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Editing is a kind of work Category, also a category occupation Identity. Point to works Etc to write
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Conceptual information

Editors, people engaged in this work, are called "editors" or "editors" in Chinese. Editing is a profession, and its corresponding English vocabulary is Editor. The main person in charge of editing work is the chief editor or chief editor (chief editor).
An editor is a kind of civilian who has professional quality and is engaged in the writing work of the profession. The most important units of employment include publishing houses, magazines, television stations, network media, etc.
There are two types of editing: Copy Editor and Art editor (Art editor)。 The former is mainly responsible for the wording, description of knowledge points, and content structure, while the latter needs to fathom and analyze the topic selection, central idea, academic authenticity, and theoretical value of the work, so the editor has a professional bias, such as literature, pedagogy, philosophy, biology computer science All have relevant editing work.
Unlike text editing, as a professional post, editors not only need to understand a certain type of books but also be able to review a type of professional content. The editor plays a decisive role in the publication of a book, a paper or an article or whether it is published or not; The text editor is only responsible for the careful sorting and modification of the selected content.

Basic characteristics

In addition to the care and sensitivity required in general work Observability Good communication, clear logic and Analytical capability In addition, we also need a flexible mind to have an endless stream of creative imagination. Of course, the most basic writing ability will also be required.

Development history

Redords of the Grand History of China
Editorial work in China appeared very early. There were written records in the Shang Dynasty, indicating that someone had been engaged in editing bamboo tablets for writing Work. In fact, China's editing industry and Chinese academic culture have a long history. It is precisely because of the exquisite editing activities that the brilliant academic culture can be preserved and developed. Sima Qian Of《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Ten tables in Eight books , is the crystallization of editing work. Good at narration and with strong artistic appeal《 Strategies of the Warring States Period 》, Yes Liu Xiang According to National Policy, National Affairs, Short and Long《 Event language 》Different popular books, such as "Long Book" and "Xiushu", were compiled after collation, selection and collection, and determination of the title. He wrote《 Warring States Policy Book 》Is a famous editorial report. Southern Dynasty Liang Prince Zhaoming Xiao Tong , and the literary scholars around him, edited Selected Works and wrote《 Anthology preface 》。 Explain the principles and methods of compilation The development of literature Very influential. later, Li Yangbing by Li Bai Edited《 Thatched Cottage Collection 》, Li Hanwei Han Yu Edited《 Mr. Changli Collection 》, Liu Yuxi Compiling Collected Works, zhen Edited《 Bai Xiangshan Collection 》, Du Mu The compilation of Li He Collection was all for admiration and commemoration. author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Study history and compile《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》He has spent 19 years leading a small but excellent editorial department and is a full-time editor. Southern Song Dynasty Then to the Ming Dynasty, Block Printing prevalence, commodity economy to develop, handicraft industry The book shop in the town has sprung up, and there have been editors employed in the book shop. Suzhou in the late Ming Dynasty Feng Menglong Wuxing The basic level is the representative. A true professional editor in modern times, in the late Qing Dynasty, the Reform Movement of 1898 Reform movement Only then did it become active in the academic and cultural circles professional The famous figures among them are Liang Qichao Tan Sitong Tang Caichang Fan cone Zhang Taiyan Cai Yuanpei Zhang Yuanji Etc.
With the development of cultural activities and science and technology, in addition to books, newspapers, periodicals, pictures and other publications. Also use audio frequency , videos, symbols, images, etc. provide knowledge, disseminate information, accumulate culture, and exchange ideas. Therefore, the connotation of editing has expanded. Generally, editors can be divided into book editors, periodical editors Newspaper editor , radio editor, TV editor and Electronic publications Editing, etc.
The word editing has developed into Polysemy Generally, it also refers to professional work. For example, the topic of the press Solicitation , review, processing and sorting; In non publishing organizations, the collation of literature, compilation of work bulletins, professional journals, etc. are also the work of editors. Some editing work projects are huge and complex, such as those compiled by many countries encyclopedia , dictionaries and collections of works, etc.
According to China's《 Tentative Regulations on Posts of Publishing Professionals 》, editing job (including Art editor )Editorial review editor , editor and assistant editor, of which the editor is an intermediate position. In publishing institutions in other countries, editors are roughly divided into senior editors, text editors and Technical Editor

Scope method

The basic concept of "editing" has been the most controversial in the past 20 years. Researchers have put forward more than 100 kinds of explanations, including "An Overview of Editorial Science" (Zhu Meishi, editor in chief) and "An Overview of Editorial Science (sequel)" (Xiang Xinyang, editor in chief) Two books You can see it in the.
Example: Dai Wenbao : "Using material civilization Facilities and means, organization, collection, sorting, compilation and approval spiritual product And other literature materials, so that they can be spread and displayed in The public ”。
Liu Guangyu : "Various publications between authors and readers in communication activities using communication tools Preliminary work 。”
Wang Zhenduo : "According to social culture It is necessary to organize, collect, appraise, select, sequence and process the spiritual products according to the guidelines, using material carriers and technical means, and form a certain culture Symbol mode As a society Media Activities ".
Ye Xiangrong: "Organize, review, edit and process Original works In order to form a creative work activity of creating works (editing works) on the whole ".
Zhang Jueming (Taiwan): "Collect materials (articles, stories or drafts) and put them together for identification, selection, classification, sorting, arrangement and organization Processing 。” "In terms of the actual work, it is compiled first and then compiled".
Ren Dinghua "Editing is a business activity of information, knowledge ordering, carrier and socialization".
Edit Bar
B. No, compilation is one of the ways of ancient works; Has nothing to do with publication; Confucius Whether to delete poetry has long been denied by the historians.


In TV program production, the materials on different tapes are usually grouped together in a certain order, which is called "editing". Early Video tape Edit, use similar film stock Clipping editing method of Bonding Get up. This method is useful for TV editor It is very troublesome, and the bonding point inaccurate And was eliminated soon.
Instead of tape splicing, the editing method is "electronic rough editing", that is video recorder Add an electronic edit button. When the edit button is pressed, the recorder is in recording state. Editors try their best to use two video recorders with the same tape speed. One provides material for the master and the other copies the content of the master as a slave. When the master is about to present the material to be programmed, press the edit key of the slave, and the slave will Input signal The copy is in the compilation tape. In this method, the control of the incorporation point depends entirely on the operator's sensitivity and proficiency. Errors are inevitable. At the same time, Editing machine It is not accurate to start synchronously, and jumping or black field is common.
With the development of technology, the "control track editing method" has emerged, that is, using the Synchronous pulse Signal calculation tape speed and picture Frames The editor controller can calculate the entry and exit points of player and recorder in the editing system. The editor selects Edit Points The controller can enable the slave and master computers to start, synchronize and synchronize at the same speed, start recording signals at the scheduled edit entry point, and stop recording at the scheduled edit exit point. The control magnetic track editing method is much better than the previous editing methods, and soon was widely accepted, but it also has defects, because the number of pulses was not recorded on the tape In the signal The edit point is not recorded on the tape, so sometimes the slide offset of the edit point occurs, causing the edit point to be inaccurate.
The subsequent time code editing method is very accurate video signal Are counted by time code in the inserted magnetic track. To implement time code editing, a time code is required Generator Write the invisible time code on the tape, and then a reader can read the time code. The editing controller can control the sub and master computers of the editing system according to the time code. Time code editing system equipment is expensive and generally only used for Broadcast level Edited by.
The above editing method is from Edit Chronological order Conceptually, all belong to“ Linear Editing ”The insurmountable defects of linear editing are as follows: ① To perform linear editing, you must pick up the required signals on the material tape recorded in sequence. This method not only abrades the tape head , and waste time and energy. ② Linear editing uses tape as the carrier of signal, which will inevitably cause signal attenuation and damage in the process of production and replication image quality
digital technique and computer technology The rapid development of multimedia computer technology and digital technology compression technique With the increasing maturity of, a new editing method is essentially different from previous editing methods—— Nonlinear editing emerge as the times require. The so-called "non-linear editing" is relative to "linear editing", which is also a concept of time order, rather than Mathematical concept Nonlinear editing system Is based on the computer Work platform , replace with disc base Banded base TV tape can edit TV programs just like film editing, without degrading the image quality after multiple edits and generations of reproduction, which has become the development direction of TV equipment. The specific contents of non-linear editing will be introduced in another section.

Drafting steps

Editing Skills
Some editors think that editing is just like that, and there is no skill to speak of. Therefore, regardless of the three or seven or twenty one, they will start to compile the manuscript. After editing for a while, I found that there was a problem with the manuscript and it could not be used at all. It can be seen that if you don't pay attention to the editing skills, all your previous efforts will be wasted. In fact, there are skills in editing and writing. The author believes that each manuscript should be compiled according to the following five steps.
Browse the whole article
The purpose of browsing is to understand the general idea of the manuscript and see whether it can be delivered and whether it has been delivered; See where you need to cut and kill, and where you need to cut and mend.
The main methods of browsing are: look at the title of the manuscript, look at the beginning of the manuscript, look at the beginning of each paragraph, look at the end of each paragraph, look at the end of the manuscript. The title is generally the highly concentrated content of the manuscript; The beginning or end is usually a summary of the content of the manuscript; The beginning or end of each paragraph is generally the general idea of a paragraph. Therefore, the above places must be browsed at a slower speed in order to accurately understand the content of the manuscript. In other places, you can speed up your speed to see everything at a glance, so as to find out where you need to cut and kill.
Cut out the prototype
The editor should cut a rough material first and then polish it like a carpenter makes furniture. To cut the prototype, you must Three plate ax
First, cut off unnecessary background. The so-called unnecessary background refers to the background that is not generally concerned by people, or the background that is generally concerned by people but is already familiar to people.
Second, cut down redundant cases. If there are several cases of a certain type in a manuscript, all the cases other than the typical cases can be called redundant cases. Because a typical example is enough to illustrate a problem.
Third, cut off the content irrelevant to the theme. A manuscript can only have one theme. If the content irrelevant to the theme is not cut off, there will be multiple themes in one manuscript, which is against the writing law.
Meticulously carved
The remaining content should be carefully crafted.
First, correct Misspellings Wrong characters are easy to be found, and wrong characters are easy to confuse people's eyes, so it is necessary to distinguish them carefully.
The second is to change the rare words into popular ones. Unusual words and expressions are "roadblocks", which frightens readers.
Third, pay attention Fixed phrase , see if there is any misuse or tampering.
Fourth, pay attention to whether the abbreviations of words and sentences are appropriate. In the body of the manuscript, you should never abbreviate a word or sentence when it appears for the first time, otherwise, the reader will Monk Zhang Er has no idea
Five is A sick sentence Make it smooth.
Sixth, pay attention to whether the internal relations between sentences and between paragraphs are logical.
VII. Attention Unit of measurement Compliance with statutory requirements.
Refined title
Whether a manuscript is read or not depends on the content of the manuscript. But no matter how good the content is, if it does not attract people's attention, there will still be no readers. What can a manuscript attract readers first? The title, of course. Therefore, making attractive titles is an important part of editing work. from Some meaning In the end, editors should focus on the production of titles. Once the title is made, the editing work is half finished. There are many forms of headlines in Chinese newspapers, and there is no unified and fixed model. But there is a rule to follow in making attractive titles, that is, pull out the most fresh and attractive things in the manuscript to make titles. In order to make the topic not too long and ensure the integrity of the title content, you can Quote , Theme Subtitle Appears at the same time.
Read carefully
This is the editor's final check on a manuscript in order to reduce or eliminate errors. Major errors are often found at this level, and they are often ignored See in the press Therefore, this step should be taken seriously. Read carefully. Read the full text, including the title and punctuation, word by word. We should never look at words roughly as we did in the first step. We should look at words that are easily confused with suspicion. To look at writing skills with a critical eye; We should look at the content of the manuscript with a negative attitude, and we must not let go of manuscripts that are misdirected. The above five links are interlinked, and each link has a certain role, which cannot be lost at will. As long as we carefully follow these five links, we will be able to compile manuscripts with ease and make beautiful ones one by one“ Wedding dress ”。