Luohan Quanzhai

Dishes with Nostoc flagelliforme as the main ingredient
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synonym Luohanzhai (Local traditional vegetarian dishes) generally refers to Luohan Quanzhai
Luohan Quanzhai, Shanghai cuisine , salty and delicious, with conditioning innutrition It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizing the stomach. Luohan Quanzhai is also called Arhat dish It is said that this dish began in the Tang and Song dynasties. At that time, Buddhism was prevalent in China, and there were many temples, and all of them had their own cafeterias vegetable dish And the feast, which Buddhists call "vegetarian" or“ Vegetarian food ”。 Arhat dish It is cooked with top quality raw materials and named after the arhat who became an immortal through Buddhism. Generally, there are about 10 kinds of materials used, which are called arhat whole house. Emperors and celebrities of all dynasties ordered this dish when they were in Buddhist vegetarian workshops, so it was famous throughout the country and passed down from generation to generation. In the Qing Dynasty, this dish was not only popular among the people, but also often made in the imperial dining room of honest and upright officials for the emperor to taste. The book "A Brief Introduction to Vegetarian Food" written by Xue Baochen in the Qing Dynasty recorded that:“ Arhat dish , vegetables and melons? Z, like tofu Tofu skin gluten , vermicelli, etc., all fried in fragrant oil, and stewed in a pot of soup. It has a mountain flavor. The temples of Taiyi always use this method. Xian Yushu (a calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty) once said, "Children stir fry Arhat dish "Its name is ancient.
Chinese name
Luohan Quanzhai
Main ingredients
Nostoc flagelliforme
Rice wine (2g) peanut oil (50g)

Manufacturing materials

Luohan Quanzhai
Main ingredients: Nostoc flagelliforme (dried) (20g) chestnut (cooked) (50g) agaric (watered) (25g) vegetarian chicken (50g) mushrooms (fresh mushrooms) (50g) winter bamboo shoots (50g) mushrooms (dried) (20g) day lily (25g) gingko (fresh) (25g) cauliflower (25g) carrots (25g)
Auxiliary material: starch( Broad bean )(5g)
Seasoning: rice wine (2g) peanut oil (50g) soy sauce (30g) ginger (2g) white granulated sugar (2g) monosodium glutamate (2g) sesame oil (25g)

Manufacturing process

1. Rinse Nostoc flagelliforme with cold water and squeeze out the water;
2. Shiitake mushrooms, fresh mushrooms, cooked winter bamboo shoots And carrots are cut into dominoes;
3. Cauliflower cutting Chestnut Block;
four Ginkgo biloba Smashing;
5. Cut the day lily into 3.3cm segments;
6. Slice vegetarian chicken;
7. Cauliflower Ginkgo biloba Carrots must be boiled for a short time and drained;
8. Set the wok on high heat, add oil, heat it to 80%, remove Nostoc flagelliforme All other raw materials are stir fried in the pan, and soy sauce, ginger powder, sugar, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, fresh soup and other spices are added to stir well;
9. Add the hair sprouts, see the drained juice roll, thicken with wet starch, pour sesame oil, and dish out.

Process tips

When the fire is boiled and the small fire is simmered slowly, it is the best.

dietary nutrition

Nostoc flagelliforme (Dry): Nostoc flagelliforme is rich in protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., which is higher than that of pig, cattle, mutton and eggs. Its prominent feature is that it has very little fat content. Nostoc flagelliforme Sweet and cold in nature; Nostoc flagelliforme has the functions of clearing away heat and stagnation, softening and firming phlegm, regulating intestines and removing dirt, detoxifying and nourishing, facilitating urine, removing dampness and grease, and lowering blood pressure; Suitable for Lung heat cough , internal heat and phlegm, including senile chronic bronchitis, pneumonia bronchiectasia , carbuncle with yellow and purulent sputum, smelly sputum, hypertension, obesity and rickets; For women Irregular menstruation innutrition Postoperative patients and patients in the healing stage of trauma patients are also very suitable. It is no harm for ordinary people to eat.
Chestnut (cooked): Chestnut Rich Unsaturated fatty acid And vitamins and minerals, which can prevent and treat hypertension, coronary heart disease Arteriosclerosis , osteoporosis and other diseases, it is a good tonic for anti-aging and longevity; Chestnuts are sweet in taste and warm in nature. They enter the spleen, stomach and kidney channels; It has the effects of nourishing stomach and spleen, tonifying kidney and tendons, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding. Chestnuts are difficult to digest, so you must not eat too much at a time, or it will cause stomach fullness.
Auricularia auricula (watery hair): Auricularia auricula is extremely rich in iron, so often eating it can nourish the blood and stop looking, make the skin ruddy and radiant, and can prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia Black fungus contains vitamin K , can reduce blood clots, prevent the occurrence of thromboembolism, and have prevention and treatment atherosclerosis And coronary heart disease; The gum in agaric can absorb and concentrate the dust and impurities left in the human digestive system and expel them from the body, thus playing the role of clearing the stomach and intestines. It also has a relatively significant function of resolving endogenous foreign bodies such as gallstones and kidney stones; Auricularia auricula contains anti-tumor active substances, which can enhance the immunity of the body. Regular consumption can prevent and fight cancer.
Vegetarian chicken: Vegetarian chicken is rich in protein, and bean curd protein is complete protein, which not only contains 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for human body, but also its proportion is close to human needs, with high nutritional value; The lecithin contained can remove the cholesterol attached to the blood vessel wall, prevent vascular sclerosis, prevent cardiovascular disease, and protect the heart;
It also contains a variety of minerals to supplement calcium, prevent osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency, promote bone development, and is extremely beneficial to the bone growth of children and the elderly.
Mushrooms (fresh mushrooms): the effective ingredients of mushrooms can enhance T lymphocytes Function, so as to improve the immunity of the body against various diseases; A Brazilian researcher extracted a substance from mushrooms that has analgesic and sedative effects. It is said that its analgesic effect can replace morphine; The mushroom extract has obvious antitussive and expectorant effects in animal experiments; Mushrooms contain crude fiber, semi crude fiber and lignin that are difficult to digest by the human body, which can maintain the water balance in the intestine, absorb the remaining cholesterol and sugar, and expel them from the body, which is very beneficial to prevent constipation, intestinal cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc; Mushrooms contain tyrosinase It has obvious effect on lowering blood pressure.
winter bamboo shoots : Winter bamboo shoots are a kind of delicious food with rich nutritional value and medical functions. They are tender and delicious, crisp and refreshing, and contain protein, various amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, as well as rich cellulose. It can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, and prevent constipation and colon cancer. winter bamboo shoots It is a kind of food with high protein and low starch, which has a certain therapeutic effect on patients with obesity, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. The polysaccharide contained in it also has a certain anti-cancer effect. however winter bamboo shoots It contains more calcium oxalate. Children, people suffering from urinary calculi and nephritis should not eat more.
Lentinus edodes (dried): Lentinus edodes have the nutritional characteristics of high protein, low fat, polysaccharide, multiple amino acids and vitamins; There is a kind of meziol that is lacking in common vegetables in shiitake mushrooms. It can be converted into vitamin D It can promote the absorption of calcium in the body and enhance the body's ability to resist diseases. Normal people can prevent cancer by eating mushrooms. Cancer patients who eat more mushrooms can inhibit the growth of tumor cells; Lentinus edodes dietotherapy has certain weight loss effect on patients with thick abdominal wall fat. Lentinula edodes contains glandular gland, choline, tyrosine, oxidase and some nucleic acid substances, which can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and blood fat, and prevent arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis and other diseases; Lentinan Can improve T helper cells And enhance the humoral immune function of human body. A large number of practices have proved that Lentinula edodes has a wide range of cancer prevention and treatment and has been used in clinical treatment. Lentinula edodes also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which play a great role in promoting human metabolism and improving the adaptability of the body; Lentinula edodes can also be used to treat diabetes, tuberculosis Infectious hepatitis , neuritis, etc indigestion , constipation, etc.
day lily : Day lily is rich in phosphorus and has anti-aging ingredients such as vitamin E, which has better brain strengthening and anti-aging functions. It is called "brain strengthening dish". For modern people with mental fatigue, it is beneficial to eat regularly. day lily Because it contains nicotinic acid, it can significantly reduce serum cholesterol, prevent middle-aged and elderly diseases and delay aging. It contains hemostatic vitamins, alkaloids and other ingredients, which have the effects of hemostasis, anti-inflammatory, diuresis, sedation, and stomach strengthening.
Ginkgo biloba (Fresh): ginkgo Brassoside and bitter lactone in have special preventive and therapeutic effects on cerebral thrombosis, senile dementia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cerebral dysfunction and other diseases. Regular consumption can expand microvessels, promote blood circulation, and make human skin ruddy Energize Ginkgo also has the effects of astringing the lung, calming asthma, drying dampness, stopping bleeding, tonifying the kidney, consolidating essence, relieving cough and detoxification, etc; Clinical experience has proved that ginkgo can also treat pulmonary tuberculosis, epilepsy Nervous headache , Meniere's syndrome and other diseases.
Cauliflower: rich in vitamin C Carotene , selenium, vitamin K, etc biological activity Substances. It can enhance the detoxification ability of the liver, improve the immunity and disease resistance of the body, prevent colds and scurvy, prevent gastric cancer and breast cancer, inhibit the growth of cancer, and reduce the incidence of cancer. At the same time, a large number of flavonoids, indole derivatives and dithiol thione can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, reduce the estrogen level in the human body, prevent the formation of skin pigment spots, and have a good whitening effect on the skin. Cauliflower is cool in nature and sweet in taste. It can nourish the kidney, essence, brain, bone, spleen and stomach. It is especially suitable for children in growth and development period and people living in polluted environment.
Carrots: Carrots can provide rich vitamin A, promote normal growth and reproduction of the body, maintain epithelial tissue, prevent respiratory tract infection and maintain normal vision, and treat night blindness and xerophthalmia. At the same time, it can also enhance human immunity and anti-cancer effect, reduce the chemotherapy reaction of cancer patients, and protect a variety of organs. Eating carrots can reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer in women. In addition, the potassium succinate contained in carrots helps prevent Angiosclerosis It can reduce cholesterol and has certain effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension. Carotene can eliminate the free radicals that cause aging B vitamins And vitamin C also has the effect of moisturizing skin and anti-aging. In addition, its fragrant smell is caused by volatile oil, which can improve digestion and has bactericidal effect.
Starch( Broad bean ): Broad bean It is rich in calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., and is an important component of brain and nervous tissue. It also contains rich choline, which can increase memory and strengthen brain. For those who are dealing with examinations or mental workers, eat properly Broad bean It may have some effect. Broad bean The protein in can delay arteriosclerosis, and the crude fiber in the broad bean skin can reduce the cholestasis and promote intestinal peristalsis. meanwhile Broad bean It is also one of the anti-cancer foods, which has a certain role in preventing colon cancer.

Nutritional composition

·Heat (1107.70 kcal)
·Protein (30.68g)
·Fat (82.86 g)
· carbohydrate (63.53g)
·Dietary fiber (19.11g)
· vitamin A (284.41 micrograms)
·Carotene (1707.40 μ g)
·Thiamine (0.30 mg)
·Riboflavin (0.79 mg)
·Nicotinic acid (9.05 mg)
·Vitamin C (43.03 mg)
·Vitamin E (50.81 mg)
·Calcium (538.31 mg)
·Phosphorus (425.11 mg)
·Sodium (2129.61 mg)
·Magnesium (185.03 mg)
·Iron (31.99 mg)
·Zinc (5.32 mg)
·Selenium (7.96 μ g)
·Copper (1.02 mg)
·Manganese (3.79 mg)
·Potassium (875.40 mg)
·Folic acid (9.00 μ g)