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Disease name
Myoma Myofibroma It is mostly found under the skin, growing slowly, generally small, with clear edges, smooth surface, hard texture, and can be pushed. If mixed with other ingredients, it will become fibromyoma Fibroadenoma , fiber lipoma Etc. Fibroma , especially in the abdominal muscles Desmoid tumor desmoid )It is disgusting and should be removed completely as soon as possible.
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Introduction to sarcomas

Myofibroma is from muscle Aponeurosis Fascia rich in collagen fibrous tissue tumour It is composed of fibrous connective tissue Benign tumor It is often seen under the skin with slow growth. Generally, it is always small. The edge is clear. The surface is smooth and the texture is hard. It can be promoted. If other ingredients are mixed, it will become fibromyoma Fibroadenoma fibre lipoma Etc. The incidence of soft tissue benign tumors was 1.37%. Tumors can occur in large muscles of any part of the body Rectus abdominis The aponeurosis of adjacent muscles is most common Pregnancy And late pregnancy. Those outside the abdominal wall are more common in men, and tend to occur in the scapula, Femoral part And buttocks. The onset age is mostly 30 to 50 years old, and children and adolescents are not uncommon. The etiology of this disease is still unclear, which may be related to trauma, hormones and genetic factors.

Myeloma symptoms

tumor Slow growth, general transfer, no money, and other poor symptoms are mostly found under the skin, without adhesion to the skin, and with a certain degree of activity. It grows slowly and is generally small. The surface of the skin is normal and smooth. You can feel the smooth and moving round tumor under the skin. nothing tenderness The state is clear and the texture is hard. A few of them have malignant biological behaviors, which recur repeatedly but rarely metastasize far away. Recurrence rate 25~57%. The recurrence time is usually 1 month to 1 year after operation, or even more than 10 years, so this kind of tumor is also called Invasiveness Fibromatosis Repeated recurrences may lead to a wider range of pathological changes, resulting in uncontrollable growth, invading important organs and endangering life.

Pathology of sarcomas

Microscopically, the tumor contains abundant Collagen fiber The lesion has no capsule and no boundary with the surrounding tissue. Sometimes the surrounding tissue is included in the lesion, and mitosis is rare, blood capillary and fat cells Less common. minority Recurrent cases Can appear Fibrosarcoma Morphological changes of.
The tumor is located in deep tissue, without obvious symptoms or slight discomfort, and grows slowly. Irregular shape or oval shape, its long diameter and involvement muscle fibers Same direction. The size of the tumor is related to the duration of the disease, and its diameter ranges from several centimeters to more than ten centimeters. The tumor has unclear perimeter, smooth surface, no tenderness, and is as tough as rubber. It is more fixed in the longitudinal direction with the invaded muscle, but can move slightly in the transverse direction without adhesion to the skin. Huge tumors can affect activity and compress nerves.

Treatment and prevention of sarcomas

There are several types of sarcomas.
a. Yellow Fibroma : It tends to occur in the trunk and proximal upper arm Dermis Or under the skin, often from small wounds or itching papule , hard mass, unclear margin, due to Internal hemorrhage Hemosiderin , deep coffee If the tumor focus exceeds 1cm and grows rapidly, it should be suspected as Fibrosarcoma Change, surgical resection must be complete.
b. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: located in the dermis, Protuberance The surface skin is smooth and similar Keloid , prone to trunk, low-grade malignancy, with pseudocapsule, easy to recur after resection, multiple recurrences with increased malignancy Hematogenous metastasis The tumor focus containing enough normal skin and deep adjacent fascia should be removed as soon as possible.
c. Banded fibroma: abdominal wall muscle due to trauma or Birth injury It is caused by post repair hyperplasia, without obvious capsule, and should be removed surgically.