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Humboldt Sea

A lunar sea located in the Humboldt Basin on the northeast edge of the moon
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Humboldt Sea“ Alexander von Humboldt The sea ") is located in the Humboldt Basin Moon Sea , facing the east of the Cold Sea. It is located in Moon Northeast edge and extends to Back of the Moon Because of its position, the visibility of this feature is affected by the moon Libration The influence of vibration, sometimes from earth It can be observed on the.
Chinese name
Humboldt Sea
Foreign name
Mare Humboldtianum
geographical position
Moon Northeast edge and extends to Back of the Moon
hóng bǎo hǎi
The basin was formed in Nectarian On behalf of Late Yuhai The basin was covered by lava. The gray area brighter than the dark lunar sea stratum in the southeast is the hilly area of Humboldt Basin, which forms a mountain range along the edge of the basin and can be seen under oblique light.
The Yuehai Lunar coordinates It is 56.8 ° N and 81.5 ° E E, with a diameter of 273 km, but the basin extends beyond 600 km in diameter. tremendous Belikovich Crater Located in the northwest of Humboldt Sea Lava Packed satellite pit“ Belikovic A "Then span Belikovich Crater And part of the moon sea surface.
In the center of Humboldt Basin Mass tumor Or gravity field, this mass tumor was first Lunar Prospector The ship's Doppler tracker detected it.
This month table feature is Germany astronomer John Heinrich von Madler with Germany naturalist Go!Explore " Alexander von Humboldt "This is one of the only two lunar seas on the moon named after a person, and the other is Mare Smythii ( britain astronomer William Henry Smyth Is located on the eastern edge of the moon.