
[xiāng pū]
athletic sports
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Sumo: a competitive sport. Sumo originated in China spring and autumn Time, from Spring and Autumn to Qin and Han Dynasties Period is named“ Angular offset ”, with the nature of martial arts. Book of the Han Dynasty· Annals of criminal law 》It is recorded that "after the Spring and Autumn Period, the weak were eliminated and the small were swallowed up, and for the Warring States Period, the ritual of martial arts was slightly increased, so as to play music and boast with each other. However, when Qin changed his name, the ritual of the former king was not in the music of music." [1] It was called "sumo" from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Southern Song Dynasty Western Jin Dynasty Historical《 Jin Shu 》It is recorded that "Xiangcheng Prefecture is responsible Meritorious deeds Liu Zidu said, 'People from Qingjun are not as good as those from Yingchuan.' Benedict said, 'Sumo wrestling is not enough to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the two countries.' " At the beginning, sumo was not strictly separated from martial arts. But in the Song Dynasty, sumo was separated from martial arts. It was not allowed to kick, so it was better to overthrow the opponent. The rules of modern sumo are similar.
Sumo became a popular sport after it was introduced into Japan in the Tang Dynasty. [2] Sumo (Japanese style) Wrestling ), known as Su dance in ancient times, two strong men bare their upper bodies and wrestled with each other. The more accurate written records of sumo in Japan were compiled at the beginning of the eighth century《 nihon shoki 》It is recorded in the book that the 35th Emperor (641~645 years) received ancient Korea Baekje The envoy of China summoned the palace guards to hold sumo wrestling competitions. Now Japanese National technology , Japan's international Combat And sports. As a professional sport, it is called sumo wrestling in Japan.
According to the sixth edition Modern Chinese Dictionary , sumo is pronounced xi a ng pu. [2]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Molou (Japanese)
Sumo (English)
Angular offset
xiāng pū
Phonetic transcription
ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄆㄨ
Sports in the Spring and Autumn Period of China
Relevant records
Hanshu Criminal Law Annals, Jinshu

Explanation of words


Basic explanation

Sumo xiāng pū
[Japanese traditional wrestling sumo] Sports activities Qin and Han Dynasties The period is called Angular offset It was called sumo from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Song Dynasty.


(1) . Chinese Tradition Sports one of. Ancient name Angular offset Still today Wrestling
Taiping Imperial Survey 》Volume 755 Introduction of Shanxi Wang Yin Jin Shu 》:“ Xiangcheng Liu Zidu, the leader of the imperial guard, said: 'The people in Qingjun are not as good as those in Qingjun Yingchuan Man sumo. ' Benedict said, 'Sumo wrestling is not enough to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the two countries.' "
Song Gaocheng, "The Origin of Things, Game Play, Corner Arrest": "Today's sumo is also.
"The Story of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" said: "Jiao arrived, which was made in the past six countries."
Redords of the Grand History of China 》:‘ Second Emperor of the Qin dynasty stay Ganquan Palace , making fun of each other. " Note: 'During the Warring States Period, we increased our emphasis on martial arts. We thought that drama and music were good for each other. Martial Emperor Good. '"
(2) . Fight each other.
Ba Jin《 home 》Er Yi: "Two thrushes are wrestling on the branches, and the white magnolia flakes are falling on him."
Li Jieren《 The stagnant water is gentle 》Part Five Fifteen: "There will be wind demons again. It seems that after being drunk, they are totally irrational in sumo wrestling, fighting, laughing and shouting."

executive summary

Sumo is a kind of wrestling between two people in the earth Fighting skill The winner is when one side knocks down or pushes the opponent out of the ground. When people mention sumo, they naturally think it is Japanese National technology However, it was not until the 42nd year of Meiji era (1909) that Japan positioned sumo as a "national technology".
Both China and Japan have sumo in history. From some unearthed relic Look, China Qin and Han Dynasties Temporal Angular offset The image is very similar to sumo, which is now popular in Japan. In modern times, sumo wrestling has always been considered as a Japanese martial art. In fact, in ancient China, there was a "Jiaoda" similar to sumo wrestling. As early as the early Western Han Dynasty, Jizhou There is a kind of Folk Games People wear horned masks to compete with each other. This kind of activity, which is both competitive and performing, is called "confrontation" and“ Chiyou Drama ”。
Sima Qian In Records of the Historian· Yellow Emperor It was recorded in this record that:“ Chi You's There are horns on the head, which are the same as the head of the Yellow Emperor Chiyou Play. " Compare "offset" with The Yellow Emperor fights Chi You This is enough to explain its long history.
In the Song Dynasty, the term "wrestling" only referred to such activities as wrestling.

the tang dynasty

Meng Ben Guye If you fight with each other, you will win if you are strong. Show your skills in this match, and the three armed forces will serve the country bravely someday.
Ancient China Angular offset First entered the court《 Book of Rites · Monthly Order 》"The Son of Heaven ordered the generals to teach martial arts and practice shooting and wrestling." Qin and Han Dynasties Offset of time not regard as Sports , but attributed to Hundred operas Class I. According to the records of the Tang Dynasty, "Wenzong will have something to do in the southern suburbs. Before the ceremony, there are sumo wrestlers in charge." The saying goes, "How can we look at this in our Qingzhai?" The saying goes, "There are old practices, and they are waiting outside the door." It can be seen that sumo wrestling has existed for a long time in the Tang Dynasty. There are two figures of sumo wrestling naked in calf nose pants on the Tang Dynasty scriptures collected in Dunhuang, Paris, which can provide evidence for the image.

Song dynasty

Song Dynasty《 Tokyo Dream Record 》And《 Dream Liang Record 》The sumo wrestler used by the imperial court of the Song Dynasty was the left and right sergeants of the imperial guard, and was called "Nei Yuzi". Professional sumo wrestlers in the market are all famous. Rewards for winners include: flag account Silver cup , colored satin, brocade jacket, official meeting (banknotes) horse Etc; "We must choose various ways State and county Only those with strong brawn and no match in the world can win the reward. " There are also sumo contests, such as those described in Outlaws of the Marsh. Therefore, professional sumo in China was earlier than that in Japan (professional sumo appeared in Japan in the 16th century). Northern Song Dynasty And "children sumo Qiao Sumo Women wrestle. stay Jingkang Incident Fearing that Li Bao, a "little secret" skilled in sumo wrestling, would cause trouble, he and 16 other people rushed to prison, and then the owl came to the public. Southern Song Dynasty Jingding Between 1260 and 1264, there were famous female sumo wrestlers in Lin'an. Their names were recorded in Mengliang Record: Sai Guansuo, Xiao Sanniang, Hei Sijie, etc. Concise Encyclopedia Britannica 》It is not true that sumo began in Japan. Because of wrestling, sumo, etc, Eurasian Many nationalities have it, but the rules are different.

Japanese sumo

The book "The beginning of sumo wrestling" in Japan says that Japanese sumo wrestling came from the Tang Dynasty in China. Japanese Sports encyclopedia Record: "Sumo in Japan originated from China in the Tang Dynasty." History of Japan archaeologist Pool macros and Umehara Sueji The book Tonggou, co authored, also said that Japanese sumo and Chinese sumo Jilin Province The angular figures on the ancient tomb walls of the 3rd to 5th centuries unearthed in Ji'an County are very similar; It is similar to the form and rules of sumo wrestling in the Tang and Song dynasties of China. Since the 17th century, professional sumo has sprung up all over Japan, known as "sumo wrestling". In the 18th century, modern sumo began to take shape. By the early 20th century, sumo was widely developed as Japan's "national technology". So far, sumo wrestling competitions in Japan have been held 6 times a year, including one in January, three in March, five in May, seven in July, nine in September and one in November. It has become one of the most popular sports for the masses. The following is the current popular sumo in Japan technical requirement , competition rules, etc.
Sumo wrestlers should not only have strength, but also have skilled skills. Skills are the key to the success of the competition. The technology can be roughly divided into pushing, falling, catching, pulling, flashing, pressing, tripping, etc. Athletes use neck, shoulder, hand, arm, chest, abdomen, waist, knee, leg, foot and other parts to attack each other flexibly. The hair style and belt quality of the athletes at the level of six above ten liang are different from those at the level of four below the screen. When the athletes of Grade 6 above ten liang compete, they will enter the arena and wear a dress apron. Sumo wrestling referees (known in Japan as Executive Division )It is also divided into 10 grades according to years. The level of sumo wrestling referee is called "grid", and "Henggang grid" is the highest level title of the referee. Their rank is marked by the color of tassel on the command fan. The fan used by judges to command is called“ Military equipment ”, the party pointed by the fan is the winner.
stay Nara In the He'an period, sumo was a kind of palace watching sport. In the Kamakura Warring States Period, sumo became part of the training of warriors. In the 18th century, professional sumo wrestling emerged, which is very similar to modern sumo wrestling. Shinto ceremony emphasizes sumo wrestling. The purpose of the foot stomping ceremony (Sigu) before the game is to drive away the evil spirits in the field, and also play a role in relax one’s muscles Role of. Salt should also be sprinkled on the site to achieve purification, because Shintoism Yi believes that salt can drive away ghosts. Sumo wrestling is played on the stage. The whole table is square The middle part is a circle with a diameter of 4.55m. During the competition, the two strong men wore their hair in buns and a belt around their lower bodies, almost naked. During the competition, no part of Lux shall touch the surface of the table except the sole of the foot, and shall not exceed the circle. The game can be decided in one or two minutes or even a few seconds. The sumo referee consists of 6 people. The referee is held by Folding fan "Xingsi" took the post on the stage, and the other five people were in the front, east, west and Officiating bench On. The highest level of Hercules is "Henggang". Below are Daguan, Guanwei, Summary and Front Neck. These four levels are called "inside the screen" and belong to the upper level of strength. The third is the Twelfth Anniversary, under the curtain. In addition, there are also lower level three paragraphs of order and preface. The lowest level is called sequence port. It takes a lot of effort for an ordinary person to get a higher level; It is impossible to get the highest level without hard work.
Sumo is known as the quintessence of Japan, also known as wrestling and wrestling. First seen in《 nihon shoki ·Chuerenji. Nara Period It will prosper later. In 719 (the third year of retirement), the imperial court set up Bachu Division (later Xiangpu Division). The era of peace Sumo Festival is held in July every year. Kamakura period Later, it became popular among samurai as their martial arts. At the end of the 17th century, professional sumo for profit appeared. Edo Period Professional persuasion of sumo is prevalent, and Edo has become the national sumo center. Meiji Restoration It fades from time to time. At the beginning of Showa, the quintessence of Chinese culture was rising, and sumo wrestling was revived. After the war Tokyo Osaka Fukuoka Nagoya There are sumo courts. As a mass character Sports activities So far, it is still popular among the local people.
According to archaeological data, the earliest naked sumo Combat , possibly from Ordos Grassland Hu people of horse riding people. Since the Western Jin Dynasty, five nomadic northern tribes After a large number of southward migration to the farming plain, the Han people began to have the name sumo. However, this name no longer exists today. If you want to find clues about naked sumo, maybe today Dingxiang, Shanxi Yuanping There are still naked "mud earthworm wrestling" and“ Sheep race ”Maybe there are some traces left by nomadic and equestrian people in sumo wrestling! According to archaeological data The Japanese People The earliest naked sumo wrestling technique was introduced from China in the Tang Dynasty. After more than ten centuries, it has developed into its own National characteristics National technology.
In 695 AD, Japan began to have sumo wrestling competitions. In 728 AD, sumo entered the life circle of Japanese nobles, and the court established a "sumo festival", which is held regularly every year and has competition rules. After the sumo festival lasted for more than 400 years, with the decline of royal power, it began to spread among the people, and was related to folk worship, exorcism, harvest celebration and fortune telling. Since the 17th century, "professional sumo" has emerged. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was widely carried out as a national skill in Japan. In 1909, Tokyo built a special sumo wrestling competition National Technology Museum In 1941, it was listed as School Physical Education Official account. So far, sumo's national technical status has been further recognized in Japan. Professional Sumo It is considered a noble profession, and sumo wrestlers are respected everywhere they go. It is said that this is the Japanese emperor traditional ideas It has a lot to do with it, because the ancient sumo wrestlers can only perform for the emperor's generals before the emperor. At that time, the "sumo wrestling festival" was one of the important ceremonies in the palace. The sumo wrestlers were lucky to play as a lifelong honor, and people also regarded it as a hero. After years of study, the Samurai still have a great respect for them in people's hearts in the shogunate era and even today. The sumo wrestlers in contemporary professional sumo wrestling competitions must pass the training classes held by the sumo wrestling association, and the strict training includes ideological cultivation, diet, sumo wrestling skills sports medicine Physiology and kanshi Learning.
The legend of sumo in Japan originates from Emperor Suinin The story of Suu Mi and Dang Ma's victory in a quick wrestle on July 7, 2007. Since then, sumo wrestling has been held every July 7 in the palace and also in the countryside, which is a routine activity every year. In the countryside, sumo is the spirit of god governing water. I wish a good harvest of agriculture. The sumo banquet held in the palace on July 7 every year is a national ceremony for fortune telling. winner Insert sunflowers and Calabash flower The gourd flower symbolizes the spirit of water. legend He Tong I like sumo best, because the river boy is a water spirit. The so-called grass sumo is probably due to the fact that the sumo has grass on its body (it is proved that it is from afar). As mentioned above, sumo, as a farming ceremony, is still held in the form of offering sacrifices to gods in various places. For example, the Dashanzhi Shrine on Isuzhima Rice Transplanting Festival When performing solo sumo wrestling, the invisible elves were used as rivals in a sacrificial ceremony. Shankou County Houfu The worship ceremony of the ancestral shrine is hereditary clergy Two people perform symbolic sumo wrestling. Then the participants in the ceremony were divided into two groups. Akita The Feikai Sacrifice Ceremony at Baoluyu Mountain in Bazemu Village, Pinglu County is a confrontation between the two sides, and the winner is considered to be able to achieve a good agricultural harvest that year. Kamakura era Hegang Sixteen sumo wrestlers are worshipped in the area of Baque Temple Shrine. Favored by Samurai disciples《 Zeng Me Story 》There are Hejin The sumo wrestling between Sanlang and Minano Wulang, and the sumo wrestling near Changle Temple in Shinchang are very famous. The begging sumo, which evolved from offering sacrifices to gods to repairing shrines and temples, became popular only at the end of the Muromachi era. The earliest clear record is in Zhengbao In the second year, a ten day sumo wrestling performance was held to rebuild Guangfu Temple. Jianyu Thunder God with Build a famous square god The story of the struggle can also be seen as a legend about sumo wrestling. But the handshaking movement is an ancient sumo style. The forty-eight hands of sumo have been made up as early as the Kamakura era. [3]

Professional player

Sumo wrestler
Most of the outstanding athletes are strictly trained athletes between the ages of 18 and 35. In order to gain physical advantages, they consume a lot of food and sleep after eating. Beginners live in very strict specialized sumo rooms. Status: In Japan, sumo has a pivotal position and is respected by the Japanese“ National technology ”, and has been loved by many Japanese. Many Japanese are proud to receive a name card from a sumo wrestler when their new home is built! Two fat sumo wrestlers fight hand to hand in a circle, which is really good! Two sumo wrestlers are dressed in simple clothes, only one is tied at the waist“ g-string ”To cover the lower body! In people's eyes, this may be a bit indecent! But this is indeed the special "sports clothes" for sumo wrestling. In Japan, many sumo wrestlers are poor children from rural families, who have received the education of "Sumo Buya" since childhood, so as to achieve the social position of "standing out"! It is said that there is very little sumo wrestling exercise every day to ensure that you can keep a fat body forever, because in Japan's sumo wrestling competition, there is no certain level, only by the sumo wrestlers themselves can "be big and round". Therefore, the male sumo wrestlers in Japan, the more "fat and fat" they are, of course, the better. In order to get as fat as possible, the male sumo wrestlers sleep for a long time every day in addition to having two full meals, during which they only do short-term training. Today, the Japanese sumo wrestling industry is trying to make sumo Olympic Games A lot of reforms have been made to sumo in the formal event.
occupation Sumo wrestler They must be tall and burly. After the age of 20, they are required to be more than 1.75 meters tall and weigh more than 120 kilograms. First class sumo wrestlers finally have huge pear shaped bodies. Their size and strength are closely related to their diet. Their amazing appetite is about ten times that of normal people.
The heaviest sumo wrestler in Japan's history is now from the United States Hawaii Of Small brocade He weighs 263 kilograms. Sumo wrestlers are divided into ten grades according to the competition results: preface mouth, preface second paragraph, preface third paragraph, under the screen, ten liang, front end, summary, guan threat, daguan yokozuna The two figures of the day who were once Henggang in recent years are the first non Japanese Henggang in the history of Japanese sumo wrestling (lifelong Honorary title Akebono (Hawaii) and Japan's most promising expensive flower, which once defeated Shutaro in the competition in 1994. [4]
The contemporary sumo wrestling competition is held on the ground called earth surface, which is made of clay and piled into 30 to 60 centimeters. The competition area is round, with a diameter of 4.55m, and a thin layer of fine sand is paved on the solid and flat surface of the competition area. In traditional competitions, there are columns at four corners of the earth surface, Upward support The Japanese roof is similar to the traditional challenge arena in ancient Japan, such as the 18th century“ Jiangdu Persuade people to enter the floating picture of sumo wrestling ". The columns hinder the audience's sight. Since 1951, the columns have been abolished and suspended roofs have been used instead. Among the sumo wrestling techniques, there are 70 "skillful" hands, and 48 traditional hands. In fact, there are more than 100 hands. In the case of the same size, it is not easy to win, in addition to being fast, strength and timing, plus the cooperation of reaction.
Sumo requires only a lower limit of height and weight, but no upper limit. The lower limit of weight is 75kg, and the lower limit of height is 1.75m.
Shu, a famous Japanese sumo wrestler, once participated in the famous Japanese<<K-1 fighting contest>> K-1 His strength is not the best, but his spirit is worthy of praise and admiration! Today, most of the strongmen are Japanese from Mongolia and Hawaii, and there are few native Japanese.

Sumo level

Sumo (called Lux in Japan) press Athletic performance It is divided into 10 levels: the opening of the preface, the second, third, under the curtain, ten liang, front, summary, Guanwei, Daguan and yokozuna Henggang is the highest title of athletes, and it is also a lifelong title Honorary title
The following paragraphs are in Japanese
No. (じ ょ く ち)
The second preamble section (じょにんん)
Section III (さんんん)
Under the screen (ma く し た)
Ten strikes (じゅりょょ)
Front (ma え が し ら)
Summary (こ む す び)
Close (close)
Dagen (おおぜきき)
Horizontal (よ こ づ な)

Playing field

Sumo wrestling is 40~60cm high, 727cm square Quadrilateral Slope It is conducted on a 40 ° - 50 ° earthen platform (called "earthen surface" in Japan). The central competition field of earthen platform is circular, with a diameter of 455 cm. The north side of the field is the front. There is a canopy on the court, and four colored cloths in black (northwest), blue (northeast), red (southeast), and white (southwest) are hung at the four corners, symbolizing the four seasons. Before the competition, a physical examination is required. Those over 20 years old must be more than 1.75 meters tall and weigh more than 75 kilograms; Those under 20 years old should be more than 1.70 meters tall and weigh more than 70 kilograms. Athletes should comb their hair in a bun (no bun for athletes less than 3 sections), fasten their belts and crotch pockets (athletes are naked, only wear wide belts and crotch pockets), and take "Lishui" from buckets placed on the east and west sides of the table to rinse their mouths and moisten their throats, which means that water can increase strength, so it is called "Lishui". Then use "power paper" to wipe the filth on the body, symbolizing the stain on the clean mind. Grab some salt and sprinkle it on the playing field to make it clean, Skin abrasions It is not easy to be infected, and worships heaven and earth for safety. Drum a stick at the referee and call sumo wrestler After entering the competition, the two sides went onto the stage, walked to a place 60 cm away from the center, stood opposite each other, and lifted their legs respectively Foot stepping , rubbing hands and clapping hands, etc Preparatory activities Then touch the ground with both hands, adjust your breath, and get ready for the game.


During the competition, athletes can grasp each other's belts, hold the head and neck, trunk and limbs, trip with legs, and slap each other's chest, but they are not allowed to kick each other's chest and abdomen, grab the crotch and genitals It is not allowed to scratch the hair, hit the ears, block the throat, hurt the other party's eyes, stomach and other important harms, hit people with fists or use anti joint movements.
During the competition, it is a victory to make any part of the opponent's body touch the ground (except the palms of the feet). It is also a victory to make any part of the opponent's body (including hands and feet) touch the ground outside the boundary. There is no time limit for the game. If the two sides are exhausted after a long fight and the result is not decided, the referee can declare the game suspended and restart the game after a break until the result is decided.
Sumo wrestlers are usually very strong, some Sumo wrestler Even more than 500 jin! (Amazing)
October 12 yokohama City< Kanagawa Hengbang Cultural Gymnasium>
October 13 (month) Xionggu City <Kumaga, Saitama Prefecture Cultural Park Color: National standard
October 16 (wood) Fengzhu County Nengdeng cho<Ishikawa Prefecture Neipu Stadium>
October 17 (gold) Miyara City <Zihe Prefecture Shandong>
October 18th (earth) 19th (day) Beijing Metropolis <Kyoto Fujing Metropolitan Stadium>
October 20 (month) Miyoshi <Sanhao City, Tokushima Prefecture Ikeda Conghe Gymnasium
October 21 (fire) Anyun City  < Gao Zhi Prefectural
October 22 (water) Maniwa <Okayama Prefecture Jiushi ス パ ス ラ ン ド>
October 23rd (wood), Caozidocho, Caozidocho Prefecture
October 24 (gold) Mizi City  < Birdsong Prefectural Bird Takes Prefectural Rice Industry Gymnasium>
October 25 (local) Hiroshima
October 26 (Day) Xiacheng<Xiacheng Stadium, Shankou Prefecture>

Basic actions

1、 Salt spreading (siomaki)
Lishi will sprinkle some salt on the earth surface when he enters the earth surface. In the Japanese concept, salt can dispel evil spirits. There are two meanings for a strongman to sprinkle salt on the earth surface. One is to exorcise evil spirits, and the other is to pray for God to protect him from injury. Another point is that salt can be disinfected and sprinkled on the soil surface. Even if the game is injured, protective measures have been taken in advance. During the sumo contest, almost 45 kilograms of salt was used every day.
2、 Dust (chiri)
Short for "chirityozu". This action is to squat on one side of the soil surface first, extend horizontally to both sides after hitting with both hands together, and turn the palms upward. The reason for this action comes from the previous sumo wrestling held in the open air. Lux cleaned his hands with grass, turned his hands up and showed them to his opponent, indicating that he did not carry any weapons on the court.
3、 Sikoku
Sigu stops the evil spirits hiding underground by taking turns with his feet and using his powerful body. This action has profound religious meaning, and some people call it "strength foot". However, apart from the religious significance, this action should be regarded as a warm-up exercise before the competition for Lux itself.
4、 Songkyo Land on the ground with the toes pointed, stretch your knees out to stabilize your waist, relax your shoulders, and put your hands on your knees Basic postures one of. In order to obtain balance, the upper body must be straight to maintain the center of gravity. This is to show respect for the opponent. This action seems easy. In fact, you must have considerable experience to look at it Stable as Mount Tai
5、 Sikiri
This action is to directly bend down after four strands, put your elbows on your knees and slightly lift your chin, and keep your eyes on your opponent for mental concentration. After this action is repeated several times, Lux has adjusted himself to be ready to fight mentality I'm off.
6、 Hand knife (tegatana)
After receiving the victory call from gyouji, similar to the referee, Yosemite can get the so-called "reward". At this time, Yosemite will cut the left and right in the air with his right hand knife, meaning to thank the three gods. Generally speaking, the reward money is only available to those who are in the screen have a chance to Strive for.

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