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Glossitis is a chronic, nonspecific disease of the tongue inflammation The tongue is a special part of the human body. The changes of tongue texture and tongue coating can often reflect the changes of visceral functions. Glossitis is mainly manifested as Lingual surface It turns red and smooth. Glossitis is also the mouth of some systemic diseases complication , more common in anemia Riboflavin deficiency Malabsorption syndrome heart failure Patients, and Female climacteric syndrome
Visiting department
Department of Stomatology
Common causes
A variety of systemic factors can cause, such as malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, etc
common symptom
Numbness, burning pain, eating pain

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Lang Na | Deputy chief physician

Department of Dermatology, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to examine

essential information

Visiting department
Department of Stomatology
Common causes
A variety of systemic factors can cause, such as malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, etc
common symptom
Numbness, burning pain, eating pain


There are many reasons for glossitis Systemic factors Common, such as innutrition Vitamin deficiency Endocrine disorder menstruation Cycle impact anemia as well as mycotic infection , abuse of antibiotics, etc. Local factors are common sharp teeth Dental calculus , defective Repairs And eating stimulating food. In recent years, the extensive use or abuse of antibiotics has made the intestinal tract normal Dysbacteriosis , resulting in riboflavin The disease is not rare due to insufficient production.

clinical manifestation

1. This disease tends to occur in the anterior part of the tongue, especially the tip of the tongue and Lingual margin , especially in the front half of the tongue. Consciously numb Burning pain , pain when eating, etc. Sometimes accompanied by decreased saliva Xerostomia Symptoms, etc. The course of the disease is prolonged, and remission and aggravation occur alternately.
2. At first, there are several pieces of red on the tongue surface Glazing Seemingly smooth Speckles , or most of the tongue surface beef It is purple red and smooth. These lesions or normal tongue surface are often accompanied by superficiality ulcer Or recurrent Follicles nature Stomatitis In female patients, similar changes can occur in the vagina.
3. Tongue Filamentous papilla It can shrink, thin or disappear, so the tongue surface is fiery red with shallow cracks. In filiform papilla At the initial stage of atrophy, the mushroom shaped papilla swelled and became more prominent. At the later stage, it gradually atrophied and eventually became a "smooth tongue".
4. Accompanying Atrophic glossitis , often a significant symptom of critical illness, but also terminal performance.
5. If glossitis occurs at the same time Chap Or red lips, dry Desquamation as well as Scrotitis Prompt Riboflavin deficiency
six Pernicious anemia At the same time, the atrophy of the tongue surface can be accompanied by painful, purplish red, and chronic erosion Patch The filamentous papilla disappears or thins, while the mushroom papilla swells and is sensitive to irritant food, which is called Hunter glossitis. This kind of denudation mainly occurs on the tip, edge and surface of the tongue, and occasionally on the lips Buccal region And maxillary mucosa.


1. Routine oral examination
Saliva or mucous membrane scraping slide review Bacterial culture.
Check the patient for anemia.
Check the patient Gastrointestinal Diseases


The diagnosis is mainly based on the clinical manifestations, and the etiology should be found and excluded as far as possible. Take if necessary biopsy To make a clear diagnosis.


in the light of Etiological treatment , check and actively treat systemic diseases, such as anemia, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc. Antibiotics should be used and adjusted reasonably Nutrition and diet , supplement enough B vitamins , especially Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).


1. Keep oral hygiene After eating, you must rinse with water and hold the tip of your tongue mandible Anterior teeth Lingual Dorsum linguae Arch upward so that the fissure can expand, and it is beneficial to rinse the residue remaining inside.
2. Anti inflammation and anti-corrosion can be used during inflammation Gargle
three Secondary infection Take antibiotics orally and apply them locally cod-liver oil Emulsion.