social morality

The code of conduct that practitioners should follow in their professional activities
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Social morality is based on China's historical and realistic national conditions, Socialist morality In the construction, we should adhere to serving the people as the core Collectivism As the principle, love the motherland, the people, labor, science and socialism as the basic requirements Social morality professional ethics Family virtue Is the focus. stay Civic morality In the process of construction, these main contents should be specified and standardized so that they can be universally recognized and consciously observed by all citizens Code of Conduct
Serving the people, as the core of civic morality construction, is the difference and superiority of socialist morality social formation A prominent symbol of morality. It is not only a requirement for Party members and leading cadres, but also a requirement for the masses. Every citizen does not Social division of labor How can we serve the people in different ways in our own positions. In the new situation, we must continue to advocate with great fanfare Morality , the idea of serving the people runs through all kinds of concrete moral in We should guide people to deal with it correctly Individual and society Competition and cooperation, first and common prosperity economic performance And social results We should respect, understand and care for people, carry forward the socialist humanitarian spirit, do more good for the people and society, and oppose Money worship hedonism And extreme individualism socialist system Advantages and the sound promotion of the healthy and orderly development of the socialist market economy Moral fashion
Chinese name
social morality
Foreign name
Social morality
Employees in occupation Code of conduct to be followed in activities

Social morality content

Collectivism As Civic morality The principle of construction is socialist economy , politics and Cultural construction The inevitable requirement of. stay socialist society The people are masters of the country National interests Collective interests and personal interests Fundamental consistency, making collectivism the regulator of the three Interests Important principles of. We should infiltrate the spirit of collectivism Social production And all levels of life, guide people to correctly understand and handle the interests of the state, the collective and individuals, advocate that individual interests should be subordinated to collective interests, local interests should be subordinated to overall interests, and current interests should be subordinated to long-term interests, and oppose Small group doctrine , selfish departmentalism, profiting at the expense of the public and others, and integrating individual ideals and struggles into the people's Common ideal And struggle.
To love the motherland, the people, labor, science and socialism are the basic requirements of civic moral construction, which every citizen should bear legal obligation and Moral responsibility These basic requirements must be compared with the specific moral Integration runs through the whole process of civic moral construction. We should guide people to carry forward patriotism , improve National pride , self-confidence and sense of pride , take loving the motherland and serving the people as the greatest honor, and take harming the interests of the motherland and national dignity as the greatest shame, and advocate learning scientific knowledge Scientific thinking , scientific spirit scientific method We should work hard and work hard, oppose feudal superstition, and actively devote ourselves to the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Social morality It is all citizens who social communication and Public life Should be followed in Code of Conduct , covering the relationship between people, people and society, people and nature. In modern society, the field of public life continues to expand, people interact with each other more frequently, and social morality is being maintained public interest public order , play a more prominent role in maintaining social stability, and become an individual citizen moral cultivation and Social civilization The important performance of degree. We should vigorously advocate being polite, helping others, caring for public property protect the environment The social morality of abiding by discipline and law encourages people to be good citizens in society.
professional ethics All employees Professional activities The code of conduct that should be followed in covers the relationship between employees and service objects, occupation and employees, and occupation and occupation. With modern times Social division of labor The development of, market competition It is becoming increasingly fierce, and the whole society has Professional attitude Vocational skills Professional discipline and Professional style The requirements of are getting higher and higher. We should vigorously advocate the principle of loving the post and respecting work Honesty and trustworthiness The professional ethics of being fair, serving the masses and contributing to the society should encourage people to be good builders in their work.
Family virtue It is the code of conduct that every citizen should follow in family life, covering the relationship between husband and wife, the elderly and the young, and the neighborhood. Family life and civil life Have close contact, treat and handle correctly Family issues To jointly cultivate and develop the love between husband and wife, old and young family, neighborhood friendship, not only relates to the happiness of each family, but also is conducive to social stability and harmony. We should vigorously advocate respecting the old and cherishing the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, diligence and thrift in household management Neighborhood unity As the main content of family virtue, it encourages people to be good members in the family.

Related words

[Words]: social ethics; social morals
[Phonics]: sh è hu ì/ku à i g ō ng d é
[Definition]: "Public morality" for short. People are fulfilling Social obligations Or activities involving the public interest Code of Ethics And“ Private morality ”Relative. Public morality refers to morality related to organizations, collectives, nationalities and society, while private morality refers to personal morality, style, habits and individuals private life Morality in. Social morality is formed according to the needs of common life in social life, such as abiding by public order, being civilized, being polite, being honest and trustworthy, rescuing the dying and healing the wounded. It plays an important role in maintaining social public life and adjusting the relationship between people.
Social morality refers to the moral principles accumulated in social practice in the long history of a country, a nation or a group, Cultural concept And ideological tradition. As an invisible force, social morality constrains our behavior. Only those who abide by social morality will be respected by people. Those who violate social morality will be despised by people. The content of social morality is not static, and it has become more and more with the evolution of history Rich and colorful
In order to better integrate into the society, handle well interpersonal relationship , we must have good Personal accomplishment What is personal accomplishment? In my opinion, personal accomplishment is the self recognition, self dissection, self-education and self-improvement carried out by individuals in the depths of their hearts. As an invisible force, personal accomplishment constrains our behavior. Only those with good personal culture will be respected by people. Of course, the content of personal cultivation is not immutable, and it has become more colorful with practical activities. The discussion and research on personal accomplishment started from a very early time. The ancients once put forward the concept of "self-cultivation", and our country also regards ideological and moral character as the required course (Legal class and primary school Social Studies , junior high school politics, college Ma Zhe Political theory Content).
Respecting the old and loving the young, helping others, returning money, etc traditional virtues It has deeply influenced generations of Chinese people. Of course, we should also look at social morality from the perspective of keeping pace with the times. For example, in today's society, environmental protection should become a compulsory course for everyone.