Golden apple

[jīn pín guǒ]
A famous treasure in Greek mythology
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Golden apple MYTHOS It is a famous treasure in China. Golden apples first appeared in Zeus and Hera At the wedding. Earth Goddess Gaia Bring back a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves from the west coast to Zeus and Hera as Wedding gift The trees are covered with golden apples. The three daughters (called Hesperides )Guard the holy garden where golden apples are planted, and there are also hundreds of dragons Ladon Help them guard.
Chinese name
Golden apple
Foreign name
Golden apple (English)
Other names
Golden Apple
Treasures in Greek mythology
Hercules Heracles
First place
The Wedding of Zeus and Hera

Mythological description

Hercules Heracles The eleventh of the twelve meritorious deeds accomplished in the world is to achieve Hesperides And the golden apples under the guard of the dragon. Heracles subdued the old sea god under the guidance of the mountain, forest and water goddess Nereus He asked him where he could find the golden apples. On the way to get the golden apple, Hercules also caucasus mountains Released on Prometheus Prometheus showed him to another Titan Atlas A place with blue sky. Heracles asked Atlas to fetch the golden apples for him. During this time, he carried the sky for him. Atlas agreed, homicidal death The giant dragon, after deceiving the guarding fairies and taking back the golden apples, was unwilling to shoulder the heavy task of carrying the sky again. Heracles pretended that he would have to put on a mat before he could continue to carry the sky, and asked Atlas to take his place for a while. While Atlas took over the burden, Heracles had already picked up the golden apples and walked away.

Important appearance

The most important appearance of the golden apple is in the human hero Luce and the sea goddess Tethys At our wedding. All the gods were invited to the wedding, but the goddess of discord Eris Not invited. Eris held a grudge and presented a golden apple to the guests at the wedding, which was written "To the most beautiful goddess". The highest status among goddesses [1] , and also the most beautiful three goddesses—— Hera Athena Aphrodite The other gods dare not speak out for fear of offending the goddess because of the dispute over the golden apple Zeus Let the beautiful young man herding sheep on the mountain Paris Judge.
In order to obtain the golden apple, the three goddesses respectively offered attractive terms: Hera gave him supreme power and blessed him to be a high ruler; Athena is willing to give him wisdom and strength to encourage him to have the courage to take risks and forge a heroic and brilliant road; Aphrodite promised to let the most beautiful woman in the world fall in love with him and become his wife. Paris thought about it over and over, thinking that power and rule could be achieved when he succeeded his father's throne in the future; As for the road of a hero, he has a lot of good skills and can venture boldly, but love But not every day. So he gave the golden apples Aphrodite Later, Paris abducted with Aphrodite's help Sparta Of queen ——Beauty Helen , thus becoming Troy War Of blasting fuse [1]