
Hercules in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Heracles( Ancient Greek : Ἡ ρα κλ ῆ, Modern Greek: Iraklis, English: Heracles, also translated Heracles Heraklas Hercules Hercules), yes Ancient Greek mythology The greatest hero in Demigod After birth, he was initially named Alcides Zeus And Alkmene His son is born with great power. He also has half brother Iphicles and sister Laonome Alkmene And Amphitryon Born.
Because of his origin, he was Zeus 's wife Hera He was so hated that he was cursed by Hera, who killed his children in his madness. In order to atone, he completed 12 "impossible" tasks. He also saved the bound ones on the way Prometheus , participated with hidden identity jason And help Jason get Golden wool Heracles was wise all his life, but his wife misunderstood him and smeared poison on his clothes, causing him to burn himself in pain. Ascend after death Olympus , named by Zeus Hercules , participated in The Olympian Gods And Guigantes And win the war. Final and Hera In order to show her recognition for him, Hera released her daughter, the goddess of youth Herb He was betrothed to Heracles. [1]
In today's era, Hercules has become a strong man synonym The Romans integrated Heracles into their pantheon Roman myth Known as Hercules, constellations Hercules That's why it got its name. In addition, other cultures can also find corresponding characters, such as Etruria Hercle, Germanic Hercules Magusanus, even Egypt Heryshaf, the god of rams.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ἡρακλῆς, Hēraklēs,Heracles
Alcades Hercules, Hercules, Hercules
Mythological system
Zeus Alkmene
Megara, Iol omphale Deianila Herb
brothers and sisters
Ephicles, Laonome (half father); Athena Artemis Apollo Hephaestus Ares Hermes Dionysus Persephone Equal
Hyllus , Telphos, Telepolemus, Alexaares, Anicetos and other sons and daughters, later generations will collectively call them Heracleidae
Key achievements
Twelve Achievements of Heracles , rescued the bound Prometheus , Participation The Olympian Gods And Guigantes War of
Roman counterpart


The baby name of Heracles is Alcides, which is based on Amphitryon Alcaeus, Hercules later had a son also called Alcaeus. Eurystus Call him to serve. He went to ask for God's instructions, which confirmed that he should complete 12 tasks for Eurystos, and began to call him Hercules, meaning "the person who Hera gave glory to" or "the person who built achievements because of Hera's persecution".


Hercules strangled the poisonous snake when he was young
Heracles' father was Zeus , mother is Perseus 's granddaughter, Thebes king Amphitryon Wife of Alkmene Before Alcmene gave birth, Zeus decided to let this day be born Perseus His descendants ruled Mycenae. Wife of Zeus Hera She was jealous that Alcmene had become her husband's mistress. In addition, Zeus predicted to the gods that his son would have a bright future and make great achievements in the future, so she also hated Heracles. So Hera delayed the delivery of Alcmene, and at the same time made Perseus' grandson Eurystus Early birth.
When Alcmene gave birth to Hercules, she worried that his safety in the palace was not guaranteed, so she put him in a basket, covered with straw, and then put him in a place, which was later called Hercules Field. A magical opportunity to make Athena When she came to the field with Hera, Athena saw that the baby was beautiful and liked it very much. She felt pity for it and persuaded Hera to nurse the baby. He bit Hera Nipple , greedily sucking her milk, making her tits ache. Hera angrily threw the child to the ground. Athena compassionately picked up the child, took it back to the city, and gave it to the Queen Alkmeneide for her care. Alcmene recognized his son at a glance, and she happily put him in the cradle. Alcmene abandoned his child because he was afraid of Hera. Unexpectedly, his jealous rival saved his son with milk Milk juice Splashed in the sky the galaxy
Not only that, Heracles sucked Hera's milk, and from then on, he got the body of immortality from the mortal, which also made him very powerful. But Hera soon understood who the child who suckled her was, and knew that he had returned to the palace. She regretted that she had not removed Heracles. Then she sent two terrible poisonous snakes to climb into the palace to kill the child, trying to strangle him in the cradle, only to find that the young Hercules had great power because he sucked Hera's milk. Instead, she subdued the two poisonous snakes, and Hera had to give up.

grow up

When he grows up, Castor and Centaur chiron Teach him all kinds of martial arts and knowledge. Apollo Rinos, the white haired son, taught him to read and read. Heracles showed his talent and talent for learning, but he could not bear the torture, and the old Rinos was a teacher who lacked patience. Once, he beat Hercules for no reason, and Hercules grabbed him harp , throw it at the teacher's head, and he immediately falls to the ground and dies. Hercules regretted it, but he was still brought to court. A judge of integrity and knowledge Ladamantis He was declared innocent. The judge promulgated a new law, that is, those who kill people in self-defence are not guilty.
however Amphitryon Worried that his powerful son would commit similar crimes in the future, he sent him to the countryside to herd cattle.
Before going to life, he refused the temptation of the goddess of "evil virtue", determined to follow the advice of the goddess of virtue, and decided to choose the way of "virtue". Soon, he found an opportunity to do good deeds.
At that time, the Greek jungle was densely covered, swamps were everywhere, and ferocious lions, boars and other evil beasts were everywhere. Therefore, it is one of the great goals of the ancient heroes to eliminate these evils and liberate Greece from such harmful beasts. Hercules is destined to face this arduous task. When he heard that at the foot of Kitalong Mountain, in the pasture of King Amphitryon, a terrible lion did evil, the voice of "virtue" sounded in the ears of the young hero. He immediately made a decision, armed himself, climbed up the barren mountain, killed the lion, peeled off the lion's skin, put it on his shoulders, and then cut off the lion's head to make a helmet.
When he triumphed in hunting, he met the envoys sent by Erginos, the king of Ming Dynasty, who collected from Thebes nengu This is an unreasonable and humiliating burden. Heracles regarded himself as the savior of all oppressed people, and quickly abused these Lewd prestige The emissaries fell to the ground, and then they were tied up and sent back to their king.
Heracles fights the wild lion bravely
Erginos demanded that the king of Thebes hand over the murderer. Creon, king of Thebes, was afraid of the power of the other side and was ready to meet the requirements of the other side. Heracles mobilized a group of brave young people to join him in resisting the enemy. However, there was no weapon among the people, because Mingye seized all the weapons to prevent the Theban rebellion. Athena saw this, and called Hercules to the temple and armed him with her own armor. There were many weapons in the temple, which were captured by their ancestors in the war and sacrificed to the gods as trophies. The young people who came with Hercules took up arms one after another and went out with Hercules. They only have a small team of people, while the Mingye people are a huge army with strong forces. The two armies met on a narrow road. In this small area, although there were many soldiers in Mingye, they could not perform at all. Erginos' army was completely defeated, and he died in battle. However, Amphitrion, the stepfather of Heracles, was also killed by arrows in the war.
The war is over Later, Hercules quickly marched into Orkomenus, the capital of Ming Dynasty. He rushed into the city and burned the palace and destroyed the city. In order to thank him, King Creon of Thebes married his daughter Megara to him. The gods also sent this Demigod Many gifts for half man heroes: Hermes Give him a sword, Apollo Give him a bow, Hephaestus Give him a gold arrow bag, Athena Give him a brand new bronze shield. His mother Alkmene But he remarried, married Judge Ladamantes.

love story

The girls of Thespius queue up to be pushed down (collected in the British Museum)
Once, Hercules, in order to protect the cattle, chased a lion to the neighboring country Thespiae. The local king Thespius admired this handsome and strong young man very much and asked his 50 daughters to serve him together. That night, Hercules knocked down 49 of them (one of them was shy). Nine months later, 49 of them had sons, and two of them were twins.
Later, Hercules helped Thebes defeat the attack of foreign enemies, and the king of Thebes married his daughter Megara to him and had three more children. Unfortunately, Hercules suddenly went crazy and killed the three children himself. In order to atone for his sins, Hercules exiled himself to Eurystus, and later made the famous twelve meritorious deeds.
Ioraos and Heracles
Ioraos( Iolaus )The nephew of Heracles, the son of his half brother Iphicles, is also the hero's lifelong lover and partner. Ioraos participated in most of Heracles' adventure experiences. For example, in the second major achievement (killing the Hydra), every time Heracles cut off a head, Ioraos burned the snake's neck with fire to prevent the snake's head from regenerating, so as to kill the Hydra. Hercules has countless lovers, but Ioraos always occupies the most important position.
Huras and the Mountain Forest Water Fairy
Huras (Hylas), the adopted son and lover of Hercules, also followed him to participate in the expedition. After a berthing, Xulas went ashore to look for water source. Beside a spring, his beauty attracted the fairies in the water, and pulled him into the water and disappeared forever. Hercules was desperate to find Hsuras back, so he gave up the opportunity to make contributions in the expedition, but Hsuras never returned to him.
After that, Hermes His son Abderus became Heracles' lover. When completing the eighth great feat (Diomedes' stallion), Heracles gave the stallion to Abderoth to take care of and fight with Diomedes alone. But when he returned to the ship after winning, Abderoth had been eaten by the stallion. Heracles was deeply grieved and held a grand funeral for Abderoth, and built a city near the tomb, named Abderoth City.
When completing the tenth great feat (the cattle of Gerobon), Hercules traveled a long way to the edge of the world (Scythia, equivalent to today's Central Asia The zone was still No man's land ), his mount was Snake demon (The upper body is a woman, and the lower body is a snake) Hides. When the snake demon saw the heroic Heracles, he was full of joy and promised to return his mount on the condition that he would have sex with him. Hercules agreed. Later, the snake demon gave birth to three boys: Agathyrsus, Gelonus and Scythes, and Scythes became the first king of Central Asia.
When Hercules returned to Greece, she stayed at the home of King Bretannus. The king's daughter Celtine was attracted by the handsome and strong Hercules and took the initiative to seduce him. Later, she gave birth to a son Celtus, the ancestor of Celts.
After completing the twelve great feats, Hercules went mad again by accident and killed his friend Iphetos. In order to atone for his sins, Hermes came forward and sold him to the queen of Lydia, Umphale, as a slave for three years. Umphale also gave birth to a son, Lamos, to Hercules.
After atonement, Hercules began his journey of revenge. He called an army to capture Troy first, and then Kos Island Kill the local king Eurypylus (this person is Poseidon And gave birth to a son, Thettalus, with his daughter Chalciope.
Then he captured Olis, killed the king Ochoas, and gave birth to a son Thestalus with his daughter Epicaste.
After defeating Piros and Hippocon, Heracles passed through Tegea. In the temple of Athena, drunken Heracles raped the daughter of King Aleos Priestess Auger. Later, he gave birth to a son, Telephus, who became the king of Misia.
Then Hercules went to Arcadia and knocked down the daughter of the local king Stymphalos, who was also Auger's cousin, Parthenope, and gave birth to a son, Everes.
Heracles, who had been wandering for many years, finally wanted to get married. He went to Kaludon and married the king's daughter De ï aneira. De Agnella gave birth to four sons: Hyllus, Glenus, Ctesippus and Odites.
Then Hercules helped Kaludon's king to capture the city of Euphrates, and gave birth to a son, Teller, with Astyoche, the daughter of King Phylas Polemos (Tlepolemus)。 Terapolemus later became Aquidneck Island The king of.
Hereafter Hercules settled in the city of Trakis. Once when he passed Magnesia, King Amyntor prohibited him from entering the country. Heracles killed the king in anger, and gave birth to a son Ctesippus with the king's daughter Astydameia.
Hercules became Hercules and married Herb. Herb gave birth to two sons, Alexiares and Anicetus. Since Herb is the goddess of youth, the two sons have always kept their looks in their youth and will never grow up.

Becoming a god

After being freed, Hercules abandoned Meghala and went to Ocalia to propose to Iol, daughter of Eurytos. At this time, the owner's cattle were stolen. To prove his innocence, Hercules went out with Eurytos's son to search. Hera drove him mad and killed his companion. In order to atone, he gave Lydia Queen of omphale Served as a slave for three years.
Legend has it that he once participated Argo Ship Hero 's voyage and Kaludon's hunting and attacking TROY Wang Laomedong. When he attacked Piros, Hades He personally helped the local king Neelus and was severely wounded by him.
Later, he married Deianera of Kaludon and took his wife to Trakis Nessus He tried to take his wife away and was shot to death with a poisonous arrow. Before dying, the centaur persuaded Ianegra to collect his poisonous blood so that he could use it to restore her husband's love for her in the future.
When Hercules attacked Ocalia, he captured Iol, who worried about being abandoned, and gave the shirt smeared with poison blood to her husband. After he put on this dress, he was in agony and finally threw himself into flames.
According to Zeus's will, he became the god of Olympus, and Hera reconciled with him Herb Give him as his wife.



The battle of giants

Heracles was deeply grateful for his precious gift from the gods. Soon, he found a chance to repay. original Earth Goddess Gaia For God Ulanos They gave birth to a group of giants. These monsters have ferocious faces, messy long whiskers, long hair, and a scaly dragon tail behind them, which became their feet. Their mother instigated them to oppose Zeus, because Zeus became the new master of the world and gave birth to Gaia's sons, namely Titan We all went to hell Tartaros A few years later, they broke through hell and emerged in the fields of Thessaly. When I saw them, the stars changed color Helios They all turned the direction of the solar car.
The giants used the mountain as a ladder to climb up to the god's place step by step, holding the burning Oak The big stick and huge stones are like a storm Olympus to attack. The gods got an oracle. If no mortal was involved in the battle, the gods would not kill the giant who came to invade. Gaia heard the news and hurried to find a way to ensure that his sons would not be hurt by mortals. This needs a herb. However, Zeus took the lead and refused Morning glow , Moon and sunlight Show light. When Gaia searched for herbs everywhere in the dark, Zeus harvested them. He asked Athena to give the herb to his son Heracles, and asked him to come to the war
At the end of the battle, the gods praised Hercules' achievements. Zeus called the gods who participated in the war only Olympians, which is the title of brave people. Two sons born to Zeus by mortal women, namely Dionysus And Hercules, also won the glorious title.


Before the birth of Heracles and Euthys, Zeus announced at the meeting of gods that Perseus The first grandson of the reign of all the other Perseus' descendants. He wanted to give this honor to a son born to him and Alcmene. However, Hera was very jealous of the glory attributed to the son of her rival in love, so she used a trick to let Eurystus, another grandson of Perseus, be born earlier than Heracles. Therefore, Eurystus became King of McKeny, and Heracles, who was later born, became his subjects.
The king noticed that his young brother was famous, so he summoned him as if he were his subjects, and gave him a lot of difficult tasks. Hercules was unwilling to obey. But Zeus was unwilling to violate his own rules, so he ordered his son to carry out the king's order.
The half divine and half human hero, unwilling to be a servant of mortals, left home and came Delphi , ask for the oracle. The oracle made it clear that Eurystus had cheated the throne due to Hera's tricks, and the gods would correct it, but Heracles must complete the ten tasks assigned by the king. When these tasks are completed, he can be upgraded to God.
Heracles was depressed when he heard the oracle and fell deeply into sorrow. Serving a person who is inferior to him really undermines his dignity and lowers his status. But he dared not disobey his father Zeus.
Hera was still jealous of Heracles, although he had helped the gods in the battle against giants. She took the opportunity to turn Heracles' depression into wild rage. Heracles could not control himself. He even wanted to kill his beloved nephew Ioraos. The nephew was surprised and ran away. Heracles used in the fury arrow He shot the children born to him and Meghala, and imagined that he shot the giant with an arrow.
He was crazy for a long time before he was free. He saw that he had caused a great disaster and fell into deeper sorrow and misfortune. He shut his door and saw no one. As time went by, the pain in his heart eased. He rallied and determined to finish Eurystus The task assigned to him. (12 tasks mentioned later)
After all kinds of hard work and efforts, Hercules eliminated numerous difficulties and obstacles, completed the task assigned by King Eurystus, and finally did not have to be enslaved by him, and returned to Thebes.

Twelve Tasks



The first task the king gave Hercules was: Hercules must peel it off for him Nemea The skin of a giant lion. This huge beast lives in the Argolis area Peloponnese In the great forest between Nemea and Cravona. The lion is extremely fierce. The weapons in the world can't hurt it. Some people say that a lion is a giant Typhon And a female monster half human and half snake Ekadna Some people said that his son fell from the moon to the ground. Heracles set out to kill lions. And finally killed it. He scratched the skin with his sharp claws and finally peeled off the lion's skin. Later, he sewed a piece of armor with this strange lion skin, and also made a new helmet. He packed the lion skin and weapons he had brought, put the lion skin of Nemea on his shoulders, and set out to return to Thallings.


Haidera It's a big poisonous snake with nine heads thick growth of grass The gods come and go, and harm everywhere. What's more frightening is that the biggest one in its head is the one that cannot be killed. If it is cut off, two new heads will be born.
Heracles and his friend Ioraos came to kill it, Hyderabi lion He is much smarter. He holds his head high and waits for Heracles to attack. Hercules went forward and cut off the biggest snake head. To his surprise, two new heads immediately appeared on the snake's neck. Ten of them swayed and made people feel creepy. While Hercules was thinking hard about countermeasures, a big crab, who was in collusion with Haidra, crept over quietly and firmly bit Hercules' feet with two big pincers. Hercules turned back and hit the Cancer to pieces with a big tree.
When he killed the cancer, he shouted to his fellow Ioraos to help him. Ioraos stuck to the torch, lit the nearby forest, and then used the burning branches burn The newly grown snake head will not grow up. At this time, Hercules took the opportunity to cut off the immortal head of Haidera and buried it beside the road, with a heavy stone on it. Then he added Snake body Split it into two pieces and soak the arrow in the poisonous Snake blood Li. Since then, the enemy who was hit by his arrow has no medicine to cure.

Red doe

The third task is to capture the doe on the Kervnia Mountain alive. This is a beautiful animal, golden horn and copper hoof, living freely on the hillside of Agadia, this is a goddess Artemis Five heads caught during the first hunting Doe One is that she was put back into the woods because Goddess of Destiny It was stipulated that one day Heracles would be exhausted from pursuing her. Hercules pursued her for a whole year until arctic The place where the Pure Land people live and the birthplace of the Iste River. It is said that the sun here comes out only once a year. Heracles finally caught up with the doe on the bank of Latong River near the city of Annoe, near Mount Artemis.
In order to force her to stop, he had to shoot an arrow and hit her in the leg. Then catch the injured doe who can't run, carry it on his shoulder and walk back. On the way, he met the goddess Artemis and her brother Apollo She asked him why he had hurt the doe she had released and even wanted to take her prey. Heracles explained: "The great goddess, I'm not playing around. I'm also forced to do nothing. Otherwise, how can I complete the task entrusted to me by Euthydemus?"

wild boar

Capture the wild boar of Erymentos alive, take it back to McKenny intact, and give it to King Eurystus. This wild boar is a sacred object sacrificed to Artemis, the goddess, but it spoils crops in the area of Erdmantos and does great harm.
Heracles came to the home of Foros, the son of Silenus, on his way to Erramantos. Foros, who was half man and half horse, was from Kentorus. He enthusiastically brought out a pot barbecue Serve guests and eat raw food yourself. Hercules hopes to accompany the food with good wine. Foros smiles after hearing this: "Dear guest, there is a bucket of wine in my basement. It belongs to all of our Kendalos. I dare not open it, because I know that our half man and half horse Kendalos are not generous." "Open it," Hercules said, "I promise you to protect you from their attacks. I'm really thirsty! "
It turns out that this barrel of wine is Bacchus I personally gave it to a centaur, the Kentaurus, and told him not to open it in advance until the arrival of Hercules after the fourth generation of centaurs. So, Forrest goes to the basement. He just put Wine cask When they opened it, the horsemen smelled a bouquet of wine and swarmed in, holding stones or sticks to encircle Forrest's basement. Hercules took the firestick and beat back the first batch of Kentorus, and then shot arrows to chase the rest until peloponnesian peninsula The Mahle River in the southeast corner is an old friend of Hercules chiron Place of residence. The people of Kentorus have defected to Charon. Hercules shot an arrow at them. The arrow brushed the arm of a Kentorus man and hit Charon's knee. Then he found that he had hit his childhood friend. He pulled an arrow from his friend's knee, and then made it himself with a skilled doctor, Charon ointment Apply to the wound. But because the arrow had soaked the blood of Hydra, the wound was incurable. Charon told his brothers to carry him back to the cave, hoping to die in the arms of his friends. Unfortunately, this wish is also vain, because he forgets that he is immortal, and his pain will be endured forever. Heracles said goodbye to Charon with tears in his eyes, and promised that no matter what the cost, he would ask Death to satisfy his old friend's wish and let him get rid of his pain. We know that he has fulfilled his promise.
Hercules returned to Foros and saw that his friend was dead. It turned out that he was pulled out of the body of a Kentorus victim An arrow I can't help marveling at the power of this short arrow, which can kill a life. He threw the arrow to the ground, but it cut his foot and killed him immediately. Hercules was very sad and buried his friend at the foot of a mountain, which has since been called Mount Fuluo.
Hercules went on his way to look for wild boars. He roared loudly, drove the wild boar out of the jungle, and then chased it behind him, until he drove it to the snow, and finally trapped the exhausted wild boar with a loose knot. He followed the order of King Eurystus and captured the wild boar on Mount Errymantos alive, and sent it to McKinny alive.


It seems that a hero would scorn to do what he was sent to do, that is, ask him to Oguas Clean the cowshed. Ogias was the king of Elis, and he kept a large number of cattle. His cattle were all shut up in the cowshed in front of the palace according to the ancient custom. There were more than 3000 cattle in it. It's been full for years cow dung Hercules did not know how to do so that he could clean up the cow dung in a short day.
Heracles came to King Orgasus and was willing to clean the cowshed for him, but he did not say that this was the task entrusted to him by Eurystus. Oguas looked at the huge man in front of him, who was dressed in lion skin. He could not help laughing when he thought that such a noble warrior was willing to do the work of a servant. But he thought, selfish desires are tempting. Maybe this warrior is greedy for huge profits. Let me give him a big reward. If he can clean the cowshed in one day, I will give him a big reward. But how can so much cow dung be cleaned in one day? No one can do this. The king thought of this and said confidently, "Listen, stranger, if you can clean the cowshed in front of the palace in one day, I will give you one tenth of the cattle."
Hercules cleans the cowshed
Heracles accepted this condition. The king thought that he was about to start cleaning, but Heracles called Philous, the son of Orgasus, to testify. Then he dug a ditch on one side of the cowshed, introduced the rivers of the Alphorus and Penaeus rivers, ran through the cowshed, and washed away the huge piles of cow dung inside.
As a result, he completed the task without even getting his hands dirty.
At this time, Ogias heard that Heracles had come to do this under the order of Eurystus, so he wanted to renege on his promise and denied that he had made a promise and would not give Heracles any remuneration. He also said that if Heracles did not obey, they could go to court. When the judge heard the case, Philous, the son of Orgasus, appeared in court to testify, claiming that it was true, and his father promised Hercules a heavy reward. Orgash was so angry that he ordered his son and strangers to leave his kingdom immediately before a verdict was made.
Heracles finished his task and happily returned to the kingdom of Euryseus, but the king announced that the task could not count because Heracles asked for a reward. He sent Hercules to complete the sixth task.

Strange bird

Hercules shoots strange birds
This is a huge bird of prey, with iron wings, iron beaks and iron claws. It is very powerful. They live on the shores of Lake Stinfalos in Arcadia. The feathers they shake off are like flying arrows. Their iron beaks can even peck through bronze shields, where they hurt countless people and animals.
Hercules left for the Steenfalos Lake, and soon came to the lakeside surrounded by dense forests. A group of strange birds flew around in fear in the forest, as if afraid of being eaten by wolves. Hercules watched the birds fly in the air, but could not subdue them. Suddenly, he felt someone patted him gently on the shoulder and looked back. It was Athena , she gave him two sides cymbal , that is Hephaestus Made for her. She taught Hercules how to use cymbals to drive away strange birds. After saying that, she suddenly disappeared. So Hercules climbed up a hill beside the lake and struck cymbals to frighten the strange birds. They could not stand the harsh sound and flew out of the forest in a hurry. Hercules took this opportunity to bend his bow and take an arrow. He fired several arrows. Several strange birds fell to the ground, and the rest flew away. They flew over the sea until they reached Aretia Island and never came back.


Crete King of Minos Promise Poseidon Poseidon The first animal in the sea should be offered to him as a sacrifice, because Minos believes that there is no animal in his territory worthy of being offered to this great god. Poseidon was very moved and made a strong bull emerge from the waves. Minos saw the bull and liked it very much. He was reluctant to sacrifice it to the sea god, so he hid it in his own herd and sacrificed it with another bull instead.
The sea god was very angry. He made the bull from the sea crazy Crete The seventh task Hercules got was to tame the bull on Crete and bring it back to King Eurystus.
Heracles came to Crete and met King Minos. Minos was very happy. He had already beaten his brains for the bull. He wished someone could get rid of this evil for him. The king even helped Hercules catch the crazy bull himself. Hercules has extraordinary strength. He subdued the raging bull to be regular, and then rode on the back of the bull, like sailing in a boat, and returned to Peloponnese from here.
King Eurystus was very satisfied with the work he had done, but he saw the bull and released it. Once the bull broke away from Heracles' control, it went mad again. It runs all over Lagonia And Lagadia, and then through Isthmus , Marathon in Attica, doing evil everywhere, just like on Crete in the past. It was not until a long time later that they were heroes of Greece Theseus Uniforms.

Cannibal horses

Hercules subdues the man eating horse
Diomedes It's the god of war Ares He was also the son of the warlike Pistona people. He raised a group of ferocious wild mares, which must be locked in iron chains manger On. The feed for female horses is not for ordinary horses oats But the unfortunate stranger who entered the castle by mistake. When Hercules came here, the first thing he did was to subdue the guards in charge of the stables, and then throw the ferocious king into the manger. These horses became tame immediately after eating the queen. They faithfully followed Heracles' command and were driven to the sea. Suddenly, he heard behind his back A cacophony of voices It turned out that the Pistona people were fully armed to catch up.
Hera Chris hurries to finish Combat readiness He put horse Leave it in the care of his companion, Apollos. Apollos is the messenger of the gods, Hermes 's son. After Hercules left, the mares became crazy again. When Hercules fought back the Pistona and returned, he found that his companions had been eaten by horses, leaving only bones. Hercules was very sad. He built an Aptera city nearby to commemorate his friends. At last, he subdued the mares and handed them to Eurystus. Euthys sacrificed these horses to Hera the queen. Later these mares gave birth Foal , reproduce for a long time. It is said that the king of Macedonia Alexander The horse they rode was their offspring.
When Hercules finished this, he went with him jason Go to Kolkas with the Argo heroes to capture Golden wool


Heracles followed Jason on his adventure at sea, and then went to Euryseus to accept the ninth mission.
Eurystus had a daughter named Artemetha. Eurythesius ordered Heracles to seize Queen Amazon Hippolyte And give it to Artemetha. The Amazons lived on the banks of the Telmodon River in Bendu, a country of women. They bought and sold men to give birth, left their daughters behind, and raised them. Since ancient times, this nation has been warlike.
Their queen Hippolyte wore a belt that the god of war gave her personally. This is a sign of the Queen's power.
Hercules gathered a group of men who volunteered to take part in the war and took a boat to take risks. After many setbacks, they entered Black Sea , and finally came to Telmodon estuary , and then sailed up the river into Temischira, the port of Amazons. They met the Queen of Amazons here. She saw that Hercules was handsome and tall, and she liked and respected him very much. When she heard that the hero had come from a long distance, she agreed to give Hercules the belt.
But the queen Hera hated Heracles. She disguised herself as an Amazonian woman and spread rumors among the crowd that a stranger wanted to hijack their queen. When the Amazons heard of their anger, they immediately mounted their horses and attacked Heracles, who lived in a tent outside the city. Then, a fierce battle took place; The brave Amazonian women fought with Heracles' entourage, and another group of women who had been through the battle rushed over to face Heracles. The first woman who fought with Hercules, Aila, was called the whirlwind girl because she ran like the wind. But Hercules ran faster than she did. When she was defeated to escape, Hercules overtook her and killed her. The second woman was knocked down as soon as she fought. At this time, a third woman came up, named Pelotor, who won seven individual matches, but was also killed this time. After her came up eight women, three of whom were Artemis The selected warrior in the hunt, javelin A hundred strikes a hundred. But in this battle, they lost their prestige and missed the target. They were all hit by Heracles. Archibald, who vowed never to marry, also fell on the battlefield. In the end, even the leader of the Amazonian women, the brave and skillful Melanipo, was captured alive by Heracles. Amazonian women immediately scattered like birds and beasts and fled in disorder.
Queen Hippolyte offered her belt, which she had promised before the battle. Hercules took down his belt and put it back into Melanie.

Mad cow

Heracles offered the belt of Queen Hippolyte at the foot of King Euthys. Eurystus did not let him rest, and then sent him back Geryon Of cattle. Gerion was a giant who lived on the island of Erizia in the Gulf of Gadera. He had a group of brown and red cattle, and another giant and a two headed hound were in charge of him. He is as tall as a mountain, with three heads and six arms, three bodies and six legs. No one in the world dares to fight him. Heracles knew that it would take careful preparation to complete this arduous task, because Gerion's father was a world-famous rich man, his nickname was "Golden Sword", and he was the king of Italy. Italy was later divided into Spain and Portugal. In addition to Gerobon, he also had three tall and brave sons, each of whom commanded a mighty army. Because of this, King Eurystus gave Hercules such a task. He hoped that Hercules would be killed there when he attacked the country and would never return. But Hercules was not afraid of this task. He formed an army as before, gathered the troops he rescued from the wild animals on Crete, and then took a boat to Libya land. Here he and the giant Antaeus fight.
Antaeus Poseidon and Earth Mother Caia Son born. Anyone passing through Libya must fight with him. However, when fighting, Antaeus can draw strength from the Mother Earth as long as he does not leave the earth. Heracles knocked him down three times, and finally found the secret of his recovery. So he lifted Aethys in the air with his powerful arm, and then crushed him to death. He also eliminated the fierce animals in Libya.
After a long journey in the desert, he finally came to a rich river network Region. Here he built a huge city, called it Hecatompyrus, which means a hundred gates. Finally, he came again Atlantic Here he erected two stone pillars, which are the famous Hercules stone pillars. The sun is scorching here, and the heat is unbearable. Heracles looked up at the sky and threatened to raise his bow and arrow Helios Shoot down. The sun god marveled at his fearlessness, so he lent him a golden bowl. This is the treasure he used for his night trip. Hercules crossed the sea by golden bowl to Italy. His warship was sailing close to him with its canopy open. There? Chrysaol His three sons led three armies, ready to meet the enemy. Hercules rushed ashore bravely. Instead of fighting the army, he knocked their leaders to the ground one by one, killed them, and occupied their land. Then he came to the island of Eritsa, where Gerion and his cattle were. The one on the island Orthrus Found Hercules, barked and rushed up. Heracles waved a stick and killed the dog. When the giant guarding the cattle saw that the dog was killed, he wanted to come up to help, but was also beaten to death. Hercules hurried away with his cattle.
Hercules subdues Mad Bull
However, Chryon caught up behind him and then a fierce battle took place. Hera came to help the giant Chryon. Heracles shot an arrow rudely and hit her in the chest. Hera was shocked and ran away. Besides, although the giant has three bodies, he was hit by a fatal arrow in the abdomen connected by the three bodies and fell to the ground to die.
On the way to victory, Hercules drove his cattle through Italy and Italy. Along the way, he created many heroic achievements. When he arrived at Lechium in southern Italy, a bull escaped and crossed the strait to sicily Hercules immediately drove the rest of the bulls into the water. He grabbed the horn of a cow and swam to Sicily , and made many achievements, and finally successfully passed through Italy, Illyria and Terrace, and finally arrived in Greece.

Golden apple

Long ago, when Zeus married Hera, all the gods gave them gifts. Earth Goddess Gaia It was no exception that a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves was brought from the west coast, and the tree was full of golden apples. nox Four daughters of Hesperides Was assigned to guard the holy garden where the tree was planted. They were also helped to guard Ladon , he is the father of monsters Forcus And the daughter of the earth Cattle A hundred headed dragon, it never sleeps. When it moves, it always makes a deafening noise along the way, because its 100 mouths make a hundred different sounds. According to the order of Eurystus, Heracles must pick the golden apple of Hesperides from the dragon.
Hercules embarked on a long and dangerous journey. He walked aimlessly, depending on luck and opportunity, because he did not know where Hesperides lived. He first came to Thessaly, where the giant Telmerus lived. He has a hard head. He catches up with passing passengers and kills them with his head. But this time his head hit Heracles' head and was smashed. Hercules went on his way and came near the Ehidros River. He met a monster Ares And the son of Perine Kukonos Heracles did not know his details and asked him where Hesperides' Holy Garden was. He did not answer, and challenged Heracles, who killed him on the spot.
At this time, Ares, the god of war, hurried to avenge his dead son. Hercules had to fight. But Zeus did not want to see one of them bleeding, because they were both his sons. He separated them with a bolt of lightning. Heracles went on, crossed Illyria, crossed the Eridanus River, and came to a group of mountain, forest and water nymphs. They are Zeus and themis She lives on both sides of the Eridanus River. Heracles asked them the way. "Go find the old river god Nereus 。” The goddesses replied, "He is a prophet and knows everything. You should attack him while he is sleeping, bind him up, and then he will tell you the truth."
Although the river god has strong skills and can change into various shapes, Heracles subdued the river god according to the advice of the goddess. Heracles didn't release Hesperides until he asked where he could find his golden apples.
Later, he crossed Libya and Egypt The king who ruled there was the sea god Poseidon And Lucie Anassa's son Posiles. After nine consecutive years of drought, Cyprus A prophet of Zeus announced a cruel oracle: only by sacrificing a stranger to Zeus every year can the land become fertile. In order to thank him for the oracle, King Posiles killed him as the first sacrifice. Later, the barbaric king treated Sacrifice So interested that all foreigners coming to Egypt were killed. Heracles was also captured and bound to the altar where Zeus was sacrificed. Heracles broke free from the ropes and killed King Posiles, his sons and priests.
Heracles rescues Prometheus
Hercules continued to move forward, encountering many dangers along the way. He is caucasus mountains Has released the bound Prometheus And follow the liberated Titans In the direction shown, to Atlas A place with blue sky. Near there is Hesperides guarding the holy garden of golden apples. Prometheus advised Heracles not to pick the golden apples in person, but to send Atlas to complete the task.
Heracles was right when he thought about it, so he promised to carry the sky in person during the time when Atlas left. Atlas handed Heracles the burden of the sky, and then walked toward the Holy Garden. He tried to lure the dragon to sleep (he first picked up some colorful stars from the sky, threw them into the air and hit each other, playing beautiful music. The dragon's 100 heads became tired and fell asleep in turn, closing their eyes), and killed it with a knife. He also fooled the guarding fairies and picked three golden apples, Rejoicing to return to Heracles.
"However," he said to Hercules, "my shoulder has tasted enough of carrying the sky, and I feel no burden, so I don't want to carry it any more." After saying that, he threw the golden apples on the grass in front of Hercules' feet, and let him stand there carrying the heavy sky. Hercules came up with a plan to get rid of the heavy burden on his shoulders. "Hey, I want to find one Cushion Put it on your head, "he said to Atlas." Otherwise, this burden will blow my head out. "
Atlas thought it was a reasonable request, so he agreed to carry it for him for a while. He took over the burden. If he wanted to wait for Hercules to take his place, he didn't know how long it would take, because Hercules had already picked up the golden apples from the grass and walked away quickly.
Heracles brought the golden apple to King Eurystus. The king was disappointed that Heracles came back alive this time. He had hoped that he would die while picking the golden apples. In fact, he didn't like the golden apples, so he gave them to Heracles. He consecrated it to Athena's altar. The goddess put these satisfactory result achieved by practicing doctrine Return to the original place, let Hesperides Keep watch.

Three headed dog

Eurystus has never been able to get rid of what he hates competitor On the contrary, it helped him win more honors. Many people are grateful to Hercules because he saved people from many hardships. The crafty king came up with the last adventure task, which was impossible for any heroic power to perform. He was asked to fight with the evil dog of hell and take the keeper of Hades Cerberus Bring it back. The dog has three heads. Its mouth is dripping with saliva, its lower body has a dragon tail, and the hair on its head and back is all coiled snakes.
In order to prepare for this terrible adventure, Heracles came to the city of Elucis in Attica, where the priests were proficient in the secret ways of the yin and yang world. He first washed away the sin of killing the people of Kentorus in this holy place, and then the priest Oyu Morpers taught the secret way. Heracles gained mysterious power and no longer feared the terrible hell. stay peloponnesian peninsula It is said that there is an entrance to hell in the south end of the city of Tenalon. He came here, guided by the dead Hermes Lead, descend to the abyss, come to Hades City of. There are many sad ghosts around the city gate. When they see people with flesh and blood, they immediately flee in fear. only Gorgons monster medusa And the soul of Meleaglios dares to face life. Just as Heracles was wielding his sword to kill Gorman, Hermes grabbed his arm and said to him that the soul of a dead person is an empty shadow and will not be killed by the sword Slashing wound Of. Hermes also talked with the soul of Meleaglios in a friendly way, and promised to send cordial greetings to his sister Daeyanira when he returned to the sun.
Approaching Hades Hercules saw his friend Theseus And Piritous. Piritoos accompanied Theseus to the underworld Persephone Courtship. The two of them were locked on the stone where they sat down to rest by Hades because of this arrogant idea. When they saw their old friend Hercules passing by, they reached out to him for help. They hope to return to the sun through the power of Hercules. Heracles grasped Theseus' hand and freed him from the shackles. When he tried to save Piritous again, he failed because the earth began to shake violently under his feet. Further on, Heracles recognized Askalafus again. He once slandered Persephone for stealing food Hades Of Red pomegranate , so was Persephone's mother Demeter Became owl Demeter was angry with him because his daughter was injured, and put a big stone on Askalafus. Heracles moved the stone for him. In order to make the thirsty ghost drink a mouthful of cow blood, Heracles killed Pulutong Of A cow , but this offended the cattle herders Menotius He challenged Hercules to wrestle with him. Hercules threw his arms around him and broke his ribs. When Persephone came out to beg for mercy, he put down Menotius.
Hades stood at the gate of the dead city and stopped Heracles from entering. Hercules shot an arrow and hit the Hades' shoulder. He was so painful that he jumped and barked like a mortal. After he tasted the pain, Hercules did not refuse to hand over Cerberus, the evil dog of the hell, but only made a condition: no weapons can be used. Heracles agreed. He only wore breastplate and lion skin to catch the vicious dog. stay Styx At the mouth of the river, he saw that Three headed dog
Hercules subdues the keeper's three headed dog
It raised three heads and growled, echoing like thunder. He gripped the three dog heads with his legs and put his arm around the dog's neck to prevent it from escaping. But the dog's tail was totally a living dragon, trying to hit him and bite him. Hercules still tightly clenched the dog's neck and finally subdued the vicious dog. He lifted up the dog, took it away from Hades, and returned to the sun from another exit near Tritzen in Argolis. When Cerberus, the evil dog of hell, saw the sun, he was so afraid that he spat out poison saliva and dropped it on the ground, so the ground grew very poisonous Aconite Heracles tied Cerberus with an iron chain, took it to Tethys, and gave it to Eurystus. Eurystus was so surprised that he could hardly believe his eyes. He finally believed that it was impossible for him to kill the son of Zeus. He only listened to the fate of the arrangement, and ordered Heracles to send the hell dog back to the dungeon, to its owner.

Owned weapons and mounts

The sword from Hermes, the bow and arrow from Apollo, the robe from Athena and the gold breastplate from Vulcan—— Library
When the Minneans attacked Tebai, Athena The weapon given by the goddess—— Library
The lion skin obtained by killing the Cataijon lions that attacked the herds—— Library
The Nemean Lion The furs of Hedera, the arrows soaked in blood, the belt of the Amazon Queen, and the horses of King Diomedes—— Library
The stick made by cutting trees in Nemea is used as a token of the gods—— Library
Helios Helios This is a gold bowl for crossing the sea. Athena gave it to drive away strange birds Gong 。—— Library
Vulcan Mountain copper Shin armor, gold breastplate given by Athena, and the matching shoulder armor and helmet—— Hercules' Shield
The bronze jar with Medusa's hair, presented by Athena, the goddess, can make the enemy retreat without looking forward and waving it three times—— Library
It is made of Vulcan plaster, ivory and gold and silver, and engraved with various gods and legendary shields—— Hercules' Shield
Athena blessed the bronze chariot—— Hercules' Shield
Arion, born of Poseidon and Demeter, is as fast as the sea wind—— Pausanias Greek Annals
Marmiadoysse, a magic sword forged by Vulcan and used in Argo's adventure. In the hands of its descendant King Ryan, it is even more powerful than King Arthur "Steel break" of. It was later taken away by the latter—— Vulgate Cycle, a collection of Arthurian prose legends
Cpom Ca é a, the most ancient sword and the king of all swords, is the legendary sword fighting in Satune Ireland Later, he was recast by Angus as Gerr na gCollan, a cleft body, and presented an Oscar—— Finn's Poems
In the legend of Scythe snaker After coitus, give her an iron bow and Gold band hook Belt. Among the three children, only Skithers, the last son of Skithers, pulled the bow—— Herodotus History

Artistic image

Heracles is MYTHOS The greatest hero in China is the embodiment of strength, courage and wisdom. For a long time, artists around the world have created a large number of works about Hercules, including some classic masterpieces artistic value
Lisipps (Lysippus), also known as Heracles《 Rest Heracles 》(Farnese Herakles), marble Replica , 310 cm high, now collected in Italy Naples The National Gallery, formerly a bronze statue, was created by Lisipps in the fourth century BC.
In the fourth century BC, Greek society was declining due to a long war, and the content of artistic expression was no longer the joy of victory in the heyday Character personality The number of works containing psychological contradictions and meditation pain is increasing, while the ability of realism and artistic expression skills are becoming more sophisticated. This Hercules is more famous in this era Representativeness The works of Hercules show the image of hero Hercules resting after fatigue. In Greek mythology, Hercules is the greatest hero Fighting spirit He overcame many difficulties, completed the twelve difficult and dangerous tasks entrusted to him by the gods, and saved the people who stole fire for mankind Prometheus Heracles was always fighting, and all his achievements were commendable, so the author chose the plot of his rest to express this great hero with originality. The human body in the statue is curved, with the left leg supporting the weight of the body, the left arm leaning on the pillar, and the right arm behind. This varied attitude has formed a more relaxed atmosphere. Although the characters are in a relaxed state, they are still very strong. The seemingly calm body seems to contain great power. The portrayal of the muscles in the statue is very exaggerated, whether it is the size of the muscles or what they show A sense of strength , has reached the saturation state, which makes people feel as if they can burst out powerful energy at any time. The body is not confused due to the exaggeration of muscles, but the front and side turns clearly, forming a solid and powerful overall shape. From the statue, we can also see the human body of Lysipus Aesthetic viewpoint , that is, the length of the head is one eighth of the body, which is the same as the later Sculpture art Has had a profound impact.
Heracles and Antaeus
It was collected in France as a mural Louvre, Paris It depicts Hercules and the giant Antaeus The story of fighting and finally killing them.
Heracles and Archetes
It was collected in Italy as a mural Florence Petit Palace It depicts that Hercules personally Alcotis Returned to her husband.
Heracles and Nezos
As a marble statue, it was collected in Florence, Italy City Hall Square Heracles married Deianera of Kaludon. On the way to Trakis with his wife, centaurs Nessus He tried to take his wife away, so Heracles killed her.
Heracles and Licas
Originally collected in Italy as a marble statue National Museum of Modern Art in Rome Before dying, centaur Manisos persuaded Heracles' wife to get Ianegra to collect his poisonous blood, so as to restore her husband's passionate love for her in the future. When Heracles attacked Ocalia, he captured Iol, who was afraid of being abandoned, and handed over his shirt smeared with poison blood to his husband from his attendant Ricci. After Hercules put on this dress, he was in agony and threw Licus into the sea in a frenzy.
Hercules War Centaur Army
As a mural, it was collected in the Sapiti Palace in Florence, Italy. It depicts the battle between Hercules and the centaur army.
The wedding of Hercules
As a mural, it was collected in the Sapiti Palace in Florence, Italy. It depicts that after Heracles became a god, under the witness of the gods of Olympus Herb The scene of the wedding ceremony.
Hercules and Antaeus
As a bronze statue, it was collected in Castro, Florence, Italy villa Garden. It depicts Hercules and the giant Antaeus The scene of fighting.
Bronze statue of Heracles
This is a bronze statue, located in Romania The southwest city Baile Herculane.
Heracles and Crete 's bull
Hercules and the Bulls of Crete
Originally collected in Germany as a bronze statue Schwerin Castle It depicts the scene of Heracles subduing the bull in Crete.
Relief of Hercules
As a relief, it was collected in the Louvre in Paris, France.
The Triumph of Hercules
This is an oil painting created by Italian painter Giuseppe Cammarano. Hercules and his entourage ride in triumph, with his booty behind them: the giant lion of Nimea, the strange birds on the shores of Lake Stephanos, and the watchdog of the underworld Cerberus
Heracles and omphale
Hercules and Umphale
This is an oil painting created by Gustave Boulanger, a French painter. omphale yes Lydia The queen of. Since Heracles killed Iphetos, he was sentenced to three years of slavery at Onfal. The queen ordered Heracles to put on women's clothes, while she put on his lion skin and held him olive stick. After a period of time, Umphale gave Hercules freedom and married him.
Heracles standing
Originally collected in Italy as a marble statue Modena Historical center.
Hercules raises Antaeus
Heracles lifts Antaeus
As a marble statue, it was collected in the Sapiti Palace in Florence, Italy. The giant Antaeus would gain the strength of his mother Gaia after contacting the earth, so Heracles held it high and strangled him in mid air.
Heracles and Cerberus
As a marble statue, it was collected in the Sapiti Palace in Florence, Italy. After being tamed, the ferocious Cerberus is like a pet of Hercules.
Heracles standing
As a marble statue, it was collected in the Sapiti Palace in Florence, Italy.
Heracles catches the doe
Heracles catches the doe
Originally collected in Germany as a mural Neues Museum
Hercules and Kakus
As a marble statue, Ben is located in the square of Florence City Hall, Italy. It depicts Heracles subduing the devil Kakus.
Misty moon Revolutionary prophecy
The Prophecy of the Fog Moon Revolution
This was collected in France as an oil painting Palais de Versailles It was painted by Napoleon's imperial painter to commemorate the victory of the Fog Moon Revolution. In the center of the picture is the goddess of victory Sphinx Symbolize French Under the protection of the goddess of victory, Heracles in the lower right corner symbolizes the third time Anti French Alliance Was completely defeated by Napoleon's army.
Heracles and Diomedes
Heracles and Diomedes
This was collected in England as an oil painting Nottingham museum. It depicts Heracles killing King Thrace Diomedes Scenario.
Heracles and Prometheus
As a marble statue, it was collected in Vienna, Austria Hofburg Imperial Palace Heracles is looking for Golden apple On his way, he saw Prometheus being imprisoned caucasus mountains On the other hand, he expressed deep sympathy for him, so he smashed the chains and let Prometheus regain his freedom.
Hercules and Hydra
As a marble statue, it was collected in Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. It depicts Hercules and Lernaean Hydra The scene of fighting.
Heracles and Hippolyte
As a marble statue, it was collected in Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. It depicts that Heracles defeated Queen Hippolyte and ordered her to hand over her belt.
Heracles and Cerberus
As a marble statue, it was collected in Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. It depicts Hercules subduing Cerberus, the watchdog of Hell.
Athena crowned Heracles
As a relief, it was collected in the Louvre in Paris, France. After completing the twelve great achievements, Athena put the laurel of glory on Heracles' head.
Olympian gods
As a mural, it was collected in the Palazzo Mina Bolzesi in Cremona, Italy.
 Heracles bottle painting Heracles bottle painting
Heracles bottle painting

Olympic Truce

The Greeks in the city-state era believed that the descendants of Hercules, with their efforts and the help of the one eyed hero Othello, returned to Peloponnese And ruled the region. In return, they gave the Ellis region to Othello and made him the king there. In the 8th century BC, Iphitos, the descendant of Okthylos and king of Ellis, was impressed by the continuous war and plague , send someone to Delphi Go to inquire Oracle The oracle told him that Ellis people should sacrifice to the temple, celebrate festivals and hold religious processions And invited other Greeks to join in to enhance friendship. Iftitos believes that this is to let him resume the creation of Heracles Olympic Games Tradition. So in 776 BC, he rebuilt the Olympic Games With Cleostini, King of Pisa Sparta Lekugu signed a treaty together. According to the treaty, since Olympia is a sacred place and the Olympic Games are sacred festivals During the Olympic Games At the previous and subsequent stages, a truce and a suspension of hostilities should be ensured, so that athletes, artists and spectators participating in the Olympic Games can travel safely to participate in and watch the games. At the same time, Ellis city-state declared neutrality to all other city-state so that people could pass and participate in the Olympic Games. Every four years, when the summer farming season ends, the herald of Ellis will announce to people all over Greece that the Olympic Games will be held in the second full moon (now July or August) after the summer solstice. Generally, Olympic Truce It starts from the first full moon after the summer solstice and lasts for about three months until one to two months after the end of the Olympic Games. [2]