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State leaders under dictatorship or autocratic system
open 5 entries with the same name
Dictators usually refer to the leaders who hold the highest power of the country under dictatorship or autocratic system; There are also dictators who Democratic elections After taking office or appointed by the head of state Head of Government Only then did he begin to exercise dictatorship.
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State leaders under dictatorship or autocratic system

Explanation of words

Broadly speaking, it can completely control or interfere in the politics of the whole country openly or privately military , economy, culture and other social fields, completely or greatly restrict citizens' freedom of speech, assembly, association, belief, freedom of the press and other free rights. Individuals who monopolize all state power are enough to be called "dictators". In a narrow sense, individuals who completely fail to seize the highest power of the country according to the democratic system procedures are called "dictators".
Dictators usually seize the power of the country through armed force, violence and other forms (such as Spanish Francisco Franco [1] ); There are also dictators who Democratic elections After taking office or appointed by the head of state Head of Government And then began to exercise dictatorship (such as Germany's Adolf Hitler )。
Autocracy, autocratic politics refers to the process of stratum , controlled by absolute power Political system
Autocracy is usually reflected in the ability to completely control or interfere in the political, military, economic, cultural and other social fields of the whole country, either openly or privately, and completely or greatly restrict citizens free speech Freedom of assembly Freedom of association , freedom of belief and Freedom of the press And other free rights State power All in one.
Dictatorship is relative to the government's forcible control masses Obey the will of the ruling class. But even so-called democratic countries often have suppress And monitoring.
Dictatorship is in the classical sense that one person enjoys absolute power political system , with this system Political entities It is generally called dictatorship or dictatorship. The ruler of an authoritarian government is called a dictator, which means emperor, king, president in a broad sense, and is also expanded to ruling party Leaders, military leaders, religious leaders, etc.
Because dictators are authoritative, they can more easily concentrate the human and material resources of the whole country, efficiently accomplish the goals he (or they) think fit, and implement the policies he thinks fit. This kind of policy may be for its personal purpose, or it may have unique and long-term significance.
Dictatorship and autocratic politics do not directly equal Tyranny Although it is generally believed that the government under this system adopts harsh and almost absolute control over all its citizens. For example, "enlightened despotism" specifically refers to eighteenth century A type that began to develop when Political model Dictators use their authority to carry out some Social improvement And promote social change.

Contemporary dictators


Asian dictators

representative figure
Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal
Ferdinand Emanuel Edlarin Marcos
Mahathir Mohamed
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizadin Vadaula
Lee Kuan Yew
Wu Tingyan
Hussein Mohammed Elshad
Emomali Rahmon
Edward Shevardnadze
Iliham Gaidar Ogre Aliyev
Ayatollah Ruholla Mustafa Ahmed Mousavi Khomeini
Saddam Hussein
Hafez al-Assad
Ali Abdullah Saleh
Qaboos Bin Said
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Western European dictators

Eastern European dictators

African dictators

American dictators

representative figure
Boferio Dias

Oceania dictator