Liquid crystal display

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synonym LCD TV (LCD TV) generally refers to LCD
LCD is a kind of Thin film transistor Driven Active matrix Liquid crystal display, which mainly uses current to stimulate liquid crystal molecules to generate points, lines and surfaces to form a picture with the back lamp. IPS TFT 、S LCD All belong to the subcategory of LCD. [1] Its working principle is that under the action of electric field, the arrangement direction of liquid crystal molecules changes to make the external light source Transmittance Change (modulation), complete electric optical conversion, and then use R, G, B Tricolor Different excitations of signals, through the three primary colors of red, green and blue Filter film , complete time domain and Spatial domain The color of is redisplayed. [1]
Chinese name
Liquid crystal display
Foreign name
Liquid Crystal Display
LCD panel, backlight module
power waste Low, thin and space saving
Electronic technology products
technical parameter
Resolution, brightness, etc


Liquid crystal display
LCD Liquid Crystal Display may not be a new term for many users, but the history of this technology may be far beyond our imagination. As early as the end of the 19th century, Austria botanist Liquid crystal, that is, liquid crystal That is to say, a substance has the fluidity of liquid and some arrangement characteristics similar to crystals at the same time. Under the action of electric field, the arrangement of liquid crystal molecules will change, thus affecting its optical properties. This phenomenon is called Electro-optic effect Using the electro-optic effect of liquid crystal, British scientists made the first liquid crystal display, namely LCD, in the last century. [2]
The first liquid crystal display device in the world appeared in the early 1970s, which is called TN-LCD (twisted nematic) liquid crystal display. Although Monochrome display , it is still extended to Electronic watch , calculators, etc. [2]

Basic structure


LCD panel

LCD panel include Polarizing film Glass substrate , black matrix Color filter , protective film, ordinary electrode, calibration layer, liquid crystal layer (liquid crystal, spacer sealant ), capacitance, display electrode, prism layer astigmatism Layer. [3]
Sectional structure diagram of TFT-LCD panel
Polarizing film also called Polarizer ( Polarizer )The polarizer is divided into an upper polarizer and a lower polarizer. The polarization functions of the upper and lower polarizers are perpendicular to each other and act like a fence. The light wave components are blocked as required, for example, the light wave components perpendicular to the fence of the polarizer are blocked, and only the light wave components parallel to the fence are allowed to pass through. [3]
Glass substrate (Glass Substrate) in LCD can be divided into upper substrate and lower substrate, whose main function is to clamp the space between the two substrates Liquid crystal materials The glass substrate is generally made of Mechanical properties Excellent, heat resistant and resistant Chemical corrosion Alkali free Borosilicate glass about TFT -For LCD, one layer of glass substrate is distributed with TFT, and the other layer of glass substrate is deposited Color filter [3]
Black Matrix is used to separate red, green and blue in the color filter with the help of materials with high shading performance Tricolor (to prevent color confusion), prevent light leakage, so as to improve the Color block Contrast of. In addition, in TFT-LCD, the black matrix can also mask the internal electrode wiring or Thin film transistor [3]
Color filter (Color Filter) Color filter Film, which is used to generate three basic colors of red, green and blue, and realize the full range of LCD Color display [3]
Orientation film (Alignment Layer), also known as alignment film or directional layer, is used to enable liquid crystal molecules to achieve uniform alignment and orientation on the level of micro size. [3]
Transparent electrode is divided into public electrode and pixel electrode, Input signal The voltage is loaded between the pixel electrode and the common electrode. Transparent electrodes are usually deposited on glass substrates Indium tin oxide (ITO) material constitutes a transparent conductive layer. [3]
Liquid crystal materials Liquid Crystal Material plays a similar role in LCD Light valve Can control the light and shade of the transmitted light, so as to information display The effect of. [3]
Thin film transistor
Drive IC is actually a set Integrated circuit chip The device is used to adjust and control the phase, peak value, frequency, etc. of the potential signal on the transparent electrode, establish the driving electric field, and finally realize the information display of the liquid crystal. [3]
stay LCD panel Medium, Active matrix LCD It's at two Glass substrate It is composed of twisted nematic (TN) liquid crystal material sealed between. The upper glass substrate close to the display screen is deposited with red, green and blue( RGB )Three color filter (or color filter film), black matrix and public transparent electrode. The lower glass base plate (the base plate far from the display screen) is equipped with Thin film transistor (TFT) devices Transparent pixels Electrode, storage capacitance, grid line The signal line Etc. An alignment film (or alignment layer) is prepared on the inner side of the two glass substrates to orient the liquid crystal molecules. Liquid crystal material is poured between two glass substrates to disperse Gasket (Spacer) to ensure Uniformity The four sides are bonded with the aid of the frame sealing glue to play a sealing role; Make the upper and lower glass substrates common by means of silver dot adhesive process Electrode connection [3]
Up and down Glass substrate On the outside of the Polarization Film (or polarizing film). When a voltage is applied between the pixel transparent electrode and the public transparent electrode, the arrangement state of liquid crystal molecules will change. At this point, incident light The intensity of liquid crystal transmission also changes accordingly. LCD display is based on Liquid crystal materials Of optical rotation With the control of electric field, information display can be realized. [3]

Backlight module

Backlight module
LCD product is a non Active lighting electronic device , does not have luminous characteristics, must rely on Backlight module Can only be obtained by the emission of light source in Display performance Therefore, the brightness of LCD is determined by its backlight module. It can be seen that the performance of backlight module directly affects LCD panel Display quality of. [3]
Backlight module include Lighting source , reflector plate Light guide plate Diffuser Brightening film ( Prismatic sheet )And frame, etc. The backlight module used by LCD can be mainly divided into side light backlight module and Direct backlight There are two types of modules. Mobile phones Notebook computer And monitor (15 inch) mainly uses side light backlight module, while LCD TVs mostly use direct backlight module light source. Backlight module light source, mainly Cold cathode fluorescent lamp (Cold CathodeFluorescent Lamp, CCFL )And light-emitting diode (LED) light source is LCD Backlight [3]
Reflector Sheet Reflector The main function is to completely send the light from the light source to the light guide plate, so as to reduce the useless consumption as far as possible. [3]
Light guide plate (Light Guide Plate) is mainly used to guide the light emitted by the side light source to the front of the panel. [3]
Prismatic sheet Prism Film, also known as Brightness Enhancement Film, is mainly used to refract and total reflection , focus on a certain angle, and then emit from the backlight to achieve the screen brightening display effect. [3]
Diffuser ( Diffuser )The main function is to correct the side light of the backlight module to be uniform Area light source To achieve the effect of optical diffusion. The diffuser can be divided into upper diffuser and lower diffuser. The upper diffuser is located between the prism and the liquid crystal module, which is closer to the display panel. The lower diffuser is located between the light guide plate and the prism, which is closer to the backlight. [3]

working principle

Liquid crystal display
LCD is a kind of display made of liquid crystal. Liquid crystal is a kind of liquid crystal between solid and liquid Organic compound At room temperature, it shows both liquid fluidity and crystal Optical anisotropy When heated, it will become transparent liquid, and when cooled, it will become crystalline turbid solid. [3]
Under the action of electric field, the arrangement of liquid crystal molecules will change, thus affecting incident light The beam passes through the liquid crystal to produce a change in intensity light intensity Changes, further through Polarizer The effect of light and shade is reflected in the change of light and shade. According to this, by controlling the electric field of the liquid crystal, the change of light and shade can be achieved, so as to achieve the purpose of information display. Therefore, Liquid crystal materials Its function is similar to small "light valves". [3]
Because there are control circuits and drive circuit When the electrode in the LCD generates an electric field, the liquid crystal molecule will be twisted, so that the light passing through it will be refracted regularly (the optical rotation of the liquid crystal material), and then filtered by the second layer of polarizer and displayed on the screen.
It is worth pointing out that, Liquid crystal materials Because it does not emit light, LCD usually needs to configure additional light sources for the display panel. The main light source system is called“ Backlight module ”, where, Backlight panel It is composed of fluorescent materials, which can emit light, and its main function is to provide a uniform backlight. [3]

Monochrome display

LCD technology is to pour liquid crystal between two planes with thin grooves. The slots in these two planes are perpendicular to each other (intersecting at 90 degrees). In other words, if the molecules on one plane are arranged in north-south direction, the molecules on the other plane are arranged in east-west direction, and the molecules between the two planes are forced into a 90 degree torsion state. Since the light travels along the arrangement direction of molecules, the light is also twisted 90 degrees when passing through the liquid crystal. When a voltage is applied to the liquid crystal, the liquid crystal molecule will rotate to change the light transmittance, thus realizing Gray scale Display. [3]
LCD usually consists of two mutually perpendicular polarizers. Polarizer Its function is like a fence, blocking light wave components as required. For example, the light wave component perpendicular to the fence of the polarizer is blocked, and only the light wave component parallel to the fence is allowed to pass through. Natural light is randomly scattered in all directions. Two mutually perpendicular polarizers should normally block all natural light trying to penetrate. However, since the two polarizers are full of twisted liquid crystals, the light will be twisted 90 degrees by the liquid crystal molecules after passing through the first polarizer, and finally pass through the second polarizer. [3]

Color display

For laptop or desktop LCD, more complex color displays are required. [3]
As far as color LCD is concerned, it is also required to have colors specially used for color display Filter layer , which is called "color" filter (Color Filter), also known as "color filter". In the color LCD panel, each pixel is usually composed of three liquid crystals Cell Each cell has a red, green or blue (RGB) three color filter in front of it. In this way, light passing through different cells can display different colors on the screen. [3]
colour filter Black matrix and public transparent electrode are generally deposited in front of the display screen Glass substrate On. Color LCD can create colorful pictures in a high-resolution environment. [3]

Dynamic image display

human beings Visual organ (Eyes) 'perception of dynamic images“ Visual vestige ”The phenomenon of high speed movement in the human brain China Council Form a short impression. The principle of "visual vestige" has been applied in early cartoons, films and the latest game programs, so that a series of gradual images can be displayed in front of people quickly and continuously, forming dynamic images. [3]
When the speed of multiple images exceeds 24 frames/s, people's eyes will feel continuous images. This is also the reason why the movie plays at 24 frames per second. If the display speed is lower than this standard, people will obviously feel the pause and discomfort of the picture. According to this indicator, the display time of each screen should be less than 40ms. High definition display of fast moving pictures, general image Movement speed More than 60 frames/s. That is to say, the interval time of each frame of the active screen is 16.67ms. [3]
If the response time of the LCD is greater than the interval time of each frame of the picture, people will feel that the picture is somewhat blurred when watching the fast moving image. response time It is a special indicator of LCD. The response time of LCD refers to the response speed of each pixel of the display to the input signal, that is, the LCD is composed of“ Dark rotation Light or from "light to dark" reaction time The smaller the value, the better. The response time is fast enough to ensure the continuity of the picture. If the response time is too long, the LCD may display dynamic image There is a feeling of tail shadow dragging. The response time of LCD is generally 2-5ms. [3]

TFT drive

TFT-LCD structure diagram
TFT means LCD panel On glass substrate transistor Array, so that each LCD pixel has its own Semiconductor switch Each pixel can control two pieces through dot pulse Glass substrate The liquid crystal between the Active Switch to achieve independent and precise control of each pixel "point-to-point". Therefore, each node of the pixel is relatively independent and can Continuous control [3]
TFT type LCD is mainly composed of Glass substrate , grid, drain Source pole , semiconductor active layer (a-Si), etc. [4]
TFT arrays are generally associated with transparent pixel electrodes, storage capacitors, grid lines The signal line And co deposited on the rear glass substrate of the display screen (the substrate far away from the display screen). The configuration of such a transistor array is helpful to improve LCD Of reaction rate In addition, it can also control the display grayscale to ensure that the LCD image color is more realistic and the picture quality is more pleasing to the eye. Therefore, most LCDs, LCD TVs and some mobile phones are driven by TFT, whether they are small and medium-sized LCDs with narrow viewing angle twisted nematic (TN) mode or parallel arrays with wide viewing angle( IPS ) Isomode Large scale liquid crystal televisions (LCD-TV), commonly known as“ TFT—LCD ”。 [3]


IPS screen (In-Plane Switching, Planar transformation )Technology is Hitachi LCD panel technology introduced in 2001, commonly known as "Super TFT". IPS screen is a technology based on TFT. Its essence is TFT screen IPS solves the viewing angle problem by making the molecules have the same apparent length in all directions. [5]
IPS hard screen The reason why it has clear and ultra stable dynamic display The effect depends on its innovative horizontal transformation Molecular arrangement , changed VA Soft screen The molecules are arranged vertically, so it has a more solid and stable liquid crystal structure. Not in the superficial sense, Hard screen Is in LCD panel Add a hard protective film to avoid LCD screen Subject to external hard objects Stab wound [5]


S-LCD panel is PVA Panel, Samsung Main PVA mode Wide perspective S - LCD panel adopts PVA technology, which adopts transparent ITO electrode layer, so its higher Opening ratio Better than MVA Brightness output; PVA technology also has a high contrast capability of 500:1 and a primary color display capability of up to 70%. [6]

technical parameter



The maximum brightness of a liquid crystal display is usually determined by Backlight To decide that it is technically achievable High brightness , but this does not mean that the brightness value increases Gaoyue Good, because the display with too high brightness may cause eye injury to the viewer. LCD is a kind of substance between solid and liquid, which cannot emit light itself. It needs additional light sources. Therefore, the number of lamps is related to the brightness of the LCD. [7]

resolving power

Resolution refers to the number of display pixels per unit area. LCD Physical resolution Is fixed for CRT display As long as the adjustment electron beam Of Deflection voltage , you can change different resolutions. However, it is much more complicated to implement in LCD, and the display effect must be simulated through calculation. The actual resolution is unchanged. Since not all pixels are magnified at the same time, there is a scaling error. When LCD is used in non Standard resolution The text display effect will become worse, and the edge of the text will be blurred. [7]


LCD is important, of course, color Performance We know that any color in nature is composed of red, green and blue Basic color Composed of. For example, the LCD panel with a resolution of 1024 × 768 is composed of 1024 × 768 pixels, and each independent pixel color is controlled by three basic colors: red, green, and blue (R, G, B). For LCD monitors produced by most manufacturers, each basic color (R, G, B) reaches 6 bits, that is, 64 expressiveness, so each independent pixel has 64 × 64 × 64=262144 colors. Many manufacturers also use the so-called FRC (Frame Rate Control) technology to display full-color pictures in a simulation way, that is, each basic color (R, G, B) can reach 8 bits, that is, 256 kinds of expressiveness, so each independent pixel has up to 256 × 256 × 256=16777216 colors. [7]

contrast ratio

contrast ratio It is the ratio that defines the maximum brightness value (all white) divided by the minimum brightness value (all black). Control IC filter and Directional membrane And other accessories related to the contrast of the panel. [7]

response time

response time It refers to the LCD display for Input signal Of reaction rate , that is, the liquid crystal turns from dark to bright or from bright to dark reaction time , usually in milliseconds. Of course, the smaller the value, the better. If the response time is too long, the LCD may display dynamic image There is a feeling of tail shadow dragging. [7]

viewing angle

LCD viewing angle Symmetric from left to right, but not necessarily from top to bottom. For example, when the backlight incident light Through polarizing plate, liquid crystal and Orientation film After that, the output light has a specific Directional characteristic In other words, most of the light emitted from the screen has a vertical direction. If we look at an all white picture from a very oblique angle, we may see black or color distortion. Generally speaking, the upper and lower angles should be less than or equal to the left and right angles. If the viewing angle is 80 degrees from left to right, it means that normal The screen image can be clearly seen at 80 degrees. However, due to different vision ranges, if you do not stand in the best visual angle, the color and brightness you see will have errors. [7]

visible area

The size indicated by the LCD is consistent with the actual screen range. For example, a 15.1-inch LCD display Approximately equal to The visual range of the 17 inch CRT screen. [7]

Advantages and disadvantages



The main principle of the liquid crystal display is to stimulate liquid crystal molecules to generate points, lines and surfaces with the back lamp to form a picture. It has the following four characteristics: [8]
(1) Thin body, space saving, and relatively bulky CRT display In contrast, LCD only needs one third of the space of the former; [8]
(2) It saves electricity and does not generate high temperature. It is a low power consumption product, which can completely avoid scalding compared with CRT displays; [8]
(3) No radiation, good for health, LCD is completely radiation free; [8]
(4) The screen is soft and does not hurt the eyes. Unlike CRT technology, the LCD screen does not flicker, which can reduce the damage to the eyes caused by the display. The eyes are not easily tired. [8]


(1) Small visual deflection angle;
(2) Easy to produce images Tailing phenomenon (e.g mouse pointer Rapid shaking), which is because most ordinary LCD screens are 60Hz (60 frames per second), but this problem mainly occurs in games when LCD displays were just popular (i.e“ Picture tearing ”);
(3) Brightness and contrast ratio Not so well;
(4) Liquid crystal“ Bad spot ”Problems;
(5) Limited life; [9]
(6) When the resolution is lower than the default resolution of the display, the picture will be very blurred;
(7) When the resolution is greater than the default resolution of the display (it needs to be set by the software), the color at the details will be lost. [10]

Maintenance knowledge


Safe cleaning

If the display Screen panel There is dust on it, and it should be operated under the advice of professional maintenance personnel. Individuals should not look for a piece at random Duster cloth , or something rough, because it is easy to damage the LCD screen due to improper personal operation. The correct wiping method should select a clean and soft cloth to wipe, so that the display screen panel will not be damaged. Do not put water or Cleaning agent Spray directly on the screen, dip a little special detergent on the soft cloth, and gently wipe the screen, which avoids short circuit caused by detergent flowing into the screen. When wiping the screen panel of the display, be careful not to use hard objects to touch and scratch the panel. Do not let any liquid enter the gap at the boundary of the display. There are many examples of damage to the display caused by liquid accidentally entering the gap. [11]
It is recommended that when cleaning, after 20 minutes of physical separation of power and data lines, the display should be placed horizontally (to avoid liquid flowing into the gap due to gravity). After slightly wetting the screen wiping cloth, pay attention to the boundary when gently wiping, and never spray detergent or water directly onto the screen (to avoid liquid flowing into the gap due to gravity). When the liquid evaporates, it can be used later. [11]

Avoid water ingress

Never let anything with moisture enter the LCD. Of course, once this happens, don't panic. If you find that there is only fog on the screen surface before starting up, just wipe it off with a soft cloth. If the moisture has entered the LCD, put the LCD in a ventilated and dry place, and gradually evaporate the moisture inside. If the screen is "flooded" seriously, It is better for ordinary users to call the service provider for help, because serious moisture will damage the components of the LCD, cause corrosion of the LCD electrode Permanent Damage. In addition, you should also try to avoid using LCD monitors in humid environments. [11]

Avoid bumping

The LCD display is fragile, so you should be careful not to be "bruised" by other devices during normal use. When using the cleaner, pay attention not to spray the cleaner directly on the screen. It may flow into the screen and cause a short circuit. The correct way is to use a soft cloth to stick the cleaner on the screen and gently wipe the screen. Remember, the ability of the LCD to resist "impact" is very small crystal And sensitive Electrical components It will be damaged when being hit, so please do not hit sharp objects. [11]

Time work

The pixels of the LCD are composed of many liquid crystals. If the LCD is used continuously for a long time, the crystals will age or burn out. Once the damage occurs, it is permanent and irreparable. Generally, do not keep the LCD on for a long time (more than 72 consecutive hours). If not in use, turn off the LCD. [11]
LCD overload mainly includes the following points:
(1) Long time work;
(2) High brightness
(3) Inattention Turn off the power supply;
(4) Display a fixed content continuously for a long time. [11]
Protective measures:
(1) Let the LCD display a full white screen content;
(2) Connect the LCD display brightness Reduce to a darker level;
(3) Often with different time interval Change the display content on the LCD screen;
(4) Please turn off the monitor when you are free. [11]

Air requirements

Generally, when the humidity is kept between 30% and 80%, the display can work normally, but once the indoor humidity is higher than 80%, condensation will occur inside the display. Its internal Power transformer It is also easy to generate electric leakage when other coils are affected with damp, which may even cause short circuit of wiring. Therefore, the LCD display must be protected from moisture. The display that has not been used for a long time can be powered on regularly for a period of time, so that the heat generated by the display during operation can drive out the moisture in the machine. [11]

Faults and maintenance


White screen

White screen
The white screen is caused by the normal backlight and the screen does not correctly receive the signal sent from the main board, which indicates that the high-voltage part is good, and the white screen is caused by the T-CON board on the upper part of the LCD screen stops working or works abnormally. It may be caused by the relevant fault of the circuit on the drive board that supplies power to the LCD T-CON board (the voltage is generally 5V, and a few LCD screens use 12V or 3.3V power supply) or the main chip and MCU Poor or damaged characteristics. There are chips that have been written into various types of MCU programs on the market. As long as the chip on the original main control board is removed and the new chip with the program printed is replaced, this fault can be solved. [8]

Black screen

During actual maintenance Black screen The black screen can be divided into three types: power light flashing, permanently on or off. [8]
(1) The LCD power light flashes. The power light flashes during maintenance High pressure plate The rear switch tube is short circuited, and when the LCD drive board sends out a signal to open the high-voltage board control voltage Then, the boost circuit began to work, but one or a pair of switch tubes were short circuited to the ground, and the main power supply was pulled down, which led to the power supply of the LCD driver board being pulled down. When the power supply of the LCD board was abnormal, the start signal of the high-voltage board was immediately canceled, Power supply board The voltage output returns to normal again, so the power light turns on again and again Once out The fault can be solved by replacing the corresponding faulty element. [8]
(2) The LCD power light is on for a long time, which can confirm that the power supply is normal, mainly high voltage Inverter circuit Final stage or power supply stage element Calorific value Large, caused by long-term work Faulty soldering Caused by; The most likely fault of this circuit is the booster coil, which is generally due to poor contact Key inspection This circuit. [8]
(3) The LCD power light does not light up. If the power light does not light up, the power part should be checked, mainly to check whether the 12V and 5V voltages are normal. If the power light does not light up, the 12V and 5V voltages should not be output. The key point should be to check whether the switch tube is thermal stability Poor, or Base Whether there is faulty soldering and capacitance swelling Phenomenon, in addition PWM The pulse width modulation integrated controller used in the single chip switching power supply of SG6841, UC3842 UC3843 Same failure rate Higher components. [8]

Backlight fault

In addition to the above fault phenomena, the LCD Backlight Faults are also common, mainly manifested as aging and complete damage, that is, no light. After the backlight is aged, you can see the image yellowing, and adjust the color temperature and white balance None of them can be solved very well. At the same time, the brightness of the screen is adjusted to the maximum, and it is difficult to meet the use requirements. This reminds you that it is time to change the light. [8]
After the display with single lamp tube structure is damaged, turn it on in daylight Downward squint On the screen, you can see dim graphic display. New multi lamp display shows image brightness after a lamp is damaged Uneven For example, the upper part is dimmer, which means that the upper lamp tube is damaged. Touch the position of the display lamp tube Temperature contrast It can also be used to judge whether the light tube is damaged, and the normal display screen light tube position temperature should be consistent. But because New display Most have high pressure balance protection circuit As a result, the damage of a light tube is often not caused by uneven brightness, but by the failure of the display to turn on or the black screen after turning on, which depends on the specific display circuit. [8]