free trade area

Economic nouns
zero Useful+1
synonym fta (Free trade zone) generally refers to free trade zone
free trade Free Trade Area refers to signing free trade agreement [1] The member states of merchandise trade Tariff and Quantity limit So that goods can free flow An area of. However, all member states still maintain their commitment to non member states import Restriction policy of. Some free trade zones only apply to some commodities free trade , such as“ European Free Trade Association ”Domestic free trade goods are limited to industrial products, not agricultural products. This kind of free trade zone is called "industrial free trade zone". Some free trade zones implement free trade for all commodities, such as“ Latin American Free Trade Association "And“ North American Free Trade Area ”The trade of all industrial and agricultural products in the region will be exempted from tariffs and quantitative restrictions. [2]
Free trade area refers to two or more countries or independent tariff areas World Trade Organization The trade zone formed by signing free trade agreements. [22]
A free trade area refers to a specific trade area designated by a country or independent customs territory within its own country or region. In this region, special preferential tax and regulatory policies will be given to foreign countries or other regions independently. [22]
Chinese name
Free Trade Park
Foreign name
Free Trade Area [3]
Economic aspects
Promote common development and realize complementary economic advantages
Quantity owned by China
22 (as of November 2022) [23-24]


Kyoto Definition Convention
February 18, 1973, International Customs Cooperation Council In Japan kyoto Signed《 Kyoto Convention 》(The full name is the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Systems). According to the interpretation of the Kyoto Convention: "Free Zone refers to a part of the territory of a Contracting Party, and any goods entering this part are generally regarded as being in the Customs territory And exempt from the usual Customs supervision measures. Some countries also use other terms, such as free port, free warehouse, etc. "
U.S.A Tariff Committee definition
The United States Tariff Commission defines a free trade area as: Re export In terms of tariff exemption import No inflow domestic market Independent blockade areas that can be exempted from customs duties. Another type of free trade zone Official interpretation Means two or more countries (including independent tariff areas) according to WTO( World Trade Organization )To achieve mutual liberalization of trade Free Trade Agreement: FTA free trade agreement )The region formed by the contracting parties of. This regional arrangement not only includes the liberalization of trade in goods, but also involves trade in services, investment, government procurement Intellectual property protection , standardization and other areas of mutual commitment are the means for a country to implement multilateral and bilateral cooperation strategies.


The emergence and development of free trade zones have profound historical, economic, political and cultural reasons.
British implementation freedom of trade Policy. From the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, Britain completed The first industrial revolution , experienced several serious economic crisis , established a global Colonial system , forming a British dominated world market , instead of promoting Free trade policy British expansion Asia and Africa The market requires all countries to open their trade and investment markets; The first Opium War was launched in 1840 to gunboat policy Forcing China to open ports for trade; Issued to the United States, Germany and other countries export credit Encourage countries to buy British locomotives, ships and equipment and protect overseas investment. Britain was abolished in 1846《 Cereal law 》, exemption of agricultural products Import tariff In 1853, the colonial market was opened and the privileged trading company was dissolved; Abolished in 1854 navigation acts , freedom of navigation; Reform in 1859 Tariff system , gradually abolish import tariffs export duty In 1860, the colonial Trade monopoly Britain and France signed a free trade treaty, which includes shipping, investment, trade and other contents. Later, Britain and Italy, Britain and the Netherlands, Britain and Germany and other free trade treaties will be provided to each other Most favored nation treatment British freedom trade policy Compared with the monopoly trade policy, it is easier for countries to colonial country Accept that the past unequal trade has increased the element of equality, and the trade policies of all countries have gradually shifted from confrontation to inclusiveness, free trade Become a trend.
Contemporary world economy There are two significant characteristics: first economic globalization One is regional economic integration Regional economic integration has developed rapidly. WTO Almost all of the member states have established free trade relations with other relevant countries. Both China and ASEAN members are developing country , limited economic strength, economic growth External market Is highly dependent, global economy The change of significant impact China ASEAN Free Trade Area It is precisely in response to the negative effect And in response to the rapid development of regional economic integration.
1. And Multilateral trading system In contrast, countries in the region are easy to reach agreements on free trade areas and produce results. At the same time, most of the existing free trade zones are fruitful, which has also stimulated more countries to participate in free trade zones.
2. As far as regions or neighboring countries are concerned, free trade zones are conducive to further economic and trade cooperation Geopolitical advantage The free trade zone between neighboring countries has convenient personnel exchanges and logistics Language culture Similar, similar living habits and other favorable conditions. Therefore, neighboring countries and regions have more favorable conditions to expand and deepen economic cooperation to obtain Mutual benefit and win-win The effect of multilateral trading system The benefits should be more obvious.
3. While joining the multilateral cooperation mechanism, the conclusion of a free trade area is conducive to promoting the economic structure Reform, so that more external forces can be used to promote domestic reform.
4. Recurrent in the 1990s Regional The lessons of the economic crisis have also prompted countries around the world to pay more attention to the institutionalization of regional economic cooperation. 1997 Southeast Asia The economic crisis has proved that among countries in the same region, crises tend to spread faster and interact more strongly. Therefore, strengthening intra regional economic and trade cooperation will not only help prevent new crises, but also contribute to the stable development of the world economy. [4]

Historical development

CCTV News Pictures
Free trade zones developed from free ports. Usually located in or near the port area, especially in the economy developed country Most, such as the United States Foreign Trade Zone 92. As early as the early 1950s, the United States proposed that manufacturing with export processing as the main goal could be developed in the free trade zone. In the late 1960s, some developing countries took advantage of this form and built special industrial zones, which developed into Export processing zone Since the 1980s, the free trade zones of many countries have developed into high-tech, knowledge and capital intensive areas, forming "science and technology based free trade zones".
Opened in France in the 13th century Marseille The port is a free trade zone. In 1547, Italy officially Genoa Bay Of Leghorn Port It was named the first free port in the world. Later, in order to expand international trade, some European countries successively port city Open a free port. [5]
In the early 1950s, the United States proposed that manufacturing with export processing as the main goal could be developed in the free trade zone.
In the late 1960s, some developing countries also took advantage of this form and built it into a special industrial zone, which gradually developed into an export processing zone.
CCTV News Pictures
Since the 1980s, the free trade zones of many countries have developed into high-tech, knowledge-based and capital-intensive Develop and form a "science and technology free trade zone". The number of free trade zones in the world has reached dozens, covering all continents, and is one of the main forms of regional economic integration. Among them, North American Free Trade Area It is also the largest free trade area in the world. Others China Europe Free Trade Zone , EU Latin America Free Trade Area, etc.
December 2007, China Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Port After Phase I closure, Tianjin Will Free Trade Port Area As the future development direction, And propose The agenda of the meeting. In March 2008, the General Plan for Comprehensive Reform Experiment in Tianjin Binhai New Area, approved by the State Council of China, clearly stated that Dongjiang Free Trade Port Area should "carry out reform exploration to establish a free trade port area when conditions are ripe". Approved in 2011《 Tianjin North International Shipping Center Core Functional Area Construction Scheme 》And reaffirmed the goal of carrying out the reform and exploration of the free trade zone in Tianjin Dongjiang. At the end of 2012, Tianjin The second meeting of the 10th CPC Committee and the ten major tasks of Tianjin to promote a new round of development and opening up of Binhai New Area at the beginning of 2013 have all taken the construction of a free trade zone as the key work of Tianjin in 2013. Before June 2013, Tianjin Free Trade Zone The scheme shall be reported by Tianjin to the relevant departments of the central government of China.
CCTV News Pictures (2)
The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China raised the construction of free trade zones as a national strategy, and the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to speed up the implementation Free Trade Zone Strategy The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to accelerate the implementation of the free trade zone strategy based on the surrounding areas and form a global network of high standard free trade zones. [6] The domestic and international environment for accelerating the implementation of the free trade zone strategy is to explore the ideas for China to accelerate the implementation of this strategy. Accurately grasp economic globalization New trends and new requirements for China's opening up.
As of June 19, 2013, there are more than 1200 free trade zones in the world, including 425 in 15 developed countries, accounting for 35.4%; A total of 775 were established by 67 developing countries, accounting for 64.6%.
In late May 2013, Premier Li Keqiang of China was visiting Switzerland During this period, the two countries signed a preliminary agreement on free trade with Switzerland.
In the first half of 2013, the Ministry of Commerce and China Shanghai Municipal People's Government To be drafted in conjunction with relevant departments of the State Council of China《 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone The overall plan (draft) shall be submitted to the State Council of China for approval. On July 3, 2013, the executive meeting of the State Council of China discussed and Adopted in principle The draft programme.
On August 22, 2013, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided to establish China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone It covers four areas: Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistics Park Yangshan Free Trade Port and Shanghai Pudong Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone , total area 28.78 square kilometre
On December 12, 2014, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided to establish China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone 3 free trade zones. Guangdong FTZ Covering three areas: Guangzhou Nansha New Area Area, Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Area Zhuhai Hengqin New Area It covers a total area of 116.2 square kilometers. Tianjin Free Trade Zone covers three areas: Tianjin Port Area, Tianjin Airport Area Central Business District of Binhai New Area It covers a total area of 119.9 square kilometers. Fujian Free Trade Zone It covers three areas: Fuzhou Area Xiamen Area Pingtan It covers a total area of 118.04 square kilometers. [7-9]
On December 28, 2014, the State Council decided to expand China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone The regional scope covers seven areas: Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistics Park Yangshan Free Trade Port Shanghai Pudong Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Zhangjiang High tech Park Lujiazui The financial and trade zone covers a total area of 120.72 square kilometers.
On August 31, 2016, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided to establish China (Liaoning) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Hubei) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Shaanxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone 7 free trade zones. The seven newly established free trade zones represent that the construction of China's free trade zone has entered a new journey of pilot exploration, and will continue to rely on the existing new areas and parks approved by the State Council to continue to closely follow Institutional innovation This core will further align with high standards of international economic and trade rules, form a pilot pattern with different characteristics and priorities in a wider range of fields, and promote An expanded in-depth reform agenda Expand opening up. [10]
On April 13, 2018, Xi Jinping celebrated Hainan At the 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Provincial Office of the Special Economic Zone, it was solemnly announced that the CPC Central Committee decided to support the construction of Hainan Island China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone [11]
On October 16, 2018, the State Council issued the Decision of the State Council on Approving the Establishment of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone And the implementation scope is Hainan Island The whole island. [12]
On November 15, 2020, China led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement The signing ceremony was held by video, 15 RCEP The ministers of economy and trade of member states will formally sign the agreement at the ceremony [4] It indicates that the world has the largest population, the largest economic and trade scale development potential The free trade zone officially set sail. [1]
On February 13, 2024 local time, President Teben of Algeria announced that his country would start to establish a free trade zone with five neighboring countries, including Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya, Mali and Niger, in 2024 [25]

basic function

Foreign ships are allowed to enter and leave the free trade zone freely. Foreign goods are imported duty-free Imported goods The quota control of Freeport It is a special functional area for a country to open to the outside world.
free trade In addition to most of the characteristics of a free port, the zone can also attract foreign capital to set up factories, develop export processing enterprises, and allow and encourage foreign capital to set up large commercial enterprises and financial institutions to promote the comprehensive and comprehensive development of the economy in the zone. The limitation of free trade area is that it will lead to Commodity flow Distortion and tax avoidance. If no other measures are taken as a supplement, the third country is likely to transport the goods to the member countries with low trade barriers first, and then to the countries with high trade barriers trade barrier Member States. In order to avoid such distortions in the flow of goods, the Free Trade Area Organization has formulated“ Principle of origin ”It stipulates that only the "products of origin" of the member countries of the Free Trade Area can enjoy the free trade treatment granted by the member countries. In theory, the value of all manufactured products produced in member countries accounts for Product value When the total amount is more than 50%, the product shall be regarded as the product of origin. Generally speaking, the more the third country imports compete with the products produced by the member countries of the free trade area, the higher the added value content of the domestic products of the member countries. The meaning of the principle of origin indicates that the free trade area has a certain impact on non member countries exclusiveness Typical free trade zones in reality are as follows North American Free Trade Area North America Free Trade Area)。

main features

With the development of time, the development of free trade zones gradually presents the following characteristics:

Increasing number

The most typical is the United States Foreign Trade Zone The rapid growth of. At the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s, the position of the United States in the global economy began to decline. At the same time, Depreciation of the dollar Unemployment Increase. In this case, in order to stimulate the development of foreign trade, states have set up foreign trade zones. By 1980, the number of free trade zones in the United States had increased to 77. By the end of 1994, there were 199 free trade zones, 285 trade zones, and 484 in total.

Function tends to be comprehensive

With the continuous growth of the number of free trade zones, the functions of free trade zones are also expanding. Since the 1970s Import and export trade The main free trade zones and the export processing based free trade zones have begun to integrate with each other, and the functions of free trade zones tend to be comprehensive. Raw materials, spare parts, semi-finished products and finished products can be freely imported and exported in the zone Entrepot trade Bonded warehousing Commodity exhibition , manufacturing, disassembly, modification, labeling, classification, mixed processing with other goods and other commercial activities. Therefore, most free trade zones in the world usually have multiple functions, such as import and export trade, entrepot trade, warehousing, processing, commodity display, finance, etc. These functions will greatly improve the operating efficiency and Risk resistance

Management is constantly strengthened

Free trade zones in various countries have different conditions, functions and management levels at their inception. However, after decades of competitive development, the management of free trade zones in various countries has gradually become standardized. And with the progress of science and technology, the infrastructure and Management means They have also been greatly improved, forming their own distinctive management system
The four major free trade zones in the world are: The United Arab Emirates Dubai Port Free port area, Germany Hamburg Port Free port area, the United States Port of New York Free Trade Zone Netherlands Port of Amsterdam Free Trade Zone. The four countries have roughly the same authorization for the management organization of the free trade zone, which is the integration of ports and zones federal government The authorized specialized agency is responsible for managing and coordinating the overall affairs of the free trade zone, investing in the construction of necessary infrastructure, and has the authority to approve Project initiation Especially focusing on the relationship between free trade area and urban function Mutual promotion, overall planning and construction ahead of schedule, which is very distinctive and effective, has driven the economic development of surrounding cities, especially in finance, insurance, commerce, intermediary, etc the service sector; the tertiary industry Significant achievements have been made in development.



By nature

In terms of nature, free trade zones can be divided into: commerce Free zone and industrial free zone The former does not allow unpacking, retailing, processing and manufacturing of goods; The latter allows duty-free import of raw materials, components and auxiliary materials, and designated processing Operation area Processing and manufacturing.

By function

Entrepot free trade zone
In terms of function, the function of the World Free Trade Area is set according to geographic conditions and Import and export trade Is determined according to the flow rate at home and abroad economic situation Adjustment and development. The main types are as follows:
Transit distribution type
This type of free trade zone uses superior Physical geographical environment Engaged in goods transit and distribution Cargo storage , commercial processing, etc. The most outstanding thing is Panama Of Cologne Free Trade Zone
Combination of trade and industry, trade oriented
This type of free trade zone mainly engages in import and export trade, and also engages in some simple processing and assembly manufacturing. stay developing country Most common. for example The United Arab Emirates Dubai Port Free port area
Export processing type
This type of free trade zone is mainly engaged in processing Entrepot trade International trade, warehousing and transportation services are supplemented. for example Nigeria Free Trade Zone.
Bonded warehousing
Such free trade zones are mainly bonded and exempt from foreign trade Import and export of goods Formalities, bonded for a long time, such as Netherlands Port of Amsterdam Free Trade Zone.

Policy coordination

The establishment of a free trade zone will inevitably lead to Trade diversion Sign multiple contracts at different times free trade agreement It will make the trade transfer more complicated. Due to the different entry into force time, transition period, content of preferential arrangements Comparative advantage Different, trade transfer may occur repeatedly. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate various bilateral trade Policies to reduce Preferential trade arrangement Losses incurred.

Tariff system

1. The scope of immediate duty-free goods continues to expand
Every newly signed FTA The agreement will result in trade transfer and at the same time Trade creation These trade creation may correct the trade transfer caused by the previous FTA agreement. In order to make full use of this function of the new FTA agreement, it is necessary to coordinate the terms of each FTA agreement.
2. The transition period for tariff reduction is gradually shortened
The gradual shortening of the transition period for tariff reduction is also to use the new FTA agreement to correct the trade transfer caused by the previous FTA agreement.
3. Unilateral tariff reduction and promotion Multilateral negotiations
Members of the Free Trade Area Agreement net profit It directly depends on the attitude of its external trade policy, and Regional integration In cooperation, the members shall adopt a Openness External policy. In the case of high external tariffs, the relative Price difference Will be larger, thus causing more Trade diversion Multilateral liberalization can eliminate trade diversion and bring the greatest Welfare effect , therefore, by unilateral or by multilateral trade negotiations Reducing external tariffs and transferring imports back to more efficient suppliers can limit trade transfers to Minimum

Rules of origin

Established in the Free Trade Zone Rules of origin It is generally used to prevent "trade operation", that is, to prevent products originating in non member countries from being transported through members with low degree of protection to members with high degree of protection. In addition to bearing the cost of transshipment, trade transshipment is efficient in economics. However, trade transshipment hinders one FTA member from exporting products subject to trade transshipment to another member, and also damages the Tariff structure Therefore, free trade zones have formulated rules of origin to restrict trade transshipment. In addition to reducing trade transshipment, FTA rules of origin will also increase the inflow of capital outside the region and the use of local raw materials in production within the region, but this is inefficient in economics. In short, the stricter the rules of origin, the lower the efficiency.
1. Extensive cumulative system
Extensive accumulation system can use raw materials from more countries and regions for production, thus reducing trade transfer and Investment transfer The cumulative system of rules of origin stipulates which country to import from Input Can be regarded as Beneficiary country The original product of. There are three types of accumulation methods: bilateral accumulation, diagonal accumulation and full accumulation.
2. Uniform and simplified rules of origin
Uniform rules of origin help exporter Adjust production to make export products conform to the rules of origin, so as to avoid blindness in production and make its products easier to enter target market Uniform rules of origin can also save money Negotiation cost And implementation costs. In the absence of uniform rules of origin in various free trade area agreements, it is easy for the government to formulate some rules of origin as a tool to implement trade protection measures according to local conditions, and under the uniform rules of origin, this behavior of the government is subject to certain constraints.
3. The protection of sensitive industries was gradually strengthened, and the rules of origin of non sensitive industries were gradually relaxed
The rules of origin of the free trade zone are not only to determine whether products can be enjoyed preferential treatment At the same time, we can also Economic development strategy and industrial structure Characteristic rules to protect sensitive industries and Increase employment etc. Economic objectives
In October 2003, NAFTA Parties A proposal aimed at pursuing more liberal rules of origin was announced.

Service trade rules

General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as the first service trade The multilateral framework has greatly promoted the liberalization of global trade in services. stay Uruguay Round After that, the member parties made a further discussion on finance, telecommunications, maritime transport and Movement of natural persons A series of follow-up negotiations have been carried out by other service departments and methods, and so far all members are still implementing and digesting these commitments. Doha Round Since the beginning, with the exception of some countries that have significant interests and advantages in the export of service trade, most countries lack enthusiasm for a new round of negotiations. In order to promote the export of domestic service trade, the United States and the European Union have listed in their FTA agreements Liberalization of trade in services The breadth and depth of the provisions of GATS exceed the commitments of GATS. In order to protect the interests of foreign investors, the United States and the European Union have also included investment clauses in their FTA agreements.
1、 Negative list mode
Under most free trade agreements, the US and EU free trade zones have adopted a "negative list" approach to service trade liberalization. Except for the areas included in the reserved list, there are no trade restrictions on other service trade, and new service sectors are automatically included in the agreement. This approach is different from that of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, which adopts the listing approach. The "negative list approach" has effectively expanded the areas covered by the agreement and can generate greater trade creation. At the same time, the new service sectors are automatically incorporated into all free trade agreements at the same time, thus reducing trade transfer.
2. Adequate liquidity of funds
After the formation of a free trade area, the economies of the countries in the alliance have changed from Equilibrium point The development to another equilibrium point will produce Transitional The cost of adjustment. In the short term, this cost may be very high, which is manifested in temporary unemployment and throughput Idle, resulting in period of transition Loss of benefits. After the end of the transition period, resources will be reallocated to better uses. Obviously, in the regional group The stronger the mobility of labor and capital among member countries, the smaller these transitional losses may be.

laws and regulations

World Trade Organization Main provisions on free trade zones:
1. The purpose of the establishment of a free trade zone is to facilitate trade between the countries and regions constituting the free trade zone. Trade barriers shall not be higher or stricter than the general restrictions on tariffs and trade regulations imposed by the constituent countries and regions on the members not participating in the free trade zone when the free trade zone is not established.
2. If any member decides to join a free trade zone or sign provisional provisions for the establishment of a free trade zone, it shall have a plan and schedule for the establishment of a free trade zone within a reasonable period of time.
3. Any member decides to join the free trade zone or signs to establish the free trade zone Provisional agreement Shall notify all members in a timely manner, and shall provide them with information about the proposed free trade area, so that all members can consider and submit reports and suggestions to all members. If all members find that it is impossible for the parties to the agreement to form a free trade area within the proposed period, or consider the proposed period to be unreasonable, all members shall make suggestions to the parties to the agreement. If the parties to the agreement do not intend to amend the provisional provisions in accordance with these suggestions, the relevant agreement shall not be maintained or put into practice.
4. All members shall be notified of any important changes to the establishment plan or schedule of the free trade zone. If such a change would endanger or unduly delay the establishment of a free trade area, all members may request consultations with the members concerned.
5. The reasonable period of the interim agreement for the establishment of a free trade area can only exceed 10 years under special circumstances. When members of an agreement think that 10 years is not enough, they must provide the goods council with a complete explanation that requires a longer period of time.
6. The free trade zone should accept World Trade Organization The working group shall conduct inspection and make regular reports to the Council of the World Trade Organization Agreement execution Report of the situation. In today's world, the development of free trade zones is very rapid. The number of free trade zones in the world has reached dozens, covering all continents regional economic integration One of the main forms of. Among them, NAFTA and ASEAN Free Trade Area The North American Free Trade Area is also the largest free trade area in the world. Other free trade zones China Europe Free Trade Zone , EU—— Latin America Free trade zone, etc. In general, all countries in the world attach great importance to serving their own economic development by establishing and developing free trade zones, except Asia Apart from Japan and South Korea, almost all major trading countries in the world have participated in free trade zones, and some are members of several free trade zones. [13]

Main impacts

The impact of free trade zones on the regional economy can be roughly divided into two categories:
The first category refers to the elimination of tariffs and trade between regional members Quantity limit The direct impact of the measures on the trade development of each member;
The second category refers to that after the conclusion of the free trade area production efficiency Improve and capital accumulation Increase, leading to accelerated economic growth of all members Indirect effect

China Free Trade Zone

Shanghai Free Trade Zone (dark purple area)
Development objectives According to the free trade policy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Test area The requirements of "continue to actively and boldly make bold efforts, boldly try, and independently reform", "continue to explore and deeply cultivate the pilot area", and deepen and improve the negative list management as the core Investment management system , trade supervision system focusing on trade facilitation Capital Account Convertibility and Financial services Open finance Innovation system , with Transformation of government functions The system of supervision in the process and after the event, with international investment The system linking the general trade rules Innovation system And give full play to finance and trade, advanced manufacturing technological innovation And other key functional bearing areas, and strive to become the most open investment and trade facilitation Currency Exchange Free, efficient and convenient supervision legal environment A standardized free trade park.
Implementation scope Implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone 120.72 square kilometre , covering Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Logistics Park Yangshan Free Trade Port Shanghai Pudong Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone 4 Special customs supervision area (28.78 km2) and Lujiazui Financial area (34.26 square kilometers), Jinqiao development area (20.48 square kilometers), Zhangjiang high-tech area (37.2 square kilometers).
Strategic positioning Relying on Hong Kong and Macao, serving the mainland and facing the world, build the pilot free trade zone into Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Deep cooperation demonstration area The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road An important hub and a pioneer in the new round of reform and opening up.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform experiments, build internationalization, marketization and legalization Business environment , Build New system of open economy To realize the deep cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao International economic cooperation New competitive advantages, and strive to build a free trade park that conforms to international high standards of legal environment, facilitates investment and trade, has prominent radiation and driving functions, and is safe and efficient in supervision.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 116.2 square kilometers, covering three areas: Guangzhou Nansha New Area 60 square kilometers (including Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Port 7.06 square kilometers), Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou District 28.2 square kilometers (including Shenzhen Qianhai Bay Free Trade Port 3.71 km2), Zhuhai Hengqin New Area The area is 28 square kilometers.
Functional division According to the regional layout, Guangzhou Nansha New Area will focus on the development of shipping logistics, featured finance, international commerce, high-end manufacturing and other industries, and build Productive services Dominant Modern industry New highlands and world-class Comprehensive services Hub; Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou District focuses on developing finance Modern logistics information service Science and technology services etc. Strategic emerging service industry And build a demonstration window for China's financial industry to open to the outside world service trade Important bases and international hub ports; Zhuhai Hengqin New Area focuses on tourism, leisure, health and business financial service , culture, science and education, high-tech and other industries cultural education to open up Pilot area And International Business services Leisure tourism Base, building promotion Macao A new carrier for moderately diversified economic development.
Strategic positioning Take system innovation as the core task, take replicability and popularization as the basic requirement, and strive to become integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin municipalities and Hebei province High level open platform, nationwide Pilot area for reform and opening up And institutional innovation Experimental field A world-class free trade park.
Overall objectives. After three to five years of reform and exploration, the pilot free trade zone will be built into freedom of trade Convenient investment and high-end Industrial agglomeration The international first-class free trade park with perfect financial services, standardized legal environment, efficient and convenient supervision, and obvious radiation and driving effect, has coordinated development in Beijing Tianjin Hebei and China economic transition Play an exemplary and leading role in development.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.9 square kilometers, covering three areas: Tianjin Port 30 square kilometers (including Dongjiang Free Trade Port 10 square kilometers), Tianjin Airport 43.1 square kilometers (including Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone 1 square kilometers and Binhai New Area Comprehensive Bonded Zone 1.96 km2), Binhai New Area The central business area covers an area of 46.8 square kilometers (including the harbor part of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone and Bonded Logistics Park 4 square kilometers).
Functional division According to the regional layout, Tianjin Port Area focuses on the development of shipping logistics, international trade finance lease etc. Modern service industry Tianjin Airport Area Key Development Aerospace Equipment manufacturing New generation information technology etc. High end manufacturing And R&D design Aviation logistics And other producer services; The central business area of Binhai New Area focuses on financial innovation Modern service industry.
Strategic positioning Focusing on the strategic requirements of basing on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, serving the country and facing the world, we should give full play to the advantages of reform first, create an international, market-oriented and legal business environment, and build the pilot free trade zone into a Reform and innovation Experimental field; Give full play to the advantages of Taiwan, take the lead in promoting and Taiwan Regional investment liberalization of trade Process to deepen the construction of the pilot free trade zone Cross Strait Economic Cooperation Demonstration area; Give full play to the frontier advantages of opening up, build the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and create a new highland of opening up and cooperation for countries and regions along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
Development objectives Adhere to the combination of expanding opening up and deepening reform, functional cultivation and institutional innovation, accelerate the transformation of government functions, and establish a new system compatible with international investment and trade rules. Innovate cross-strait cooperation mechanism and promote various factors such as goods, services, funds and personnel free flow , strengthen the economy of Fujian and Taiwan Correlation degree We will accelerate the formation of a new pattern of opening up at a higher level, and expand the depth and breadth of exchanges and cooperation with countries and regions along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. After three to five years of reform and exploration, we will strive to make investment and trade convenient, financial innovation prominent Service system Perfect free trade parks with efficient and convenient supervision and standard legal environment.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 118.04 square kilometers, covering three areas: Pingtan The area is 43 square kilometers, Xiamen 43.78 square kilometers (including Xiangyu Free Trade Zone 0.6 square kilometers, Xiangyu Bonded Logistics Park 0.7 square kilometers Xiamen Haicang Free Trade Port 9.51 km2), Fuzhou The area is 31.26 square kilometers (including Fuzhou Free Trade Zone 0.6 square kilometers Fuzhou Export Processing Zone 1.14 square kilometers Fuzhou Free Trade Port 9.26 square kilometers).
Functional division According to the regional layout, Pingtan area Key construction The common home and international tourism To implement more free and convenient measures in investment, trade and capital and personnel exchanges; Xiamen Area focuses on the construction of both banks Emerging industries And modern service industry cooperation demonstration zone, Southeast International Shipping Center, cross-strait regional financial service center and cross-strait Trade Centre Key construction in Fuzhou area Advanced manufacturing The Base, an important platform for exchanges and cooperation between countries and regions along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and a demonstration zone for cross-strait service trade and financial innovation cooperation.
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, accelerate the reform of market oriented systems and mechanisms and actively promote Structural adjustment And strive to build the pilot free trade zone into an upgrade zone Northeast old industrial base Develop a new engine for overall competitiveness and opening up.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we have formed an institutional innovation system that is linked to the general rules of international investment and trade, created a legal, international and convenient business environment, consolidated and enhanced the attraction to talent, capital and other elements, and worked hard to build high-end industrial clusters, investment and trade facilitation, perfect financial services, efficient and convenient supervision Legal environment Standardized high level and high standard free trade park, leading Northeast China change economic development mode Improve the quality and level of economic development.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.89 square kilometers, covering three areas: Dalian 59.96 square kilometers (including Dalian Free Trade Zone 1.25 square kilometers Dalian Export Processing Zone 2.95 square kilometers Dalian Dayaowan Free Trade Port 6.88 square kilometers), Shenyang The area is 29.97 square kilometers, Yingkou The area is 29.96 square kilometers.
Functional division Divided by regional layout, Dalian focuses on port and shipping logistics, finance and commerce, advanced equipment manufacturing, high-tech circular economy , shipping services and other industries Northeast Asia International Shipping Center International Logistics Center The construction process should form a strategic highland for opening up and cooperation in Northeast Asia; Shenyang District focuses on the development of advanced manufacturing industries such as equipment manufacturing, automobile and spare parts, aviation equipment, and modern service industries such as finance, science and technology, and logistics to improve the national New industrialization Demonstration cities, Northeast China Science and Technology Innovation Center Development level, construction with International competitiveness Of Advanced equipment manufacturing industry Base; Key development in Yingkou area Commercial logistics Cross border e-commerce , finance and other modern service industries and the new generation of information technology High end equipment manufacturing etc. strategic emerging industries To build a regional international logistics center, high-end equipment manufacturing and high-tech Industrial base , build an international Sea rail combined transport It is an important hub of the big channel.
Strategic positioning With system innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, the pilot free trade zone will be built into Eastern region Important maritime open portal demonstration area International bulk commodities Trade liberalization pilot zone and resource allocation base with international influence.
Development objectives After about three years of distinctive reform and exploration, it has basically realized the convenience of investment and trade, the agglomeration of high-end industries, the standardization of the legal environment, the improvement of financial services, the efficient and convenient supervision, and the prominent role of radiation and driving, with oil products as the core Bulk commodities The global configuration capability has been significantly improved and connected international standard Preliminary completion Free Trade Port Area Advance zone.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.95 square kilometers, consisting of land area and related oceans Anchorage It consists of three areas: Zhoushan Islands 78.98 square kilometers (including Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone Block II 3.02 km2), Zhoushan Island The northern area is 15.62 square kilometers (including Zhoushan Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone - 2.83 square kilometers), Zhoushan Island Southern area 25.35 square kilometers.
Functional division According to regional layout, Zhoushan Outlying islands area Yushan Island focuses on building a world-class green petrochemical base, Muranghu Island Mount Huangze Island, Shuangzishan Island Qushan Island Xiaoqushan Island , Majishan Island focuses on developing oil products and other large quantities commodity reserves , transit and trade industries, and marine anchorage to focus on the development of bonded fuel oil supply services; The northern part of Zhoushan Island focuses on developing large quantities of oil products merchandise trade Bonded fuel oil supply, petroleum and petrochemical Industrial supporting facilities equipment Bonded logistics , warehousing, manufacturing and other industries; Key development in the southern part of Zhoushan Island Bulk commodity trading Aviation manufacturing, parts logistics, R&D design and related supporting industries, construction Zhoushan Aviation Industrial Park Focus on developing aquatic product trade Marine tourism , seawater utilization, modern commerce and trade, financial services, shipping information consultation , high-tech and other industries.
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will accelerate the construction of a modern three-dimensional transportation system and modern logistics system connecting the north and south and the east and west, and build the pilot free trade zone into a modern service for the "Belt and Road" construction Comprehensive transportation hub Pilot fields for comprehensive reform and opening up and inland open economy demonstration zones.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we have formed an institutional innovation system that is linked to the general rules of international investment and trade, created a legal, international and convenient business environment, and worked hard to build the pilot free trade zone into a high-level and high standard free trade park with convenient investment and trade, high-end industries, transportation and logistics, efficient and convenient supervision, and outstanding radiation and driving role, Lead the transformation and development of the inland economy and promote the construction of a new pattern of all-round opening up.
Scope of implementation The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.77 square kilometers, covering three areas: Zhengzhou 73.17 square kilometers (including Henan Zhengzhou Export Processing Zone 0.89 square kilometers in Zone A Henan Bonded Logistics Center 0.41 km2), Kaifeng The area is 19.94 square kilometers, Luoyang The area is 26.66 square kilometers.
Functional division According to the regional layout, Zhengzhou will focus on development Intelligent terminal High end equipment And automobile manufacturing Biomedicine And other advanced manufacturing industries, as well as modern logistics, international trade, cross-border e-commerce, modern financial services Service outsourcing Creative design , business exhibitions, animation games and other modern service industries are promoting the integrated development and investment of transportation and logistics Trade facilitation Promote the system Mechanism innovation , creating Multimodal transport International logistics center, giving play to the role of modern comprehensive transportation hub serving the "Belt and Road" construction; Kaifeng District focuses on developing service outsourcing Medical tourism , creative design Cultural media , cultural finance, art transaction, modern logistics and other service industries, to improve equipment manufacturing Processing of agricultural and sideline products international co-operation And trade capacity, building International cultural trade and Humanistic tourism Cooperation platform to create service trade innovation Development area And cultural and creative industries opening up pilot areas to promote international Cultural tourism Integrated development; Luoyang District focuses on the development of high-end manufacturing industries such as equipment manufacturing, robots and new materials, as well as R&D and design, e-commerce, service outsourcing, international cultural tourism Cultural creativity , cultural trade, cultural exhibition and other modern service industries Equipment manufacturing Transformation and upgrading capacity and international capacity Cooperation ability , build an international Intelligent manufacturing Cooperation demonstration area, promote Innovation Zone for Inheritance of Chinese Historical Civilization Construction.
Strategic positioning With system innovation as the core, replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will base ourselves on the central region, radiate the whole country and go global, and strive to become an orderly central region Undertake industrial transfer Demonstration areas, strategic emerging industries and high-tech Industrial cluster A pilot field for comprehensive reform and opening up and a new highland for inland opening up.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we will connect with the international high standard investment and trade rules system, and strive to build a high-level and high standard free trade park with high-end industry agglomeration, active innovation and entrepreneurship, perfect financial services, efficient and convenient supervision, and outstanding radiation and driving role The strategy of the rise of central China And advance Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Play an exemplary role.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.96 square kilometers, covering three areas: Wuhan area of 70 square kilometers (including Wuhan East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone 5.41 km2), Xiangyang 21.99 square kilometers (including Xiangyang Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.281 square kilometers), Yichang The area is 27.97 square kilometers.
Functional division According to the regional layout, Wuhan focuses on the development of new generation information technology, life health, intelligent manufacturing and other strategic emerging industries as well as international commerce, financial services, modern logistics, inspection and testing, research and development design, information services professional services And other modern service industries; Xiangyang District focuses on high-end equipment manufacturing New energy vehicles , big data, cloud computing, commercial logistics, inspection and testing and other industries; Yichang District focuses on the development of advanced manufacturing, biomedicine, electronic information, new materials and other high-tech industries as well as R&D and design Headquarters economy , e-commerce and other modern service industries.
Strategic positioning With system innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's plan to give play to the important role of Chongqing's strategic fulcrum and connection point and expand the western region Gateway city As required by openness, we will strive to build the pilot free trade zone into the "Belt and Road" and Yangtze River Economic Belt Interconnection It is an important hub and an important fulcrum of the western development strategy.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, efforts have been made to build a high-level and high standard free trade park with convenient investment and trade, high-end industry cluster, efficient and convenient supervision, perfect financial services, standardized legal environment, and outstanding radiation and driving role, and strive to build a free trade park that serves the construction of the "Belt and Road" and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt International logistics Hub and port highland to promote the construction of a gateway city in the western region All directional opening The new pattern will drive the in-depth implementation of the strategy of the Western Development.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.98 square kilometers, covering three areas: Liangjiang area is 66.29 square kilometers (including Chongqing Lianglu Cuntan Free Trade Port 8.37 square kilometers), Xiyong District 22.81 square kilometers (including Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone 8.8 square kilometers Chongqing Railway Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.15 square kilometers), orchard port area 30.88 square kilometers.
Functional division Divided by regional layout, Liangjiang District focuses on building High end industry With the high-end element cluster area, focus on the development of high-end equipment, electronic core components, cloud computing, biomedicine and other emerging industries, as well as modern service industries such as headquarters trade, service trade, e-commerce, exhibition trade, warehousing distribution, professional services, financial leasing, research and development design, promote the opening and innovation of the financial industry, accelerate the implementation of innovation driven development strategy, and enhance logistics, technology Agglomeration and radiation capacity of capital, talents and other essential resources; Xiyong District focuses on building improvement trade The transformation and upgrading demonstration area focuses on the development of electronic information Intelligent equipment And other manufacturing industries and productive service industries such as bonded logistics transit distribution, optimizing processing trade Development mode Orchard port area focuses on building multimodal transport logistics Transshipment center We will focus on developing services such as international transit, pooling and distribution, and explore innovative development of advanced manufacturing.
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, the pilot free trade zone will be built into a leading area for the development and opening up of western gateway cities, inland, based on the inland, linking the east with the west, serving the country and facing the world Opening strategy Support belt pilot area, international open channel hub area, inland Open economy New highland, inland, coastal, border and riverside collaborative opening demonstration area.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we will strive to build a standardized legal environment, facilitate investment and trade Elements of innovation High level and high standard free trade parks with agglomeration, efficient and convenient supervision, and remarkable synergistic opening effect are being built Inland open economic highland We will play an exemplary role in furthering the Western Development and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.99 square kilometers, covering three areas: Chengdu Tianfu New Area 90.32 square kilometers (including Chengdu High tech Comprehensive Bonded Zone Block IV 〔 Double flow Park] 4 square kilometers, Chengdu airport Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.09 square kilometers), Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area 9.68 square kilometers (including Chengdu Railway Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.18 square kilometers), Southern Sichuan Port area 19.99 square kilometers (including Luzhou Port Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.21 square kilometers).
Functional division According to the regional layout, Chengdu Tianfu New Area focuses on the development of modern services, high-end manufacturing, high-tech airport economy , port services and other industries, building a national important modern high-end industry cluster Innovation driven development leading area Open finance Industrial innovation Highland, commercial logistics center and internationality Aviation hub To build an open highland for gateway cities in the western region; Key Development Points of Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area International commodity Collecting and distributing transportation, distribution display, bonded logistics warehousing International freight forwarder , vehicle import, featured finance and other port service industries, and information services, science and technology services, exhibition services and other modern service industries to build an inland region Unicom Silk Road Economic Belt It is an important fulcrum of the westward international trade corridor; South Sichuan Port Area focuses on the development of shipping logistics Port trade , education, medical care and other modern service industries, as well as equipment manufacturing Modern medicine , food and beverage and other advanced manufacturing and characteristics Advantageous industry To become an important regional comprehensive transportation hub and Chengdu Chongqing Urban Agglomeration Southbound It is an important portal for opening and radiating Yunnan and Guizhou.
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to better play the driving role of the "Belt and Road" construction in the western development and increase the opening of gateway cities in the western region, and strive to build the pilot free trade zone into a pilot field of comprehensive reform and opening up, a new highland of inland reform and opening up, and the "Belt and Road" An important fulcrum for economic cooperation and people to people and cultural exchanges.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we have formed an institutional innovation system that connects with the general rules of international investment and trade, created a legal, international and convenient business environment, and worked hard to build a convenient and high-end investment and trade Industrial agglomeration A high-level and high standard free trade park with perfect financial services, in-depth people to people and cultural exchanges, efficient and convenient supervision, and standardized legal environment promotes the in-depth implementation of the "Belt and Road" construction and the western development strategy.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.95 square kilometers, covering three areas: the central area is 87.76 square kilometers (including Shaanxi Xi'an Export Processing Zone 0.75 square kilometers for Zone A and 0.79 square kilometers for Zone B, Xi'an High tech Comprehensive Bonded Zone 3.64 square kilometers and Shaanxi Xixian Bonded Logistics Center [Type B] 0.36 square kilometers), Xi'an International Port Area 26.43 square kilometers (including Xi'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone 6.17 km2), Yangling demonstration zone The area is 5.76 square kilometers.
Functional division According to the regional layout, the central area of the pilot free trade zone focuses on the development of strategic emerging industries and High tech industry Focus on the development of high-end manufacturing, aviation logistics Trade Finance And other industries, promote the construction of the service trade promotion system, expand the depth and breadth of people to people exchanges in science and technology, education, culture, tourism, health care and other fields, and create a high-end industrial highland and people to people exchanges highland for the "Belt and Road"; Xi'an International Port Area focuses on the development of international trade, modern logistics, financial services Tourism exhibition , e-commerce and other industries, building the "Belt and Road" international transit inland hub port, open financial industry innovation highland and Eurasian New platform for trade and people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation; At the end of Yangling Demonstration Area Agricultural science and technology innovation Focus on demonstration and promotion, and build the "Belt and Road" modern agriculture international cooperation center by comprehensively expanding international cooperation and exchanges in the agricultural field.
Strategic positioning Give full play to the overall advantages of Hainan Island as a pilot project and focus on construction Pilot zone for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone International Tourism Consumption Center And major national strategic service guarantee areas aggressiveness To accelerate the construction of a new open economic system and promote the formation of New pattern of comprehensive opening up To build Hainan into a country oriented the pacific ocean and the indian ocean Is an important opening door to the outside world. [14]
Development objectives Benchmark international advanced rules, continue to deepen reform and exploration, and promote high-level opening High quality development And accelerate the establishment of an open type ecotype Service oriented industrial system. By 2020, important progress will be made in the construction of the pilot free trade zone, international openness will be significantly improved, and efforts will be made to build a convenient investment and trade, a standardized legal environment, perfect financial services, safe and efficient supervision Ecological environment quality High standard and high-quality free trade pilot zone with first-class and outstanding radiating and driving effects, to gradually explore and steadily promote Hainan Free Trade Port Build in steps and stages Free Trade Port The policy system has laid a solid foundation. [14]
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is Hainan The whole island. The development and utilization of land and sea area in the pilot free trade zone must comply with the national regulations laws and regulations , implement Ecological Civilization and Green development Requirements Hainan Multi compliance master plan , and comply with Economical and intensive land use Relevant requirements for sea use. involve Uninhabited island Must comply with《 Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China 》Relevant regulations. [14]
Functional division According to the requirements of the overall plan of Hainan Province, Hainan Island should be scientifically arranged with the development of tourism, modern service industry and high-tech industry as the leading role Industrial layout Add special customs supervision areas according to development needs, carry out institutional innovation in special customs supervision areas with investment and trade liberalization and facilitation as the main content, and mainly carry out international investment and trade, bonded logistics, bonded maintenance and other businesses. Add in Sanya Customs supervision Isolate areas and carry out global flora and fauna germplasm resource Introduction and transit business. [14]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the central government's in-depth implementation plan Innovation driven Develop and promote Beijing Tianjin Hebei synergy development strategy And other requirements to help build a science and technology innovation center with global influence, accelerate the building of a pilot area for expanding the opening up of the service industry Digital economy The pilot area focuses on building a high-level opening platform for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
Development objectives Give greater reform to the pilot free trade zone Autonomy And carry out in-depth differentiated exploration. Benchmark international advanced rules, increase openness, and carry out rules, regulations, management, standards, etc Institutional openness After three to five years of reform and exploration Original innovation , technological innovation, open innovation, collaborative innovation Superiority To form more internationally competitive System innovation achievements To accumulate practical experience for further opening up and strive to build Trade and investment Convenient, excellent business environment, first-class innovation ecology, high-end industry cluster, perfect financial services international economy High standard and high-quality free trade parks with active exchanges, safe and efficient supervision, and outstanding radiation and driving role. Strengthening the reform of the pilot free trade zone Beijing The linkage of municipal reform, and the conditions for various reform pilot tasks are Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Fully implemented, and gradually Beijing Promotion test.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.68 square kilometers, covering three areas: 31.85 square kilometers of scientific and technological innovation area, and 48.34 square kilometers of international business service area (including Beijing Tianzhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone 5.466 square kilometers), and 39.49 square kilometers of high-end industrial area.
Functional division Science and technology innovation area focuses on the development of new generation information technology, biology and health, science and technology services and other industries, creating a digital economy pilot zone and global entrepreneurship Investment Center Science and technology system reform Pilot demonstration area; Key development of international business service area Digital trade , culture and trade, business exhibition, medical and health care, international delivery logistics, cross-border finance and other industries, to build a pilot demonstration area for airport economic innovation; The high-end industry area focuses on the development of business services international finance , cultural creativity, biotechnology and Great health And other industries, construction Scientific and technological achievements Transform the bearing area, strategic emerging industry cluster and international high-end functional institutions cluster. [15]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, fully implement the central government's requirements on accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power and implementing the strategy of the rise of the central region Eastern coastal area and Central and western regions Transition zone , the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Coastal Open Economic Belt location advantage And strive to create world-class Advanced manufacturing cluster , connecting the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area International investment and trade corridor Central African A pilot zone for in-depth economic and trade cooperation and a new highland for inland opening up.
Development objectives Give the pilot free trade zone greater reform autonomy and carry out in-depth differentiated exploration. Benchmarking against international advanced rules, we will increase openness and carry out institutional opening of rules, regulations, management and standards. After three to five years of reform and exploration, more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements have been formed, practical experience has been accumulated for further opening up, high-quality development of advanced manufacturing industry has been promoted, and key areas have been upgraded innovation ability And level, forming China Africa economic and trade cooperation New path and new mechanism, strive to build a high standard and high-quality free trade park with convenient trade and investment, optimized industrial layout, perfect financial services, safe and efficient supervision, and outstanding radiation and driving role.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.76 square kilometers, covering three areas: Changsha area 79.98 square kilometers (including Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone 1.99 km2), Yueyang 19.94 square kilometers (including Yueyang Chenglingji Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.07 km2), Chenzhou 19.84 square kilometers (including Chenzhou Comprehensive bonded area 1.06 km2).
Functional division Changsha will focus on the construction of the "Belt and Road", highlight the airport economy, and focus on the development of high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation information technology, biomedicine, e-commerce Agricultural science and technology And other industries to build the world High end equipment manufacturing industry Base, high-end modern service industry center in inland areas, pilot area for in-depth economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa Rise of Central China Growth pole Yueyang District focuses on docking with the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, highlighting Port economy Focus on the development of shipping logistics, e-commerce, new generation information technology and other industries, and build a comprehensive shipping logistics center in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and an inland port economic demonstration zone. Key docking in Chenzhou area Construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Highlight the direct connection between Hunan, Hong Kong and Macao, and focus on the development of non-ferrous metals Metalworking , modern logistics and other industries, and build an important platform for inland regions to undertake industrial transfer and transformation and upgrading of processing trade, as well as a demonstration zone for cooperation between Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. [15]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the central government's plan to deeply implement innovation driven development and promote Changjiang delta region Integrated development strategy And other requirements, play an important role in promoting the construction of the "Belt and Road" and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and the development of the real economy, and accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological innovation Place of origin Construction, advanced manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industry cluster development, forming a new highland of inland opening up.
Development objectives Give the pilot free trade zone greater reform autonomy and carry out in-depth differentiated exploration. Benchmarking against international advanced rules, we will increase openness and carry out institutional opening of rules, regulations, management and standards. After three to five years of reform and exploration, more institutional innovations with international competitiveness have been formed, practical experience has been accumulated for further opening up, and scientific and technological innovation, industrial innovation Enterprise innovation Product innovation Market innovation Promote the opening of large channels and platforms General clearance We will strive to build a high standard and high-quality free trade park that is convenient for trade and investment, active and strong in innovation, concentrated in high-end industries, perfect in financial services, safe and efficient in supervision, and has a prominent role in radiation and driving.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.86 square kilometers, covering three areas: Hefei The area is 64.95 square kilometers (including Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone Comprehensive Bonded Zone 1.4 square kilometers), Wuhu 35 square kilometers (including Wuhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.17 km2), Bengbu The area is 19.91 square kilometers.
Functional division Hefei District focuses on high-end manufacturing Integrated circuit , artificial intelligence, new display Quantum information Science and technology finance , cross-border e-commerce and other industries to create a global Comprehensive National Science Center And the leading area of industrial innovation center. Key development in Wuhu area Intelligent Connected Vehicle , smart home appliances, aviation, robots, shipping services, cross-border e-commerce and other industries, to build a strategic emerging industry pilot zone River sea combined transport International logistics hub area. Bengbu District focuses on the development of new silicon based materials, new bio based materials, new energy and other industries, to build a world-class silicon based and bio based manufacturing center Northern Anhui Regional leading area for scientific and technological innovation and open development. [15]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, comprehensively implement the central government's plan on strengthening the economy social development Innovation Transformation of economic development mode and construction Maritime power To accelerate the transformation and development of new and old development drivers marine economy And form a new highland for opening up.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, benchmarking with international advanced rules, more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements have been formed, and the quality, efficiency and power of economic development have been promoted. Efforts have been made to build a high standard and quality free trade park with convenient trade and investment, perfect financial services, safe and efficient supervision, and outstanding radiation belt operations.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.98 square kilometers, covering three areas: Jinan The area is 37.99 square kilometers, Qingdao 52 square kilometers (including Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal 9.12 square kilometers Qingdao West Coast Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.01 km2), Yantai The area is 29.99 square kilometers (including Yantai Free Trade Port Block II 2.26 square kilometers).
pilot free trade zones Land development Utilization must comply with land use Ecological environment protection Urban and rural planning Laws and regulations, compliance Overall land use planning And urban and rural planning, and comply with the relevant requirements of economical and intensive land use; If it involves the sea, it shall comply with《 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas 》《 Law of the People's Republic of China on Maritime Environmental Protection 》And other laws and regulations.
Functional division Jinan area focuses on the development of artificial intelligence Industrial finance , health care culture industry , information technology and other industries, carry out comprehensive pilot tests of the new open economy system, and build an important regional economic center Logistics Center and Science and Technology Innovation Center; Qingdao focuses on the development of modern marine, international trade, shipping logistics, modern finance, advanced manufacturing and other industries to build an international shipping hub in Northeast Asia, an important innovation center in the eastern coast Marine Economic Development Demonstration Area To help Qingdao become an important coastal city in China key city Yantai area focuses on the development of high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, new generation information technology Energy saving and environmental protection , biomedicine and producer services, building a leading area for trade and investment cooperation between China and South Korea, a marine intelligent manufacturing base, national scientific and technological achievements and International technology transfer Transformation demonstration area. [21]
Strategic positioning With system innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the central government's plan on deepening Industrial structure adjustment Deeply implement the requirements of the innovation driven development strategy, promote all-round and high-level opening up, accelerate the construction of the intersection of the "Belt and Road", and strive to create an open economic development pilot zone Real economy Innovative development and Demonstration area for industrial transformation and upgrading
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we have standardized on international advanced rules to form more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements, promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of economic development, and strive to build a high standard and quality free trade park with convenient trade and investment, high-end industry agglomeration, perfect financial services, safe and efficient supervision, and outstanding radiation and driving role.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.97 square kilometers, covering three areas: Nanjing area of 39.55 square kilometers, Suzhou 60.15 square kilometers (including Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Free Trade Zone 5.28 square kilometers), Lianyungang 20.27 square kilometers (including Lianyungang Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.44 km2).
The land development and utilization of the pilot free trade zone must comply with the laws and regulations on land use, ecological environment protection, urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning, and the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use; Those involving the sea shall comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas, the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, etc.
Functional division Nanjing will build a pilot area for independent innovation with international influence, a demonstration area for modern industries and an important platform for opening up and cooperation; Suzhou District to build world-class high-tech Industrial Park To build a highland of all-round opening, international innovation, high-end industries and modern governance; Lianyungang Area to Build an Important Eurasian International Transport hub An open portal that gathers high-quality elements and an exchange and cooperation platform for countries (regions) along the "Belt and Road". [21]
Strategic positioning With system innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, comprehensively implement the central government's plan on building the southwest Central South Region The requirements of opening up and developing new strategic fulcrums, giving full play to the Unique advantages We will focus on building a sea port in the southwest, central, south, northwest, and ASEAN oriented New channel of international land and sea trade , forming the 21st century sea the Silk Road And the Silk Road Economic Belt.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, benchmarking with international advanced rules, more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements will be formed, and the quality, efficiency and power of economic development will be promoted. Efforts will be made to facilitate trade and investment, improve financial services, ensure safe and efficient supervision, and highlight and lead the action of the radiation belt China ASEAN Open and cooperative free trade parks with high standards and quality.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.99 square kilometers, covering three areas: Nanning 46.8 square kilometers (including Nanning Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.37 square kilometers), Qinzhou Port area 58.19 square kilometers (including Qinzhou Free Trade Port 8.81 km2), Chongzuo 15 square kilometers (including Pingxiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone 1.01 km2).
The land development and utilization of the pilot free trade zone must comply with the laws and regulations on land use, ecological environment protection, urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning, and the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use; Those involving the sea shall comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Islands, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Marine Environment.
Functional division Nanning focuses on the development of modern finance Smart logistics , digital economy, cultural media and other modern service industries, vigorously develop emerging manufacturing industries, and build a core area of financial open door to ASEAN and an important node of new international land and sea trade channels; Qinzhou Port Area focuses on the development of port and shipping logistics, international trade, green chemicals and new energy vehicles Key parts , electronic information, biomedicine and other industries, and build a new gateway port for international land and sea trade and a coastal economic cluster; Key development in Chongzuo area Cross-border Trade Cross border logistics , cross-border finance, cross-border tourism and cross-border labor service cooperation We will build a demonstration zone for cross-border industrial cooperation and a new channel for international land and sea trade. [21]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the central government's strategy for coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the construction of high standards and quality Xiongan New Area Request and actively undertake Beijing's non capital function And Beijing Tianjin Transformation of scientific and technological achievements And strive to build an important hub of international trade and logistics, a new industrialization base, a global innovation highland and Open development pilot area
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, benchmarking with international advanced rules, more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements will be formed, and the quality, efficiency and power of economic development will be promoted. Efforts will be made to build a free and convenient trade and investment, high-end high-tech industry cluster, open and innovative financial services Government governance Inclusive and prudent regional development A highly coordinated free trade park with high standards and quality.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.97 square kilometers, covering four areas: Xiong'an area of 33.23 square kilometers, Positive definite 33.29 square kilometers (including Shijiazhuang Comprehensive Bonded Zone 2.86 km2), Caofeidian 33.48 square kilometers (including Caofeidian Comprehensive Bonded Zone 4.59 square kilometers), and 19.97 square kilometers in Daxing Airport area.
The land development and utilization of the pilot free trade zone must comply with the laws and regulations on land use, ecological environment protection, urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning, and the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use; Those involving the sea shall comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas, the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, etc.
Functional division Xiong'an District focuses on the development of new generation information technology Modern life science And biotechnology, high-end modern service industry and other industries to build a leading area for the opening and development of high-end high-tech industries Digital Commerce Development demonstration area and financial innovation pilot area. Key development in Zhengding District Airport industry , biomedicine, international logistics, high-end equipment manufacturing and other industries, build aviation industry open development cluster Biomedical industry Opening and innovation leading area and comprehensive logistics hub. Caofeidian District focuses on the development of international bulk commodity trade, port and shipping services, energy storage and distribution, high-end equipment manufacturing and other industries, and builds a leading area for economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and a demonstration area for port economic innovation. Daxing Airport Area focuses on the development of aviation logistics, aviation technology, financial leasing and other industries International Exchange Center Function bearing area National Aviation Science and technology innovation leading area, Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development demonstration area. [21]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the central government's plan to accelerate Opening along the border And strive to build an important channel for connectivity between the "Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt South Asia Southeast Asia It is an important node of the big channel to promote the formation of China's radiation center and opening frontier towards South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we will benchmark international advanced rules to form more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements, promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of economic development, and strive to build trade and investment facilitation, transportation and logistics accessibility, free flow of factors Financial service innovation Perfect, safe and efficient supervision, first-class ecological environment quality, high standard and high quality free trade parks with outstanding radiation and driving effect.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.86 square kilometers, covering three areas: Kunming 76 square kilometers (including Kunming Comprehensive Bonded Zone 0.58 square kilometers), 14.12 square kilometers in Honghe District, Dehong The area is 29.74 square kilometers.
The land development and utilization of the pilot free trade zone must comply with the laws and regulations on land use, ecological environment protection, urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning, and the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use.
Functional division Kunming will strengthen the joint development with the Airport Economic Zone, focus on high-end manufacturing, aviation logistics, digital economy, headquarters economy and other industries, and build an interconnection hub, information logistics center, culture and education center facing South Asia and Southeast Asia; Strengthening and Honghe Comprehensive Bonded Zone Mengzi Economic and Technological Development Zone Joint development, focusing on the development of processing and trade, mass health services, cross-border tourism, cross-border e-commerce and other industries, and striving to build a processing and manufacturing base, trade and logistics center and an innovative cooperation demonstration zone of the China Vietnam Economic Corridor for ASEAN; Dehong District focuses on the development of cross-border e-commerce and cross-border Capacity cooperation , cross-border finance and other industries, to create a frontier opening pilot zone China Myanmar Economic Corridor The portal hub of. [21]
Strategic positioning With institutional innovation as the core and replicability and popularization as the basic requirements, we will fully implement the requirements of the central government on promoting the all-round revitalization of the Northeast and building an important window for opening up to the north, focus on deepening the adjustment of industrial structure, and create a new Russia And Northeast Asia Regional cooperation The central hub of.
Development objectives After three to five years of reform and exploration, we have standardized on international advanced rules to form more internationally competitive institutional innovation achievements, promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of economic development, and strive to build a high standard and quality free trade park with good business environment, convenient trade and investment, high-end industries gathering, perfect service system, and safe and efficient supervision.
Implementation scope The implementation scope of the pilot free trade zone is 119.85 square kilometers, covering three areas: Harbin 79.86 square kilometers, Heihe 20 square kilometers, Suifenhe 19.99 square kilometers (including Suifenhe Comprehensive Bonded Zone 1.8 square kilometers).
The land development and utilization of the pilot free trade zone must comply with the laws and regulations on land use, ecological environment protection, urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning, and the relevant requirements for economical and intensive land use.
Functional division Harbin focuses on the development of new generation information technology, new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicine and other strategic emerging industries, modern service industries such as science and technology, finance, cultural tourism and cold regions Ice and snow economy To build a highland for comprehensive cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia, and to connect with China and radiate to Europe and Asia National logistics hub To build a growth pole and demonstration area for all-round revitalization of the Northeast; Heihe District focuses on cross-border development energy resources Comprehensive processing and utilization, green food, commercial logistics, tourism, health, border finance and other industries, to build cross-border industrial clusters and Border city Cooperation demonstration zone to build border port logistics hub and China and Russia An important base for exchange and cooperation; Suifenhe District focuses on timber, grain clean energy Etc processing industry And trade finance, modern logistics and other service industries to build import and export storage, transportation and processing of goods entrepot And a national logistics hub with land border ports facing international land and sea routes to build China and Russia strategic cooperation And an important platform for opening and cooperation in Northeast Asia. [21]

international co-operation



Since 1990, China With ASEAN Trade volume The bilateral trade volume reached 78.2 billion US dollars in 2003, and ASEAN has become China's fifth largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years. In the first nine months of 2004, bilateral trade volume increased by 35.6%. [16]

And South Korea

On February 25, 2015, China and South Korea completed China South Korea Free Trade Agreement The content of the agreement was confirmed by initialing all the texts. So far, China South Korea Free Trade Zone All negotiations are completed.
China South Korea Free Trade Zone The negotiations were launched in May 2012. In November 2014, the heads of state of China and South Korea jointly announced the end in Beijing Substantive Negotiations. The China South Korea Free Trade Agreement is the largest and most comprehensive free trade agreement involving countries so far. [17]

World Free Trade Zone

Name or characteristics
Country, region, city
New Free Trade Zone [18]
Multilateral Free Trade Area of CIS Member States [19]
CIS member state [19]
China Japan South Korea Free Trade Zone
China, Japan, South Korea
North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)
USA, Canada, Mexico
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
China Europe Free Trade Area (CEFTA)
ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
Indonesia, Malaysia the Philippines , Singapore, Thailand Brunei Vietnam Laos , Myanmar
EU Mexico Free Trade Area
Estonia Finland, France, Germany, Greece Hungary Ireland , Italy Latvia
Lithuania Luxembourg Malta , Netherlands, Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia
Slovenia , Spain Sweden , UK, Mexico
China ASEAN Free Trade Area [16]
China, Indonesia, Malaysia the Philippines , Singapore, Thailand Brunei Vietnam Laos , Myanmar and Cambodia
Cologne Free Trade Zone, Panama
Panama Cologne
Hamburg Free Trade Zone, Germany
No. 1 Foreign Trade Zone, New York, USA
China Pilot Free Trade Zone
China Shanghai Guangdong Tianjin Fujian Liaoning Zhejiang Henan Hubei Chongqing Sichuan Shaanxi Hainan Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Hebei, Yunnan, Heilongjiang [20]
Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Bahamas Belize, Dominica Grenada Guyana Saint Lucia Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Montserrat Suriname , Haiti, Jamaica.
Algeria Free Trade Zone
Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya, Mali and Niger [25]