
Heroes in Ancient Greek Mythology
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synonym Perseus (Heroes in ancient Greek mythology) Generally refers to Perseus (heroes in ancient Greek mythology)
Perseus, yes MYTHOS The hero of Zeus Son of. Akrisios, king of Argos, learned from the divinity that his daughter would be Danae Danae )When his son was killed, he imprisoned his daughter in a copper tower. Zeus met Danae in the form of a golden rain and gave birth to Perseus.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
Zeus, Danae

Myth and legend

Perseus, also translated as Perseus, is a hero in Greek mythology and the source of Perseus.
Perseus is Zeus After the birth of his son, his grandfather Acrisius, the Argos king, will Perseus and his mother Danae Put it in a box and throw it into the sea: because Oracle Tell the king that his grandson will take his throne and kill him. Zeus blessed the mother and son who were drifting in the sea, guided the box through the wind and waves, and finally the box drifted to the island of Selifos, near the coast. There are two brothers on the island, Dickens and Polludectes , they ruled over the island of Herephos. Dictys was fishing at the seaside. When he saw a wooden box floating in the water, he quickly pulled it to the shore. When they returned home, the two brothers were very sympathetic to the abandoned victims and took them in.
Pollux, the brother of Dickens, fell in love with Perseus' beautiful mother Danae. He was bent on sending Perseus away, in case he destroyed his own good deed and that of his mother. Perseus had already seen through his face. At the banquet held by Pludex, he offered to send a gift to Pludex, but Pludex unkindly asked Gorgons Medusa The head of. The brave young man was ambitious and determined to cut off Medusa's head.
Perseus packed his bags and went on his way. The gods led him far away. He was the father of the terrible monsters Forcus Place of residence. Perseus met Falcus' three daughters there: Graeae They were born with white hair. The three had only one eye and one tooth, and they used each other in turn. Perseus took away their teeth and eyes. They demanded the return of these indispensable things. He made a condition that they should show the way to the fairy. These fairies can do magic and have several treasures: Double flight Shoes, a magic bag, a top Dog skin Helmets. No matter who has these things, he can fly freely as he likes. He can see the person he wants to see, but others can't see him. The daughters of Falcus showed Perseus the way and got their eyes and teeth back.
When he got to the fairy, Perseus got three treasures. He put on his magic bag, flying shoes and a dog leather helmet. In addition, he also Hermes I got a bronze shield there. Armed with these gods, he flew across the sea. There lived the other three daughters of Forkus, namely Goldilocks. The youngest of the three daughters, Medusa, was born, and Perseus was ordered to take her head. Perseus found the Gorgons asleep. Their heads are covered with Squama , without hair, with poisonous snakes on his head. They have boars Tusk They have iron hands and golden wings. Anyone who sees them will immediately turn to stone. Perseus knew the secret. He turned his back and did not look at the sleeping women. Then he used the shining shield as a mirror to clearly see their three heads and recognize who they were Medusa Athena He also showed him how to do it, so he successfully cut off the head of the banshee. Perseus had not put away his knife when suddenly a winged flying horse, Pergasos, sprang out of the banshee's body, followed by a giant Chrysaol They are descendants of Poseidon. Perseus carefully put Medusa's head in the magic bag on his back and left there. At this time, Medusa's sisters sat up from their beds. When they saw their sister's body, they immediately spread their wings and flew into the air to chase the murderer. But Perseus, wearing a fairy's dog skin helmet, escaped tracking and pursuit. However, he also encountered a strong wind in the air, which made him shake from side to side. As he swayed past Libyan desert The little blood dripping from Medusa's head fell to the ground and became poisonous snakes of various colors. Since then, there have been dangerous snakes in many parts of the world.
Perseus continued to fly westward, and finally landed on the land of King Atlas to have a rest. There is a jungle with golden fruit on the tree, and a giant dragon is guarding beside it. Perseus asked for his overnight stay here, but was not allowed. Because Atlas was afraid that his golden fruit would be stolen, he ruthlessly expelled Perseus from the palace. Perseus was so angry that he took out Medusa's head from the magic bag on the spot, but turned his back and handed it to the king. The king was tall, like a giant. When he saw Medusa's head, it immediately turned into a huge rock, just like a mountain. His beard and hair became a vast forest, his shoulders, arms and legs became a ridge, and his head became a high mountain.
Perseus put on his flying shoes again, put on his helmet, and flew up into the sky with his magic bag on his back. He flew all the way to Ethiopia This is the place where King Cyprus ruled. Perseus saw a young girl tied to a rock in the sea. The sea wind messed up her hair, and the girl was in tears. Perseus was so moved by her youth and beauty that he greeted her. "Why are you tied here? What's your name, and where do you live?" The girl turned her back on her hands, and at first she was silent, afraid of talking to a stranger. If she can move, she really wants to cover her face with her hands. In order not to mislead strangers into thinking that she really is What did you do So she wept and replied, "My name is Andromeda , the daughter of King Kepes of Ethiopia. My mother Cassiopeia once boasted that I was better than Poseidon Nereus The daughters of the sea are more beautiful. The sea nymphs are very angry. They had fifty sisters and asked the god of the sea to flood the whole country. The sea god also sent a monster to swallow everything on the land. The oracle announced that if you want to save the country, you must throw me, the king's daughter, to the monster to feed. The people immediately made a scene and asked my father to give up his daughter to save the country. In desperation, the king had to order me to be locked here. " The girl's words were just finished when the billowing waves came. A monster appeared in the sea, and its broad chest covered the whole water surface. When the girl saw it, she let out a scream, and her parents came quickly. When they saw that their daughter was in great distress, they were extremely desperate, and their mother was in pain because of guilt. They held their bound daughter tightly, but they could do nothing to save her.
At this time Perseus said: "You should cry. There will be time in the future. At present, the priority is to save people. My name is Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae. I defeated Medusa. The wings of God let me fly high. If the girl is free and willing to choose a mate, she will look at me first. But as she is now, I will formally propose to her and be willing to go to rescue her. Are you willing to accept my terms? " The parents were glad to meet the savior and nodded repeatedly. They not only promised to betroth their daughter to him, but also promised to give him the kingdom as a dowry. While talking, the monster had already swam over. There was only one stone's throw away. When the young man saw this, he pushed his foot up and rose into the air. When the monster saw his shadow cast on the sea, it ran after the shadow angrily, as if it were aware that someone would snatch its prey. Perseus, like a vigorous eagle, swooped down from the air. He stabbed the monster's back with the sword that killed Medusa, and only the hilt was exposed. He pulled out his sword, and the monster jumped into the air in pain, then sank into the water again, struggling crazily. Perseus stabbed him again and again until black blood gushed out of his mouth. At this time, its wings were also wet, and he dared not stay in the air for a long time. Just as a rock appeared on the water, he Flapping wings Gently fell on the rock wall, and then stirred the monster's stomach three or four times with the sword. The waves carried its body away, and soon it disappeared from the sea. Perseus flew to the shore, climbed to the top of the mountain, untied the girl's chains, and handed her over to her unfortunate parents. He was treated grandly and became the son-in-law of a distinguished guest in the court. While the wedding was being held happily, there was a sudden commotion in the front hall of the palace, and a dull roar came from it. It turned out that Phineaus, the younger brother of King Cyprus, had brought a group of warriors into the room. He once pursued Andromeda, but abandoned her when she was in danger. Now he reiterates his request. Finius waved his spear into the wedding hall, and shouted to the surprised Perseus: "I'm here. You stole my fiancee, and I want revenge. Neither your treasure nor your father Zeus can protect you!" Then he put on a posture and prepared to throw the spear. Cepheus stood up from the banquet and shouted, "You are crazy! It was not Perseus who stole your fiancee. When we were forced to sacrifice her, you saw her tied there. Why didn't you go to save her yourself, but stand by and watch?" Phineaus could not answer. He stared at his brother and rival, as if thinking about which one to start with first. Finally, in his madness, he tried his best to face Perseus Throw His spear. But his eyesight was poor, so his spear plunged into the mat. Perseus jumped up and threw his javelin at the door. The javelin flew straight to Phineaus. Had it not been for Phineaus jumping behind the altar, the javelin would have pierced his chest. Although Phineaus escaped, one of his attendants was stabbed in the forehead, and all the warriors came to fight with the wedding guests. The intruding warriors were very powerful and surrounded the king and his wife Perseus. Arrow like Locust From all directions. Perseus backed against a big pillar, parried the enemy, tried to stop them from advancing, and killed one invading enemy after another. Later, he saw that his courage alone was no longer effective, so he decided to take the last move. "I was too forced to do anything," he said. "I had to ask my former enemies to help me. Ask my friends to turn around!" After saying that, he took Medusa's head out of the magic bag and extended it to the approaching opponent. The opponent is rushing towards here blindly. "Let your magic scare others," he shouted contemptuously as he rushed, "they will be frightened by your nonsense." But when he raised his hand to throw the spear, his hand was stiff in the air. The people behind are also doomed to turn into stones. At this time, Perseus simply raised Medusa's head so that others could see it immediately. In this way, he turned the last group of people into rigid stones. It was only then that Phineaus regretted that he should not have provoked such an uproar. He looked at the stone statues with different postures on the left and right, shouting the names of his friends, but there was no answer. He felt their bodies with his hands in disbelief, but they had become granite. He was so frightened that he changed his arrogance and begged desperately, "Spare my life! The kingdom and bride are for you!" Then he turned around. But Perseus did not want to forgive him. "You thief," he scolded angrily, "I will erect a monument for you in my father-in-law's palace forever!" Phineaus dodged around, not wanting to see the terrible head, but it did not escape. At once, Phineaus turned into a stone with a horrible look. He stood there with his hands hanging down, looking like a lowly slave.
Perseus was finally able to take his young wife Andromeda home. Long happy days await him. He also found his mother Danae. But he still could not avoid bringing disaster to his grandfather Acrisius. Fearing the oracle, my grandfather fled quietly to King Pilaszi. At that time, a martial arts contest was being held here. He didn't know that his grandfather was here. He was going to Argos to greet his grandfather. Perseus was very happy to see the contest. He grabbed a discus and threw it out. Unfortunately, he just hit his grandfather. Before long, he knew who he had killed. He deeply mourned the dead, buried him outside the city, and exchanged the kingdom he inherited. From then on, the god of destiny no longer envied him. Andromeda gave birth to a group of lovely sons, who kept their father's honor.
Perseus and Andromeda gave birth to six strong sons, Perseus, Elktron, Steneros, Heleos, Mestol, and Alcaos, as well as two beautiful daughters, Golgophne and Oscar. The eldest son, Perseus, was born in Ethiopia. When Perseus and his wife left Ethiopia, King Kefus left him to inherit the throne in the future. Later, he became Persia People's ancestors, "Persia" and "Persians", derive from his name.
His second son, Elktryon, ascended the Inacos River and gradually walked out of the flat area on both sides of the Inacos River into the shallow mountain area. On the high hills surrounded by mountains, he found a piece between two connected mountains Triangular zone It is very suitable for building your own business. This land is in the north of Argos, on the right bank of the Inacos River, not far from the Lerne swamp in the northwest. The new town he created was named "Michenai", also called "Mycenae", after his daughter. "Mycenae" means "round head", because he especially likes his sword, and the handle of this sword is round head. He called his favorite sword and city-state "round head". Mycenae City is built near the mountains, commanding the surrounding area by remote control. The thick and solid zigzag city wall encircles the slope between the two mountains, leaving only one gate, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. This gate is famous“ Lion Gate ”。 triangle Megalithic lintel A pair of powerful and rough lions are carved on the wall. Two symmetrical lions, one on the left and one on the right, set their front feet on the altar, with a stone pillar in the middle.
His third son Alcaos created the city of Nimea near the Nimea Forest to the north of Mycenae, and other sons also created their own city states.
After Perseus died, his youngest son Archos inherited his Collins The throne of. Several sons who had already done well, made Perseus become a Peloponnese The most famous person, the greatest hero, and the most powerful king. After Perseus died, Zeus sent him to heaven to become“ Perseus ”His wife Andromeda became“ Andromeda ”And his parents in law, Cephus and Cassiopeia, became“ Cepheus ”And“ Cassiopeia ”。


Perseus has more legends about constellations. Its name has not been found in the list of gods and demigods. Perseus is more likely not the son of Zeus, the god king, but the real identity is the son of the tyrannical king Polydictus.
According to different myths and legends, Medusa Indeed, he died under Perseus' sword and got Athena and Hermes With the help of, he killed Medusa and presented her head to Athena.

Cultural influence


Video Details

1. Clash of the Titans
Large Greece produced by Britain Mythical film The cast is strong. Liam Nissen As the god of heaven Zeus After falling into the mortal world, his son encountered various challenges and hardships of mankind. The gods include Maggie Smith Sidis, Claire Bloom Hera They all discussed countermeasures in the Olympic Temple. Meanwhile, Harry Harling plays Perseus The fairy tried every means to rescue the Andromeda fairy in crisis.
With the smooth handling of director Dimon Davis, the whole film attracts the attention of the audience with excellent image effects and special effects, which makes the film more enjoyable than ordinary ancient costume myth films.
However, the actors in this film have different styles in their performances, which makes people feel a little surprised at the disharmony of the gods and gods.
2. Wrath of the Titans Battle of the Gods 2 , Crazy, God, Magic Battle (Hong Kong) Rage Battle God (set)
Film time: 2012
Director: Jonathan Lieberman Jonathan Liebesm
to star: Sam Worthington Sam Worthington ....Perseus
"Battle of the Gods 2" will follow the story clue of the first film in the plot. Hardy, unwilling to fail, will come back and unite Zeus The son of "God of War" Ares With Zeus's biological father, the king of Titans Cronus He reached a secret agreement and planned to capture Zeus alive. Faced with the crisis, Perseus had to shoulder the mission of saving human beings and gods once again Poseidon Akina, the son of Zeus, and Hephaestus, the exiled "god of fire", went to the underworld to save Zeus.


Benevedo Cellini Perseus and Medusa 》, bronze statue, created in 1545 at Italy Florence Lanzi cloister 1540, Cellini King of France Pope Francis I He went to France to serve him and made many exquisite gold and silver crafts carving In 1545, he returned to Florence and completely devoted himself to sculpture creation. Among his many sculptures Grand Mansion The commissioned "Perseus and Medusa" is the most outstanding, and it is also Cherini Stylism The complete embodiment of the artistic style of sculpture.
Perseus is MYTHOS The famous hero of Main God The son of Zeus. He and his mother were abandoned by their grandfather and drifted to the island of Cyprus, where they were taken in by the king; In order to marry his mother, the king of Celephos encouraged Perseus to take risks and asked him to kill the banshee Medusa Medusa is Gorgons The most dangerous of the three female demons, whose hair is full of poisonous snakes, will immediately turn to stone if anyone looks at her; Perseus overcame many difficulties, found Medusa, and used the goddess Athena A shining copper shield was obtained there to fight with her, and cut off her head through the reflection of the copper shield. The statue shows the Greek hero who cut off Medusa's head. Perseus is a healthy young man here. His left hand holds the bloody head of Medusa high, his right hand holds a knife, his left leg is bent, and his foot steps on the body of the enemy. His body seems to have just relaxed from the intense battle.
His angry and beautiful face drooped slightly, showing his inner joy of victory and the calm moment after the battle. The skills shown in the sculpture are extremely sophisticated, the posture of the figures is real and natural, the muscle outline is clear and healthy, and the anatomical structure is accurate and fine. In order to achieve a beautiful form, the author carefully dealt with many details of the statue. The thick hair of Perseus, the poisonous snake on Medusa's head, and even the blood from the female monster's neck have all become beautiful decorative details. In addition, the high base and the complicated pattern carving on it make people feel that all these are so exquisite and extraordinary, which is worthy of stylism Sculpture art This is a classic work.
Perseus (about the third century BC) was a Greek mathematician with unknown experience. From the works of Proclus, we know that Perseus wrote about torus This Geometry It is formed by a circle (the axis and the circle are in the same plane) rotating around the axis. But Proclos said that the geometry is formed by a circle rotating around a point (not the center of the circle). The former is more accurate than the latter. The torus can be divided into three different shapes according to the positions where the axis and the circle are tangent, intersect, and separated, so that the torus can be obtained by cutting the spherical surface with a plane Intercept Pelsius discovered three types of torus transects [1]