The masses

[qún zhòng]
Chinese words
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The masses, a Chinese word, is pronounced q ú n zh ò ng, meaning "the masses of the people" or "the majority of the residents", which is synonymous with the word "people". synonym For the people, the public, the big group, everyone, the public, the group, the collective, the whole.
Chinese name
The masses
Foreign name
The masses
qún zhòng
Phonetic transcription
ㄑㄩㄣˊ ㄓㄨㄙˋ
General the people public



1. It refers to "the people" or "the majority of residents", which is synonymous with the word "people".
2. Refers to people who have not joined the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League; It refers to "people who have not joined the Party League", indicating the difference between "Party members" and "the masses", and between "cadres" and "the masses".
3. Means not acting Leadership People. [1]
4. It is also called "the masses". It can also be understood as an ordinary person who needs someone to lead.
5. Literally speaking, it refers to the collective name of people who get together.


Xun Zi· encourage learning 》"A group cannot be moved."
Western Han Dynasty· Sima Qian "Shiji · Ritual Book": "dominate all things and slay the group."
Northern Song Dynasty· Wang Anshi Records of Qianzhou School 》"You can still inspire a group of people and make them different from later generations."
Mao Zedong "Speech at the National Congress of the Communist Party of China": "It is the masses who play an important role."