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An important organ of the human body
Pancreas: a large and slender string of grapes Glands , transverse to stomach Later spleen and duodenum between; The right end (pancreatic head) is large, downward, and the left end( Tail of pancreas )It is horizontal, and the tail is against the spleen, which is an important part of the human body viscera
Chinese name
Foreign name
Across the stomach, between the spleen and duodenum
Large and slender clusters of grapes
reduce blood sugar , Promote intestine decompose protein

Pancreas Overview

The pancreas has two parts. One is pancreas , Yes Exocrine gland , generated Pancreatic juice Second Islets of langerhans The islet is like an island in the sea. It is an organ composed of piles of cells in the pancreas Endocrine gland , generated insulin Therefore, the pancreas is the only gland in the human body that is both an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland, a special organ.
Pancreatic exocrine fluid or pancreatic juice enters through pancreatic duct duodenum , which contains various digestive enzyme There are also scattered island cell clusters in the pancreas, which are called islets or Langerhans islets. Insular Beta cell Secreting insulin, starting to decrease blood sugar , promote Hepatic glycogen And so on. Islets of langerhans Alpha cell secretion Glucagon It can promote the decomposition of liver glycogen and increase blood sugar. Insulin and glucagon feed back each other to control blood sugar to stabilize in a small range. If insulin is absolutely or relatively insufficient for any reason, it will lead to diabetes

Location structure

Pancreas is a long, flat gland (also called pancreas ), light red, about 12cm long, about 2.5cm thick, about 80g in weight, located in the retroperitoneal cavity of the left upper abdomen, behind the stomach, running across the posterior abdominal wall, equivalent to the level between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. [1]
The pancreas is divided into three parts, including head, body and tail. The head is enlarged on the right duodenum Surrounded, the body occupies the majority of the pancreas, and the tail end faces the upper left, touching the spleen. Inside the pancreas is a transverse glandular tube, which opens at the duodenal papilla.
pancreas Divided into Exocrine gland and Endocrine gland Two parts. The exocrine gland is composed of acini and glandular ducts. The acini secrete Pancreatic juice The glandular duct is the channel for pancreatic juice drainage. The pancreatic juice contains sodium bicarbonate Trypsin , lipase, amylase, etc. Pancreatic juice is discharged into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct and has the function of digesting protein, fat and sugar. Endocrine glands consist of cell clusters of different sizes—— Islets of langerhans Composed, secreted insulin , regulate sugar metabolism. Each islet contains at least four kinds of cells: A cells secrete glucagon, B cells secrete insulin, and D cells secrete insulin growth hormone Inhibitory hormone , PP cell secretion Pancreatic polypeptide
The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions. The endocrine of the pancreas mainly refers to the secretion of insulin, which enables cells to use the blood glucose After a full meal, the blood sugar will rise. At this time, insulin will be released into the blood, allowing glucose to enter the cells for use and reducing blood sugar. Pancreatic exocrine refers to Pancreatic juice It contains trypsin, amylase and other substances, which can act on the intestinal tract to decompose proteins and other substances.

Attribute Meridians

1. According to the anatomical position of the pancreas in the human body, the pancreas is hidden in the liver, spleen, kidney, intestines and other viscera, belonging to the internal organs; According to the qualitative theory of viscera in TCM, pancreas has growth and storage Essential qi And the function of secreting body fluid, so it belongs to the internal organs and should be named as pancreas.
2. According to the Yin and Yang attribute of TCM, the viscera are yin, the fu organs are yang, and the pancreas are viscera, which are yin.
3. According to TCM Five Elements Theory The earth is the mother of all things. It has the characteristics of biochemistry and growth of all things. The pancreas has the function of secreting body fluid, regulating qi and blood, promoting digestion and metabolism. It has the characteristics of earth, and should belong to the five elements of earth.
4. Pancreas is yin in the viscera, surrounded by yang fu organs, and sandwiched in many yang meridians on the back, so it is Yin in Yang Jing. Inside, give body fluid to Triple energizer Focal like fog To nourish the internal organs and organs; Lower Jiao Rudu In order to dissolve the corruption and promote the intestinal tract. On the outside, it can distribute energy, nourish skin fat, and keep it elastic and energetic.
5. Pancreatic Meridian circulation Location: according to the close connection between the position of the pancreas in the body and the spine, the starting position of its meridians should be in the back spine, and its route should be along the Governor vessel Half an inch to the side, which is equivalent to the discovery of thousands of years Huatuo Jiaji Point Position, which is in front of the body Kidney Meridian The route is opposite to each other.
Pancreatic Meridians Qi fills the whole spine, and meridian qi is distributed to each cone, which forms acupoints between each cone. There are 48 points on both sides from C1 vertebra to L5 vertebra, and the names of the acupoints are still determined according to C1, C2, T1, T2, etc. temporarily. The upward meridian qi spreads from the neck to the top, the downward meridian qi spreads from the sacral vertebra to the lower limbs, and the horizontal meridian qi spreads from thoracic vertebra Spread to shoulders and upper limbs.
The pancreatic meridians are closely related to the bladder meridians Dazhu Point to Guanyuan Acupoint shu -- It is distributed parallel to and corresponding to the points of the pancreatic meridians, close to the edge of the cone, and the gas of the pancreatic meridians is scattered to the bladder meridians through each point, and runs with the bladder meridians. Because the bladder meridians and Pancreatic Meridians Therefore, there are many Acupoints It has a good effect in treating pancreatic diseases. In addition, there are two acupoint blank points in the bladder meridians, one of which is Geshu And Ganshu point The lower lateral opening of the eighth thoracic vertebra is 1.5 inches, which should be named "Yishu point" (originally listed as odd point: stomach tube Xiashu point). The second is Geguan point And Soul Gate Acupoint Among the patients with a 3-inch depression at the lower side of the eighth thoracic vertebra, it should be named "pancreatic islet point" (now considered as no point). These two acupoints play a key role in the treatment of the pancreas and the symptoms of the pancreatic meridians.
When the pancreatic meridian is affected, it can be seen that the back heart is tight, the parts above the waist and below the shoulder blade are stuffy, and dizziness, heavy eyes Blurred vision , muscle soreness, limb weakness, lazy talk, dry and hot chest and abdomen, fullness, Xeropharynx Thirst, etc.
6. The physiological function of the pancreas is similar to that of the spleen, but not the same. The relationship between the two is like a pair of twin brothers. The spleen controls the blood, the pancreas controls the body fluid, the spleen is the source of blood biochemistry, and the pancreas is the source of body fluid biochemistry; The pancreas is in charge of harmony, command, benefit, nourishment, fat in the body, pharynx in the body, doubt in the mind, warmth and sweetness.
(1) Main tone and harmony: it is mainly manifested in regulating yin and yang, balancing secretion, and having a certain function of storing body fluid. The function of storing body fluid in the pancreas is mainly reflected in maintaining the harmony and balance function of the pancreas. When inside the body blood sugar When it is too high, the pancreas Blood sugar balance , start to self adjust and automatically increase insulin Secretion of hypoglycemia When hypoglycemia occurs, the pancreas will automatically reduce the amount of insulin secretion to maintain the balance of blood sugar. The blood sugar in the body is always in balance under the monitoring of the pancreas, so as to ensure the normal metabolism of the body and the normal functioning of various organs. When the pancreas is damaged, the function of the viscera will be abnormal, Endocrine disorder , causing a series of diseases such as high blood sugar.
(2) Dominance: refers to that the pancreas has the function of metaplasia and controlling the dispersion of body fluid, so that body fluid can be used normally in the body without leakage. The mechanism of body fluid of the pancreatic system is the absorption of pancreatic qi. The pancreas is fluid Metaplasia The source is the exuberant pancreatic qi, which can ensure the full supply of body fluid. If the pancreas does not regenerate and control the supply, the body fluid will be insufficient or lost, and the yang qi will not solidify with the leakage of body fluid, resulting in emaciation, weakness, mental fatigue, etc Deficiency of Yin and Yang Symptoms of. Therefore, pancreas has the function of nourishing yin and fixing yang.
(3) Main benefits: mainly manifested in pancreatic metaplasia Pancreatic juice It is injected into the intestinal tract, which helps the normal transportation and excretion of the intestinal tract. The intestinal tract lacks the nourishment of pancreatic juice, and protein and other substances cannot be decomposed normally, which will lead to constipation, intestinal obstruction and other symptoms.
(4) Main nourishment: mainly reflected in scattering body fluid in the viscera Official orifices , skin, keep the balance of yin and yang; If the zang fu organs are not nourished by body fluid, dryness and heat will be generated internally; if the official orifices are lack of body fluid, it will appear Xeropharynx The eyes are astringent, the nose is hot, the ears are deaf and tinnitus, and the skin is rough, thin and less elastic when it is nourished without body fluid.
(5) In vivo fat: the pancreas maintains the metabolism of sugar and fat in the body, converts and absorbs food, and maintains rich fat and sugar in the body to store and regulate the necessary heat supply and demand in the body. It is mainly reflected in the role of grape substances in the metaplasia and control, blocking the loss of sugar to maintain the activity of fat; Fat has strong activity, which is beneficial to Damp heat in the body The distribution of qi and the airtightness of fat can resist the external attack of wind and cold into the body; If the function of the viscera is abnormal, the body fluid cannot be controlled, and the nutrients such as sugar are carried out, a series of diseases such as fat weakness, body heat reduction, fear of cold, limb soreness and weakness will appear.

Secretory substance

1. A cell: secretion Glucagon (glucagon), which can promote glycogen decomposition and increase blood sugar.
2. B cell: secretion insulin , you can set blood sugar It is converted into liver sugar to reduce the concentration of blood sugar. When insulin is deficient diabetes
3. C cell: The function of C cell is unknown, and it is considered as the precursor of A cell and B cell.
4. D cell: secretion Growth hormone release inhibitor Its function is to inhibit the secretion function of A cell and B cell.