the forty third, the forty fourth, the forty fourth, the forty fifth, the sixth, the forty sixth Eighth, the 47th, the 48th, the 49th, the 49th, the 50th, the 51st, the 52nd, the 53rd Centrality The 54th is the 55th. [13]

Historical data index

Historical Records: Biographies of Laozi and Han Fei
Warring States Policy, Qin Policy Five [2]

Film and television image

particular year
Film and television types
Play title
TV play
Yu Tong [14]
(The hero is Han Fei)
TV play
Da Qin Fu
Zhang Haoyue