Skin cancer

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Skin cancer
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Sun Guogui Associate chief physician (review) Tangshan People's Hospital Radiochemotherapy Department
Skin cancer is a malignant tumor of the skin tumor cell It has different names due to different sources, including epidermis Skin appendage , Skin soft tissue peripheral nerve Melanocyte , skin lymphatic reticular tissue and Hematopoietic tissue Etc. Another part is the metastatic tumor that occurs in other tissues and metastasizes to the skin.
In September 2022, the mechanism of skin cancer metastasis to the brain was first deciphered [1]
TCM disease name
Skin cancer
Foreign name
skin cancer
Visiting department
Dermatology, Oncology
Common causes
Ultraviolet radiation, chemical carcinogens, chronic inflammation, etc
common symptom
It is easy to bleed and ulcerate, and has pus associated with infection, with foul smell and pain


The etiology of this disease is still unclear, and its occurrence may be related to the following factors: ① daily exposure and Ultraviolet radiation ;② Chemistry Carcinogen , such as asphalt , tar derivatives Benzopyrene Isochronous stimulation; ③ Radiation ionizing radiation ;④ Chronic irritation and inflammation, such as Chronic ulcer , long lasting fistula Discoid lupus erythematosus , ray dermatitis Etc.; ⑤ Others: such as Immunosuppression Phase, Viruses Carcinogenic substances, etc.


Malignant skin tumors include squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and malignant lymphoma Idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma Sweat gland carcinoma Angiosarcoma Etc. Skin cancer Primary Cancer and metastasis to skin from other parts secondary Cancer. Basic cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma in situ are common primary skin cancer( Bowen disease )Squamous cell carcinoma, eczema like carcinoma and malignant melanoma.

clinical manifestation

Malignant skin tumors are relatively easy to bleed, and basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are common.
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
May be determined by Keratosis Leukoplakia mucosa And others Precancerous disease Transformed. Fast growth, early formation ulcer Some are nodular, milky or cauliflower The invasion to the deep is small, the base is movable, some are butterfly shaped, and the invasion to the deep is obvious, destructive, often involving bones. Squamous cell carcinoma with infection is sticky Purulent fluid , accompanied by odor and pain. Squamous cell carcinoma has a high degree of malignancy and is easy to metastasize. Regional lymph node metastasis is common.
2. Basal cell carcinoma
The onset of the disease is often asymptomatic, and at the initial stage, the base is usually hard and patchy papule , some presented verrucate Protrusion and then ulceration is the change of ulcer focus, which is irregular, the edge is raised, the bottom is uneven, the growth is slow, and many of them occur singly, most often in the cheek, bridge of nose and both sides of nose. This tumor often has no conscious discomfort. Although the basal cell carcinoma is malignant, it rarely metastasizes. First, the edge of the translucent nodule is raised shallowly in the ulcer, and then gradually expands, It can invade surrounding tissues and organs and become Invasiveness Ulcer. According to its shape and pathological change Basal cell carcinoma can be divided into 4 types, namely nodular ulcer type, pigmented type, hard scar type or Fibrotic type And shallow phenotype.
It is a skin cancer with high malignancy and rapid metastasis. Chinese people have more pigments in their skin ultraviolet rays It has good protective effect. At the same time, pay more attention to sunscreen, so it is malignant Melanoma It is rare in China. Because melanoma is a dark color, it is easy to find it Nail bed Instep Palm Or black spots found in other parts of the body, which are obviously enlarged in the near future and easily broken, or half a nail Blackening Should be checked in the hospital in time.
It often occurs in women's unilateral breast. Symptoms and eczema Similar, red or dark red skin changes, the surface is prone to exudation or bleeding, and most of them are on one side at the beginning Areola The Ministry of Finance has developed slowly in the future, some papilla There may be overflow. It is easy to be misdiagnosed as eczema. Middle aged women, long lasting single Laterality Eczema of breast Go to the hospital for inspection in time.


Biopathological examination is very important for the classification and treatment of skin malignant tumors.


According to clinical characteristics and Pathological examination It can be confirmed.
The therapeutic effect of skin malignant tumor is closely related to its early diagnosis, and highly suspicious signs of early malignant disease should be paid attention to: ① those who do not heal for a long time, sometimes occur at good times, or have a small amount of bleeding Skin ulcer ;② all Actinic keratosis Bleeding, festering or Asymmetry Nodule and other symptoms; ③ The skin or old scars irradiated in the past, and the sinus has ulceration or nodules; ④ Persistent red skin scar Be alert when it shows mild erosion carcinoma in situ The possibility of.

differential diagnosis

Should be associated with chronic granuloma Specificity It can be differentiated from non-specific ulcer and actinic keratosis.


Cutaneous malignancy tumour The site is superficial, and there are many treatment methods, such as surgical resection Radiotherapy Cryotherapy photodynamic therapy [2-3] Laser therapy , local drug physics Corrosive therapy and chemotherapy Etc. Chemotherapy is suitable for use in combination with other treatments Adjuvant therapy And late Palliative therapy Can be based on Cancerous tumor The site, size, patient's general condition, degree of cancer, etc. The treatment principle is to remove the tumor, maximize the function and reduce the appearance damage.
Applicable to all stages of skin cancer surgical operation All tumors were removed.
two lymph gland clean
Squamous cell carcinoma The choice of regional lymph node dissection after surgical resection is difficult to decide. Preventive cleaning is not the most necessary choice, but should be based on the age of the patient, the location of cancer, the degree of invasion and cancer cell Make the best decision on the degree of differentiation.
3. Radiotherapy
Malignant tumors of the skin, especially basal cell carcinoma It is very sensitive to radiation and moderately sensitive to squamous cell carcinoma. This method is also applicable to the sites where there is or may be lymph metastasis, as an auxiliary treatment before and after surgery.
4. Chemotherapy
It is a systemic adjuvant treatment for skin malignant tumors. When surgery is contraindicated or unavailable radiotherapy 5 - Fluorouracil Imiquimod (Imiquimod) can be used for low-risk, superficial basal cell carcinoma and low-risk in situ squamous cell carcinoma Bowen's disease )。
It is the application of electrocoagulation Electrocautery , frozen photodynamic therapy Or the laser can burn the cancer to make it necrotic, fall off or vaporize.
6. Corrosive therapy
Apply highly corrosive Chemicals As a local cautery or application.


If skin malignant tumor is found and treated earlier, it is appropriate. Generally speaking, the efficacy and prognosis Good, but if regional Lymph node metastasis Otherwise, the prognosis is poor.

scientific research

September 2022, Israel TEL AVIV University Researchers first deciphered a mechanism that makes skin cancer metastasize to the brain, and successfully suppressed the spread of 60% to 80% by using existing treatment methods. The research results were published in the latest scientific journal JCI Insight [1]