Sales funnel

Sales management model
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The sales funnel is an important part to scientifically reflect the opportunity status and sales efficiency Sales management Model. The sales pipeline management model is formed by defining the elements of the sales pipeline (such as stage division, stage promotion flag, stage promotion rate, average stage time consumption, stage task, etc.); When daily Sales Information After entering the system, the system can automatically generate the corresponding sales pipeline diagram, which can be dynamically reflected through the analysis of the sales pipeline Opportunity The promotion status of, and forecast the sales results; Through the promotion cycle and opportunity stage of sales Conversion rate The analysis and evaluation of indicators such as time consumption of opportunity promotion can accurately evaluate salesman and Sales team Of Sales ability , found Sales process Barriers and bottlenecks; At the same time, abnormal sales opportunities can be found in time through the analysis of the sales pipeline. The sales pipeline is scientific and effective Management means And methods, especially for Direct sales mode Sales management can bring great help. [1]
Chinese name
Sales funnel
Foreign name
sales funnel model(SFM)

Concept introduction

1. The sales funnel is a very intuitive sales opportunity status Statistical report
2. Usually, the number of sales opportunities in each stage is represented by a bar chart. Because the number of sales opportunities in each stage is different, the bar chart has its own length. If all the charts are arranged up and down according to the rules of the first stage and the top stage (for example, the customers in the "demand understanding" stage should be listed above the customers in the "contract signing" stage), In general, the more advanced the stage is, the more the quantity will be, and the more backward the stage is, the less the quantity will be. Therefore, the whole graph is funnel shaped, so it is called sales funnel
3. Through this report, users can clearly see the status distribution of all current sales opportunities. If a user's sales funnel Statistical chart If it is not funnel shaped, it may be the user's Customer development If there is a problem in one or more links of the work, perhaps in terms of strategy or skill, careful analysis can find out the cause of the problem, and then solve the problem as soon as possible
4. Statistical item data of sales funnel comes from sales opportunities

Meaning of use

The significance of the sales funnel is to point out the company's Customer resources from Prospects Stage, development to Intended customers Stage Negotiation stage The proportion relationship with the closing stage, or the conversion rate.
Sales funnel

management model

The system provides many Business model The user can select different pipeline management templates according to different business characteristics, develop stage tasks and contact plans, and arrange action schedules. At the same time, the system can“ Sales Funnel Management ”Classified tracking of opportunity promotion status and opportunity contact status; At the same time, the system provides an Opportunity Promotion Status Table by company, department, personnel and time. This feature can help sales manager Timely understand and master the information of the company, department and sales personnel Opportunity Status and opportunity promotion status, timely identify potential problems and guide sales.
System integrator and Value added services One commonly used in high distribution Sales Tools The top of the funnel needs to be purchased Potential users , the upper part of the funnel is Enterprise products The middle part of the potential employment funnel included in the candidate list is the potential users (choose one of the two brands) whose products are included in the preferred list. The lower part of the funnel is the potential users who have basically decided to purchase the products of the enterprise but have not yet implemented some procedures. The bottom of the funnel is the user we expect to close. In order to effectively manage their own sales personnel or system integrators and value-added service providers, all potential users should be classified according to the above definition. The total success rate of potential users at the top of the funnel is 0% - 40%. The success rate of potential users in the middle of the funnel is 50% - 70%. The total success rate of potential users at the bottom of the funnel is 75%- 100% [1]
In the process of sales management, the use of sales funnel management needs to be based on the current product characteristics and customer characteristics of the enterprise, Sales cycle and Purchase process To determine the stage division in the funnel, the transaction possibility represented by the stage, and the tasks to be completed by the stage (usually to unified management We think that at a certain stage, sales personnel should complete some customer visits, and have several times with customers Telephone communication , there are some email exchanges, and the content and purpose of these visits; Content, purpose and feedback of the call; The content, purpose and feedback of the email can only be changed in stages if they meet our management requirements in advance); After confirming the above contents, we can easily track the changes of the sales funnel stage Sales process The control over the sales process has become very transparent. Managers can clearly and easily grasp the sales situation of the enterprise at that time. [1]


Sales funnel is a concept introduced from abroad. Many enterprises attach great importance to the function of sales funnel when choosing CRM software. In fact, the condition that sales funnel can really play a role is that the opportunity to input each stage should at least meet the following conditions:
1. Data is all
2. The data is real
3. Data is continuous
Otherwise, the sales funnel cannot play a guiding role. [2]

Management role

1、 It is easy to calculate the quota of sales personnel
through the use of Sales Funnel Management Most of our products are of high value complex product Potential users No order will be placed immediately. From the purchase demand and intention to the product selection, the actual purchase can be as short as 3 months, or as long as 2 years. Through the weighted analysis, the quota can be allocated scientifically at the beginning of the year. For example, a potential user who is interested in buying a product of 1 million yuan next year is at the top of the funnel. When calculating the quota, it is 100 × 25%=250 thousand yuan. Other potential users, by analogy, add the weighted values of all potential users in the area of responsibility of a salesperson to get the total annual quota. Of course, in order to reduce the quota, some sales personnel may not list potential users on the funnel list, or may change the position of potential users in the funnel. These are common problems, which need to be constrained by strict systems, rather than consciously. If a salesperson signs a big order one day, but the user never appears on the funnel, as sales manager What should be done? On the one hand, this big order helped the department and even the enterprise complete the sales task, on the other hand, this practice is far from the company's requirements. A standard large company usually does this, and the salesperson should get no less bonus or commission, because this is the company's commitment at the beginning of the year; On the other hand, the sales manager or senior manager of the company will clearly tell such sales personnel and Other personnel This will lose personal reputation and will never be reused or promoted, because the higher a person's position is, the greater his power will be. If he has only ability but no character, he is not worthy of management.
2、 Can effectively manage and supervise sales personnel
Sales Manager passes Regular inspection The sales funnel can identify problems in a timely manner. For example, in the funnel of a salesperson, there is a potential user who has been staying at a certain position for a long time. At this time, the sales manager will question why. If it is always at the top of the funnel, it may be that the potential user has not made up his mind to buy, is in a state of uncertainty, or the salesperson has not contacted for a long time, Inaccurate information; If it is always in the middle of the funnel, it may be that potential users are faced with a dilemma and can't make up their minds, or it may be that potential users have been snatched by competitors and just don't want to say it clearly; If it is always at the bottom of the funnel, there may be problems within the company of potential users, such as disagreement, insufficient funds, and disapproval by the superior. After analyzing the reason, we can suit the remedy to the case.
3、 Guiding role in assigning "territory" to sales personnel
In order to balance the burden of the sales staff, the distribution of sites should be balanced to avoid that some people are "fat" and run fat, and some people are too thin to start. With a sales pipeline, we can roughly know the Business volume , rather than simply dividing by province, city and industry. For developed regions, some provinces and cities may have more than one person in charge at the same time, but the focus is different; In contrast, for less-developed regions For example, one person may be responsible for the business of multiple provinces and cities. The same is true if the territory is divided by industry. On the other hand, the quota of sales staff in developed regions is generally higher than that in underdeveloped regions, because the cost of doing the same business is different. The standard of measuring sales staff performance depends on both the quota and the proportion of overfulfilled tasks.
4、 It can avoid taking important users away when people change jobs
The establishment of the sales funnel can maximize the dynamics of potential users, because these valuable information is not the sales staff's“ personal property ”, but the company's“ Collective property ”The sales staff and the sales manager have a copy. When a salesperson applies for resignation, the sales manager should check the sales funnel in time and connect with the salesperson who takes over the position. For potential users at the bottom of the funnel (75% success rate), go to the door to hand over, and tell potential users that someone will be responsible for this work from now on; The potential users in the middle of the funnel (50% success rate) will be handed over by phone. After contacting the potential users, the salesperson to leave will tell the other party that someone will be responsible for your company's business from now on. The other party will be asked to meet the new salesperson by phone and agree on the next meeting time; For potential users at the top of the funnel, after the new sales personnel have completed the handover of 75% and 50% of the potential users, they will start to make telephone contact, inform the other party of the changes in the company's personnel, and arrange time to discuss the next step of business cooperation in detail. This basically avoids the problem of the user following the salesperson, because the buyer Purchasing personnel It is impossible to say that the products of this company are good, and that of that company is good. Once everyone knows the change of the seller's personnel, there will be pressure. If the purchasing personnel follow the sales personnel, there will be suspicion of collusion or bribery.
In summary, the sales funnel is Direct sales mode effective management tool Different enterprises can transform or develop according to their own conditions. This is conducive to clear rewards and punishments, encourage righteousness, and form a standardized sales team management system. [1]

Four principles


Principle 1

control process More important than control results
Sales, especially project sales of high-value products Prospects To your users, we will never be able to do it in a single sitting. We are more like climbing stairs. I need to do it layer by layer before I can reach the highest point and finish a project.
It is often heard that some marketing managers say to salesmen, "No matter how you sell, as long as you can sell, the company wants sales." This is typical“ Result oriented ”Of marketing management , on Marketing environment The above concept is not only unreasonable, but also has lost the market. If any marketing manager asks the salesperson like this, he will definitely not get the market and the sales he hopes for. This is a typical marketing management concept that only cares about the results, but not the process.
Modern marketing concept It is believed that marketing management focuses on the process, and the control of the process controls the results. The result can only be produced by the process. What kind of process produces what kind of result. The most terrible phenomenon in modern marketing management is“ Black box operation ”And“ Process management Opaque ”, and as a result, the process Out of control management The process management out of control will inevitably be manifested as the result out of control. Whether an enterprise adopts "result oriented" or "process oriented" marketing management, to a large extent, determines the final success or failure of marketing management. We are not totally opposed to relying on the results of marketing management. Through the analysis of marketing results, we can also find and take effective measures to control. However, in fact, the control of "result oriented" can only play the role of "mending the situation", because the results have Hysteresis The good sales of the enterprise in 2012 may be the result of the marketing efforts in 2011, which may take a long time to reflect. In modern enterprise marketing decisions, the latest Market information Make decisions. If only based on the time Hysteresis effect It is obviously impossible to make marketing decisions and conduct marketing management based on "marketing results".
yes Marketing personnel The most basic requirement of process management is to control "everything every day of every marketing staff". The enterprise that brings the process management of marketing personnel into full play is Haier Group Their control over marketing personnel is called "three E management", that is, managing everything of every marketing personnel every day.
For example, although there are only more than 40 overseas marketing personnel in a company affiliated to Haier Group, there are as many as four marketing managers in its headquarters. The task of these four marketing managers is to control the entire marketing process of marketing personnel. At eight o'clock every morning, the management of the headquarters will call most of the marketing staff to check whether they arrive at the designated customers on time (or Work location )Carry out marketing work; From 5:00 to 6:00 every evening, the marketing personnel should contact the headquarters management personnel on time to report the work of the day, including where to go, what customers to visit, what problems to discuss, what problems to solve, what problems still exist, what help the company needs, customer name, address, telephone number, etc., and Work plan All reports to be made by headquarters management Information record On the company's "daily list". Corporate Headquarters Regular or irregular spot checks will be carried out according to the reported information, Investigation report The authenticity of information. Marketing personnel should also fill in the "daily list" (equivalent to marketing diary) every day. When the marketing personnel return to the company for reimbursement and work report, the management personnel should check the authenticity of the bills against the "daily list" before reimbursement.
Haier The "three E management" of the whole process management of marketing personnel has played the following five major roles:
First, it makes the work of all marketing personnel Controlled state , make a lot of business management Marketers who often sigh“ The general is outside, and I won't accept your order ”The state of "is completely changed;
Second, people are lazy. After some marketing personnel have achieved a little success, their performance is difficult to improve, often because of inertia. Because of the "three E management", marketing personnel always feel the pressure of work, which can be turned into motivation, overcome inertia, and of course, help marketing personnel improve Sales performance
Third, the "three E management" enables the marketing personnel to greatly improve their working ability and make progress every day by keeping a "daily list", constantly reflecting on themselves and summing up experience and lessons;
Fourth, through the "three E management", the headquarters has mastered the sales progress of the marketing personnel, so that the company can provide the most timely Sales Support
Fifthly, by analyzing the "daily list", the company can grasp the overall situation of the market and adjust marketing policies and ideas in a timely manner. [1]

Principle 2

What should be said should be said, what should be said should be done, and what should be done should be seen
In project sales, it is very important for sales personnel to ensure that each stage can be reached. Each stage is actually a milestone. Only many milestones can be achieved to ensure the success of the project. "What should be said should be said, what should be said should be done, and what should be done should be seen." This is ISO9000 Quality assurance system These three sentences can also be effectively used in marketing management and should become the essence of marketing management. The basic meaning of "what should be said should be said" is that marketing management must be institutionalized, standardized and programmed Management procedures They must be standardized in the form of documents and systems to avoid randomness in the marketing management process and implement "rule of law" instead of“ Rule by man ”。 In marketing management, we must establish the authority of "law" rather than the authority of people. The "law" of marketing management is marketing management system Therefore, the primary task of successful marketing management is to establish a marketing management system, manage according to law System management
It is a big taboo of marketing management and a common phenomenon of marketing management to manage wherever you want. The most effective measure to eradicate this management drawback is to unswervingly implement the basic concept of marketing management, "what should be said should be said".
The meaning of "what you say should be done" is much easier to understand, but it is also much more difficult to implement. "What is said must be done" means that all institutionalized content must be implemented to the letter. The most terrible thing about enterprise management is not that there is no system, but that the system has no authority. There are systems but not Effective implementation Failure to implement a contingent system is more harmful to enterprise management than the absence of a system.
"Do what you want to see" is a common blind spot in marketing management, which means that all marketing activities that have occurred must be recorded, and no record is equal to no occurrence. The daily work of the marketing personnel should be recorded through the Marketing Diary, and the transactions with customers should be recorded through the Customer Transaction Card Marketing expenses Records shall be kept through the Expense Control Card, customer investigation shall be recorded through the Customer Credit Evaluation Card, and the monthly (quarterly, annual) work of marketing personnel shall be recorded through the monthly (quarterly, annual) work Performance report Keep a record. The calls of customers (marketing personnel) should be recorded through the Telephone Record Card.
"No record, no occurrence" is an important concept of marketing management, which plays three major roles in marketing management,
  • A responsibility (performance) tracking system has been established. When everything is recorded, it is easy to prosecute the responsibility for the incident;
  • Making the marketing process transparent can effectively avoid“ Black box operation ”Phenomenon and irresponsible work of marketing personnel;
  • Marketing personnel can summarize and improve through marketing records. [1]

Principle 3

Preventive ex ante management is more important than problematic ex post management
Project sales actually requires sales personnel to play the role of consultant. I often use a sentence to describe consultants as "we must always see the results one step ahead of customers; we must always embrace the results one step behind customers". Therefore, it is very important for sales personnel to goal programming , analysis stage, control process, forecast results, master initiative. Marketing managers usually have two typical management style , a person accustomed to“ Problem management ”The other is used to "prevention management". Managers who are accustomed to "problem management" are characterized by solving problems wherever problems occur. "Problem management" belongs to post correction management, which can only solve problems that have occurred, but cannot prevent problems from occurring.
Managers accustomed to "preventive management" are characterized by anticipating problems before they occur and taking corresponding measures to prevent them. An enterprise's marketing management cannot be without "problem management" afterwards, but too much problem management can only explain the failure of management. A manager who is used to problem management, no matter how strong his ability to solve problems, no matter how difficult he has solved problems, no matter how spectacular he has done, it is always difficult for such a manager to become the best marketing manager. The best managers always nip problems in the bud because of their foresight and insight, and because of their research ability. Accustomed to preventive management Marketing Manager They may not be accustomed to the stories that problem managers like to talk about, and their management experience is plain because they have prevented the occurrence of problems.
When everything is in advance, it stands; when nothing is in advance, it falls into disuse. All enterprises that fail to do a good job in preventive marketing management will inevitably have to spend a lot of time to solve problems due to the pile of problems, which makes them lack of time and energy to prevent problems, thus forming a vicious circle.
To do the preventive work of marketing management, we must strengthen research, find the signs of problems, find the laws of problems, and find Possible Problems. It is difficult for a marketing manager sitting in the office all day to do a good job in prevention management. Every marketing manager must understand: Workplace In the front line of sales, only by going deep into the front line can we find the real problems and find them in advance. stay Production field The most effective management mode for the best production management personnel is“ Walking management ”。 In the field of marketing management, the most effective management mode of the best marketing managers is "walking management", that is, they should often go to the market to find problems and solve them on the spot.
The general manager, after solving the problem, is finished. And excellent managers have to think about the nature of the problem Exceptional issues It is still a regular problem. The exceptional problem is an occasional problem, while the regular problem is a recurring problem. Good managers need to establish a rule, a policy, and a principle after solving routine problems. If similar problems occur in the future, they should deal with them according to the principle. [1]

Principle 4

The highest level of marketing management is Standardization
In fact, project sales is also a management process. What the Chinese people lack most is art, imagination, and brainpower. However, management always needs science. Scientific management means that it can be imitated, copied, and copied. The key is standardization.
For a long time, we regard marketing more as an art, and experience, understanding, inspiration and personal improvisation play a more important role. Therefore, the sales of most enterprises can be called "elite sales" or“ heroism Sales of ". Those enterprises have several excellent marketing personnel, and depending on the outstanding ability of these excellent marketing personnel, they can make a world for the enterprises in the market. Marketing managers always try their best to find excellent marketing talents from various channels. Unfortunately, "marketing elites" have a high frequency of job hopping (they are always the target of competitors), and it is also very difficult to manage. They can not only develop the market for enterprises, but also most easily destroy the market of enterprises, and even bring customers to competitors. The "elite sales" system also brings a problem to the enterprise: when the enterprise does not find or train sales elites, the enterprise can only get improvement through those ordinary marketing personnel repeatedly "spending money to buy lessons" and "paying tuition fees". This is a marketing system with high costs and risks.
Observe the marketing management of the world's outstanding enterprises and find that they have an important management philosophy : Let ordinary people make extraordinary achievements. Excellent enterprises pay more attention to their Overall marketing Ability rather than personal selling ability. How can ordinary people make extraordinary achievements? The best way is to standardize. Outstanding foreign enterprises can not only Production process Standardization (e.g McDonald's There are hundreds of standardized operation manuals only), and the marketing process should be standardized as far as possible, such as Coca Cola Company It not only standardizes the way products are displayed in supermarkets, but also Clockwise Go or counter-clockwise direction There are clear rules for leaving. Excellent enterprises have their own standardization Marketing Manual Each marketing staff has a copy. Some enterprises go deeper and even take the dealer's Sales process Standardized. For example, Panasonic has dozens of customer sales manuals, and marketing personnel often carry out standardized operations and management training So as to ensure that each dealer can operate in a standardized manner.
Standardized marketing procedures and standardized marketing management are usually formulated on the basis of in-depth and detailed research on all aspects of marketing, drawing on the "experience" and "lessons" of excellent enterprises and excellent marketing personnel. Its biggest advantage is to avoid repeated "tuition fees" of marketing personnel, and avoid the risk of personal experience, ability Lack of understanding may cause losses to the enterprise. An ordinary salesperson can avoid mistakes as much as possible and achieve more than personal ability Performance.
Excellent enterprises all have such characteristics: rely on scientific and standardized marketing to build a strong marketing ability, rather than relying on one or two capable marketing personnel. Those ordinary marketing personnel who have outstanding performance under the scientific and standardized marketing system, once they leave the enterprise and the support of the enterprise's strong marketing ability, their performance will immediately decline. Therefore, in the standardized marketing management system Under the Turnover rate Relatively low, and the loss to the enterprise after resignation is relatively small. [1]