Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Public universities in Jiangsu Province, China
Jiangsu University Of Science And Technology
zero Useful+1
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, located in Jiangsu Province Zhenjiang City , Yes Jiangsu High level University Construction Summit Plan Class B construction universities, jointly built by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and China Shipbuilding Corporation, State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense Jointly build colleges and universities with Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, Ministry of Education Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan Universities, Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching Level of the Ministry of Education Excellent schools, China Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering Industry Intellectual Property Alliance Leading unit of Jiangsu Shipbuilding and Marine Universities Collaborative Development Alliance. [1] [39]
The school originated from Shanghai Dagong Vocational School founded in 1933, and was renamed as Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School in 1952 Fuzhou Industrial School The shipbuilding department was merged Shanghai Shipbuilding School In 1961, Shanghai Factory Design School was incorporated. In 1970, it moved to Zhenjiang, renamed as Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Industry School, upgraded to undergraduate and renamed as Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute in 1978, and renamed as East China Shipbuilding Institute Jiangsu Jianghai Trade School was incorporated in 1999. In 1999, the school changed from the original China National Shipbuilding Corporation Transfer to Jiangsu Province for management. 2000 Sericulture Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Merge with the school. In 2004, the school was renamed Jiangsu University of Science and Technology.
By October 2023, the school has Zhenjiang Changshan Campus, Mengxi Campus, Zhangjiagang Campus and Shanghai Office, covering an area of 3979 mu; It has 21 colleges and 74 undergraduate majors; It has 4 post doctoral research mobile stations, 5 first level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 25 first level discipline master's degree authorization points, and 14 master's degree granting categories; There are more than 2600 teaching staff, including more than 1700 full-time teachers; There are more than 23000 ordinary undergraduate students, more than 5700 doctoral and master graduate students, and more than 700 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. [2] [34] [40] [47]
Time of establishment
competent department
Jiangsu Province [45]
School official website

essential information

Chinese name
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Foreign name
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Science and engineering
School characteristics
Key universities in Jiangsu Province
ministry of education Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan colleges and universities
State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense And Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Jointly build colleges and universities
Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and China National Shipbuilding Corporation Jointly build colleges and universities
Jiangsu High level University Construction Summit Plan [30] open
competent department
Jiangsu Province [45]
Current leaders
Zhou Nanping [46] (Secretary of the Party Committee) Ji Chunyan President
Undergraduate major
Master's degree
25 first level disciplines authorized for academic degrees [31]
14 professional degree authorization categories
Doctoral Program
5 first level disciplines authorized for academic degrees
4 mobile scientific research stations [47]
School setting
21 colleges
School motto
Benevolent in learning and virtuous, practical and practical
School song
School Song of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
School Day
The last Saturday in October every year [6]
Changshan Campus: No. 666, Changhui Road, Dantu New District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province [3]
Mengxi Campus: No. 2, Mengxi Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province
Zhangjiagang Campus: No. 8, Changxing Middle Road, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province
College code
ten thousand two hundred and eighty-nine
major awards
Jiangsu Province Civilized Unit
Jiangsu Civilized Campus
Excellent schools assessed by the Ministry of Education for undergraduate teaching
Special Prize and Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award
Second Prize of National Technological Invention Award

Historical evolution


Predecessor tracing

  • Main source
In 1933, Shanghai Private Dagong Vocational School was founded in Qiaojiabang, Shanghai. In order to serve the country through industry, Mr. Lin Meiyan, the founder, specially worked with members of the Shanghai Municipal Party Department at that time Wu Kaixian After discussion, Xu Heng, Zhang Tong and other like-minded people were called together to prepare for the school. The founders elected Mr. Lin Meiyan as the headmaster. At the beginning of its establishment, the school set up junior mechanical department, commercial department, senior engineering department (mechanical engineering, civil engineering, applied chemistry), senior commercial department, and attached junior middle school department.
In the spring of 1934, Ingrid was then mayor of Shanghai Wu Tiecheng Director of Social Affairs Bureau Wu Xingya And Shanghai gentry Du Yuesheng , industrialists Wu Yunchu And other sponsors to build school buildings and internship factories at Chumen Road, Nanshi. In the autumn of that year, the number of students increased to more than 700.
In 1937, the "August 13" Songhu War broke out Jiangnan Shipyard Adjacent to each other, there are frequent enemy aircraft attacks. In order to avoid sacrifice, the school decided to move to the temporary school building at 1968 Xiafei Road (now Huaihai Middle Road) in the French Concession for classes, and at the same time move the school's books, instruments and factory machinery materials into the concession to ensure safety. As the war situation in Shanghai became more critical, the government authorities ordered that part of the private Dagong Vocational School in Shanghai be moved to Xiaolongkan, Chongqing, and the self built school buildings be restored; Part of them moved to Dagong Middle School in Xinan, Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province, and rented houses to run general departments; The part staying in Shanghai will continue to run schools on Xiafei Road in the French Concession. In August 1938, the Japanese and puppet Shanghai authorities ordered all the schools in the concession to register with the puppet city's education bureau in an attempt to control it. More than 100 secondary schools, including Dagong Vocational School, jointly published statements in the newspaper and refused to register with the puppet government.
In February 1939, the part of the school staying in Shanghai was rented from Qingyun Building, 131 Hankou Road, Shanghai. In 1939, more than 100 students who stayed in Shanghai for the fourth time graduated. Many celebrities from all walks of life wrote inscriptions on the graduation memorial book, including famous anti Japanese generals Xie Jinyuan Inscription: "The country is supreme, the nation is supreme"; Famous educator Chen Heqin Inscription: "Learn to apply". [4]
On May 2, 1944, President Lin Meiyan died of illness, and the Board of Directors recommended Xu Heng to succeed him.
In November 1945, Counter-Japanese War After the victory, the then Shanghai Municipal Education Bureau approved the resumption of Dagong Vocational School in Shanghai. Since the former school buildings and equipment were once occupied by the Japanese army and turned into the headquarters, they were later allocated to the adjacent Jiangnan Shipyard. The government authorities also allocated the four floor building, 400 Emei Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, as the new school site to continue running schools, with three professional categories of machinery, aquatic products and commerce. After the liberation of Shanghai, democrats Kong another boundary After Kong left the school, Xu Haitao, a member of the Communist Party of China, was appointed as the president. The school has had a board of directors since its inception. Before the War of Resistance Against Japan, Mr. Wu Tiecheng was its chairman; After August 13 Dioptre sir; After moving to Chongqing, Mr. Wu Kaixian; In July 1949, Dagong Vocational School formed a new board of directors Hu Ju Wen sir.
In June 1952, in order to train intermediate industrial technicians in a planned way Chen Yi Comrade personally signed the document "Request to take over the new technical school of private Dagong Vocational School"; On July 3, the Shanghai Municipal Education Bureau issued a document to change the private Dagong Vocational School of Shanghai into a public school and change its name to Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School. Xu Haitao succeeded the principal. Adjust professional settings, set up machinery and electrical engineering, send more teachers, and select outstanding graduates to stay in school to enrich teaching force. In that year, there were 729 students (631 in the Mechanical Department and 98 in the Electrical Department) and 66 teaching staff. In the same year, the Ministry of First Machinery Industry decided to establish a shipbuilding school in Shanghai, so Shanghai selected Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School as a whole, except for the electrical engineering department.
  • Ship calibration period
In November 1952, The First Ministry of Machinery Industry The Bureau of Shipbuilding Industry plans to merge the shipbuilding department of the former Fujian Provincial Advanced Aviation Machinery Merchant Shipping Vocational School (from the Fujian Shipbuilding School founded in 1866) and the shipbuilding department of the Shanghai Advanced Machinery Vocational School of the Ministry of Industry of East China (from the German Medical School founded in 1907) into the shipbuilding school to be built in Shanghai. In 1952 and 1953, Shanghai Shipbuilding School The Preparatory Office and the Second Department of Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry School were successively set up in Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School The campus is located at 400 Emei Road (the first part is located at the new campus in Pudong under construction, and the third part is in front of Jungong Road Hujiang University Former site).
In early 1953, First machine department It was agreed with the Ministry of Education of the East China Military and Political Commission to take Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School as the main body, and integrate the machinery department of Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School, the ship manufacturing department of Shanghai No. 1 Machinery Manufacturing Industrial School (formerly Shanghai Senior Mechanical Vocational School), and Shanghai Fisheries College (from Jiangsu Provincial Fisheries School founded in 1912) The Marine Engineering Department of the attached Fisheries School and Fujian Fuzhou Industrial School (derived from Cangxia Jingshe founded in 1896; some disciplines were merged into the school after the original Fujian Gaohang was closed in 1952) were adjusted to Shanghai Shipbuilding Industrial School, the first secondary specialized school for shipbuilding in New China under construction. [5-9]
In May 1953, the Marine Engineering Department of the Fisheries School attached to Shanghai Fisheries College joined the preparation; In June, the Mechanical Department of Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical Industrial School joined the preparation; In July, the First Machinery Department issued a document specifying that the school set up three majors, namely hull manufacturing, ship machinery and welding. The school completed the transfer and handover. The second and third grade students were transferred from four schools, and 380 new students were recruited for the first time that year. There were 26 classes in the school, divided into three majors, 1322 students and 290 teaching staff; On August 28, the First Engineering Department issued a document officially approving the establishment of Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry School; On September 15, the establishment and opening ceremony of the school was held; In October, the school was renamed Shanghai Shipbuilding School. Yu Ximai, the first president, and Xu Haitao, the executive vice president presided over the work. The new campus is located in the Chenjiazhai area of Qingning Temple in Pudong, with more than 200 mu of land requisitioned. The construction was started on June 1, 1953, and was basically completed in February of the next year. After 1954, the school gradually moved to the new campus in Pudong.
 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
From 1954 to 1962, Shanghai Ship School successively trained foreign students from North Korea, Vietnam and other countries, and the consulates of Vietnam and North Korea in Shanghai sent special letters to thank them for this; On the 10th anniversary of the founding of New China, the Vietnamese ambassador to China, entrusted by President Ho Chi Minh, specially presented a friendship badge to the President of Shanghai Shipbuilding School; Before 1962, the school also accepted overseas Chinese students from Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia to study in the school.
In June 1955, the school was identified as the National Defense Industrial School, and began to recruit new students according to the requirements and conditions for training secondary technical cadres on military ships.
In 1956, the First Machinery Department hired Soviet expert Chernovoi to help establish the ship electrical installation discipline; In 1958, the specialty of electric device was added; In 1959, the number of specialties was adjusted to 6, namely, hull manufacturing, welding, marine machinery manufacturing, marine power plant, marine electrical equipment, and marine radio equipment.
2018 History
After 1957, the educational system was changed from three years to four years.
In 1958, the first 100 ton barge built by teachers and students of the school was launched ahead of schedule.
In November 1958 and March 1960, Shanghai Shipbuilding School was upgraded to Shanghai Shipbuilding College twice. Later, due to the adjustment of the national plan, it was dismissed in June 1959 and August 1962, respectively, and was not included in the college.
In April 1959, the school was identified as a key national defense industry school.
In September 1960, the school was changed from Ministry of the Third Machinery Industry leader.
In 1961, Shanghai Factory Design School was incorporated.
In April 1963, the school was renamed as Shanghai Shipbuilding School.
After September 1963, the school belonged to The Sixth Ministry of Machinery Industry executive director.
Before the "Cultural Revolution" in 1966, there were nearly 600 teaching staff and 1862 students on average (up to 2808 in 1961).
After the "Cultural Revolution" broke out in 1966, the school stopped recruiting students. From 1967 to 1969, the four students graduated successively.
In March 1970, the Military Management Commission of the Sixth Ministry of Machinery Industry ordered the school to be moved to Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province (the former site of 252 Automobile Management School of the former General Logistics Department).
In February 1971, Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry School was officially renamed as Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Industry School. Comrade Xiao Liu was transferred as the president of Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Industry School in the same year, and the school resumed enrollment in October of the next year. The school retained the original six majors, which was the only one left in the Six Machinery Department at that time Secondary professional school
In 1975, the school set up a shipbuilding command group to organize Xiangshan Shipbuilding Workshop to build a thousand ton oil tanker and organize teaching with typical products. In 1977, the 1000 ton oil tanker "Luyanyou 2" built by the school was launched.
  • Shipyard period
On December 28, 1978, with the approval of the State Council, the school was upgraded to Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute, officially becoming a national defense industry Nature of engineering undergraduate university.
On January 25, 1979, the Six Machine Department issued the Notice on the Transformation of Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Industry School into Zhenjiang Shipbuilding College, which was the first batch of four-year undergraduate majors, including marine engineering, marine electrical automation, electronic computer technology, ship welding, machinery manufacturing, marine internal combustion power plant, and industrial management. The school is under the dual leadership of the Six Machine Department and Jiangsu Province, with the Six Machine Department as the main leader. Comrade Xiao Liu is the president. Famous calligrapher Comfortable Write the name of Zhenjiang Shipbuilding College.
On April 21, 1979, the founding meeting of Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute was held.
Since 1980, night universities have been opened.
On January 15, 1982, the State Council approved the school as one of the first batch of schools authorized to confer bachelor's degrees; In the same month, the Sixth Ministry of Machinery Industry approved the establishment of the academic degree evaluation committee of the College, and Professor Yang Lei, member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of the school, served as the chairman; On May 4, China National Shipbuilding Corporation was established, the Sixth Ministry of Machinery Industry was abolished, and the college was subordinate to China National Shipbuilding Corporation. [10]
In 1984, with the approval of China National Shipbuilding Corporation, the college was identified as a pilot unit for military training of college students nationwide.
In 1985, with the approval of the State Science and Technology Commission, the Journal of Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute was founded. The first training course for Egyptian naval maintenance personnel was held.
In 1988, the College jointly held the first IIT class with the US China Education Service (ESEC).
In 1989, the college and Harbin Institute of Ship Engineering Jointly run the school, the first five master graduates trained by the college passed the defense and were awarded the master's degree.
In 1990, the college built a high-speed diesel engine universal single cylinder test-bed with the largest cylinder diameter in China, and jointly developed the first spray welding industrial robot in China's shipbuilding history with Tianjin Xinhe Shipyard.
In June 1993, after State Education Commission Upon approval, Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute was renamed East China Shipbuilding Institute, which was then the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Jiang Zemin Comrade inscribed the name of the school.
January 1994, after the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council Approved, the school officially becomes Master Degree Awarding Unit On October 24, the inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors was held, and 50 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and institutions participated in the first meeting of the Board of Directors.
In 1995, the school enrolled graduate students for the first time.
In 1998, the school passed the undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation of the Ministry of Education, and in the same year, it passed the Party Committee work evaluation of the Education Working Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the excellent school spirit construction evaluation of the Jiangsu Provincial Education Commission.
  • Jiangsu Jianghai Trade School
In 1979, Zhenjiang Grain School of Jiangsu Province was established, which is subordinate to the Grain Bureau of Jiangsu Province.
In 1995, Jiangsu Zhenjiang Grain School was renamed Jiangsu Jianghai Trade School.
  • Sericulture Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
In 1951, the sericulture department of the Animal Production Department of the Central Agricultural Experiment Institute (established in Nanjing in 1932) merged with Zhejiang Sericulture Experiment Field, Wuxi Sericulture Experiment Field, Zhenjiang Sericulture Experiment Field, East China Fiber Research Institute and other units, and established East China Sericulture Research Institute on the former site of Zhenjiang, the former China Sericulture United Improvement Association.
After the revocation of Huadong District in 1955, it was renamed Zhenjiang Sericulture Research Institute, which was entrusted by Jiangsu Province.
In 1957, after the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, it was renamed the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
In 1979 and 1986, they began to enroll master's and doctoral students.
In 1995, the brand of "Jiangsu Sericulture Research Institute" was added, and the dual leadership system of ministry and province was implemented.

Consolidated development

In April 1999, the management of the school was transferred from China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation to Jiangsu Province“ Central and local co construction The management system of "local management first"; In November, Jiangsu Jianghai Trade School was incorporated into the school, becoming the south campus of the school.
In 2000, Sericulture Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences It was merged with the university (formally merged in March 2001), and implemented a management system jointly built by the province and the ministry, focusing on Jiangsu Province, and continued to retain the name and independent legal status of the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. [11]
In March 2002, with the approval of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, the school established a private secondary college - Nanxu College, and enrolled students that year; In the same month, the Political Department of the Navy signed the "Agreement on the Selection and Training of Cadres by the Navy Relying on the East China Shipbuilding Institute" with the school. The PLA Navy set up a reserve officer selection and training office in the school, and the school became the only naval reserve officer training base in Jiangsu Province at that time.
In June 2002, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense signed an agreement to jointly build East China Shipbuilding Institute; In September, the school built its west campus in the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
In April 2003, with the approval of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology was established on the basis of East China Shipbuilding Institute.
In 2003, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology celebrated its 70th anniversary and received a congratulatory letter from Li Lanqing, then Vice Premier of the State Council; The university has established cooperation and development committees involving more than 100 research institutes, shipbuilding enterprises and the people's governments of cities under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.
In 2013, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the school, Chen Zhili, then Minister of Education, sent a congratulatory letter.
 campus campus campus
On May 18, 2004, the Ministry of Education approved the change of the name of East China Shipbuilding Institute to Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, and held the unveiling ceremony on May 28; In June, Jiangsu Shipbuilding Industry Association was established in the school.
In 2005, the school cooperated with Zhangjiagang Municipal People's Government to build Zhangjiagang Campus of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology.
In December 2006, the school passed the Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching Level of the Ministry of Education In the same year, they also passed the Confidentiality qualification of weapon equipment research and production units Certification and national military standard quality management system certification, obtained Scientific research and production license of weapons and equipment
In October 2007, the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council transferred the doctoral degree awarding site of "Special Economic Animal Breeding" from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the University, and the University was successfully promoted to the doctoral degree awarding unit; In the same year, Zhangjiagang New Campus was completed and put into use, forming a school running pattern of one school and four districts.
In September 2011, it was selected into the second batch of "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan" universities of the Ministry of Education.
In June 2012, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Nanxu College of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology was relocated to Zhangjiagang City and renamed Suzhou Institute of Technology of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, which was jointly held by Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and Zhangjiagang Jincheng Investment Development Co., Ltd; In September, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province signed a contract with China Shipbuilding Industry Group and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation to jointly build Jiangsu University of Science and Technology.
In 2013, the school was rated as "the first batch of national defense education demonstration schools in Jiangsu Province".
In March 2014, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology as the leading unit of Jiangsu University High tech Ship Collaborative Innovation Center was approved.
In 2016, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense signed a contract with the People's Government of Jiangsu Province to jointly build Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. [12]
In July 2020, it was selected into the second batch of university national intellectual property information service center construction list. In August, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with Yangzhou Municipal People's Government. In September, it was identified by the State Intellectual Property Office and the Ministry of Education as the national intellectual property pilot university in 2020. [13] On December 21, China Shipbuilding Group and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province jointly signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, specifying that both sides will jointly support Jiangsu University of Science and Technology to build a first-class university with shipbuilding characteristics; The two sides also signed the Agreement on Jointly Building Jiangsu University of Science and Technology to jointly support the school in building a first-class shipbuilding university in China Learn. [35] On December 26, joined the Yangtze River Delta High level Industry Characteristic University Alliance. [14] On December 28, Zhenjiang City supported Jiangsu University of Science and Technology to create a "double first-class" university through the "Suggestions of the CPC Zhenjiang Municipal Committee on Formulating the 14th Five Year Plan for Zhenjiang's National Economic and Social Development and the Vision of 2035". [32-33]
In 2021, it will be selected into the list of colleges and universities (Class B construction colleges and universities) planned for the construction of high-level universities in Jiangsu. [30] On November 3, Academician Huang Wei was appointed as a visiting professor of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. [29]
On October 10, 2022, a contract was signed to establish the development of production, education, research and application of pure electric transport ships Alliance. [41]
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

School running conditions



As of October 2023, the university has 21 colleges and 74 undergraduate majors. [2] [15]
List of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Undergraduate major
Ship and ocean engineering, ocean engineering and technology, port and waterway and coastal engineering, engineering mechanics
Mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, mechanical and electronic engineering, industrial design, intelligent manufacturing engineering
Automation, electrical engineering and its automation, measurement and control technology and instruments
Energy and power engineering, marine engineering, new energy science and engineering, building environment and energy application engineering
Welding technology and engineering, metal material engineering, polymer material and engineering, material forming and control engineering, electronic packaging technology, functional materials
Information management and information system, business administration, accounting, financial management, logistics management, industrial engineering, economics, financial engineering, big data management and application
Computer science and technology, software engineering, Internet of Things engineering, information security, artificial intelligence
Civil engineering, engineering management, architecture
Biotechnology, bioengineering, sericulture
Environmental engineering, applied chemistry, new energy materials and devices, water supply and drainage science and engineering, marine resources and environment, and energy chemical engineering
Food Science and Engineering, Food Quality and Safety, Food Engineering
Electronic information engineering, electronic information science and technology, underwater acoustic engineering, communication engineering, marine information engineering
Information and computing science, applied physics, applied statistics, photoelectric information science and engineering
Russian, English, translation
Human resource management, public service management, politics and administration, tourism management
Guidance and management of leisure sports and social sports
Robot engineering, metallurgical engineering, international economy and trade [44]


As of October 2023, the school has more than 2600 teaching staff, including more than 1700 full-time teachers. There are more than 270 persons with senior professional titles, more than 800 persons with deputy senior professional titles, and more than 1260 persons with doctorates. It has 11 national level talents, including 2 full-time overseas academicians, 3 specially appointed overseas academicians, 1 foreign academician of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the first level candidate of the New Century Hundred Thousand Talents Project, the national "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" young top talents, and more than 200 provincial and ministerial high-level talents; It has 20 leading talent teams of Jiangsu Province's "333 Project", excellent teaching teams of provincial colleges and universities' "Blue Project", excellent scientific and technological innovation teams of the province, excellent innovation teams of provincial philosophy and social sciences, and innovative talent teams of the province's "six talent peaks". [2]

Discipline construction

As of November 2023, the university has 4 post doctoral research mobile stations, 5 first level discipline doctoral degree authorization points, 25 first level discipline master degree authorization points, and 14 master's degree granting categories, Engineering, material science, chemistry and computer science have entered the top 1% of the ESI disciplines in the world, [39] 11 disciplines were selected into "2022 China's Best Discipline Ranking of Soft Science". At present, there are 5 national defense characteristic disciplines, 3 superior disciplines in colleges and universities of Jiangsu Province, and 9 key disciplines in the 14th Five Year Plan of Jiangsu Province. [31] [47]
East Campus
center for post-doctoral studies
Materials Science and Engineering
Ship and ocean engineering
Management Science and Engineering [16]
Animal husbandry [47]
  • Degree awarding
Summary of Doctoral Degree Authorized Disciplines
First level discipline name
Affiliated colleges (institutes)
Ship and ocean engineering ★
School of Ship and Ocean Engineering
College of Energy and Power
oceanography institute
Materials Science and Engineering ★
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering ★
School of Economics and Management
Animal husbandry ★
Sericulture Research Institute
College of Biotechnology
Neo Confucianism
System Science ★
College of Automation
School of Economics and Management
school of computing
College of Science
Note: 1. The discipline with added ★ has the right to grant the first level discipline of doctor's degree (5 first level discipline doctoral programs)
Summary of Authorized Disciplines for Master's Degree
First level discipline name
Affiliated colleges (institutes)
Ship and ocean engineering ★
School of Ship and Ocean Engineering
College of Energy and Power
oceanography institute
Mechanics ★
School of Ship and Ocean Engineering
Mechanical engineering ★
College of Mechanical Engineering
Control Science and Engineering ★
College of Automation
school of computing
Computer Science and Technology ★
school of computing
Software engineering ★
school of computing
Materials Science and Engineering ★
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Metallurgical engineering ★
Zhangjiagang Campus
School of Metallurgical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Technology ★
College of Environment and Chemical Engineering
Civil engineering ★
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
College of Energy and Power
Electrical engineering ★
College of Automation
Information and communication engineering ★
oceanography institute
Power engineering and
Engineering Thermophysics ★
College of Energy and Power
Food Science and Engineering ★
Grain College
Theoretical Economics ★
School of Economics and Management
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Management Science and Engineering ★
School of Economics and Management
Business Administration ★
School of Economics and Management
Foreign Language and Literature ★
School of Foreign Languages
Animal husbandry ★
Sericulture Research Institute
College of Biotechnology
Neo Confucianism
Biology ★
Sericulture Research Institute
College of Biotechnology
Chemistry ★
College of Environment and Chemical Engineering
History of Science and Technology ★
College of Marxism
Physics ★
College of Science
System Science ★
College of Automation
School of Economics and Management
school of computing
College of Science
Marxist Theory ★
College of Marxism
Notes: 1. The disciplines with ★ have the right to grant master's degree in the first level discipline (25 first level discipline master programs)
Summary of authorized categories of master's professional degrees
Master degree category
College of Mechanical Engineering, College of Ship and Ocean Engineering
Civil engineering and water conservancy
School of Ship and Ocean Engineering, School of Energy and Power, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Electronic information
College of Automation, College of Computer Science, College of Oceanography
Materials and Chemical Industry
School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, School of Metallurgical Engineering of Zhangjiagang Campus
Energy power
College of Energy and Power
engineering management
School of Economics and Management
Master of Agriculture
College of Biotechnology, Sericulture Research Institute
School of Economics and Management
Master of Accounting
School of Economics and Management
Master of Public Administration
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Marxism
School of Economics and Management
Application statistics
College of Science
Biology and medicine
College of Biotechnology, Sericulture Research Institute
Resources and environment
College of Environment and Chemical Engineering [42]
  • Provincial key disciplines
National defense characteristic discipline of MIIT
Ship design and manufacturing, marine engineering, detection technology and automation devices, ship power, military key materials [43]
Priority disciplines in Jiangsu universities
Ship and ocean engineering, management science and engineering, material science and engineering [17]
Cultivation and construction site of national key disciplines in Jiangsu Province
Design and manufacturing of ships and offshore structures
Key Sequence Discipline of Jiangsu Province
Management Science and Information Engineering
Advanced materials and processing technology
First level key discipline in Jiangsu Province
Ship and ocean engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering
Key (Cultivated) Discipline of Jiangsu Province
Animal husbandry
Jiangsu Provincial Key Discipline
Design and manufacturing of ships and offshore structures
Feeding of special economic animals
Material processing engineering
Marine engineering
Management Science and Engineering
Key Disciplines of Jiangsu Province during the 14th Five Year Plan
Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Control Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Computer Science and Technology, Civil Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Marxist Theory, Energy Chemistry Engineering [38]

Teaching construction

  • quality engineering
As of October 2023, the university has three pilot majors of the "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan" of the Ministry of Education, 21 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites, and 15 national first-class undergraduate courses. [12]
  • National and provincial "Excellence Plan" pilot (alliance) professional construction project
Undergraduate major
national level
Ship and ocean engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, software engineering
Provincial level (software)
Computer science and technology, software engineering, Internet of Things engineering, automation, electronic information engineering
Provincial level (alliance)
Mechatronic Engineering, Industrial Design, Energy and Power Engineering
school level
Marine engineering and technology, welding technology and engineering, material forming and control engineering, civil engineering
  • Jiangsu Province "12th Five Year Plan" Provincial Key Professional Construction Project
Name of specialty
Connotative undergraduate major
Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, mechanical and electronic engineering, industrial design
Welding technology and engineering, metal material engineering, material forming and control engineering, polymer material and engineering
Automation class
Automation, electrical engineering and its automation
Computer class
Computer science and technology, software engineering, Internet of Things engineering
Civil engineering
Civil engineering, building environment and energy application engineering, environmental engineering
Marine engineering
Ship and ocean engineering, ocean engineering and technology, port channel and coastal engineering
Management Science and Engineering
Information management and information system, industrial engineering
Provincial quality courses
Ship structural mechanics
Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design
Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology
management information systems
Foundations of Accounting
College Physics
physical chemistry
Material connection principle
College Physical Education
Provincial Excellent Teaching Team
Teaching team of ship design course group
National Experimental Practice Teaching Demonstration Center
Ship and Ocean Engineering Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center
Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Materials Science and Engineering
Provincial Experimental Practice Teaching Demonstration Center
Physical Experiment Teaching Center
Economic Management Experiment Center
Electrical and Electronic Experiment Teaching Center
Mechanics Experiment Teaching Center
Mechanical Experiment Teaching Center
Chemical Experiment Teaching Center
Engineering Practice Education Center of Ship Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology
Ship Engineering Experiment Teaching Center
Marine Mechanical Equipment Engineering Practice Education Center
Materials Science and Engineering Experiment Teaching Center
Jiangsu Province Ship Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology Engineering Practice Education Center
Marine Mechanical Equipment Engineering Practice Education Center
National first-class undergraduate major
Ship and ocean engineering
Welding technology and engineering
Information management and information system
mechanical engineering and automation
Computer Science and Technology
industrial engineering
Applied chemistry
Provincial first-class undergraduate major
Ship and ocean engineering
Welding technology and engineering
Information management and information system
mechanical engineering and automation
civil engineering
Applied chemistry
Metal material engineering
Computer Science and Technology
industrial engineering
  • School running achievements
As of November 2020, in recent years, it has won 13 first and second prizes of provincial and ministerial higher education teaching achievement awards. For three consecutive "Challenge Cup" contests, he has achieved excellent results and won the "Cup of Excellence" twice. The school enjoys the reputation of "Cradle of Chinese Shipbuilding Engineers", and graduates account for a high proportion of technical and management talents in key enterprises of China's shipbuilding industry. In the past three years, the employment rate of graduates has remained above 98% every year. The PLA Navy has set up a reserve officer selection and training office in the school. As of May 2018, 1149 national defense students have been sent to the army.

Cooperation and exchange

On December 21, 2020, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and China Shipbuilding Group Corporation signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Nanjing, specifying that both sides should jointly support Jiangsu University of Science and Technology to build a first-class university with shipbuilding characteristics, and signed the Agreement on Jointly Building Jiangsu University of Science and Technology.
As of October 2023, the university has led the establishment of the China Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Industry Intellectual Property Alliance, Jiangsu Ship and Marine Engineering Design and Research Institute, Jiangsu Ship and Marine Universities Collaborative Development Alliance, and jointly built the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Innovation Center for Ship and Marine Equipment with China Shipbuilding Group Corporation; It has established strategic cooperation relations with China Shipbuilding Group Corporation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, China Classification Society, Jiangsu Grain Bureau and other units. The school has an overseas education college, and actively carries out scientific research and school running cooperation with Australia, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Portugal, India, Japan, South Korea and other countries. It was awarded A+grade in the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the high-quality development of foreign cooperation and exchange of colleges and universities by the Provincial Department of Education. The China Ukraine and China Australia cooperation school running project is a high-level demonstration construction project of Chinese foreign cooperation school running in Jiangsu colleges and universities. At present, there are 1 master level Sino foreign cooperative school running project, 1 doctoral level joint training project, the "International Cooperation Training Project with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus" of the National Scholarship Council, and 1 international brand specialty of the provincial "14th Five Year Plan" education opening quality improvement project. It has established long-term cooperative relations with a number of famous enterprises, such as Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd., Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., Kunming Shipbuilding Equipment Group Co., Ltd., China Merchants Group Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., Yangzhou COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. The school undertakes the Institute of Continuing Education of China Shipbuilding Engineers. [18]
In March 2019, the Ministry of Education approved the cooperation between Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and Russia's Ogalov Mordova National University to hold a master's education project in energy and power. [19]
In July 2014, Xi Jinping Presented to Cuban revolutionary leaders during the President's visit to Cuba Fidel Castro The seeds of mulberry come from school. [20]

academic research


scientific research institution

By October 2023, the university has 1 national innovation and entrepreneurship education practice base, 15 national, provincial and ministerial experimental teaching demonstration centers, 11 national, provincial and ministerial key laboratories and engineering laboratories, 23 national, provincial and ministerial research centers, 2 key industrial college construction sites in Jiangsu Province, and 1 innovation and entrepreneurship practice education center for college students in Jiangsu Province, One key research base of philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu universities and one key research (construction) base of philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu universities. [2]
Provincial and ministerial key laboratories (10)
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Ship Design and Manufacturing Technology
Key Laboratory of Silkworm Biotechnology, Ministry of Agriculture, etc
Public service platforms at provincial level and above (8)
Public service platform of "Jiangsu Digital Ship Design and Manufacturing Technology Center"
Public service platform of "Jiangsu Modern Welding Technology Service Center"
Provincial and above scientific research centers
Sericulture Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Jiangsu (Dali) Hydraulic Drive and Control Engineering Technology Research Center
Jiangsu Marine Automatic Measurement and Control Technology Research Center
Jiangsu Marine Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Technology Research Center
Zhenjiang Sericulture Nursery Key Field Scientific Observation Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture
National Germplasm Resources Conservation Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Research Center for Quality and Safety Risk Assessment of Sericulture Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Jiangsu University (High tech Ship) Collaborative Innovation Center, etc
Jiangsu Ship Measurement and Control Technology Research Center
Jiangsu Marine and Offshore Engineering Electrical Automation Engineering Technology Research Center
Jiangsu Digital Shipbuilding Software Development Engineering Center
Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Transmission and Damping Devices
China Ukraine (Jiangsu) Ship and Ocean Engineering Transnational Technology Transfer Center
Jiangsu Science and Technology Transfer Center
Jiangsu High Efficiency Welding Technology Engineering Center
Sericulture Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture

Scientific and technological achievements

As of October 2023, the university has won two special prizes, two second prizes and one second prize for national technological invention. The first unit won one Chinese patent silver award, five provincial and ministerial first prizes, and 22 second prizes. Led and presided over 4 key research and development plans of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 7 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 7 key projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, took the lead in undertaking 11 projects including the advanced manufacturing industry cluster project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, provincial and ministerial key projects, and was approved as one of the characteristic scientific conditions construction projects of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. The "integrated system and application of integrated control and key equipment support for large dredgers", which was presided over and completed, comprehensively replaced foreign imports, and participated in the research and development of equipment such as ultra deepwater semi submersible drilling platform, Jiaolong manned submersible, Endeavor manned submersible, trailing suction dredger dynamic positioning dynamic tracking system, luxury cruise ships, large container ships, etc, The developed digital design and manufacturing system, efficient welding equipment, ship enterprise management software, etc. are widely used in major ship enterprises. The ship logistics comprehensive support system is leading in China, and diesel engines for lifeboats account for nearly 60% of the global market. The University's Sericulture Research Institute is the only national sericulture research institute in China, the world's sericulture germplasm conservation and research center, sericulture science and technology research center, and sericulture international cooperation and exchange center. The university has developed and provided major sericulture varieties and sericulture technologies in China and even the world, and has successively won 16 national awards. [2]
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Academic resources

  • Academic journals
The university has sponsored such publicly published academic journals as Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), Sericulture Science, Chinese Sericulture, Modern Flour Industry, etc.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) (bimonthly, publicly issued at home and abroad) is an academic journal of science and engineering sponsored by Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and in charge of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education. It was first published in 1986. The journal mainly publishes papers reflecting the latest research achievements in current academic, scientific research and technology. Relying on the discipline setting of the school, and on the premise of maintaining the characteristics of the shipbuilding industry, it mainly publishes the latest research results of ship and marine engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, power engineering, materials and welding engineering, information and control engineering, management engineering, mathematics, physics, biology and chemical engineering, as well as related cross disciplines. The characteristic column is shipbuilding engineering. This journal has been collected by various authoritative retrieval systems or databases at home and abroad. It is a national Chinese core journal, a Chinese science and technology core journal, and a RCCSE Chinese core academic journal. [21]
East Gate of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition)
The Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) was approved by the State Press and Publication Administration, supervised by the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province, and hosted by Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. Founded in 2001, it is a quarterly magazine with four issues each year and is publicly distributed at home and abroad. This journal is an academic journal of social sciences, with permanent columns on philosophy, history, linguistics, literature, sociology, law, economics, management, etc. In 2006 and 2010, it was awarded "National Excellent Journal of Social Sciences" by the Chinese Society of Humanities and Social Sciences; In 2007, it was rated as "first-class journal" in the journal quality evaluation and grading of Jiangsu Province; In 2018, it entered the expanded edition of "Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journal AMI Comprehensive Evaluation". The paper information has been collected by various databases, and is now the statistical source journal of China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Data (CAJCED), the source journal of China Core Journal (Selection) Database, the executive excellent journal of China Academic Journal (CD-ROM) Retrieval and Evaluation Data Specification, China Journal Network, and China Academic Journal (CD-ROM) Wanfang Data - Digital Journals Group, China Journal Full Text Database (CJFD), and Chinese Sci tech Journals Database contain journals in full. [22]
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Chinese and Foreign Ship Science and Technology
Chinese and Foreign Ship Science and Technology, founded in 1984, mainly reports on new progress, new trends, new technologies, new processes, etc. in various fields of the domestic and foreign shipbuilding industry, introduces some research hotspots and key technologies in the forefront of the domestic and foreign shipbuilding industry, as well as the research status and implementation of some important scientific and technological projects; Scientific and technical personnel, management personnel, teachers and students, and relevant people from research institutes, companies, factories, colleges and universities, and relevant enterprises and institutions in the domestic and foreign shipbuilding industry.
Sericulture Science
Sericulture Science is the only academic journal of sericulture major sponsored by the director of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Chinese Silkworm Society and the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. When it was first published in 1963, Mr. Guo Moruo personally wrote the title of the magazine. It was included in Chemical Abstracts (CA) of the United States in the 1990s. It is a statistical source journal of Chinese scientific and technological papers (China's core scientific and technological journals), a citation database of Chinese scientific and technological journals (CSTA), a Chinese scientific and technological journal (CD version), a Chinese journal network, and an overview of Chinese core journals And other important Chinese and foreign retrieval publications and selected journals in the CD database. Sericulture Science twice won the third prize of Excellent Journal of China Association for Science and Technology, the third prize of Excellent Journal of Jiangsu Province in 1995, the third prize of the second national excellent agricultural journal, the first prize of the third national excellent agricultural journal, and the first prize of the fourth national excellent agricultural journal in 2004.
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Chinese sericulture
Chinese sericulture is a national sericulture science and technology journal sponsored by the Sericulture Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture. It is oriented to sericulture production and scientific research, implements the combination of popularization and improvement, and serves the national silk industry. It mainly publishes policies and regulations on mulberry planting, sericulture, silkworm eggs, silk making, sericulture economy, comprehensive utilization of sericulture by-products, wild sericulture, cocoon and silk, etc. Its content is rich and detailed, integrating scientificity, practicality, technicality and guidance. There are columns such as overview, research briefing, technology application, wide-angle knowledge, reform and exploration, silk culture, park construction, science and technology expo, global sericulture, etc. [23]
  • Library Collection
As of November 2022, Library of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology The total collection of literature is 2.5 million volumes, and 703 Chinese and foreign periodicals are ordered; There are 35 Chinese and foreign language retrieval database platforms open to all teachers and students, providing reading support services for more than 1.36 million e-books and 0.54 million electronic journals.

campus culture



Design description:
(1) The logo is a group of ships sailing, which is a summary of the history of the university from the ship academy, and also reflects the spirit of the times and distinctive school running characteristics of the school.
school badge
(2) The figure is just like two people running and jumping, which represents the academic atmosphere of vibrant, innovative and competitive school.
(3) The logo is made of scientific and technological blue, which is like profound thoughts and blue ideals.
(4) The logo is dynamic and has a fresh flavor of the times. It can represent the image of the university. It will be a strong support for the cohesion of the school and the external promotion of the brand image.
(5) The ratio of inner diameter to outer diameter conforms to the golden section (0.618:1). [24]

School motto

"Learn hard and be virtuous, and be practical" It is the school motto.
"Benevolent learning, clear morality, practical application" reflects the school's school running philosophy and academic tradition, reflects the school's talent training standards and characteristics, and reflects the value pursuit and educational purpose advocated and followed by the school.
Benevolent learning: that is, concentrate on learning. The allusion comes from "Records of the Three Kingdoms · Wu Zhi · Biography of Sun Yu": "The people of Jiyang are all devoted to learning from the past, and the Yu is generous". "Benevolent learning" requires students to be committed to learning, specialized in learning, thick in learning, and achieve rich accumulation of knowledge and skills.
Mingde: The Book of Rites · University. At the beginning of "The University", it put forward that "the way of university is to be virtuous, to be friendly to the people, and to be perfect". The "Ming" here is "making the Ming", and the "Mingde" here is to carry forward the lofty moral sentiment and ideal pursuit. The first item to clarify the purpose of learning is to know the truth, cultivate the moral character and morality, and be a man of firm faith, perseverance and integrity. If you understand the truth of life, you can enjoy serving the people's livelihood, work seriously, and pursue the true, the good and the beautiful.
"Governing the world" was first derived from "Chuang Tzu", "Governing the world in the Spring and Autumn Period, the ambition of the first king"; "Zhiyong" comes from the "Zhouyi", which means that people are so dedicated that they can use it "; "Managing the world" means "managing the country to help the world", which emphasizes the need to have an ideal and ambition, aim high, have a mind of the world, and seek the way to govern the world; "Application oriented" means "combination of learning and application", which emphasizes the practical spirit and wisdom of actively joining the WTO and contributing to the people's livelihood. As an ideological trend and spirit, pragmatism originated in the Song Dynasty and formed in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, represented by Wang Fuzhi and Gu Yanwu. Later Wei Yuan, Gong Zizhen, Kang Youwei and Tan Si also drew spiritual strength from it and advocated reform. The study of pragmatism, namely "practical learning", is "the study of practice, practice, practice and practicality", which means telling the truth, doing practical things, being practical and seeking practical results. This is to serve the world and help the people.

school song

School Song of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Shi Daqing and others wrote lyrics and Lv Yuan composed music
You set sail from the Huangpu River,
Hold up the ideal of serving the country with industry.
Respecting the public, striving to be simple and industrious, and using great talents,
Carefully cultivate the rising pillars.
Ah, lofty ship soul,
We are encouraged to work hard,
Ah, lofty ship soul,
We are constantly striving for self-improvement.
You sail from the first country,
Shoulder the hope of national rejuvenation.
To learn hard and be virtuous, to be practical,
Hot blood casts the flying chapter.
Ah, lofty ship soul,
Lead us to carry forward the past and open up the future,
Ah, lofty ship soul,
Inspire us to create glory again.
Ride the long wind and break the huge waves;
Sail across the ocean.
forward! forward! Towards the infinite deep blue;
forward! forward! Towards the glory of tomorrow.
Towards the glory of tomorrow.
(Jiangsu University of Science and Technology's school song MP3, music score and school song For creation instructions, see reference material [25]

School Honors

Award time
Award Name
July 15, 2020
The State Intellectual Property Office announced the award decision of the 21st China Patent Award, and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology won the silver award of the China Patent Award.
September 2021
It has been identified as a high level university under the construction peak plan of Jiangsu Province. [28]
Jiangsu Province Civilized Unit
Jiangsu Civilized Campus
Outstanding Unit of College Spirit Construction in Jiangsu Province
Safe and Civilized Campus in Jiangsu Province
Garden style units in Jiangsu Province
Harmonious Campus of Jiangsu Universities
Advanced Scientific and Technological Innovation Unit of Jiangsu Province
Advanced Collective of Jiangsu Province in Employment of College Graduates
National Advanced Unit for Summer Social Practice Activities of College Students
Excellent institutions of higher learning implementing the Regulations on School Physical Education nationwide
New Engineering Research and Practice Project of the Ministry of Education
National Model Staff Home
National defense education characteristic school
National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee and other honorary titles
Member unit of CDIO Engineering Education Alliance
National defense education characteristic school
Advanced Collective of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu Province
National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan for College Students [26] [36-37]
Advanced unit of national defense education of Jiangsu Provincial Government and Jiangsu Military Region
National defense education demonstration school
National defense education demonstration school
Advanced unit of conscription
Advanced unit of military training
Advanced unit for standardized construction of grass-roots armed forces department of Jiangsu Military Region
Zhenjiang Double Support Work Third Class Merit Unit

Current leaders

full name
Secretary of the Party Committee
Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, President
deputy Party secretary
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President
An Xiangwei
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Inspector, and Second level Senior Inspector
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President
Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President [27]