
[yíng qiū]
place name
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Ancient place names, Qi State The earliest capital, Ginger Teeth All are sealed, Duying Hill. It is now untested, and has always been Linzi Yingqiu, Changle Yingqiu (original Masong Town Shouguang County Guangling Camp( Marquis of Jiangyin Wu Liang The place of garrison).
Chinese name
Foreign name
geographical position
Qidu Town, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province
Zhou Dynasty period
place name
Original name
Qi State capital

Basic explanation

1. Ancient town name. In today's Shandong Province Zibo city Linzi District Ten kilometers to the northeast. King Wu of Zhou Dynasty Lu Shang Yu Qi was founded here. "Records of the Historian: The Grand Duke of Qi's Aristocratic Family": "King Wu has conquered the Shang Dynasty and ruled the world. His master and father were appointed to Qiyingqiu. Lu Wang, the Grand Duke of Qi, the marquis, the Miao descendant of Yan Emperor... Zuo Yu made great contributions to the land and water. He was given the surname of Jiang, which is called Lu Hou. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, the Grand Duke started fishing and became a martial artist of Zhou Wen, the master and father. Zuo Wu Wang was appointed to Qi and Duyingqiu in order to calm the Yin disorder. ... Qi first granted Yingqiu, then moved to Boxing, and later expanded Yingqiu. Because the east of the city is close to "Zishui", it was renamed Linzi. It is said that it was usurped by the Tian family in the 31st generation. There are some materials that wrongly say that Changle is an ancient camp hill. This is Da Miao. Changle is located in Shouguang In the southeast, when Jiang Taigong first sealed Yingqiu, Changle belonged to Ji State The monarch of Ji State is also Jiang. The capital of Ji State is located in Jitai Town, south of Shouguang today. Its territory is comparable to that of Qi State, stretching to the coast in the east. During the reign of King Yi of Zhou, Marquis Ji was dissatisfied with Duke Ai of Qi and slandered him, causing Duke Ai of Qi to be killed by the king of Zhou. Ji State of Qi became enemies. In 690 BC, Ji State was destroyed by Qi State.

Historical culture

With a long history and culture, tourist resources Rich. Within Qilu

Jiang Taigong Temple

It is one of the ancient areas. Its ancestors were here 6000 years ago Multiply , "Take stone as the weapon, broadcast from time to time Grains Chunhua Birds and Beasts ". Tang Duyou《 A synopsis 》According to the record, "The Yellow Emperor ruled the world and established it as a world of nations. It was founded by Zhuan Xu and granted by Emperor Ku. Twelve states were founded. The Shuangjiu family had already lived in Yingqiu when Shaohao was young (2670 BC). Yu Xia When, there are seasons; Tang Shi, Feng Boling; Zhou granted Taigong as the camp mound. In the eleventh century BC, Wu Wang Keshang , establish the Western Zhou Dynasty, and become the co owner of the world Zhou Tianzi , Dafeng is a great kinsman. "Records of the Historian · Zhou Benji": "Master Shang's father is the first one, and Shang's father and son Ying Qiu are named Qi".
Yingqiu is the capital city of the State of Qi and the fief of Jiang Taigong Cultural details , in Hexi, Yingqiu Li Family Other villages still have Dawenkou Longshan Culture Remains and original palace ruins. There are ruins of the former capital of the State of Qi outside the ancient city village. The city wall is still vaguely visible, especially the steles.

Taigong Temple

Chongshan Shizu Forest has an ancient architecture, Cypress Cangran is the best place for later generations to appreciate the legacy of Taigong and appreciate the charm of the ancient capital. Niushan is one of the landmarks of Guying Hill. The existing Jiuqu Valley, Wudaokou, Immortal Kang and Huanglinggang in Niushan are four scenic spots of Yingqiu, which have been developed in ancient times. Chongshan is an altar site of the ancient Dongyi era, and Shizulin is a relic of the megalith worship period, which is also the ancient Dongyi era Patrilineal society In its prime, male Reproduction worship The product of the period, which has a history of more than 4000 years, is rare in the world. Ancient model of filial piety Wang Wei The story of loyalty and filial piety throughout his life has been widely spread in the surrounding areas and throughout the country. The story of Wang Wei hearing about Lei's tomb was listed in ancient China《 Twenty four filial piety 》。 The ancient land of Yingqiu has a simple human history. It has five municipal levels, including "The Making Technique of Ma Song Cake", "Jiang Taigong and Yingqiu", and "The Legend of Filial Son Wang Wei" Intangible cultural heritage There are large national reservoirs in the territory Bailanghe Reservoir Matong Reservoir, a national medium-sized reservoir, and the mother river of Weifang, Bailang River, cross the town with elegant environment and rich water resources. [1]
According to historical records, "The Yellow Emperor recorded that the country was ruled by the rule of the Yellow Emperor, and established as a whole nation." It was built by Zhuan Xu, Diku It created Jiuzhou. When Shaohao was young, Shuangjiu lived in Yingqiu. Taiping Huanyu 》According to the record, "Yingqiu, located fifty miles southeast of Changle, was the capital of Xia and the former state of Shang Dynasty. In the time of Shaowu, there was Shuangjiu; in the time of Yuxia, there was Ji Ze (li); in the time of Tang, there was Pang Boling, and Zhou granted the title of Taigong to Yingqiu."
King Wu of Zhou granted him the right to help him destroy the business Jiang Taigong Yu Qi was founded here. As recorded in the history books, "Zhou, Qi Taigong Lv Wang , Marquis, Emperor Yan Miao people... Zuo Yuping made great contributions to the soil and water. He was given the surname of Jiang, which was called Marquis Lu. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Tai Gong started fishing and became a martial arts teacher of Zhou Wen, who was called Shishang Father. He helped King Wu to calm the chaos of Yin, and was granted the title of Qi, Duying Hill. " However, at that time Dongyou Lai When harassed, there was a threat from Ji State, and the camp mound was unstable Jiang Taigong Carefully manage the "commerce industry, facilitate the benefits of fishing and salt"(《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Language), making Qi prosper quickly, and building a large-scale Yingqiu city at that time. Yanjing system of city type, internal and external Two cities The city wall is square, 1000 meters from east to west, 1200 meters from north to south, with a perimeter of about 4.5 kilometers. Some of the existing residual walls are 30 meters wide in foundation and 6 meters high, which are made of plywood. There are also the tombstones of the Han hermit Pang Meng Dougong Canal Stele And a large number of Han brick Etc.
Jiang Taigong governs Qi, and the second Ding Gong , three generations of Duke Yi, four generations of Duke Gui, and five generations of Duke Ai. When Aigong was in the Zhou Dynasty, he was in charge of Marquis Zen. The Zhou Dynasty cooked Aigong and set up his younger brother, called Hu Gong, who moved to the capital of Bo Gu. In the 19th year of King Li of Zhou Dynasty (860 BC), the uncle (Mingshan) of Duke Ai of Qi led Yingqiu people to attack Bo Gu and kill Duke Hu. After independence, the monarch, called Duke Xian, moved the capital of the country to Linzi
In the third year of Jianlong in the Song Dynasty (962), Changle County was established, which was named after prosperity and peace.

Quote textual research materials

The former site of Yingqiu Ancient City. [1]
Qi State ancient capital Shandong Provincial Changleyingqiu
Yingqiu Ancient City, Yuanfen“ outer city ”Three corridors of "Inner City" and "Imperial City". The original outer city has four buildings: east, west, south and north Chengguan Changle County Annals 》It says: "The old city of Yingqiu is similar to the current Yandu system, and the original outer city is more than 20 miles wide." The city wall has collapsed without trace. According to the textual research, the east gate, that is, 15 miles east of the ancient town village in the present Masong Town Fangzi District Fanjiazhuang In the northeast corner, the original stone tablet at the east gate was recorded; The west gate is five miles west and north of Gucheng Village Shenmingting Village Southwest“ Nuwa At the temple, the inscription of the original temple reads: "Nuwa Niangniang Temple, West Gate of the West Gate of the Ancient City"; The south gate is twelve miles south of Gucheng Village, in front of the "Fujun Temple" in the southeast corner of Gaojia Xinmou Village, and the upper right corner of the existing stone tablet of the south gate is recorded; The north gate is six miles north of the ancient city, Weicheng District Zhang, Chen Guanzhuang Village Nearby. In line with the system of three grades at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, which was "to list the land and divination countries, the duke and marquis are 100 li, the uncle is 70 li, and the son is 50 li"( Weeks Less than today)
Inner city: old Battlements become square The city is 1500 meters wide, which is the site of Guyingqiu. The perimeter of the city wall is 11:2 li, now called Yingqiu Ancient City Ruins. According to the Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, "The capital is no more than a hundred pheasants". There are actually 150 pheasants in the inner city today. Today, there are still remnants of the 4500 meter wide and 15 meter wide city wall. Located today Hetou Village Dongli Xu, Bailang River West bank, two miles west of Jinyingqiu Village, north bank of Jinchai River Changle County It is 24 kilometers east and south of the city, 36 ° 34 'north latitude, 119 ° 02' east longitude. The Jiaqing edition of the Annals of Changle County said: "The ancient camp hill city was not built by Taigong. When we looked up to the Han Dynasty, it was built because Taigong was old." The modern ancient city village is the ancient imperial city. The original Taigong Temple was built in the longevity year of the Tang Dynasty (AD 692). In addition, the octagonal glazed well is the remains of the imperial well. Outside the south gate of the imperial city, there were Han Dynasty hermits Feng Meng The tombstone is now located at the southeast corner of the ancient city village. Outside the north gate of the imperial city, the original county magistrate of Beihai in the 18th year of Emperor Sisheng of the Tang Dynasty (702 AD) sinusitis Trench digging site and Dougong Canal Stele
Yingqiu Ancient City, located in Qilu, is one of the ancient areas with a history of more than 4500 years. Tang Duyou《 A synopsis 》On:“ Yellow Emperor The square system is just like the heaven, and it is established as the world. Zhuan Xu Built by, Diku It created Jiuzhou. Shao Hao Time (2590 BC) Shuangjiu Has settled in Yingqiu. " Taiping Huanyu 》It says: "The camp hill, fifty miles southeast of Changle, is the capital of Xia, the hometown before the Shang Dynasty Shao Hao When, there is Shuangjiu; Yu Xia When, there are seasons; Tang Shi, Feng Boling; Zhou appointed Taigong as the camp mound. " Shandong Tongzhi 》It reads: "Qingzhou is the emptiness of ancient cool doves《 China's oldest known book of geography 》Qingzhou, Zhou Qi State 。” It is stated that Jiajing Qingzhou Prefecture Annals 》On:“ Shao Hao Shuangjiu, Emperor Shaohaozhi Sko Also, the emperor was famous for killing officials with birds, and the bandit chief attacked the bandit gang. Now Changleying Hill is the same. " Continued archaeological record of Shandong 》As the saying goes, "The ancient style is simple, and the official name and people's name are the name of the country." It is called Shuangjiu Country because it was built on hills at that time.
Xia Dynasty :《 Bamboo Chronicle 》On:“ Tang Yao In the eighty-seven year, there were two states in the first ten years legendary emperor of great wisdom In the 33rd year (2223 BC), Yu was ordered to take the throne, and Jiuzhou was restored. " At that time, the camp mound was occupied by Xia princes, and Ji Xuan took the place of Shuangjiu. According to the Records of Qingzhou Prefecture, "Ji Gui, the duke of Yu and Xia, who played the role of cool dove, was also happy. The territory of Qingzhou. Ancient cool dove ground: Changle County Gucheng Village); Pour (today Anqiu Qicheng Village); Pour water (today Shouguang city Jinguan Village ); Aunt Bo (today Boxing County Liuqiao ); Ju, the ancient Jiegen city, the former capital of Ju (today Juxian County Chengyang Town ); Ji, (today Jiangsu province Ganyu County , Lu Yin moved to Shouguang in AD Jitai Town ), countries and regions. " The above is the outline of the ancient Qingzhou region. Redords of the Grand History of China Sima Qian Said: "Empress Yu Si surname , and later was enfeoffed, taking the state name as the surname. " In the Xia Dynasty, Yingqiu Land was called Jigui State.
In the Shang and Yin Dynasties, there was a surname called Feng Boling in Changleying Hill a feudal state History of roads 》Record: "Feng Boling, surnamed Jiang. Emperor Yan Descendants of Tai Jiang were first granted in Fengze, and later renamed in Qi. " Ming Jiajing《 provincial gazetteer 》On: "Feng Boling, Bordet-Gengou , Earl. The History of the Han Dynasty That is to say, there was Fenggong Boling in Tang Dynasty; Qi Cheng said that he met Boling, and the princes of Shang Dynasty were granted Qi; I.e Yan Ying To the Duke of Qi Jing, he said: "It is because of this that every Boling is.". It is also happy. " so Yingqiu Ancient City , from Shao Hao Sometimes: Shuangjiu was first granted the state; In the Xia Dynasty, the Ji Xuan family was granted the state on behalf; Shang Dynasty Successive seal Feng Guo To Zhou, Tai Gong Lv Wang Epithet Qi State , called the ancient Qingzhou government, Zhou Dynasty There are more than 1500 years of historical records.
Zhou Dynasty:《 Bamboo Chronicle 》On:“ Dixin Xibo in the 31st year of King Zhou (1123 BC)( father of the first Zhou king )To control the army at the end, we must Lu Shang Be a teacher. The next year, King Wu set up his army to conquer Zhou. He ordered Jiang Taigong and Lv Wang to march eastward. Felling Yakuo 50、 Drive Feilian At the corner of the sea; Chasing Lai people Ground entry Yu Qi. He is not a hero of Yingyang, which is not enough to crush the East, so he is specially granted the Camp Hill. " It was also recorded that in the 13th year of King Wu (1122 BC), Chao Bo came to visit the country and appointed princes. The Annals of Changle County recorded that:“ King Wu of Zhou Three years in ten, summer and April, Fengshang Father in Qi, Duying Hill. Note: Yingqiu Ancient City, the place where Tai Gong first granted the title, has moved its capital since the sixth generation Linzi 。” historian Compendium of Chinese General History 》On:“ Cheng Wang Grandfather Tai Gong Lv Wang do Marquis Qi Lu Shang Duyingqiu, Changle County, Shandong Province. " Sima Qian Redords of the Grand History of China 》Date:“ Tai Gong granted Qi And also the land of five marquises. " That is, pouring, pouring, Ju, Bogu, Ji Di. According to Qingzhou Prefecture Annals, "Zhou Qi Taigong Lv Wang , Marquis Emperor Yan Miao people... Zuo Yuping made great contributions to the soil and water, be given the emperor's family name It was called Jiang, the marquis of Lu, and Tai Gong rose at the end of the Shang Dynasty Fishing , Zhou Wenwu, the master's father, helped King Wu to calm Yan's chaos, and was granted the title of Qidu Camp Hill Qi Shi granted Changle, relocated Boxing and relocated again Linzi It is said that it was usurped by the Tian family for 31 generations. Tai Gong's son Ding Gong Lv Ji; And Chuanzi Yigong Lude; De Chuanzi Guigong Lv Cimu Compassionate Mother's Descendant Son Ai Gong Lv Buchen Ji Hou Zen was in the Zhou Dynasty. Zhou cooked Aigong and established his younger brother Lv Jing , for Duke Hu; Hu Gong moved to Bogu (now in Liuqiao Town, Boxing County). Duke Ai of Qi Younger Brother Lushan Resentment of Hu Gong, and his party attack and kill Hu Gong, and offer him; The Duke Xiangong chased the Duke Hu and moved the capital to Zizi. " The Jiaqing edition of Changle County Annals contains:“ Weekly calendar Nine Years of Wang Shiyou (856 BC) Duke Ai of Qi Di Shan led Yingqiu people to attack and kill Hu Gong, and set himself up as a sacrifice and moved to govern Linzi 。” The ninth week of the Bamboo Chronicle records: "In the sixth year of King Kang (1072 BC), Qi Taigong became the king of Qi; in the sixteenth year of King Kang, Qi was granted the order of Marquis of Qi" (and, Jiang Taigong Ding Gong, the son of Lu Ji). See also the Qing Dynasty Qianlong During, Ceremonial Master Yan Xun Guan "Xijian Thatched Cottage Poetry Collection" Wooden beam abutment ”As the poem goes, "The terrace crowns the western ridge, and you can climb alone among the clouds; the sea is as remote as a belt, Yishan Near by; Ground avalanche Geng Chen Water, remember Taigong Mausoleum; To argue Linzi Wrong, return week also lacks levy. " After the poem was written, it was added: "In the eighth year of Yongzheng period, when the flood collapsed, the ancient Jieyun was obtained, and the tomb of Qi Taigong was broken." Historical data show that only Jiang Taigong One person, at Changle County Yingqiu, who has governed the country for 50 years, is the sixth marquis of the fifth generation of the Jiang family Qi State , lasting 188 years. Not the first seal Linzi
About Changleying Hill and Linzi The argument over Ying Qiu was originally wrong in the Wei Dynasty Li Daoyuan Water injection 》And mistakenly designated Yingqiu as Linzi. See Qing Dynasty later Quan Zuwang The Water Classics Note of the whole school retorts: "Zishui comes out of the Zuoying Hill in front of it, which is also wrong. Linzi Although there are hills in the city, the Zishui River runs south and north, not to be surrounded by camps. " Another said, "King Cheng of Zhou granted his master and father at Yingqiu, east Local The road and lodging were late, and Laihou contended with them for camp hills. When Tai Gong heard it, he walked in his night clothes to the camp hill. Mausoleum is also hill; Most writers call the hills Yuanling. He went to Lai Chai again and was sealed by Chengyan Taigong. According to the Spring and Autumn Annals, the marquis city is close to the mausoleum. " According to《 A Textual Research on the Ancient Kingdom of Shandong 》Cloud: "Changleying Hill belongs to Laiyi The capital of the country. " The Laiyi tribe has no reason not to dispute. Records of Weixian County 》Cloud: "Shang Zhou Weixian County Genus Lai 。” so Jiang Taigong The camp hill we are fighting for is not Linzi City, because Lai It is far from Linzi. Erya Shiqiu 》It says: "When water comes out of the front of the hill, the hill; when water comes out of the back, the Ju Hill; when water comes out of the right, the hill is upright; when water comes out of the left, the camp hill; this is also named after the water before, behind, left, and right of the hill."《 unabridged dictionary 》Explanation: "Hill means that the water is in front of the hill (today's Jinchai River); Ju Hill means that it is dangerous to back the water, and Ju has the same character (today's official Zhuanghe River); the right hill means that the water flows out of its right side, and the ancients regarded the south as the right side, so if the west is the right side, it will not flow far, and it should stop.", Literary Expositor Also called Qiu. (Yuandou Gongdie goes up the river). Ying Hill, water out of its left, (today's Bailang River) said: Ying Hill. At that time, Changleying Hill was located in the middle of four rivers, so it was said that the city was in the middle of the vein. his topographic features It is completely consistent with the records in Erya, and Linzi The ancient and modern times do not have this geographical feature, only Zihe River Paraqi Left. Modern and Ancient Imperial City( Gucheng Village )There is a hill in the southeast corner several steps. It is now called Shibu, and its length and width are about li. Due to soil erosion, it is not very high today, with an elevation of 63.1 meters. Qing Dynasty Bachelor of Imperial Academy vice minister of public works Yan Yu affirmed that this Shibu is the hill of Ying Hill in his article "Ying Hill Debate".
Now there is Jinchai River in front of its ancient city; In the east, there is the left side of the whitewater river; Behind the Guanzhuang River in the north; To the west of the ancient city, Dougong Canal The water comes from the "Toad Pond" in the southwest of the ancient city, and the water flows from the west side of the city to the north, from the "Imperial City" Houdong It flows into Houguanzhuang River. At that time, Yingqiu was surrounded by four rivers, so it was named Yingqiu. Li Daoyuan, on the other hand, only follows the water to the front and left, which is far fetched in responding to Linzi Terrain, another saying: "The city is opposite Tianqiyuan Therefore, it is called Qi City. " Shi Yun“ Tianqiyuan Is the belly button of heaven; When the tiles float out of the wood, the word "Qi" is recorded. yes Linzi Ying Qiu attached himself to things and left mistakes for thousands of years. Yan Shigu of the Tang Dynasty had already said: "Changleying Hill is the old one." If there is a new one, Linzi The city just follows the name of the old camp hill. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, it was said that there was a great debate about the battle between the camp and the hill. At last, Emperor Qianlong approved Changle County as the "first manor of the Shang father", and used it as a plaque for the "security square" in Changle City. So far, there are still remnants of the workshop. From Taigong Fengyingqiu to Duke Huan of Qi It was renamed Yuanling, and the name of Yingqiu lasted more than 300 years. In addition to 1500 years before the Zhou Dynasty, the name of Yingqiu lasted more than 1800 years.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Yingqiu was called Yuanling. According to the Jiaqing edition of Changle County Annals, "In the spring of the sixth year of King Xiang, the marquis city was bordered by the mausoleum. According to the legend, the mausoleum was bordered by Qi Yi, which was almost named after the mausoleum of Ying Qiu."《 Chinese Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Place Names 》According to the General Annals, "The Yuanling Mausoleum is the Yingling Mausoleum. The ancient city is fifty miles southeast of Changle County, Shandong Province today.", Donglougong Nine generations, Chenggong Qianyuan Mausoleum. To Wengong, he moved to Chunyu (now Qicheng, Anqiu City). According to the Official Records of the State: "In the 23rd year of King Ling of Zhou (594 BC), Qi Wengong Its name is "Yi", and it was first moved to Chunyu. " According to this calculation, the descendant of Yu Donglougong was called Yuanling Qi State , lasting 129 years. According to the Jiaqing edition of Changle County Annals, "In honor of the king (519 BC), Confucius Disciple Name‘ Posterior ’The one in the word was granted this title, and the Tang Dynasty was granted the title of Ying Lingbo. "
Western Han Dynasty: Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty Liu Bang In the eleventh year (196 BC), Feng Cong Liu Ze For the marquis of Yingling Mausoleum, the capital governs Yingling Mausoleum. Redords of the Grand History of China 》Volume 18 says: "Liu Ze, the marquis of Yingling, was a doctor in the third year of the Han Dynasty Nape feather Ten years of general, strike Chen Siege have to Wang Huang , for Hou. He estranged himself from his ancestor, the Liu family, who had a long history Guard In the 11th year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Zeyuan, the marquis of Yingling, was granted twelve thousand households. " From then on, Yuanling Tomb was called Yingling Tomb. Camp hillock Duke Huan of Qi It was called Yuanling in the first year and renamed Yingling in the eleventh year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. It lasted more than 500 years. In the Western Han Dynasty, Yingling Mausoleum was Beihai County Governance. Geography Annals of the Later Han Dynasty records:“ Beihai County Emperor Jingdi moderate rain In the second year (148 BC), there were 125000 households and 593000 mouths. Lingxian County 26: Yingling Mausoleum or Yingqiu, Mang Yue Beihai Pavilion. Ju Kui, principality duchang Looking horizontally , Hou State. Pingdi is a vassal state. Quan is a vassal state. Sangdu. Pingcheng is a vassal state. New City, Hou State. Chengxiang is a vassal state. Jiaoyang, Hou State. " There were 26 marquis states and counties above, which coexisted in the Western Han Dynasty. Xinmang usurper who founded the Xin dynasty )In the first year of Tianfeng (AD 14), the tomb was rebuilt Beihai County It is Beihai Pavilion. According to the Jiaqing edition of Changle County Annals, "In the fourth year of Jianwu (AD 28), To be courteous Zi Shuqi was the marquis of Yingling. Ying Shaowei in the sixth year of Guanghe (189 AD) Yingling County Order. " The Annals of the Later Han Dynasty:“ Beihai State (Governance Drama County ), leading 18 cities: drama, Yingling, Pingshou, Duchang Anqiu Chunyu, Pingchang, Zhu Xu, Donganping Gaomi , Chang'an, Yi'an Jiaodong compound surname , Zhuowu, Xiami, Ting, Guanyang ". In the 11th year of Jianxi (206 AD), Beihai State was changed into a prefecture. The sixth year of Wei Taihe (AD 232) Beihai County Change to national. three countries In the first year of Qinglong (AD 233), Beihai State was changed into a prefecture, and Yingling County Land. After the first year of Qinglong in the Three Kingdoms period, the Yingling Tomb was Beihai County Governance. According to the Supplement to the Three Kingdoms Territory“ Beihai County Lingpingshou, Xiami Jiaodong compound surname , Duchang and Guanyang. " Jin dynasty Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty Marsitis Taishi In the first year (265 AD), Wei Lijin was abolished. At this time, Yingling Mausoleum Drama County It is under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou Ministry, Langya State Dongguan County Jin Dynasty Taikang According to the Geography Annals, "Ying Mausoleum was first owned by the Han Dynasty in Jin Dynasty Beihai County , until the first year of Taikang (280 A.D.) Dongguan County Yingling belongs to the county. " Shandong Tongzhi 》Cloud:“ Dongguan County Tongxian people: Yingling, Zhu Xu Anqiu , benefits Linqu , drama, and broadcast. Dramas and camp tombs belong to Yan. " In the 10th year of Yuankang (AD 300), Chengyang Eleven counties including Zhiying Tomb Gaomi State Jin Ming Emperor In the first year of Taining (AD 232), in the autumn and August, Shihu occupied Qingzhou, Yingling and Judi Hou Zhao It lasted for 33 years. In the third year of Long'an, Emperor Jin'an (AD 399). Murong De Fall into Qingzhou, Yingling, Opera Nanyan decade. Liu in the Southern and Northern Dynasties Emperor Song Ming In the fifth year of Taishi (AD 469), Yingling belonged to Jiaozhou Pingchang County. Beiqi In the spring of the first year of Chengguang (577 AD), the later Zhou Dynasty set up the army and destroyed Qi. Yingling County and Duchang County belonged to the latter Zhou Dynasty, which lasted for 27 years.
Sui Dynasty: Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, the name of a kalpa Three years (585 AD), Beihai County Under the rule of Qingzhou. The General Annals of Shandong recorded that "the time of the Sui Dynasty began to govern and benefit the capital". It also said:“ Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty Sixteen years, changed the date Yingqiu County , genus Beihai County ,(治所始徒今 Weifang City), the eighth year of Daye. At the beginning of Tang Wude Yingqiu County It was established as Qizhou, and was established as a state for two years Yingqiu County , genus Weizhou In the leading year, the province entered Beihai (today Weifang City). In the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty, Yingling Tomb was first named Yingqiu County The name of Yingling Mausoleum lasted nearly eight hundred years (792 years).
The Tang Dynasty: The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty Geography records: "In the second year of Wude (AD 619), Weizhou was set up and eleven counties including Beihai were led Beihai County Set up Yingqiu County. In the sixth year of Wude (AD 623), only three counties of Beihai, Yingqiu and Xiami were left, and the rest were abolished. Weizhou was abolished in the eighth year of Wude, and was born in Yingqiu County and Xiami County Beihai County Five generations. "
Tang Dynasty: Shuangjiu, Ji, Fengbo Tomb, the founding place of Jiang Taigong Yingqiu Ancient City First abolished.
The ancient Yingqiu, Dongfang Dayi, has gone through many vicissitudes and evolved into a rural area. There are only ancient city village, Yingqiu village and Yingqiu near the site of Yingqiu Ancient City Henan Village Chengnan Village , the ancient city store, the front of the city corner and other symbolic villages. The capital of China, Liyi, was brilliant in the past, and has fallen into oblivion in the long river of history. However, Yingqiu historic site, the civilization of history, has left a glorious historical monument to the state of Qilu civilization.
Note: "Hill" of Yingqiu was advocated in the early Ming Dynasty Confucianism , in order to avoid Kongqiu The word "Qiu" was ordered by officials to add a radius next to "Qiu". After the Ming Dynasty, the word "Qiu" was Qiu. So it belongs to the same meaning

Textual Research on Duyingqiu in the Early Qi Dynasty

At the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Taigong was appointed to Qi and set up the capital Yingqiu. In Yingqiu, the State of Qi experienced the migration of the first Taigong, the second Dinggong, the third Yigong, the fourth Guigong, the fifth Aigong, the sixth Hu Gong and the third Hu Gong Pugu (now Boxing County, Shandong Province), 860 BC( King Li Zhou In the 19th year of the 19th year of the Communist Party of China (1919), Duke Ai's mother and younger brother, Shan, complained about Duke Hu, but he and his party led Yingqiu people to attack and kill Duke Hu and stood on their own, in order to sacrifice to him. It is a historical fact that the Duke Xiangong chased the Hu Gongzi and moved to Pugu Capital to govern Linzi. Since then, the State of Qi has been in Linzi.
Where is the former site of Yingqiu, the earliest capital of the State of Qi in the Western Zhou Dynasty? Since then, there have been two theories: one is today Zibo In the old city of Linzi, north of Linzi, it is 50 miles southeast of Changle County. Hanshu · Geography Qi County Linzi County wagered: "The master was sealed by his father Ying Shao He said, 'The Duke of Qi Xiangong moved here on his own'. Lv Zan said: 'Linzi is also called Yingqiu. So Yanzi said that the first Shuangdou family lived there, Pang Boling In this way, Taigong lives. It was also said, 'The former emperor Taigong built a camp hill, and now there are hills in the city of Qi'. Shigu said: 'Zan said yes. Build a camp hill cities and towns ’。” In the same book, under Yingling County, Beihai Prefecture, another note goes: "Or Yingqiu... Ying Shao said, 'Shishang's father sealed it at Yingqiu, and the tomb is also a hill.' Lv Zan said, 'Yingqiu is Linzi. Yingling is called Yuanling in the Spring and Autumn Period.' Shigu said, 'Linzi and Yingling are both old Yingqiu lands.'" The saying of Yingqiu in the outer city of Linzi's old city began in Yan Zi's Spring and Autumn Annals, Many famous scholars and geographical masterpieces from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty followed this theory and became the traditional orthodoxy. However, there have been endless controversies over the past two generations. [1] Which one is right? This should be examined from early historical records:
"Records of the Historian, the Aristocratic Family of Qi Taigong": "The king of Wu has conquered the Shang Dynasty and ruled the world. He has appointed his master and father to Qiyingqiu. The country is in the east, and the road is too late. The traveller said," I heard Time is hard to come by but easy to lose The guests sleep very well, but they are not just from the country. When Tai Gong heard it, he walked in his night clothes and arrived at the country at dawn. Laihou came to fight for camp hills. The camp is beside the hill. Lai people, Yi people, met the rebellion of Zhou Dynasty and Zhou was determined at the beginning. They could not gather far away With Taigong contends for the country. " The Taigong was passed on to the Duke of Hu six times. "When he moved to the capital, Bo Gu, and when the King of Zhou Yi was in power, Ai Gong and his mother, the younger brother, complained about the Duke of Hu, but he and his party led Yingqiu people to attack and kill the Duke of Hu and stood on their own. In the first year of the Duke of Xian, he expelled all the sons of Hu, because he moved to the capital of Bo Gu, and governed Linzi.". It can be seen from the above: 1. Yingqiu is located in Jiaodong Dongyi The big country Lai is very close. 2、 Linzi and Yingqiu are never in the same place. Because the same place cannot have two names at the same time. In addition, archaeologists have not found any cultural relics before the Duke Xian of Qi in the old city of Linzi. It can be seen that it is wrong to say that the former site of Yingqiu is in the old city of Linzi.
The former site of Yingqiu should be fifty miles southeast of Changle County. It was named Yuanling in the Spring and Autumn Period‘ "Yuan" is actually the sound of "Ying", and "Ling" is the hill. In the Han Dynasty, it was changed into Yingling County, and the "Yingling" was actually Yingqiu. Its location is close to the Old Lai State in Jiaodong, so Duke Hu avoided threats and moved his capital to Bogu; After Xian Gong seized power, he took Bogu as the base of Hu Gong, and then moved eastward. He did not dare to return to Duying Hill, so he chose Linzi, located on the west bank of Zishui River, as the capital to defend against the Lai people's sudden attack. Not only many famous geographers and masterpieces mentioned that Yingqiu is fifty miles southeast of Changle, but also there are relics and cultural relics such as Jiang Taigong's Tomb in the former city of Yingqiu, which shows its credibility.