Needle printer

Printing mechanical equipment
zero Useful+1
The stylus printer is a special kind of printer Laser printer There are great differences, and the difference of stylus printers cannot be replaced by other types of printers. Because of this, stylus printers have always had their own unique market share , serving some special industry users.
Foundation -- In 1964, the Olympic World Games Congress Tokyo Held. At that time, Epson Company, which was responsible for providing timing products, specially developed the crystal chronometer 951 and print timing Code meter These two products not only shone brightly at that time, but also transformed and Diversified operation It has brought a deep foundation and opportunity for research and development. Development ---- the world's first mainstream stylus printer for PC
In 1978, Epson released the TP-80 stylus printer (7 stylus), which was highly praised. In 1980, MP-80 (9 stitches) was launched, which also caused a sensation in the world. The next year, MP-80 was launched in Japan Market share As high as 60% or more, it has also been highly praised in the U.S. market and gradually developed into the world's first set suitable for PC The mainstream stylus printer of the product.
Chinese name
Needle printer
Foreign name
Impact printer
Is a special printer
Feature 1
Differences cannot be replaced by other types of printers
Characteristic 2
Has its own unique market share
zhēn shì dǎ yìn jī
Interface type
USB interface, IEEE-1284 two-way parallel port [1]
Common use
Print invoice receipt Tickets

Interface type

Needle printer Interface type Refers to the stylus printer and computer system How to connect. Common needle printers are Parallel port (also known as IEEE 1284, Centrics), serial port (also known as RS-232 Interface) and USB interface


Font refers to the type of font that can be realized by the stylus printer through its own font library without the support of foreign font library. The fonts are divided into Chinese fonts, English fonts and some other types of fonts. The font can be changed through buttons on the printer panel. However, most users use the Windows operating system Windows operating system The font types of the font library carried by itself are far more abundant than those carried by the stylus printer itself. With the support of Windows, more abundant print fonts can be obtained. Therefore, the fonts of the stylus printer itself are of little significance in application.


There are many types of stylus printers, which are generally divided into two parts: printing mechanical devices and control and drive circuits. The stylus printer has three movements during normal operation, namely Lateral movement , printing paper Longitudinal motion And printing needle. These movements are controlled by software driving system , through some precision machinery.

Mechanical device

The printing mechanical device mainly includes the character lathe, transmission mechanism and printing needle Control mechanism Color belt driving mechanism, paper feeding mechanism and printer status sensor are all precision mechanical devices to ensure that various mechanisms can achieve the following movements.
(1) The lettering carriage and the transmission mechanism are the carriers of the print head, and the print head passes the lettering carriage drive system Realize horizontal left and right movement, and print by the printing needle hitting the ribbon. Chevronic Power source Generally used Stepping motor , via transmission Turn the rotation of the stepping motor into the lateral movement of the car. Steel wire rope or Synchronous toothed belt Drive.
(2) The printing needle control mechanism is the key to correct printing. The printing needle control mechanism realizes the output and Needle retraction Action. Usually, electromagnetic principle is used to control the action of the printing needle.
(3) The printing needle of the ribbon driving mechanism strikes the ribbon stamp-pad ink Print characters or graphics on printing paper. In the process of printing, when the print head moves left and right, the ribbon drive mechanism drives the ribbon to rotate in a circle at the same time, constantly changing the position where the ribbon is hit by the print needle, ensuring uniform wear of the ribbon, which not only extends the service life of the ribbon, but also ensures uniform color of the printed characters or graphics.
The ribbon drive mechanism generally uses the zigzag car motor to drive the synchronous toothed belt (such as LQ-1600K) or steel (nylon) wire rope to drive the ribbon to rotate, or two separate motors (such as some Color printer )Drive the ribbon forward and backward respectively.
(4) Paper feeding mechanism This mechanism realizes the longitudinal movement of printing paper. When a line has been printed, it is used to feed the paper. The paper feeding modes generally include friction paper feeding, gear feeding and press cylinder feeding. Its power mode is to change the rotation of the stepper motor into paper feeding movement through the traction mechanism.
(5) The printer status sensor has different settings for different printers. Usually there are primitive position sensor (Check whether the lettering carriage stops at the left original position), paper out sensor (check whether the printed paper is used up, and alarm when it is used up), timing sensor (check the instantaneous position of the lettering carriage) and Machine cover Status sensor (detecting the abnormal operation of opening the printer cover during printing), etc.

drive circuit

Structure diagram of stylus printer
(1) Control circuit The control circuit of a printer All have Microcomputer structure is adopted, so the printer is a complete microcomputer According to the classification of processors, there are SCM Extended memory And interface circuit, and some are designed with CPU (as processor). From the composition structure, there are single CPU structure and master-slave CPU process control structure. Various controls of the printer are carried out through software. Dot matrix font library and control program are stored in ROM, and user-defined characters are stored in line cache RAM Medium.
(2) The function of the driving circuit of the driving circuit is to drive the paper feeding motor, the character lathe motor and the printing needle to output under the control of the control circuit.
(3) The connection between the interface circuit printer and the host includes serial interface, parallel interface, USB interface, etc.
(4) DC voltage stabilizing circuit Provide various DC power supplies for the printer.

working principle

The printer itself is a Microcomputer system , the whole machine is operated by CPU Control. its control program Stored in ROM The CPU can work when it is turned on. CPU can receive various types of panels Control command , can also receive commands from the host, and carry out Interpretation and implementation These connections are made through computer interfaces. Generally, there are two working modes for needle printing: Text Mode and Bit Image Print Mode.
1. Text mode
The printing data of the stylus printer is obtained from the host through the interface with the computer. The print data obtained by the printer is the characters to be printed ASCII The ASCII codes are stored in the printer for printing buffer Medium. The printer sends a "BUSY" signal to the host every time the data transmitted by the host is full of the print buffer. After the host receives the signal, it pauses sending data, and then the printer starts printing.
After printing starts, the CPU in the printer takes the ASCII code of the printed character from the print buffer, and calculates the first address of the character dot matrix storage area corresponding to the character. Take out the dot matrix code of each column one by one according to the address, drive the printing needle, hit the ribbon, and form printing characters on the printing paper. Printer's Character generator ROM usually contains 96 kinds of ASCII codes and some Special characters Font code (some printers also have Chinese dot matrix code, such as LQ-1600K). When the data in the buffer area is printed, the printer is opened again to receive the new print data sent by the host and start a new print process.
If graphics or Chinese characters need to be printed (for printers without Chinese character library), the host will send the pixel signal or Chinese character font code OK. Obviously, this printing method is similar to the way the display displays characters.
2. Bit mapping mode
In this way, the print data sent by the computer is the data that controls the output and output of the print needle, so the programmer can directly write a program to control each print needle, so as to print graphics, tables and Chinese characters.
Operating principle of print head
Schematic Diagram of LQ1600K Print Head
The main component of the stylus printer is the print head. The commonly mentioned 9-pin, 16 pin and 24 pin printers refer to the number of print pins on the print head. The print head can be divided into spiral tube type, clapping type, energy storage type, sound factor type and piezoelectric type according to the needle striking mode. Here we take the print heads of 24 pin printers LQ-1600K and AIz3240 as examples to illustrate their working principles. The right figure shows the work of LQ-1600K print head schematic diagram , which is a snap on print head. In front of each printing needle (looking forward from the back of the printing needle), there is a circular choke. There are 12 coils and 12 printing needles arranged around the circular choke (LQ1600K printing head is divided into two layers, each layer has 12 printing needles, and the upper layer has 12 Long needle , 12 in the lower layer Short needle ), 12 printing needles in each layer are evenly arranged on the circumference of the circular line, and Guide plate On Guide groove Pierce at the top of the print head to form two parallel rows of print pins.
From Figure It can be seen that at ordinary times, the printing needle is in the state of leaving the drive coil under the elastic force of the return spring. When the drive coil Through current To activate the Armature Move towards the driving coil, and drive the printing needle to hit the ribbon along the multi-layer guide plate, so that the ribbon and printing paper are pressed towards the roll. At this time, the ink on the ribbon was impacted by the printing needle and penetrated into the printing paper, leaving a small dot. When the current in the drive coil disappears, the printing needle is returned to the original state by the return spring to complete a printing action. This kind of snap type printing head has fast acceleration of the printing needle and high needle output frequency. Since the printing needle is divided into two layers, it is more convenient to replace the printing needle, and if the long needle is broken, it can be used as a short needle.
Operating principle diagram of AR3240 print head
The left figure shows the working principle of the AR3240 print head, which is an energy storage print head. There is a circular choke at the back of each printing needle (looking forward from the back of the printing needle), and 24 degaussing coils, 24 armature spring pieces and 24 printing needles are arranged around the circular choke. The 24 print pins are evenly arranged on the circumference of the circular line, and pass through the top of the print head along the guide slot on the guide plate to form two parallel rows of print pins.
It can be seen from the figure that the working principle of the energy storage printhead is Permanent magnet It acts on the spring to make the printing needle shrink in the printing head and be in the energy storage state, that is, the printing needle stores the striking energy. When the degaussing coil is energized, the magnetic field opposite to the magnetic field direction of the permanent magnet is generated, which reduces the Magnetic flux , counteracting the effect of permanent magnet on the armature and leaf spring The spring sheet drives the printing needle to fly forward and complete the printing action. The advantages of this print head are low power consumption and fast printing speed.

Component function

① Mechanical part
On the word car Stepper motor Driven by, loaded with Print head Word edge of horizontal direction Move the horizontal axis of to the left and right to move the print head to the position where you want to print. The driving mechanism of the zigzag car is generally composed of a zigzag car stepping motor, a zigzag car base, a toothed belt (or rack) position sensor Etc.
⑵ Paper feeding drive mechanism
Driven by the paper feeding stepper motor Friction feeding or Chain wheel paper feeding The mode will Printing paper Move to the position where you want to print. The paper feeding drive mechanism is generally composed of the paper feeding stepper motor, printing Rubber roller , Paper feeding Sprocket , paper guide, paper pressing rod, paper end sensor, etc. According to the different paper feeding modes, there are two ways to realize the paper feeding drive mechanism: winding paper feeding mode (also known as ordinary paper feeding mode) and push paper feeding mode.
(3) Color belt transmission mechanism
To ensure that Print quality and definition The color belt in front of the print head needs to be replaced constantly. The color belt transmission mechanism usually uses reversing gear to make the color belt move circularly at a certain speed and direction. The mechanism is usually driven by reversing gear Gear set Ribbon box form.
⑷ Paper feeding structure
Paper feeding structure is also called paper Drive mechanism It is mainly composed of paper feeding stepping motor, paper feeding wheel, paper pressing roller and other parts.
② Print head
By a certain number of Printing needle It is arranged vertically in single or double columns (three columns for some), and realizes the printing of characters, Chinese characters and graphics with the cooperation of printing data. The commonly used print heads are generally 9 pin and 24 pin, which are connected to the control circuit through the film cable.
microprocessor Or single chip microcomputer
All actions and functions of the stylus printer are controlled by the microprocessor or singlechip To control the implementation. It is not only necessary to complete the processing of printed data, but also to control the coordinated action of mechanical components, and to control the panel Function selection and working condition Monitoring and necessary display shall be carried out, which must depend on the implementation of printer specific monitoring software To achieve.
④ Data/program/character dot matrix storage
stay General purpose computer All kinds of memory are indispensable to the system, and relevant types of memory are also needed in the stylus printer Memory device Generally divided into input data Buffer memory Intermediate data buffer memory, monitoring Program memory , Western and Chinese character dot matrix memory (font library).
There are generally three kinds of driving circuits in the stylus printer, namely, the printing head driving circuit, the zigzag lathe stepping motor driving circuit and the paper feeding stepping motor driving circuit power transistor To achieve.
④ Power supply
Due to the high power consumption of stylus printers, switching power supply is adopted 220V alternating current Converted to the printer components DC voltage , such as+5V,+12V,+24V, etc.
Most needle printers use Centronics standard Parallel interface , which is a special interface for general printers, with Data transmission rate High characteristics. Some models of printers use RS-232C standard serial interface to meet some special needs. In the printer interface circuit, it is often configured with certain storage capacity Input of Data Buffer , such as 1K bytes, 8K bytes, 16K bytes, 40K bytes, etc., in order to reduce the frequent communication with the computer host and improve the computer host work efficiency
⑥ Sensor system
1. Rubber roll gap sensor
2. Home position sensor
3. Traction/friction sensor
4. Paper detection sensor

Parameter index

When purchasing and using a printer, users should have some knowledge of the performance of the printer. Generally, the printer manufacturer Product specification Relevant technical parameters and performance index The significance of some main technical parameters and performance indicators is introduced below.
Indicates the mode used by the stylus printer during printing. For example, in the "bidirectional logical distance selection" printing mode, the printer will control the start and stop position of the print head according to the specific position of each line of printing content, so as to save time and improve printing speed and efficiency; Another example is "One way and two way printing can be selected". In this mode, the user can select the starting position of the print head for each printing according to the printing requirements. One way printing is to print every line first Back to initial Position, and then print. The printing efficiency is low, but the upper and lower connection accuracy of characters or images is high; Two way printing It is used to print when the print head moves back and forth horizontally, with high printing efficiency. However, due to the influence of the precision of mechanical parts, there may be some dislocation of the upper and lower parts of characters or images, which will affect the printing quality.
2. Print head
Pay attention to the number of print heads when purchasing. Most printers use 24 pin print heads. This print head has the characteristics of fast printing speed and good printing quality. Its performance parameter is mainly the life of the needle, such as 200 million times per needle. In addition, pay attention to the printer printing when selecting a printer Point density , point density is defined as the number of dots printed per inch in the horizontal direction DPI express. The point density of printers with high printing quality can reach 360DPI.
Character set is a description of the type of character library in the printer. It can be seen from the character set which type the printer belongs to. The character sets of Chinese printers are relatively complete, generally including ASC Code II dot matrix character set, Chinese character dot matrix character set, international character group dot matrix character set, etc. Generally, the above character sets are based on national standard Developed. For example, GB - 5007 standard( Tahoma 24 × 24 dot matrix character set) and GB-2312-80 (Song typeface 32 × 32 dot matrix character set).
4. Printing speed
This is Dot matrix printer Important performance index, which reflects the comprehensive performance index of the printer. Generally, it only gives the printing speed when printing one line of Western characters or Chinese characters. The standard description shall be in draft mode, with 10 Western characters per inch (10 CPI )The number of characters that can be printed per second. Nowadays, the printing speed of printers with fast printing speed is generally more than 200 words/second.
5. Line spacing
The line spacing index is generally included in the instructions, because it is an important index to describe the accuracy and performance of the paper feeding operation. In particular, the minimum paper feeding distance (such as 1/360 ″ or n/368 ″) can better reflect the control ability And precision.
6. Interface
Most printers are equipped with Centronics parallel interface as standard, and other standard interfaces are generally purchased as accessories.
7. Maximum Buffer capacity
This indicator indirectly indicates the influence of printer on the working efficiency of computer host when printing. With large buffer capacity, more data will be input at one time, and the time required for printer processing and printing will be long. Therefore, compared with electronic communication The number of times can be reduced, and the host efficiency can be improved.
8. Paper feeding mode
For paper feeding mode, a good printer should have multiple paper feeding functions, which reflects whether its mechanism design is reasonable and comprehensive. Generally, there should be a chain wheel device for continuous paper conveying to ensure the accuracy of paper feeding and avoid deflection during paper feeding; In addition, whether it has Single sheet paper and Cardstock Of Conveying capacity , and whether it has the ability to advance paper horizontally, which is very important for bill printing.
9. Paper width and thickness
Paper width index reflects the printer Maximum print width This indicator of general printers is generally 9 inches (narrow lines) and 13.6 inches (wide lines); The paper thickness reflects the striking ability of the print head, which is important for the purpose of copying. It is generally expressed as "original+number of copies".

Main categories

On the surface, there is no difference between various types of stylus printers, but with the need for specialization and specialization, different types of stylus printers have emerged, including "universal stylus printers"“ passbook "Needle printer", "line needle printer" and "high-speed needle printer".


The "universal stylus printer" in China was a very widely used Chinese character printing device in the early days. The number of stylus printing heads was generally 24, and there were two kinds of wide line and narrow line. The printing head slid back and forth on the metal rod to complete horizontal line printing. Print width 33cm maximum, Printing speed Generally, it is 50 Chinese characters/second (standard), the resolution is generally 180 dpi, and the color band printing is adopted. The paper can be moved by friction and drag, which can be printed Single page Paper, can also print perforated folding continuous paper, ribbon and Print media Such consumables are cheap. Due to electromagnetic impact, when the print head continuously prints for a long time fever Serious, but the printing speed is not fast, so the impact is not significant; And because the universal stylus printers are generally wide format printers DOS The system is compatible, so it is particularly suitable for ordinary offices and Financial institutions
The universal stylus printer is easy to use. If the ribbon and paper are of poor quality or improperly installed, it is extremely easy to Broken needle When the printed characters are too light, it means that the coloring ability of the ribbon is reduced, which is prone to pin hanging and paper blocking. At this time, the ribbon must be replaced. In addition, the ribbons of general purpose stylus printers are not uniform and cannot be substituted for each other. Universal stylus printer has an adjustment Paper thickness When the thickness of the printing paper changes, the thickness adjusting lever must be adjusted to adjust the printing depth and protect the printing needle.
Needle printer

Passbook needle type

With the development of electronization in various industries, the bankbook stylus printer, which is specially used for the counter business of banking, post and telecommunications, insurance and other service departments, has been rapidly promoted and applied. The so-called bankbook stylus printer is also called bill stylus printer. Compared with other general stylus printers, the bankbook stylus printer has the following characteristics:
Flat pushing paper feeding: The design of flat pushing paper feeding channel reduces the printing deviation caused by paper bending and paper jam, which makes it easy to move forward and backward, and also makes it possible to handle super thick printing media;
Adaptive paper thickness: the printing object of the bankbook stylus printer is the bankbook and other bills, and the thickness of different bankbook bills is different, so the bankbook stylus printer requires that the printing gap and impact force can be automatically adjusted according to the printing media with different thickness to achieve a clear printing effect of any thickness;
Automatic deviation correction Technology: It can automatically adjust the print media, greatly improving printing Accuracy Which makes the operation of the operator extremely simple;
paper Positioning technology : To make the print format neat and consistent, install it on the paper cart bracket Photoelectric sensor come automatic detection The left and right borders of the paper. A plurality of photoelectric sensors are arranged at the paper feeding mechanism to detect the top position of the paper, so as to ensure that the paper is absolutely flat relative to the printing base plate. Then through the printer control software The print positioning instruction in the, realizing the complete accuracy of the print position;
Magnetic stripe Read/write function: optional built-in Magnetic stripe reader writer , read and write user name, card number, amount and other information on the passbook, and support ANSI, ISO, NCR IBM HITACHI And other magnetic stripe formats;
Print status recognition: It has the function of two-way communication with the host or terminal, which can reflect the current status of the printer and the errors that occur in a timely and accurate manner, and carry out corresponding processing. In addition, most bankbook stylus printers are specially designed to automatically stop printing when opening the cover, which can prevent Human interference Cause printing error, and protect Personal safety
Other functions: some high-end bankbook stylus printers also provide some optional functions, such as two operators Share printer automatic recognition Barcode page number, printing magnetic password text, providing confidentiality and decryption, bank Special symbols Printing and using Fresh Room storage technology to automatically download and upgrade software.
Evaluation of the passbook stylus printer Technical indicators It mainly depends on whether the equipment has good advanced paper processing capacity, media adaptability, operation convenience and business processing speed Command simulation capability, ease of maintenance and consumables durability And machine functions Extensibility Etc. In particular, the high-end bankbook printer should be equipped with automatic paper deviation correction and automatic Opposite side , adaptive thickness printing and other functions can ensure the high accuracy of the printing effect and make the operation extremely simple.

Line stitch

Line stylus printer is a high-end stylus printer, which can meet the requirements of high-speed batch printing business in banking, securities, telecommunications, taxation and other industries. The line stylus printer has a strong professional printing tendency, and has a special Western language Character printer There is also a special Chinese character printer. Compared with general purpose stylus printers, line stylus printers have strong internal data processing capability. Because of the complex control of the print head and paper feeding, the master and slave printers are generally used Dual CPU The processing mode can not only greatly improve the printing speed, but also comprehensively control the printing process.
The print head of the line stylus printer has a complex structure High speed printing There is no needle breakage due to overheating, and the heat dissipation and cooling mechanism inside the print head is very good. The line stylus printer has many printing needles and high output frequency, so the print head has also adopted many effective measures to reduce noise advanced technique
For line stylus printers key technology On the print head, the needle output frequency is up to 2000Hz, more than twice that of the general needle printer. The number of printing needles is generally 72 needles, 91 needles and 144 needles, with the largest number of 288 needles, more than ten times that of 24 needle ordinary needle printers. The print head of the line stylus printer adopts module structure (For example, the 144 pin print head has 12 modules, and each module has 12 pins). Each module only needs to be responsible for horizontal printing for a small print distance (generally about 1 inch), which is much smaller than the printer distance of ordinary stylus printers (generally more than 10 inches).
The needle arrangement of the printing needle module has the following printing speed and performance significant impact In general, the line stylus printer is divided into straight Pin There are several kinds of patterns, such as the pattern of oblique needle arrangement, and the pattern of parallel longitudinal arrangement.
The straight arrangement means that the needles in the printing needle module are horizontally and horizontally arranged. When the needle module moves horizontally from left to right for printing, it can only complete the printing distance of one line of horizontal points. The printing height is 1/180 inch or 1/144 inch. The western language speed of the line type needle printer using this arrangement can reach 1000 lines/minute, but the speed of Chinese characters is only more than 200 lines/minute. Therefore, the straight line stylus printer is very suitable for the Printout
The oblique arrangement means that the needles in the printing needle module are arranged in an oblique direction. When the needle module moves horizontally from left to right for printing, the module can print several lines of horizontal points with a few needles. For example, the KD6000C line printer module has 12 needles arranged in an oblique direction. This printer can print Chinese characters at a speed of 1000 Chinese characters per minute, which is more suitable Chinese character output
Parallel vertical arrangement means that the needles in the printing needle module are arranged in two columns in parallel and vertically. Each module generally has 24 needles. The speed is improved by adding multiple print heads. This is an early line printing technology, which has been basically eliminated.
The line stylus printer is a high-end printer, whose stylus life is more than 1 billion times per stylus, but its life is affected by the quality of printing paper and ribbon.

High speed needle type

High speed stylus printer is a product between ordinary stylus printer and line stylus printer. Its main feature is that the printer is very fast. High speed stylus printers are expensive, but they have high printing quality, high printing speed, and can bear the heavy printing load Transportation and Enterprise unit The batch processing of print data in the field of.
The "patent" of the stylus printer is the functions of carbon copy and continuous paper feeding printing. High speed stylus printers also have the ability in this regard. The replication capability of high-speed stylus printers is generally 14~15 layers, and the replication capability of 18 layers can be achieved preferably.

market analysis


Market leading

Needle printer
The domestic printer market presents Foreign brands The situation of printer competition is dominated by:
(1) The LQ-1600 series 24 pin printer of Epson Company in Japan has gained a good market reputation and share after nearly ten years of application, promotion, technical improvement and perfection. It is characterized by fast printing speed, convenient operation, and reasonable and durable structure.
(2) Star AR series and Star CR series 24 pin printers of Hong Kong Dascom Co., Ltd domestic market It has had a great impact on Chinese characters, and its main characteristics are that there are many types of fonts, fast printing speed control panel Rich functions.
(3) Japan NEC The company's P2000/3000 series of 24 pin printers are characterized by low price, good printing accuracy and low noise when printing, and can be used in families.
(4) Fujian Shida needle printer series
In addition, there are many foreign printer manufacturers' products, such as the DPK series 24 pin printer of Fujitsu Company in Japan; Hewlett-Packard DJ series 24 pin printer; Oki's 8000 series 24 pin printer; PR series passbooks and special printers for bills of Olivetti Company in Italy.


These products all have their own characteristics. There are basically two different types of printers in each company's products: ordinary paper feeding and push feeding. The market price of ordinary paper feeding narrow line printer is about 1400 yuan, the market price of ordinary paper feeding wide line printer is between 3000 yuan and 4000 yuan, and the price of push feeding printer is slightly higher, Users can select according to specific needs.


When using a stylus printer, the most common problem is ribbon failure. The following describes and solves several printer ribbon failures.
1. Ribbon break
The tension of the ribbon is too large, and it breaks suture Or the word hammer breaks the color band, causing the color band to break. In the former case, the broken part can be cut off and re stitched; In the latter case, only replace the ribbon.
2. Color band jammed
The ribbon wheel is easily entangled after the edge of the ribbon is stripped and fluffed, causing the ribbon wheel to be jammed and the ribbon cannot be retracted normally Ribbon box resolvent Yes: First open the printer cover, open the interlocking handle between the ribbon rotating arm and the hammer row, gently pull the ribbon back at the belt feeding end of the ribbon box, then close the interlocking handle between the ribbon rotating arm and the hammer row, turn on the power, and the ribbon will Bedclothes Color return tape box.
3. Hall effect device damaged
The Hall effect device is constantly squeezed due to the frequent cassette tape with color bands, which causes damage and fracture. This fault can only replace the ribbon rotating arm assembly or use ribbon Motion sensor replace.
4. The driving belt of the color belt driving wheel is worn or broken
This fault is caused by the driving belt being used for a long time or the character chain rubbing the driving belt. The solution is to adjust the position of the character chain so that it no longer rubs the drive belt; If it is broken, please replace it.
5. Color band motion sensing signal interruption
First, check whether the color band motion sensing signal line has been damaged. If it is broken, replace the signal line; Check whether the color band motion sensing signal wire at J6 socket on the interlock conversion board is damaged or poorly contacted. Please replace or plug the signal wire.


First, we need to understand the application fields, different application area You need to purchase different stylus printers. The stylus printer has been divided into general stylus printer and special stylus printer. General purpose stylus printers are the most common drum printers, while special purpose printers refer to push-pull printers with special purposes, such as bankbook printers receipt printer Etc.
Secondly, consider its reliability. In terms of the life of the print head, good needle printing is generally brand new high-density High wear resistance print head Structural design Compact and enhanced heat dissipation function, which can achieve high copy capacity and long life. The service life of a good print head can reach 400 million times/needle Mean time between failures High also means the reliability of the printer is high. The average time between failures of a good needle punching machine can generally reach 10000 hours.
Third, check the performance indicators. Generally, when printing bills or statements, bills or statements often need to be printed in several copies, and multiple copies need to be printed at the same time. A needle printer with strong copy ability is required. In some service industry The printer with high intensity, high load and high printing speed can improve the work efficiency. Users should choose according to the actual application situation.
Fourth, durability. The service life of the stylus printer is a matter of great concern to all users. The service life of the ribbon is also a factor that users should consider. Large capacity and long-life ribbon can greatly reduce the cost of consumables. The factors affecting the service life of ribbon are the quality of ribbon core, the size of ribbon box, and the length of ribbon. The long life of the print head can avoid more Reinvestment So as to reduce the overall operating costs
Finally, after-sales service. Service is a platitude, which tends to Homogenization In this era, service has become another magic weapon for businesses to win. In addition to the quality and price of products, the quality of pre-sale, in sale and after-sales service of manufacturers is often related to whether the equipment can run well for a long time. Therefore, this is also an indicator that should be emphatically considered when purchasing.


1. First, check whether the power supply circuit board is correctly connected to the mainboard (whether the wiring is inserted reversely or Miter Or virtual connection), if the power circuit board is connected to the motherboard poor contact Reconnect the cable.
2. If the connection between the power circuit board and the main board is normal, then check whether the connection between the main board and the control panel is normal. If not, reconnect the connection.
3. If the connection between the mainboard and the control panel is normal, then check whether the power switch is normal. If the power switch is damaged, replace the power switch.
4. If the power switch is normal, disconnect it Power circuit Connect the board to the mainboard, and then connect to 220V A multimeter Detect DC of power circuit board output voltage Whether it is normal (generally the printer is 5V and 42V).
5. If the output voltage of the power circuit board is abnormal, the power circuit board is damaged. Check whether the power circuit board switch is damaged. If it is damaged, replace the power circuit board switch.
6. If the power circuit board switch is normal, then check the Fuse Whether F1 is fused. If fuse F1 is blown, check whether other circuits of the power circuit board are short circuited. If not, replace F1.
7. If the fuse is normal, then check the switch tube diode Rectifier bridge Check whether the circuit is normal. If not, replace the damaged components or power circuit board.
8. If the power output voltage measured in step 4 is normal, then connect the motor wiring, head cable and sensor cable from the mainboard Dial up Lower, only connect the power circuit board cable and control panel Cable Line. then turn on electricity , check the Power indicator Whether it is on.
9. If the power indicator on the control panel shows that there is power, the mainboard is normal, and the problem is in the peripheral electrical components.
10. Then check whether the lettering carriage motor and paper feeding motor are burned. If they are burned, replace the damaged motor.
11. If the word carriage motor and paper feeding motor are normal, then check whether the print head cable is normal (whether there is short circuit caused by abrasion, disconnection, etc.). If not, replace the print head cable.
12. If the cable of the print head is normal, then remove the print head and power it on to check whether the printer displays. If the printer is powered, there is a short circuit inside the print head (the print head coil, needle drive tube or chip 2B is short circuited). Replace the short circuited part or the print head.
13. If the fault persists after the print head is removed, then check the sensor and replace the short circuited sensor.
14. If the printer control panel in step 8 indicator light If there is no display, then check whether the chip in the motherboard is burned (such as cracking, burning, etc.). If there is, check the abnormal chip. If the chip is damaged, replace the chip.
15. If there is no burned chip, then measure the resistance of the 5V power supply on the main board to the ground to determine whether the main board is short circuited. If the main board is short circuited, repair or replace the main board.
16. If the mainboard is not short circuited, then check whether the gate array circuit, CPU) Y~other components in the mainboard are damaged. If damaged, replace the damaged components.
17. If there are no damaged components in the motherboard, replace the motherboard finally.

Common faults

When using a stylus printer, the most common problem is ribbon failure. The following describes and solves several printer ribbon failures.
1、 Broken ribbon. The tension of the ribbon is too large, and the suture is broken or the ribbon is broken by the hammer. In the former case, the broken part can be cut off and re stitched; In the latter case, only replace the ribbon.
2、 The ribbon is jammed. The ribbon wheel is easily entangled after the edge of the ribbon is stripped and fluffed, causing the ribbon wheel to be jammed, and the ribbon box cannot be normally retracted. The solution is: first open the printer cover, open the interlocking handle between the ribbon rotating arm and the hammer row, gently pull the ribbon back at the belt feeding end of the ribbon box, then close the interlocking handle between the ribbon rotating arm and the hammer row, turn on the power supply, and the ribbon will be installed back into the ribbon box after the self inspection of the machine.
III Hall effect The device is damaged. The Hall effect device is constantly squeezed due to the frequent cassette tape with color bands, which causes damage and fracture. This fault can only be replaced by the ribbon rotating arm assembly or the ribbon motion sensor.
4、 Ribbon Driving wheel The drive belt is worn or broken. This fault is caused by the driving belt being used for a long time or the character chain rubbing the driving belt. The solution is to adjust the position of the character chain so that it no longer rubs the drive belt; If it is broken, please replace it.
5、 The color band motion sensing signal is interrupted without reason. Check the ribbon motion sensor first The signal line Whether it has been damaged. If it is broken, please replace the signal wire; Check whether the color band motion sensing signal wire at J6 socket on the interlock conversion board is damaged or poorly contacted. Please replace or plug the signal wire.