
The granddaughter of Perseus
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Alcmene, Perseus Perseus The granddaughter of Zeus My great granddaughter. King of Thebes Amphitryon His wife was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Hercules Heracles After Amphitryon died, she married Ladamandis (Rhadamanthus; Rhadamanthys) as wife. Radamandis is Crete The king, later he was Minos Drive out Crete Radamandis exiled to the island of Boeotia, where he married Alkmene.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
El Trion
brothers and sisters

Character characteristics

PS: The name of Alkmene was once confused with Arachne, but in fact they were two completely different people.
Arachne was proficient in weaving, and because he was too arrogant, he openly told Athena( Roman myth Called "Minerva") challenged the weaving skills, and finally failed and committed suicide. Athena transformed her soul into a spider. Her upper body was a woman, and her lower body was a spider. Like a spider, she had eight feet and lived in a huge spider web Keep weaving inside. It is said that she will parasitize in people's brains and devour people's will.

Character relationship

Zeus' Lover
She's a great hero Perseus Granddaughter of. Her husband, Amphiltrion, is also her cousin.
Alcmene's eight brothers were killed by the enemy, so she swore that she would not share the bed with Amphitryon without revenge. Amphitryon planned for a long time, and finally waited for an opportunity to lead the troops out to avenge.
Zeus took a fancy to Alcmene. In order to hide his eyes, Zeus also let Helios And the Moon Goddess long night It is three times longer than usual.
When Amphitryon returns from victory, he finds his wife is pregnant, and he is dejected.
Son of Zeus
Alcmene gave birth to Heracles, the son of Zeus, because he feared the Queen Hera She hid the child in a basket and abandoned it in the field. Passing here Athena And Hera saw him, and under Athena's advice Hera fed the beautiful child. Because she sucked the milk of the day after, Heracles broke away from the womb and had great strength. Athena sent the child to the palace for the queen to be raised by Heracles' mother. Hera immediately knew the origin of the child and hated him very much. Two poisonous snakes were sent to kill the baby. But Heracles, who absorbed Hera's strength, easily grasped two poisonous snakes as toys. When King Amphitrion learned about it, he regarded it as a gift from Zeus, and invited the blind man Diviner Tiresias Predict his future: when he grows up, he will kill many monsters on land and in the sea, defeat giants, get eternal life like gods after experiencing hardships and dangers, and finally win the Goddess of Youth Herb Of love.
Zeus was very concerned about their son. He knew that Heracles would become a hero to save Olympus.