Hybrid electric vehicle

Series hybrid vehicle
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In a broad sense, Hybrid Vehicle refers to a vehicle whose driving system consists of two or more single driving systems that can operate simultaneously. The driving power of the vehicle is provided by a single driving system alone or jointly according to the actual vehicle driving state.
so called Hybrid Automobile, generally refers to Oil electric hybrid Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) internal-combustion engine Diesel engine or gasoline engine )And Motor As a power source, some engines have been modified to use other alternative fuels, such as compressed natural gas , propane and ethanol fuel, etc.
Chinese name
Hybrid electric vehicle
Foreign name
Hybrid Vehicle
Series hybrid system
Power source
Battery , fuel cell
Full name
Oil electric hybrid automobile

essential information

The vehicle driving system is composed of two or more single driving systems that can operate at the same time. The driving power of the vehicle is provided by the single driving system alone or jointly according to the actual driving state of the vehicle. Due to the difference of each component, layout and control strategy, a variety of classification forms have been formed. Hybrid vehicles The energy saving, low emission and other characteristics of the automobile industry have attracted great attention and become a focus of automobile research and development. The hybrid power device not only gives play to the advantages of long continuous working time of the engine and good power performance, but also can give play to the advantages of pollution-free and low noise of the motor. The two "fight side by side", learn from each other thermal efficiency It can be improved by more than 10%, and the exhaust emission can be improved by more than 30%. In 2010, the world entered Automotive hybrid Times. [1]


According to the coupling mode of hybrid drive, hybrid vehicles are generally divided into three categories:
① The series hybrid electric vehicle (SHEV) consists of three power assemblies, namely, engine, generator and drive motor, which form the power system of HEV in series.
② The engine and drive motor of parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) are power assemblies, and the power of the two power assemblies can be output by superposition or separately.
③ Hybrid Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PSHEV) is an electric vehicle composed of series and parallel structures, which is mainly composed of three power assemblies: engine, electric generator and drive motor.
According to the different degree of mixing in the hybrid power system, the hybrid power system can also be divided into the following four categories:
① Micro hybrid power system. The representative models are PSA's hybrid C3 and Toyota's hybrid Vitz. Strictly speaking, this micro hybrid system vehicle does not belong to a real hybrid vehicle, because its motor does not provide continuous power for vehicle driving.
② Light hybrid system. The representative model is a general hybrid Pickup truck The light hybrid system can be controlled by the generator engine The start and stop of can also achieve: (1) absorb part of the energy under deceleration and braking conditions; (2) During driving, engine Constant speed operation, engine The energy generated can be adjusted between the driving demand of the wheel and the charging demand of the generator. The mixing degree of light hybrid power system is generally below 20%.
③ Medium hybrid system. Honda's hybrid Insight, Accord and Civic all belong to this system. The middle hybrid system uses High voltage motor In addition, the middle hybrid power system also adds a function: when the car is accelerating or under heavy load conditions, the motor can help drive the wheels, thus supplementing engine Its power output is insufficient, so as to better improve the performance of the whole vehicle. The mixing degree of this system is relatively high, which can reach about 30%. At present, the technology is mature and widely used.
④ It is a fully hybrid system. Toyota's Prius and future Estima are fully hybrid systems. The system adopts 272-650v high-voltage starting motor, with higher mixing degree. Compared with the middle hybrid system, the mixing degree of the full hybrid system can reach or even exceed 50%. The development of technology will make full hybrid power system gradually become the main development direction of hybrid power technology.

Historical development

Currently, fuel engine vehicles are widely used. Statistics show that under the road conditions accounting for more than 80%, an ordinary car only uses 40% of its power potential, which will drop to 25% in urban areas. What's more serious is the emission of exhaust gas to pollute the environment. Since the 1990s, countries around the world have made great efforts to improve environmental protection The voice of the growing, a variety of electric vehicles stand out. Although people generally believe that the future is the world of electric vehicles, battery technology problems hinder the application of electric vehicles. Since the energy density of battery is hundreds of times lower than that of gasoline, which is far from the value required by people, experts estimate that within 10 years, electric vehicles will not be able to replace fuel engine vehicles (unless Fuel cell technology There are major breakthroughs).
The reality has forced engineers to come up with a way to have the best of both worlds and develop a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). The so-called hybrid power device is to combine the motor and auxiliary power unit on a car as the driving force. The auxiliary power unit is actually a small fuel engine or power generator set. In a word, it is to make the traditional engine as small as possible, so that part of the power is borne by the battery motor system. The hybrid power device not only brings into play the advantages of long continuous working time of the engine and good power performance, but also brings into play the advantages of pollution-free and low noise of the motor.
In 2010, the world entered the era of automobile hybrid power. According to《 2013-2017 in-depth research and investment strategic planning analysis report of China's hybrid vehicle industry 》According to the data, from the first hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) in the world in 1997 (Toyota Prius) to the end of 2010, Toyota Motor The global cumulative sales of nearly 3 million vehicles, accounting for about 70% of the market share. Although HEV only accounts for about 3.7% of the global car sales, and the internal combustion engine will still be the main driving force of cars in the future market, governments of all countries have issued incentive policies to encourage and support the development of new energy vehicles, from Asia's neighboring Japan and South Korea to North America and Western European auto industry powers on the other side of the ocean.
The Chinese government has also spared no effort to encourage the restructuring and reform of the automobile industry, which has been included in the list of industries to be adjusted during the 12th Five Year Plan period. The Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2012-2020) launched by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has clearly encouraged the development of models with multiple technical routes. As one of the new energy vehicles, HEV is most likely to be large-scale and industrialized from the perspective of market and technology. It is predicted that in 2020, the global HEV market will account for 13% of the overall market (including 14 million plug-in HEVs), and EV will account for 2% (about 1.4 million vehicles). In 2015, it is estimated that the HEV market in China will reach 740000 vehicles, with a market growth rate of 18%, while government procurement and hybrid electric bus (HEB) will be the main consumer customers. At the same time, due to the existence of such negative factors as the disconnection of the automotive industry chain and the lack of core technology, China's HEV development will face both opportunities and challenges. The HEV market investment risk is still high, and the market valuation needs to be cautious!

Industry situation

Many automobile manufacturers in the market are engaged in the research, development and production of hybrid vehicles.
Hybrid electric vehicles in China are mainly concentrated in East China, North China and Central China. Hybrid electric vehicles in the above three regions account for 65.1% of the country, especially in East China, where hybrid electric vehicles account for 27.3% of the country. Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian provincial governments have introduced subsidies for hybrid electric vehicles, It has promoted the development of hybrid vehicles in East China. Hybrid vehicles in central China and southern China account for 22.9% and 14.9% respectively. Due to the backward economic development in western China, the development of hybrid vehicle industry here is relatively slow. However, as the country attaches importance to the western region, it continues to introduce relevant policies to speed up the economic development of the western region, and hybrid vehicles in the western region will also have good development space in the future.


① Compared with traditional vehicles, the internal combustion engine always works in the best condition, so the fuel consumption is very low.
② The internal combustion engine mainly works near the optimal operating point, with full combustion and clean exhaust gas; Start without idle speed (idle speed shutdown).
③ There is no need for an external charging system, and problems such as the driving range and infrastructure of a single charge have been solved.
④ The miniaturization of battery pack makes the cost and weight lower than that of electric vehicles.
⑤ The engine and motor power can complement each other; Motor can be used to drive at low speed.
At the current technical level and application conditions, hybrid electric vehicles are the most promising models for industrialization and marketization of electric vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicle uses internal combustion engine and motor as the hybrid power source. It not only has the advantages of good power performance, fast response and long working time of fuel engine, but also has the advantages of non pollution and low noise of motor, achieving the best match between engine and motor.

operation mode

Hybrid electric vehicle has two basic working modes, namely series, parallel and series parallel (or hybrid). The disadvantage of hybrid power driven vehicle is that it has two sets of power, plus two sets of power Management control system , complex structure, difficult technology and high price. Due to the promotion of the "New Generation Automobile Partnership" (PNGV) program, the three major automobile companies in the United States screen and compare hundreds of schemes for various unit technologies and their different organizations, and believe that the use of hybrid power is a feasible scheme to achieve the fuel consumption of intermediate cars of 3 liters per 100 km, which has attracted more attention. After years of research, Hybrid electric vehicle Some successful examples have been developed.

Country comparison

Hybrid car
In December 1997, a Japanese automobile company announced that the hybrid power Electric car Put into small batch commercial production, the weight of the car is 1515kg Overhead camshaft Four cylinder, 1500cc displacement gasoline engine, maximum power 42.6kW/4600r/min, with permanent magnet brushless generator, the drive motor is also permanent magnet brushless, and the rated power is 30kW Nickel hydrogen battery The series parallel control mode is realized, the fuel consumption per hundred kilometers is 4.5L, which is half of the original gasoline vehicle, and the CO2 emissions are also reduced by half. CO, HC, NOX are only 10% of the allowable values of the current laws and regulations, and the price of each vehicle is 2.16 million yen (about 15000 dollars). U.S.A In February 1998, an automobile company Detroit The second generation hybrid power electric car equipped with 1500cc direct injection Diesel engine With generator, using Lead acid battery , Communication Induction motor Drive, aluminum Frame , composite body, dead weight 1022kg, fuel consumption per 100km reduced to 3.4L. In 2000, some companies have developed sample vehicles whose fuel consumption has reached 3 liters of gasoline or nearly 3 liters per 100 km, but the price is still relatively expensive. [2]


Hybrid city bus
HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) - hybrid power device. Hybrid means Automobile use Petrol driven and Electric drive two types Drive mode The advantage is that when the vehicle starts and stops, it is driven only by the motor and does not reach a certain speed, engine It will not work, so it can keep the engine in the best working condition, with good power and low emissions electric energy All the sources of oil are engines, which only need to be refueled.
The key of hybrid electric vehicle is the hybrid power system, whose performance is directly related to the performance of the whole hybrid electric vehicle. After more than ten years of development, the hybrid power system assembly has developed from the original discrete structure of engine and motor to the integrated structure of engine, motor and gearbox, that is, the integrated hybrid power system. The hybrid power assembly is classified by power transmission line and can be divided into three types: series, parallel and parallel.

working principle

The power system of hybrid electric vehicle is mainly composed of control system, drive system, auxiliary power system and battery pack.
Taking series hybrid electric vehicle as an example, this paper introduces the working principle of hybrid electric vehicle.
At the beginning of driving, the battery is in a full state of charge, and its energy output can meet the requirements of the vehicle. The auxiliary power system does not need to work. When the battery power is lower than 60%, the auxiliary power system starts: when the vehicle energy demand is large, the auxiliary power system and Battery pack At the same time, it provides energy for the drive system; When the energy demand of the vehicle is small, the auxiliary power system provides energy for the drive system and also charges the battery pack. Due to the existence of the battery pack, the engine works in a relatively stable condition, and its emissions are improved.
The hybrid electric vehicle uses a smaller engine that can meet the cruising needs of the vehicle, and relies on the motor or other auxiliary devices to provide additional power required for acceleration and climbing. The result is improved overall efficiency without sacrificing performance. The hybrid vehicle is designed to recover braking energy. In traditional cars, when the driver steps on the brake, the energy that can be used to accelerate the car is thrown away as heat. Hybrid vehicles can recover most of this energy and temporarily store it for acceleration. When the driver wants the maximum acceleration, gasoline engine It works in parallel with the motor, providing starting performance comparable to that of a powerful gasoline engine. In situations where acceleration is not required, hybrid electric vehicles can be driven by the motor alone, or by the gasoline engine alone, or by a combination of the two to achieve maximum efficiency. For example, use a gasoline engine when cruising on the road. When driving at low speed, it can be driven by motor alone without the assistance of gasoline engine. Even when the engine is shut down, the electric power steering system can still maintain the control function, providing greater efficiency than the traditional hydraulic system.

Series type

The series power consists of three power assemblies: engine, generator and motor. They form the SHEV power unit system in series. The engine drives the generator to generate electricity controller It is delivered to the battery or motor, and the motor drives the car through the speed change mechanism. Under low load Battery driven Motor drive wheel Under heavy load, the engine drives the generator to generate electricity and drive the motor. When the vehicle is in starting, accelerating and climbing conditions, the engine, generator set and battery pack together provide electric energy to the motor; When Electric vehicle Under the working conditions of low speed, coasting and idle speed, the battery pack drives the motor. When the battery pack is out of power, the engine generator pack charges the battery pack. The series structure is suitable for frequent starting and low-speed operation in cities. The engine can be adjusted to operate stably near the optimal operating point. The purpose of adjusting the speed is achieved by adjusting the output of batteries and motors. The engine avoids idling and low-speed operation, thus improving the efficiency of the engine and reducing exhaust emissions. However, its disadvantage is that the energy is converted several times and the mechanical efficiency is low.


Hybrid electric vehicle
The engine and motor of the parallel device jointly drive the vehicle. The engine and motor belong to two sets of systems, which can independently Automotive power train Provide torque, which can be driven together or separately on different roads. When the vehicle accelerates to climb a slope, the motor and engine can simultaneously provide power to the transmission mechanism. Once the vehicle speed reaches the cruising speed, the vehicle will only rely on the engine to maintain the speed. Motor can be used as both motor and generator, which is also called motor generator set. Because there is no separate generator, the engine can drive the wheels directly through the transmission mechanism. This device is more similar to the traditional vehicle drive system, and the mechanical efficiency loss is similar to that of ordinary cars, so it is widely used.

Mixed type

The parallel connection device includes the characteristics of series connection and parallel connection. The power system includes engine, generator and motor. According to the different power assist devices, it can be divided into engine based and motor based. In the form of engine, the engine is the main power source and the motor is the auxiliary power source; In the form of motor, the engine is the auxiliary power source and the motor is the main power source. The advantage of this structure is that it is easy to control, while the disadvantage is that the structure is relatively complex.


Hybrid vehicle The game behind the standards is just beginning
Research and formulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Standards has been conducted by China Automotive Technology Research Center Assisted in sorting out, passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and reported to the main responsible person country The National Standards Management Committee of the weighing and measuring system is waiting for approval, and will introduce it at a certain date.
"The standard of hybrid electric vehicles is about to be released, which means that hybrid electric vehicles will soon be available for sale," Huang Yonghe, chief engineer of the Automotive Technology Information Institute of China Automotive Technology Research Center and director of the Automotive Industry Policy Research Office, told reporters recently.
The standard of hybrid electric vehicle is coming out soon, and the mass production research of hybrid electric vehicle in the enterprise is also in full swing.
According to the news from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the state will grant a special grant to Chang'an, which is mainly used for the research of self owned brand hybrid vehicles. Jiangling It will become a research base for hybrid vehicles.
"Our hybrid vehicle research is National 863 Program Part of the appropriation is affirmative.

Development status



The disclosure of hybrid technology concept and patent authorization was first realized in the National Patent Office of China. At the end of 1990s, the application and development of electric bicycle in China had just started. The bottleneck of electric vehicle technology was first exposed, that is, the battery energy is limited, resulting in extremely limited vehicle power and mileage. January 27, 1997 National Patent Office Accepted China's first relevant Hybrid vehicle Patent application for( Hybrid This Chinese term and technical concept were also used for the first time) and was authorized and published by the State Patent Office on July 7, 1998. Patent No( ninety-seven million two hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and forty-six ); Patent name( Internal combustion engine/battery hybrid Bicycle); Patentee( Luo Xian'an )。 Due to the constraints of China's economic development level and manufacturing conditions at that time, this new concept and technology had no chance to develop in China.
At present, all major automobile groups in China are conducting research and development of hybrid electric vehicles, most of which are hybrid electric buses. This research and development direction is in line with China's national conditions and is conducive to the research and development of electric vehicles in China. meanwhile, New energy vehicles As the main development direction of automobiles in the future, the country has always given support and encouragement. Such as《 Automobile industry development policy 》, the "Eleventh Five Year" Auto Industry Development Plan and other policies and documents are encouraged Clean the car The development of alternative fuels and automobile fuel saving technology.


Japanese hybrid car
From the perspective of the overall situation in the world, Japan is one of the few countries with the fastest development speed of electric vehicle technology, especially in the development of hybrid electric vehicles, Japan takes the lead in the world. There are only two Japanese automobile companies in the world that can produce and sell hybrid vehicles in batches. In December 1997, First launched the world's first batch production hybrid car in the Japanese market. By 2012, all its models will be equipped with hybrid engines. It has been in the forefront of the world in terms of achieving low energy consumption, low emissions and improved driving performance of the hybrid power system.


American hybrid car
The three major automobile companies in the United States have only produced and sold in small quantities Blade Electric Vehicles , while hybrid and Fuel cell electric vehicle It has not yet achieved industrialization, and Japan's hybrid electric vehicles occupy a leading position in the American market. US Department of Energy In 1993, it signed a hybrid electric vehicle development contract with three major automobile companies, carried out research and development work for five years, and in 1998 North America Sample cars were on display at the International Auto Show. On this basis, three hybrid concept vehicles have been launched. In 2004, the two companies announced that they would work together to promote the development of hybrid electric vehicles.

New standards

Huang Yonghe revealed that the standards for the whole hybrid vehicle are divided into six parts, including hybrid vehicle approval test procedures, hybrid vehicle power performance test methods, hybrid vehicle safety requirements, light hybrid vehicle pollutants, light hybrid vehicle energy consumption and hybrid heavy hybrid vehicle.
Among them, the first three are common standards for light vehicles and heavy vehicles: "safety requirements", "dynamic performance test methods" and "type approval test procedures". In addition, there are seven standards related to other aspects of hybrid vehicles.
More importantly, all the criteria are Recommended standards Besides the special technical requirements for specific components such as batteries, motors and electrical systems, other clauses are related to test methods and standards.
Some experts said that this is because the development of hybrid vehicles is at an early stage of development at home and abroad, far from being mature, and it is hard to formulate a standard.
The same is true. Take the world recognized most mature hybrid vehicle as an example. Although it was very popular after its launch in the United States, last Wednesday, it was reported that the United States government announced that the vehicle would face investigation due to a series of complaints against the engine users.
U.S.A National Highway The Safety Management Committee has received 33 complaints, involving items 04 and 05. The Commission said that it would assess the problems complained by users and that about 75000 vehicles might be affected.
It is even more difficult for China to establish rigid standards for hybrid vehicle research that started later. Therefore, the formulation of the standard was also very careful. The Ministry of Science and Technology has organized research on hybrid vehicles since the "Eighth Five Year Plan", and listed hybrid vehicles as a major 863 project during the "Tenth Five Year Plan".
The research on relevant standards has always been one of the key contents. National Automobile Standardization Technical Committee The standards were also reviewed three times in two years by the Sub Technical Committee on Electric Vehicles.

Standard fairness

Regarding the concerns of the industry, Huang Yonghe told reporters, "This standard guarantees fairness and will not favor any enterprise. There is no problem that the so-called Chinese standard is Toyota standard, which was previously feared by the industry."
The Automotive Technology Research Center has sent relevant meeting notices and materials to major domestic enterprises that have not participated in the research of hybrid power standards.
Before that, the draft standard also referred to the standards or specifications of international, regional and national industrial organizations such as International Standards (ISO), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulations (ECE), European Standards (EN), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Japan Electric Vehicle Society (JEVS), etc.
"Although these standards themselves are not perfect, and some are only drafts, in fact, they have greatly inspired the formulation of Chinese standards." A person familiar with the matter said that in terms of international cooperation and technology exchange, many Japanese, American and European enterprises and institutions are involved, rather than just one or two companies.
However, this arrangement does not allow everyone to feel balanced. "To be sure, not all enterprises actively participated in this matter," the insider told reporters. Therefore, it is unknowable which family will benefit or suffer.
This person analyzed that it is not difficult to keep the standard neutral because it does not involve patents. Because it does not involve patents, the standard is also painless and lacks the mandatory nature of the actual standard. "The standard seems too moderate. Try not to offend anyone. Therefore, subsequent amendments and modifications can be foreseen."

national policy

(1) Energy utilization environment
Different from western governments that first consider environmental protection, for the Chinese government, the development of new energy vehicles is more related to national oil security. With the increase of cars, the Chinese government is facing serious pressure of oil shortage. China's dependence on foreign oil has exceeded 50%, and this proportion is still growing. The development of electric vehicles is more urgent in China. Hybrid technology is more mature, and always needs to burn oil, while electric vehicles do not need to consume oil; Compared with oil supply, China's power supply is much better. Electric cars run in the daytime and charge at night, which can just calm the 1 billion degree peak to valley power difference in China every day. Some analysts believe that China's 1 billion degree peak to valley power difference every day can meet the charging requirements of 40 million electric vehicles.
(2) Specific policies of the Chinese government on hybrid power
In 2010, the Chinese government issued and implemented the Notice on Pilot Subsidy for Private Purchase of New Energy Vehicles, which did not include hybrid vehicles in the subsidy scope of new energy vehicles. The subsidy for pure electric vehicles and plug-in electric vehicles in the notice is up to 60000 yuan and 50000 yuan respectively, but Oil electric hybrid However, the products are classified as "energy-saving vehicles", and only 3000 yuan of financial subsidies are given.
(3) Policy analysis of the Chinese government
1. Technical factor analysis
(1) The core technology of global hybrid power is mainly mastered by two Japanese automobile companies. The hybrid electric vehicles of Japanese automobile companies have achieved technological stability and product industrialization, and the global ownership of hybrid electric vehicles alone has reached 3 million. However, the development of hybrid power by Chinese automobile enterprises will not be able to avoid the technical barriers of Japanese automobile enterprises. If a high subsidy is given to hybrid electric vehicles in the national subsidies for new energy vehicles, it is equivalent to a blood transfusion for Japanese cars, which the Chinese government would not like to see.
(2) Correspondingly, in the field of electric vehicles, China is no worse than foreign countries. According to a research report, in the field of traditional automobiles, China is decades behind western countries, but in the field of electric vehicles, China and foreign countries are on the same track. With China's huge market demand and low-cost advantages, China is likely to win the first chance in developing electric vehicles.
2. Cost factor analysis
Hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles have the problem of high cost, and it is difficult to promote them without government subsidies; However, the later cost of electric vehicles is far lower than that of hybrid vehicles. After the implementation of subsidies for electric vehicles, the purchase cost has dropped significantly. The fuel cost saved in a few years can make up for the higher vehicle price; along with Government subsidies With the implementation of policies and the acceleration of infrastructure construction such as charging stations, more and more consumers will buy electric vehicles.

Industry News

Hybrid electric vehicles should "draw a clear line" with the concept of new energy vehicles
In the early release of the new energy vehicle plan, hybrid vehicles were included in the management scope of new energy vehicles. However, hybrid vehicles were excluded from the scope of new energy vehicles in the energy conservation and new energy development plan issued by the state. Many people do not pay attention to this and still regard hybrid electric vehicles as new energy vehicles.
Hybrid vehicles do not need charging In the survey of consumers, we are often asked "Where do you charge?" This misreading makes us laugh and cry.
The so-called new energy should be the energy that has not been used by cars in the past, such as electric energy. From the perspective of energy use, "hybrid power" is not an "alternative energy", it is a new kind of energy Energy saving technology However, it is only a technical means to "collect and reuse the wasted energy" to achieve the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction. It is a technical means to extend the use time of traditional energy by reducing energy consumption. It cannot completely get rid of the dependence on traditional energy, and it is not an alternative energy. In particular, the current hybrid electric vehicles, mainly "oil electric hybrid", are still dependent on oil, but only reduce the use. To confuse the two is not conducive to the promotion of hybrid power.
Therefore, we should "draw a clear line" between hybrid power and new energy from the source, and "eliminate" hybrid vehicles from the range of new energy vehicles.
"Draw a clear line" does not mean that hybrid power is unimportant and has no future. On the contrary, because we can't see when new energy vehicles can be mass produced, nor can we see better products than hybrid vehicles, Therefore, before electric vehicles can be mass produced, hybrid vehicles should be widely promoted to solve the immediate energy and environmental problems.
Hybrid vehicles are interim Ideal
New energy vehicles are still in the research and development stage, and there are three major problems: first, the technology is not mature, and the key technologies have not passed the standard; Second, it is not convenient to supplement energy; Third, the cost is high, the price is expensive, and the purchase is uneconomical.
The situation of hybrid vehicles is quite different. Not only is the technology very mature, but also the performance is very reliable. Only one company in the world has sold more than 4.6 million vehicles, and it is very convenient to use. Drivers do not need to change any use habits; At the same time, the energy-saving effect is very significant, which not only reduces the oil consumption, but also reduces the number of refueling times. From the perspective of economic benefits and ease of use, it is a great good thing for the country and the people.
Economically, it is about 35000 yuan more expensive to buy a hybrid vehicle of the same level than a gasoline vehicle, but it does not require additional subsidies from the state. More than 70% of users can recover their investment in price difference by saving fuel costs during the service life, and at the same time get power improvement, that is, when they buy a hybrid vehicle with a 2.5 liter displacement, they enjoy a 3.0 liter displacement. Compared with cars with the same power output, it is cheaper to buy hybrid cars. Considering the economic benefits alone, it is worthwhile to buy a hybrid. In addition, it also brings dual social benefits of energy conservation and environmental protection.
In the long run, there is no disagreement in the industry on the general direction of electric vehicles replacing traditional internal combustion engines, but there are different opinions on how long different technical routes can last and what role they can play in each stage.
On the whole, the industry generally believes that electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles are long-term strategic goals, and the best choice during the transition period is hybrid vehicles. The degree of power mixing can be varied, and the fuel saving effect is also different. In my opinion, hybrid power is an insurmountable technology for a long time. It is the most mature and realistic energy-saving technology. Next is plug-in hybrid vehicles. Electric vehicles will take a long time to be widely used. In the future development process, there will be multiple power technologies in parallel, and consumers can get what they need according to different uses.
Hybrid vehicles do not need subsidies
A survey shows that if the price difference between hybrid vehicles and gasoline and pure gasoline models is about 40000 yuan, almost half of people will choose to buy hybrid vehicles.
Mixing hybrid electric vehicles with new energy vehicles is easy to make people see that new energy vehicles enjoy high subsidies from the state, and they will have a "comparison" mentality, hoping that hybrid electric vehicles can also receive high subsidies from the state. This "comparison" mentality is incorrect, because the cost of electric vehicles remains high, and it is difficult to develop without high subsidies. The subsidy policy for new energy is correct. Hybrid vehicles themselves have achieved "saving money" and have good economic results without subsidies.
From the functional point of view, new energy vehicles are the solution to the problem of no oil for vehicles and the problem of long-term development in the future; Hybrid electric vehicle is to solve the problem of fuel economy, and it is the current practical problem. Of course, it has extended the use time of oil and created more time space for solving the long-term development in the future. For example, the oil that used to be only enough for 50 years can be used for 100 years or even 200 years through energy-saving technology. In short, one focuses on the future and the other is based on the current. The two complement each other and are not contradictory. It is more conducive to concentrate on the development of new energy vehicles to "eliminate" hybrid power from new energy sources.
In 2021, the global sales volume of electric vehicles will double to 4.6 million, surpassing hybrid vehicles for the first time. In 2021, the global sales volume of electric vehicles will increase to 2.2 times that of 2020, while the sales volume of hybrid vehicles will increase by 35% to about 3.1 million vehicles. Since 2019, the global sales of electric vehicles have almost tripled, while the sales of hybrid vehicles have increased by about 30%. [3]