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Tumor associated antigen

Academic terms of medical laboratory
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Tumor associated antigen (TAA) refers to tumor cell or normal cells Antigen molecules present on, include : Embryonic protein glycoprotein Antigens Squamous cell Antigens, etc., commonly used in clinical Diagnosis of tumor Tumor associated antigen is not specific to tumor cells. Normal cells can synthesize it in a small amount cell proliferation It is highly expressed, so it is called "related antigen". It comes from the same Organization type The same tumor associated antigen exists in different individuals.
Chinese name
Tumor associated antigen
Foreign name
tumor-associated antigen
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Embryonic protein, glycoprotein antigen, etc
Antigen molecules existing on tumor cells or normal cells
Diagnosis of clinical tumors


tumour Tumor associated antigen (TAA) refers to an antigen molecule that is not specific to a tumor but also exists on other tumor cells or normal cells. be used for clinical diagnosis The tumor associated antigens of Squamous cell Antigens, etc. Tumor associated antigen is not specific to tumor cells, but only has a quantitative difference in proliferation. Normal cells also have micro synthesis, so it is called "related antigen". Same kind Carcinogen The induced tumors of the same tissue type have the same tumor associated antigen in different individuals.




CA125 Is a kind of Epithelial carcinoma of ovary Associated antigens. embryonic development Period Coelom Epithelium can find this antigen, such as endometrium , endocervical lining the peritoneum , pleura and Pericardium Etc. But it does not exist in normal fetal and adult ovarian tissues.
application oophoroma The monoclonal antibody OC125 prepared from antigen CA125 is the first choice antibody for detection of epithelial ovarian cancer Antigenic determinant Located in polymer Mucin Upper, positive Detection rate 70%—90%。 After more than 20 years of application, CA125 serum test kit has been adopted and recognized all over the world. Although it can not be used alone for screening or screening ovarian cancer, it is still a very effective method for differential diagnosis, especially tracking monitoring, and judging the condition. Monoclonal antibody The product OvaRex and idiotypic antibody ACA125 have entered Phase III clinical research

Alpha fetoprotein

Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) It was in 1924 that Abeler was growing liver cancer Of mice It is found in serum that the electrophoretic position is equivalent to α Globulin It also exists in fetal serum, so it is called AFP. In addition to α FP, there are also α 2HF, β SFP and γ FP in embryonic protein. α FP can reach 4-5mg/L in the early embryonic blood, and then gradually decreases. In adults, the serum concentration does not exceed 2-15ng/ml. α FP is a glycoprotein with a Polypeptide chain Physical and chemical properties And serum albumin Similar (Berber, 1993). Can and estrogen Binding lymphocyte Vitality. Its synthesis is Yolk sac Inside, also Hematopoietic function At the beginning, while Hepatocyte Synthesis is also related to it. For adult liver cancer Endodermal sinus tumor of ovary Immature teratoma Embryonal carcinoma Testicular germ cell tumor Can be detected in serum. The peak value in maternal blood is 15 weeks of pregnancy Left and right, can also be used to detect embryonic Neural canal Exceptions, such as Spina bifida Anencephaly Etc. Liver cancer hepatitis cirrhosis All the patients had different degrees of elevation.

Carcinoembryonic antigen

Carcinoembryonic antigen (carcino embryonic antigen, CEA )It was proposed by Gold in 1965 glycoprotein , each molecule is averagely composed of 45% protein And 55% carbohydrate form. It has many antigenic determinants, not only in the gastrointestinal tract of fetuses aged 6 to 24 weeks epithelial cells On the membrane, it also exists in the intestinal tract Adenocarcinoma In cells, also found in lung cancer mammary cancer Bladder cancer Etc. stay Gynecological malignancies Medium, son cervical carcinoma Endometrial carcinoma The serum positive rates of epithelial ovarian cancer and non epithelial ovarian cancer were 41.4%, 27.6%, 39.5% and 30.0% respectively (Hou Xiaohong, 1991). About 25% - 60% of patients with ovarian cancer can be positive for CEA, and its serum value is related to the stage, grade prognosis And the type of organization. [1]