
[yǎ diǎn nà]
The Goddess of Wisdom, War and Art in Ancient Greek Mythology
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synonym Tritognia (Tritognia) generally refers to Athena (the goddess of wisdom, war and art in ancient Greek mythology)
Athena( Greek :Ἀθήνη; English: Athena), also known as Pallas Athena, is MYTHOS The Goddess of Wisdom and Goddess of War And the goddess of art, Twelve main gods of Olympus one of [1] ancient Greek According to the literature, Athena is a dignified and beautiful young goddess who has been resident since the birth of human beings Mortal , taught human beings various survival knowledge, and created the initial survival tools for human beings. [5-6]
Athena is the goddess of art and the patron saint of handicrafts. She teaches human weaving, cooking, gardening, pottery and other crafts; Painting, music, poetry, dance and other arts. The Tantric prayer song calls her "the founder of art" [2] At the same time, she is also the protector of military, agriculture, medical, navigation and animal husbandry; Goddess of court and order. She founded the First Court of Athens. [6]
Athena longed for independence, insisted on not marrying, and Artemis Hestia Considered as Olympus On Three Goddesses She was unmarried Patron saint Greek women affectionately called her "Ergani (Ἐ ργ ≤ νη, meaning female worker)". [3-4] [6]
Athena is Zeus And the goddess of wisdom Metis 's daughter. Gaia and Ulanos It is predicted that the future children of Mephis will be smart and powerful. After she gives birth to the bright eyed daughter, she will have a son who overthrows Zeus. Zeus was afraid of the trouble caused by his children, so he swallowed both mother and daughter while Mephis was still pregnant with Athena. Since then, Zeus had a headache and had to ask Vulcan Hephaestus (or Prometheus or Hermes )He split his head and just raised the axe. To the surprise of all the gods, a beautiful goddess with a graceful figure and a strong and resolute attitude broke through Zeus's head and jumped out. [7]
Athena's image is characterized by wearing a helmet, wearing a snake armor on her upper skirt, and holding a spear or Victory Goddess , Egis with gold tassel in his left hand.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ἀ Ἀνη (Greek), Athena (English)
Pallas Athena Athena Elgon Tritognia
Mythological system
Wisdom, art, textile, painting, gardening, craft, agriculture, animal husbandry, navigation, military [8]
Aegis , olive branch owl snake Spinning rod and spindle
Zeus Metis
brothers and sisters
Boros (same parent) Artemis Apollo Hephaestus Ares Hermes Dionysus Persephone etc.
Roman counterpart

historical origin

Crete Of linear script The name of Athena appears on Crete Goddess worship During this period, she was the palace goddess of Crete, known as the "Maze Lady". Athena Bronze Age Has acquired military characteristics and become a Olympus The victim of the myth, in which she is described as Zeus His daughter, fully armed, jumped out of his head. [25] So there are many different opinions about her parents' identity. Mycenae Slate used to call her "female master" epic Athena is also often called "πτνν α (lady, queen, hostess)" in the Heji song. [6] [9-10]

Character image



Hesiod Divine Scripture 》Calling Athena: a girl with bright eyes.
Homer Homer's Ode to Athena: The golden light is bright, dignified and beautiful, and the gods staring at it are amazed.
Homer《 Iliad 》Sereno held up his robe and placed it on the beautiful Athena's lap, prayed to the daughter of the great Zeus, pleaded: "Athena, the protector of our city, is shining among the goddesses."
Homer's Iliad: Zeus said to Hera and Athena: Your beautiful limbs.
In the 16th century, On the Beauty of Women, it was said that the beauty of women's arms was as soft as the arms of the goddess Pallas when she stood in front of the shepherd on Mount Ida.
The other parts of the statue of Phidias Athena in the first four centuries are made of wood and gold, while the skin of Athena is carved with ivory to show the white skin of the goddess. Athena has a pair of famous bright big eyes. Seen from ancient Greek statues Oval face The typical Greek nose is Grecian nose (straight female nose), and the mouth is small and often tight. Hair in a bun. Wear your own exquisite embroidered skirt every day. There is only one on your shoulder owl Wear helmet and crown, wear snake armor on the upper skirt, and hold spear or Victory Goddess , Egis with gold tassel in his left hand.


olive: Olive branch As a symbol of peace, Athena became the patron saint of Athens because of the olive tree. Goddess of Peace Erine They are also Athena's female companions. They sometimes appear together. In Athena's statues and some artworks, Athena wears an olive branch on her head. [4]
Snakes and Birds: These sacred objects of Athena originate from the myth of Crete, and owls and snakes guard Crete Of Knossos Palace and handheld Mycenae The goddess figure of the shield in the period is one of the archetypes of Athena. Virgil On《 Aeneian 》Athena is said in Chinese to be "the protector of snakes". She also often works with birds( dove , owls, ducks Seagull , swallow, sea eagle, Vulture )Appear together. On《 Odyssey 》Homer described that Athena could become a vulture. The goddess also turned into an owl and intervened against Persian People believe that she helped them win the war. [2] [15-19]

Myth and legend


be born

Birth of Athena
Zeus marry Metis As a wife, Metis once avoided his pursuit through various changes. Gaia It is predicted that Methys will give birth to a pair of sister and brother, the elder sister is a bright eyed girl, and the younger brother is the king of arrogant gods and men. Zeus was afraid of this, so he swallowed Mephis. At the time of childbirth, Zeus had a severe headache. Hephaestus, the god of fire, split his head with an axe, so Athena jumped out of his head. Methys remained in Zeus' head and advised him. (Based on Hesiod Divine Scripture [7] And the false Apollodoros《 Library [4]

Athena and Maiden

(According to the Library of Pseudo Apollodoros [4]
Danaus 50 daughters of Eguptos The sons of Danaus forced marriage, and Athena built ships to help the daughters of Danaus escape.
(Based on Homer Odyssey [18]
Athena and Artemis Hera Aphrodite Take care of the orphan girls together. Among them, Athena, the goddess of craftsmanship, made them ingenious and taught them their skills to support themselves.
(According to the Metamorphosis of Antoninus in ancient Greece, note: Ancient Rome Ovid Anamorphosis 》)
Orion She has two daughters, Medeok and Menipe. Athena taught the two girls to spin, and later the two sisters saved plague And gave his life to the ravaged motherland. To thank them, the two sisters were raised as stars in the sky.
(According to the fragments of Hesiod's Biographies of Women)
megara Princess of Eurynomor , loved by Athena. Athena gave her wisdom and alertness, taught her art, and found a suitable husband for her.
(According to Denias's Romance Collection) [21]
A textile worker named Nikendra of Kolia worked hard for a year, but her employer refused to pay her. The female worker asked Athena for help, and Athena helped the female worker punish the employer.

Athena and Heroes

(According to Hesiod《 Divine Scripture 》, Pseudo Apollodoros, The Library)
help Heracles reach The underworld Catch the watchdog Cerberus Give Hercules a pair of slaves Hephaestus The bronze clapper made by him (χ≤ λ κ ε ο κ ρττα λ ον) made him expelled Stingfalis Lake Monster Heracles from Atlas Get three on hand Golden apple But the golden apple was beyond the reach of ordinary people, so it was given to Athena to send her back to the far west.
According to the pseudo Apollodoros Library: Medusa by Gorgons (meaning Gorgon )One of the three sisters [4] [22] They are the father of monsters Forcus And the mother of the sea monster Cattle Our daughter is born with the magic power to turn anyone who sees their eyes into a stone. But only Medusa of the three sisters could not live forever, and her two sisters could live forever, so later Perseus Only then can Medusa's head be cut off. Perseus is in Hermes Kill the banshee with the help of Athena and other gods [4] Medusa's head is very dangerous. Perseus presents Medusa's head to Athena, the hero's goddess of protection. Athena puts Medusa's head on the shield.
God of medicine Asclepios Get Golgi's blood vessels from Athena.
Cadmus After killing the guardian dragon of God of War Spring, Athena praised him and showed up to instruct Cadmus how to sow dragon teeth. And give half of the dragon teeth to Colchis Aeetes

Battle of the Giant Spirit

(According to the Library of Pseudo Apollodoros)
In the battle between the gods and the giant spirits, it was predicted that the gods of Olympus would win the final victory only if mortals joined in the war. Athena came from the mortal world Heracles Let him join the war. And pointed out to him that Alcoynius Weakness. Take off the skin of the giant Pallas on the battlefield and put it on the shield. Use it to protect yourself in battle. And put sicily lift Etna volcano Throw it on Enceladus and kill him.

Legend of Hope

(Based on Hesiod Divine Scripture 》Farming and Time [7] And Pseudo Apollodoros (Library)
Zeus Let Vulcan make a stone statue, and order all the gods to give her something. Hermes Give her a crafty heart; Aphrodite Give her attractive charm; Zeus injected her with evil water. But Athena only clothed her in white. The stone statue became a beautiful woman, and Zeus named her Pandora , which means "the giver", presents her and the box full of disasters Epimetheus
Prometheus Epimetheus was warned not to accept any gift from Zeus. But when Epimetheus saw Pandora, he was confused by her appearance and married her. Later Pandora opened the box cover, and a large group of disasters hidden inside flew out immediately. They spread all over the earth in the blink of an eye. Since then, mankind has suffered from disasters, plagues and disasters. And before the beautiful thing "hope" that Athena put quietly at the bottom of the box to save the fate of mankind could fly out of the box, Pandora closed the box.

Athenian patron saint

The legend that Athena became the patron saint of Athens and the relationship between Athena and the goddess Poseidon Is related to the competition. When Athens was first represented by a Phoenicians When it was completed, Poseidon and Athena competed for the honor of naming it. People who can provide the most useful things for mankind will become the patron saint of the city. Poseidon used his trident Beating the ground, a war horse came out. Athena has transformed a tree olive ——A symbol of peace and prosperity. Since the war horse is considered to represent war and sorrow, Athens was named after the goddess. The goddess soon incorporated the city into her protection. Athens Acropolis There is still one of the most famous buildings in ancient Greece, which worships Athena The Parthenon [4] [20]


(Based on Euripides Incomplete Part)
Hephaestus I also appreciate the same work handicraft A beautiful goddess who has a long history. One day Athena came to order a new weapon from him, and Hephaestus at this time, because Aphrodite and Ares Desperate to cheat, she began to chase Athena. He is lame. He took great efforts to catch up with Athena, but she never married Goddess Chu , she wounded Hephaestus with a spear and fought against escape. Hephaestus's semen shoots on the earth, but the mother of earth Gaia She became pregnant and gave birth to Eriktonius.
Athena raised the child for her mother and he became King of Athens. Athena sent him gold bracelets to guard the children in Athens.

Establishing the judicial system

Aeschylus Blessing Goddess [23]
Agamemnon Killed by the lover of his wife Clytemnestra. afterwards Apollo Tell the truth to Agamemnon's son Orestes And ordered him to take revenge. The queen cursed Orestes Vengeance Penalties. The curse came true after her death. Orestes left his kingdom and was able to escape the pursuit of the Vengeance under the protection of Apollo. Apollo ordered Orestes to go to Athens to seek Athena's fair judgment. When Athena knew what had happened, she decided to summon a human judge to try the case together.
The wisest judges in Athens came to hear the case; The Vengeance claimed that the queen killed her husband, not a Consanguinity The defendant killed his blood relatives, and the defendant should also be killed. The family's cycle of hate killing will never be relieved. Apollo, the defender of the defendant, stressed that what the queen did was a "deliberate murder", and the defendant only fulfilled the child's obligation of revenge. Athena announced that the judges voted to resolve the case, and each judge was given two stones - black for guilt and white for innocence. It was unfortunate that all judges ended their voting, and the number of black and white stones was exactly the same. Athena then made a ruling. Athena cast a white stone and declared Orestes innocent according to the majority decision, thus ending the vicious circle of revenge for generations.
After the incident, ancient Greek poets believed that Athena was also the goddess of justice. And Goddess of Order themis Different, Themis is born of the Earth Mother, representing the evolution of the seasonal order of the earth.

Troy War

(According to Homer's epic in ancient Greece《 Iliad 》、《 Odyssey 》And Pseudo Apollodoros (Library)
stay Troy War She stood on the side of the Achaeans because Athena was the patron saint of Athens on the Achaean side. The Trojan War was between Zeus and themis Well planned, the goal is to reduce human beings by half, so the destruction of Troy is inevitable [24] Golden Apple Competition cause Aphrodite help Paris Abduction Sparta Queen of Helen , which became an inducement for the Trojan War. When Troy was first built, Zeus threw the statue of Athena into the city, which was not Athena's will. Then the King of Troy Laomedong The deception of Apollo and Poseidon made Athena think that this was a country without integrity, so she supported the Achaians even more. (Especially Paris, the prince of Troy, humiliated her and plundered her Menelaus It is natural that Athena decided to stand on the side of Athens after her wife Helen.)
  1. one
    Achilles And Agamemnon During the dispute, Achilles wanted to draw his sword to kill Agamemnon. Hera sent Athena to Achilles' side to ask him to put down his hatred. Achaeans lost confidence and wanted to return to Greece. Athena was Odysseus Help him to cheer up.
  2. two
    Athena took part in the Trojan War for the first time. She changed from the embroidered colored robe she had woven herself, put on Zeus' lining robe and put on armor. On the battlefield, Athena went to Greece to lead Diomedes Help him fight God of War Ares , with the help of the Goddess, he successfully stabbed Ares and made Ares flee back to the heaven.
  3. three
    Achilles lost his friend Patroclus In the midst of grief, Hera did not like to eat, drink, sleep or sleep. Hera was reluctant to give up her view of heaven. In order not to let Achilles fall ill when he was about to go to war, she sent Athena down to earth and secretly infused Achilles with the nectar, the food of heaven.
  4. four
    Achilles vs Hector When Hector threw his spear and shot it directly at Achilles, Athena blew lightly and the spear deviated from Achilles.
  5. five
    In the battle of the gods in front of Troy, Athena first attacked Ares, the god of war, and Athena wounded Ares with a stone. And knocked out with a fist, trying to take Ares away Aphrodite
  6. six
    Greek generals Aas Because he was defeated in the competition for Achilles' armor with Odysseus, he ran out into the countryside in anger, trying to cut Odysseus into pieces, planning to attack the Greek army at night and kill his comrades in arms. In order to avoid the killing of Greek comrades by the Great Aas, Athena blindfolded the Great Aas and made him mistake the cattle for Greek troops. Big Aas slaughtered the cattle. When he woke up, he found his own behavior. He was ashamed of it and hanged himself.
  7. seven
    Another Greek general Young Aas When Troy was captured, the generals of Cassandra Later, the prophet of the Greek army Karkas The prophecy made Athena angry, and the Greek army wanted to kill little Aias to calm the goddess's anger, but little Aias fled back to Athena's temple. Because the Greek iron law stipulated that "no one in the temple should be killed", the people let little Aias go.
  8. eight
    When all the Greek ships returned, Athena began to revenge the Greeks for the Cassandra incident. Athena asked Zeus to give the storm a blow to the Greek fleet, and threw a thunderbolt on the fleet of little Aias. All the ships were destroyed and sunk. Only little Aias swam to the reef and was saved. Little Aias thought that he could be saved regardless of the gods, but Poseidon used trident Chop up the reef and drown Little Aas. [4] [17]
  9. nine
    Besides, Athena's favorite mortal is Odysseus (Because he is known as the most intelligent and cunning person)《 Odyssey 》In part, she helped Odysseus return to his hometown and worked with Odysseus and his son Telemachus Revenge many suitors together (Odysseus killed Poseidon's son, so he returned home after ten years. Many nobles in Odysseus' country took the opportunity to ask Odysseus's wife Penelope Propose to become the new ruler).
Other legends
The gods participate Cadmus And Aphrodite 's daughter Hermonia Athena planned the wedding of thebes Urban territory , and gave Cadmus a country.
The prophet of Tebai Teresias 's mother is Shuize Fairy Carrillo is also a good friend of Athena. Teresias accidentally saw Athena's naked body. Athena immediately covered his eyes with her hands, but he was blind because of this. Callicolo asked the goddess to help her son recover, but the goddess had no such ability. She could only compensate Teresias for his prophetic ability, making him the greatest prophet, and the walking stick and guide that could understand the bird's voice, immortalize in the underworld, and bear fruit for him. But this is only one of the legends about the origin of Teresias' blindness.
Argos One of the seven heroes of Tydeus He was stabbed in the abdomen by Melanipus. Athena got a medicine from Zeus to make him immortal. However, the rescued Titius ate the head of Melanipus cruelly, and Athena took back the grace of immortality.

Folk worship

Athena was first recorded in Crete Of linear script , she comes from Crete Matrilineal society 's girl Earth Mother God It is the palace city goddess, bird and snake goddess of matriarchal society. (The Earth Mother God is trinity, and there are three periods: girl, mother old woman
Zeus The birth of Athena from the head shows the evolution of ancient Greek history: the migration and integration of nations. Metis It was originally the spiritual belief of the native Greek people. Zeus later moved to Greece Indo European God. Metis, the goddess of wisdom, represented that the native Greek civilization was better than the later immigrant civilization; She was devoured by Zeus, representing the Greek matriarchy aborigines, India and Europe Patriarchy The nation becomes a new Greece through struggle Classical civilization ——"Athena" - of course, this word is just a metaphor. The representative of the Greek orthodox religion is still Zeus rather than Athena. May represent the subjugation of the conquered nation; However, although Mephis was swallowed, it still remained in the head of Zeus, which symbolized that the local people still retained some of their traditions.
Protector of unmarried girls: Artemis And Athena in charge of the virgin period of girls. When a girl wants to get married, she will return her maiden belt to Athena or Artemis in the temple, enter Aphrodite and Hera The married period in charge. [6]
Goddess of fertility: Holds recorded by Heliodolos pomegranate Athena, pomegranate represents fertility, Athena in some areas to help women bear. For example, the Greek Daoli Annals of Bothaanis: It is said that, Eris The women in the area saw that their land had been deprived of their fresh childlike spirit (after the war, the Elise women lost their children), so they prayed to Athena, hoping that they could get pregnant when they first married their husbands. When the women's prayers were answered, they built a temple for Athena called Mother God. [6]
The Goddess of the Sky and the Sea: Athena is also a goddess of the sky. She is the goddess of rain, dew, clear sky and spring thunder. When she was born, it rained with gold( Pindar Ode to Olympus, Volume V). She is the daughter of Zeus, the god of thunder, and the goddess of a pure and clear sky after a thunderstorm. There is also a myth that the two daughters of Athena and Cekrops, Pandlosos (Π≤ νδ ρ ο σ ο, the goddess of dew) and Agrolos (Ἄ γ λ ανρ ο, the goddess of farmland), correspond.
Snake Goddess Athena has an indissoluble bond with snakes and is regarded as the goddess of snakes. Snakes have almost become the symbol and embodiment of Athena. Because snakes are responsible for protecting the royal family and defending the castle, this is why Athena became the city god. Orpheus Prayer Song 》She is called "gorgeous as a snake and ever-changing dragon (α ἰόόόό ρφ ε δρ≤ κανα)". Herodotus On《 history 》Volume 8 describes that there is a big snake guarding the Acropolis in the temple of Athens, and this snake likes to eat honey cakes. [2] [14-16] [19]
Owl Goddess: On the bottle painting, she becomes owl They are also equipped with helmets and spears. Sometimes you can also see two pictures at the same time: Athena, as a goddess with the same shape as God and man, has an owl behind her. On《 Iliad 》Medium Homer Call her "owl eyed( Ancient Greek Literal translation of γ λ α ν κ π ν, negative of γ λ α ν κ π ∨ possessive case Form, Luo Niansheng Mr. Liu translated it as "bright eyed"). She also appears with wings. In one Black painted pottery On the front view of the cup, the artist painted wings for her. [17]


Athena is the goddess of art, craftsmanship and women's handicrafts. Her hands are dexterous.
spin: It is said that Athena invented textile and helped Hera Heracles Waiting for the gods to weave robes. Eliat 》In the middle, Hera put on the robe woven by Athena, don't use gold Pin , meeting Zeus. All gods only provided Heracles with equipment and got robes from Athena.
Ceramics: The potter regarded Athena as his patron saint. Athena invented the ceramic car, which enabled people to produce various ceramic products.
olive Fig Athena taught people to grow olives and figs. She found out Olive oil It taught Athenians how to crush olives with a stone mill and how to press olives in a stone mill.
Shipbuilding: Instruct the captain Argos to build the Argo ship and put Dodona's oak A carved goddess. But he was not the first, Libya Of Danaus In order to escape from Egypt, the first ship on earth was also built under the direction of Athena.
flute Legend 1: The musical instrument invented by Athena was laughed at by the Queen of Heaven and the God of Beauty because her cheeks would bulge when playing, so she abandoned it and was picked up by Malthuas. Malthuas wanted to play the flute to challenge Apollo , because Apollo stipulated that the instrument must be played upside down, but only the front end of the flute could produce sound, so it was defeated.
Legend 2: The flute was a gift from Athena to Apollo, who also loved music.
Battle Dance: To celebrate the victory after the war, Athena made up a war dance. And blew the horn for the first time. [10]
Thunderbolt: The war between giants and gods. While the war was still going on, these giants were once the terrible enemies of God. Some of them are like Briareus , with a hundred hands; Some like Tifeng , can breathe fire in the nose. At one time, they forced the gods to flee into Egypt and hide in different forms. Upite In his incarnation as a ram, he was henceforth known in Egypt as Amun God is worshipped, with curved horns on his head. Bacchus Turn into a goat. Diana Turn into a cat. Apollo Turn into crows. Yuno turned into a cow. Venus Become a fish. Mercury Become a bird. At another time, these giants tried to ascend to the sky, so they once Mount Ossa Stack it on Mount Bellion. But in the end they were conquered by Thunderbolt. The thunderbolt is made by Minerva Invent and tell Vulcan , which was made by Volgan and his Cyclops Upite Of. [8]

Mother of Heroes

As a female god of war, her wisdom and strength exceed that of the god of war Ares stay Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture [22] "Zeus gave birth to a goddess with bright eyes from his own mind Tritognia (Note: Athena was born on the bank of the Trito River.). She is a terrible, roaring general, and an invincible queen eager to shout and fight. " Ares Eni Russia It is different from Athena in terms of war. Ares represents the disaster of war, panic and flight, and destruction of life; Eni Russia represents the bloody and city destruction in the war; Athena represents the war of resistance to aggression and self-defence, and the rational side of the war - winning victory and ending casualties with wisdom. If in Troy War At the end of, she taught Odysseus use trojan horse This also enabled the Achaians to finally win the war.
Athena represents the strategy in the war - the plot in the military. A wise man is always ready to resist every blow of fate with arms.
A famous British classicist Jane Ellen Harrison On《 Introduction to Greek Religious Studies [26] Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion 1903), Chapter 6, Section 9 said: "But according to the tradition of the ancient matriarchal society, she (Athena) raised many heroes as an adoptive mother: Caia It was Athena who gave birth to Eriktonius, but raised him up; She and Heracles There is a similar relationship. She is the (virgin) adoptive mother of Hercules... "
In addition, she has helped many Greek heroes. Such as help jason Built the Argos and completed the search Golden wool Long voyage; help Perseus Cut off the Gorgon Medusa The head of; A participant in the Trojan War Odysseus After drifting on the sea for 10 years, she returned to her hometown with her protection.

Related name

Athena: Plato It is mentioned in the Clathratus that Athena's name means "mind and divine wisdom", while her alias Palas It means "dancing and wielding spear". Athena, Ancient Greek It is abbreviated from Ἀ θῆ ναα or Ἀ θῆ να→α. It is written as Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ Ἀ in the Ionian dialect( Homer Epic The latter is used in Chinese); In Doris dialect, it is written as Ἀ θ≤ να or Ἀ θανα joint α; In the Eolian dialect, it is written as Ἀ Ἀναα. Martin Bernard, an American classicist, said that "Ἀῆῆῆ and Ἀ Ἀνη or Ἀ θηνᾶ both come from ancient times Egyptian Ϧ ߎ ߎ ߎ ߎ (Use Coptic [11] Expressed, translated as: Kost Ente). "
Palas: There are many myths about the meaning of Pallas. The following statements are various, but they cannot be generally accepted by people due to insufficient basis, and can only be regarded as a possibility, not a conclusion.
1. In Introduction to Greek Religious Studies, Harrison, a British scholar, believed that the name "Pallas" was often used to call Athena in Homer's epics, which indicated that the goddess had originally had a name "Pallas". Later, with the development of Athenian worship of her, she was fully called Pallas Athena, which means "Pallas, the girl of Athens". Later, Athena can be used alone as the name of the goddess.
2. French classicist Kurange said: "The Athenian army never goes to war on the seventh day of every month, and the navy must carefully gild the statue of Pallas" [12] It seems that the name of Pallas is related to the blood of Athena's sea goddess.
3. The Pilakis say that Athena was created by the river god Triton When she was brought up, Pallas, the daughter of Triton, was her playmate. She was injured by Athena because Zeus lost his shield. Athena was very sad and created the statue of Pallas. So Athena has this alias. This brings the origin of Athena and Libya The girl gods worshipped were linked together.
4. Suydas's point of view: "(Pallas is) a great girl (π≤ λ λ α ξ), is the Athena [13] ”; It is also said that the automatic word π≤ λ λ ω (waving, throwing) is its source.
Tritogonia: stay Hesiod Divine Scripture 》Athena was born from the forehead of the father of the gods on the bank of Triton. Athena is also known as Tritogleia (έέέέέέέέέ α, which literally means the girl beside Trito Lake or the third born girl). It is commonly said that this alias means "the third born", or "the girl beside the Trito Lake", or others. The Oxford Dictionary of Greek recorded the scholars' argument that Tritolgia means "Zeus except Artemis Apollo The third born child. Another minority view is that "the third day" is the third day of a month.
Apollonius Argo Heroic Chronicle: Athena was born on the side of Lake Tritonis in Libya. Several Libyan water nymphs washed her body in Lake Tritonis. Herodotus Of《 history [14] Libya was also mentioned: "The people next to the people of Marklius are the people of Osaeus... They hold a festival to Athena every year. During the festival, their girls are divided into two teams and fight with each other with stones and sticks. According to them, this is to follow their ancestors' way to worship the local goddess we call Athena. Girls who died of injuries are called false virgins. Before the girls start fighting, the whole people always select the most beautiful girl (representing Athena) first, and put Corinth's helmet on her and the whole Greek outfit on her an armor And then put her on the chariot and run across the lake. "
Elgon: Athena's main attribute is the goddess of wisdom, and its secondary attribute is the goddess of war, the goddess of craftsmanship and art (Athena Elgon), derived from the word ergane“ Ergonomics ”The word ergonomics.
Kerui: Plato In the Book of Fayi, it is said that she is the local girl (κ όόόῆῆῆῆῆῆῆ, also known as Ἀῆῆ νη), the incarnation of Athens.
Other names
Ancient Greek
literal translation
Nightingale Goddess (extended to "Song Goddess")
High Altitude Goddess
Grabbing Goddess
Farmland goddess
Hunting goddess
Sea bird goddess
Guardian goddess
Wind Goddess (literally "weathered body")
Warlike goddess
Indefatigable goddess
Goddess of Defense
Guigan Tofengtis
Goddess Killing Giant Spirit
Bright Eyes God
Killing Goddess Golgo
Goddess of Golgomian
Goddess of Labor (Nuhong)
The goddess of city protection
θύγατερ Διὸς αἰγιόχοιο
Daughter of Zeus with Divine Shield
Horse Goddess
Inspire the people
Goddess of the Way (extended to "Guiding Goddess")
Maiden god
Cranial Goddess
Richard Mackarness
Fighting Goddess
Ditto (dialect)
Goddess of Wisdom (same as her mother)
Goddess of Poetry and Music
Victory Goddess
A fully armed goddess
Same as Ἐ ργ≤ νη
Oftatar Mitis
Eye protecting goddess
Acuity god
Goddess of all Achaians
Goddess of chastity
Tutelary goddess
The goddess of city protection
God of Broken City
A god of intrigue
Prewar God
Goddess of War Horn (extended to "Goddess of War")
Goddess of patronage
Powerful Goddess
Girls by the Trito Lake
Xu Guieya
Goddess of Health and Cleanliness
Krusso Rogkos
Goddess with Gold Spear
Note: In the literal translation column, the space is ancient Greek There is a dispute about the local title or meaning


Athena is Athens , Argos megara Sparta The patron saint of other cities, especially in Athens, has the largest Temple The Acropolis in Athens Main building—— The Parthenon , to celebrate the victory of Athens Persia It was built by the invaders. The designers are Calicrates and Icnos.
In the center of the ancient castle where the Acropolis is located, towering towering rectangular buildings, the temple stands on the top of the Acropolis, which is the famous Parthenon Temple in the world's art treasure house. After more than 2000 years of vicissitudes, the temple roof has collapsed, and there is no statue. The relief sculpture has been seriously eroded, but it has never stood tall colonnade You can also see the beauty of the temple in those days. The Parthenon is the most important main building of the Acropolis in Athens. The Parthenon Temple is named after Athena's alias Πα ρθ έ νο (meaning virginal).
Parthenon is the largest temple dedicated to Athena. It is not only the most magnificent, but also located in the center of the Acropolis. There is also a gold ivory inlaid Statue of Athena It began to be built in 447 BC. Nine years later, the temple was capped. Six years later, various sculptures were completed.
The Parthenon Temple was officially opened in 438 BC, and it was dedicated to Athena through the grand Panathinai Festival. Panatane Festival is an important festival for Athenians. During the festival, sports competitions, singing and dancing activities, and patrols through the city to the temple are often held. The most distinctive feature of the activity was that a gown woven by a girl in Athens was hung on the main mast of a ship, which was carried on a bull cart and slowly moved to the temple. The wool gown was finally presented to Athena. Then there was sacrifice, with cattle or sheep dedicated to the goddess. The choice of livestock is extremely important. It must be strong and healthy, with no wounds or defects. There are many sacrificial scenes on many unearthed pottery. The bones and fat of the animals are piled on the altar and burned. It is important that the smoke rising from here must rise above the statue of God so that it can be passed on to the God.
Parthenon is the main representative of architecture and sculpture in the heyday of Greece. It is known as the "national treasure of Greece" and also a bright pearl in the treasure house of human art. In the middle of the 5th century, the temple was changed to Christian Church The statue of Athena was removed. 1458 turkey After the people occupied Athens, the temple was changed to mosque 1687 Venice When people were fighting with Turks, artillery fire hit a gunpowder magazine in the temple and blew up the middle of the temple. 1801-1803, English aristocrat Elgin Lord Most of the remaining carvings are transported away, and the loss is the most serious. Many antiquities originally belonging to the temple are now scattered British Museum Louvre Copenhagen Etc. In the second half of the 19th century, the temple was partially restored, but it can no longer be restored to its original appearance. Now, there is only a shell with many stone pillars. [10]

Image evaluation

Try to restore the image of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, in the eyes of the ancient Greeks. Athena is known as the "goddess of wisdom". In the image of people today, she has become the synonym of "Metis" in the sense of Greek wisdom [27]