Guan Zhong

[guǎn zhòng]
Politicians of the State of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period
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Guan Zhong (?~645 BC), Ji surname, Guan surname, Yiwu, Zhong, Yingshang (today Anhui Province Yingshang County )People. King Mu of Zhou Chinese ancient economists, philosophers, politicians, militarists and essayists. The representative figures of Legalists in the Spring and Autumn Period. [52]
Guan Zhong was born in poverty and worked as a merchant. Bao Shuya and Bao Shuya have been bosom friends since childhood. Bao Shuya knows his great talents and strategies and always treats him kindly. Posterior menstruation Bao Shuya Recommend Guan Zhong as Qi Xiang, Duke Huan of Qi Guan Zhong was appointed Shangqing and Xiangguo. During his tenure, he took a series of reform measures, developing industry and commerce, fishing, salt and iron smelting, collecting rents according to the quality of the land, advocating to enrich the country and strengthen the army, and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the Qi army. Employing talents, formulating a talent selection system, and rectifying the administrative management system have made the administrative region more refined and maintained social stability. External promotion“ Honor the king and fight against the barbarians ”The strategy of supporting Zhou Tianzi has realized“ Grasping the emperor to order princes ”At the same time, it has joined forces with various states and achieved the goal of "uniting nine states and uniting the world". In 645 years ago, Guan Zhong died of illness. [53-54 ]
Guan Zhong's major reform of internal affairs and diplomacy during the period when Qi State assisted Duke Huan of Qi made Qi State the first hegemon in the Spring and Autumn Period. His ideological achievements are very remarkable. He believes that propriety, righteousness, honesty and shame are the spiritual pillars to maintain the country. Later generations have compiled Guan Zhong's thoughts into a book, namely《 pipe 》。 He put forward that "if you have enough food and clothing, you will know the etiquette", revealing that moral education is based on material life. It also emphasizes that "if the four dimensions (courtesy, righteousness, honesty and shame) are not upheld, the country will perish" and attaches importance to the role of moral education. Guanzi has 86 articles in total, 76 of which are preserved today. It is a collection of writings mainly composed of Qi legalists and other academic thoughts. The content involves astronomy, calendar, geography, economy, agriculture and other scientific knowledge. [55-56 ] [57]
Full Name
Guan Yiwu
pipe Guan Jingzhong
Early Spring and Autumn Period (State of Qi)
one's native heath
On address (now Anhui) [1]
Date of death
645 BC
Key achievements
To strengthen Qi and seek hegemony, to assist Duke Huan and the nine princes, and to yield to the pioneers of legalism,
Related allusions
david and jonathan
Qi's prime minister

Character's Life


Early experience

Guan Zhong's father, Guan Zhuang, was a doctor in the State of Qi. Later, his family declined, which led to Guan Zhong's poor life. To make a living, unite friends Bao Shuya The partnership failed. Guan Zhong was considered a humble businessman at that time. I have traveled many places, met all kinds of people, and seen a lot of the world, thus accumulating rich social experience. When he was a soldier, he fled at the moment. I tried to become an official several times, but failed.

Master Zuo corrects

Guan Zhong [1]
In the 33rd year of Xi Gong of Qi Dynasty (698 BC), Qi Xi Duke He died, leaving three sons, the prince Zhu Er Young Master Rectify And Young Master Xiaobai. After the death of Duke Xi of Qi, the prince's sons ascended the throne for Qi Xianggong At that time, Guan Zhonghe Bao Shuya Respectively assist the young master in rectifying peace Young Master Xiaobai Soon, Duke Xiang of Qi and his sister Ginger Duke Huan of Lu His wife) was exposed, so he simply drunk Duke Huan of Lu and killed him [46-47] In this regard, Guan Zhong had a premonition that there would be chaos in Qi. His mother is Lu Jun's daughter, so Guan Zhonghe To call and ignore He protected the young master and fled to the State of Lu.
In the 12th year of the reign of Emperor Xianggong of Qi (686 BC), the Qi State was in civil strife, [3-4] As soon as the time was ripe, the two fugitives wanted to return home in order to seize the throne of the monarch. When Duke Zhuang of Lu knew that there was no king in Qi, he was extremely anxious. He immediately sent troops to escort the young master back home. Later, he found that young master Xiaobai had already set out to return home. Guan Zhong then decided to ask himself to go first and lead him to arrive by military vehicle at 30 Ju State On the way to the State of Qi, intercept Young Master Xiaobai. People and horses pass by compound surname More than 30 miles away, I was meeting a large group of horses and carriages of Young Master Xiaobai. Guan Zhong and other young masters, Xiaobai, approached, took an arrow and aimed it at them. When an arrow hit, young master Xiaobai fell down. Guan Zhong thought that his son Xiaobai had been shot dead by himself, so he led his men back. In fact, young master Xiaobai is not dead. Guan Zhong shoots his copper garment belt and hooks it. Young master Xiaobai bites the tip of his tongue and pretends to be dead. After this shock, Young Master Xiaobai and Bao Shuya became more vigilant and rushed forward to the state of Qi. When they came to Linzi Bao Shuya Advanced City persuaded Gao and Guo, Zhengqing of the State of Qi, to protect Xiaobai as the king of the country, so Xiaobai entered the city and ascended the throne smoothly, which is famous in history Duke Huan of Qi [5]

Bao Shujuxian

Duke Huan of Qi In the first year (685 BC), after Duke Huan of Qi ascended the throne, he urgently needed to find talented people to assist him, so he was ready to invite Bao Shuya to serve as Qi Prime Minister. However, Bao Shuya claimed that his talent was inferior to Guan Zhong. If he wanted to make the State of Qi dominate, he must use Guan Zhong as the prime minister.
Guan Zhong and Young Master Rectify The gang thought Young Master Xiaobai He is dead, and no one will compete with him for the throne, so he will not rush to the road. It took six days to arrive at the state of Qi. When I arrived at the state of Qi, I didn't expect that there was a monarch in the state of Qi, and the new monarch was the son of Xiao Bai. Lu Zhuang Duke hear Qi State The new monarch was so angry that he immediately sent troops to attack the State of Qi, attempting to take the throne by armed intervention. Both parties Dry time During the battle, Guan Zhong suggested that we should attack quickly while Xiao Bai's heart was still uncertain, but Duke Lu Zhuang said, "If everything was as you expected, Xiao Bai would have been shot dead." He disobeyed Guan Zhong's words, but was ambushed by Lu's army, which led to a defeat of Duke Jiu and Guan Zhongsui State of Lu The Qi army pursued the victory and entered the territory of the State of Lu. Duke Huan of Qi sent a letter to Duke Zhuang of Lu, who was called Lu Guosha, for the sake of the last disaster Young Master Rectify , hand over Guan Zhonghe To call and ignore Otherwise Qi's army will attack Lu in an all-round way. After learning this, Duke Zhuang of Lu discussed with Shi Bo, a doctor. Shi Bo believed that the State of Qi wanted Guan Zhong not to revenge, but to appoint him to power. Because Guan Zhong's talent is rare in the world, his country will be rich and powerful. If Guan Zhong was appointed by the State of Qi, it would be a great disaster for the State of Lu. So Shi Bo advocated to kill Guan Zhong and return his body to the State of Qi. But Bao Shuya used a trick to say that Duke Huan of Qi hated Guan Zhong and would kill him alive. Moreover, Duke Zhuang of Lu was newly defeated. When he heard that the Qi troops were pressing against the border, his heart was trembling and he didn't listen to Shi Bo. Under the pressure of the State of Qi, he killed Duke Jiu, captured Guan Zhong and Zhao Hu, and prepared to send them back to Duke Huan of Qi for his retreat. [6]
Guan Zhong knew that this was Bao Shuya's plan, so he asked the escorts to hurry to the state of Qi, and finally arrived in the state of Qi safely. On Bao Shuya's suggestion, Duke Huan of Qi agreed to choose an auspicious day to greet Guan Zhong in person with great ceremony, in order to show his respect and trust for Guan Zhong. At the same time, it also let the world know that Duke Huan of Qi was virtuous and magnanimous. When Duke Huan of Qi took over Zhong, he chatted for three days and three nights in a row. He speculated and fasted for three days. He worshipped Guan Zhong as his prime minister and called Guan Zhong "Zhong's father". [7-8]

Help Qi to dominate

In the second year of Duke Huan of Qi (684 BC), Duke Huan said to Guan Zhong again, "I want to strengthen the armaments." Guan Zhong said again, "No, I can't." Duke Huan refused to listen, and indeed repaired the armaments. Once, Madam Song angered Duke Huan of Qi. Duke Huan said angrily to Guan Zhong, "I want to attack Song." Guan Zhong said, "No, I don't think the internal affairs will be repaired, and the external use of troops will not succeed." Duke Huan refused to listen, and indeed started to attack Song. The vassals raised troops to save the Song Dynasty and defeated the Qi army. [9]
In the third year of Duke Huan of Qi (683 BC), Guan Zhong suggested that he send troops to punish the State of Tan who did not obey the rules of etiquette. Tan was originally small and weak, but was soon eliminated by Qi. Qi had no effort to destroy State Tan and expand its territory. [10]
In the fifth year of Duke Huan of Qi (681 BC), at the suggestion of Guan Zhong, the State of Qi joined forces with Song, Chen, Cai, Zheng and other countries in the north apricot of Qi (now east of Liaocheng, Shandong) to discuss the strategy of stabilizing the State of Song. Sui State (Today's Feichengnan, Shandong) was also invited, but did not participate. In order to enhance the prestige of Qi, Guan Zhong sent troops to wipe out Sui. The State of Lu was relatively strong at first, but because it was defeated by the State of Qi one after another, it also saw that all the vassals were subordinate to the State of Qi, and Sui and Tan who were disobedient to the State of Qi were eliminated, so they also succumbed Qi State Soon, Qi and Lu made peace Ke (Today's East, East and Southwest of the mountain). In this alliance, the famous Cao Mo Robbed League event. Cao Mo forced Qi to return all the land lost by Lu before. Qi Huan wanted to repent after the official business, but Guan Zhong should not break his promise to let Qi Huan return the lost land. [11]
In the sixth year of Duke Huan of Qi (680 BC), Lu, Song, Chen, Cai, and Wei all surrendered to the State of Qi. Tan and Sui had already been eliminated. Only the State of Zheng was still in civil strife. Guan Zhong therefore suggested that Duke Huan of Qi should mediate the internal turmoil in Zheng State, so as to improve the status of Qi State and accelerate the realization of the goal of being the hegemon. Since Duke Li returned home, the State of Zheng killed Ziyi and Fu Xia, the benefactor, and forced Yuan Fan, the doctor, to die. After he ascended the throne and became king, he wanted to unite with the State of Qi to consolidate the throne. Guan Zhong seized this opportunity and suggested that Duke Huan of Qi unite with the Song, Wei and Zheng three kingdoms, and invite the Zhou royal family to participate in the - (Today's Shandong Juancheng )Alliance.
In the seventh year of Duke Huan of Qi (679 BC), Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to summon Song, Chen, Wei and Zheng in his own name. [12] From then on, Duke Huan of Qi became recognized Overlord

Beizhan Shanrong

Portrait of Guan Zhong (Volume I of Biography of Ancient Sages)
In the 24th year of Duke Huan of Qi (662 BC), Shanrong Attack Yan State The State of Yan asked the State of Qi for help. Duke Huan of Qi thought that the disaster of the State of Chu in the south was more serious and was unwilling to send troops. However, Guan Zhong believed that Chu in the south, Shanrong in the north and Di in the west were the disasters of the Central Plains. If the monarch wants to invade Chu, he must attack the mountains first and make the north stable before he can concentrate on conquering the south. Now when Yan State is attacked, it also asks for help from our country. If we take the lead in fighting against the barbarians, we will win the support of all countries. Duke Huan of Qi thought so, so he raised an army to save Yan. Guan Zhong accompanied the army in the crusade against Shanrong to rescue the State of Yan, and he didn't return until he fought against Guzhu.
In the 26th year of Duke Huan of the Qi Dynasty (660 BC), the Di people in the northwest also attacked the Central Plains Xing State (now Xingtai, Hebei). As the overlord, Duke Huan of Qi, of course, cannot ignore it. Guan Zhong was also very concerned about this issue. He said to Duke Huan of Qi:“ non-Chinese peoples of the north and west He is very cruel and greedy. All countries in Zhuxia are relatives and care about each other. One country is in trouble, so everyone should help. We can't just stand by and ignore it. It is very dangerous to be happy to meet the current situation. The best policy is to send troops to rescue Xing. " Duke Huan of Qi appreciated Guan Zhong's idea and sent troops to save State Xing, which was soon saved. Soon Di sent troops to defend the country, Wei Yigong Was killed, defend one's country Destruction. Di people chased the people of Wei to the Yellow River. The State of Song sent troops to rescue 730 people from Wei. Together with the residents of the two towns, the total number is 5000. It was in Caoyi (now Huaxian County, Henan Province) that Duke Dai was appointed king. The newly restored Wei State is in a very difficult situation. Duke Huan and Guan Zhong of Qi sent their sons Wukui, with five hundred chariots and horses and three thousand soldiers, to defend the country and defend Cao's capital. He also brought a horse riding sacrificial clothing to Wei Jun and a carriage and silk to his wife. In addition, there are more than 300 cows, sheep, pigs, dogs and chickens. He also helped build the palace. The State of Xing has not yet recovered, and the Di people came to plunder for a second time.
In the 27th year of Duke Huan of Qi (659 BC), Di people attacked Xing and the situation was very serious. Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong immediately united with Song and Cao to save Xing. When the Qi, Song and Cao armies arrived, the people of the Xing State, if they saw their relatives, defected one after another, and the Di people were driven back. State Xing was ransacked by the Di people again. So Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong, together with Song and Cao, helped the Xing State move its capital to Yiyi (now the southwest of Liaocheng), which is close to the Qi State and is safer. So as to stabilize the disorderly Xing State. Both Xing and Wei were sacked by the Di people, and under the auspices of Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong, they were able to recover their country. At that time, people all said with appreciation that the Xing people moved into the new capital city as if they had returned to their hometown; Recovered defend one's country People are happy and forget the grief of national subjugation. [13]

Qi Chu Alliance

In the 29th year of Duke Huan of Qi (657 BC), the State of Chu sent troops again zheng Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhongyue jointly saved Zheng from Chu. As the State of Chu constantly attacked Zheng, Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhongyue Lu, Song, Chen, Wei, Zheng, Xu, Cao and other eight countries formed a coalition army to the south, first of all to eliminate the State of Cai and point directly at the State of Chu. The State of Chu sent envoys under the pressure of the army Qu finished Come out to negotiate.
Qu finished Seeing Duke Huan of Qi, he asked, "You live in Beihai, and we live in the South China Sea. We are thousands of miles apart, and we don't interfere in anything. Why do you come to us this time?"
Guan Zhong was beside Duke Huan of Qi. After hearing this, he replied for Duke Huan of Qi: "In the past, Duke Kang was summoned to obey the order of the King of Zhou. He once told our ancestor Tai Gong that if you don't obey the law, you can go to the sea in the east, to the river in the west, to Muling in the south, and to Wuli in the north. You don't go to King of Zhou Bao Mao, a wine filter who was paid as a tribute for sacrifice, flagrantly violated the king's rites. There is also the Zhaowang's southward expedition, which has not been returned yet. This is not about you. We have come here to set up our teachers to punish you. "
Qu Wan replied, "It's really our fault that we haven't paid tribute to Bao Mao for many years. As for Zhao Wang's failure to return from the southern expedition, it happened in Hanshui You have to go to the Han River to inquire. "
When Duke Huan of Qi saw that the Chu envoy Qu Wan's attitude was neither soft nor hard, he ordered the army to settle down in Xing (now Chengnan, Henan Province). It has been half a year since the two armies confronted each other from spring to summer. Chu sent Qu Wan to negotiate with Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong. Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong had no intention of fighting for a long time, but they just wanted to show through this military action Overlord It's just to frighten Chu. So they soon agreed to conclude negotiations with Qu and reach an agreement. The general withdrew to Shaoling (Now Yanxian County, Henan Province).
Duke Huan of Qi In order to show off his strength, Qu Wan came to the army with him to watch the army. Pointing at the army, Duke Huan of Qi said to Qu Wan, "What kind of enemy can resist when commanding such an army to fight? What kind of city can't be conquered when commanding such an army to attack the city?"
Qu Wan answered quietly; "King, if you use morality and righteousness to appease the princes, who dares not obey? If only by force, then we can use Fangcheng Mountain as a city and Han River as a pool. The city is so high and the pool is so deep, no matter how many troops you have, it will not help." The answer was tactful and forceful.
Forced by the situation, Duke Huan of Qi agreed to form an alliance with the State of Chu. In this way, the military confrontation between the North and the South ended in dignity. [2]

Kwai Hill Alliance

In the 35th year of Duke Huan of Qi (651 BC), Zhou Huiwang Death. Duke Huan of Qi, together with other vassals, established Prince Zheng as the emperor. This is King Xiang of Zhou After King Xiang of Zhou ascended the throne, he ordered Zaikong to send official documents to Qi Huan, including Wuzuo, Tonggongyi and Dalu, in recognition of his achievements. Duke Huan of Qi convened a general meeting of various princes Sunflower mound (Now Henan Lankao Minquan County). At the ceremony of receiving the gift, Zaikong asked King Xiang of Zhou for his order. Because Duke Huan of Qi was old and virtuous, he did not have to bow down to receive the gift. Duke Huan of Qi wanted to obey the king's order. Guan Zhong said from the side, "Although the king of Zhou was modest, his officials should not be disrespectful." Duke Huan then replied, "The heavenly power is not against his face. Does Xiaobai dare to take the king's order and abandon his officials. When all the princes saw this, they all admired the courtesy of Qi Jun. Duke Huan of Qi renewed the alliance and concluded a new alliance. This is famous in history“ Kwai Hill Alliance ”。
In the 39th year of Duke Huan of Qi (647 BC), King Xiang of Zhou's younger brother and uncle colluded with the soldiers to attack the capital. The royal family was in turmoil and in crisis. Duke Huan of Qi sent Guan Zhong to help King Xiang quell the civil unrest. Guan Zhong did a good job and was praised by the King of Zhou. In order to show respect, King Xiang of Zhou Overlord His vassal prepared to hold a banquet to celebrate Guan Zhong's achievements with the ceremony of Shangqing, but Guan Zhong did not accept it. At last he accepted the courtesy of Xiaqing. [2] [14]

Recommend talents in old age

In the 41st year of Duke Huan of Qi (645 BC), before Guan Zhong died, Duke Huan of Qi asked Guan Zhong who could replace him. Guan Zhong recommended Gongsun Xipeng and asked Duke Huan to stay away from him Prescription Erect obstinate Dentition After Guan Zhong died, his successor, Gongsun Xipeng Bao Shuya The two prime ministers continued to use the political system left by Guan Zhong. Guan Zhong's descendants were appointed doctors, who enjoyed good fortune from generation to generation. [15-16]

Key achievements


political system

administrative reform
Guan Zhong rectified the administrative system, "three countries and five despicable". The so-called "three countries" means that the country is divided into 21 villages, 15 villages for scholars, 3 villages for workers, and 3 villages for businessmen, with three officials for management. The so-called "Wuqibi" means that Biye (a vast area outside the capital of the country) is divided into five genera, and five doctors and five officials are set up to take charge of it. There are four levels of subordinates, namely, county, township, pawn and town, and they are respectively managed by county marshals, township marshals, pawn marshals and commanders. The purpose of rectifying the administrative system is to "settle people's homes", so that scholars, farmers, workers and businessmen can take up their own businesses, so that the residual influence of tribes can be completely eliminated, the organizational structure of administrative regions can be more refined, and social stability can be effectively maintained. [17]
He put forward the principle of employment: "If virtue and righteousness are not clearly stated in the imperial court, they should not be attached to the throne; if merit has not been seen in the country, they should not be given heavy pay; if temporary affairs do not trust the people, they should not be appointed as high-ranking officials." In today's words, when appointing all officials, they must be based on their actual achievements, especially the real achievements that are trusted by the people, rather than false and superficial achievements. In addition, he also summarized a set of specific measures to reward and punish officials at all levels.
Guozhong“ Kindness and filial piety ”、“ Wisdom ”、“ tough and powerful boxer ”Outstanding persons shall be recommended for probation by the township head. Competent persons shall be appointed as officials. Competent persons can be promoted until they are promoted to official with high rank Assistant. The selection of talents and appointment of talents have made a breakthrough to a certain extent Shiqing Shilu System , expanded the source of talents, and this system will become the future Imperial examination system The rudiment of the degree.
Political opinion
Guan Zhong attaches importance to economy and agriculture, opposes empty talk and creates vocational skills education. He advocated reform to enrich the country and strengthen the army. He said: "If there is more wealth in the country, people will come from afar; if there is land, people will stay; if there are solid warehouses, people will know etiquette; if there is enough food and clothing, people will know honor and disgrace.", materialism The idea of "substance determines consciousness" in Chinese is quite close to the idea in Guanzi. Duke Huan of Qi respected Guan Zhongwei“ uncle ”, authorized him to preside over a series of political and economic reforms: dividing administrative regions, organizing military establishment, and setting up officials to manage; Establish a talent selection system, and the candidates can be "praised by Shangqing" (assistant) after three trials; Levy taxes according to land classification, and prohibit nobles from plundering private property; Develop salt and iron industry, forge currency and adjust prices. Guan Zhong's Reform Reform the land and population system. Guan Zhong's reform achieved remarkable results, which greatly boosted the national strength of Qi. In foreign countries, Guan Zhong was the first to put forward the nationalist thought of "distinguishing between Chinese and foreigners" and "respecting the king and fighting against foreigners". Unite with northern neighbors to resist Shanrong nationality South invasion. This one Diplomatic strategy It was also successful. later Confucius He sighed and said, "Guan Zhongxiang, Duke Huan, dominates the princes, unite the whole empire under one government And the people will receive it today. Microtubule Zhong, Wuqi become barbarians Yes. If a common man and woman It's a matter of understanding. Since we have learned from the ditch, we don't know about it. " He said, "Duke Huan Jiuhe princes Guan Zhong's power is not limited to military vehicles. As benevolent as benevolent. " [18]

Diplomatic proposition

Guan Zhong's diplomatic proposition was to strike the banner of "honoring the king and fighting against the barbarians" and, as the head of the feudal lords, to take the emperor under his control to fight against irreverence.
Duel drinking statue of Duke Huan of Qi, Guan Zhong, Fuyang
To make Duke Huan of Qi As the head of the vassals, Guan Zhong assisted Duke Huan of Qi in many diplomatic efforts. Duke Huan of Qi Twenty three years ago (663 BC), Shanrong attacked Yan. Yan asked Qi for help, and Qi saved Yan. In the twenty fifth year of Duke Huan of Qi (661 BC), Shanrong attacked the Xing State. Guan Zhong said, "You should not be tired of fighting against wolves; you should not abandon the intimacy of the Xia States." Duke Huan of Qi sent troops to attack Shanrong again to save the Xing State. Defeated Di Bing, who had destroyed the capital city of Xing, and established a new capital for Xing in Yiyi. In the following year, Di people attacked Wei on a large scale, and Wei Yigong was killed. The State of Qi led the vassals to build a new capital in Chuqiu for the State of Wei. In the thirtieth year of Duke Huan of Qi (656 BC), Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to ask why the State of Chu did not pay tribute to the Emperor Zhou on time, so that the sacrificial ceremony could not be held in time, which made the State of Chu admit its mistakes. In 655 BC, King Hui of Zhou intended to establish another crown prince. Guan Zhong offered a plan to let Duke Huan of Qi gather all the princes at the beginning and end to make an alliance with the emperor of Zhou Dynasty to determine the orthodox status of the prince. In 654 BC, Guan Zhong and Duke Huan of Qi led the Allied Forces to crusade against the State of Zheng because he stopped fleeing from the meeting for the first time. Several years later, Duke Huan of Qi led many monarchs to make an alliance with the doctors sent by King Xiang of Zhou, and established the throne of King Xiang of Zhou. In 651 BC, Duke Huan of Qi summoned the kings of Lu, Song, Cao and other countries and the king of Zhou to meet at Kuiqiu. On behalf of the King of Zhou, Duke Duke of Zhou formally appointed Duke Huan of Qi as marquis. In the autumn of the same year, Duke Huan of Qi presided over the alliance of Kuiqiu as the overlord. After that, Duke Huan of Qi would intervene and stop the violation of the authority of the Zhou royal family. This time, Duke Huan of Qi established his hegemonic position. Guan Zhong's diplomatic strategy was very successful, which made the hegemony of Duke Huan of Qi more legitimate and reasonable, and also protected the economic and cultural development of the Central Plains. It has made great contributions to the survival of Chinese civilization. [19]

military system

Its principle is to "send military orders for internal affairs", and its measure is to "participate in other countries and fight against them". Its content is to divide the country into 21 townships and six industrial and commercial townships, Shixiang Fifteen. The township of industry and commerce is not engaged in war, but the actual combat is the tenth five-year plan for the township of scholars. There are eleven thousand people in five villages. Qi Jun led the army as the middle army, and the two Shangqing led the five villages as the left and right armies respectively. It was for the three armies, that is, "participating in the country". There are ten companies in one village, four miles in one village, ten tracks in one village, five families in one track, and five families in one track. This is "Wu Qibi". The five schools in the track have lived together for generations, and their interests, misfortunes and blessings are the same. Therefore, "the rules are the same and the war is the same".
This is a kind of combat system combining society and military, which also prepared for large-scale war later. [17]

economic system

The original manuscript of the portrait of Guan Zhong painted by Xu Cao (Illustration of Chinese Historical Stories)
● Guan Zhongxiangqi's economic policy is to "nourish the people and have no money" (Guoyu · Qiyu), and his method is to "prioritize the benefits of fish and salt to support poverty" (Historical Records· Qi Taigong Family 》)。 Or, as the saying goes, "Pass the power of weight, and carry out the business of mountains and seas" (Records of the Historian · Pingzhun Book, see the entry Weight theory ), and even "money can accumulate wealth, enrich the country and strengthen the army" (Records of the Historian · Biographies of Guan Yan). [20]
● Whether the "profit of light and heavy fish and salt" and "industry of mountain and sea" were the origins of salt and iron official sales in the Han Dynasty, we have no credit materials. According to the record in Guan Zhong's book, Guan Zhong opposed to tax on "trees", "six livestock" and population, but advocated that "only official mountains and seas are acceptable", and "mountains and seas" are iron and salt ("Guan Zi · Sea King"). If this record is credible, Guan Zhong had already implemented the economic policy of governing salt and iron.
● Pipe skillfully used the technique of light and heavy to plan externally Strategy of Hengshan The strategies of Yin Li and Jing Mao can be regarded as classic cases of ancient currency wars.
● Guan Zhong implemented the policy of "quasi leveling" of grain, that is, "if people have more than enough, they will be light; if people have less than enough, they will be light; if people have less than enough, they will be heavy; if people have less than enough, they will be heavy; if people have less than enough, they will be flat." Therefore, the rich families of big families should not seize our people. "(Han Shu· Food and Goods Record 》Below). This "quasi flat" system is not only a policy to balance grain prices, but also indirectly recognizes the farmers' right to freely buy and sell grain and the legitimacy of free private farmland, and also guarantees the production profits of private farmland farmers. This kind of economic policy is also the centralization of power by the monarch at the economic level.
● Proposed by Guan Zhong“ Phase to earth attenuation sign ”That is to say, the tax collection amount is determined according to the quality of soil and the yield, and Marx's differential land rent is the same.
● Guan Zhong faced the situation“ drain the pond to catch all the fish ”In order to effectively utilize the forest and fishery resources of Qi State, we have formulated the policy of "each mountain and river should be at the right time". That is, the earliest natural environment protection law in history, which prohibits people from cutting and fishing indiscriminately for immediate interests to protect the normal growth of trees and fish from damage. Logging and hunting are allowed only in proper seasons.
● Guan Zhong revised Qi Taigong's "Nine Mansions Circular Method", and set up an organization in charge of currency in Qi - "Nine Mansions of Light and Heavy". The government of the State of Qi uniformly minted coins in the shape of a knife, called "Qi Fahua" or "Jie Mo Fahua", commonly known as "Qi Dao".
● In Guan Zhong's article "Guanzi · Luxury", Guan Zhong systematically expounded the promoting effect of consumption on production.

Character evaluation

Confucius : ① Guan Zhong's weapon is small Guan's Yes Three Gui How can we be thrifty if we don't take care of official affairs Bangjunshu screen , Guan Yishu Saimen; The king is the best of the two Anti goblet , Guan also has anti goblets. Guan Shi knows propriety, but who doesn't know propriety? [50] ② Duke Huan joined the princes nine times, not with his chariots, but with Guan Zhong's strength. Like benevolence! Like benevolence Duke Huan, the prime minister of Guan Zhongxiang, was the hegemon of the feudal lords and the ruler of the country. The people have been given this gift. The microtubules are all in the middle, and I have been left lying on my head. How can everyone forgive me? I have never known about it since I was in the ditch! [51]
Guan Zhong
Huainanzi · Thai Training 》:“ father of the first Zhou king lift Chi-Kou-Go-Istu Prince Shaogong And Wang, Duke Huan, served as Guan Zhong Xi Peng And Ba, this is a meritorious deed, king of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period Use the Taizai to kill, Qin Ren Liss eunuch who conspired with Li Si to influence the succession to the First Emperor And died, which is the same. Therefore, it can be seen from the view of what they have done; We should check the relationship between the Party and its members, but we can say that there is no merit. " [21]
Sima Qian : ① "Guan Zhong, the so-called virtuous minister in the world, was smaller than Confucius. Do you think that Zhou Dao is in decline, and Henggong is virtuous, but he doesn't encourage the king to be the king? As the saying goes, "Let the beauty prevail and cure the evil, so people can get together.". Does Guan Zhong mean it? [22] ②“ Yan Zi Thrifty, Yiwu Then extravagance; Qi Huan Yiba, Jing Gong To govern. " [23]
Famous physiognomy of Shu Han Dynasty Zhuge Liang He often compares himself to Guan Zhong, Leyi In history, Guan Zhong and Qi made the state of Qi Five Hegemons Head; Zhuge Liang made Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan share the world with Shu. Both of them worked hard, bend one 's body and exhaust one 's energy And he has made great contributions.
Fang Xuanling : "If we are as benevolent as the barbarians, we can look at small countries, kong ming Practising righteousness, being good at Yi and new nation, caressing matters and discussing feelings, restraining Si and so on. " [24]
Li Jing : "If Leyi, Guan Zhong, Zhuge Liang, will win the battle, and will defend, this is not to check the sky, the time, and the place. Can Anneng be ignored?" [25]
Liu Xie : "In ancient times, the generals and ministers had many faults, such as Guan Zhong's filial theft, Wu Qi The corruption, the stain of Chen Ping, Crimson irrigation The slander and jealousy are innumerable along this line. Aperture light What is Pan Yue's inferiority to Dong Xian, who was defeated by the balance of power, and flattered by him? Wang Rong In the founding of the country, the rank was higher, but the official rank was lower; What a poor and thin road? However, Zixia was not lost to the famous scholars. Those who were not dusty in the bamboo forest were respected but ridiculed. If Qu Jia's loyalty, Zou Mei's sense of opportunity, Huang Xiang's honesty and filial piety, and Xu Gan's silence, wouldn't they be called literati [26]
Sima Zhen : "Yiwu became a tyrant, Ping Zhong Be worthy. The grain is the grain, the bean does not cover the shoulder. Turn misfortune into blessing, and you will get all your dangerous words. Kong Lai wear the clothes of a barbarian Shi Xin holds the whip. When we leave in a ceremony, what people expect? " [27]

personal works

Main term: pipe
The book Guanzi used to be 86 pieces, but 10 pieces were lost in the Tang Dynasty. 76 pieces are preserved in this book, which was written under the name of Chunqiu Guanzhong. In fact, Guanzi, like many ancient books and records in the pre Qin period, was neither written by one person nor by one time. It is a collection of essays of Jixia School. The national book collection catalogue of the Western Han Dynasty, "Hanshu · Yiwenzhi", was written by Guan Zhong in the category of "Taoism"《 pipe 》In 85 articles, Ban Gu wrote: "It is named Yiwu, and it is the counterpart of Duke Huan of Qi. Nine princes are joined together, not by chariots [28] 。” There are 76 articles in existence today, which are very rich in content, including the thoughts of Taoism, Confucianism, name, law, military, yin and yang, as well as the knowledge of astronomy, geography, economy and agriculture. Among them, the articles such as Light and Heavy are rare economic writings in ancient classics, which discuss production, distribution, trade, consumption, finance, currency, etc., and are precious materials for studying the agriculture and economy of China's pre Qin period. The biography of Guan Zhong is contained in The Historical Records, The Biographies of Guan Yan. [29] Among them, Huanglao Taoist works are the most, followed by 16 legalist works, and the rest are miscellaneous [30-32]

Anecdotes and allusions


Honor the king and fight against the barbarians

The allusion of "respecting the king and fighting against the barbarians" originally meant to honor the king of Zhou as the leader of the Central Plains and resist the northern nomads. Later, it became synonymous with forming a national united front in the face of foreign invasion.
Encyclopedia x Knowledgeable: Illustration of Respecting the King and Resisting the Barbarians
During the reign of Duke Huan of Qi, with the assistance of Guan Zhong, he carried out reforms in internal affairs, economy, military and other aspects, and accumulated a solid material foundation and Military strength He raised the banner of "respecting the king and fighting against the barbarians" and, as the head of the feudal lords, threatened the emperor with disrespect.
The policy of "respecting the king and fighting against the barbarians" implemented by Duke Huan of Qi was proposed by Guan Zhong, which made his hegemony more legitimate and reasonable, and also protected the economic and cultural development of the Central Plains. It has made great contributions to the survival of Chinese civilization.

Wisdom over Ghost Cry Valley

On the far right is Guan Zhong (Han Dynasty stone relief of Wu's Temple in Jiaxiang, Shandong)
When Guan Zhong attacked Shanrong, Hu Erban once told Duke Huan and Guan Zhong that Ghost Cry Valley was ahead. If Shanrong sets an ambush, we can't even cross the border. He said to Hu Erban, since the general has concerns, you should stay at the end of the army and order Prince Becomes Father Zhao Chuaner will act according to the token.
At dawn the next day, Qi's army rode on horses with stakes and pretended to be ambushed. Shanrong fell into the trap. Milu, the chief general, was shot. One of his generals rushed into the encirclement, grabbed the wounded Milu back, and fled to another tribe of Shanrong, Guzhu State. [33]

david and jonathan

Guan Zhong has a good friend Bao Shuya , they are very friendly. They both went into business together. When he made money in business, Guan Zhong always gave more to himself and less to Bao Shuya. Bao Shuya never quarreled with Guan Zhong about this. People secretly said that Guan Zhong was greedy and didn't talk about it friendship Bao Shuya explained to Guan Zhong that Guan Zhong didn't want friendship but only money. He did so because his family was poor and I was willing to give him more money. Guan Zhong took part in the battle three times, but escaped from the battle line three times. Therefore, people laughed at him, saying that Guan Zhong was greedy for life and afraid of death, and had no spirit of brave sacrifice. After hearing this ridicule, Bao Shuya knew that it was not in line with Guan Zhong's actual situation, and explained to people that Guan Zhong was not afraid of death, because his family had an elderly mother who was solely dependent on him, so he had to do that. Guan Zhong's friendship with Bao Shuya is very sincere. He also tried to do some good things for Bao Shuya many times, but failed; Not only did it not succeed, but it created many new difficulties for Bao Shuya. It would be better not to do it well. Therefore, people all think that Guan Zhong has no ability to do things, but Bao Shuya doesn't think so. He knows in his heart that his friend Guan Zhong is a very capable person. It's just that the opportunity is not mature. In their long-term exchanges, they have forged a deep friendship. Guan Zhong has told people many times that it is my parents who gave birth to me, and it is Bao Shuya who knows me. [2]

Chu State Buys Deer

Duke Huan of Qi asked Guan Zhong, "The State of Chu is a powerful country, and its people are proficient in fighting skills. We may not be able to fight against the State of Chu. The State of Chu is very troublesome, and what should we do in the future?" Guan Zhong said, "Your Majesty, please pay a high price to buy the special deer of the State of Chu. This move will work." Duke Huan of Qi set up a small city on the border with the State of Chu, And sent people to the State of Chu to buy live deer. The price of a live deer in the State of Chu is 80 thousand yuan. Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to send Wang Yi, a Chinese doctor, to the State of Chu with 20 million yuan to buy it. When the king of Chu heard about this, he said to his prime minister, "Money is what people like, and it is what the country depends on to survive. Deer, however, is just a beast. Chu has many things, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't need it. Now Qi is paying so much money to buy things we don't need, which is the blessing of Chu! God let Qi fool us, too good! Let the people catch the live deer and exchange the money from Qi as soon as possible! "
To hype up the incident, Guan Zhong also said to the official purchasers from the State of Chu, "If you can get 20 live deer for me, I will give you 100 jin of gold; if you get 200, you can get 1000 jin of gold. Even if the State of Chu does not levy taxes on the people, the money will be enough." So the whole state of Chu became a sensation: both the official and the private, men, women and children, All of them are full of enthusiasm, a bit like "the whole people are speculating in stocks (or real estate)". The common people put down their farm work and went all over the mountains and fields to catch live deer. At this time, Guan Zhong asked Xi Peng, his minister, to quietly buy and store grain among the people of Qi and Chu. Chu earned five times more money by selling live deer than usual; Qi also bought and hoarded five times more surplus grain than usual.
So Guan Zhong said to Duke Huan of Qi, "Well, now we can go to attack the State of Chu with peace of mind!" Duke Huan asked, "Why?" Guan Zhong replied, "The State of Chu took five times more money than usual, but it missed the farming season, and the grain could not be harvested in a few months. The State of Chu will go to buy grain at that time. Then we can seal the border." Duke Huan of Qi suddenly ordered to close the border with Chu. As a result, the price of rice in the State of Chu soared, and the King of Chu sent people to buy rice everywhere, which was cut off by the State of Qi. As many as four tenths of the population of the State of Chu fled to the State of Qi. Chu was badly weakened and surrendered to Qi three years later.

Deathbed advice

Guan Zhong was seriously ill. Duke Huan went to visit him and asked him, "Zhong's father is very ill. What will you teach me?" Guan Zhong said, "There is a saying in the countryside of the Qi State: 'People who live at home don't need to prepare the things loaded on the car when they go out. Travelers don't need to prepare the things that need to be buried when they live at home.' Now I will be far away from the world. Why should I ask?" Duke Huan said, "I hope Father Zhong will not be humble. Their sons have the heart to boil to death. What love will they have for the king? " Duke Huan also said, "Can such a person doubt that he castrated himself so that he can serve me? ”Guan Zhong replied, "Death and life are predestined, and the disease brought by ghosts to people is caused by spiritual failure. The king does not obey the order of heaven, and keeps the spirit, but relies on the constant wizard, so he will do everything." Duke Huan said, "Prince Wei Qifang has served me for 15 years, and his father does not go back to die. Can such a person still doubt it?" Guan Zhong replied, "It's human nature to have a father who doesn't love himself. When his father dies, he has the heart not to go back to his funeral home. What love will he have for the king?" Duke Huan said, "I listen to you." But after Guan Zhong died, Duke Huan of Qi still didn't listen to his advice, reused and trusted these three people, and finally died at the hands of these three traitors. [34]

Yugong Valley

Duke Huan of Qi When I went hunting, I ran into a valley because of chasing wild deer. Seeing an old man, he asked him, "What's this valley called?" The old man replied, "It's called Yugong Valley." Duke Huan said, "Why is it called this name?" He replied, "Use the name of your lieutenant as its name." Duke Huan said, "Today I see your appearance is not like a fool. Why does the old man have such a name?" The old man replied, "Please allow the officials to talk about it one by one. I used to raise a cow and give birth to a calf. When I grew up, I sold the calf and bought a pony. A young man said, 'Cattle can't give birth to horses.' So he took the pony away. Neighbors near me heard about this and thought I was stupid, so they called this valley Yugong Valley 。” Duke Huan said, "You are really stupid! Why did you give him the pony?" And he went back to the palace.
The next day, Duke Huan told Guan Zhong about it. Guan Zhong adjusts his clothes and asks Duke Huan of Qi After paying two obeisances, he said, "This is my stupidity. If Tang Yao was the king and Jiu You was the judge, how could someone take someone else's pony? If someone was bullied like this old man, he would not give it. The old man knew that the current prison verdict was unfair, so he only gave the pony to the young man. Please let me go down to repair politics." Confucius said: "The disciples remember this. Duke Huan is the overlord; Guan Zhong is wise and able Prime Minister of. They still have one clever As stupid Not to mention those who are inferior to Duke Huan and Guan Zhong! " [35]

Golden Turtle for Grain

Duke Huan once asked Guan Zhong, what is a treasure for the imperial gods? " Guan Zhong replied, "Someone in Beiguo dug up land to get a turtle, and with this turtle, he could get the benefit of a hundred li of land." Duke Huan said, "Why is it that getting a turtle is a hundred li of land?" Guan Zhong replied, "Let the person who gets a turtle put the turtle on the market. Your majesty immediately sent envoys, equipped with ten carriages, and carrying one hundred jin of gold, to the home of the tortoise man, and gave an order: 'The emperor gave you the official clothes of the Chinese doctor.' He also said: 'This is the descendant of the East China Sea God. He looks like a tortoise and lives in your home. He gave you the official uniform of the doctor for life and gave you a reward of 100 jin of gold.' So he regarded the turtle as a priceless treasure and collected it on the platform. He sacrificed four cows every day, and named it priceless treasure. Four years later, after the expedition to the Guzhu State, we learned that the rich Ding family had enough food to feed the three armies for five months. Then we summoned the owner of the Ding family and said to him, 'I have a priceless treasure here. Now I have an important expedition. I want to mortgage this treasure to you and borrow your food.' Ding Shi bowed to the north again and sent food, but did not dare to accept this as a pledge. Duke Huan said to Ding: 'I'm old, and my son doesn't understand the past and future here. You must accept this collateral. ' After Ding returned home, he rebuilt the house and set up mats to collect the turtles. In four years' time, when the soldiers cut down the bamboo trees, they can get food from the Ding family. [36]

Strategy of Hengshan

Hengshan Country is rich in weapons, and its sharp sword is unparalleled in the world. Guan Zhong had planned to conquer Hengshan State for a long time, but it would take a lot of effort to attack Hengshan State by force. Instead, Guan Zhong sent people to Hengshan to buy weapons at a high price a year before the start of the war; Ten months later, Yan, Dai, Qin and other countries followed Hengshan to purchase weapons, which can be described as a world scramble. Seeing the situation of making money, the king of Hengshan told the prime minister: 'All countries in the world are scrambling to buy our weapons, which can increase the price more than 20 times', so the people of Hengshan gave up agriculture and turned to forging iron.
One year later, Qi sent people to Zhao When buying and transporting grain, Zhao paid 15 yuan per stone, while Qi paid 50 yuan per stone. All countries, including Hengshan State, sold grain to Qi State. When all countries cheered for their wealth, Qi State suddenly closed the checkpoint and stopped buying grain and weapons of Hengshan State.
Before the summer harvest, troops were sent to Hengshan State. At this time, Hengshan State had no food available, and its weapons were almost sold out, and it could not buy food in other countries. It was defeated in both economic and military fields, so the whole country had to surrender. [37]

Shibi Mou

Say Kuiqiu Alliance After. Duke Huan of Qi said to Guan Zhong, we have spent a lot of money to hold such a grand event, and the limelight is exhausted. But how can we turn these false names into real profits? Otherwise, if I want to worship the Son of Heaven, I will feel that the cost is not enough. Does Zhongfu have any good way? Guan Zhong said, "My lord, there is a disordered stone hillock somewhere. Please order a group of jade craftsmen to carve these disordered stones into stone walls according to the standard. A foot long stone wall is priced at 10000 yuan, an eight inch stone wall is priced at 8000 yuan, a seven inch stone wall is priced at 7000 yuan, a stone wall is priced at 4000 yuan, and a stone wall is priced at 500 yuan." After hearing this, Duke Huan of Qi was skeptical, but he did as he said.
On the day of the completion of the stone wall, Guan Zhong came to Luoyang to make a pilgrimage Son of Heaven The Son of Heaven met the overlord's Zhongfu kindly. At that time, the emperor's younger brother Jidai was still arguing with the emperor about the separation. Guan Zhong came to the court as the prime minister of the great vassal states to argue and persuade the two brothers of the Emperor.
Guan Zhong said, "For the dignity of the king, the monarch of our country plans to lead the princes to worship the ancestral temple of the former king. One can observe and learn the rites of the Zhou Dynasty, and the other can also cheer for the king! The disorderly officials and bandits dare not act rashly when they see this posture." The Son of Heaven said, "OK, then ask the princes to worship the ancestral temple of the former king, which is no problem." Guan Zhong also said, "Your Majesty, please send an order that all the princes who come to worship the Ancestor's Temple must take the 'Stone Breaking the Sky' Wall as a tribute to your Majesty, or they will not be allowed to enter the Imperial Court."
The so-called 'Stone Breaks the Sky' wall is chiseled out of that pile of stones. If you find a good project, it will be valuable immediately.
The Son of Heaven said, "Yes, it's no problem." And he sent orders to all parts of the world. Generally, the princes seldom have the opportunity to visit the temple where they worship the Son of Heaven and the First King. It is rare to get a ticket. So, all the lords in the world rushed to the state of Qi with gold, pearls, jade, grain, colored silk and cloth, and scrambled to buy tickets. In this way, Qi's stone walls are circulated in the world, and the financial logistics of the world belong to Qi.

Jingmao Mou

Guan Zhong is very happy to give advice to the Emperor. He doesn't think the Emperor has any special resources, except for the worthless grass paid by the State of Chu, which is called 'green grass'. It is a kind of grass with three ridges and stems running straight to the root, which is a specialty of the Yangtze River basin. Don't let the wind out first. The order said that the Son of Heaven was going to Mount Tai to worship heaven. This was the only time he had the chance to authorize the princes to accompany him to worship heaven. Those who wanted to go, please come and sign up.
Since the princes are not qualified to sacrifice to heaven, this opportunity is particularly precious, and everyone is willing to go. Then he issued an order: 'Anyone who goes with the Son of Heaven to sacrifice to heaven must carry a bundle of Jingmao as a mat for sacrifice. If there is no Jingmao, you are not allowed to enter. "
So the princes all over the world took out gold one after another, Compete Local panic buying. Gold is nothing, no matter how expensive it is, to accompany the Son of Heaven to such a grand event! The price of Jingmao suddenly exploded, rising dozens of times, and a bundle can sell for 100 gold.
Therefore, the gold in the world flows from from all sides Come together. The money from selling thatch in these three days is equivalent to his seven year income. "

Uncle Bao Leaves the Mountain

Bao Shuya was not satisfied with the order of Duke Xi of Qi to assist his son, Xiao Bai, and often claimed that he could not get sick, because he thought that "it is impossible to know a son as his father, and a minister as well as a gentleman". The king knew that Xiaobai had no hope of inheriting the throne in the future, and thought that he had no talent, so he asked him to assist Xiaobai. Guan Zhong didn't think so. When he learned the truth, he persuaded Bao Shuya to say: "People in China dislike the son's mother, so they don't like the son's correction. Instead, they sympathize with Xiao Bai who has no mother. In the future, the ruler of Qi will be white if he is not corrected. Although the son Xiao Bai is not as smart as the son, but also very impatient, he has foresight. It is not I Guan Zhong, and no one understands the son Xiao Bai. Young Master Rectify Even if I abolish my brother and establish a monarch in the future, I will accomplish nothing. It's not you, Bao Shuya, who will settle the country? " In this way, Bao Shuya listened to Guan Zhong's advice, came out to accept the appointment, and tried his best to serve Xiao Bai. [38]

Report to Qi State

The State of Lu was defeated by the State of Qi in the battle of Qianshi. Under the pressure of the State of Qi, he killed the son, Jiao, and captured Guan Zhong and Zhao Hu. He was ready to send them back to Duke Huan of Qi for surrender. Zhao Hu committed suicide in order to express his loyalty to the son. Before he died, he said to Guan Zhong, "I am dead, and Young Master Jiao has a loyal minister who died. If you live to make contributions and make Qi dominate the vassals, Young Master Jiao has a living minister. The dead have completed their virtue, and the living have completed their fame. It is up to both of us to do their part, so you can do it yourself." [6]

an old hand is a good guide

Qi Junbing Surround Guzhu Guzhu State sent people to feign surrender to the Qi army, presented the head of Shanrong leader, and lied that the king of Guzhu State had abandoned his country and fled to the desert. Duke Huan of Qi led his army to chase after the fallen generals. The surrender of Guzhu State lured the Qi army into the desert, and he fled by surprise. It was already late. Looking around, I saw a vast expanse of flat sand. The wind was blowing on the ground, and the cold was pressing. The front and rear teams of the Qi army lost contact. Duke Huan of Qi was at a loss and asked Guan Zhong for advice. Guan Zhong pondered for a moment, and then asked his soldiers to beat drums and gongs, so that all the teams would gather at the sound of the sound and camp until dawn. Who would have known that although it was already light, the desert was extremely hot, and there was no drinking water. It was difficult to identify the direction of the endless desert, and the whole army was extremely anxious. Seeing this, Guan Zhong hurriedly suggested to Duke Huan of Qi: "I heard that old horses are good at traveling. Yan horses come from the north of the desert. Maybe I am familiar with this place. The king might as well ask several old horses to be selected for release. Maybe I can find a way out. [39]

Three Return Platform

Guan Zhong lived in luxury. [23] According to the Warring States Policy, Lvcang A lobbyist quoted Guan Zhong's story to persuade Zhou Wenjun not to dismiss Lvcang. It said: "In the palace of Duke Heng of Qi, there were seven markets and 700 brothels, and the people of Qi scolded him, so Guan Zhong, the prime minister of Qi, deliberately built a platform in his home and named it" Three Gui Platform ", in order to cover up his mistakes for Duke Heng, who did not mean to hurt people's hearts." [40-41]

Character controversy

  • Guan Zhong was born in 723 BC, 735 BC and 716 BC. [48]
  • Guan Zhong's ancestors also have three versions: one is Guan Shuxian , the other is King Mu of Zhou The third is "Guan is not Ji". [49]

Historical records

Historical records
The Second Biography of Guan Yan, Volume 62 of Records of the Historian [42]
pipe [43]

Commemoration for future generations



Guan Bao Temple
Guanzhong's hometown is located in Guangu Village, Jianying Township, Yingshang County, Anhui Province. Guan Bao Temple was built to commemorate the joint temple of Guan Zhong, the prime minister of Qi Dynasty, and Bao Shuya, the senior official of Qi Dynasty. It was rebuilt by Tu Long, the county magistrate in the sixth year of Wanli (1578) of the Ming Dynasty, about 500 years ago, to honor Bao Shuya and change his name. Guan Bao Temple was rebuilt in the sixth year of Daoguang's reign (1836). It was destroyed again in the reign of Xianfeng. In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the then county magistrate rebuilt it. [44]

Memorial Hall

After his death, Guan Zhong was buried in Linzi, Shandong Province (today's Zibo City Linzi Beishanxi Village, Qiling Sub district Office, District) Niushan Beilu, this is the famous Guan Zhong's Tomb Guan Zhong Memorial Hall Relying on Guan Zhong's tomb, based on Guan Zhong's thought of Guanzi, and taking Guan Zhong's life as the thread, through various artistic means, while showing the glorious life of the first prime minister in the world, the museum comprehensively displays the extensive and profound thought of Guanzi and comprehensively shows the contributions of the prime minister's culture and the famous societies of all dynasties. The museum was completed and opened to the public in 2004.
The Guanzhong Memorial Hall covers an area of 200000 square meters, with a total investment of nearly 30 million yuan, and is divided into the museum area and the park. Covering an area of 50000 square meters, the museum is mainly composed of the Chinese Prime Minister's Hall, Guan Zhong and the exhibition hall of Guan Zhong's thoughts (Guan Bao's friendship, Huan Gong's worship of the Prime Minister, Guan Zhong's governance of Qi, the first domination of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the eternal light), Guan Zhong Temple, Guan Zhong's tomb, etc; The park covers an area of 150000 square meters, mainly including square, green space and supporting facilities
The exhibition hall of the whole memorial hall has a total area of 539 square meters, consisting of five halls( david and jonathan , Duke Huan worships the prime minister, Guan Zhong governs Qi, the first tyrant in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the light shines for thousands of years), a temple (Guan Zhong Temple), and a hall (Chinese Prime Minister Hall). The interior decoration of the entire exhibition hall adopts the combination of realistic landscape and Han style display components, and uses various display means such as relief murals.
Green tiles, yellow walls, red doors and bluestone steps in the museum area. The main gate is of Quemen type, with 16 columns. The upper part of the gate column is of a bucket structure, with 5 ribs protruding from the bucket, which is symmetrical from left to right, very like a roc flying with wings flapping. The door is 6 meters wide, and the plaque of "Guan Zhong Memorial Hall" is written on the lintel. [45]