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A prince of Troy in Greek mythology
Ganymede is MYTHOS A member of Troy prince , famous for its beauty, is Zeus Of Sommelier And male lovers.
So is "Gainimide" Ganymede It is one of the largest satellites in the solar system.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ganymede Ganimedes
Ethnic groups
TROY people
Native place


Tros is the king of Troy, he Birth and breeding I have three sons, one of whom is Geinimide (Ganymede)。 Tros likes Ganymede from the bottom of his heart, and invites the best teachers and guards to teach him Gladiatorial combat , hunting and mediterranean sea Zhongchangyou.
One day, the king of gods Zeus (Zeus) from Olympus Overlooking the world from the throne of Crete Gainimide, who plays with friends on the grass of Ida Mountain, and the elderly teachers and guards are carefully looking after this beautiful young man. The king of the gods was immediately attracted by the beauty of Gainemede. He dived down like a huge eagle. The huge eagle came to Gainemede and gently captured the beautiful young man. Tutors and guards rushed to stop the hounds screaming madly; Pay no attention In the chaos on the ground, the gods and teenagers rose higher and higher and disappeared in the blue sky.
In the blink of an eye, it turns into an eagle Zeus Take Ghanemi to Mount Olympus. The eagle folded its wings and changed back to its original appearance. Zeus could not wait to appoint the teenager as his Serve wine Tong, this position originally belonged to Hera (Hera)'s daughter Herb (Hebe). Zeus summoned Herb and accused her of stumbling when pouring wine, which removed her from serving wine. Hera witnessed the process and became angry and resentful.
The gods were very happy that Ganymede was their waiter, because his beauty brought great pleasure to everyone. Gaenimead also enjoyed it. He shuttled around the banquet and gently filled the gods with nectar. When it was his turn to love Zeus, Gaenimead always filled the wine first, then raised the glass and touched it gently on his lips, then turned the glass half round and handed it to Zeus.
While the lovers were enjoying themselves on Olympus Mountain, the father of Ganymede, Tros, the king of Troy, fell into deep anxiety and sadness. He didn't know where the strange storm had taken his beloved son, so he had to wash his face with tears all day long. Zeus was also moved by his sadness, so he sent his own son Hermes (Hermes) As a messenger, he told Tros that his beloved boy was among the gods and would never grow old or die. In order to compensate, Zeus also gave Tros two white god horses, which ran as fast as the wind. Tros immediately forgot his sadness and rode on the water with the chariot pulled by the god horse.
He also Eros Becoming a lover, according to《 Argo Heroes 》: "The greedy Eros has already held a handful of sheep's toe bones in his left hand. He stands aside, with sweet pink appearing on both sides of his cheeks. Another boy lies beside him without saying a word and is unhappy. He has only two toe bones left, so he throws them out one by one, still angry for Eros's ecstasy. Soon he lost to his opponent, so he had to walk away helplessly, empty handed. "
Ganymede is a male lover of Zeus. Zeus dotes on his golden boy serving wine. In order to please Ganymede, he planted golden vines for the beautiful young man. As a famous chasing woman Addiction Zeus never brought any female to Olympus Or gave them immortal divinity, but not only brought Ganymede to Olympus, but also in order to keep him around, deified him as the water- bearer )。 Henceforth, Ganymede stayed in the heaven forever, stood beside Zeus, smiled, and poured delicious wine for the gods.

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