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Pornographic novel

Obscene novel
synonym Erotic novel (One of the novel types) Generally referring to pornographic novels
Pornographic novels are obscene novels. Usually refers to sex pornographic , vulgar vulgar obscene publication. In modern society, "yellow" is often used to refer to things with obvious pornographic meanings, which has become a common practice.
Chinese name
Pornographic novel
Foreign name
Yellow novel
Obscene novel
Referential pornographic , vulgar and obscene publications
British Yellow Magazine
China's development
Taboos and repression




"Yellow" is often used to refer to things with obvious pornographic meanings, such as "pornographic novels". This conventional view is mainly influenced by the West in modern times. However, there are several specific sources:

British Yellow Magazine

A magazine called Yellow Magazine was founded in Britain. A group of novelists, poets, essayists and painters with literary and artistic tendencies at the end of the century formed a magazine called“ Decadent school ”A literary and art group. Their works sometimes have a bit of pornography, but they can't be considered obscene《 Huang Magazine 》The design on the cover is Biazlai's hand.
April 3, 1895
A very famous British dramatist of the time Wilde (O. Wilde), because homosexuality Was arrested. And a small episode when he was arrested caused the reputation of Huang Magazine to be greatly damaged. At that time, the newspaper said that Wilde had a copy of the Yellow Magazine under duress when he was arrested, so people took it for granted that the magazine was as dishonorable as Wilde. The next day, someone demonstrated in front of the publisher of the Yellow Magazine and smashed the window glass with stones. In fact, on the day of Wilde's arrest, the book under threat was the novel "God of Love" by the French writer Bill Louis, which happened to be the same as many other novels in France at that time Cheap novel Also, it has a yellow cover. This kind of novel is called "yellow book", which is also considered not to be elegant.
Since then, whether "Yellow Magazine" or "yellow book", "yellow" has been linked with concepts such as sex, pornography and vulgarity

US Yellow News

US Yellow News
Yellow News The United States at the end of the 19th century New York Two newspapers - Le Monde and《 New York News 》Idiomatic Sensationalism Manipulation. It refers to the kind of stimulating and recreational articles and cartoons that cater to the tastes of low-level readers, such as crime, murder, pornography, novel serials, etc News report Manipulation.
Since 1890, the New York World News has used "yellow journalism" as its column to report pornographic, insider, violence and crime news in a way of exaggeration to cater to readers, resulting in a sharp rise in circulation. The comic strip Yellow Kid published by the New York World at that time was very popular, so people took the "yellow boy" as the feature of the newspaper, which became known as yellow journalism.
Later, the competition《 New York Times 》Follow suit and stir up "yellow news".
The Chinese word "yellow" may be a literal translation of yellow from yellow journalism. The West does not regard yellow as obscene or pornographic. Modern China has given yellow a derogatory meaning of obscenity and pornography. The meaning symbolized by "yellow" in Chinese, expressed in English adjectives, is equivalent to pornographic obscene (obscene) etc.

China's development

The Development Basis of Ancient Chinese Yellow Novels Literary history According to the popular view, Chinese novels are generated from Historical Biography Prose; Sima Qian It was written in Records of the Historian · Qin Benji Poison (L à o 'ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ i), the natural and frank concept of sex is absolutely unmatched by contemporary historians, while the sex description in the novel appears relatively late.
People in the early Tang Dynasty Zhang Zhuo (zhu ó)《 Youxian Cave 》It is the first existing novel that weaves plots completely around the sexual activities of the protagonist. In addition, there were almost no novels with sex as the theme in the Tang Dynasty - if not the writing era, it still needs to be verified《 Flying Swallow 》。
From the Tang and Five Dynasties to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there were few such novels, such as《 Dengcao Monk 》The title "Yuan Lin'an Gao Zecheng In fact, it is not necessarily written by people in the Yuan Dynasty. Most of the existing ancient pornographic novels were written by people in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, sex taboos and sexual inhibition The harshest times.