
The Goddess of Love and Beauty in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Aphrodite( Greek : ἈἈ ρ o Ἀ, English: Aphrodite), yes Ancient Greek mythology The goddess of love and beauty, as well as the goddess of sexual desire, Twelve main gods of Olympus one of. Because it was born in the sea, it is sometimes regarded as the patron saint of navigation.
Aphrodite was born in the surf of the sea, with white porcelain skin, blond hair, blue eyes and ancient Greek The perfect figure and appearance of women symbolize the beauty of women and are considered to be the highest body beauty of women symbolize
Aphrodite is the god of fire and craftsmanship Hephaestus (Hephaestus), but she is often unfaithful to her husband. There are many legends about her love. stay ancient Greek Ancient Rome as well as The Renaissance In the art works of the period, she was portrayed as a gorgeous beauty, and the most famous statue , is on Milos Island "Aphrodite of Milos" unearthed. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ἀ ρ _0 Ἀ (Greek), Aphrodite (English)
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Mythological system
Beauty, love, sexuality, sailing
Rose Scallop in Shell Myrtle , dove, sparrow, mirror, swan
Ulanos Divine Scripture )、 Zeus Dione Iliad
Ares Hermes Dionysus Poseidon Adonis etc.
Eros Antelos Hermonia Phoebus Deimos etc.
Roman counterpart

Myth and legend


be born

There are two versions of Aphrodite's birth.
The Birth of Aphrodite
The first version (more generally) is Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture 》Aphrodite is a god Ulanos His penis was cast into the foam melted in the sea and was born as the daughter of Ulanos; Legend has it that Cronus With a sharp sickle, he cut off his father Ulanos's penis and interrupted Ulanos and Gaia She was born successfully because of the impolite gesture of holding a phallus in her hand. Cronus threw this thing into the sea, and then white pearl foam appeared around the phallus. Aphrodite was born. She came out of the huge shell rising from the sea and walked barefoot on the beach (located at Cyprus Of Paphos )。 Where she passed, beautiful flowers blossomed, and Goddess of Timing Holly had been waiting for her for a long time, and had put on a glittering crown, gorgeous and decent clothes, and tied a gold belt for her, which made Aphrodite more attractive. After that, Aphrodite took a pair of pigeon drawn floats to Olympus Fly up. The gods on the Olympus Mountain praised and fell in love with Aphrodite when they saw him.
Another version comes from《 Homer Epic 》Part 1 of《 Iliad 》It is recorded that Aphrodite is Zeus And Dione 's daughter.


Aphrodite was born beautiful, and all the gods loved her. Her beauty is like the twinkling light of the day, her pink cheeks are like peach blossoms, her long golden curly hair is sparkling, and her eyes seem to contain blue water, so she has become the most popular goddess among the gods.

Revenge Zeus

In some myths Zeus He pursued her but was rejected, so Zeus was angry and betrothed her to the ugly and lame blacksmith of Vulcan Hephaestus As a wife, Aphrodite, who was dissatisfied with this, made Zeus become amorous in order to revenge, and let his wife who was neglected by him Hera To punish his lover and offspring.


Hephaestus trapped Aphrodite and Ares with a net
Aphrodite loved the god of war after being forced to marry Hephaestus for refusing Zeus to woo him Ares And gave birth to a little Eros Eros , the god of lust Antelos , Harmony Goddess Hermonia And a pair of twins (God of Terror Phoebus And the god of fear Deimos )When Hephaestus discovered that his wife and Ares were adulterating, the angry Vulcan cast a gold net and caught the lovers who were having fun in bed on the spot. He called Olympus The gods of, will this pair of cheating men and women public. Most of the people who saw the scene were male gods, among which Apollo When I saw the shy Aphrodite, I was afraid to express my passion, but only asked Hermes What do you think? Hermes boldly said that he dared to use his head as a guarantee to bind with the beautiful God of Love. Even if he added three more chains and was criticized by the goddesses, he would be willing. Finally, the sea god who coveted the god of love for a long time Poseidon He persuaded Hephaestus to let the cheating couple go after mediation.
Aphrodite returns Cyprus Of Paphos , bathed in the sea water there, The Three Goddesses of Beauty Smear her Ointment Purify her body and make her recover Chastity To thank Hermes for boldly expressing his enthusiasm for her, she and Hermes conceived Androgyny Of Hermaphrodites because Poseidon Appearing to mediate, she solved her embarrassment, and Aphrodite gave birth to a son for Poseidon, Eriks. In addition, Aphrodite also had children with some gods and mortals, the three beautiful and elegant goddesses Caritas She is Aphrodite's maid, and there are also three beautiful goddesses Dionysus And Aphrodite's daughter.

Use Helen

One of Aphrodite's most famous victims is Helen Helen is the most beautiful woman among mortals. Her beauty surpasses Aphrodite, and Troy War The outbreak is also related to "beauty". In order to communicate with Hera Athena Aphrodite was puzzled when she won a beauty contest in Paris , promised him that if he chose himself as the most beautiful goddess among the three, he would have the daughter born to Zeus and Leda. Paris gave Aphrodite the honor of "the most beautiful goddess", and then he came Sparta , abducted Helen, wife of Menleaus, king of Sparta, which Aphrodite promised Paris.
On《 Iliad 》In the third chapter, Homer once wrote that the Greeks and Trojans decided to end the war, and instead, Menelaus, the cuckolded husband, fought a duel with Paris, Helen's kidnapper.
Helen stood behind the city wall of Troy to watch the duel between her husband and lover. When she watched, a strong love for Menelaus came to Helen's heart. It was her abandoned ex husband. Aphrodite was aware of this, so she changed into an old servant whom Helen loved. She came down from the city wall of Sparta with her, and wanted to lead Helen to the bed of her lover Paris. Helen recognized Aphrodite. She complained to the goddess about the reproach she had suffered and told her that she no longer wanted to live with Paris. Aphrodite said to Helen that if she abandoned Paris, the goddess would ignore her later and would escalate the war or even threaten to kill Helen. In this way, Helen was persuaded by Aphrodite and had to stay with Paris, but in her heart, she could not help comparing the man beside her with her abandoned legal husband [2]

Troy War

stay Troy War During this period, she made enemies with Hera, the queen of heaven, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom Ares Join hands with her to support the Trojans and give Paris special protection. When Paris Menelaus When he was about to lose the battle, Aphrodite helped him secretly and saved him, thus causing a war between the two armies. Because Aphrodite did not understand military affairs, later when Paris was about to be Diomedes When he was killed, Aphrodite endured his own pain to block the attack and save him again. At the same time, she and Ares were attacked jointly by Hera and Athena on the battlefield, and they were defeated repeatedly. But despite her repeated help to the Trojans, she could not stop Troy The fall of Paris and the death of Paris.
(while in Roman myth In the middle, after the defeat of the Trojans, it corresponds to Aphrodite Venus Protected the fugitive Trojans, Aeneas Then he had to carry his father on his back and his son with the statue of the city guard of Troy, and escaped from the burning city of Troy Italy Venus became the special patron saint of Rome. Later Roman Caesar the Great He claims to be a descendant of Aeneas and worships Venus as the ancestor of the Romans.)


Aphrodite also has a golden love belt (some myths say it is a gauze), which hides her secret of seducing others. As long as she wears the belt on her waist, she can increase her charm and attract others' attention and desire.
Because Aphrodite had a wild personality and overtly betrayed Hephaestus, he offended Zeus again. Zeus hated Aphrodite's behavior, but was attracted by her charm, so he made Aphrodite fall in love with being a mortal through careful planning Anchises And gave birth to him Aeneas stay Roman myth In, corresponding to Aphrodite's Venus He also loved Anchises deeply and warned Anchises to keep the secret of their son Aeneas' life experience. However, Anchises turned a deaf ear and suffered from blindness and lameness.
Aphrodite's beauty not only conquered the gods on Mount Olympus, but also the whole nature. Wherever she went, there would be a lot of laughter and laughter, showing a scene of joy and prosperity. But the scene of spring is not too long, and the flowers will not wither forever, because Aphrodite loved Adonis It is the incarnation of the short spring - Aphrodite, though a god of love, can't control his own love. He is always teased by fate and can't get his own true love, so human beings can't get complete happiness of love. Since then, the path of human love has also been covered with the shadow of doubt, worry, pain and sadness.
Among Aphrodite's many lovers, the beautiful boy Adonis It can be regarded as her true love. Adonis originally came from Lebanon Was later incorporated MYTHOS He was once Aphrodite and Persephone The object of competition is finally the god Zeus In the arbitration, Adonis ruled that one third of his life was at Adonis' own disposal, one third belonged to Persephone, and the other third belonged to Aphrodite. When Adonis came from The underworld After returning to the earth, Aphrodite was very worried about Adonis' life danger, and often advised Adonis not to go out hunting. However, the young Adonis did not listen to the advice. Unfortunately, he was bitten when hunting wild boars, fell to the ground on the spot, and his blood stained the flowers around him (it is said that the wild boar that killed Adonis was an old lover of Aphrodite Ares Changed).
When Aphrodite heard Adonis's call, he hurried to the accident site and was accidentally White rose The thorn pricked his foot, and the blood dyed the white rose red. When Aphrodite arrived at Adonis' side, Adonis had stopped breathing. Aphrodite, in grief, was holding Adonis's body and burst into tears. Her tears fell on the ground and grew up Anemone

Constellation Story

Aphrodite's story also exists in the constellation myth. At the feast of the gods, the king of monsters Typhon Suddenly appeared, so the gods fled everywhere. At this time, Aphrodite found his son Eros Missing, she nervously searched everywhere. Later, she found Eros trembling under the stage. In order to prevent Eros from losing touch with her again, Aphrodite tied two people's feet together with a rope, and then changed it into two fish jumping into the Nile And escaped. In order to commemorate this event, Zeus lifted two fish up to the sky in such a posture of two tails connected and never separated Pisces In addition to representing love and beauty, it also symbolizes the combination of spirit and body.

Folk worship

Aphrodite is a beautiful god of love, and has direct connection with the ancient goddess of fertility and breeding, such as Hathor Isis Inanna and Astati Some people think Aphrodite is Phoenicia People, and are Babylon Easter Goddess and Syria Ianna, sister of the Phoenician goddess Astati. Some legends believe that Aphrodite was born in butter; There are also many legends that when Cronus take Ulanos When the broken penis was thrown into the sea, Aphrodite was born from the boiling foam of the sea, and then was washed to Cyprus Therefore, there is a temple specially built for Aphrodite.
Aphrodite was forced to marry the god of fire Hephaestus And has only been unjustified with other gods relations between the two sexes It is said that besides Athena Artemis and Hestia this Three Goddesses In addition, Aphrodite can stimulate the fire of lust in the hearts of all gods, and bring them together through its influence. Her fanatical followers are everywhere mediterranean sea In one form or another, a festival called "Hot Lust" was held to celebrate her. Plato On《 symposium 》The goddess who divides Aphrodite into two kinds of gods, namely, the goddess of pure love, the goddess of sexual desire and the patron saint of prostitutes: Aphrodite represents nobility in the sky Spiritual love "Aphrodite Urania" in the world is "Aphrodite Pandmus", which represents the vulgar carnal love that everyone can have.
At first, Aphrodite was just a fertility goddess, and was in charge of all things in nature, including the reproduction of animals and plants. Sometimes she is also responsible for delivering the message of Olympian gods through dreams( Hermes God and God, Apollo She is only responsible for the oracle). Some people regard her as a goddess who gives dreams (not dreams, but dreams and other gods). She is one of the few gods who can directly use and control dreams to communicate with people (few gods can do that).
Aphrodite has also been honored as the patron saint of sailors. People living in bays and islands generally believe in Aphrodite, so she also has such nicknames, such as "Aphrodite on the Bay", "Aphrodite for the Wind", and "Aphrodite for the Sea". In addition, in the Cyprus Kisila Island Sparta They also worshipped her as the god of war in armor, which may be the original image of her in the East, or it can be explained that she and the god of war Ares Because of the close relationship between them.
It is human nature to love beauty, and many witches regard Aphrodite as the most respected and worshipped god. dove sparrow swan goat Lynx and dolphin They are all sacred objects of Aphrodite. Her sacred plants include rose opium poppy pomegranate Myrtle , Winnie Clover and Aquatic peppermint Her sacred day is Friday, and some special festivals related to her are April 1, April 23 and July 19.