
Opportunity and God of Creation in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Polos (Greek: Π ο ρο; Latin: Poros) is Ancient Greek mythology The god of opportunity and creation.
Plato's "Meeting" gives his image characteristics. He is very similar to Eros, the naked little boy, and is an undeniable beautiful boy. He is resourceful and brave, loves wisdom, likes to explore new and beautiful things, and is very capable. He is a very capable hunter and wizard. It is a god of creation and invention that transforms all things. Polos' mother is Mephis.
Chinese name
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Mythological system
Opportunity, invention, beauty, wealth and outlet
Metis Mother Zeus Father

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Plato recorded the story of Polos in his "Meeting"

"[203b] That's a long story, said Diotima. But I might as well tell you about it. Once upon a time, on Aphrodite's birthday, the gods gave a feast, and Polos, the son of Metis, was also present. While they were having dinner, Penia (poor, Penia) came to beg - she always came to the door when there was a busy festival. Polos drank a few cups of agar syrup - there was no wine at that time. He walked to Zeus' garden, got drunk and fell asleep. Pernia thought of her own lack and suddenly thought: Why not have a son with Pollus, [203c] so she slept beside him and became pregnant with Eros. That's why Eros is also Aphrodite's helper and servant. He gave birth on Aphrodite's birthday. "
"[203d]... He (Eros) is also like his father (Polos), always plotting beautiful and good things; he is brave, eager and tough, and is also a skilled hunter. He often has some clever ideas. He is greedy for wisdom, has a quick mind, and loves wisdom all his life. He is a vicious magician, a wizard master, and a wise magician. His nature is neither [203e] The kind that does not die is not the kind that will die; Sometimes, on the same day, he will live a new and fresh life at one time, and will die at another time if he wants to succeed, but he will turn back soon, because of his father's nature. " [1]
Polos, recorded in the chapter of the meeting, represents beauty and is an expert in witchcraft. As the brother of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Polos loved wisdom all his life. Very smart, full of wisdom and resources.

The fragment of Alckman's record of Polos

All the gods who defeated them (giants) were the oldest, and the gods who were endowed with wisdom by the Goddess of Destiny and Polos. Their power is not as big as the shoes on her feet. Not only that, people (giants) who will die cannot fly to the sky. Do not expect to marry the Queen of Cyprus (Aphrodite) or any of the shining daughters of Nereus in the sea.
In the poems of the ancient Greek poet Alkman in the 7th century BC, a set of early divination system was described. There, Polos belonged to the creation gods. Polos is the god of invention and the first god of creation, whose status can be equal to that of the god of time.

Hesiod's Divine Manual records the story of Metis

According to the advice of the starry Ulanos and Gaia, Zeus tricked her into swallowing her. The reason why they suggested Zeus to do so was to prevent other gods from taking the throne of immortals on behalf of Zeus; Because Mephis is destined to give birth to two extremely intelligent children. The first is the bright eyed girl Tritognia, who is equal to her father in both courage and wisdom. But after that, Mephis will give birth to a proud son who will become the king of gods and human beings.

The demise of faith

In the early Greek mythology, Polos, like Eros, was a god of extraordinary high status, and Athena and Metis were also the early Gods of Earth Mother. There were some traces of this kind of early mythology in the poetry of Alkman.
But in the later period, the belief of Zeus dominated. Mephis and Athena were included in the myth system of Zeus and became Zeus's wife and children. Polos also gradually died with the change of belief. The myth may be Orpheanism Inheritance, where Polos preserved some more primitive significance of creation. The function of the god of wealth of Polos also comes from its ancient meaning of the god of abundance.