Tycho Brahe

Danish astronomer and astrologer
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Tycho Brahe (December 14, 1546 October 24, 1601), Denmark Astronomers and astrologers. On December 14, 1546, he was born into a noble family in Kiudstrup, Scania Province. On October 24, 1601, Tycho died in Prague at the age of 55.
Discovered in Tycho on November 11, 1572 Cassiopeia A new star in the King of Denmark Frederick II of Denmark Invited to build Tianbao on Wen Island observatory After 20 years of observation, Tycho found many new Astronomical phenomenon
Tycho Brahe once proposed that Geocentric theory The universe between heliocentric theory and heliocentric theory structural system It was once accepted after it was introduced into China in the early 17th century. What Tycho did Observation accuracy Its height is beyond the reach of his contemporaries. A star table compiled by Tycho is quite accurate and still valuable. [1]
Chinese name
Tycho Brahe
Foreign name
Tycho Brahe
date of birth
December 14, 1546
Date of death
October 24, 1601
University one is graduated from
Uni Rostock
astronomer Astrologer
Key achievements
modern astronomy Of founder
one's native heath
Keudstrup, Scania


Tycho Brahe
Tycho entered in 1559 University of Copenhagen Read books. In August 1560, he observed once according to the forecast solar eclipse , which made him astronomy Has aroused great interest. In 1562, Tycho transferred to Germany University of Leipzig Study law, but use all the spare time Time study astronomy. In 1563, Tycho observed Jupiter and Saturn (The two planets are leaning against each other in the sky), and wrote his first astronomical observation data. At the same time, he noticed that the time when the merger occurred was more than ephemeris The prediction was one month early. He realized that ephemeris Not accurate enough, so I started long-term systematic observation and wanted to compile more accurate ephemeris by myself. In 1566, Tycho began to wander around the world and studied astronomy at Rostock University in Germany. From then on, he began his life Astronomical research We have made great achievements in our work.
In Basel and Augsburg After continuing his studies, Tycho returned home because his father was ill. On November 11, 1572, he saw Cassiopeia There was a new bright star, so he used his own instrument to make a series of observations on the star until it became dark and invisible in March 1574. After 16 months of detailed observation and records, amazing results have been achieved, which has completely shaken Aristotle The theory that celestial bodies remain unchanged has opened up a new field for the development of astronomy.
Because Tycho and Peasant girl He got married and fell out with his noble family. He was glad to accept Copenhagen And Germany. He considered settling down Switzerland , but in 1576 the King of Denmark Frederick II of Denmark Give him Wen Island as a new observatory And promised him a sum of money. So Tycho in Denmark and Sweden Wendao Island started to build a "Heaven Watching Castle". This is the earliest large-scale observatory in the world, where four observatory , a library, a laboratory and a printing plant It is equipped with complete instruments and costs more than 1 ton of gold. Till 1599, Tycho worked here for more than 20 years and made a series of important achievements, creating a large number of advanced Astronomical instrument The most famous one is the observation of two bright comets in 1577. Through observation, he came to the conclusion that the comet was many times farther than the moon. This important conclusion helps people to understand correctly Astronomical phenomenon , has had a great impact.
Tycho Brahe
In 1588, after the death of Frederick II, Tycho Holy Roman Emperor Concurrent Bohemian king Rudolf II With the help of, he moved to Prague and established a new observatory. In 1600, Tycho and Kepler Meet and invite him to be his assistant. When Tycho died the next year, Kepler took over his work and succeeded him as a court mathematician. Tycho's large amount of extremely accurate astronomical observation data created conditions for Kepler's work. His compilation was completed by Kepler, and the Rudolphine Tables published in 1627 became the most accurate astronomical table at that time.
Tycho was an outstanding observer, but his Cosmology It is wrong. Tycho himself did not accept the idea of any earthquake. He thinks all the planets go around Solar motion , and the sun leads the planets around Earth movement His system belongs to Geocentric theory This system was once accepted after it was introduced into China in the early 17th century.
Tycho's contribution to astronomy is indelible. What he has done Observation accuracy Its height is beyond the reach of his contemporaries. A star table compiled by Tycho is quite accurate and still has use value It can be said that Tycho, as a Danish astronomer, was the founder of modern astronomy.
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustration of Tycho

Detailed Life

The Wendao Observatory established by Danish astronomer Tycho in 1576
Tycho is the last and greatest one to use Visual observation Astronomer of celestial phenomena. In terms of its greatness, Hipparchus May be the only counterweight. Tycho entered the University of Copenhagen at the age of 13 to study law and philosophy. He originally intended to study theology, but in 1560 he observed a solar eclipse and turned to astronomy and mathematics. Later, he went to Germany for further training and education.
Tycho observed Jupiter and Saturn When approaching, it was noted that the time for the two stars to approach was longer than that made according to Alfonsa X Catalogue The estimated time difference is one month. So he began to buy instruments, use these instruments to observe and make a new catalog. He also gradually used astrology Fortune telling, just like early modern astronomers, has been interested in astrology all his life. (At that time, astrology was far more profitable than real astronomy. The funders would rather fund astrology and fortune telling than scientific discoveries.)
At first Tycho hesitated to publish this book because he thought that gathering of calligraphers To lower the status of a noble man, fortunately he overcame the influence of snobbery later.
From then on, he became famous all over the world, and scholars from all over Europe came to visit him. Even rulers who thought they were scholars came to visit him, such as King James VI of Scotland. He visited Denmark in 1590 and married the Danish princess. (Later, he inherited the British throne and called it James I 。)
Tycho Brahe's Second Observatory
Part of the reason for putting forward the "Tycho theory" is to emphasize Tycho's orthodox ideas to oppose many of his enemies in the Danish court. Recalling the view of Heraclitus *, Tycho's theory was doomed by those who half bent on compromise in the age of desperate resistance. Later, Tycho's theory was almost completely ignored.
(However, half a century later, Lichiori *To be used Galileo The lunar crater Name. Lichiori at least admired Tycho's theory, so he named the most prominent and spectacular crater after Tycho. Because he admired Greek astronomers, he named his book on Greek astronomy "New Theory". He named a small crater at the center of the moon's surface after Ibaku and Ptolemy Alistark *The name of is. The surface of the moon still uses these names - a sign of reluctance to abandon Greek astronomy
During his whole research period, Tycho has always insisted on excellent and accurate observation, achieving the best observation effect that can be achieved with the naked eye. because Atmospheric refraction He, like some other astronomers, also considered that the observed positions of celestial bodies would change. He also corrected the error of the instrument.
Tycho Brahe
This "Gregory calendar" was quickly catholic country Adopted, while Christianity and Greece The Orthodox Church Later, the country gradually adopted this calendar. (They would rather use the wrong almanac of Sosigis * than the correct almanac of Pope Gregory.) Remove some religious rites This calendar has been widely used in the civilized world except where it is required.
Around the time of the reform of the calendar, Scaliger compiled a chronology on the basis of science.
However, Tycho gradually encountered a big headache, most of which was his own. Tycho always remembered that he was a Danish aristocrat, and was arrogant and quarrelsome. He is extremely arrogant and rude to his subordinates and fights with everyone. In order to argue a certain point in mathematics, Rostock's nose was cut off in a stupid midnight duel (that was in 1565, when he was only 19 years old). Later, he had a metal false nose all his life. Some people have always doubted the legend triangle Cloth strips and his bones further confirm the legend. In order to show that he is an aristocrat, Tycho even made him to a ridiculous extent. He also wore court clothes in accordance with the ancient rites Astronomical observation
In 1597, Tycho was the king of Germany Rudolf II (Tycho attended his coronation ceremony several years ago), left Denmark for Germany and settled in Prague New Area. Here he made a great discovery, discovering Kepler *, a young German assistant.


Tycho Brahe's Quadrant
Born on December 14, 1546 Sweden (Ruled by Denmark at that time) A noble family in Knudstrup was raised by his uncle.
August 21, 1560, observation solar eclipse And began to learn mathematics and astronomy. stay University of Copenhagen Accepted regular education
In 1563, it was observed that Jupiter And Saturn The close time was one month earlier than the astronomical table predicted. He made more accurate and reliable astronomical tables.
In 1565, he lost most of his nose in the duel to demonstrate the theory of mathematics, and then wore a fake silver nose.
In November 1572, he Faerie constellation A new star was observed until March 1574, when it was later confirmed to be Supernova
In 1576 King of Denmark With the support of Frederick III, a observatory
In 1577, we observed a comet, analyzed its appearance, nature and distance from the earth, and concluded that the comet had passed through the space surrounded by distant planets. It was not Earth's atmosphere Because it was generally believed at that time.
In 1582, the length of the year was accurate to within one second. Replace with Lecterized Ephemeris Julian calendar , 10 days are omitted in order to keep this calendar in line with the movement of the sun.
In 1599 Bohemian king Rudolf II To settle in Prague at the invitation of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was his assistant. Later, Kepler became a famous astronomer by his own ability.
Brahe died on October 24, 1601.

Anecdotes of characters



Tycho Brahe is a marvel in the history of astronomy. His observation of stars was more accurate than ever before. The data of the catalogues compiled by him has even approached the limit of the resolution of the naked eye, which is shocking. Tycho's data was used by his disciple, the famous Kepler, who founded the famous Three laws of planetary motion , the beginning of modern astronomy.

Tycho's nose

There are two gossip stories about Tycho. One is about his nose. It is said that Tycho was a violent man. He quarreled with another nobleman from Denmark at a dance party, planting the seeds of tragedy. Because the quarrel broke out again soon after, the two decided to solve the problem and fight in an aristocratic way. Tycho's swordsmanship was obviously not as good as his opponent's, but he was much luckier than Galois 266 years later. He just had his nose cut off.
In Tycho's time, there was no plastic surgery, but he did something even more shocking: he made a false nose out of metal himself and installed it on his face very skillfully. The color of this false nose is like skin, and it is installed seamlessly! At that time, it was recorded that Tycho carried a small box with glue in it all day long, which could stick to his nose at any time. In 1901, when the tomb of Tycho was opened, people found a large spread of green in the middle of the skull, indicating that his nose apparently also contained copper. As for the specific composition, only Tycho himself may know.

The cause of Tycho's death

Tycho Brahe
As for the cause of death of Tycho, the traditional view is rather strange: the great astronomer went to a banquet, ate and drank a lot, but refused to go to the toilet. As a result, he held his urine so much that he burst his bladder and died. The embarrassment of his death, and Du Fu Baijiu beef It is no better to die than to die. But in 1991, the University of Copenhagen carried out a test on Tycho's hair chemical analysis It was found that the mercury content in it exceeded the standard greatly, which proved that the founder of astronomy actually died Mercury poisoning Further tests in 1996 confirmed that the excess mercury was ingested the day before his death. More rumors immediately spread, saying that Tycho died of murder. The main messenger said that it was the church, and some said that it was Rudolf II , and some even think that Kepler However, these are just conjectures and hypotheses, and there is no conclusive conclusion.
In February 2010, Bragg The municipal government approved the request of Danish scientists to dig out the remains. In November 2010, Danish scientists and a Czech Republic The team arrived at Aarhus University to take bones, hair and Clothing samples Analysis, Analysis results The possibility of poisoning was ruled out, and the team studied and sentenced the cause of death Bladder rupture

The story of Tycho Aicai

In 1597, the young Kepler wrote the book Mysterious Universe, which designed an interesting and regular geometric shape Cosmic model In 1599, Tycho saw the book and appreciated the author's wisdom and talent. He immediately wrote to Kepler, invited him to be his assistant and sent him the travel expenses. After Kepler came to Tycho, the master and apprentice got along day and night, and they were inseparable friendship between generations In business, Tycho carefully guided; Economically, Tycho helped generously. Tycho sincerely hoped that Kepler, a thousand mile horse, would fly as soon as possible. However, after a period of time, Kepler was instigated by his suspicious wife and suddenly broke with Tycho. He ungratefully publicized Tycho's bad words, and finally left a letter Full paper Letter of insulting words, leave without saying goodbye. Kepler's departure made Tycho very sad. Realizing that this was a misunderstanding, he immediately wrote to Kepler and asked him to come back with a broad mind. Kepler read Tycho's sincere and friendly letter, and was ashamed of himself. With tears in his eyes, he wrote a letter of repentance and admitted his mistake thoroughly. When the two were reunited, Kepler involuntarily reviewed again. Tycho immediately stopped and said, "What else should I say in the past? You are my good friend. We have studied together again, and that's enough!" Tycho did not remember old grievances, not only recommended the talented Kepler to the king, but also presented his observations and manuscripts accumulated through decades of hard work, Give it all to Kepler. He said earnestly to Kepler: "Except for the trouble Mars gave you, Mars has no other trouble I want it, too It is enough trouble for one person to entrust it to you. "

Guo Shoujing and Tycho

Seventeen years (1280) from Yuan to Yuan, Guo Shoujing Inherit the traditional calendar and refer to arab Calendar compilation new calendar , named《 Time service calendar 》。 Guo Shoujing said in his report to Kublai Khan, the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, that the Chronicle re determined seven items of astronomical data and five items of astronomical calculation reform. According to the Time Service Calendar, the length of a regression year is 365.2425 days, which is only 26 seconds different from the actual cycle of the earth around the sun Southern Song Dynasty Unified calendar Same as modern gregorian calendar Same. The Gregorian calendar is 1582 Rome the pontiff It was formulated by Gregory XIII 300 years later than the Calendar.
Guo Shoujing's achievements in astronomy and Tycho, a Danish astronomer 300 years later, complement each other, and he came to China at the end of the Ming Dynasty Jesuit P. J. Adam Schall Von Bell praised Guo Shoujing as "the Tycho of China". In fact, Guo Shoujing was three centuries earlier than Tycho. It should be said that Tycho is exactly Guo Shoujing of Europe. Fan Shuzhi Editor in Chief《 Outline of National History 》)