
[mǎ líng shǔ]
Solanaceae Solanaceae
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synonym Potato (Potato) generally refers to potato (Solanaceae and Solanaceae)
Potatoes( Solanum tuberosum 50. ) is an annual of Solanaceae herb The overground stems are rhombic and hairy. GM potato: smooth surface. [18] The potato leaves are simple at the beginning, and gradually grow into odd unequal pinnate compound leaves with alternate sizes, which are oval to oblong; The corymb grows at the top, and the flowers are white or blue purple; The fruit is a berry; Tuber oblate or spherical, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; Potato skin white, light red or purple; Potato meat has white, light yellow, yellow and other colors. Flowering in summer. Potato is similar to Ma Lingdang It gets its name. [19] Potato is also called potato in English.
Potato is native to the tropics America From the 16th century India , and then to China , now widely planted in temperate regions of the world. Potatoes like cold, cool and dry climate and have strong adaptability. They are suitable for loose and fertile sandy soil, with short growth cycle and high yield. [11] Because seed reproduction will lead to character separation, asexual tuber reproduction is the most common way of potato reproduction.
Potatoes are sweet and mild in nature. It belongs to the stomach and large intestine meridians. It is beneficial to qi, spleen, stomach Detoxification , detumescence, etc. The green skin or sprouted potatoes contain too much Solanine , poisonous and inedible. [12] Compendium of Materia Medica 》It is recorded in that potato can cure spleen and stomach deficiency cold, shortness of breath and fatigue after disease. Potato tubers contain a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, which can prevent scurvy and stimulate hematopoietic function; inorganic salt It is an indispensable element for human health and infant development, which is conducive to protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and promoting overall health. [13] Potato, with multiple characteristics of food, vegetables and fruits, is one of the important food varieties in many countries in the world. It is listed among the seven major food crops, ranking second only to rice Corn and Wheat [14]
Chinese name
Latin name
Solanum tuberosum L. [15]
Ground egg Yam bean Yam egg potato potato Potato potato Potato
Named by and date

History of botany


Origin of name

"Potato" is similar to Ma Lingdang It was named after Kangxi Songxi County Chronicles of Food and Goods in. China Northeast Hebei Weigh potatoes, North China It is called yam egg, and it is called potato in the northwest and the two lakes, Jiangsu and Zhejiang One area is called foreign potato or foreign yam, Guangdong It is called potato seed, the eastern part of Guangdong province A regional appellation potato Mindong In the region, it is called potato Northwest Hubei The area is called "potato". [1]
English potato from Spanish patata。 According to the Spanish Royal Academy, this Spanish vocabulary is composed of Taino batata( sweet potato )It is mixed with Quechua papa (potato). stay Latin America The Spanish word for "potato" is papa. [2]
 Potato Potato Potato

Planting history

The artificial cultivation of potato can be traced back to about 8000 BC to 5000 BC. The research initiated by the University of Wisconsin in the United States, through the use of genetic markers on 350 different potatoes, finally determined that all potatoes in the world originated from potatoes planted in the southern region of Peru, and gradually spread to the north and south of South America from there. As Spain conquered the Inca Empire, potatoes were brought back to Europe by the Spanish in the second half of the 16th century and spread. Then it was taken to all parts of the world by European explorers and colonists. In the early days when potato was introduced into Europe, its consumption was not very large. Potatoes Introduced to England Ireland Even for a long time, they are used as exotic flowers and plants. By the 19th century, when European population was expanding, potatoes had become an important food and crop. According to conservative estimates, the introduction of potatoes contributed at least a quarter of the population growth of the Old World and promoted the urbanization process in Europe between 1700 and 1900. Between 1845 and 1848, a plague called "late blight" attacked the potato planting industry in Europe and seriously damaged potato planting. Ireland was hardest hit, leading to the Great Famine (the potato famine), which killed at least 1 million people. More than 2 million Irish fled, about 3/4 of whom emigrated to the United States. [1]
It is difficult to determine exactly when and where potatoes were introduced into China. according to Shaanxi Province Xingping County From the 16th century to the 19th century, the county annals and the records of Songxi County Annals in Fujian Province, which were revised in 1700, had been introduced into China from the northwest and south China through various ways. According to the records and writings of the Ming Dynasty, some scholars believe that potatoes were introduced into China as early as the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century. [1]
In 2013, the world production of potatoes has reached 368 million tons, and the production of the People's Republic of China is the first in the world, nearly 88.9 million tons. [17] The main potato producing areas in China are the southwest mountainous areas northwest Inner Mongolia and northeast Region. Among them, the southwest mountainous area has the largest planting area, accounting for about one-third of the total area of China. Heilongjiang Province It is the largest potato planting base in China. [7]
The main producing areas of potato in China are Gansu Dingxi City, Guyuan City, Ningxia southwest , Inner Mongolia and Northeast China. Among them, the southwest mountainous area has the largest planting area, accounting for about one-third of the total area of China. Heilongjiang Province is the largest potato planting base in China. The unique geographical environment and natural conditions make Dingxi, Gansu Province, one of the best potato planting areas in China and even in the world. Gansu Province dingxi It has become one of the three major potato production areas in China, the largest virus-free seed potato breeding base in China, an important commercial potato production base and potato product processing base in China. It is known as the "Hometown of Potatoes in China". A large number of potatoes are provided to all provinces and cities in China every year. [7]
Distribution Map of Potato Global Production Areas

morphological character

stem : Potato stems are rhombic and hairy. [3]
leaf : The primary leaf of potato is single leaf, all related. As the plant grows, it gradually forms odd unequal Pinnate compound leaf The leaflets are usually alternate in size and 10-20 cm long; The petiole is about 2.5~5 cm long; Leaflets, 6-8 pairs, ovate to oblong, the largest can reach 6 cm in length and 3.2 cm in width, and the smallest can be less than 1 cm in length and width. The apex is sharp, the base is slightly unequal, and the entire margin is covered with white pubescence on both sides. There are 6-7 lateral veins on each side, the apex is slightly curved, and the petiole is about 1-8 mm long. [3]
FLOWER : The potato is the top of the corymb, and the rear side of the corymb, with white or blue purple flowers; Calyx campanulate, about 1 cm in diameter, sparsely pubescent outside, 5-lobed, lobes lanceolate, apex long acuminate; Corolla Spoke, 2.5~3 cm in diameter, corolla tube concealed in calyx, about 2 mm long, Crown eaves About 1.5 cm long, lobes 5, triangular, about 5 mm long; Stamens are about 6 mm long, and anthers are 5 times longer than filaments; Ovary ovoid, glabrous, style about 8 mm long, stigma capitate. The fruit is round, smooth, green or purple brown, with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Seeds reniform, yellow. [3]
tuber The edible part of potato is its stem, oblate or 15~80cm high, spherical, hairless or sparsely hairy. The stem is divided into two parts: aboveground stem and underground stem. It is oblong, about 3-10 cm in diameter, with white, reddish or purple skin. The potato skin is white, yellow, pink, red, purple and black, and the potato flesh is white, light yellow, yellow, black, cyan, purple and black purple. [3]
Potato growth process [16]

Plant differences

Stem block is oblate or 15-80 cm high, spherical, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; It is oblong, about 3-10 cm in diameter, with white, reddish or purple skin.
Erect shrub, 1.5-3 m high; The root of the block is cylindrical. The root tuber is rich in starch.
The tuber generally grows in the topsoil layer, which is egg shaped, spherical, oblong or gourd shaped. The outer skin is dark brown, uneven, red when the section is fresh, purple black after drying, and even up to 20 cm in diameter.
Roots are massive, spindle shaped or oblate, generally 20-30 cm in diameter, fleshy.
Cassava tuber
Dioscorea cirrhosa
Bean tuber

Growth environment

Potato plant
  • Temperature: It likes cold and cold, and does not tolerate high temperature. During the growth period, the daily average temperature is 17 ℃~21 ℃. [20]
  • illumination : High light intensity, high leaf light and action intensity, early tuber formation, high tuber yield and starch content. [20]
  • water content : The transpiration coefficient of potato is between 400 and 600. If the total rainfall is between 400 and 500 mm and is evenly distributed in the growing season, the water demand of potatoes can be met. [20]
  • Soil: Plants have very strict requirements on soil. The soil with deep topsoil layer, loose structure, good drainage and ventilation and rich organic matter is the most suitable, especially the soil with large porosity and good ventilation, which can better meet the oxygen needs of root development and tuber growth. [20]
  • Nutrition: The growth and development of potatoes need more than 10 kinds of nutrient elements. The demand for the three elements of fertilizer is potassium, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. [20]

Distribution range

It is cultivated all over China. Originated from the mountains of tropical America, it is now widely planted all over the world the temperate zone Region. [19]
Potato Distribution Map

Natural reproduction

Potato is a self pollinating plant. In the absence of insect pollination, the cross pollination rate is only about 0.5%. The opening time of a potato flower is 3-5 days, and an inflorescence lasts for 10-15 days. It usually blooms at about 8:00 and closes at about 17:00. The flowering sequence is that the flowers at the base of each inflorescence open first, and then open from bottom to top in turn. After flowering, the pistils mature, and the stamens generally mature 1 to 2 days after flowering. [23-24]
Generally, the temperature of flowering is 18~20 ℃, the relative humidity of air is 80~90%, the number of sunshine hours per day is not less than 12 hours, the flowering is flourishing, and the seed setting rate is high; Low temperature, heavy rain or drought will affect flowering and fruiting. [24]

Cultivation technology


Variety selection

Potatoes are mostly propagated by tubers. It likes cold, cool and dry. It has strong adaptability to soil, and loose and fertile sandy soil is preferred, but it requires cool, cold and dry climate. Although it can grow in hot and humid areas, its quality will deteriorate after a generation, and new species need to be introduced from cold areas frequently. Early or middle early potato varieties with high yield, disease resistance, good quality and good taste shall be selected according to local climate characteristics. Fresh food varieties for export should have good shape and appearance, shallow bud and smooth skin. [8]

Land selection and preparation

The slightly acidic hillock with deep soil layer, fertile soil, good fertilizer retention performance, good water retention and drainage, irrigation conditions and deep loosening foundation shall be selected. For the plots without potatoes planted in the past two years, the cereal stubble is the best, followed by the bean stubble, and the onion, garlic, celery, etc. are the best preceding stubbles in vegetable fields. Beets, sunflowers, eggplants, peppers, cabbages and other stubbles with common diseases with potatoes should not be used. It is strictly prohibited to select the plots where the previous stubble is applied with too long residual herbicides. After the previous stubble is received, the land shall be prepared in time, and the continuous operation of harrowing and heavy ridging shall be carried out. The stubble shall be removed by rotary tillage for 15cm, turned forward for 15-20cm, and deeply scarified for 35-40cm. After deep loosening, the ridge shall be leveled and raised again, with the bottom width of 80~90cm and the height of 25cm. [8]

Seed potato treatment

  • Difficult seed germination: Select qualified virus-free seed potatoes of suitable varieties. Leave the cellar 15~20 days before sowing, place it under 13~15 ℃ scattered light, lay it in 2~3 layers, and turn it every 2~3 days to make the seed potatoes evenly exposed to light and promote buds. When the bud grows to about 0.5~1cm (0.5 cm for mechanical sowing and 1 cm for manual spot sowing), it can be cut into pieces. Avoid direct sunlight, rain and frost during germination, and eliminate diseased and rotten potatoes in time. [8]
  • Seed potato cutting: 70% for cutter alcohol 、3% Lysol Or 0.5% potassium permanganate The solution shall be sterilized for 5-10 minutes, and multiple cutters shall be used alternately. Cut into pieces 3-5 days before sowing. The advantage of the top bud can be used for vertical cutting. If the seed tuber is too large or long elliptic, it should be cut from the navel to the top. Finally, the top should be cut vertically. Each cut should ensure 1~2 robust bud eyes, and a single tuber should weigh 35~50g. [8]
  • Seed mixing: According to seed potatoes Thiophanate methyl talc 100:0.1:1 seed mix, place in a ventilated place for 1~2 days, and wait for wound healing. [8]

Seeding technique

  • Sowing date: When the temperature of 10 cm soil layer passes 10 ℃ for 3 consecutive days, sowing can be started. [8]
  • Broadcast amount: 120~150 kg seeds per mu. [8]
  • Density: According to the variety and soil fertility, reasonably close planting. Early maturing varieties should be planted closely; Late maturing varieties should be planted thinly. Ridge is formed on flat ground or after the original ridge is broken, the ridge distance is 80~90cm, and the single row cultivation is 15~20cm, and the soil cover thickness is 10~15cm. 4000-5000 seedlings per mu. [8]

Fertility and water management

  • base fertilizer: According to soil fertility, 2000~4000 kg/mu of decomposed farmyard manure shall be applied in combination with spring ploughing. Pig manure is the best, followed by cow manure. 30~50kg of fertilizer, including urea Diammonium phosphate The ratio of potassium sulfate is 3.4:1:3. Do not use potassium chloride. According to the situation of calcium and magnesium elements in soil around the country, calcium and magnesium fertilizers can be increased scientifically for the land with serious shortage. [8]
  • leaf fertilizer: stay tuber In the formation and expansion stages, if there is a symptom of defertification, the concentration of 0.5% can be sprayed on the leaves urea And 0.3% Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2-3 times, with an interval of 5-7 days. Trace elements can be added properly. Do not spray growth regulator chemicals such as puffin. [8]
  • Water use principle: In case of drought after sowing, timely irrigation shall be carried out to ensure seedling emergence; The water shall be sufficient during the growing period and full flowering period; In the early stage of tuber formation, water should be properly controlled, and less or no water should be applied; Potato setting period, that is, when the tuber grows to 2-3 cm, irrigation should be carried out in time according to the weather and soil moisture; In the late stage of tuber setting and before harvest, water should be controlled to avoid watering, so as to prevent disease and rotten potatoes. Method: spray irrigation and drip irrigation. Time: seedling stage, budding stage, flowering stage and tuber setting stage. In case of continuous high temperature and drought, irrigation can be carried out for different times. Control the soil moisture content at 60%~80%. Pay attention to drainage. [8]

Intertillage management

  • principle: The principle of field management is "squatting before promoting", that is, try not to water before budding to prevent overground growth, and after budding, water and fertilize to promote underground growth. It is better to keep the soil moist, and the land is dry and wet. Do not water 10 days before harvest to prevent the field from rotting. If the plants are found to grow rapidly, 50~100g 15% paclobutrazol can be sprayed per mu during the budding period (late April and early May) for control. Repeat before seeding to improve ground temperature and kill grass; A deep ploughing and shallow soil filling shall be carried out when the bud is top soiled; When seedlings are fully grown, they shall be waded in time to improve ground temperature; The third wading shall be carried out at the growing stage to raise soil, which is conducive to tuber expansion and multi-layer tuber formation. Potato is an intercropping crop, and the potato layer is mainly distributed in 10~15cm soil layer, so loose soil environment is required. The principle of "the first is deep, the second is shallow, and the third is shaving" should be mastered for intertillage weeding. [8]
  • effect: Prevent potato blocks from turning green, control weeds, improve quality and reduce soil temperature. [8]
  • Time: The first time of soil filling, 10-15 days after seedling completion. The second time of soil filling, 20-25 days after the seedlings are complete. The third time, the thickness of the soil is generally not less than 12 cm. When the soil cover is too thin and the ground temperature changes greatly, the stolon rushes out of the ground. [8]

Harvesting technology

When reaching physiological maturity, early varieties will be harvested in the middle and late August, and middle and late varieties will be harvested in the first and middle September. About a week before harvest, the potato field shall be mechanically cut or chemically killed, and the stems and leaves shall be cleared out of the plot. The excavation depth shall be reasonable when picking up to prevent potato loss and skin damage. It shall be handled with care during shipment, and shall be protected from sun, rain and freezing during transportation and storage. [4] [8]

Disease and insect control


Insect pest

  • Liriomyza maculata: March to April is the peak period for the harm of Liriomyza sativae. After being harmed by Liriomyza sativae, a large amount of evaporation and water loss of the plant leaves through the oviposition feeding hole accelerated the death of the potato plant leaves. If a large number of adults migrate into the potato field to harm them, if they do not do a good job of prevention and control, it only takes 7 to 10 days to harm the whole potato and cause death. Control measures: adjust the crop planting structure, and plant less or no sensitive crops such as broad beans around the potato planting area in spring to reduce the insect source base; We will focus on the prevention and control of potato during the spring growing period and potato block expansion period. We will give attention to both adults and larvae, and give priority to the prevention of adults. A single dose of abamectin containing 1.8% harmaceme emulsifiable concentrates, 1.8% alfudine emulsifiable concentrates and 90% insecticidal powder can be used alternately, once every 6-7 days, and 5-6 times of continuous control, which can effectively control the harm of Liriomyza sativae. [21]
  • aphid: aphid Sucking plant juice will curl the leaves, consume a lot of nutrients, destroy the photosynthesis of the leaves, and spread viruses, which has a great impact on the production of potatoes. During the potato growing period in spring, the climate is dry, which is conducive to the occurrence of aphids. Control method: chemical control, use 2.5% bifenthrin emulsifiable concentrate or 10% Pichonglin wettable powder to control, for example, use 70% Aphid Pine 1500 times solution to spray, and add washing powder to dissolve the wax secreted by aphids, with better effect; During the migration period, yellow plates can be painted with engine oil to kill. [21]
  • Grub: During the whole growth period of potatoes, they can damage their roots, and adults can damage the aboveground parts of potatoes. Prevention and control methods: chemical prevention and control, use 1500 times of 50% phoxim emulsion to spray the soil surface before plowing; Organic base fertilizer can be applied only after it is thoroughly decomposed; Pay attention to crop rotation; For the plots with serious grubs, the method of continuous watering twice can be used, which is simple and effective. [21]
  • Land tiger: The harm is most serious in spring (March to April) every year. Control method: clean the countryside, timely eliminate weeds in the field, and spray 100 times trichlorfon solution on the ground before the 3rd instar of larvae; After the potato seedlings are unearthed, the larvae enter the 3rd instar and drill into the underground soil. They can be stirred evenly with 50kg chopped vegetable leaves and 15kg 2% trichlorfon aqueous solution. In the evening, they can be scattered into the field for trapping and killing. [21]


  • Potato late blight
Potato late blight
Potato late blight, commonly known as "Huofeng", is an important disease in potato production. It is widespread in potato producing areas in China, and it often causes 20-40% yield reduction in epidemic years. [9]
symptom: late blight It can occur on leaves, petioles, stems and tubers. The leaf spot usually starts from the tip or edge of the leaf, producing round or semicircular dark green or dark brown spots, and the edge is not obvious. When the air humidity is high, the disease spot expands rapidly, which can extend to more than half of the leaves or even the whole leaves, and can invade the petiole and stem along the veins of the leaves, forming brown spots, causing the leaves to wither and droop, and finally the whole plant becomes burnt black and wet rotted. There is a circle of white mold on the edge of the spot. The potato block is susceptible to the disease and forms a light brown or grayish purple irregular spot, slightly sagging. The potato flesh under the spot turns brown, and the diseased potato is easy to be infected by other saprophytic fungi and soft rot. [9]
Prevention and control methods Comprehensive control measures should be taken based on the promotion of disease resistant varieties, selection of disease-free seed potatoes, combined with the elimination of central diseased plants, chemical control and improvement of cultivation techniques. Agricultural control. Using resistant varieties to control late blight is effective, but not lasting. Select seed potatoes before sowing and eliminate tubers with bacteria; Choose sandy loam soil with high terrain and good drainage for planting and reasonable irrigation; The potato was backfilled at the later growth stage; In epidemic years, cutting seedlings two weeks before harvest can avoid the contact between tubers and diseased plants and reduce the rate of tubers carrying bacteria. Chemical control. Once the central disease plant is found, the chemical control shall be carried out immediately. Manganese zinc · flumolin powder 500~800 times, 50% disinfectant 600 times, 64% disinfectant 400~500 times can be used for spraying. [9]
  • Potato virus disease
Potato virus disease
Potato virus disease is also called potato degeneration disease. It is common in all parts of China and has caused serious damage. It will lead to plant dwarfism, deformity and yield reduction. [9]
symptom: The types of potato virus diseases are complex, and the symptoms are different, usually including the following types. Floral type. ① Common flowers and leaves. Generally, the plant development is normal, and the leaves are basically unchanged. Only the middle and upper leaves show slight mosaic or spots, and the leaves are rarely curled or uneven. This type is widely distributed and has less harm. ② Double mosaic. Also called striped mosaic. The leaves of the diseased plant become smaller, and there are black brown necrotic spots on the veins, petioles and stems. Therefore, the leaves show mottled mosaic or withered spots. Later, the leaves at the lower part of the plant dry up, but do not fall off, showing drooping leaf necrosis. This type is widely distributed and has serious harm. ③ Shrink the flower leaves. The diseased plant is significantly dwarfed, the leaves are seriously shrunk and smaller, and the mosaic leaves are serious. There are black brown necrotic spots on the veins, petioles, and stems of the leaves. The tips of the leaflets bend downward, and the whole plant is in the shape of an embroidery ball. The diseased plant buds fall, does not blossom, and dies early in severe cases. This type of potato virus disease is widely distributed and seriously damaged, which can reduce production by 60%~80%. It is the most important potato virus disease in China. [9] Rolled blade type. The infected plants are dwarfed, and the leaf edges curl upward with the midvein as the center. When the disease is serious, the leaves are hard and brittle, and some leaves are red or purplish red on the back. The petioles and stems are attached at sharp angles. The vascular bundles are dark brown, and the tubers are small and dense. It is widely distributed in China, generally reducing production by 30%~40%, and is one of the main types of potato virus diseases in China. [9] Bundle top type. The petiole and stem of the diseased plant are attached at an acute angle and bunched upward. The leaves become smaller, often curled and semi closed. The whole plant loses its luster of green, and the leaves on the top of some plants are purplish red. Potato blocks become longer, bud eyes are protruding, bud eyebrows are protruding, and sometimes the epidermis has longitudinal cracks. [9]
Prevention methods: The occurrence of this disease can be alleviated by taking non-toxic or low toxic seed potatoes as the main control method. Use nontoxic seed potatoes. Virus free seed potatoes should be selected, and the sowing date should avoid the peak of aphid activity, so that the peak of aphid activity is staggered from the sensitive period of potato disease, and the aphid should be treated frequently. [9] Pesticides control aphids. The potato virus is mainly transmitted by aphids, and the seeds are sprayed timely before and after emergence. The 20% virus A wettable powder can be sprayed with 500 times liquid to prevent virus disease, which has certain effect. [9] Agricultural control. There are many kinds of potato virus diseases, and it is difficult to obtain varieties that are resistant to all kinds of viruses. One or two varieties that are resistant to one or two major local virus types can be selected; Strengthen cultivation management to avoid tuber formation in hot weather; Adjust measures to local conditions, timely sowing, high border cultivation, rational use of fertilizer, pulling out diseased plants, etc. [9]
  • Potato ring rot
Potato ring rot is a bacterial vascular disease, its main symptom is that it causes wilting of the aboveground part of the plant and ring rot of the underground part along the vascular bundle of the tuber. Dead plants and rotten potatoes are often produced in the field to reduce yield and quality. The storage period can also cause rotten pits. [9]
Potato ring rot
symptom: The symptoms of aboveground part can be divided into two types: withered spot type and wilted type. ① Wilting type. At the initial stage, the leaves began to wither from the top compound leaves, and the leaf edge was slightly rolled inward, which seemed to lack water. The disease spread downward, and the whole plant leaves began to fade green, rolled inward and drooped, eventually causing the plant to fall down and die, but the leaves did not fall off. ② Blight type. The disease starts at the top of compound leaves at the base of the plant. The leaf tip, leaf edge and vein are green, the mesophyll is yellow green or grayish green, with obvious mottle, and the leaf tip is dry or rolled inward. After the top leaflet has a spot, other leaflets gradually appear a spot. The disease gradually spread upward, and finally spread to the whole plant and died. On the cut surface of the stem base of the diseased plant, the vascular bundle can be seen to become dark brown. [9] Symptoms of tubers. The external symptoms of the tubers are not obvious. When cut, the vascular bundles turn milky yellow to dark brown, and circular or arc necrosis parts appear in the cortex, so it is called ring rot. After storage, the tuber buds become black and dry or their appearance bursts, and the seriously diseased tubers do not sprout when used as seed tubers, or die after sprouting, resulting in seedling shortage and ridge breaking. When sowing lightly diseased potatoes, the early diseased seedlings were unearthed late, grew slowly, the plants were thin and weak, the leaves were curled and yellow, and gradually withered and died from bottom to top. Most of these diseased plants did not bear tubers, and even the tubers were small and small, easy to rot. The late diseased seedlings become diseased after flowering, the top leaves become smaller, the leaves become dehydrated and discolored, and one or two branches or all branches wither and droop, become withered and yellow, and can form tubers, but most of the tubers are decayed in the ground. The vascular bundles of the roots and stems of the diseased plants often turn brown, and the diseased vines sometimes overflow white fungal pus. [9]
Prevention methods: The comprehensive control measures of potato ring rot were mainly to control the spread of seed potato disease and select resistant varieties. Strictly implement quarantine. The disease is subject to quarantine, and seed potato inspection measures should be strictly implemented during seed transfer. Select disease resistant varieties. The cultivated varieties Dongnong 303, Kexin 4, Chunshu 2, etc. are relatively resistant to disease, and can be selected pertinently in various regions. Establish disease-free reserved farmland. Select seed potatoes, strictly pull out diseased plants, collect and store them separately, and use them exclusively for seed retention. [9] Select small and whole seed potatoes for sowing. Select 50~75 grams of robust small seed potatoes for sowing, with high seedling emergence rate, neat growth, disease prevention, drought resistance and yield increase. Seed drying and seed selection. After harvest in autumn, the potato blocks shall be stacked on the ground, covered with a thin layer of straw (grass) for seed drying, and then put into the cellar when it is cold. The seeds shall be dried in the room 6~7 days before spring sowing, and selected in combination with seed cutting to remove diseased potatoes. [9]

Main varieties

There are hundreds of varieties of potatoes in the country of origin, and thousands of varieties in the world, some of which are suitable for staple food and some of which are suitable for vegetable consumption because of their high starch content. People have cultivated many new varieties according to different uses, including white, red, purple and other varieties of flowers, round, oval and oval underground tubers, and red, yellow, white and purple skin colors. Generally, the "bud eye" on the tuber is cut for sowing. If the tuber is planted with seeds, it will soon change, so new varieties are very easy to appear. In addition, potatoes are often combined with bacteria in the soil to produce potatoes of special shape. A couple in New Zealand accidentally dug a huge potato in their backyard, weighing nearly 8 kg. According to laboratory analysis, it was found that New Zealand Combined with Streptococcus thiophilus, giant potatoes (also known as giant potatoes, watermelon potatoes, horse potatoes, spherical potatoes) have been stably planted through variety improvement, and are now more used as food ingredients in fast food stores. [8]
Colorful potatoes include purple, red, black, yellow, and colorful potatoes. China has cultivated high-quality purple and red colored potatoes. The old purple and red potato varieties were crossed with high-quality high-yield potato varieties, and more than 100 different lines of colored potatoes were improved and screened. Compared with the old varieties, the improved colored potato has small bud eyes, beautiful appearance, strong disease resistance, and can yield 1000 to 1500 kg per mu. The colored potato can also be developed as a special food. Because of its antioxidant content, the colored potato chips can still maintain their natural color after high temperature frying. In addition, purple potatoes are not sensitive to light, and fried potato chips can maintain their primary color for a long time. [5]
The black potato is dark purple because it contains a lot of anthocyanin Anthocyanins have anti-aging effect. At the same time, it has developed main stems, fewer branches, strong growth potential and strong disease resistance. The yield per mu is 1500 kg, about 20% more than that of common potato varieties. At the same time, due to the improvement of disease resistance of this variety, the dosage of pesticides has been greatly reduced in production, which is conducive to the production of pollution-free and pollution-free green food. [6]
 Red potato  Red potato  Red potato  Red potato  Red potato  Red potato  Red potato
Red skin potato

Key values


Edible value

Potato tuber Contains a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, which can prevent scurvy and stimulate hematopoietic function; Inorganic salt is an indispensable element for human health and infant development, which is conducive to protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and promoting general health. [13]
Potato is rich in nutrients, and its rich vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content is far more than that of food crops; Its high protein and sugar content is much higher than that of ordinary vegetables. Potato has complete nutrition and reasonable structure, especially its protein molecular structure is basically the same as that of human body, so it is easy to be absorbed and utilized by human body, and its absorption and utilization rate is almost 100%. Some nutritionists have pointed out that "only eating potatoes and whole milk for each meal can obtain all the nutrients needed by the human body", which can be said that "potatoes are near full price nutritious food" [10]

economic value

Potato is a crop with high yield and rich nutrition, which can be used for grain, vegetable, forage and industrial raw materials. In the southern, northern and eastern regions of Northeast China, potatoes, as early spring vegetables, have become an important crop for rural areas to become rich; In the southern part of East China and most of South China, potato as a winter crop and rice rotation, fresh potato export can obtain great economic benefits; Potato plays an important role as a major food crop in the northwest and southwest mountainous areas. [10]
Potato food processing and starch processing industries have developed rapidly. In the food processing industry, potatoes can be used as raw materials to process various quick frozen convenience food and snack food, such as dehydrated products, fried potato chips, quick frozen potato chips, puffed food, etc. At the same time, it can also further process glucose syrup, citric acid, biodegradable plastics, adhesives, enhancers, and a variety of pharmaceutical additives. [10]
Potato starch is more competitive than corn starch in the world market. High yield potato countries use about 40% of the total output for starch processing, and 25% of the world's starch output comes from potatoes. Compared with starch from other crops, potato starch has higher gelatinization degree, lower gelatinization temperature, better transparency, stronger adhesion and greater extensibility. The modified potato starch is applied in many fields, such as the processing and production of derivatives Fructose syrup , Preparation citric acid , production of biodegradable plastics, etc. [10]
 Potato Potato Potato

Medicinal value

Potatoes are sweet and mild in nature. It belongs to the stomach and large intestine meridians. It is beneficial to qi, spleen, stomach, detoxification and swelling. It is recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica that potato can cure spleen and stomach deficiency cold, shortness of breath and fatigue after disease. Potatoes have the functions of harmonizing stomach, strengthening spleen and supplementing qi, preventing and treating various diseases, and detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects. [10]
  • Prevention of stroke: Potatoes are rich in B vitamins And high-quality cellulose, which plays an important role in delaying human aging. Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber sucrose It is helpful to prevent and cure digestive tract cancer and control the content of cholesterol in blood. Potatoes are rich in potassium Potassium is mainly distributed in the cells of the human body, maintaining the osmotic pressure in the cells and participating in the energy metabolism process. Therefore, eating potatoes regularly can prevent atherosclerosis. Medical experts believe that eating a potato every day can greatly reduce the risk of stroke. [10]
  • reduce weight: There is no need to worry about excess fat when eating potatoes, because it only contains 0.1% fat. Eating more potatoes every day can reduce the intake of fat, so that the excess fat is gradually metabolized by the body. Italy , Spain U.S.A Canada Russia A number of potato therapeutic restaurants with unique flavor have emerged in other countries to meet the daily needs of bodybuilders and dieters. [10]
  • Nourishing stomach: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that potato can regulate the stomach, strengthen the spleen and qi, and is of great benefit to the treatment of gastric ulcer, habitual constipation and other diseases. It also has the role of detoxification and anti-inflammatory. [10]
  • Lower blood pressure: Potato contains components that can reduce blood pressure, and has the effect of similar antihypertensive drugs. It can block the conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II, and can reduce the plasma level of angiotensin II with vasoactive effect, so as to relax the surrounding blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. [10]
  • Defecation: Potato Crude fibre It can play the role of moistening the intestines and catharsis, so as to avoid the sudden increase of blood pressure caused by constipation due to forced suffocation and defecation. [10]
The root tuber contains alkaloid glycosides whose aglycones are: Solanine (solidine), leptin, tomatidine, acetylleptin, containing alkaloids, solanidine. It also contains carotenoids: violaxanthin, neoxanthin A, xanthophyll (lutein)。 Contains essential amino acids: threonine (threonine), valine (valine), leucine (leucine), isoleucine (isoleucine) and many other amino acids. The root tuber also contains a variety of organic acids: Citric acid (citric acid), malic acid (malic acid), Quinic acid (quinic acid)。 In addition, it also includes Acrylamide (acrylamide), Plant agglutinin (lectin)。 [22]

Industrial value

Potato has high development and utilization value. In addition to its nutritional value and medicinal value, it can also add value through deep processing, so that farmers, enterprises and the country can increase income; Deep processed potato products (starch, whole powder, modified starch and its derivatives) provide a large number of rich raw materials for food, medicine, chemical industry, petroleum, textile, paper making, agriculture, building materials and other industries; Due to the molecular structure and special properties of potato, its application is irreplaceable by other starch products. [10]


The skin color of potatoes turns green or sprouts will contain too much Solanine , poisonous and inedible. [12]
 Potato Potato Potato Potato
The skin of potatoes turns green or sprouts

Extended Reading

International Year of the Potato: In November 2005, at the General Assembly of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Permanent Representative of Peru put forward a proposal to seek to shift the focus of the world's attention to potatoes for food security and enhance the importance of developing countries for potato cultivation. This proposal was adopted that year, and the United Nations announced that 2008 was the International Year of the Potato. [7]
Scientific research: In 2023, Huang Sanwen's team of Shenzhen Institute of Agricultural Genomics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, developed a new evolutionary lens technology It is expected to create more high-yield and high-quality potatoes through genome design in the short term [17]