Kuiqiu Alliance

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes met in Kuiqiu, that is, the "meeting by car"
zero Useful+1
Kuiqiu's meeting took place in the Spring and Autumn period Vassals Great powers contend for hegemony, and annexation wars are still frequent. A meeting of soldiers and chariots III, Ride Meeting VI. In 651 BC, Duke Huan of Qi stay Sunflower mound (I say Shandong province Heze city Dongming County Luquan Town Wuhegang Village [19] 17 kilometers east of Minquan County, Henan, On Henan Province Lankao County [18] ), call Lu Song Dynasty Wei Zheng, Xu Cao And other countries meet to form an alliance, stipulating that the allies should make up; Do not block the water source; Can't hinder grain circulation; The legitimate son cannot be changed; Scholars must not be denied hereditary official positions; We should respect talents and cultivate talents. This conference, King Xiang of Zhou Representatives were also sent to attend, and the royal family was given meat to sacrifice ancestors to Duke Huan of Qi. This was called by Duke Huan of Qi many times Alliance of princes It was the most grand event in the Chinese history, indicating that the emperor of Zhou recognized the hegemonic position of Duke Huan of Qi, marking the Hegemony Reached its peak. So far, Duke Huan of Qi Become the first hegemon in the Central Plains. The historians called this alliance Kuiqiu Alliance. [1]
peace Therapeutic method Alliance: The purpose of Kuiqiu Alliance is to It is different from the usual alliance of war, so it has been talked about by later generations. After Kuiqiu met, Big agribusiness The peaceful rule of law replaced the military confrontation, and the people of the vassals in the Central Plains lived and worked in peace and contentment. The economy and culture developed rapidly and once became a peaceful and prosperous age. [3]
Agribusiness Therapeutic method Zhimeng: Kuiqiu League It is the "benefit" of agricultural water management, the "benefit" of agricultural and commercial law management, and the "unchecked purchase" is the alliance of cultural inheritance of agricultural and commercial law. The sixth meeting by bus refers to the two meetings held in June 680 and 679 years ago, the two meetings held in Youyou in 678 years ago, the first meeting in 655 years ago, the meeting held in Tao in 652 years ago, and the meeting held in Kuiqiu in 651 years ago [4]
Chinese name
Kuiqiu Alliance
Foreign name
Epidemic area
Various states
Set location
Sunflower mound (I say Shandong province Heze city Dongming County Luquan Town Wuhegang Village [19] First, Linqi Township, Minquan County, Henan Province)
to establish an institution
Ancient times“ the United Nations ”Take Qi Hou as the leader of the alliance, Beneficial "No crooked prevention, no curbs to buy" water Financial culture [1] [11]
Participating countries
Qi, Song, Lu, Zheng, Xu, Chen, Cao, etc
The law of alliance and benefit governance
Big agribusiness Industrial water control legislation , Mengyi Therapeutic method [1] (There is no crooked defense, no curbed purchase)

The law of alliance and benefit

In the 17th century, European powers fought frequently for maritime hegemony. Both Britain and France tried to construct a self centered world maritime trade pattern, which affected the development of modern international maritime trade system and maritime legal system [20] Why is Kuiqiu League the earliest regulation to solve water disputes [21]
In the middle of the seventh century BC, Duke Huan of Qi All the guilds were called together, and Emperor Zhou sent people to attend. Duke Huan of Qi became the first hegemon in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Duke Huan of Qi stay Guan Zhong With the help of“ Jiuhe princes unite the whole empire under one government ”, i.e“ A meeting of soldiers and chariots III, Ride Meeting Six ", also assist the royal family once. Redords of the Grand History of China 》The explanation of is: A meeting of soldiers and chariots 3、 It refers to the Northern Apricot Meeting in 681 BC to pacify the Song Dynasty, the invasion of Cai and the attack of Chu in 656 BC, and the attack of Zhengwei New Town in 654 BC; The sixth meeting by bus refers to the two meetings held in June, 680 and 679 years ago, in Youyou, 678 years ago, 655 years ago, Tao, 652 years ago, and Kuiqiu, 651 years ago. [4]
A meeting of soldiers and chariots ”Yes military Of nature, Ride Meeting yes International Relations Of the nature, these are all derived from Guan Zhong Initiatives. The role played by these alliances is to pacify other countries' domestic chaos, to fight off foreign aggression, to seek stability, and to develop international Friendly. [4]
Kuiqiu League Is a peace Therapeutic method Zhimeng, covenant Its main purpose is to repair the peace, let people of all countries rest and develop their economies, which is different from the usual alliance of war, so it has been talked about by later generations. [3]
The alliance originated from the pledge of primitive religion [12] After Kuiqiu's alliance, the peaceful rule of law by big farmers and merchants replaced military confrontation, and the people of the vassals in the Central Plains lived and worked in peace and contentment. The economy and culture developed rapidly, once becoming a peaceful and prosperous era. [3]

Event history

Zhou Huiwang Want to abolish the crown prince Zheng and stand up for himself Aifei Born son Prince belt For the crown prince. Duke Huan of Qi In order to preserve the position of the prince, the princes of the United Nations in May 655 B.C First stop At the meeting, Prince Zheng met with the princes at the beginning and the end, and stayed with them for several months.
King Hui of Zhou felt that Zheng, the crown prince, would not listen to orders, but could not fight with Duke Huan of Qi, so he secretly sent someone to advise him zheng Don't join the alliance. Zheng Guo listened Zhou Huiwang After leaving the first place, the remaining seven princes jointly concluded a covenant to assist the crown prince. Later, Qi State They attacked the State of Zheng again, and the State of Zheng also joined the Covenant.
Soon, King Hui of Zhou died, and the crown prince Zheng ascended the throne as King Xiang of Zhou King Xiang of Zhou was very grateful to Duke Huan of Qi and sent people to send him sacrificial meat, precious bows and arrows, and cars. Duke Huan of Qi took this opportunity to Sunflower mound (I say Shandong province Heze city Dongming County Luquan Town Wuhegang Village [19] First, in Lankao and Minquan of Henan Province, he met with the princes and entertained the envoys of the King of Zhou. [2]
According to historical records, Five Hegemons , with Duke Huan of Qi Peak; Duke Huan of Qi joined the nine princes, and Kuiqiu was the most popular. At the meeting of Kuiqiu, Duke Huan of Qi read out the covenant to be observed jointly on behalf of the vassals and countries. Its main content is that it is not allowed to lead water disasters to other countries; Do not refuse to sell grain because of famine in other countries; It is not allowed to change the crown prince; It is not allowed to substitute a concubine for a wife; Women are not allowed to participate in state affairs. Some of these are the requirements of economic cooperation among countries, and some are the needs of maintaining the patriarchal order. According to the treaty, "All those who have allied with us will make up their minds after they have allied with each other." Through the grand meeting of Kuiqiu, Duke Huan of Qi became the first hegemon in the Central Plains.
Now? Minquan County And Shandong province Heze city Caoxian The junction is located in Laoyanjidong, Minquan County, Shandong Province Shaozhuang Town, Caoxian County There is a stone tablet in the south of the administrative village of Hu's hometown, one mile away from the village. The Kuiqiu Alliance has been revitalized. The eight characters are traditional and have been placed in the arable land of the administrative village of Hu's hometown since the early 1990s. I haven't seen it recently Kuiqiu Alliance Platform There is some truth in civil rights and Lankao, but today's Caoxian It should be correct in the territory of Minquan County, because the land where the stone tablets are stored once belonged to Minquan County and Lankao County Predecessor of Kaocheng County In 1956, this place was designated as Shandong Province Caoxian
Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons Kuiqiu Alliance Platform

Peaceful rank method

Confucius After investigating Kuiqiu's Alliance Platform, he commented: "Duke Huan joined the nine princes with no chariots. Guan Zhong's power was just like his benevolence.". It means, Guan Zhong Assist Duke Huan of Qi Through the alliance of Kuiqiu, people can dominate the feudal lords and unify the world. The common people are still blessed by them. Without Guan Zhong, we would all spread our hair and open our skirts to the left, becoming people under the rule of barbarians. [1]
The most glorious moment of Duke Huan's hegemony was at the Kuiqiu League Meeting. It was also this conference that brought out Guan Zhong's thoughts completely. At the Kuiqiu League Meeting, a detailed and operable "Kuiqiu Covenant" was formulated. After that, it came to a conclusion that "all the people in our alliance will make up their minds after they have made the alliance". That is, all countries participating in this covenant should abide by it once they have made it. They should not fight against each other or engage in civil war, and should live in harmony. This is the main point, that is, it has been formulated Guidelines for peace between countries , to“ Unification ”。 [4]
scholar , farmer , artisan and merchant the four classes of people Rank method Water finance The agricultural and commercial management is orderly, different from modern times Carbon finance business administration Tax theory legislation , not just Flood prevention and disaster relief, with ancient strategies [15] , and We should respect and benefit each other in major policy initiatives, security and defense, resource utilization, free trade and other fields that may involve the interests of neighboring countries use the neighbour 's field as an outlet for one 's overflow [16] Large agriculture, commerce, finance and taxation Financial culture Traditional market, more Assist urban and rural residents Ability of agribusiness management Official [14] Famous economist Schumpeter On《 History of Economic Analysis 》"In China, we did find a set of treatments Agriculture, Commerce and finance Highly developed public administration system [17]

Contemporary value

From October 30 to 31, 2023, Central Financial Working Conference Held in Beijing, first mentioned Marxism Financial Theory Combine with the specific reality of contemporary China Combination of excellent Chinese traditional culture. In 651 BC, Kuiqiu Association was ancient the United Nations [11] The policy of "no distortion, no restraint" legal culture Inheritance, water finance creat a prosperous and peaceful world , benefit and resolve the law to unify the big market [1] Kuiqiu's alliance is beneficial, that is, "there is no defense, there is no deterrence" to coordinate the security and development Building a community with a shared future for mankind From Water control Chemical benefit Agribusiness Beneficial The ecological autonomy of natural governance has been passed down from ancient times, making important contributions to the inheritance of Chinese civilization and the promotion of the historical process of unification. [5]
Kuiqiu Association, So it is a very civilized alliance [1]
Conclude treaties, stabilize order, [1] Yi series Big market
The important achievement of Kuiqiu Alliance is that the participating countries have concluded a common agreement“ international treaty ”, [1] Public International Law Achieves Ancient Times the United Nations [11]
In general, the covenant covers water conservancy, food trade and economic issues, which clearly reflects the growing economy's urgent need to change the original act of one 's own free will Of Separatist regime The situation has broken the old economy barrier [1] ideology And business system Unification It has the significance of the times and the universal value of globalization.
The Rule of Law Benefits "People" and Returns to Virtue
Modern industrial and commercial industry Legal creation , is by the medieval times Of Atonement coupon [6] , religious referee, to Separation of powers [7] What is lost is nature humanities Authenticity. The alliance originated from the pledge of primitive religion [12] When Kuiqiu joins the alliance, say goodbye eat animal flesh raw and drink its blood , Alliance Ceremony Blood oath Religious Autocracy and Religious War [1]
Kuiqiu Mengyi Reduction , benefit borderless run the country well and give the people peace and security Edification For root, follow the path Guide Monetary Beneficial There is no doubt that Life and health Wealth and Ecological health industry Therapeutic method Reform, Fundamentally different from the medieval times Of“ Atonement coupon ”, also different from modern industrial society money fetishism [8] , is the way of heaven natural law Learning, ultimately inheriting the science of currency and religion ideology The beneficial implication of governance.
Benefiting Consciousness and Morality
From October 30 to 31, 2023, the Central Financial Work Conference first proposed the combination of Marxist financial theory and the specific reality of contemporary China Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture Combination. [13] Beneficial The theoretical form of scientific thought and ideology , Spirit sense of worth Perfect and profound [9 ] Human spirit, ideology, moral standards, value orientation and other forms crystallized and embodied in currency [10] Is the meaning of benefit currency Culture, Daoization Guide.