
Greek mythological figures
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Helen is Ancient Greek mythology The third generation king of gods in China Zeus Follow Leda Daughter born to her stepfather Sparta King Tyndareus grew up in his palace. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. When she was born, God gave her the ability to imitate the voice of any woman. When she grew up, she and the prince of Troy Paris Elopement has triggered a decade long Troy War
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ancient Greek: Ἑ λ έ νη, Hel é n e, English: Helen of Troy
family background
Zeus Daughter born to Leda
The most beautiful woman in the world
Mythological system

Story summary

Helen is Zeus Follow Leda Daughter born to her stepfather Sparta King Tyndareus grew up in his palace. Theseus And Piritous on an expedition to Sparta Temple of Artemis I saw her dancing. Both of them could not resist the desire of love, so they boldly broke into the temple, took her away, and took her to Tegah in Agadia. They draw lots here to decide who Helen belongs to. The two people made an appointment. Those who won the lottery must help those who didn't win to grab another beauty. As a result, Theseus won the lottery. He took Helen to Afdena in the Attica area. Her mother, Etra, took care of Helen and asked a friend to protect her. Then he and his friends planned to take a great and amazing adventure. After losing Helen, Piritous decided to kidnap Hades from the underworld Hades 's wife Persephone And take her for comfort. But their plan was a complete failure. The two were detained by Hades in the dungeon forever. Heracles tried to save them both, but only Theseus was saved.
When Theseus was imprisoned in Hades' dungeon, two of Helen's brothers, Castor and Plutus, came Athens They politely asked for Helen's return. But the Athenians said that the young princess was not in Athens and did not know where Theseus had hidden her. The brothers were furious and threatened to use force. The Athenians were very afraid. One of them was named Arcatomus. He knew the secret of Theseus, so he told them that Helen was hiding in Aphedena. Castor and Polydicus immediately besieged the city and soon captured it.
At the same time, something bad happened to Theseus in Athens. Eriktus Menasys, the grandson of Menasys, established himself as the leader of the people. He wanted to usurp the throne, so he bewitched the nobles in the city, saying that the king let them move from the countryside to the city. In fact, he controlled them and enslaved them. He did not Free people He said that they abandoned the temples and gods in the countryside, no longer depended on the local nobles, but obeyed a tyrant from other places, so as to incite the people to be dissatisfied with the king. Aphedena was captured by the clansmen of Tindareus, and the Athenians were frightened. Menatus took advantage of the panic of the people to persuade the residents to open the city gate for Tindareus' two sons and greet them friendly into the city, because Castor and Polydicus only opposed Theseus to take their sister away. The facts also proved what Menasys said. Although those foreign soldiers rushed in through the open gate and controlled all the areas in the city, they did not hurt anyone. They rescued Helen, left Athens and returned to her hometown under the escort of citizens.
When Helen grew up, she became more attractive and attracted many suitors because she was afraid that the final choice of a son-in-law would offend so many suitors. Her father, King Tyndareus of Sparta, made all suitors swear in public to form an alliance with the lucky groom in the future, They are jointly opposed to any suitor who tries to harm the king because he is dissatisfied with the marriage. Later, he chose Menelaos Menelaus was Agamemnon's brother and King of the Argos. After he married Helen, he also inherited the royal power of Sparta. Helen also gave birth to a daughter named Hermione for Menelaus.
Coincident with the King of Troy Priam Entrusted a task to the prince Paris , let him go to Salamis to take back the king's sister, the monarchess of Salamis Hesione Paris led a large group of soldiers to Sisera Island. Paris received Aphrodite At the instigation of, he took a boat to Sparta to find Helen. Another son of Priam, the prophet Helenus, warned Paris, but he ignored him. He came Laconia (Laconia) and his friends Aeneas (Aeneas) went ashore to visit Menelaus, the king of Sparta, as a guest. Paris and Helen had exchanged feelings at the banquet. A few days later, Menelaus said he would arrive Crete (Crete), tell Helen to treat the guests well before leaving. Once Menelaus left, Paris instigated Helen to leave her husband and go to Troy with him. Helen abandoned everything for love, including her daughter Hermione. On the way back, Nereus, the sea god, suddenly stopped the boat and told them to pay the price, but Aphrodite Comfort them. Three days later, they returned to Troy. In order to recapture Helen, the Greek army crossed the channel Troy Tightly surround.
One day when Helen was quietly weaving her experience into a golden carpet, someone asked her to watch the duel between Menelaus and Paris on the city of Troy. Menelaus was determined to kill Paris. Sitting Priam Next to the king, she told the leader of the Greek side to the king. When she saw the figure of her ex husband under the city wall, tears of love filled her eyes. After Paris fled the battlefield after the defeat, she felt both love and contempt. She encouraged Hager and Paris to go to the battlefield again, and sincerely mourned for the death of the real hero Hager. But when Odysseus and Diomedes stole the statue of Athena in disguise, she did her best to help them. After Paris died in the war, she became the wife of another son of King Priam. [1]
At the same time, Menelaus anxiously searched for Helen in the destroyed Troy Palace. Eros Aphrodite It makes Helen more beautiful. As a result, when Menelaus finally found Helen trembling in the corner, he was reluctant to thrust his sword into her charming face. In his heart, he was secretly happy to take back Helen. Helen followed Menelaus through the ruins of Troy, and she felt deeply ashamed of her unclean behavior. She shuddered at the thought of her fate in the Greek military camp.
Her beauty saved her again. No one has the heart to stab the sword at the enchanting and charming woman. In the tent of Menelaus, Helen knelt at the foot of the Spartan king and begged for forgiveness. Menelaus was deeply moved when he saw the situation before him. He helped Helen to forget everything in the past. When Menelaus picked her up, Helen's eyes shed tears of happiness and sadness. They fell in love as before and disappeared together in the far west.

Personal life

Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and her stepfather was King Tyndareus of Sparta.