
The Third Generation Queen in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Hera( Greek :Ἥρα; English : Hera), yes Ancient Greek mythology The third generation of the queen of marriage and fertility Twelve main gods of Olympus one of. The second generation god king and queen Cronus and Ruiya 's daughter, and Zeus The power sharing co ruler, Zeus's sister and seventh wife. She and Zeus shared Hephaestus Ares Herb and Eltya Roman myth The corresponding in is days after Juno
Her name is Ancient Greek In Chinese, it means "lady", "hostess" and "noble woman". ancient Greek poet Hesiod 's works《 Divine Scripture 》In Chinese, Hera is called "gold shot Hera with golden shoes"; stay Homer Epic She is called "white arm goddess Hera", "golden seated goddess Hera" and "ox eyed Queen of Heaven". She describes that the queen sitting on the golden throne is extremely beautiful, with bright eyes and big eyes that can see everything, and her arms are as white as lilies, A beautiful curly hair poured out from under the crown, showing a dignified and serene look.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ἥ ρα (Greek), Hera (English)
Days later Queen of God After the gods
Mythological system
Marriage, childbirth, protection of women
Pomegranate, peacock, crow, cuckoo, crown, cow, lily
Cronus Ruiya
brothers and sisters
Hestia Demeter Hades Poseidon Zeus
Roman counterpart
Twelve main gods of Olympus

Myth and legend



When Hera was born, her father Cronus Swallow. Later, Cronus hit Metis and Zeus With a clever plan, I spit it out again. On and Titan In the battle of the gods, Ruiya Send Hera to Okeanos (Oceanus) and Tethys (Tethys) upbringing; In addition, Hera Acadia Temenos or Oboyan Goddess of Season Dependent. He also said that Hera was not swallowed by her father Cronus after she was born and took care of her younger brother on behalf of her mother Ruia Zeus To protect him from his father, but this statement is rare.
Hera is the female incarnation of the force of nature. Because Zeus promised to share his power and honor with Hera when he proposed to her, Hera can enjoy the power of a husband. When Hera goes out, there are thunder and lightning, and it can also gather and disperse clouds and call the wind and rain. Her fixed mark is wand and crown She often appears in battle clothes, wearing a crown with flowers and leaves as a symbol of royalty and a veil as a symbol of married women. The maid who accompanies her is the Rainbow Goddess Iris , Three Goddesses of Timing Horae And Karis, the goddess of beauty and sociality Paxitea
The gods respected her very much, and Zeus also respected her, and often discussed things with her. But they often have fierce quarrels. Hera often contradicts Zeus and argues with him at the meeting of the gods. In the end, Hera often kept silent because of love.

Zeus proposes

about Zeus There are many legends about courting Hera. The most famous saying is that after Zeus became the ruler of the gods, Hera lived in seclusion in the Rhododendron Mountain. Although Zeus was amorous, he was obsessed with his sister Hera. Once, it rained cats and dogs. At this time, Zeus became a poor bird and went into Hera's arms, making Hera show infinite love. When the rain stopped and the sun rose, Zeus showed his true shape and promised to marry her. Later, they finally joined together, and Hera gave birth to the god of war for Zeus Ares , Goddess of Birth Eltya , Goddess of Youth Herb And the god of fire Hephaestus After living together with Hera, Zeus kept the secret for 300 years, and finally officially announced and recognized Hera as Zeus' A proper wife He Tiantian held a grand and luxurious holy wedding ceremony, and the gods of heaven and earth were present to celebrate her, Mother of the Earth Gaia Then a Golden apple The tree was sent to Hera as a gift. Hera planted the golden apple tree in the Hesperides Holy Garden in the far west, and sent a hundred dragons Ladon and Hesperides The sisters look after the golden apple tree together. Among the numerous wives and lovers of Zeus, only Hera could enjoy such honor.

Husband's infidelity

After Zeus and Hera got married, Zeus often left without his wife Hera Olympus , go down to earth and Shuize Fairy They met privately. When Hera found out that she had been abandoned by her husband, she became furious and decided to leave Olympus Mountain and never return. After hearing the news, Zeus thought about how to restore his relationship with Hera, so Zeus thought of a way. He sent a message that he would marry a bright eyed fairy again as the queen. But in fact, the bride Zeus said was a puppet. After Zeus dressed the puppet in beautiful clothes, he let it sit in a colorful cart pulled by several bulls and walk through the streets. When Hera learned that her husband was going to marry a new bride to replace her, she was very angry at her husband's shameless act of disloyalty. She came to the colorful cart pulled by Niu and fought against Zeus' bride, and tore her opponent's gorgeous clothes into pieces. When she tore off the bride's veil, Hera was shocked and found that the bride was just a puppet. Later, Hera laughed and forgave Zeus, and returned to Olympus with a smile.
Hera attaches great importance to her marriage Monogamy She will never allow her husband to cheat on her. However, Hera is very loyal. She has never cheated. on one occasion, Ixion Unable to extricate herself from falling in love with Hera, she said some dirty sweet words to her in private. Hera was not only unmoved, but also told Zeus all about it. Later, Zeus changed the dark cloud into Hera's illusion to test whether Hera's statement was true. As expected, Ixion saw the fake Hera and tried to be rude to her. Angry Zeus immediately sent Ixion to the underworld to accept cruel punishment.

Persecute a rival in love

Hera was originally a gentle and obedient girl, but later she became suspicious and jealous, which originated from her romantic husband Zeus He often cheated on his wife by abusing love and philandering with mortal or demigod women. So Hera was very dissatisfied with Zeus's derailment. In order to make her husband see only her, Hera also intended to love God Aphrodite The golden waist, borrowed to increase its charm, attracted Zeus. Hera hates everyone who has Intimacy And use her power and position to punish those women and their bastard For example, Zeus sent his lover to hide from Hera Iran Russia She became a cow and was discovered by her and persecuted. Hera orders the hundred eyed giant Argos He is responsible for guarding her, not only can't let her escape, but also can't let Zeus find her. Later, Zeus sent Hermes He killed Argos and released Iraq and Russia. In order to praise Argos' loyalty, Hera did not waste any time to decorate Argos' eyes on the feathers of her sacred bird, the peacock. Later, Hera sent gadfly To bite Io and force her to flee Greece
Hera has become an old woman, encouraging thebes princess semele He asked Zeus to see his real body to verify his love for her. But because the mortal looked at Zeus and died, as soon as Zeus showed his original shape, Semele was immediately burned to death by lightning. Then Zeus took the posthumous son from Semele's belly Dionysus And sewed the child on his thigh until the child grew strong and was born from Zeus' thigh. Later, Hera instigated the messenger Hermes Propose to Zeus that Semele's sister Ino will be responsible for raising the child; In order to protect the safety of the child, kind-hearted Ino kept away from Hera and raised the child, but everything failed to escape Hera's grasp. Hera used magic to drive Ino crazy and let her kill the child she had carefully raised, and then she jumped off the cliff to kill herself.
Hera doesn't allow it yet Apollo and Artemis Mother of the Dark Goddess Leto She gave birth on the earth and ordered the earth gods not to help Leto, but also sent her maid Rainbow Goddess Iris And God of War Ares Patrol the earth and monitor everything. Leto is the sixth wife of Zeus. As Zeus officially announced Hera as his wife, Leto was about to give birth to Zeus. Leto's rapid decline in status meant that waiting for her would be Hera's cruel revenge on her. The persecution of Hera made Leto hide on the earth painfully and have no place to settle down. Not only that, Hera also sent the Mother of the Earth Gaia Born Python Pitong I went to hunt Leto down. The arrival of Pitong undoubtedly made Leto worse. stay Zeus Please, Poseidon An island rose on the sea and beat Pitong back with the waves. Because Hera had vowed that Leto would never be allowed to produce on the sunny land, Poseidon's waves turned into mist and shrouded the island, blocking the sun, so Leto could produce on the island. The pain of childbirth lasted for nine days and nine nights. Hera ordered the goddess of childbirth Eltya No midwifery for Leto was allowed. All the goddesses wanted to help Leto, but there was nothing they could do. Finally, they sent Iris to beg Hera and gave Hera a string of gold and amber necklaces, which calmed Hera and asked Eltya to help Leto give birth. therefore Apollo and Artemis It is in the newborn island - Ross Island Was born on the island (there is also a myth that the island was built by Leto's sister Asteria Localization). Therefore, Hera is often said to be "jealous" Hera, and Zeus has no choice.
Her jealousy and quarrels often bring great disasters to the gods and human beings. For example, Zeus wanted to Guigantes Winning in the war and raising illegitimate children Heracles For this reason, Hera was so jealous that she repeatedly killed Heracles. When Zeus's lover Alkmene When Heracles was born, Hera was so angry at the news that she ordered the birth goddess Eltya to prevent the birth of the child, but failed. Because Alkmene was afraid of being persecuted by Hera, he put the child in the basket and put straw on it and abandoned it in the field. If Hera found that the child would not live. So a chance, Hera and the goddess of wisdom Athena Passing by here, she found the child. Athena saw that the child was pitiful and lovely, and persuaded Hera to nurse the child. The child bit Hera's papilla She greedily sucked the milk. Hera was so angry that she threw the child to the ground, but the miracle was that the child was not hurt a little because he fell to the ground. Athena pitifully picked up the child from the ground and took him back to the Greek royal city, and gave him to the queen Alkmeneide to raise. But what surprised Alkmeneide was that the child was the child she had abandoned, for which she was ecstatic. Because the child absorbed Hera's milk and left the womb, Hera finally realized the origin of the child. She regretted that she had not found and killed him at the beginning, so she sent two poisonous snakes into the palace to kill the child. Unexpectedly, the child showed the power of God and squeezed the two poisonous snakes to death in the cradle. It was not until Hercules grew up that he could not escape the bad luck. Finally, he was driven crazy by Hercules, so that Hercules killed his wife and children unconsciously. After Hercules died, he ascended to the heaven. Hera voluntarily reconciled with him and gave his daughter, the Youth Goddess Herb Betrothed to him.
Libya Queen of China lamia He had outstanding beauty and later became Zeus's mistress. In a fit of anger, the jealous Hera killed all the children born to Lamia, and cursed the sad Lamia, turning her into a monster half human and half snake, and deprived her of the ability to sleep.
Callisto She was also a fairy who gave birth to a child after Zeus forced her to insult her. Later, Hera, who was burning with anger, found out and imposed all the sins on the innocent girl. So Hera changed Callisto into a big black bear and ordered the unsuspecting Artemis Go hunt her. Then Zeus took Callisto to the sky and made her Ursa Major Hera was furious when she saw that her lover was so honored, so she immediately went to the elders to judge. These two elders were the Sea Goddess who raised Hera Tethys And Ocean River God Okeanos Hera wailed out her grievances and asked them to show Callisto a bit of strength and not allow Callisto to enter the sea. The old sea god naturally agreed to Hera's request, so that the constellation Ursa Major could only circle around in the sky and never fall into the sea like other stars.

Conspire against

Hera, irritated by her husband's infidelity Poseidon Athena Apollo Conspire to overthrow the rule of Zeus. When Zeus was sleeping, they rushed forward and bound him with a rope made of raw cow hide, so that he could not move. Zeus threatened to put them to death at once, but they had already put Zeus's thunder and lightning out of his reach, so they laughed mockingly at Zeus's threat. When they were celebrating and encouraging for victory, they thought about who should inherit the throne of Zeus, which led them to suspect and envy each other and argue about the candidates for the throne. They were neck and neck and quarreled so much that they began to fight. Later, because of the sea goddess Tethys Their plot ended in failure. Because Hera led the rebellion, Zeus bound her wrist with a gold bracelet and hung her in the air. The other gods looked in the eyes and were very angry, but no one dared to save Hera, even though she had already cried bitterly. Later, Zeus released Hera in order to appease the anger of the gods, and announced that Hera would become his legitimate wife, and made the gods swear never to rebel against him again.

Other reprisals

Hera is a goddess who is good at magic. There is a country called Aegina, which happens to be in harmony with Zeus's lover river goddess Aegina The same name aroused Hera's anger, so she used her magic to cast a terrible curse on the country, bringing a variety of natural disaster And suffocating plague The whole country is filled with death, like hell on earth. Only in this way can her anger be smoothed out.
Anamorphosis 》Recorded in, Antigone She is a beautiful and moving mortal woman. She has beautiful golden curly hair, which is praised by everyone. So she wanted to compare herself with Hera, the queen of heaven. She could not escape Hera's punishment for such an act of bullying the king. Hera used her magic to turn Antigone's hair into poisonous snakes circling overhead, gnawing her scalp, making people shiver. Hera's cruel punishment Lian Tianfu Zeus Can't look at it anymore, so Antigone was changed into one by Zeus Red-crowned crane Orion His first wife, Side, also boasted that her beauty was comparable to Hera's, and Hera ended up in the abyss of hell Tartaros
When Alkmene Be about to give birth Heracles Hera tried her best to stop and postpone the birth of Heracles, and ordered her daughter to give birth to the goddess Eltya No midwifery is allowed for Alkmene. So Hera came to the mortal world to perform magic, and raised her hands high. As long as her hands did not move, Heracles could not be born. Suddenly, Alcmene's maid Galantis broke into the door and reported to Hera that Alcmene had given birth. Hera was very surprised. She slapped her hand angrily, and Heracles was born successfully. Hera knew that she had been cheated. In order to punish Galantis, Hera turned her into a lizard (Some also say that it becomes Weasel )。
One day, Hera found that her husband Zeus was missing, and she could not find him anywhere. Hera thought that Zeus must have gone with someone Nymph The fairy went to a private meeting. So Hera went down to find Zeus, a man named Erco When Hera's fairy caught the traitor on the spot, she used her long words to restrain Hera, so that Zeus and the fairy took the opportunity to escape. Hera found that she was deceived, so she punished Eko for losing her ability to speak. When she met someone she liked, she could speak, but she could only answer, so that she could never express what she wanted to say.
Once there was a dispute between Hera and Zeus. Zeus insisted that women get more pleasure than men in sex. Hera thought the opposite and said that this was the reason why Zeus liked to cheat. Finally, they went to ask Teresias Because he has been a man and a woman, and has been married in the seven years since he became a woman, he can talk about his views from his own experience. Teresias said that if the pleasure was divided into ten parts, women would have nine, and men could only get one of them. Hera was furious and turned him into a blind man.
In the myth of heroes, Ilkos king Pelias It is Hera's sworn enemy. Hera hated Pelias because he never sacrificed to Hera or paid her due respect. Although Sidro, Tyrone's cruel stepmother, fled to Hera's temple to beg for her protection, Pelias rushed into the temple and killed Sidro against morality. Therefore, Hera wants to take cruel revenge on these insulting actions, but her revenge plan has a direct impact on her jason and Medea The fate of.
Hera will send demons to assassinate her revenge target, Sea King, in most revenge actions Poseidon Son of Orion Claim to be Olympus The first hero, no one is more capable than him, so Hera remembered her daughter who only poured wine for the gods Herb And the son of a blacksmith Hephaestus , so he was very angry and decided to teach Orion a lesson. Hera and her husband Zeus Negotiate and send one privately Scorpion Zi went to assassinate Orion. In the end, the scorpion did not disappoint Hera. As a reward, Hera promoted the scorpion to the heaven and became scorpio One of Hercules' twelve missions is to kill the vicious Hydra Haidera As Hera raised it, Hera summoned a huge crab to help Haidra kill Heracles, but eventually the crab failed and Haidra was beheaded by Heracles. Irritated Hera felt sorry for the crabs' desperate sacrifice. In order to appreciate the crabs' loyalty, Hera placed them in the sky and became the modern Cancer

Troy War

Hera with weapons
At the same time, Hera's character has a very prominent element of pride and willfulness. stay Golden Apple Event Middle, Prince of Troy Paris Because selected Aphrodite Hera hated her for the most beautiful goddess, which indirectly led to Troy War In the Trojan War, Hera and Athena The Alliance stands on the side of the Greeks and helps the heroes of the Greek army to resist the Trojans. Unexpectedly, Hera showed extraordinary fighting power in the battle. Aphrodite's lover, Hera's youngest son and God of War Ares Standing at Trojans On the other hand, Hera joined hands with Athena to defeat him, leaving no way to cry. In order to prevent Troy's army from winning, Hera repeatedly disobeyed Zeus The arrangement and the will of the gods, even at the risk of provoking a struggle between the gods. In the battle between gods, Hera and those who supported Troy's army halfway Artemis Hera clenched Artemis' wrists with her left hand, slapped her with her right hand, and finally drove her out of the battlefield. Artemis cried his grievances in front of his father Zeus.
Because Hera's son Hephaestus It was once Tethys He saved and raised them, so Hera always tried to protect Tethys's son on the battlefield Achilles And helped him build many achievements.
Homer Epic《 Iliad 》Hera, in order to rescue the Greek army in a state of inferiority, cheated God of Love Aphrodite He borrowed a gold belt that can tempt people and gods. Hera brought endless charm to himself by the magic power of the gold belt. Therefore, Zeus was attracted by Hera's beauty and did not help the Trojans. Then Hera summoned the god of sleep Shepnos Hypnotize Zeus, so the Trojans were defeated. When Zeus woke up, he found everything, so he was very angry and decided to punish Hera severely. However, Hera with the gold belt was still charming. Zeus also blamed Hera symbolically. It did not say that he would punish Hypnos, because Zeus could not afford to offend his mother, the powerful night goddess—— Nyx After the success of the event, Hera fulfilled his promise to Sepnos and became the chief general Goddess of beauty The most beautiful and youngest Paxitea (Pasithea) He was betrothed to be his wife.
After the ten year long Trojan War, Hera was elated by the victory of the Greeks. In order to wipe out the survivors of the Trojan nation, she summoned The Three Goddesses of Vengeance Erinius Alecito, one of the Latium In the region, bloody wars were provoked among Trojans, Latinos and Rotullers.

Folk worship

The earliest area where Hera was worshipped was Peloponnese , on Mycenae Argos Sparta , Kerentos Samoa , Pratya Olympia And many other cities have temples dedicated to Hera. In Argos, a sacrifice to Hera is held every five years. stay Crete Of Knossos Celebrate Hera and Zeus "Sacred Marriage" celebration. stay Roman myth Middle, Hera corresponding Juno , also in charge of the harvest of agriculture, the prosperity of the cause and the victory of the war with her husband.
Hera's Holy Land was not very popular at first. Its birthplace was Argos, so people called her Argos Goddess in particular. Homer Mycenae, Argos and Sparta are regarded as Hera's favorite cities. With what she represents morality of marriage With the gradual formation of meaning, her Holy Land also began to become popular. In Boethia, Evia and Samoa All have her ancient holy land. The most important Holy Land of Hera was established between Argos and Mycenae in 423 BC. Before that, the Holy Land was destroyed by a fire. In this holy place, there are the most exquisite and precious Standing statue It was carved with gold and ivory by the sculptor Pollichlet of Cicion.
Homer Epic Central Hera is known as "the queen of heaven with cow eyes". She is usually sacrificed with cows. In Argos, Hera was initially worshipped as a cow. Hera once existed in the form of a cow or a human cow Fetish The developed totem god. In the myth and legend, she entered the hero myth system and occupied a solid position. She is the hero and the protector of the city. The myth that she helped Argo heroes is the most famous.
Hera symbolizes ancient Greek In a year plant growth The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn; Heradic wand Perched on the cuckoo , with the other hand holding the symbol of autumn maturity pomegranate , representing the whole year. Therefore, they are in charge of the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn Horae It's Hera's maid. Hera, as the Queen of Heaven (Queen of Heaven), also presents a typical trinity( Three phase Goddess )The three images are composed of the Goddess of Youth pouring wine Herb Hera, mother and wife, and the underworld Hecat Composition, they respectively symbolize new moon , the full moon, and the old moon, and with the change of the moon phase, the girls (spring), mothers (summer), and old woman The posture of autumn is the three stages of a woman's life. ancient Greek city-state Of Acadia (Arkadia) also worships Hera as a girl, a mother and a widow, and has three temples dedicated to these three forms. As an unmarried girl, Hera is called Pais; as a mother and wife, Hera is called Teleia; as a departure Zeus Hera is known as the widow of Hera (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Hera will perform a baptism ceremony at the beginning of each spring to update her Chastity To maintain the eternal marital relationship between her and Zeus, she will enter Navprion Bathing in the spring of Kanathos, you can completely wash and purify your past anxiety, fatigue and aging, so that you can return to the pure image of youth and beauty when you were a virgin, which is no less than Aphrodite The heaven bound beauty; At this time, Zeus only loved Hera, so he no longer considered philandering. The Holy Spring of Canassos is a real place, where the local people will hold this ceremony to restore Hera's chastity in the spring every year, and soak the statue of Hera in the spring water. Aphrodite and Hera also have their own holy spring to restore their chastity, while Aphrodite is in the Paphos Bathing in the sea water.