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Heroes in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Achilles( Greek : Ἀ Ἀ ×××××ε Ἀ, English: Achilles), yes MYTHOS The hero of, the goddess of the sea Tethys (Thetis) and mortal heroes Peleus (Peleus).
After being born in Achilles, the mother Tethys Knowing from the Goddess of Destiny that he would die in battle, he burned part of Achilles' mortal body with celestial fire and restored it with divine ointment. When it was about to be completed, it was discovered by his father Peleus and interrupted (one said that Tethys held Achilles' Ankle Immerse him Styx )。 So Achilles, apart from the fatal ankle Dead point The whole body is invulnerable, and the gods are hard to invade.
Achilles participated Troy War After that, it only took two battles to make the original anxious battle situation tilt sharply towards the Greek army, and killed the defenders of Troy Hector But because of the sun god Apollo Achilles was killed by Apollo's arrow in the heel.
There are few relevant stories about Achilles, mainly two battles in the Trojan War, but it is well-known in Greek mythology, and its name has become modern Medical specialty Nouns.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ἀ Ἀ ××××ε Ἀ (Greek), Achilles (English)
Mythological system
Ocean Goddess: Tethys , mortal hero: Peleus
brothers and sisters
Polidora [1]
A close friend
Patroclus Antirocos
Greek Allied Forces

Troy War



Achilles was found in the palace of Lycomedes
According to myth Troy War Of Golden Apple Event , which happened in Peleus And Tethys At the wedding banquet.
Achilles' mother is an immortal god, so she also wants her children to be immortal. After Achilles was born, Tethys held his ankle and soaked him in Styx Styx River (Talking about the fire in the sky), he was totally invulnerable, except that Tethys held his ankle in his hand and did not immerse himself in the river, leaving a hidden danger.
Later Achilles was entrusted by Peleus to the sage chiron Raised and learned the skills of heroes in Mount Perrion. In addition to Mount Perrion, he grew up in his hometown of Fortia, where he and Paltrowcross grew up together as children.
Before the Trojan War broke out, Tethys heard a prophecy about Achilles: he would go down in history, but he was doomed to die on the battlefield at a young age. It was precisely because of this prophecy that Tethys wanted to turn Achilles into an immortal, but the arrangement of the Goddess of Destiny seemed to be inviolable even to God. In order not to let my son have a chance to Join the war, Tethys entrusts his secret to Scu Ross Island The king of Lycomedes hoped that he could hide Achilles in the palace and raise him as a girl. During this period, Achilles secretly married Princess Deidamia, and the girl gave birth to a son named after him Neoptolemos Later, because of the oracle, the Greek army would not be able to defeat Troy without Achilles, and the commander of the coalition forces, Agamemnon, sent people to the island of Scuros to find Achilles. Because Achilles was so handsome that he could not distinguish among girls, Odysseus had a plan to recognize Achilles. Then Achilles joined the Greek army.

War situation

according to Euripides The famous tragedy of Osiris, Troy War eve, Agamemnon In order to get rid of Artemis The windless weather produced must to sacrifice His own daughter, Iphigenia. In order to cheat the latter from his hometown to hold a sacrifice Olis In his letter, Agamemnon pretended to betroth Iphigenia to Achilles. When Ifegenia came to Oris, he learned the cruel facts, but he was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the overall situation. Achilles, who learned of this, was determined to protect her. After that, Achilles was besieged by soldiers in order to defend Iphigenia, and when the ceremony was held, the soldiers still loyal to him were gathered at altar He was ready to take over people at any time, but did not do so after being persuaded by Ifegenia. At the time of the final execution, Artemis felt pity for her, so she let Iphigenia disappear on the altar and replaced it with a doe.
about Troy War ,《 Iliad 》He intercepts the fragments and describes them. At the beginning of the book, Achilles and Agamemnon There was a dispute because Agamemnon took away the female slaves of Achilles Briseis This behavior and his dissatisfaction with his previous treatment made Achilles feel that his honor was greatly insulted, so he angrily left the camp. If Agamemnon did not apologize in public, he would never participate in the battle again. The war situation of the Greek army has gone from good to bad, Zeus It gave the soldiers victory, but never let them have real confidence. Later, the Greek coalition army retreated and was once beaten back to the shore by the Trojans led by Hector. Even though Agamemnon sent people to ask Achilles for forgiveness, he remained unmoved. Finally, Patroclus, a close friend of Achilles, could not bear to see the Greek army dead and wounded. He put on Achilles' armor and went to war disguised as him. The situation once reversed, but finally he was killed by Hector, which changed Achilles' mind. Later, Achilles fought all the way to the city of Troy and fought with Hector, in which he killed Hector. Then under the guidance of God, the king of Troy Priam When he came to Achilles' tent, Priam redeemed his son's body after pleading. The story ended with Hector's funeral. Achilles and Patroclus《 Iliad 》It reflects profound friendship.
kill Hector Later, Achilles also killed the Trojans Amazonian Leader, God of War Ares Daughter Pentesilia , and from Ethiopia Son of Eos, the goddess of the dawn Mennong

Character's Life

Achilles who fell to the ground and died
Achilles is Troy War The most powerful hero in the Chinese and Greek allied forces, the best of the second generation of heroes, Argo Hero Peleus And the sea goddess Tethys Son of. After he was born, Tethys wanted to make him a complete god, so he carried his father to burn his son in the sky fire at night. He wanted to burn the human part inherited from his father to make him holy. In the daytime, she used magic medicine to heal her son's burning wounds. But once, Peleus peeped in the dark, and when he saw his son trembling in the fire, he couldn't help crying out in horror. This hindered Tethys, so Achilles was completely invulnerable except for his heel. (Another saying is that Achilles' mother put him in Styx As his mother is holding his heel and soaking it upside down, Achilles is totally invulnerable except for his heel.)
Achilles in Odysseus At the invitation of Troy War , killed countless enemies in the battle, made the Greek army turn defeat into victory several times, and later Apollo The enemy was killed by Apollo when he hit his heel with a magic arrow. (Another way of saying is that arrows are made by Paris And then guided by Apollo to Achilles' heel.) His funeral was very grand. The Greeks bathed his body with warm water and dressed him in the battle gown that his mother Tethys had specially given him. Athena from Olympus Holy Mountain Looking down at him, his heart was full of sympathy, and a few drops fell on his forehead Ointment To prevent the body from rotting or deforming. People from Ida Mountain Cutting down trees , piled high. There are many armor and weapons of the slain people on the firewood pile, as well as many sacrificial animals, sacrificial gold and other precious metals. The heroes of Greece cut off a lock of hair from their heads. They poured various kinds of ointment on the woodpile, and provided large bowls of honey, wine and spices. The bodies of the heroes were placed on the top of the firewood pile, and then they were fully armed, some on horseback, some on foot, circling around the huge firewood pile. At the end of the ceremony, they lit the woodpile. The flames blazed. Follow Zeus The wind god Elos sent out a strong wind, roaring and fanning the flames to the sky, firewood Heap burning Had to crackle, the body turned into ashes. The heroes poured out the embers with wine. In the ashes, the bones of Achilles were clearly visible, like the skeleton of a giant. His friends picked up his remains, put them in a gold and silver box, and buried them at the top of the coast, side by side with the bones of his friend Paltrowcross.
After Achilles died, his armor became the Greek heroes, Aas and Odysseus The focus of contention, Odysseus finally speech Defeat the warrior Aas and inherit the set of craftsman gods Hephaestus The artifact made by Aas was Athena The caster becomes crazy and kills himself with grief and indignation.
After Achilles' death, his son Neoptolemos By Odysseus and Diomedes Find, join Troy War , inherited his father's mantle and became the "new Achilles" in the Greek army. Finally in Trojan Horse Massacre Kill at TROY king Priam And Hector and Andromache The youngest son of.
After the Trojan Horse slaughtered the city, Achilles dreamed to his son Neoptolemus and told him that he had become a god.

Epic Overview

stay ancient Greek In early mythology, the shaping of gods was often rigid and did not have a distinct and stable personality. as Hesiod Divine Scripture 》Medium Chaos God, Earth Mother Gaia Are just natural Symbolic symbol In the new Olympus divinity, each god is often a symbolic symbol of a single lust or ideal, such as Prometheus It is a typical example of dedication to human beings and resistance to gods, Zeus Is the representative of authority, Hera Of Uniqueness The case is jealousy... This situation shows that although the creators of myths at that time would observe the nature with a simple system concept, they would not examine individual people with a system concept. Primitive thinking The oneness of "s restricted their investigation of people.
Appearing around 800 BC Homer Epic The Ilian《 Iliad 》)And Odysseus《 Odyssey 》)It is a towering landmark in the history of western literature. The main characters in these two works both have personalities Distinctiveness And richness. Achilles, the hero of the Ilian, is one of the outstanding examples.

Idiom related

It is said that the army led by Achilles came from the Kingdom of Meredon. It is brave and good at fighting, and its orders are clear. In modern European languages, the word Myrmidon often refers to people who strictly obey orders.
anatomy Admiral body Ankle Positional tendon (i.e. the place where Achilles was shot) Achilles tendon Achilles' Heel ”The greatest or only weakness of someone or something, that is Cowl door key.


He is Thessaly king Peleus With the Sea Goddess Tethys 's son, Homer On《 Iliad 》It takes a lot of time to describe it. He has always been famous for his courage, beauty and physical strength. Tethys, the mother of the gods Athena and Hera Take special care of him.
according to Aeschylus The tragedy of《 Bound Prometheus 》As well as other mythological records, Prometheus, the son of the Titan, was Zeus Bound to Caucasus One of the reasons on the cliff is that Prometheus has mastered a secret that is enough to endanger the rule of Zeus. Until Prometheus was Heracles After the rescue and reconciliation with Zeus, the secret was revealed to the world: the son of Tethys, the sea goddess, would be far better than his father. At that time, Zeus was pursuing Tethys. After learning the prophecy, he promised Tethys to Peleus, the hero of the world. As a result, Achilles, his offspring, was far more famous than his father.

Character evaluation

Homer Epic Iliad 》The Image of Chinese Achilles
From Iliad and《 Odysseus 》Homer's epics are the oldest Greek literature works in existence, marking Greek literature The brilliant beginning of ancient Greek social development Some forms of art represent the culture at that time. The Iliad mainly records the Greek siege Troy In which many vivid and distinctive hero Image, including Achilles Odysseus Hector , Aas Agamemnon Menelaus Philoctetes Among them, the most impressive image is the image of Achilles, the Greek hero.
From the origin of Achilles, in the epic, Achilles is a great hero, and other ancient Greek Like heroes, he has the characteristics of half man and half god. Because the social technology and culture were not very developed at that time, people could not explain some of the natural phenomena Are mixed into the factor of gods. If there were many outstanding people among ordinary people, people at that time generally believed that gods The descendants of, that is, heroes. So, first of all, in terms of appreciating the characters in Homer's epic, we can't compare the characters in it with the characters in the literary works we see today, or even The Renaissance The idealized giants of the period are united, and we should pay more attention to the culture of the time to analyze the characters at that time.
Achilles is《 Iliad 》One of the central figures of, Greek Allied Forces The most powerful hero in. He is a brave and warmongering man who values friendship. First of all, he won every battle in the battlefield, never lost for a while, and killed countless people TROY Heroes become the "nightmare" of Troy. From the comparison of the different reactions of the Trojans to the Greek Allied Forces without him and to the Greek Allied Forces with him, we can see his great fighting power. For example, those wearing gold armor Patroclus When attacking, Trojans Seeing him from a distance, he thought that Achilles was coming. He was immediately frightened and his feet were in a mess. There were no counting of people who died when they trampled on each other. During the strike at Achilles, the Trojans gained the upper hand in their several attacks and attacked the Greek warships. If it had not been for the stubborn resistance of the Greek heroes led by Aias, the Greek warships might have been burned by Hector. Later, Achilles rearmed on the battlefield, and the Greeks gained the upper hand. Hector, the strongest hero of Troy, was also killed by Achilles, and the Trojans were greatly weakened. Secondly, Achilles was loyal to his friends. When Patroclus was killed by Hector, he sincerely deplored the sacrifice of Patroclus and determined to avenge him. So he rearmed on the battlefield in anger, killed Hector, and tied his body to the chariot to drive. His friends Antirocos cover Mennong After killing, Achilles immediately rushed to Mennon to avenge him and killed his opponent. Although this is the embodiment of Achilles' ferocity, it is also the embodiment of his loyalty to his friends. Therefore, Achilles was a brave, good at fighting and loyal to his friends.
Achilles also has his weakness. For example, being the General Commander Agamemnon When he infringed on Achilles' booty, Achilles publicly denounced him for benefiting himself at the expense of others, and refused to fight. He denounced Agamemnon's selfishness, which was correct, but his passive response to the war brought huge losses to the Greek army, and the Greeks lost their most powerful hero; homicidal death Hector then Bipod nail Driving on the chariot shows his hatred for the enemy who killed his best friend, and how cruel the means are, which is just in line with the slave society Transitional Primitive society Of Tribal leader Characteristics of; Later, after Antirocus was killed, he could not restrain his hatred and ignored the sun god Apollo He warned that he would attack Troy with anger to avenge his friends and was finally shot by Apollo. It can be seen from the above three examples that Achilles was also a cruel, domineering and stubborn man.
At the same time, it is not difficult to find that Achilles is also a kind sympathy , and love your life People. For example, when Priam When he redeemed the body of his son Hector from Achilles, he agreed to the request of the other side and stopped fighting for eleven days; Another example is when Agamemnon Boast of one's own Archery Offended the hunting goddess Artemis , causing Artemis to force Agamemnon to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to her. Otherwise, when the Greek fleet was not allowed to advance, Achilles also braved the rebuke of the generals and came to rescue Iphigenia; Troy War After that, King Itake who had been drifting on the sea for many years Odysseus The prophet who came to the underworld to find Thebes Tiresias When his soul asked him about his future destiny, he happened to meet the soul of Achilles. He told Achilles that before his death, we Achaeans respected you as a god, and after your death, you ruled the souls of the dead. How lucky you are! But Achilles said to Odysseus, "I would rather be a slave on earth than a king in the underworld.", It shows his love for human life. From the above three examples, Achilles is a kind and compassionate person who loves life.
In short, Achilles is a very successful figure in Homer's epic. His character is bright and multifaceted, and his image reflects ancient Greek The characteristics of the heroes in the clan society.
Achilles is one of the heroes in the Trojan War described in the Ilion, which has distinctive personality and characteristics. Under the soil of a culture, a specific hero image is often born, and different heroes have their own performances. It is interesting to find that there are many cultural differences between Achilles and other heroes in other countries.
Achilles is Peleus Son, brave and good at fighting Troy War Played an important role in. After killing Hector, he dragged his body and insulted it. However, the complexity of human nature made him still compassionate, so he returned the body of Hector's son and promised to stop the war at the request of Hector's father. An image of a hero with a complex and profound temperament suddenly appears on the paper.
The statue of Achilles in the Achilles Palace on the Greek island of Corfu
Hector was Achilles' biggest opponent in the Trojan War, and both sides were fierce warriors. Hector in particular, knowing that the city could not be lost, still had to go out to fight with Achilles, in addition to his recklessness and heroism Besides the composition, the decisive factor should be the background of the times. At this time, the purpose of war is to plunder, which has been regarded as a normal behavior, "even division of labor" (Engels). Under such circumstances, the idea of "glory in war" naturally took root among the people. In fact, many honors are distributed according to their performance on the battlefield. However, we have to admit that objective reality To a great extent, it also determined the necessity of Hector going to war, because the simple weapons and equipment made the victory and defeat of the war to a considerable extent in the hands of these "men".
And《 Song of Nibelungen 》In siegfried It is quite similar to Achilles: all of them are tribal kings, almost invulnerable, brave and good at fighting, and were finally plotted against“ Achilles' Heel ”... These experiences have brought them a lot of common ground, but after all, Siegrift was in the Middle Ages Germany The mythical heroes of the time are more of the times. And in the process of spreading, it is inevitable to add a lot of feudalistic age Political disputes Hierarchy concept The thought of being loyal to the monarch... All these have left a deep imprint on him in the feudal era. On the contrary, since Achilles was in the transition period from primitive clan society to slavery society, he had to obey the public opinion of the time and accept the moral , the interests of the clan and tribe are the highest. So when the Greek coalition forces frequently failed, he had to continue to fight for the retreating Greek army. So even an invincible hero must obey his own times. Through the ages, there is no exception.
Heracles It is the most famous and powerful hero in ancient Greece, and also the protection god of sports and business. It is from man to god, while Achilles is from god to man. We are ancient Greek What we can see in the myth of "human" is the powerful power of these demigods and demigods when they were "human". as Hera Chris' 12 major events were completed before he ascended to heaven. Not to mention, Achilles always fought on the battlefield as a tribal king and a general of the Greek allied forces. It is not difficult to see that although the ancient Greeks quite agreed with the gods, they did not blindly worship them. They have already paid equal attention to human beings and gods, and are still people-oriented cultural spirit. At the same time, people are aware of their own ability. When people conflict with God, people also have the ability to resist, even such as Heracles As a human being, he beat the queen Hera and fled. This fully reflects the ancient Greeks' affirmation of people and their pursuit of reality. This also makes the images of heroes more authentic.
The birth of a hero image is deeply rooted in its culture. Whether he is in legend or in literary works, they are inevitably time spirit Applied. In the process of spreading Mainstream ideology They were modified for various reasons, thus enriching their image and making them more complex. Perhaps this is the typical significance of Achilles.
Marble bust of Achilles
I think people who have read Homer's epics《 Iliad 》The Chinese Achilles must have left a deep impression, right? Achilles is a great hero. He is young, handsome, brave, powerful, powerful, and invincible... But these are only written as one aspect of Achilles' behavior. The epic also writes another aspect, that is, the same temperament and feelings of Achilles as ordinary people. The epic reveals many aspects of the hero's character through a series of plots and details. Achilles loved his mother Thetis; He follows Agamemnon On the way to Troy, because of her booty female slaves Briseis He was captured by Agamemnon, and quarreled with Agamemnon. He felt that his honor was damaged, so he retired to his tent and did not participate in the battle for a long time; He and Paltrowcross Antirocos He is the closest friend. When Patroclus was killed by the Trojan hero Hector, Achilles was extremely sad and vowed to avenge his best friend before deciding to join the war; He fully trusted his faithful old servant Ren Funix and let him sleep at his feet; At the funeral of Paltrowcross, he told the old men in the army Nestor The highest salute. In the battle, he is easily angry, and is always furious. He has a strong sense of revenge and is very cruel to the enemy. For example, after killing Hector, he tied Hector's body behind his chariot Troy It dragged three circles. However, when TROY The old king of Priam When he came to the Greek military camp, he saw Achilles and asked for the body of his son Hector to be returned to him. At this time, the powerful and violent Achilles' heart softened. He secretly thought of his old father and held out his hand to the crying old Priam
You see, Achilles, the hero born in the epic, is such a hero with complex personality and rich feelings. he Yes Mother's love, respect for the elderly, love for friends, love for the weak; He has resistance to the strong and cruelty to the enemy... Just imagine if“ Three highlights ”The theory of Achilles, the god of the world, will undoubtedly be more "deified". But, Homer Achilles, the hero he portrayed, has a wide range of human characters and extremely rich feelings. From this point of view, not only the "tall, big and comprehensive" heroes can not be compared with Achilles, but also many less successful heroes, which are quite inferior to Homer's heroes.
Of course, the heroes in Homer's epics cannot be compared with the heroes in our literary works today, because the times are different. They not only have different characteristics of the times, but also have different class essence. proletariat Of the character of a hero Multiplicity And emotional richness Class nature No matter the multiplicity of personality or the richness of feelings, the restriction of "Li" has a distinctive proletarian character. However, in order to make the heroes in our literary works today have strong artistic vitality, Homer's epics have a lot of things to learn and learn from. What should we learn from Homer's epics in shaping heroes? There should be the following three points: first, write people; 2、 Write about the multifaceted character of heroes; 3、 Write about the emotional richness of heroes.
Antirocos He found Achilles sitting in front of the warship, thinking deeply. He was thinking about a kind of destiny, which he did not know was about to be realized. When he saw the Greeks running from afar, he had an ominous premonition and said to himself, "Why did the Argos flee to the warship in panic? My mother once predicted that when I was alive, the bravest hero of the Mileidon people would die in Trojans Is it possible that this prophecy has come true? " At this time, Antirocos came to him with bad news and tears streaming down his face. He shouted to him from a long distance: "Alas, our Paltrowcross has been killed in battle. Hector has stripped his armor, and now both sides are fighting for his naked body." Achilles heard the terrible news, suddenly Blackening He picked up the soil with his hands, scattered it on his head, face and clothes, and then fell on the ground to cry bitterly, pulling his hair. When Achilles and Patroclus, the female slaves who were plundered as trophies, heard the noise, they also ran out of it. When they saw their master lying on the ground, they gathered around him. When they heard what had happened, they beat their chests and cried loudly. Antiochus grasped Achilles' hands, and he was afraid that Achilles would suddenly pull out his sword to find shortsightedness.
Achilles mourns Patroclus
Achilles cried bitterly, even sitting in the deep sea with his elderly grandfather Nereus The mother beside him also heard his cry and couldn't help sobbing. The other sons and daughters of Nereus heard her cry, and quietly entered her silver cave, beating their chests and weeping with her. "God," Tethys Said to the sisters nearby, "I have given birth to such a noble, brave and handsome son, but he will never return to his father Peleus Here comes our palace! He has suffered countless misfortunes, but I can't help him! Now I must Go to see My beloved son, I want to hear what kind of sad things happened to him. Didn't he sit well beside the warship and watch the battle? " The goddess took her sisters, separated from the waves, came to the winding coast, and walked towards Achilles, who was crying. "Child, why are you crying?" His mother asked him loudly, "What's your pain? Tell me quickly, don't hide anything! Don't you like everything? Didn't the Greeks crowd into your warship and ask for your help?" Achilles sighed, "Mother, what's the use of all this for me? My close comrade in arms, Patroclus, was killed by the enemy. Hector also peeled off his armor. That is my armor, a gift from the gods to Peleus when you get married. Alas, if Peleus It would be better to take a woman from the room, then you won't be endlessly grieving for your son! I can never go back to my hometown. If I cannot kill Hector with a spear to avenge Paltrow, then my heart will never be at peace, and my conscience will not allow me to live on earth! "
Tethys Hearing what he said, he replied with tears in his eyes: "My son, get rid of this idea as soon as possible, because the god of destiny stipulates that your end will come after Hector's death."
Achilles cried out angrily: "If the god of destiny doesn't let me protect my dead friend, then I would rather die at once. He was far away from his hometown and didn't get my help, so he was killed. Now what's the use of my short life for the Greeks? I can't prevent Patroclus and countless friends from misfortune. Now I am desperate. I will fight with the murderer of my friend immediately. Trojans must understand that I have rested long enough! Dear mother, please don't stop me from fighting! "
"You have a point, my child," Tethys replied. "Tomorrow morning sunrise I will send it to you at Hephaestus New weapons and armor forged by hand. You must remember that you must not fight until I come back. " After saying that, the goddess called her sisters to sink into the sea, while she flew to Olympus Holy Mountain , the blacksmith Hephaestus who is looking for the god.
At this time, Trojans attacked again and again to seize the body of Patroclus. Hector pursued fiercely. Three times, he caught up with the corpse snatcher, Aias, and grabbed the corpse's foot to drag it away. But three times, Aias stopped him. He retreated to one side and then stopped, shouting loudly and never giving up. Aias tried to drive him away from the body, but failed. If not Iris Bong Hera He secretly told Achilles to arm himself without telling Zeus and the gods, so Hector would really take the body of Patroclus and cut off his head to feed the wild dogs. "How shall I fight?" asked Achilles gods The enemy took my weapon, and my mother came Hephaestus Take the armor there. She told me that I could not fight until she came back! "
"We know your extraordinary weapon has been stolen." Iris The answer was, "But as soon as you get close to the trench Trojans Show up in front of you. They may stop when they see you. The Greeks can take a break. " After Iris left, Achilles stood up. Athena Hang her shield on his shoulder, and let his face shine with divine glory. Achilles went to the ditch, but he still remembered his mother's warning in his heart. Instead of fighting, he just looked from afar and shouted. Athena also roared with his voice, making the Trojans sound like trumpets. The Trojans heard Peleus His son yelled, panicked, and immediately turned around the chariot and horse. The guards saw a flash of light on the head of Peleus' son flame , all secretly surprised. He shouted at the ditch three times, and the Trojans were in chaos three times. Twelve of them were brave heroes who fell down under the wheels and were crushed to death in the chaos, or died under their own people's rifles.
Now, Paltrowcross's body has finally reached a safe place. The heroes of Greece put him on a stretcher, and they surrounded the corpse and silently mourned. Achilles saw his close comrade in arms lying on the stretcher, and saw his body rotted by the spear point. He could not help but cry on the body.

Brave and irritable

It is said that Achilles is the king of the earth Peleus With the Sea Goddess Tethys The son born from marriage has a healthy body, invincible martial arts and an adventurous character of selfless fighting. Oracle He had two fates: to live long in obscurity, or to die honorably on the battlefield. Tethys loves his son so much that he puts him among the girls in disguise Odysseus Still recognize him. Achilles did not hesitate to go with Trojans The battle field, the city and the territory, has made countless contributions. His horse predicted that his end was near, and he knew that he would be buried in Troy However, he still stepped forward to fight. Especially after his best friend Patroclus was killed by Hector, the prince of Troy, he was filled with grief and indignation. His mother warned him that revenge for his friend would lead to his death on the battlefield. Achilles said angrily, "If Goddess of Destiny I would rather die than let me protect my murdered friend! He died in a foreign country, and I didn't rescue him. What's the use of my short life for Argos people now? Give Way Zeus Let the fate of the gods come upon me! " The towering anger turned him into a bloodthirsty devil, which was extremely fierce and filled the bodies and blood stains of Trojans Xanthos The river channel, after the decisive battle with Hector who killed Paltrowras and killed him, tied the feet of Hector's body behind the horse and dragged the body around his best friend's coffin three times, and TROY The youth was sacrificed as a sacrifice for the burial of Patroclus.

Cherish friendship

Achilles sculpture
Desperate and cruel in battle is only one important aspect of Achilles' character. His cruelty stems from his love for his friends. The Ilian vividly describes the brotherly friendship between Achilles and Patroclus. Cherish friendship and put the obligation to friends above all else, reflecting the warmth and kindness of Achilles' character. This kind and kind nature is also reflected in being the sun god Apollo hold plague When he shot at the Greeks and endangered many people's lives, Achilles was the first to call together people to discuss how to save his compatriots. When Hector's father Priam The king knelt in front of him, kissed the hands that killed his son with tears streaming down his face, and begged for permission to redeem his son's body with tears streaming down his face. Achilles suddenly remembered how much his old father loved him and pushed himself to others, so he was moved to cry, handed back Hector's body to Priam, and promised a twelve day truce, Let the old king hold a funeral for Hector.

Dignity and honor

Achilles' anger
If selfless fighting and kindness constitute two opposite sides of Achilles' character, the core of the two sides is the understanding and pursuit of personal honor. Achilles went to the battlefield fearing death because he regarded courage as the highest honor, and considered the cowardly as "worthless superfluous things on earth". He loves his own nation, but if the honor and dignity of individuals are hurt, the maintenance of such honor and dignity will rise to the first place. When the Greek coach Agamemnon When he said that he would take his booty from Achilles' tent, Achilles felt that his honor and dignity had been severely damaged. He angrily said, "I don't want to be looked down upon by others. I will stay here to increase your wealth!" Agamemnon calmly replied, "I will go to your tent in person and give you the rewards and beautiful Briseis Take it away, let you know clearly how much better I am than you, and let others be careful not to look like you and contradict me to my face. " Achilles was enraged, if not the goddess of wisdom Athena If he stops, he will kill his commander. From then on, he neither went to war nor participated in the proceedings, allowing Greek soldiers to die in batches under the knife and arrow of Trojans. Even if Agamemnon came to the door to apologize after returning Briseis, he was indifferent. Obviously, Achilles did not necessarily love the slave and property much, but wanted to make Agamemnon and others no longer dare to violate his personal dignity and honor and admit that he was the greatest hero.

Multifaceted personality

It can be seen that the multifaceted nature of Achilles is not the simple superposition of various single personalities, but is condensed into an organic whole. He is both naive and stubborn, cruel and cruel, kind and kind. He has the willfulness of young people and respects the old. In one situation, one side of his character stands out clearly, and in another situation, the other side of his character stands out again, like a rotating opal, which is colorful and integrated. The selfless fighting spirit, warm and kind-hearted feelings and sensitive consciousness of defending personal dignity constitute Achilles' character triangle as three vertices, and the understanding and pursuit of honor is the core of this triangle.
The appearance of the image of Achilles is a shining landmark on the long journey of human self-awareness. Hegel Zeng wrote enthusiastically:
As for Achilles, we can say: "This is a man! The multifaceted nature of noble personality shows its full richness in this man." Homer The same is true of other characters, for example, Odysseus , Ahmed, Ayas Agamemnon Hector, Anzhuromak, each person is a whole and a world in itself. Each person is a complete and energetic person, rather than an allegorical abstraction of some isolated personality characteristics.