Energy security

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Energy security
Nowadays, the concept and connotation of energy security have also undergone significant changes. Traditionally, energy security refers to adequate Energy supply Considering the new changes in the energy security situation, today's energy security includes the following six aspects. First, material security - energy assets, infrastructure, supply chain and Trade routes And the necessary and rapid replacement of energy assets, infrastructure, supply chains and trade routes in emergencies. Second, energy access is the most critical, whether in material, contractual or commercial terms. Third, energy security is a system or system - national policy and International mechanisms Composition, aiming to prevent supply interruption oil price In emergency situations such as inflation, we should respond quickly in a cooperative and coordinated manner to maintain the stability of energy supply. Fourth, energy security is closely related to investment security and needs sufficient policy support and security business environment Investment needs to be encouraged to ensure adequate and timely energy supply. Fifth, energy security and climate change or environment safety problem Close contact. The dilemma of current climate change and environmental politics lies in the production of energy and Consumption mode conserve energy ,reduce emissions low-carbon economy clean energy Development has become energy technological revolution And Global energy-resource structure The main trend of change. Sixth, energy security is not limited to oil supply and oil price security.
Energy supply temporary interruption , serious shortage or soaring price National economy The damage mainly depends on the degree of dependence of the economy on energy, Energy price , the international energy market, and Strain capacity (including Strategic reserve , spare capacity alternative energy sources energy efficiency , technical force, etc.)
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Energy security
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energy security
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To ensure that Energy supply The price paid, namely External costs , sometimes far more than the price of energy. For example, the United States has invested a huge amount of military and economic aid , per barrel of crude oil Average expenditure About crude oil market price 3 times.

Historical evolution

The first oil crisis Later, under the initiative of the United States International Energy Agency (IEA)。 This is developed country The purpose of the joint action to ensure energy security is that member states should take measures together to control oil demand, distribute oil in emergencies, and stipulate that member states are obliged to reserve oil for 90 days Net imports Amount of oil.
Since the 1980s, the traditional energy with supply security as the main starting point Safety concept Gradually towards the direction of the so-called Comprehensive Energy Security, energy security has been given more and more new connotations that people did not pay attention to in the past. Only emphasize on ensuring energy supply and reducing dependence on imported energy Traditional energy The concept of security has become too narrow to meet the requirements of people for comprehensive security today. In the era of globalization in pursuit of sustainable development, it has become an inevitable trend to break through the traditional concept of energy security and establish a comprehensive concept of energy security.
along with global warming With the decline of atmospheric environment quality, people have gradually reached a consensus on environmental protection and sustainable development.
In 1993, Joseph Ohm added environmental protection to energy security Orientation : The goal of energy security in the 1990s is to increase economic competitiveness and reduce environmental deterioration To ensure adequate and reliable Energy services
1997《 Kyoto Protocol 》The signing of the "energy security agreement" marks that countries around the world have redefined the concept of energy security Energy development strategy It has increased the requirement that the use of energy should not pose a major threat to the ecological environment of human survival and development. Energy supply , economic competitiveness and environmental quality It has become the three basic elements to ensure national energy security.
On July 29, 2008, Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki moon Call on all countries in the world to visit Beijing During the Olympic Games Stop all fighting.
August 8, 2008, the 29th Beijing Summer Olympic Games On the opening day, Russia Armed conflict broke out with Georgia. yes Media comments It is said that behind the war is the contest between the United States and Russia, but we should also see the energy factor behind the conflict. Since the 8th, Russian troops Has entered the separatist region of Georgia Republic of South Ossetia And Georgia itself, occupying the capital of Georgia Tbilisi 47 miles of Gori. be located London Center for Global Energy Studies (CGES) analyst Julian Lee said that the events in the past two days showed the degree of division of the region and the risks of the region's external energy supply. Head of commodity research and director of Barclays Capital Managing Director Paul Horsnell said that although Caspian Sea There are a lot of Hydrocarbon resources, turkey BTC shooting and Georgia The challenge posed by war means that it will never become Middle East An official alternative to oil. In recent months, market concerns have focused on Iran and the West The intensification of tensions between Persian Gulf strait of hormuz The risk of blockade and Nigeria The continuing turbulence in the delta region. In contrast, many Western countries and companies are increasingly relying on the Caucasus corridor to transport oil and gas.

Supply pressure

China is in the process of industrialization Urbanization process The accelerated period, Energy consumption High strength. along with Economic scale With further expansion, energy demand will continue to increase rapidly, which will put great pressure on energy supply. The contradiction between supply and demand will exist for a long time. Oil and gas External dependence It will be further improved.

Resource shortage

Energy in China Total resources No, but the per capita ownership is low. Resource exploration lags behind, affecting energy throughput Improvement. At the same time, China's energy resource distribution very out-off-balance , large-scale and long-distance transportation of coal, resulting in tight transport capacity, increased costs, and affected energy industry Coordinated development.

Structural issues

Coal is China's basic energy, rich in coal Oligopnea , oil poor energy-resource structure Difficult to change. The level of clean utilization of coal in China is low, Coal combustion It produces a lot of pollution. If this situation continues, it will bring greater pressure to the ecological environment.

Backward technology

Although China's energy technology has made great progress, there is still a big gap compared with the requirements of development. The development of renewable energy, clean energy, alternative energy and other technologies lags behind, saving energy and reducing consumption Pollution control And other technologies are not widely used, and some major energy sources technical equipment Self design The manufacturing level is not high.

international repercussions

China's oil and gas resources are relatively insufficient, so it is necessary to expand international energy cooperation while ensuring supply based on domestic production. However, the global energy supply and demand balance is fragile, the oil market fluctuates frequently, the international oil price fluctuates at a high level Non economic factors It also affects international energy cooperation. This requires us to coordinate domestic development and foreign cooperation to improve energy security.

Facing challenges

China itself is a net importer of crude oil and the world's second largest crude oil consumer after the United States. Chinese energy consumption Although it only accounts for about 8% of the total global demand, the demand is expanding rapidly.
In April 2006, after concluding his visit to the United States, Chinese President Hu Jintao made successive visits from 22 to 29 Saudi Arabia Morocco Nigeria and Kenya Etc. Middle East Africa Four countries. In contrast, the United States is the world's largest oil consumer, and the other four countries are all large or small oil exporters. Countries visited by Premier Wen Jiabao since then PetroChina The producing countries also account for a considerable proportion. All these fully show that the energy problem dominated by oil occupies the country overall diplomacy The main contents of.
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, June 19, 2008 round table The Energy Working Group concluded that: Sustainability On the issue, the Chinese government is facing the biggest and most difficult test, including how to meet people's environmental concerns in the process of rapid industrialization, urbanization and motorization Quality improvement To provide cheap, clean, feasible and convenient supplies:
In the current international high oil price In the context of the environmental pollution is very serious and needs to be improved. How to face greenhouse gases Increasing international pressure on emission reduction; In the current international context, the domestic oil price is in line with international standards to a certain extent, while taking into account the impact on the economy. Due to China's lack of necessary strategic petroleum reserve capacity, sudden supply interruption of crude oil and large fluctuation of oil price Strain capacity Poor. In the future, with the increase of imported crude oil international market Fluctuations in oil prices, imports oil resources The security of.

Western media hype

By American writer Daniel Yergin reportage Oil storm 》It vividly describes the history of oil development in the 20th century, and believes that most wars in the 20th century were caused by the scramble for energy, and the victory or defeat of the war also depends on the final possession of energy by both warring parties to a certain extent. As a commodity, energy is closely intertwined with national strategy, global politics and power. In August 1990, Iraq Invade a neighbouring country Kuwait , whose purpose is not only to conquer Sovereign state They also hope to make themselves dominant by occupying Kuwait's resources Arab World and Persian Gulf China's oil power. The reason why the United States attacked Iraq and maintained its hegemony and oil interests in the Middle East is obvious. For this reason, the United States has also formulated a series of diplomatic, military and economic policy
By 2030, the gap in energy consumption with developed countries will be reduced by about 1/3. Among them, China and India Energy consumption growth , will account for all non OECD About half of the country's total consumption growth. The United States and other western countries exaggerate China's energy problem, aiming to transfer world opinion Attention. But facts speak louder than words, and numbers speak louder than words.
On October 11, 2006, U.S. Population It reached 300 million. Britain of the day《 Independent newspaper 》According to an article of population size and growth rate And re-examine its resources far beyond the global average Consumption rate The article points out that the United States is a country with highly developed industries, and its per capita resource consumption is huge. This "consumption" Earth resources Its capacity is also by no means comparable to that of other countries (regions). Annual per capita energy in the United States Consumption It is more than four times of the world's annual per capita energy consumption water consumption It is about three times of the world's annual per capita water consumption. At the same time, the annual per capita waste production is twice the world average carbon dioxide discharge Volume ratio The world average is four times higher.
If the United States and developing country The gap will be more obvious. For example, per capita emissions in developing countries are 1.8 tons per year carbon dioxide However, the US per capita emits 19.8 tons of this greenhouse gas every year. This country is relatively high population growth rate natural resources The combination of consumption and pollution constitutes the biggest impact on the environment, which is felt by the United States and other countries in the world. Of course, we should note that some countries hype China's energy security issues, in fact, to a certain extent“ Sour grape psychology ”In doing so, they envy China's rapid development and are wary of the inevitable competition with western countries. We should face the reality, comprehensively introduce China's energy strategy and policy through data and situation description, and strive to guide the situation in light of the situation, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Energy concept


International perspective

Energy economists Ohio Northern University Professor Al Haji of the School of Business Management once published a series of articles in the Middle East Economic Observer, discussing energy security issues from different perspectives. American politicians paradoxically propose to eliminate dependence on oil to "improve energy security", on the other hand, they agree to transfer national strategic oil Increase in reserves L times. Alhaji pointed out that "energy security" has become a paradoxical concept, and if energy security is not correctly understood, it will pay a huge price, and flaunting "energy independence" will also lead to energy shortage And political unrest. How to ensure energy security? On this issue, Al Haji raised many questions: Is the goal of energy security to reduce the impact of energy shortages? Is it lower oil price And reduce Price fluctuation ? Energy security and national security economic security environmental safety What is the relationship? Should the government intervene for energy security, or should the market allocate resources more effectively? In terms of improving energy security, currency and Financial policy What does it do? Establish only Strategic oil reserve Can energy security be improved? Does strategic petroleum reserve store various crude oils and refined oils, or only a few crude oils? The strategic oil reserve is calculated by the number of days of daily oil imports. With the increase of oil imports, should the strategic oil reserve be increased accordingly to ensure the same index days? Nationalism ”How to threaten energy security? Can privatization of national energy companies improve energy security? Whether "energy self-sufficiency" can improve energy security.


It is impossible to have a standard or accurate answer to these questions. Some experts define energy security as: reasonably priced, reliable and adequate energy supply. In terms of understanding, consumer countries and Country of production It is different. Industrialized country The United States in particular, their energy policy There are 4 basic principle , i.e Energy supply Diversification, diversification of oil imports, reduction of dependence on Middle East oil, and reduction of oil price fluctuations. Natural gas and LNG Trade volume The increase of has made these two commodities a topic of energy security. To reduce Europe's dependence on Russian natural gas, it is necessary to increase LNG trading. Reducing price fluctuations requires cooperation between energy producing and consuming countries to strive for "reciprocal energy security". There are also some important issues that have become the focus of energy policy worldwide, such as environmental problems , Energy Poverty , energy rich and energy poor social contradictions Etc. Asia Some countries rely on oil as their energy imports are dominated by oil, which has become the main problem of their energy security. In order to improve energy security, Asian countries are striving for the upper reaches of the world Project contract , encourage domestic Oil and gas exploration Development, discussion from Russia Caspian Sea , Iran Myanmar The possibility of laying pipelines to import natural gas, and Qatar , Iran Algeria Sign a long-term LNG import agreement.

Chinese perspective

In the face of the western media's hype about China's energy security issues and propaganda of the so-called "China's energy Security threat theory ”On December 26, 2007, the Information Office of the State Council of China issued a 16000 word《 China's energy situation and policies white paper And stressed that "China has not, is not, and will not pose a threat to world energy security". This is the first time that China has released an energy document in the name of the country, detailing China's energy development status, energy development strategies and objectives, and comprehensively promoting Energy conservation Improve energy supply capacity, promote the coordinated development and deepening of energy industry and environment Energy system reform And strengthening the energy sector international co-operation etc. Policy measures This white paper is intended to dispel the doubts and concerns of the outside world about the rapid growth of China's energy demand. It highlights that China's adherence to sustainable energy development will bring more development opportunities to countries around the world and make positive contributions to world energy security and stability.
On June 22, 2008, the International Energy Conference Saudi Arabia Jeddah Held. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, who was visiting Saudi Arabia at that time, was invited to lead the Chinese delegation to attend the meeting and deliver a speech, comprehensively explaining the Chinese government's current international energy problem Views China's energy policy And on international energy cooperation. The International Petroleum Conference was organized by King of Saudi Arabia Initiated by Abdullah, including Vice President Xi Jinping and British Prime Minister Brown and other 36 countries Head of Government Or ministers and heads of more than 20 major oil companies attended the meeting. During the meeting, the world's major oil producing and consuming countries and International Energy Agency The representatives of oil price Problems and Coping strategies It is discussed. [1]
Chinese leaders maintain that the energy issue is Global issues Promoting world energy balance between supply and demand Maintaining world energy security is an urgent task facing all countries in the world. To ensure global energy security, international society New energy with mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and coordinated guarantee should be established and implemented Safety concept In depth development energy development Consultation and cooperation in the field of energy, strengthening dialogue and communication between energy exporting and consuming countries, strengthening consultation and coordination on energy policies, and promoting oil and gas resource development , maintain reasonable international Energy price To meet the normal demand for energy for the development of all countries. Comprehensively strengthen the advanced Energy technology R&D promotion to promote the improvement of countries Energy conservation Ability, utilization level, efficiency, and promotion Clean energy , new energy Renewable energy And other fields technical cooperation To build a clean, economical, safe and reliable world Energy supply System. Jointly create a good energy development international environment , work together to maintain the stability of the energy producing countries, maintain the normal order of the international energy market, and curb the market Excessive speculation To ensure the safety and smoothness of international energy channels and promote the formation of a long-term stable pattern of energy production, transportation and consumption.
We should abandon the old concept of energy security and establish a new one. In addition to strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation in energy development and utilization, countries should also encourage energy industrial investment Expand the world's energy supply and form a research and development promotion system for advanced energy technologies. All countries should promote sustainable energy development, strengthen international dialogue and consultation, and create sound Political environment Throughout world economy Against the background of possible recession, all countries are more concerned about energy security than ever before. As the largest developing country China may have differences or even conflicts with other countries in energy strategies and policies. Under such circumstances, we should actively clarify the specific situation and countermeasures of China's energy problem, strive for initiative, and especially be alert to and respond to some countries' exaggeration and hype of China's energy security problems due to political factors. This will not only play a positive role in ensuring China's energy security, but also create favorable conditions for international cooperation in the energy field to achieve "win-win".

matters needing attention

When we look at China from the international perspective, China is not an energy rich country“ Electricity shortage ”, "coal shortage"“ Oil shortage ”Call 1 of Wave height After a while, with the continuous economic growth, Energy consumption It will be further increased. The National Development and Reform Commission mentioned in the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Energy Development that in the next five years, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of government oil reserves and establish Corporate obligations Reserve, encourage the development of commercial oil reserves, and gradually improve the oil reserve system. Establish and improve energy security with the core of dealing with the interruption of oil and gas supply Early warning system and Emergency mechanism In recent years, the international oil price has fluctuated significantly and kept rising, which has brought about great changes to China's economy social development It has brought many impacts. our country Strategic oil reserve The system construction has just started, and the supply Interruption capability Weak. In dealing with energy shortage, Energy Saving crucial. It was proposed that: in order to establish energy-saving strategic role It is suggested to improve resource conservation to Basic state policy The height of.

research field


Implicative epitaxy

The definition of the concept of energy security determines the scope and perspective of the study. Due to the increasing number of disciplines involved in energy security, Research angle The connotation and extension of energy security are expanding day by day. Therefore, a unified concept and definition of energy security have not been formed. From another point of view, the constant changes in the connotation and extension of energy security are also a manifestation of the continuous promotion of the research on this issue. In the economic literature from abroad, foreign scholars Risk And Externalities Define the concept of energy security. We define energy security from the perspective of risk, and think that energy security is an expected issue. In fact, this definition is based on people's attitude towards risk to study energy security, and also includes the probability of risk occurrence and Destructive power Perception of size. Analysis, prediction and early warning of energy price, world energy supply and demand relationship and influence factor The analysis of energy price tolerance, risk prevention and so on can all be regarded as the research content under this definition.
Some domestic scholars believe that the issue of energy security should be specifically addressed by Uncontrollable factors Possible economic damage. For a country, uncontrollable factors can be roughly divided into overseas and domestic aspects. Overseas uncontrollable factors refer to the factors that can not be solved unilaterally by the country and may cause the energy supply and demand relationship in the country negative effect All events of. For example, war Natural disaster , deterioration of foreign relations with energy supply, market manipulation by international oil traders and other national forces cannot Direct intervention Event for. Uncontrollable factors in China mainly refer to problems that are difficult to be solved in a short time even if national forces are mobilized, such as those that can be exploited Energy and resource reserves Production technology Level, etc. Generally speaking, overseas uncontrollable factors are difficult to predict, with Uncertainty Domestic uncontrollable factors are relatively easy to grasp. The concept of energy security should only be used when there are overseas uncontrollable factors.
from Externalities Define energy security, and think that the energy security problem is the dependence of the whole country on imported energy caused by the use of imported energy by domestic consumers and manufacturers. Therefore, energy security is actually an external problem caused by the consumption of imported energy. Since it is an external problem, we cannot rely on it completely market mechanism To solve the problem of energy security, we should rely on government intervention and measures. This definition provides a theoretical basis for the position and perspective of the government in energy security. With the Impact of energy on environment The definition of externality of energy security seems to be more applicable when it is included in the research scope of security issues.
Since the beginning of this century, the international environment and Geopolitics Great changes have taken place, "9.11" terrorism Attacks and after 2002 International oil price The awareness of developed countries on energy risks has expanded to Energy infrastructure China pays more attention to the impact of price changes on energy security. The expression of energy security status that is relatively recognized in China is "clean, stable and economic", that is, clean quality, stable quantity and reasonable price. Some scholars put forward the concept of regional energy security on the basis of national energy security, that is, to define energy security in terms of time, space, quantity, quality and price.

Status analysis

Scholars have different views on the research of world energy security. Some scholars believe that the world energy security situation is worrying, and the security situation will further deteriorate with economic development. However, some scholars are optimistic that the world's energy security is not a real energy shortage. The world's energy is sufficient to ensure human survival and development. The real source of energy security is the scarcity of clean and efficient energy, which can be achieved through technical progress And so on. However, it is undeniable that there are some insurmountable contradictions and challenges in the long run and short run. In particular, various problems caused by oil shortage have become common problems for all mankind. It is necessary for mankind to thoroughly solve the crisis situation caused by traditional energy sources for human survival in the next 20 to 40 years Global issues
Chinese scholars point out that the current goal of international energy security has gradually shifted from the guarantee of quantity to the pursuit of quality; Oil is still at the core of energy security, but the security issues of electricity, natural gas and nuclear energy are increasingly prominent, and the field of energy security is expanding. At present, the risks faced by energy security are more from the market and price, and we should pay attention to the use of Market means , adjust energy demand structure And supply and Consumption mode Strengthen international energy cooperation and promote the improvement of the overall environment of international energy security.
China's energy security needs to be understood from two aspects. On the one hand, China Energy reserves Large, the most basic energy supply can be basically guaranteed, and there is no fundamental problem of insufficient energy supply; On the other hand, China's energy demand is growing rapidly, energy use efficiency is low, and energy waste is serious External dependence It rose rapidly, environmental protection As the pressure increases, it can be seen that the problem in China is more serious from the perspective of environmental protection or energy use security.
Some scholars believe that there are certain problems in China's energy security, which are mainly manifested in: the origin of energy imports is relatively single; Our country has also received International oil market oil price The threat of climbing; As a major oil consuming country, China has conflicts of interests with Japan, South Korea, India and other neighboring major oil consuming countries geographically; Energy consumption The problem of environmental pollution is also an urgent issue to be addressed.

Countermeasure concept

In the study of countermeasures, there are also two basic concepts abroad: government led theory and market led theory, which are also classified as mercantilism and Liberalism The energy security perspective of mercantilism includes: First, international energy relations are considered "disorderly". This means that there is no stable relationship between supranational entities in the international energy field. Second, the state or government is anarchy Essentially, it is the main actor in the international energy field. Third, the mercantilist emphasized that a stable international energy order is the result of power relations. Liberal views on energy security include: first, non-governmental actors are important to international energy security. Second, for liberals, the market is not State power It plays an important role in solving the problem of oil supply. Third, liberals believe that International mechanisms It can not only prevent the anarchy of international energy relations, but also promote international cooperation in energy relations.
The earliest research on measures to prevent energy risks was in the last century oil crisis Developed countries hit hard. Measures and practices taken by these countries, such as Strategic petroleum reserve It has been imitated and used for reference by other countries in the world. along with economic globalization With the deepening of energy security, international cooperation has been emphasized. Some foreign scholars emphasize that there is only one oil market in the world, and the energy security of net oil importing countries depends on the security of the market. International cooperation and supply diversification are of great significance to energy security. The significance of energy cooperation lies not only between energy exporting countries and energy importing countries, but also between energy importing countries bilaterally or multilaterally. Chinese scholars have put forward a new concept of energy security, which mainly includes the following aspects: the commonality and indivisibility of energy security. Only when international energy security issues are solved, can domestic energy security be guaranteed; Energy security can only be guaranteed through international cooperation; The goal of international cooperation is mutual benefit, win-win or multi win; Energy cooperation should be multi field, all-round and multi regional; The forms of cooperation should be flexible and diverse.
The view tendency of China's energy security countermeasures is not obvious, which can be regarded as mercantilism And liberalism. On the one hand, it emphasizes the role of the government in energy security, and on the other hand, it emphasizes the use of market means to regulate the factors affecting energy security. Chinese scholars have put forward many suggestions on how to ensure China's energy security constructive Measures. China's countermeasures for improving energy security can basically be classified into three categories: countermeasures, such as establishing Strategic reserve Establish early warning and emergency measures for energy security; direct Safeguard measures , such as improving energy efficiency Strengthen energy conservation and consumption reduction, and vigorously develop new energy and oil alternative energy sources Etc; Indirect safeguard measures, such as optimization industrial structure . Keep moderate Economic growth rate Establish energy futures market, etc.

Main focus

First, national imports Energy supply The quantity must be sufficient, but the import cannot endanger national security
Second, the supply of imported energy must be sustained. The interruption and temporary shortage of energy imports will seriously affect the economy and Political stability Resource rich countries have the power to influence energy importing countries;
Third, imported energy must be reasonably priced. with Reasonable price Ensure sufficient and continuous supply to become energy safety problem There are three indispensable aspects. Failure in any aspect will pose a threat to the economic well-being, political stability and national security of consumer countries.
On January 7, 2013, the National Energy Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting made specific recommendations on the implementation of the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Development and Reform Work Conference Task requirements The meeting stressed that energy system We should thoroughly analyze the new situation, new challenges and new requirements facing energy development and reform, and plan new tasks for energy development and reform. Facing the realization of "double", urbanization development and construction Ecological Civilization To ensure energy security and other historic tasks, the fundamental way is to promote energy production and consumption revolution To this end, we must rely on technological innovation And institutional innovation to improve energy Quality of development , efficiency and efficiency, using less and cleaner energy to support economic development and improve people's livelihood; Must control Total energy consumption , from opening the door to supply energy, to combine supply guarantee with total quantity control, reverse the forced transfer mode Structure adjustment Energy and ecological environment Coordinated development , from over reliance on tradition Fossil energy And gradually shift to relying more on new energy and renewable energy, and build economic growth on the basis of sustainable resources and ecological sustainability; We must accelerate the construction of a domestic based energy security system National energy security Keep it in your hands [2]
Focus on eight aspects:
First, increase domestic energy Effective supply Promote the safe mining and efficient utilization of coal, optimize the development of coal power, accelerate the construction of trans regional transmission channels, and vigorously develop Shale gas CBM etc. Unconventional oil and gas resources To ensure the overall stability of energy supply and demand throughout the year. [2]
Second, vigorously develop new and renewable energy, actively develop hydropower, and coordinate development Wind power , vigorously develop Distributed photovoltaic power generation Newly increased hydropower throughout the year install equipment 21 million kW, 18 million kW wind power installed capacity Photovoltaic power generation The installed capacity is 10 million kilowatts. [2]
Third, control the total amount of energy consumption and strive to establish a backward force Change mode and adjust structure Of long-term mechanism
Fourth, strengthen energy technology innovation and continue to implement National Science and Technology Major Project Rely on major projects to promote the localization of key equipment.
Fifth, deepen Energy system reform , in-depth study of the top-level design and master plan To clarify the overall reform plan road map and timetable And actively carry out pilot demonstration. [2]
Sixth, promote mutually beneficial international energy cooperation, use two markets and two resources, and actively participate in global energy governance.
Seventh, accelerate the implementation of energy People's livelihood project And solve the problem of people without electricity. [2]
VIII. Strengthening Energy industry Management, pay attention to the existing Energy planning Implementation and formulation of industrial policy Promote energy legislation and strengthen standard construction. [2]

Development prospect

In the context of the global response to climate change, low-carbon economy It has become a major trend of world economic development, and the clean use of traditional fossil energy has improved non-fossil fuels In a country energy consumption structure The proportion of. The biggest advantage of non fossil energy forms such as wind energy and solar energy is that they can reduce carbon emission , that is, environmentally friendly energy; The disadvantage is that the price is higher than that of fossil energy, and the supply is unstable (mainly for its natural quality )。 Nuclear energy and hydropower are both non fossil energy and environmentally friendly energy. However, due to the particularity of nuclear materials, nuclear safety issues are mainly reflected in the Nuclear leakage as well as nuclear proliferation The safety of hydropower is mainly reflected in the impact of water conservancy development on the surrounding areas natural environment and Climatic environment Impact. Therefore, traditional energy security is difficult to be compatible with non-traditional energy security. Low carbon is a new Game rules , is in the original economic system A new and stricter constraint condition , which actually improves the use of Fossil energy Of opportunity cost The addition of low-carbon constraints has increased the complexity of energy security, and it is difficult for a country to fully realize traditional energy security and alternative energy All goals of security.
As a growing developing country, China not only needs to ensure stable energy supply at reasonable prices to support rapid economic development, but also needs to reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions and increase clean energy Use specific gravity to cope with climate change. Obviously, low carbon affects all dimensions of China's energy strategy and energy security. According to national boundaries, energy security can be divided into Energy diplomacy Observe from two dimensions; According to the fields involved, energy security can be divided into economic security and Political security Two dimensions are observed.


In the dimension of economic security and energy development, energy security under low carbon requires countries to improve energy-resource structure (Increase the proportion of renewable energy, clean use of coal, and vigorously develop Unconventional natural gas ), promote conserve energy ,reduce emissions (Put Energy consumption index And carbon emission indicators continue to be written into the national plan, and emission reduction indicators are reasonably allocated among different regions and industries in China), and energy Market-oriented reform , improve energy market structure , improve Price formation mechanism
In terms of economic security and Energy diplomacy Dimension, requiring the country to take measures to ensure energy price steadiness , participate in the formulation of energy prices, and through international negotiations and domestic Carbon market Build a reasonable carbon price;
In the dimension of political security and energy development, the state is required to ensure that enterprises "go global", intervene in hot oil and gas exploration areas, and expand moderately Fossil energy Import and advance the layout of energy development in sensitive areas;
In the dimension of political security and energy diplomacy, the country is required to actively participate in international energy cooperation and participation while ensuring stable supply, diversified sources and transportation security (channels and ways) Carbon politics And strive for the right to make rules to deal with climate change.
In short, the arrival of the low-carbon era is actually a new topic for national energy strategy and energy security. China will face pressure from traditional energy security and challenges from non-traditional energy security, and it is unlikely to achieve all energy security goals at the same time.

Main meetings

On June 3, 2014, Central and Eastern Europe Leaders of 17 countries held a summit in Warsaw, which mainly discussed Ukraine crisis , regional security, energy security and September in the UK Welsh Held NATO Summit And so on. [3]
Is poland Visiting US President Obama Invited to attend, and with polish president Komorowski And co chaired the summit. Lithuania Latvia Estonia Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Croatia Leaders of other countries attended the meeting. [3]
Held after the meeting Press conference Obama said that the Central and Eastern European countries should unite to ensure that they will not be invaded. Not only Europe, but also Europe and the United States should be united. Obama said that the United States will expand its energy exports to Europe. [3]
Komorowski express, NATO We need to take joint action to strengthen the strength of our members, enrich our cooperation experience and deal with the crisis of our eastern neighbors. [3]