Green development

A Mode of Economic Growth and Social Development
zero Useful+1
Green development is economic growth and social development Mode. In today's world, green development has become an important trend, and many countries Green industry As a driving force Economic restructuring To highlight the concept and connotation of green. Green development and sustainable development come down in one continuous line in thought, which is not only the inheritance of sustainable development, but also the sinicization of sustainable development theoretical innovation It is also the response of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the global ecology environmental deterioration The significant theoretical contribution of objective reality conforms to the evolution law of historical trends. Green development has been achieved《 Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 》、 Sustainable development theory , Two Mountains Theory Green development system Theoretical support. [1]
Chinese name
Green development
Foreign name
Green Development [1]
Development mode
efficiency Harmonious and sustainable
Important measures
development Green industry
The concept and connotation of green

Historical evolution

In 2006, Environmental Protection Published articles It points out that if China's economic development wants to realize the green transformation, it must formulate the concept of the national green development strategic plan; [2]
In 2006《 Scientific management research 》Published articles, through analysis Green development index And Economic development level Has established Green development indicators System; [3]
In 2015, The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee Green development is combined with the development concepts of innovation, coordination, openness and sharing through the Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development Five concepts for development [4]
In 2017, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out: accelerate the establishment of Green production And consumption legal system And policy guidance to establish and improve the green and low-carbon circular development economic system [5]
In 2018, Sustainability published an article that first mapped green development at home and abroad knowledge graph [1]
In 2024, China Economic Times published Jiang Wenlai's article: Implementing the concept of green development in the end [10]

Connotation and background



Green and ecological harmony
From the perspective of connotation, green development is a model innovation based on traditional development, which is based on Ecological environment capacity and Resource carrying capacity Of constraint condition Environmental protection as an important pillar of sustainable development Development mode Specifically, it includes the following points: First, it is necessary to environmental resource As the internal factor of social and economic development; Second, we should take the sustainable development of economy, society and environment as the goal of green development; The third is to economic activity The "greening" and "ecological" of processes and results are the main contents and ways of green development.
The concept of green development is based on the harmony between man and nature value orientation , take green low-carbon cycle as the main principle, and take ecological civilization construction as the basic starting point. [6]


Global climate change It has become an indisputable fact and one of the greatest challenges for human development in the 21st century. The so-called climate change is due to human activity discharge greenhouse gases cause Atmospheric composition The global climate change characterized by warming is caused by the change of. This one human factor Mainly 1750 industrial revolution Caused by economic activities since, such as fossil fuel Combustion land use Changes.
along with China's economy The rapid development of energy, the use of energy and carbon dioxide Emissions are also increasing sharply. Since 1750, the world has emitted 1.1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide, including developed country Emissions accounted for 80%, the United States accounted for 26.9% in the first place, and China has also ranked second, accounting for 8.2%. During 1950-2002, China's carbon dioxide accumulation Emissions Accounting for 9.33% in the same period of the world, still ranking second in the world. It can be seen that the United States is not the only country with the largest emission reduction Historical responsibility Similarly, even though the per capita emissions are still small, China has also taken the second largest historical responsibility. And according to the latest estimates, China has surpassed the United States to become the largest country in the world in terms of annual carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, as the impact of climate change intensifies, China has also faced more and more pressure from the world to reduce emissions.
In fact, China's conserve energy ,reduce emissions Not only because of the reaction to international pressure, but also because of China economic development mode The internal requirements of transformation. From sustainable development to scientific development and then to green development, this reflects the innovation of Chinese development concept, and even can be said to be the contribution to the development concept of the world. Dealing with global climate change and energy conservation and emission reduction is a great challenge for China, but it is also an opportunity. China needs to seize this opportunity to launch and even lead the "green industrial revolution" and walk a green development path.
On October 11, 2012, Wang Chao, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the current trend of green development has become general, Investment promotion Work well Energy saving and environmental protection , service industry, etc Key industries Work in the field. Under the new situation of green development, investment promotion must be improved to serve the overall situation of achieving balanced, coordinated and sustainable development of China's economy Utilize foreign capital Quality of. [7]
  • The rise of green industrial revolution
On the one hand, it can be said that climate change is the biggest challenge that mankind is facing at present, but on the other hand, if viewed from a positive perspective, it will also be the biggest development opportunity for mankind at present, which we call the "green industrial revolution". "Green industrial revolution ”The biggest difference from previous industrial revolutions is that all previous industrial revolutions depended on Fossil energy , so in the economy Total output While growing, carbon dioxide Emissions are also increasing. The essence of the green industrial revolution is the first time that mankind has realized the improvement of industrial or economic output carbon emission Descending, or even "uncoupling". The most typical case is that Renewable energy The use of nuclear energy also includes the use of nuclear energy.
Looking back at the development of global modernization since 1750, the world has completed at least three times industrial revolution
The first was led by Britain steam engine It is in this process that human beings started the first industrialization and modernization. And China just indulged in the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty during this period, although this is indeed China Agricultural civilization agricultural economy agricultural society At its peak. However, we lost the first time to industrial civilization industrial economy Opportunities for transformation of industrial society.
The second was the American led railway revolution, the iron and steel revolution Electric power revolution as well as Fossil energy Revolution. China also lost opportunities in this revolution.
third time industrial revolution namely information revolution , mainly in the second half of the 20th century. In the process of this revolution, China was Laggard Marginalized. It is also in the process of the increasingly vigorous development of this revolution that Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping realized the world's new technological revolution and opened the door to reform and opening up, which enabled us to seize the last opportunity. From then on, China has become a catcher, and has become an information and Communication technology To become the world's largest user country Country of production And exporting countries.
These are the different manifestations of China in the three industrial revolutions. In addition, if from China's GDP This process can be seen more clearly from the perspective of the change in the proportion of the world, as shown in Table 1. In 1820 The first industrial revolution At the initial stage of development, China was in the process of agriculture social development The peak of. At this time, China gross domestic product It accounts for nearly 1/3 of the world, reaching 32.9%. At this time, the GDP of Britain is only 15.81% of that of China. By 1870, Britain had basically completed its first industrial revolution, and its GDP had risen to 9.1% of the world, while China had rapidly declined to 17.2%. Then the world entered The Second Industrial Revolution The United States began to rise rapidly. In 1870, the GDP of the United States was equivalent to about half of that of China, and by 1950, it was six times that of China. In 1950, the proportion of China's GDP in the world also fell to the lowest point in history, only 4.5%. Since the reform and opening up, China has begun to actively respond to the challenges of modernization and actively catch up with them. As a result, China's GDP share in the world has rapidly increased from 5.2% in 1980 to 16.78% in 2006, and has also rapidly narrowed the relative gap with the United States.
These three times industrial revolution The course tells us that we must conform to the great trend of world development. Before or during the coming of the world trend, we must open up to the outside world and actively welcome and participate. Current The Fourth Industrial Revolution ——“ Green industry Revolution "is even more so. So in this sense, this is a new ideological liberation movement. The ideological liberation movement launched by Comrade Deng Xiaoping 30 years ago has separated China planned economy In fact, this time we are going to get rid of the traditional development model and concepts and take the initiative to participate in the fourth industrial revolution. And this time green revolution The biggest innovation is also the biggest difference from the previous industrial revolutions, which is to make economic growth and carbon dioxide The "decoupling" of emissions means that the carbon dioxide emissions do not increase with the economic development. Specifically, the green revolution is also accompanied by Green energy , green manufacturing green consumption as well as Green residence , etc. Therefore, although China is facing unprecedented international pressure and challenges due to climate change, it is also an unprecedented development opportunity.
Let's look back at the history of mankind industrial revolution It will help us understand the current situation more clearly. Therefore, in fact, history has not allowed us to make mistakes like the past, and the future will not allow us to make such mistakes. Because in economic globalization In the face of international competition, any country will retreat if it does not advance, or even if it slows down. We should have strong Crisis awareness We should turn challenges into opportunities. This is the global background. The fourth industrial revolution - green industrial revolution is coming.
  • Transformation of China's development model
When discussing global climate change and China's green development, we are not only international society To make a commitment, more importantly, China needs to take the initiative to reduce emissions. In fact, this is for China's own interests, not just under international pressure. This also involves a basic question of China's development, that is, what kind of modernization do we want to develop? Always emphasized in the past“ Development is the absolute principle ”However, blind pursuit of development will also produce "development paradox". This requires a clear understanding of what is China's own Core interests First of all, we need to discuss China's natural conditions
(1) China's "Natural Conditions"
The understanding of China's natural conditions was not always available. In 1991, the Department of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a description of China's "national conditions of disasters" for the first time, and the author himself participated. At that time, it was said that China was a country with a large population, vast territory and unbalanced development natural resources Relative shortage ecological environment Quite vulnerable natural disaster It occurs frequently and affects countries with huge losses. This was the consensus of Chinese scientists at that time, but not yet Social consensus It is not a political consensus.
After being severely punished by nature, this consensus was gradually formed. After China was hit by a series of natural disasters such as the rain and snow disaster in the south and the Wenchuan earthquake, we formed a political consensus on the national conditions of natural disasters. One of the core ideas that Comrade Hu Jintao talked about at the National Conference for the Summary and Commendation of Earthquake Relief is to re understand China's natural conditions: "China is one of the countries with the most serious natural disasters in the world, with many types of disasters, wide distribution, high frequency of occurrence and heavy losses. We should deeply understand this Basic national conditions 。”① In fact, when Hu Jintao said this, New China has been founded for nearly 60 years. This paragraph was not put forward by Mao Zedong in 1949 when New China was founded, which means it took us a long time to realize this.
In fact, it can be clearly seen from the data that China is already the country with the largest population affected by global climate change. From 1990 to 2007, the average number of people affected by natural disasters caused by climate change in the world was about 210 million every year, and China accounted for 110 million of them, equivalent to 52.4% of the world's disaster affected population, which is the most important basic national condition. It is this basic national condition that tells us that China itself has the greatest climate change victim Although China is a latecomer in the production and emission of greenhouse gases, we suffer the most.
In addition, from the perspective of the grain output reduction caused by disasters, in the 1950s, the direct grain output reduction caused by disasters was 3.8 million tons, equivalent to the annual grain output at that time total output 2.1%. In the 1990s, the average annual direct grain output reduction reached 32.9 million tons, equivalent to 7.0% of the total annual average grain output in the same period. Therefore, we can regard natural disasters as the greatest threat to food and agriculture at present.
From the disaster Direct economic loss It can be seen that since the early 1990s, the proportion of direct economic losses caused by disasters in China's GDP has been quite high every year. Later, due to the rapid increase in the size of China's GDP, this proportion has declined, but the loss Absolute number It is still rising by a large margin. For example, only the South in 2008 snowstorm It caused a direct economic loss of 156.1 billion yuan. With the development of economy Land area More and more GDP per unit land area grain yield As a result, the losses caused by disasters are increasing. In addition, Disaster economic loss It also accounted for a high proportion of the new GDP in that year. The author himself was directly involved in the "National Comprehensive disaster reduction The "Eleventh Five Year Plan" for disaster prevention clearly stipulates that the proportion of direct economic losses caused by disasters in GDP should be less than 1.5%, but the actual situation in the last two years has exceeded this proportion.
In addition, the losses listed above only refer to Direct economic loss , does not include the number of casualties. In fact, the value of human life cannot be measured. Therefore, we also propose that The 12th Five Year Plan There should be "two obvious reductions". First, the proportion of direct economic losses in GDP should be significantly reduced, and second, the number of casualties should be significantly reduced.
(II) China's development model Transformation of
In 1995, when the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formulated the Ninth Five Year Plan, it was the first time that it explicitly proposed to transform China's Economic growth mode If we look back on the development of China since then“ Change the mode of economic growth ”Of
Effort is first success and then reversion. During the Ninth Five Year Plan period (1996-2000) Asian financial crisis and Insufficient domestic demand China still maintains 8.63% economic growth rate And now it seems that this is also a figure that is more in line with China's long-term growth potential. A good phenomenon in this period is that China has achieved Energy consumption With an average annual growth rate of only 1.10%, which makes Energy elasticity coefficient Very low. During this period, every economic growth Percentage point energy consumption The growth rate was only 0.127 percentage points, so there was a "decoupling" between energy consumption and economic growth. Most importantly, at this stage, China's carbon dioxide The absolute amount of emissions is declining, with an average annual decline of 2.85%, which is the first time since the reform and opening up. Therefore, we can judge that China's economic growth model has indeed changed during the "Ninth Five Year Plan" period.
However, it is a pity that“ fifteen ”In the planning, energy conservation and emission reduction have not been well emphasized, and have not been proposed as an important indicator. Therefore, after 2002, China's economy began a new round of high growth, while energy consumption also increased sharply. As shown in the right column of Table 2, from 2001 to 2008, China's annual average economy growth rate Compared with the previous stage (1996-2000), it only increased by 1.6 percentage points, but the cost of resources and pollution is huge. For example, the growth rate of energy consumption increased by 8.3 percentage points compared with the previous stage, reaching 9.4%. Therefore, we call it "high cost and high growth". from economics From the perspective of economic development“ Net benefits ”Should equal Nominal GDP Subtracting all kinds of losses, if measured according to this standard, China's "high growth" at this stage is actually not worth the loss.
The basic problem encountered by China is not "whether to develop", but how to "develop scientifically and green". In response to the reversal of China's development model during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, October 2005 National Situation Research Center of Tsinghua University Make independent Third party evaluation , sharply criticized the failure to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, and failed to transform the mode of economic growth. This report was left to the leading comrades of the State Council at that time Impressive Two outstanding problems during the Tenth Five Year Plan—— carbon dioxide Increased emissions and gdp energy intensity Rise, the current government The Eleventh Five Year Plan Energy saving and emission reduction Quantitative indicators And for the first time as the government's Binding indicators , via legal procedures In 2006, it was adopted by the National People's Congress and officially implemented.
Over the past 30 years, China has created brilliant Economic miracle This is worth affirming. However, a key prerequisite for achieving these economic achievements is that we have successfully created and maintained an international peace environment for more than 30 years during this period. If we want to further develop modernization in the future, we must continue to build a new international peace environment, which in essence already needs China to provide for the world public goods To stabilize global climate change and promote global emission reduction. This is both China's opportunity and China's responsibility. This is the important international and domestic background when we discuss the 12th Five Year Plan today.
  • The 13th Five Year Plan proposes to adhere to green development and focus on improving the ecological environment
Adhere to green to enrich the country and benefit the people, and provide more high-quality products for the people Ecological products And promote the formation of a green development mode and lifestyle, and work together to promote the prosperity of the people, the prosperity of the country, and the beauty of China.
Promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Regularly and orderly use nature, adjust and optimize space structure , delimit agricultural space and Ecological space Protect the red line, build a scientific and reasonable pattern of urbanization, agricultural development Ecological security pattern Natural shoreline Pattern. Establish unified and standardized National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone
according to Bearing capacity of resources and environment adjust City size , relying on landscape optimization Urban form And functions, implement green planning, design Construction standards
Support green cleaner production , promote green transformation of traditional manufacturing industry, promote the establishment of green low-carbon circular development industrial system, and encourage enterprise processes technical equipment Renovation. development Green finance , set up Green Development Fund
strengthen Resources and environment National conditions and Ecological values Education, cultivating citizens environmental consciousness And promote the whole society to form green consumption consciousness.
  • 2012 Green Development Index Report Releases Green Physical Examination in 38 Cities
2012 China Green Development Index Report Regional Comparison statistical analysis Combine with the subjective feelings of the people, especially increase the urban green development Public satisfaction Survey. Investigate people's feelings about where they live urban environment Infrastructure, government Green action Of Comprehensive evaluation In the public satisfaction survey of 38 key cities, Karamay Yinchuan Xining Xiamen Hangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu Zhuhai Qingdao Ningbo ranked top 10, Hefei Changsha Hohhot , Wuhan Lanzhou The last 5 digits of the column. The public is positive about the overall situation of the current urban green development. [8]


The Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China stressed that we should adhere to the principle of building a resource-saving Environmentally friendly society As Accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development To strengthen ecological and environmental protection, improve ecological civilization and enhance sustainability Development capacity Green development index The study of the annual report is the first in China, filling the gap in China's research in this field, enabling China to participate in the international dialogue on this issue on a basis, helping to improve the people's awareness of green development, which has important theoretical and practical significance.



2050 Realize China's Green Modernization

What kind of modernization should China be in 2050? In short, it should be green modernization. More than 20 years ago, in 1987, the Deng Xiaoping family, his greatness was reflected in his ability to put forward such a long-term strategy with both long-term grand goals and down-to-earth spirit. At that time, Deng Xiaoping said, "By the end of this century (referring to the end of the 20th century), China's per capita Gross National Product It will reach US $800 to US $1000. It seems that US $1000 is promising... At that time, the population was 1.2 billion to 1.25 billion, and the gross national product was between US $1 trillion and 1.2 trillion. ". The important meaning of this paragraph is that for the first time, Chinese leaders used "gross national product" or“ Per capita GNP ”Such professional language to describe China's Development stage And national goals. In addition, it is worth pointing out that Comrade Deng Xiaoping put forward these ideas without any economists or experts to provide him with scientific research basis and reference! The roadmap of China's modernization is given, which is referred to as the "three-step" strategy by 2050.
Deng Xiaoping's Chinese Dream is a great dream and a road to enriching the people and strengthening the country pragmaticism , and has considerable Idealism From the first two steps he proposed, in 1987 China achieved the 1990 goal ahead of schedule, and in 1995 China achieved the 2000 goal ahead of schedule.
The construction of "Green China" was involved in China's participation in the discussion of the "National Major Functional Area Plan (2009-2020)". In fact, the construction of "green China" should not only be carried out until 2020, but also until 2050.

China's three-step strategy of "green modernization"

First, the period from 2006 to 2020 is a critical period for China to build a well-off society in an all-round way strategic target In this period, China needs to be brought into the track of scientific development. This is also a slowdown in China carbon dioxide Emissions and Adaptation to climate change We hope that China will strive to achieve the goal of dioxide oxidation around 2020 Carbon emissions The highest peak of. In order to achieve this goal, China needs to“ the 13th Five-Year plan ”Greatly reducing carbon dioxide emissions Growth rate That is to say, from high growth to low growth, or even zero growth.
The second step is to achieve the goal of "achieving moderately developed country Level ". During this period, China should also enter the stage of large-scale carbon dioxide emission reduction, and strive to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions in 2030 to the level of 2005, which is still relatively high even in the world.
Third, the period from 2030 to 2050 is an important stage for China to realize the modernization level of developed countries. At this stage, China needs to further reduce its carbon dioxide emissions and keep pace with the world. According to the world's emission reduction roadmap, the global carbon dioxide emissions in 2050 will be reduced to half the 1990 level, so China should also reduce its carbon dioxide emissions in 2050 to half the 1990 level.
In 2000, Comrade Jiang Zemin, then the President of China, signed the the United Nations MDG target( Millennium Development Goals )。 MDG is to make the world Absolute poverty population The proportion is half that of 1990. It can be said that China has been able to achieve this goal before 2015. stay Copenhagen Conference On the other hand, China has made emission reduction commitments to the world, and it can be expected that China will also achieve those emission reduction targets in advance.


As the 12th Five Year Plan begins to enter design phase We need to think about the positioning of the whole plan. National Situation Research Center of Tsinghua University Since 2003, he has participated in the research of the national "11th Five Year Plan", and formally designed it for the National Development and Reform Commission in 2005. During the formulation of the 12th Five Year Plan, climate change has become the biggest limiting factor and domestic and foreign constraints that we must consider. Therefore, energy conservation and emission reduction and tackling climate change need to become one of the national core development goals and core development policies. This is not only a huge challenge, but also a huge opportunity, and also an important innovation. We propose that the innovative positioning of this "12th Five Year Plan" should be "Green Development Plan".
So how should we highlight the green development plan in the "12th Five Year Plan"? The core of green development is to make economic growth and carbon dioxide Emissions begin to "decouple", so we need to further dilute and reduce them during the "12th Five Year Plan" period Economic indicators According to the systematic analysis of the past five-year plans, we can see a significant change in the proportion of economic indicators in the five-year plans since the reform and opening up. During the "Sixth Five Year Plan" period from 1981 to 1985, when we just started reform and opening up, the economic indicators in the five-year plan at that time accounted for more than 60%, Non economic indicators It only accounts for less than 40%. However, by the 11th Five Year Plan, the proportion of economic indicators has dropped to 21%, and the proportion of non economic indicators, including energy conservation and emission reduction, has increased significantly, reaching nearly 80%. Therefore, during the 12th Five Year Plan period, we will further reduce the economic indicators and strengthen and increase them Green development indicators And form a performance appraisal system that will help stimulate and promote green development.
The specific indicators and design of the 12th Five Year Plan proposed by China. This is based on the summary and study of the 11th Five Year Plan and China's mid-term evaluation of the 11th Five Year Plan in August 2008 and February 2009.
First, we must continue to implement quantitative indicators of energy conservation during the "12th Five Year Plan" period, that is, require energy per unit of GDP Consumption 20%.
Second, the "proportion of renewable and clean energy consumption", which was originally a sub priority indicator, has been upgraded to a core indicator. This proportion should be increased from 9% in 2008 and 10% in 2010 to 13% in 2015. This means that China will achieve the goal of 15% by 2020 ahead of schedule. That is to say, it will not be until 2020, but before about 2016 and 2017, and there has been a good trend in recent years.
Third, more importantly pollutant discharge level Continue to reduce by 10% in absolute quantity.
Fourth, unit GDP carbon dioxide Emissions decreased by 20%. This is the first time that the emission reduction index of carbon dioxide emission intensity has been proposed. In fact, if we can achieve the first and second indicators above, the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP can exceed 20%. First of all, the energy consumption per unit of GDP has decreased by 20%, and the proportion of renewable energy and clean energy in the energy consumption has further increased, so that the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP can be reduced by more than 20%.
The fifth is forest coverage During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, China's forest coverage increased from 18% to 20%, and during the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, it is hoped to further increase by 2 percentage points on this basis.
These are the national core indicators of green development. In addition, there are some secondary priority indicators, as shown in Table 4. Including the 12th Five Year Plan period Forest stock An increase of 500 million cubic meters will increase the proportion of clean coal utilization by 8 percentage points, whether for power generation or direct coal combustion, air quality In particular, the proportion of green ecological space (defined as four aspects: the first is forest, the second is grassland, the third is wetland, and the fourth is water surface area) should be increased to more than 57%. The last indicator is our environmental pollution control total investment The proportion of GDP should be raised from 1.22% to more than 2%. If major measures can be taken in this regard, we are fully qualified to achieve green development, or make the 12th Five Year Plan an important starting point for green development.
The above indicators are designed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and actively adapt to climate change. Measurable, assessable and comparable indicators are used to objectively measure the scientific and green development of different regions in China. Therefore, during the evaluation of the Tenth Five Year Plan and the Eleventh Five Year Plan and the design of the Twelfth Five Year Plan, an important innovation is to use some quantifiable indicators to characterize the national development goals.



Develop green economy

Only by vigorously developing green economy can Effective breakthrough Resources and environment Bottleneck constraints And occupy an active and favorable position in the long-term economic and social development
Along with the tradition Industrialization and urbanization It has been more than 50 years since the green concept was put forward due to the continuous questioning of the problems existing in the model. This is human reflection on their own production and lifestyle.
In 1962, American Carson published《 Silent spring 》, reflected on the environmental damage caused by traditional industrial civilization, and aroused the public's concern environmental protection Attention. In 1972, Club of Rome He published Limits to Growth, which is an important reference for the Western countries Industrialized country High consumption and high pollution growth model Sustainability Serious doubts were raised.
But at that time, the green concept mainly focused on the pollution End treatment aspect. In 1987, the world environment and Development Committee Publication《 Our common future 》, emphasizing that the utilization efficiency of existing resources should be improved through the development and effective utilization of new resources, while reducing pollution emissions; In 1989, British environmental economist Pierce and others put forward the concept of green economy for the first time in the Blueprint of Green Economy, emphasizing that economic development and environmental protection should be unified to achieve sustainable development through proper evaluation of resources and environmental products and services.
In recent two years Economic recovery Under the dual pressure of the United States, the European Union, Japan and South Korea development strategy , Implementation“ Green New Deal ”The rapid development of green economy represents the new trend of international economic development. China is also making strategic choices for development.

Select realistic needs

Breaking the inevitable requirements of resource and environmental constraints in China. China is in the stage of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization. According to international experience, this process needs to consume a lot of resources and energy; Only when the per capita income reaches about 10000 US dollars will the growth rate of per capita energy consumption and pollution emissions slow down, and finally remain stable or slightly decline. China Total resources Although relatively rich, the per capita resource occupancy is low. The per capita water resources and arable land are only 28% and 43% of the world average respectively, and the per capita oil and natural gas reserves are less than 10% of the world average. At the same time, industrial waste water , exhaust gas and solid waste The emissions kept a high growth, which caused great pressure on the ecological environment. The water quality of major rivers and lakes deteriorated; Serious water and soil loss and desertification; large-scale Mining of mineral resources Cause land subsidence, water level drop, vegetation damage, etc; because environmental problems Damage caused to the masses health problem It happens from time to time. expand domestic demand The inevitable requirement of. international financial crisis After that, the global economic structure Faced with major and profound adjustment, China's economic growth is highly dependent international market Investment rate High Consumption rate The pattern on the low side will be difficult to sustain, which requires us to work hard to develop domestic market , expand domestic demand, strengthen resistance to international market risk Ability. with Energy conservation and environmental protection industry For example, from the perspective of international experience, Japan saved energy in the 1970s Environmental protection investment About Investment in fixed assets of the whole society About 33%, which not only helps solve the economic problems Take off phase And effectively promote economic growth. China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industrial market Broad, 2008 gross annual output value That is, 1.55 trillion yuan, with more than 37 million people employed. according to Conservative estimation Energy conservation and environmental protection industry in the next three years total output value It can be doubled.
Accelerate the transformation and improvement of the mode of economic development International competitiveness The inevitable requirement of. Major countries in the world have put new energy, new materials Biomedicine Energy conservation and environmental protection as a new round Industrial development To seize the commanding heights of future economic development. Compared with traditional industries, China has a small gap with developed countries in some new technology fields. Such as new energy, China has initially formed a large-scale, relatively complete system New energy industry , together with the broad market prospect, it is expected to have Cost advantage , and developing country Compared with Technical advantages And its unique competitiveness. Vigorously developing green economy can promote Optimization and upgrading of industrial structure , forming new economic growth points international economy Technical competition Win the initiative.
The inevitable requirement of coping with climate change. The Chinese government attaches great importance to tackling climate change and has formulated and implemented National programme to address climate change , and promises that by 2020 gross domestic product Carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 40% to 45% compared with 2005, non-fossil fuels It accounts for about 15% of primary energy consumption. To achieve this goal, we must vigorously Adjust economic structure and energy-resource structure , accelerate development strategic emerging industries and Modern service industry So that economic development will increase from the main dependence material resources Consumption mainly depends on Scientific and technological progress Labor quality Improve, innovate and transform management to make the economy "green".

Industrial focus

The green economy is supported by the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries and guided by the development of green emerging industries Stable economic growth At the same time, promote technological innovation, create employment opportunities, and reduce the consumption of resources and energy by economic and social development and the impact on the ecological environment negative effect
First, upgrading and transformation of traditional industries. Strengthen the research and development, introduction and digestion of resource conservation and environmental protection technologies, and focus on key industries, key enterprises, key projects and key technological process Carry out technical transformation and improve resources production efficiency , control pollutants and Greenhouse gas emissions Formulate stricter environment, safety, energy consumption Water consumption Comprehensive utilization of resources technical standard Strictly control the scale of high energy consumption and high pollution industries. Shut down a batch of waste resources, environmental pollution and lack of Safe production Of Backward production capacity Adopt information technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries.
Second, energy conservation industry. According to the estimation, China is technically feasible and economically reasonable Energy saving potential More than 400 million tons Standard coal It can drive trillions of yuan of investment. To promote the development of energy conservation industry, first, we need to increase the energy conservation key and Generic Technology R&D and tackling of equipment and components Low grade waste heat Power generation, high efficiency Energy saving motor High performance Thermal insulation material , medium and low concentration gas utilization Energy saving technology And equipment. Second, we should take financial, tax and other measures to promote the popularization and application of mature technologies, equipment and products, and continue to implement them“ Ten key energy-saving projects ”、“ Energy saving product benefit project ”Etc. Three requirements Innovate mechanism and vigorously develop Energy saving service industry
The third is the industry of comprehensive utilization of resources. China has accumulated nearly 7 billion tons of industrial solid waste Waste resources Not recycled, with Stock With the continuous increase of, there is a lot of room for industrial development. First, organize and carry out co generation mineral resources And bulk solid waste Comprehensive utilization“ Urban mineral resources ”Food waste recycling Comprehensive utilization of straw etc. circular economy Key projects. Second, vigorously promote the development of remanufacturing industry. Third, strengthen Renewable resources The recycling system should be built and improved as soon as possible to urban community And rural classification recycle bin "Trinity" based on professional recycling, centered on distribution market and aimed at classified processing Recycling of renewable resources System. Fourth, promote renewable resources international economic circulation And enhance the access to international renewable resources.
Fourth, new energy industry. The new energy has the characteristics of low-carbon and clean, and it supplies almost 1/5 of the world's electricity. Among them, wind power generation is growing at an annual rate of 30%, and solar power is growing at an annual rate of more than 40%. Relevant institutions predict that by 2050 clean energy The proportion in the primary energy structure will reach 32.2%. China's new energy development potential Huge, renewable every year energy resources The available amount of standard coal is 7.3 billion tons, and the amount of standard coal under development in 2008 is less than 50 million tons, so there is huge room for improvement. In 2008, China's new energy developed rapidly. Solar collector The area ranks first in the world; 2009 Wind power Installed capacity It has exceeded 20 million kilowatts, ranking second in the world, and the scale under construction has reached 10 million kilowatts; Millions of kilowatts under construction Nuclear power unit It has reached 19 sets; The first megawatt scale in China Solar photovoltaic power generation The demonstration project has been carried out. Use of biomass It has also achieved rapid development.
Five is Environmental protection industry The research shows that the impact of environmental protection investment on GDP Investment multiplier It is estimated that the investment in environmental protection during the "12th Five Year Plan" period will be about 3.1 trillion yuan, and the increase in GDP will be about 4.34 trillion yuan. First, strengthen water environment protection. Accelerate urban development Sewage treatment plant And supporting pipe network construction to promote key areas Water pollution prevention , promote cities and towns with serious water shortage Wastewater recycling Facility construction; Second, we need to strengthen atmospheric environmental protection. Deeply promote the construction of desulfurization facilities in coal-fired power plants and accelerate the promotion of key energy consuming industries sulfur dioxide Comprehensive improvement; Accelerate the implementation of coal-fired power plants and motor vehicles nitrogen oxide Control demonstration project; Implement urban air cleaning action plan; Third, strengthen the construction of solid waste treatment facilities. Accelerate urban development Domestic waste treatment Facility construction and promotion waste incineration Vigorously promote the construction of power plants Harmless disposal of sludge and Medical waste and Hazardous waste Strengthen the construction of treatment facilities heavy metal pollution Comprehensive treatment.
In addition, the green economy also includes vigorously developing electronic technology, biology Aerospace , new materials, marine and other strategic emerging industries.

Policy measures

Improve the policy system excitation mechanism Further advance Resource products Price reform and implementation Product oil price and Tax reform Scheme to improve natural gas Price formation mechanism Continue to implement Differential electricity price Desulfurization electricity price CBM Additional electricity price for power generation Residual heat and pressure Improve power generation and grid connection policies Renewable energy power generation Electricity price management and Cost sharing Mechanism. Implement and improve the collection, use and management of sewage and garbage treatment fees, and improve Heavy metal pollutants Sewage charges Payment standard. Promote the establishment of ecological environment compensation mechanism. perfect Paid use system of mineral resources We will increase tax and financial support for the green economy. Strengthen planning guidance and implement work responsibilities. China's 11th Five Year Plan national economy And the social development planning outline for the first time Binding indicators Included in the plan, and determined a number of energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection Major projects And eliminate backward production capacity, and implement strict energy conservation and emission reduction by province Assessment system Through the joint efforts of all parties, from 2006 to 2009, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP has decreased by 14.38%, sulfur dioxide Chemical oxygen demand The emissions decreased by 13.14% and 9.66% respectively. Practical proof We have formulated a scientific, comprehensive, targeted and operational plan, which is in line with China's national conditions and has achieved remarkable results. At the same time, the development of green economy should be highlighted as an important content in the preparation of the Outline of the 12th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development. Further clarify the guiding ideology, development goals and main measures. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the research and preparation of the "12th Five Year Plan" and even a longer period of development of green economy, energy conservation and emission reduction Ecological and environmental protection Medium - and long-term plans for the development of new energy. In practical work, we should further clarify the responsibilities and assessment of governments at all levels in energy conservation and emission reduction Evaluation system , increase Supervision and inspection Efforts should be made to implement all work.
Highlight independent innovation and strengthen scientific and technological support. Strengthening the technological innovation system and capacity building , break through the core key technology Bottleneck, to protect intellectual property (right) We have conquered a number of key and common technologies in the fields of improving energy efficiency, clean utilization of coal, comprehensive pollution control, new energy, biology, aerospace, and new materials. accelerate Transformation of scientific and technological achievements And industrialization demonstration, and increase the promotion and application of advanced achievements and technologies. Actively introduce, digest and absorb international advanced technique
Increase capital investment and implement key projects. We will increase financial support for the green economy at all levels, and accelerate the "ten major energy conservation projects", resource recycling projects, and large-scale environmental protection governance engineering construction , support the accelerated development of hydropower, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy, etc., and vigorously promote efficiency Energy saving and environmental protection products , promote cleaner production and technological transformation, and actively build Green building Green transportation System to form the most direct and effective Demand pull
perfect Service system , optimization market environment extension Energy Contract Management New mechanism, explore multiple implementation modes. encourage BOT And other construction and operation modes. develop Flue gas desulfurization Franchise pilot and standardization town sewage Waste disposal franchise. Improve access standards, break local protection, and create a fair market environment for enterprises.
Strengthen publicity and education and advocate green consumption. Strengthen resources and environment National education , advocate green consumption Moderate consumption idea. Actively implement energy efficiency and environmental labeling systems to improve consumer green Consumption power
The development of green economy is both a A battle to overcome difficulties Is also a protracted war. We should take the development of green economy as an important starting point for adjusting the economic structure and transforming the development mode, so as to promote the economic society Sound and fast development

Transformation of development mode

Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made remarkable achievements, and the transformation of the economic development mode with green development as the core is becoming increasingly urgent. According to the data, in 2009, we GDP per capita It is about 3700 US dollars. In 2001, China's per capita GDP exceeded 1000 US dollars. It only took us eight years to go from 1000 US dollars to nearly 4000 US dollars. In the next decade or so, China's per capita GDP will be based on Constant price add Exchange rate appreciation , plus price index It is possible that the per capita GDP will exceed 10000 US dollars before 2020, and the economic growth will be the first in the world, which is likely to be the first in the world Big economy Body. If we do not change the economic development mode in time and take the green development path, our resource carrying capacity and ecological environment capacity will not be able to support this rapid growth. Because of this, we set out from our own reality, learn from international experience, take sustainable development as a national strategy, take building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as a major task, and take energy conservation and emission reduction as a binding indicator for national economic and social development Comprehensive work plan for energy conservation and emission reduction And national programs to address climate change, and promote sustainable economic development. Accelerating the transformation of economic development mode is an important path for Li Keqiang to "promote green development". The Central Economic Work Conference at the end of last year clearly proposed that accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode should be an important goal and strategic measure to thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, and strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction Target responsibility system , carry out low-carbon economy Pilot, strengthen Ecological protection And environmental governance, which can be said to draw a picture of "promoting green development" road map Not only that, we should also focus on promoting energy conservation and efficiency increase in production, circulation, distribution, consumption and construction, pay more attention to protecting the ecological environment, firmly establish the concept of ecological civilization, incorporate conservation culture and environmental ethics into the public order and good customs of social operation, vigorously advocate green consumption, and make "promoting green development" become a resource conserving type of construction Environmentally friendly society The real power of. [9]

Actions and measures


get some action

Green development action: it means starting from me, driving the family, promoting the society, changing the past inappropriate lifestyle and consumption pattern , re create a favorable protect the environment , saving resources and protecting ecological balance moral The embodiment of civilized behavior. Related activities: Earth Hour Earth Hour。
"Earth Hour" is WWF( WWF )Response Global climate change A proposed initiative. overdose carbon dioxide Climate change caused by emissions in 2008 has greatly threatened the survival of human beings on the earth. Only by changing the global public's attitude towards carbon dioxide emissions can we mitigate the impact of this threat on us.


Green development
future, Ministry of Environmental Protection Will continue to adhere to scientific development and Ecological Civilization To promote economic development mode Accelerate the transformation to the core, and follow the principle of people-oriented Comprehensive coordination and sustainability To cultivate and grow Green economy , focusing on promoting green development from five aspects:
First, accelerate the transformation of economic development mode and actively cultivate Low carbon emission New economic growth point characterized by, focus on adjustment and transformation Traditional industries And developing new energy Energy saving and environmental protection etc. Emerging industries Focus on promoting energy conservation and efficiency increase in production, circulation, distribution, consumption and construction, and strengthen protection ecological environment
Second, establish and improve systems and mechanisms conducive to green development, and actively study green investment policy , promote Key industries Green production, formulated from the whole process of reproduction Environmental economic policy , promote Resource products Of price reform , establish corresponding statistical, tracking and evaluation mechanisms, Scientific prediction green Development trend To provide effective support for better formulation of green development related policies.
Third, accelerate the establishment of green Technological innovation system Promote green development, Green technology Is a support. The environmental protection department will focus on green technological development Give certain funds and policy support to promote Green production technological development Demonstration, further accelerate the industrialization process of environment-friendly technology, and provide corresponding Technical support
Fourth, firmly establish the concept of ecological civilization and vigorously advocate green consumption , put saving culture Environmental morality bring into Social operation Of public policy , resources carrying capacity Ecological environment capacity As economic activity And guide the public to consciously choose a consumption mode that is environmentally friendly and low-carbon.
Fifth, strengthen international co-operation Exchange, innovate cooperation methods and strengthen scientific research , promote Industry, education and research Combine, enhance the independent innovation ability of enterprises, actively learn from international advanced concepts, make full use of existing practical achievements, actively publicize relevant experience and practices, and promote Green growth Environmental protection Technology transfer And jointly develop new green technologies.


On the morning of November 4, 2010, the 2010 China Green Development Index Annual Report, which was called by Pan Yue, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the first set of monitoring indicator system and index measurement system for green development in China, was released. The 2010 China Green Development Index Annual Report pointed out that the index has three first level indicators: greening degree of economic growth, carrying potential of resources and environment, and government policies Support , respectively reflecting the economic growth production efficiency And resource utilization efficiency, resource and Ecological protection And pollution emissions, government investment, management and governance in green development. Under these three indicators, there are nine secondary indicators and 55 tertiary indicators.
The 2010 China Green Development Index Annual Report presents the green development of each province (district, city) in 2008 in the form of indicators and rankings. The report shows that among the 30 provinces (districts, cities) involved in the measurement (except Tibet 12 provinces green Development level It is higher than the national average, and 18 provinces are lower than the national average. Eastern region The level of green development is relatively high; Central region The level of green development is relatively weak; The western region has improved the comprehensive level of green development due to its resource advantages, and the overall level of carrying potential of resources and environment is outstanding; The top three are Beijing , Qinghai and Zhejiang, Shanxi, the coal major province, ranked 30th.
In addition, the report also shows that the regional distribution characteristics of the green development index are obvious, and the ranking of the three sub indexes varies from region to region. In general, the green development level in the eastern region is relatively high; The green development level of the central region is relatively low, and the green development index of the six provinces is lower than the national average level; The western region has improved its comprehensive level of green development due to its resource advantages. Seven of the top ten "resource and environment potential" indexes are in the western region. presentation data display Beijing, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Shanghai Hainan Tianjin, Fujian, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Shandong ranked in the top ten of the green development index. All of the ten provinces except Qingdao and overseas are eastern provinces.