Liu Che

The seventh emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, an outstanding politician, strategist, strategist, and writer
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synonym Martial Emperor (Emperor of the Han Dynasty) generally refers to Liu Che (the seventh emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, an outstanding politician, strategist, strategist, and litterateur)
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che (156 BC First 87 years), Western Han Dynasty The seventh emperor (141-87 BC), an outstanding politician Militarist , strategists Litterateur [249-250 ] Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty Liu Qi And Queen Wang Son of. [135]
Liu Chuchufeng Jiaodong King , was established as Crown Prince He inherited the throne at the age of 16, and has been in power for 54 years. He has made great achievements: strengthening the internal and political strength centralization , Promulgated Order of grace , developed Leftist official law and Fringe method It is strictly forbidden for princes to participate in politics and promote talented people as attendants to prepare for consultation and restraint the power of a prime minister , relying on close friends, near officials and eunuchs to participate in decision-making Sino Korean system , and set up 13 prefectural governor departments to strengthen the system of political zoning Control of; Economic reform Monetary system , prohibit counties from casting money, and promote Salt and Iron Official Camp Equalizing leveling , Promulgated Calculating roulette Gaomin Order to levy heavy taxes on merchants; Culturally formal Procuratorial system , making the county national examination Filial piety and scholar good and able men promoted by selection Etc; To implement the cultural policy of respecting Confucianism Doctor Wujing , in Beijing Chang'an build Imperial College , and make every county and country stand Academic officer Externally, send Wei Qing Huo Qubing Multiple attacks Hun , forcing them to move far away North of the Gobi desert life diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia An envoy to the Western Regions to communicate with the Han Dynasty Western Regions Ethnic ties; Conquer again Fujian and Vietnam Eastern Ou South Vietnam Weishi Korea , Operations general name of the tribes in Guizhou , set in its place prefectures and counties [2] [244] But he is superstitious and passionate about immortals Fengchan and offer sacrifice to heaven and earth , travel around the country, spend lavishly, many times sell offices and barter ranks [256] Reuse eunuch [253] Later in the reign, social contradictions Increasingly sharp, Kanto There were two million refugees and frequent peasant uprisings. The ruling group also became more and more intense“ The disaster of witchcraft ”, causing the prince Liu Ju Suicide. [244-245]
In the fourth year of Zhenghe (the first 89 years), Liu Chexia Luntai Imperial edict , Reject Sang Hongyang Raising people to cultivate farmland Wheel table Recommendations. He died two years later and passed the throne Liu Fuling [215] , posthumous title: Emperor Xiaowu, temple: Shizong, buried in Maoling [246-247] Liu Che likes literature, especially Ci Fu , representative works are《 Autumn Poems 》《 Ode for mourning Mrs. Li 》Etc. [250 ]
The overview picture is painted by the painter Li Yanyun [248]
Full Name
Liu Che
Martial Emperor Qiufengke
Posthumous title
Emperor Xiaowu
Seal number
Jiaodong King, Crown Prince (before accession) [4-5]
Temple name
Jianyuan, Yuanguang, Yuanshuo, Yuanshou, Yuanding, Yuanfeng, Taichu, Tianhan, Taishi, Zhenghe
Western Han Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Chang'an [258] (Now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province)
date of birth
156 BC (disputed)
Date of death
March 29, 87 BC
Place of death
Wuzuo Palace [46] (Now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province)
Maoling [46]
In office time
141-87 BC
Liu Qi (Emperor Xiaojing of Han Dynasty)
Liu Fuling (Emperor Xiaozhao of Han Dynasty)
Key achievements
Strengthening centralization of power, respecting Confucianism, currency system reform, opening up the Western Regions, promoting benefits and opening up borders, and establishing the year title

Character's Life


To become a prince

Liu Che's Mother Hare During pregnancy, Emperor Jingdi of the Han Dynasty Liu Qi He is still the crown prince. Wang Yu dreamed that the sun came into her arms. When she woke up and told Liu Qi, Liu Qi thought it was a sign of nobility. Liu Che was not born yet. His grandfather, Emperor Hanwen Liu Heng He died. Liu Qi succeeded to the throne as Emperor Jing, and Liu Che was born soon after. Liu Che was the tenth son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty and the only son of Wang Yu. [3]
On April 23, the fourth year of Qianyuan (153BC), Emperor Hanjing established Li Ji The eldest son Liu Rong As the Crown Prince, Liu Che was also granted the title of Jiaodong King [4] Liu Che's Aunt Guantao Princess Liu Piao Li Ji refused to propose marriage to Li Ji for her daughter Chen, but Wang Yu promised Liu Che to marry Chen, so Liu Shao kept slandering Li Ji to the Emperor Jing and praised her Hare Li Ji He also offended the Emperor Jingdi by speaking rudely, so the balance gradually tilted to the rabbit mother and son. Six years ago (151 years ago) Empress Bo After being deposed, Wang Yu secretly ordered the Great Executive Order to ask Li Ji to be the queen, which made the Emperor of Jing extremely dissatisfied with Li Ji. So he executed the Great Executive Order and alienated Li Ji. Liu Rong was deposed as the King of Linjiang in the first month of the seventh year of the Yuan Dynasty (150 years ago). On April 17, the Emperor of Jing made Wang Yu his queen; On the 25th, Liu Che, who was seven years old at that time, became the Crown Prince. [5-6]
After Liu Che became the prince, the emperor of Jing paid homage Wei Wan For the crown prince Wang Zang For the prince, let them coach Liu Che. [119-120] On the 17th day of the first month of the third year of the Houyuan era (141 BC) of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che performed the crown ceremony. Ten days later, Emperor Jing died and Liu Che succeeded him. [7]

Early Administration of Jianyuan

In the first year of Liu Che's accession to the throne, the empress dowager Dou Yi Fang The influence of foreign relatives represented by the Empress Dowager and Wang Yu has a great influence in the court. Liu Che must also "report to the Eastern Palace", that is, report the state affairs to the Empress Dowager. [8] In June of the first year of Jianyuan (140 BC), Liu Che dismissed the Prime Minister Wei Wan and the Imperial Doctor Unbelieving , will two relatives Wei Qihou Dou Infant , Wu Anhou Tian Xuan They were appointed Prime Minister and Chief Lieutenant respectively. [121] On the other hand, Liu Che also appointed Confucian scholars Zhao Wan And Wang Zang, the imperial doctor and Lang Zhongling Dou Ying and Tian Xuan both like Confucianism, while Zhao Wan and Wang Zang are great Confucians of Lu Poetics and Gu Liang School in Spring and Autumn Period Shen Gong Liu Che's will to worship Confucianism can be seen from this ruling group. He also ordered the Prime Minister and other internal and external ministers to recommend "virtuous, upright and outspoken people" [73] , and send someone to Anthurium andraeanum Tie silk and add jade When Shen Gong was recruited, Shen Gong met with Empress Liu Chehou and stressed that governing the country requires "action" rather than "many words". Liu Che liked writing and lyrics, so he was not very satisfied with Shen Gong, but after all, he had been recruited, so he appointed him as Doctor Taizhong At the same time, the scheduled repair Mingtang , changing the Confucian ritual systems such as Zhengshuo, Yifuse and Xunsao Fengchan. [120]
However, the empress dowager Dou Yi Fang advocate Huanglao School And obstruct the reform of Confucianism. In October of the same year (according to the system of the early Han Dynasty, it was October of the second year of Jianyuan), Zhao Wan, the imperial doctor, asked Liu Che not to report the government affairs to the Empress Dowager Dowager. Empress Dowager Dowager Dou was furious and scolded him for being another Xinyuanping He asked Liu Che to send Zhao Wan and Wang Zang to prison for punishment, and both died in prison. Dou Ying and Tian Xuan were also removed and replaced with descendants of founding fathers Xuchang Zhuang Qingzhai He is the Prime Minister and the Imperial Doctor. Confucian ritual systems such as Mingtang were also abandoned. [8-10]
On the other hand, the eldest princess of Guantao claimed to have made great contributions to Liu Che, and she was tired of all kinds of requests from Liu Che. At first, Empress Chen, the daughter of the eldest princess of Guantao, whom Liu Che married according to the agreement, won the exclusive favor, but she was not only "arrogant and jealous", but also childless for many years, which alienated Liu Che from her. At this time, the Queen Mother warned Liu Che: "When you just ascended the throne, the ministers had not yet fully obeyed, so they first tried to make things clear, which irritated the Queen Mother. Now they disobey the eldest princess, which will definitely offend them seriously. Women are easy to please, so you must be very careful!" So Liu Che had to respect the eldest princess Guantao and the Empress Chen a little. [122] During this period, Liu Che kept a low profile and indulged in Inchworm And hunting. [217] At the same time, he also carried out some preparatory work and preliminary activities, such as sending diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia Dispatch to Western Regions Strict assistance Expropriation Fujian and Vietnam Etc. [24-25]

Control the Imperial Court

Encyclopedia x Misunderstanding: Illustrating the Western Han Dynasty Regime
In May of the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), Empress Dowager Dou died, and Liu Che was in full power. He dismissed Xu Chang and Zhuang Qingzhai on the pretext that they were not able to handle the funeral, and appointed his uncle Tian Gui as prime minister and the great minister Han Anguo He is an imperial doctor. Liu Che almost obeyed Tian Gui, so Tian Gui was overbearing and "power was transferred to the master". Only after Liu Che beat him did he restrain himself. [11] However, he became increasingly alienated from Dou's power and finally borrowed it in the fourth year of Yuanguang (131 BC) Indoctrinate Dou Ying was executed for the incident, and soon Tian Xuan was also killed. [12] Since then, Liu Che has employed officials other than meritorious officials and relatives, and even people of humble origins, such as Main father Yan Gongsun Hong Zhang Tang He also worshipped Gongsun Hong as prime minister and granted the title of marquis of Pingjin, which broke the convention that non marquis should not be prime minister and opened the precedent of first worshipping the prime minister and then granting the title of marquis [13] It also promoted the position of the imperial doctor, let the imperial doctor Zhang Tang replace the prime minister, and the role of the prime minister's power in restraining the imperial power was also greatly reduced. [14]
On the other hand, Liu Che dotes on his sister Princess Pingyang Singer of Home Wei Zifu Empress Chen was jealous of Wei Zifu and repeatedly persecuted him. Liu Chusui deposed Empress Chen in the fifth year of Yuanguang's reign (130 years ago) for witchcraft and moved her to Changmen Palace [15-16] In the first year of Yuanshuo (128 BC), Liu Che, who was nearly 30 years old, finally got his first son Liu Ju In the same year, Wei Zifu, Liu Ju's mother, was appointed Queen [17] Six years later, Liu Jue was appointed Crown Prince. [18] At the same time, Wei Zifu's younger brother Wei Qing , nephew Huo Qubing To expand our territory and establish new Dasima To settle these military relatives. [19-20] Wei Qing and others knew that Liu Che hated Dou Ying and Tian Xuan for manipulating the government and attracting guests as relatives, so they kept a low profile and tried to please Liu Che with "gentleness" to avoid offending Liu Che's imperial power. [21]
On the one hand, Liu Che used Order of grace Further narrowing its authority and land, on the other hand, it pacified the King of Huainan in the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC) Liu An , Hengshan King Liu Ci The attempted rebellion of the central government consolidated the control of the central government over the princes. In the fifth year of Yuanding (112BC), the marquis refused to help the army South Vietnam , Liu Che dedicated to the Imperial Court Gold filigree For lack of quality, he deprived 106 marquis titles, thus beating the feudal forces that passively dealt with the central government. [22] After the fifth year of Yuanding (112BC), Liu Che began to patrol the prefectures frequently to strengthen local control. [23]

Expedite everywhere

After the policy of recuperation of the rulers of the early Han Dynasty, the national strength of the Han Dynasty was quite solid after Liu Che ascended the throne. Since his accession to the throne, Liu Che has changed the strategic defense policy at the beginning of the Han Dynasty. He has been aggressive, aggressive, and aggressive, trying to achieve "king" None ”The situation of "great unification". The target of Liu Che's military expansion was first in the south. During the Jianyuan period, Liu Che sent troops twice Fujian and Vietnam , both won without fighting. This made Liu Che feel a sense of achievement and strengthened his will to fight against all sides. He sent Strict assistance Liu An, the king of Huainan who opposed the sending of troops, conveyed his own meaning, emphasizing that "the Han Dynasty is the leader of the whole world, wielding the handle of killing life, and controlling the life at home. Those who are in danger look for security, and those who are in disorder look for peace." That is to say, the Han Dynasty is the patriarch of all countries in the world, with the mission of conquering the four sides, supporting the danger and pacifying the disorder. This is also the legitimacy of its foreign military use. [24]
The wall tiles of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, reflecting Liu Chubei's attack on the Huns, were "happy to break the Hu"
Liu Che's most important strategic goal is to "exterminate Hu" [25-26] , i.e. elimination Hun Threats to the Han Dynasty. In order to achieve this goal, he sent diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia An envoy to the Western Regions, trying to antagonize the Huns who migrated to the Western Regions people in Central Asia Form a military alliance. However, Zhang Qian was detained by the Huns on the way, and after escaping, he failed to persuade the Dariu family to unite with the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the plan of alliance with the Dariu family to "exterminate Hu" did not come true. In the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), the Huns sent people to the Han Dynasty to ask for reconciliation Wang Hui Led by the main battle group and the imperial doctor Han Anguo After some controversy, Liu Che adopted the idea of the peace leaders and prepared to hide his strength for a while against the Huns. In the second year of Yuanguang (133 BC), Wang Hui proposed to Liu Che Ma Yizhi's Plan , trying to lure the Huns Military minister Shan Yu Entry, at Mayi Set ambushes in the valley. Liu Che approved the plan, but the plan failed due to poor action. Wang Hui committed suicide in prison. After that, the Huns broke off their marriage with the Han Dynasty and invaded the Han Dynasty frontier fortress more frequently. [27-28]
In this case, the main father Yan Yan An Liu Che proposed to restore the rapport with the Huns in exchange for national stability. [29] However, Liu Che did not give in to the Huns, but resolutely promoted Wei Qing and Huo Qubing to attack the Huns. Since the sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC), Wei Qing and other generals have been out of the frontier for years, breaking through the Huns and recovering Hetao Area, building Shuofangcheng So that the Han Dynasty gradually took the initiative in the struggle against Hungary. In the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC), Huo Qubing, the general of cavalry, marched westward to the Huns Rightly , development Hexi Corridor Hunxie King More than 40000 people from the tribe surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and then four prefectures (Jiuquan, Zhangye, Wuwei, Dunhuang) were set up successively, which cut off the communication between the Qiang people and the Huns and controlled the way to the Western Regions. In the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), Wei Qing, Huo Qubing and other generals launched a "Doumu" campaign to go deep into Mobei and defeat the Huns. From then on, the Huns fled far away“ Mounan No royal court ". However, the Han Dynasty also paid considerable losses. In addition, Huo Qubing died two years after entering the fortress. After that, the offensive against the Huns ended. [30]
After the war against the Huns ended, Liu Che pointed his sword in other directions and continued to expand the territory. In the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Liu Che sent Anguo Young Season End the army Waiting for an envoy South Vietnam , persuade the King of South Vietnam Zhao Xing Attached. But the Prime Minister of South Vietnam Lv Jia Not willing to return to the Han Dynasty, he killed Zhao Xing, the king of South Vietnam, and his mother and daughter of the Han Dynasty in the following year. Han envoys such as An Guoshaoji and Zhong Jun were also killed. Liu Chusui Sect Lubold Yang Servant They sent troops to wipe out South Vietnam, set up nine prefectures including Nanhai, and incorporated Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and the central and northern regions of Vietnam into their territory. In the following years, they were pacified Xiqiang Weishi Korea East Vietnam general name of the tribes in Guizhou And other regimes or ethnic groups incorporated the eastern part of Qinghai, the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau and other places into the territory. [2]

Late rolling

In June of the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Fenyin The unearthed treasure tripod is considered as a sign of good fortune, and Liu Che later ordered discussion Fengchan And completed the grand ceremony of Fengchan Taishan three years later Yuanfeng [31] Fengchan Taishan is a symbol of success in governance, but Liu Che did not stop the pace of military use, but also moved the front of the military to the more distant Western Regions Ferghana , so there is the absolute beginning Year Li Guangli After years of hard fighting, the Western Expedition against Dawan finally killed the King of Dawan and opened up fields in Wheel table Canal plough And preliminarily control the Western Regions. However, the Huns still maintained great influence in the Western Regions, which led the small countries in the Western Regions to choose "two families" to protect themselves. [32] However, after more than ten years of "recuperating their horses and learning to shoot and hunt", the Huns recovered somewhat. In addition, Wei and Huo were dead, so they refused to send the crown prince to the Han Dynasty as Liu Che asked, and became a border trouble of the Han Dynasty again. Therefore, Liu Che issued an imperial edict to conquer the Huns in the fourth year of Taichu (101 BC) in an attempt to completely solve the Xiongnu problem. However, the previous and subsequent campaigns were unfavorable, Li Ling , Li Guangli and other generals surrendered to the Huns. [30] Liu Che's decades of military use led to the exhaustion of the people. By the fourth year of Yuanfeng (107 BC), there were more than 2 million refugees in Guandong, and 400000 people who were not registered as permanent residents. The situation of "empty city granaries, many people exiled" and "the world is depleted, and people eat each other again" appeared. [33] [123]
The evil consequences of Liu Che's reuse of cruel officials are also increasingly prominent Tianhan During the period, the society was turbulent, and "thieves" were everywhere. In Nanyang, there were Mei Mian and Bai Zheng; in Chu, there were Yin Zhong and Du Shao; in Qi, there was Xu Bo; between Yan and Zhao, there were Jian Lu and Fan Sheng. Liu Che called them "oriental bandits". On the one hand, he strengthened the security and picket in Guanzhong, and strictly prevented the heroes in Guanzhong and their traffic; Send Doctor Guanglu Fan Kun , Zhufu Duwei and former Jiuqing Zhang De led the troops to suppress the riots, and sent embroidered clothes to point directly at Overwhelming victory It took several years to capture and kill all the leaders of the "Oriental Bandits" until they killed the local officials who did not suppress effectively. However, its remains are still in the mountains, and it is difficult to eliminate them. Liu Chenai issued“ Method of sinking life ”Urge local officials to eliminate "thieves". However, local officials are afraid of laws and regulations and often hide, which forms a vicious circle. [34] [222]
In addition to the emergence of social crisis, the internal struggle of the court is also increasingly intensified. After the last years of Yuanshuo, with Wei Zifu's lust declining and his love relaxing, Liu Che became lucky again Mrs. Wang Mrs Li And gave birth to several princes. When Liu Jue, the crown prince, grew up, he was "benevolent, forgiving, gentle and sincere" and repeatedly admonished Liu Che for his militarism. Liu Che thought that Liu Ju was not like himself, so his father and son were estranged. Wei Zifu and his mother were very upset about this. When Liu Che found out, he said to Wei Qing, "Everything of the Han family has just started. In addition, the four barbarians invade and bully China. If I don't change the system, the future generations will have nothing to follow. If they don't send troops to fight, the world will not be stable, so they can't help but let the people tired. If the future generations do like me again, it is a repeat of the mistakes of the perishing Qin Dynasty. The prince is kind and likes quietness. He will surely stabilize the world and won't let me worry. If you want to seek a man who abides by the law, is there anything better than the prince? It's said that the Queen and the Crown Prince are worried. What's worth worrying about? Go and tell them what I mean. " After hearing this, Wei Zifu took off his hairpin to plead guilty. Every time Liu Ju proposed to fight against the barbarians, Liu Che laughed and said, "I will do the hard work and leave the comfort to you, won't I?" [35]
However, the contradiction between Liu Che and his son has not been alleviated, and the central government has also divided into anti prince faction dominated by "ministers of usage" and pro prince faction dominated by the so-called "lenient elders". After the death of Wei Qing in the fifth year of Yuanfeng (106 BC), Liu Ju became more isolated. [35] In the first three years of Taishi (94 years ago), Liu Che became a new favorite Zhao Jieyu She was 14 months pregnant and gave birth to the prince Liu Fuling Liu Che was overjoyed and named Zhao Jieyu's palace gate as“ Yaomu Gate ”。 This sent a signal to the outside world that Liu Che wanted to replace Liu Zheng with Liu Fuling, which led to the increasingly fierce struggle between the anti prince faction and the pro prince faction, and finally led to the second year of Zhenghe (91 years ago)“ The disaster of witchcraft ”。 [36] Liu Ju killed himself when he was defeated. His wife, concubines and children were killed. Wei Zifu also committed suicide, and the Wei family was killed. The next year, Liu Che learned that the Prime Minister who suppressed Liu Ju Liu Quyuan Wants to establish the King Changyi, the son of Mrs. Li Liu Xuan For the crown prince, Liu Quzhou was executed, and Li Guangli, who was fighting outside, and those who had been killed by Liu Ju were killed Jiangchong The anti prince faction was purged and Hysteria And come back to look at the platform of thinking, to show our remembrance. Gao Jilang, who defends the crown prince Tian Qianqiu He was promoted to prime minister in a few months. [37] But Liu Ju's only surviving grandson (later Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty Liu Xun) is still being held in Chang'an Prison Bingji We can grow safely under the protection of. [38]

The lord is dying

In the spring of the fourth year of Zhenghe (89 BC), Liu Che went to Donglai to seek immortality. It happened to be stormy and high tide, so he could not go to sea. He stayed for more than ten days before returning. In Fengtai Mountain, Zen Shilu Later, Liu Che summoned his officials, regretted his past mistakes, ordered the dismissal of the alchemists, and stopped praying for immortals. [39] In the same year, Captain Sousu Sang Hongyang Wait for the request to Tuntian in Luntai, Liu Chexia《 Luntai Imperial edict 》, vetoed the proposal, and stressed that "today we must stop cruelty Unauthorized bestowal We should strengthen the economy and repair the horses to fill the gaps. There is no shortage of military equipment. [40] Since then, Liu Che has stopped sending troops and has been appointed Prime Minister Tian Qianqiu It means "enriching the people", meaning to rest with the people; Also appointed Zhao Guo In order to search for Su Duwei, let him promote Field substitution method And advanced farm tools. [40-41]
In the first year of the Later Yuan Dynasty (88 BC), Jiang Chongyu's party Matong Maholo Liu Che was assassinated by Liu Che and the officials who were near him Jin Ridi It was found that he and two other close aides Huo Guang Shangguan Jie Jointly crushed the plot and protected Liu Che. [42] At this time, Liu Che was nearly seventy years old, and his days were numbered. He began to arrange future affairs. Among the sons of Liu Che, the king of Qi Liu Hong He died early, and Liu Gui, the king of Changyi, was excluded from the succession to the throne due to the prison of Liu Qu Gui, the king of Yan Liu Dan He Guangling King Liu Xu The envoy sent by Liu Dan to ask for lodging in Beijing was also killed by Liu Che as a warning. [43] In this way, the youngest son Liu Fuling became the only candidate. Liu Che killed Liu Fuling's biological mother, Zhao Jieyu, to prevent the imperial palace from interfering in politics [44] And arrange Huo Guang, Jin Ridi, Shangguan Jie and Sang Hongyang The four are assistant ministers to ensure a smooth transition of political situation behind them. [45]
In the spring of the second year of the Houyuan era (87BC), Liu Che was seriously ill and moved to the countryside Changyang Palace Wuzuo Palace Period has“ read the future from the clouds It was said that there was a spirit of the emperor in Chang'an prison. Liu Che took the opportunity to order the execution of all prisoners in Chang'an prison, including Liu Ju's grandson, but Bingji tried to stop him. Liu Che sighed with God's will and gave up the order to slaughter the prison. [38] Soon after, on February 12, when Liu Che was dying, he officially proclaimed Liu Fuling as the Crown Prince. The next day, Huo Guang, Jin Ridi Shangguan Jie Sang Hongyang worships under the bed in Liu Che's bedroom. On February 14, Liu Che died and was buried in March Maoling [45-46] The posthumous title was Emperor Xiaowu. Liu Fuling ascended the throne as Emperor Zhao. Thirteen years later, Liu Ju's grandson Liu Xun Inheriting the throne was Emperor Xuan, who overtook Liu Che in the first two years (72 years ago) as "Shizong". [47]

Measures for politics



  • Official system reform
In order to strengthen the autocratic imperial power and centralization, Liu Che carried out the following reforms of the official system:
  1. one
    The post of captain was abolished, and then a new Dasima was set up, with Wei Qing and Huo Qubing as the posts. However, they were just given the position of honor and favor to the noble relatives, not responsible for military affairs. [20] Therefore, the post of prime minister has changed from three princes (prime minister, imperial doctor, and imperial lieutenant) to Erfu (Prime Minister, Imperial Doctor).
  2. two
    To check and balance the power of the prime minister, close officials were used to participate in decision-making. Liu Che promoted a group of talented scholars to serve as the general, servant, regular servant, and minister of the emperor in the palace, becoming "the central officials of the access gate". Liu Che's use of representative examples of near ministers' participation in decision-making is useful Strict assistance Reject the policy Tian Xuan The strategy is to send troops to attack Fujian and Vietnam, save Dongou, and use Main father Yan It's a good policy to weaken the princes by giving grace orders [48] The four ministers who were orphaned before their death were also near ministers. From then on, it gradually formed“ Chinese and Korean officials ”And the Prime Minister“ Foreign court officials ”The dual system of.
  3. three
    Empower eunuchs. In addition to scholars, Liu Che's "near officials" also included eunuchs. Because he "swam in the banquet hall", the eunuch was asked to be in charge of confidential affairs [224-225] Open the eunuch in charge Shangshu (In charge of memorials of officials and other documents) [252] And called it "Zhongshuye" Order of Calling People In the middle of the book, the audience is shot , all served by eunuchs. [253] However, in Liu Che's later period, eunuchs Su Changrong People framed the prince Liu Ju , finally The disaster of witchcraft [254] When Liu Che was in office, With the strengthening of imperial power, the eunuch force further developed and became active in the internal court. Liu Che set up the order to call people in the middle of the book, and used the eunuch as his post, cashier's order, and secret officials in charge of the internal court. In terms of the system, the establishment of the Middle School Order created a precedent for the center of eunuch leadership. This was an extremely important turning point in the history of eunuch system in the Han Dynasty, and it was an important turning point for the later Eunuch dictatorship Provides a paradigm. [255 ]
  4. four
    Strengthened the position of supervisor, and increased it in the prime minister's office in the fifth year of Yuanshou (118 BC) Si Zhi A position to assist the Prime Minister in reporting lawlessness. [49] Basis for the fifth year of Yuanfeng (the first 106 years)《 China's oldest known book of geography 》《 Employers 》There are 13 prefectures in the world, each of which has a governor, who supervises local officials and heroes in the interior of the prefecture with six questions. Designed in the fourth year of tax collection (the first 89 years) Sili Xiaowei To supervise all officials in the imperial court and the seven prefectures in the capital. [50-52] In the later period of Liu Che's reign Han official post responsible for suppressing bandits. (Embroidering envoy), representing the emperor to deal with thieves and major cases. [53]
  5. five
    Foreign policy. During the reign of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, it was a precedent that foreign relatives were granted marquises by marriage, but at that time foreign relatives did not enter the power core circle, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne. Tian Xuan and Tian Sheng, as emperor's uncles, were granted marquises by marriage. Marquis Tian Xuan of Wu'an was the first lieutenant, and then "took the heart as the phase". He was extremely powerful for a while. Tian served as the prime minister as the emperor's uncle. "When he entered the imperial court, his words moved to the day, and everything he said was recommended or started at 2000 stone, and his power moved to the master.". Although Tian Xuan is powerful, he has not yet reached the situation of dictatorship. After Tian Xuan, Emperor Wu strictly controlled foreign relatives to be marquises by marriage. Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Li Guangli and other distinguished relatives were all marquises with military merit. Although they were generals, they could not touch politics. Before the death of Emperor Wu, the imperial edict was sealed Huo Guang Bolu Marquis triggered the autocratic situation of foreign relatives. [259 ]
  • Legal reform
Liu Che adheres to the rule of law, does not condone the lawbreaking relatives of the emperor, and does not hesitate to execute his nephew and son-in-law Zhaopingjun [54] And praised and promoted the arrest of another nephew (stepsister Golden custom Son of Paraphrase [168] But there are exceptions, such as advocating excellence Guo Sheren He ingeniously pleaded for mercy and forgave his nurse (the mother of Guota, the marquis of Dongwu, was moved to the frontier fortress because her family violated the law). [207]
In order to strengthen the legal system, Liu Che hit the doctor Zhang Tang in the fifth year of Yuanguang (130 years ago) Zhao Yu Revise laws and regulations, and finally establish Chinese law The framework of law and order, 359 chapters in total, 409 death sentences, 1882 cases, capital crimes exemplary cases of judgment 13472. The representative example is the strengthening of“ See the main method of knowing the reason and supervising the temporary department ”The provisions of the law of the People's Republic of China, that is, if the officials in charge intentionally release the criminals, they will be guilty of the same crime as the criminals; At the same time, "slow down Deep reason "Crime", that is, to relax the punishment of the officials for making unjust, false and wrong cases. This led to the severe punishment and the prevalence of cruel officials during Liu Che's reign. [55] Liu Che also cracked down on the heroes in the Kanto society, migrated to the Central Shaanxi Plain and joined the clan to kill the heroes Guo Jie In order to promote the law of Han Dynasty to sink to the grass-roots society in Guandong. [56] In addition, during the reign of Liu Che, with the promotion of Dong Zhongshu and others, Liu Che realized the initial Confucianism of justice and opened the Spring and Autumn Prison Is the first of its kind. [57-58]
In the later period of Liu Che's reign, social contradictions were acute and peasant uprisings were frequent. Liu Che sent Xiuyi to directly target and kill officials who were ineffective in suppression, and issued“ Method of sinking life ”And strictly urge local officials to eliminate thieves. However, local officials are afraid of laws and regulations and often hide, which forms a vicious circle. [34]
  • Employment policy
Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, important positions in the imperial court have been monopolized by marquises (usually meritorious officials or foreign relatives) and passed“ Ren Zi ”We have been officials for generations. Liu Cheze did not stick to the same pattern, but chose talents, boldly promoted talents and appointed them according to their talents. This employment policy was reflected in the imperial edict issued by him in the fifth year of Yuanfeng (106 BC)( Emperor Wu Asks Mao Cai for an Imperial edict )Medium. [59] Among the talents promoted by him, there are many people from humble or humble backgrounds, including Zhu Fuyan, Bu Shi, Gongsun Hong Infantile breadth Zhu Maichen Sang Hongyang Wu Youweiqing, Huo Qubing, Li Guangli, and even in his later years promoted Jin Ridi, a captive of the Huns, to be minister in charge. later ages Ban Gu He praised that "when the Han Dynasty wins people, it will be prosperous in this way". Therefore, Liu Che's achievements in the first dynasty are "beyond the reach of future generations". [60]
Liu Che also improved the talent promotion mechanism from the system. He made great efforts to develop Procuratorial system At least three imperial edicts were issued in October of the first year of Jianyuan (141 BC), the first year of Yuanguang (134 BC), and the fifth year of Yuanguang (130 BC) Virtuous literature , get scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Dongfang Shuo Gongsun Hong Strict assistance And other talents. In November of the first year of Yuanguang (135 BC), Liu Che issued an imperial edict to the prefecture to appoint one dutiful person and one incorruptible official every year Filial piety To make the procuratorial examination customized, and filial piety and honesty become the core subject of the procuratorial examination system. [61]
On the one hand, Liu Che boldly promoted talents and generously rewarded them. On the other hand, he was "stern in nature" and demanding on officials. He believed that "talented people are not willing to make full use of their talents, which is the same as incompetent people", so he was always killing incompetent officials or deceiving their own officials. During his reign, there were thirteen prime ministers, four of whom died of illness, four were dismissed for crimes, two committed suicide and three were executed for crimes, and countless other officials were imprisoned and executed. To sink into gloom He once advised Liu Che not to kill officials indiscriminately, but Liu Che disagreed. [212]
  • Weaken the princes
Liu Che further carried out measures to weaken princes on the basis of Emperor Jing's policy of cutting vassals. In the second year of Yuanshuo (127 BC), Liu Che implemented the Order of grace It is stipulated that the vassal kings can grant their fiefs to their sons other than the firstborn son who inherits the throne by "offering grace", and report to the imperial court. The emperor will determine the titles of vassals, and the vassal kings have no right to revoke or change them. The enfeoffment of the marquis was under the jurisdiction of the county, which was not allowed to interfere in the political affairs, but only collected the taxes within the fiefdom. [62] In the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC), Liu Che issued the decree after smashing the rebellion conspiracy of Huainan King and Hengshan King Leftist official law and Fringe method The former belittled officials of vassal states as“ Left official ”It is stipulated that officials who once served in the Kingdom shall not serve in the central government; The latter forbade courtiers to collude with princes and seek profits for them. After Liu Che's series of measures to cut vassals, the power and fiefdoms of vassals became smaller and smaller. [63]
  • Patrolling prefectures
Since the fifth year of Yuanding (112BC), Liu Che began to patrol the prefectures frequently. His footprints reached north to the Northern Frontier, south to Xiangheng, east to the sea, west to Longshan, and all over the five mountains and four defiles. The purpose of Liu Che's tour is to investigate the local political situation and the local officials in counties and prefectures; Observe people's conditions, persuade farmers to teach mulberry, and promote education; To coordinate the military affairs, secure the border, and so on. During this period, he completed such feats as offering sacrifices to Mount Tai, offering sacrifices to Mingtang, and harnessing the Yellow River. However, Liu Che's patrol also includes negative aspects such as seeking immortals and ghosts. [64]
  • Zoning adjustment
The Western Han Dynasty pursued a geo strategy based on Guanzhong, by which it controlled the vassals internally and the Huns externally. When Liu Bang was in control, he took Luoyang as an important town to control and defend the princes in Guandong; Liu Cheshi focused on defending the outside world, and his rule over the princes in Guandong shifted from military town to political control. Luoyang's importance in geo strategy also declined accordingly. Liu Che adjusted the regional structure between Chang'an and Luoyang to meet the need of geo strategic transformation. In the third year of Yuanding (114 BC), Liu Che, at the request of General Yang Puzhi of Louchuan strategic Qin-dynasty pass in Henan Moving about 300 li eastward is called "Guangguan". Since then, the eastern boundary of the northern part of the Han Guanzhong region has been divided by Linjin Pass The first line of the Yellow River marked by Taihang Mountain frontline; The eastern boundary of the central region moves eastward from the old Hangu Pass to the new Hangu Pass; The eastern boundary of the southern region extends southeastward from the southeast edge of Sichuan Basin to the mountains between Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou along the line of Zhupuguan and Jinsangguan. Liu Chedong moved to Hangu Pass to include the whole Xiaohan mountain area in the pass, so as to strengthen the control of Luoyang and prevent changes in the east of the pass, and alien forces attacked Luoyang to threaten Guanzhong; set up Hongnong County It aims to build a defense system with Hongnong, Xin'an and Yiyang as nodes, and strengthen the control of Xiaohan Road and Wuguan Road, so as to make up for the defense omissions in Guanzhong after the move of Hangu Pass to the east, and achieve the dual purpose of controlling Luoyang and defending Guanzhong. By increasing the scope of Guanzhong area, especially the eastward movement of Hangu Pass and the area to the east of Taihang Mountain being included in Guanzhong, Liu Che greatly enhanced the effectiveness of the basic statecraft strategy of relying on Guanzhong to control Guandong. [210-211]
  • Calendar reform
Liu Che carried out the policy of "Yi Zhengshuo" and carried out a comprehensive reform on the way of counting the years, calendar, etc. during his tenure, which had a far-reaching impact. During the period of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing, the Han Dynasty took measures to "reform the Yuan Dynasty", but no year was established. After Liu Che ascended the throne, he also changed his name every six years. However, he has not established a number for more than 30 years since he ascended the throne. Instead, he used the names of one yuan, two yuan, three yuan, four yuan, five yuan, etc. In the third year of the Five Yuan Dynasty (i.e. the Yuan Ding) (114 BC), the relevant departments of the imperial court proposed to change the naming method of the era, abolish the previous simple numerical arrangement, and replace it with some“ skyray ”Come to the era. The following year, the treasure tripod unearthed in Fenyin was named "Yuan tripod", and the year titles of Jianyuan, Yuanguang, Yuanshuo and Yuanshou were added to the first, second, third and fourth yuan respectively. Three years later, Liu Che granted Mount Tai a Buddhist title and changed it into the Yuan Dynasty. It was not until the first year of the Taichu era (104 BC) that the era was officially launched, but it was not established in the last two years. Later generations used to call it Later yuan [31] [65] The system of year title became the way of dating adopted by most emperors in China, and it has influenced countries in East Asia and has continued to this day.
While creating the era of year, Liu Che also started to revise the calendar. The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system and continued to use it Zhuan Xu Calendar , starting with October. Liu Chuming Deng Ping Thaungdut Luoxia Hong According to the astronomical phenomena and long-term astronomical records, a new calendar was created, which was issued in the first year of the Taichu era (104 BC) Primordial calendar First calendar adopted first month of the lunar year , taking the first month as the first year, adopt twenty-four solar terms For the first time, it is stipulated that the month without gas is divided into leap month The method to calculate the eclipsing period and the position of the five major planets has epoch-making significance. [66]


  • develop agriculture
Liu Che attaches great importance to agriculture, and his agricultural policies are mainly reflected in the following four aspects:
  1. one
    Build water conservancy. Liu Che's reign was the second climax of water conservancy construction in Chinese history after the Warring States Period Liufu Canal Baiqu Longshou Canal Chengguo Canal For other water conservancy projects, "canal pawns" are also set up in the northwest frontier to take charge of water conservancy.
  2. two
    renovation Water transport Liu Che Accepts the Grand Manager Zheng then The proposal of "diverting water from the Wei River through the canal" was put forward to facilitate the smooth transportation of grain from Guandong to Guanzhong. Tens of thousands of people were mobilized to build 300 li canal in three years, which greatly improved the transportation conditions, improved the transportation efficiency, reduced the transportation cost, and also played a certain role in irrigation. At the same time, in order to avoid Dizhu Mountain He ordered people to break through the mountains of the Qinling Mountains for more than 500 miles to build the dangerous rivers in the area Commendatory chute The canal "runs upstream from Nanyang to Baozhi, and the water in Baozhi is cut off to an angle. It turns by car for more than a hundred miles and goes down from an angle to the Wei River". However, the river valleys in Baoshui and Xishui are too steep, the drop is too large, the water flow is fast, and the water is too rocky to sail, so the intended purpose of opening the Baoshui ramp has not been achieved
  3. three
    Harnessing the Yellow River. In the early period of Liu Che's reign, the river (the Yellow River) burst at Bottle gourd , causing serious disasters to the people along the coast. Liu Che sent Zheng at that time To sink into gloom He led 100000 soldiers and civilians to block the mouth. However, due to the high water potential, the closure was resumed. The local people blocked the mouth several times, but failed. In the first year of Yuanfeng (109 BC), Liu Che visited the bottle gourd on his way back from Taishan and gave a death order, "to make all the officials, from officials to generals, break the river with pay", which finally stopped the breach. In order to prevent the river from flooding again, the people were also mobilized to repair the two channels of the Yellow River flood diversion, so that "the land of Liang and Chu was restored to tranquility and there was no flood".
  4. four
    Reform agricultural technology. Appointment of Liu Che Zhao Guo To promote Su Duwei Field substitution method And cattle farming, and improved farm tools, which greatly increased agricultural productivity and made the Western Han society turn the corner Zhaoxuan Zhongxing Laid an important foundation. [226-227]
  • Expand finance
When Liu Che was in power, he used his army everywhere. The savings of 70 years in the Han Dynasty gradually ran out of money. The rich businessmen and powerful landlords among the people were sitting on a lot of wealth, but they "didn't help the country in its emergency". Therefore, Liu Che's economic policy focused on expanding finance and competing with the "people" for profits, and implemented the following measures:
① Currency reform
The characteristic coin issued by Liu Che during his reign -- the third platinum coin
In the early Han Dynasty, the currency system was chaotic, and the counties were allowed to cast money, which led to a serious phenomenon of private coinage. Liu Che in view of the rich businessmen“ 蹛 Wealth Due to the increasingly serious reality of "the poor people living in poverty", the government decided to carry out currency reform. He first changed from four baht coins of Emperor Wen to three baht coins, then from three baht coins to half two, then half two to three baht coins, and then three baht coins to Platinum III Repeated changes in the currency system had little effect and caused inflation. Liu Che issued it in the fifth year of Yuanshou (118 BC) Five baht coins It stipulates that the five baht coins are raised around the perimeter and the square hole in the middle, and the diameter, aperture and thickness of the coins are consistent. However, due to the scattered coinage of the prefectures and states, it is difficult to unify the coinage quality, leaving a gap for stolen coinage, which is still repeatedly prohibited. In the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Liu Che issued an edict to stop minting coins in the prefecture. All the coins previously minted were melted down Shanglin Three Officials Unified casting, the money of the three officials without Shanglin cannot be circulated, and violators will be severely punished. At this point, the coinage right was completely returned to the central government. [67-68]
In addition, Liu Che also introduced White Deer Skin Coin He asked the vassals to exchange cash for white deer skin coins to pad the tribute jade. It is not difficult to obtain the white deer skin, and it is extremely easy to make coins. However, it is artificially stipulated that the white deer skin coin with a square foot is worth 400000 yuan, so as to make the princes pay more money to the imperial court to solve the financial problem. [68]
② Computing and advertising
In the sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC), Liu Che issued the order for the first time Calculating roulette Order, but only for Municipal nationality Twenty five percent of the businessmen collected transportation vehicle tax. Ten years later, the second order was issued to all businessmen and handicraftsmen to collect property tax according to assets. Business and usury capital 2000 Minqian If you charge 120 yuan, the number of handicraftsmen will be halved; Businessmen pay twice for one car, and ordinary people are halved; If the ship is more than five feet tall, it will be charged. Although many businessmen and handicraftsmen have concealed or underreported their property, Liu Che encouraged them to Gaomin , life Yang Ke Host, once reported to hide property, he will be punished to garrison the border for one year, confiscate the property, and give half of it to the informant. Thus, the custom of suing people prevails, and the government often severely disposes of it, leading to "a large number of merchants at home and above", which greatly increases the income of the court. In the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Liu Che New Qinzhong (Hetao area) was dissatisfied with the border defense situation, killed the officials below the Northern Prefecture Magistrate, and encouraged the people to go to the New Qin Dynasty to herd animals in exchange for the privilege of avoiding suimin; In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), Liu Che ordered those who can donate millet to Ganquancang to be exempted from military service for life and from sui min, so the people donated millet in succession, making "the people do not benefit from giving, but the world uses it". [68]
③ Salt Iron Wine Official Camp
In the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), Liu Che announced that Salt and Iron Official Camp , with Salt officer Iron officer It is forbidden for people to boil salt without permission. Those who violate the rule should add salt on their left foot Seat The main role of salt officials was to organize the production of salt, transport and collect the monopoly tax on salt. Iron ware was operated by officials from manufacturing to sales, which greatly increased the income of the imperial court. In addition, the official sale of iron weapons also delayed the spread of iron weapons, ensuring the weapons superiority of the Han Army. On the other hand, many ironware produced by the official monopoly of the iron casting industry have low cost performance, which reduces productivity to a certain extent. [69]
In the third year of Tianhan (the first 98 years), Liu Che listened to Shaofu 's recommendations, Deliberate wine It is forbidden for people to brew wine and is monopolized by the government. [70-71]
④ Equalizing leveling
In the second year of Yuanding (115 BC), Liu Che, according to the Dayong Order Hole only He and Sang Hongyang, the Grand Farmer, proposed to set up a Junyu official under the Grand Minister in charge of national finance in the central government, to transfer the goods that should be exported to Beijing from all over the country to all over the country for sale, so as to increase the income of the imperial court, restrain the merchants from monopolizing the market and stabilize prices. In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), a Ping Zhun official was set up in the capital, who used the materials stored by the officials to sell at high prices and purchase at low prices. The implementation of the policy of "equal loss and equal permission" greatly increased the amount of goods and materials held by the imperial court, stabilized the price of the market, and cracked down on the behaviors of rich businessmen and merchants who hoarded and monopolized the market. [68] However, due to improper employment, some officials who were responsible for both losing and leveling colluded with businessmen, which led to the rise in prices. [72]
⑤ Selling official positions and titles
When Liu Che was in power, official selling was widespread, and he issued many edicts such as "buying things to pay for officials" and "buying sheep to make a man". [256]
During the reign of Liu Che, the financial crisis was mainly caused by large-scale foreign wars, large-scale construction projects and Liu Che's extravagance. The previous generation was mainly priced in money, and gold began to be used as the unit of measurement during Liu Che's reign. Liu Che's selling of official positions and titles directly led to the destruction of official governance, which was a turning point in the history of selling official positions and titles in the Han Dynasty. Selling official positions and bartering officials will inevitably lead to corruption in the administration of officials. Liu Che realized this transformation process from quantitative change to qualitative change.
Due to the huge financial expenditure during the reign of Liu Che, the income from selling knights was not enough to sustain the expenditure, so Liu Che began to sell officials, and repeatedly issued the edicts of "buying goods to pay for officials" and "buying sheep to make money". The reign of Liu Che was the period in which most imperial edicts were issued during the whole Han Dynasty. [257 ]


  • Respect Confucianism
Liu Chugang showed his intention of worshiping Confucianism when he succeeded to the throne. Those who learned "the words of Shen, Shang, Han Fei, Su Qin and Zhang Yi" when he first cited virtuous literature in October of the first year of Jianyuan (141 BC) were not employed [73] At the same time, they recruited Lu poetics and Guliang scholars in the Spring and Autumn Period with Anche Pulun and Shubo Jiabi Shen Gong The Master Shen and his disciples were asked to discuss the etiquette system of Mingtang, but they were soon frustrated by Empress Dowager Dou, who advocated the learning of Huang and Lao. [120]
In the fifth year of Jianyuan (136 BC), Liu Che set up Doctor Wujing , reaffirmed the respect for Confucianism. In the first year of Yuanguang (134 BC), Liu Che selected the literature of good and virtuous people for the second time. The prime minister, Tian Gui, "deposed Huang Lao and punished hundreds of scholars", and recruited hundreds of Confucian scholars. Later, the Confucian scholar Gongsun Hong became the prime minister, leading the world's students to compete to learn Confucianism. In the process of respecting Confucianism, Liu Che paid the most attention to the Spring and Autumn Period represented by Gongsun Hong, Dong Zhongshu, etc gongyang And let the crown prince Liu Zuo learn《 Legend of Spring and Autumn Rams 》。 [74]
At that time, Dong Zhongshu proposed that "all those who are not in the discipline of six arts and the art of Confucius should break their ways and not make progress together" [75] However, Liu Che did not really adopt it. Instead, he adopted the policy of "opening up the road of artistic ability and learning from hundreds of schools", that is, promoting Confucianism as an official ideology while retaining the knowledge of all schools of thought. [76] In the process of governing the country, legalism was valued and mixed with Confucianism, thus forming a set of "Hanjia system" of "overlord and miscellaneous Taoism", which was summarized by later generations as "positive Confucianism and negative Buddhism" and "external Confucianism and internal Buddhism", affecting the Chinese society for the next two thousand years. [209]
  • Collect books
When Liu Che was in power, the government ordered the nationwide collection of books for the first time in Chinese history. Liu Che lamented the lack of books, so he made a policy to build a collection of books, set up a book writing officer, and opened up the way to offer books. He ordered all the books of various schools to be included in the secret mansion. After 100 years of efforts, he finally made "books accumulate like hills", and saved a large number of valuable ancient documents. At that time, the government library had all the collections of Taichang, Taishi and Shifu, and the Imperial Palace had Yange, Guangnei and the House of Secretaries. This is the first time in Chinese history that the National Library clearly recorded. [77-78]
  • Set up schools
In the fifth year of Yuanshuo (124 BC), the Prime Minister Gongsun Hong suggested setting Doctor Disciple 50 people follow the Five Classics Doctor to learn the Confucian classics. Their learning place is Imperial College After graduation, these doctoral students often joined the imperial court as officials. Since then, the imperial court has been full of officials who are "literary scholars". [74] In addition, Liu Che also ordered all counties and countries to set up school officials, just like Wenyon An officer in Shujun. [161]
  • Set up Yuefu
When Liu Che was in power, he was founded in addition to the great music officer in charge of elegant music Yuefu to Shanglin Garden , in charge of folk music and collecting folk songs. In charge of Yuefu affairs“ Xielu Captain ”By famous musicians Li Yannian to serve as, Sima Xiangru They also developed a system of "poetry gathering and night recitation" for Yuefu to collect folk songs. In order to record folk songs, Yuefu uses“ Sound twists and turns ”It can record the tune of folk songs. On《 The Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style 》The poems of Wu, Chu, Yan, Qi, Zheng and other places are recorded in, which makes folk songs collected and sorted to a certain extent. The establishment of Yuefu has made indelible contributions to the development of Chinese poetry. [79]


  • Military reform
When Liu Che was in power, in order to strengthen the security of Chang'an in the capital, he set up a new military outside the existing Southern and Northern armies Qi Men Army Feather Forest Army , recruit strong and brave children as soldiers, and set Eighth Colonel (Zhonglei, Tunqi, Infantry, Yueqi, Changshui, Shisheng, Huben, Huqi), of which Middle Base Colonel It belongs to the Northern Army. [80]
  • Expedite everywhere
After Liu Che ascended the throne, he changed his previous defensive defense policy and attacked the surrounding four barbarians. Foreign wars ran through most of his reign, launching at least 28 wars against the Huns, Fujian and Vietnam, East Vietnam, South Vietnam, Korea, Southwest Yi, West Qiang, Cheshi, Loulan, Dawan and other countries or nations, and subdued Cheshi, Loulan, Dawan The Western Qiang and the Southwest Barbarians greatly reduced the threat of the Huns to the Han Dynasty. Liu Che's series of wars "created a territory that was almost twice as high, favorable, cultural and scenic", making China "eat its benefits for thousands of years". [149] Liu Che's foreign wars are as follows [124]
Military target
Military composition
Main generals
The third year of Jianyuan (138 years ago)
Fujian and Vietnam
Kuaiji Soldier
Fujian and Vietnam fled, East Ou surrendered
The sixth year of Jianyuan (the first 135 years)
Fujian and Vietnam Kill Their King Ying And then, Nanyue sent his son to serve Shane
The sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC)
40000 cavalry
Only Wei Qing won all the way
The first year of Yuanshuo (128 BC)
More than 30000 riders
Wei Qing Li Xi
Wei Qing Shoulu Thousands
The second year of Yuanshuo (the first 127 years)
Wei Qing, Li Xi
Great victory, recover the Hetao, set Shuofang County Wuyuan County
Five Years of Yuanshuo (124 BC)
More than 100000, mostly bicycles
Wei Qing, Li Xi, Gong Sunhe Zhang Cigong Jiangsu Construction Li Cai Li Ju
Fifteen thousand prisoners and millions of livestock
Spring of the sixth year of Yuanshuo (the first 123 years)
More than 100000 riders
Wei Qing, Gongsun Ao, Gongsun He, Su Jian, Li Guang, Li Ju Zhao Xin
Kill thousands of levels
Summer of the sixth year of Yuanshuo (123 years ago)
Wei Qing won a great victory and captured 19000 soldiers; Li Guangwugong; Zhao Xin Defeated
Spring of the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC)
10000 riders
Win a big victory Yanzhi Mountain Over a thousand miles, he killed King Zhelan, killed the Marquis of Lu, captured the Prince Hunxie, and took King Xiutu Sacrifice to Heaven Golden Man
Summer of the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC)
Huo Qubing, Gongsun Ao
Huo Qubing's Great Victory, More than Juyan ,过 Xiaoyue , to Qilian Mountains , captured 2500 people and cut 32000 ranks;
Gongsun Ao lost his way
Summer of the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC)
14000 riders
Zhang Jian lost his army; Li Guangli Defeated and Escaped
The fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC)
Hundreds of thousands of cavalry and infantry
Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Gongsun He, Gongsun Ao, Li Guang Zhao Shiqi
Wei Qing and Huo Qubing won a great victory in Mobei. Wei Qing was alone and broke through; Huo Qubing Feng Lang Juxu , Zen Gu Yan , near the Hanhai Sea; Li Guang and Zhao Shi committed suicide and the latter redeemed themselves for their mistakes. Shan Yu escapes from afar, and there is no royal court in Monan
Five Years of Yuanding (112 BC)
South Vietnam
There are more than 200000 prisoners, boats in the south of the Yangtze Huaihe River, and Yelang soldiers in the world
The following year, South Vietnam died, and nine prefectures including Nanhai were set up
Six Years of Yuanding (111 BC)
general name of the tribes in Guizhou
Bashu sinner
Extinguish Jilan Qiongdu Baidu Yelang Ran Xuan Lieutenant General, set up five prefectures including Zangke
Six Years of Yuanding (111 BC)
There are 100000 soldiers in Longxi, Tianshui, Anding, Lieutenant, Henan and Hanoi
Li Xi Xu Ziwei
Six Years of Yuanding (111 BC)
East Vietnam
Boats and infantry
Han said Wang Wenshu , Yang Servant
East Vietnam descends and moves its people between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River
Six Years of Yuanding (111 BC)
More than 25000 riders
Gongsun He Zhao Bonu
More than two thousand miles out of the fortress, the Huns returned without seeing them
The first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC)
180000 riders
Liu Che
Shan Yu hides in the desert and dare not fight
The second year of Yuanfeng (109 BC)
North Korea
Death Penalty in the World
Yang Fu Xun Xun
North Korea killed its king and fell down from the right canal, setting four prefectures including Lelang
The second year of Yuanfeng (109 BC)
general name of the tribes in Guizhou
Three auxiliary criminals, tens of thousands of Bashu soldiers
The third year of Yuanfeng (108 years ago)
Cheshi (Gushi), Loulan
Tens of thousands of national cavalry and county soldiers
Zhao Bonu Wang Hui
Luloulan King, Po Gushi
The sixth year of Yuanfeng (the first 105 years)
Chang'an Desperado
Guo Chang
And Kunming, belonging to Yizhou County
The first year of Taichu (104 BC)
Dawan, Luntai (Luntou), Yucheng
There are about 100000 exiles and evil youths in the world, and thousands of national riders
Most of the teachers were killed. After three years of Naike, he killed Luntai and killed Yu to become the king. The noble man of Dawan killed the king and came down. He got three thousand BMW and returned
The second year of Taichu (the first 103 years)
20000 cavalry
Zhao Bonu
The whole army was destroyed, and Zhao Bonu was captured
The Second Year of Tianhan (the first 99 years)
30000 cavalry and 5000 foot soldiers
Li Guangli, Gongsun Ao Li Ling
Li Guangli beheaded ten thousand soldiers, and twenty thousand Han soldiers died in battle; Li Ling led 5000 infantrymen, killed 10000 Huns and surrendered
The fourth year of Tianhan (the first 97 years)
70000 cavalry and 140000 foot soldiers
Li Guangli, Gongsun Ao Han said Lu Bode
To return the battle against all odds
Three years of collection (first 90 years)
130000 people
Li Guangli Shangqiu Cheng Matong
Li Guangli surrendered to the Huns; Shangqiu Cheng and Matong are not at war
Four years of tax collection (the first 89 years)
Lou Lan, Yu Li, Wei Xu and other soldiers from six countries
The chariot breaker forced him to submit to the Han Dynasty
  • Consolidate border defense
Han Great Wall Site
Liu Che's measures to consolidate border defense mainly include:
  1. one
    Immigration: Liu Che continued the immigration policy since Emperor Wen. In the second year of Yuanshuo (127 BC), 100000 people were recruited to enrich the "New Qin" area of Shuofang. [81] In the third year of Yuanshou (120 years ago), there was a flood in Guandong, and many people were hungry. More than 700000 people migrated to Guanxi, and Shuofang, Longxi, Beidi, Xihe, Shangjun and other border counties were enriched. In addition, there were also migration Kuaiji County Of. [82-83] As for the southwest border, there are also measures to "recruit heroes and civilians to Tian Nanyi". [68]
  2. two
    Military garrison: In the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), the Han Dynasty launched the Mobei Campaign to attack the Xiongnu King Ting Zongshen, and the Xiongnu were severely injured and almost captured. Since then, the Huns had lost their strength and were unable to invade the south on a large scale. Liu Che made use of the strategic window period to order from Shuofang to Order residence Open water channels, purchase farmland, mobilize 50000 to 60000 officials and soldiers to cultivate farmland [84] Later, 600000 soldiers were mobilized to open up fields in Shangjun, Shuofang, Xihe and Four counties in Hexi [85] Thus, to a certain extent, it solved the supply problem of border troops and opened the first military garrison. After the expedition to Dawan, hundreds of soldiers were arranged to garrison their fields in Luntai and Quli respectively, and envoys and Xiaowei were set up to govern. On the one hand, they kept the influence of the Han Dynasty in the Western Regions, and on the other hand, they gave aid to the Han envoys who sent envoys to the Western Regions. [32] However, in the fourth year of Zhenghe period (89 years ago), Sang Hongyang and others requested to cultivate farmland in Luntai. Liu Che issued the Luntai Imperial edict, rejected his proposal and temporarily removed the western regions. [40]
  3. three
    Construction of the Great Wall: From the sixth year of Yuanding (111BC) to the first year of Tianhan (100BC Yumen Pass [86]
  4. four
    Set up captains: Liu Che set up several captains in addition to the original captains Bu Duwei To strengthen border defense. [87]

Ethnic groups, foreign relations

  • To the Huns
In the early Han Dynasty, in order to recuperate, the Huns were put on the defensive Pro bono policy , interworking Guanshi After Liu Che ascended the throne, he apparently maintained the established policy towards the Huns, and even provided more materials for the Huns to paralyze the Huns [91] In the meantime, Zhang Qian was sent to the Western Regions to try to form a military alliance with the Huns' feud Dariushi. [25] Zhang Qian was detained by the Huns on his way, and finally failed to realize this plan.
In the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), the Huns sent people to the Han Dynasty to ask for reconciliation. The central court was divided into the main battle group headed by Wang Hui and the peace group headed by Han Anguo, the imperial historian. After some debate, Liu Che adopted the idea of the peace group and was ready to hide his strength for a while. In the second year of Yuanguang (133 BC), Wang Hui, according to the merchant Nie Yi Proposed to Liu Che Ma Yizhi's Plan , trying to lure the Huns' military officials Shan Yu into the country and ambush them in Mayi Valley. Liu Che approved the plan, but the plan failed due to poor action. Wang Hui committed suicide in prison. After that, the Huns broke off their marriage with the Han Dynasty and invaded the Han Dynasty frontier fortress more frequently. However, the Huns still depended on the materials of the Han Dynasty, so the customs remained. [27-28]
Maoling Stone Carving "Horse Stepping on the Huns"
In the sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC), four generals including Wei Qing ambushed the Huns in Guanshi, opening the prelude to the comprehensive war between Han and Hungary. In the second year of Yuanshuo (127 BC), we achieved preliminary results, that is, we recovered the Hetao area and built Shuofang Town here, but on the other hand, we abandoned the Yang making The land is nine hundred li. [92-93] In the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC), after Huo Qubing's attack, more than 40000 Hunxie kings of the Huns surrendered to the Han Dynasty. The Hexi Corridor, which was originally the right place of the Huns, was controlled by the Han Dynasty. Later, the Han Dynasty set up four prefectures here, set up pavilions and barriers, and became the outpost for entering the Western Regions. As a result, the strength of the Huns was greatly weakened, and even "killed our Qilian Mountains, making our six animals not multiply The loss of me makes my women colorless. [94] In the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), the Han Dynasty mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to go deep into Mobei to launch the biggest attack on the Huns. Wei Qing pursued Tianyan Mountain Zhao Xincheng Yi Zhixie Shan Yu Was almost captured; Huo Qubing Breaks the Zuo Xianwang's Seal Langju Xushan from then on Shan Yuting Moving far from Daijun and Yunzhong to the north of the Great Wall, the threat to the hinterland of the Han Dynasty was basically removed. However, the Han Dynasty also paid a considerable price. Tens of thousands of people died and more than 100000 war horses were lost. In addition, Huo Qubing died soon, so the Han Dynasty also suspended the attack on the Huns, only strengthening the New Qinzhong The two sides began to enter a stalemate when defending the (Hetao) area. [95]
Yi Zhi Xie After running away, Shan Yu kept up his strength and listened to Zhao Xin's plan of slowing down his troops. He sent people to the Han Dynasty to plead for peace and ask for the restoration of marriage. However, at this time, the Han Dynasty had occupied the strategic advantage, and was no longer satisfied with the previous rapprochement. Instead, it required the Huns to submit to the Han Dynasty. The Huns refused to obey and detained the Han envoy Ren Chang. [96] Uwei Danyu After assuming the throne, Liu Che sent Gongsun He Zhao Bonu During the Northern Expedition, there was no Xiongnu. In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), Liu Che led twelve 180000 cavalries to patrol the border and go out of the fortress, and boarded Shan Yutai Guo Ji To convey his will, the Huns were required to come to war or submit to the throne. Wu Weishan detained Guo Ji and exiled to Beihai, but still kept on recuperating from fighting with the Han Dynasty. [97-98] After that, the Huns sent envoys many times to plead for the restoration of amity. Liu Che sent envoys who were familiar with Hu customs Wang Wu As an envoy to the Huns, he proposed the conditions for the Huns to send the crown prince as a hostage. Wu Weishan pretended to accept, but did not send the crown prince; Later, he threatened to go to the court to meet Liu Che and make an appointment with him as his brother. Liu Che was repairing Shan Yu's residence in Chang'an to meet Shan Yu when he entered the court. However, soon Wuwei detained the envoy of the Huns on the pretext of his death in the Han Dynasty Lu Chongguo And sent small-scale troops to invade the frontier fortress, and the negotiation between Han and Xiong broke down. To Wushilu Shanyu( Er Shan Yu )During the period, the relationship between Han and Hungary became more tense, and there were more than ten groups of envoys. [99]
In the first year of Taichu (104 BC), Zuo Duwei of the Huns wanted to kill Shanyu, who was about to surrender to the Han Dynasty, and Liu Chuming Gongsun Ao Cultivate the city of surrender outside the Great Wall. The next year, Liu Che thought that the city where he was surrendered was still too far away from Shan Yuting, so he sent Zhao Bonu to lead 20000 cavalry to attack and travel to the northwest of Shuofang for more than 2000 miles Junji Mountain Zuo Duwei was exposed and killed. Er Chanyu sent troops to pursue Zhao Bonu, and finally besieged the Han army four hundred miles outside the city where he was surrendered. However, when he further attacked the city where he was surrendered, Er Chanyu died of illness. [100] From then on, the war between Han and Xiong started again. Han and Xiongnu also competed in the Western Regions. When Li Guangli attacked Dawan, Xiongnu tried to stop it, but failed. [101] After Dawan was pacified, Liu Che issued an imperial edict to the Huns in the fourth year of Taichu (101 BC) and vowed to report Liu Bang Ping Cheng encircling battle Empress Lv A disgrace. And waiting list Xinli, whose position was unstable, made a friendly gesture to the Han Dynasty and released Lu Chongguo and others. Liu Che also sent Su Wu He escorted the envoys of the Huns who had detained the Han Dynasty to the Huns and carried a large number of gifts. But Shan Yu was recalcitrant. Su Wu was also detained and exiled to Beihai because his deputy envoy Zhang Sheng was involved in an attempted anti Shan Yu coup. The just improved relationship between Han and Hungary turned worse again. [102] [125] Liu Chusui sent troops to attack the Huns in the second and fourth years of the Han Dynasty and the third years of the Han Dynasty (99, 97, 90 years ago), but failed. Li Ling and Li Guangli were defeated and surrendered successively. Although Liu Che relieved the Xiongnu's threat to the heart of the Han Dynasty, he failed to win the submission of the Xiongnu until Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty more than 30 years after his death Mannose The Huns finally surrendered to the Han Dynasty. [126]
Situation of the Han Hun War in the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty [241]
  • To the Western Regions
Before Liu Che ascended the throne, the Western Regions were originally the sphere of influence of the Huns Servant Du Wei To supervise the western countries. Liu Che began to actively operate the Western Regions, cut off the right arm of the Huns, and at the same time reached the goal of "covering a wide area of ten thousand miles, translating from nine aspects different from common practices The goal of "Wide is everywhere". After Zhang Qian's two missions and the Hexi Corridor belonged to the Han Dynasty, Liu Che launched diplomatic and military offensives against western countries after the Yuanfeng, and his measures mainly included:
  1. one
    At first, they tried to persuade Wusun, the larger country in the Western Regions, to move eastward, but failed; Then they got married one after another Princess Xijun And princess jieyou , and formed a marriage relationship with them, "to divide the assistance of the Huns to the West".
  2. two
    Take economic inducements to western countries and send envoys " General Assumption "Chaoye" means to let countries in the Western Regions enter the DPRK through property. On the one hand, envoys in the Western Regions boast of the prosperity and strength of the Han Dynasty. Every time Liu Che patrols the East China Sea, he will take envoys from the Western Regions with him, reward them with money, set up corners, play wonders and wine and meat forests, and let them watch the accumulation of treasuries. The envoys in the Western Regions are often shocked by the vast prosperity of the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty has also obtained grapes alfalfa And other specialties of Western Regions.
  3. three
    For countries that were pro Huns or anti Han, military strikes were carried out to pacify Cheshi (Gushi), Loulan, Luntai (Luntou), Yucheng, Dawan and other countries by force. Especially after Li Guangli fought hard to pacify Dawan for three years, the countries east of Dawan "all made their sons and daughters join the army" to pay homage to the emperor and keep them as hostages. [89]
Through a series of measures taken by Liu Che, the Han Dynasty initially established the right to Congling The influence and control of the western regions to the east. In the second year of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty (the first 60 years) Western Region Capital Guard So that the Western Regions to the east of Congling could finally be incorporated into the territory of the Han Dynasty. [32]
  • Yes, Baiyue
For the Dongou and Minyue in southern Zhejiang and Fujian, Liu Che adopted the policy of moving in, mainly resettling the Dongou people in today's Jiangxi Province. The King of Dongou was renamed the King of Pengze, and another branch moved southward to this day Ji'an City And Fujian and Vietnam moved to Jiangnan Wuxi , near Lushan Mountain, between Yangtze River and Huaihe River, Huaibei region, Hanshui River basin, Yellow River estuary and other places are relatively scattered. [201]
For today's Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen areas in north central Vietnam Luo Yue (Luo Yue), Liu Cheze was governed by customs and continued to give autonomy to the local chief "Luo Jiang". [202]
  • To southwestern barbarians
King of Yunnan Gold Seal
In the sixth year of Jianyuan (135 BC), Liu Che heard Tang Meng And began to experience the southwest barbarians. At first, the policy of "generous bribery" was adopted, and Tang Meng Sima Xiangru When they went deep into the southwest barbarians, they lured the chief of the southwest barbarians with material gain to agree that the Han Dynasty would "set up officials" in the local area, so they opened Qianwei Prefecture In the third year of Yuanshuo (126 BC), Liu Che stopped his strategy for the southwest barbarians because he concentrated on dealing with the Huns. In the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC), Liu Che learned from Zhang Qian that the Southwest Barbarians could lead to the country of poison (today's India), and sent envoys to the Southwest Barbarians in several groups Kunming Yi Blocked. After the destruction of South Vietnam in the sixth year of Yuanding (111 BC), Liu Che officially began to use military force against the southwest barbarians to crusade against the chiefs who disobeyed the Han Dynasty. After several years of military use by Guo Chang and others, anti Han tribes such as Qilan, Qiongdu, Yidu, Laoshen, and Mimo were successively eliminated; It forced Yelang, Rangui, Dian, etc. to attach themselves to the throne, and the Han Dynasty granted them the title of princes and divided them into six prefectures. At the same time of pacifying the Southwest Barbarians, Liu Che adopted policies such as immigration, opening roads, etc., which strengthened the economic and cultural ties between the Southwest Barbarians and the mainland, and gradually formed Nanzhong Big Surname A society centered on. [203]
  • Border County Management
When Liu Che was in power, he set up many new prefectures and counties Henan Three prefectures (Shuofang, Wuyuan, Xihe), nine prefectures (Nanhai, Cangwu, Yulin, Hepu, Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, Rinan, Zhuya, Dan'er), four prefectures (Lelang, Zhenfan, Lintun, Xuantu), four prefectures (Jiuquan, Wuwei, Zhangye, Dunhuang), seven prefectures (Qianwei, Zangke, Yuejiu, Wudu, Wenshan, Shenli, Yizhou), These newly developed counties are for“ Chujun ”On the one hand, the Han Dynasty appointed officials and captains to exercise jurisdiction, on the other hand, it reserved the autonomy of local ethnic groups and granted their leaders as princes. [88] In addition, it is set up in Longxi, Beidi, Shangjun, Shuofang and Yunzhong Five subordinate countries Manage the Huns to surrender; set up Lieutenant protecting Qiang Huwuhuan Xiaowei Manage Qiang people and Wuhuan people respectively.
  • the Silk Road
In the third year of Jianyuan (138 BC) and the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), when Liu Che was in power, he twice sent Zhang Qian as an envoy to the Western Regions. Although he failed to achieve the strategic goal of uniting with Dariu, he contacted Wusun, Dawan Sogdiana , Dariuchi Daxia rest Body poison khotan Etc the Silk Road Gradually unblocked. After that, many people scrambled to ask for diplomatic missions, which Liu Chedu approved. In one year, there were even more than ten missions. Due to the long distance of the road, the envoys of the Han Dynasty "often lacked food, and more than half of the dead". On the other hand, because the Huns still had an influence on the Western Regions, the envoys of the Han Dynasty had to give coins and silk to small countries in the Western Regions to get food. What's more, they were "forbidden to use their food as bitter envoys of the Han Dynasty", so that "the envoys of the Han Dynasty were short of accumulated resentment, and attacked each other". After Li Guangli pacified Dawan who killed the Han envoy, the treatment of the Han envoy on the Silk Road in the Western Regions was greatly improved. Since then, Liu Che has sent more than ten groups of missions to countries west of Dayuan to seek treasures and publicize the prestige of pacifying Dayuan. [89]
Counterattacking the Huns and Opening the Western Regions
diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia On the occasion of his first mission to the Western Regions, he once saw the specialty Shu cloth and Qiong Bamboo Stick , found a trade road connecting with Shu via poison and southwest barbarians Southern Silk Road After learning this, Liu Che ordered Wang Ranyu to Bai Shichang , Lv Yueren and other envoys were poisoned by Kunming Yi Blocked, unable to reach the poison. In the third year of Yuanshou (120 years ago), Liu Che dug in Chang'an Kunming Lake , in case Dianchi Lake fight. Although Kunming was later defeated by the Han Dynasty, Liu Che failed to get through the Southern Silk Road due to the constant disturbance and obstruction of envoys. [89-90]
After Liu Che pacified South Vietnam, Maritime Silk Road It was also included in the vision of the Han Dynasty, Duyuan State Yi Lu Wei State Chen leaves the country Fugandulu Huang Zhiguo Southeast and South Asian countries all communicated with the Han Dynasty through the Maritime Silk Road. [103]

Historical evaluation


Han Dynasty

  • Sima Qian : Emperor Hanxing V, standing in Jianyuan, fought against the barbarians outside, practiced Dharma and Zen inside, changed Zhengshuo and changed colors. [106]
  • scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Today, Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. He is rich all over the world. He has the right position, the right potential, and the right resources. He is tall and gracious, knows well and has a good mind, and loves people and people. But where is the beauty of heaven and earth? It is also true that all people are unjust if they fail to stand up by indoctrination. [75]
  • Liu Xun : Emperor Xiaowu bowed to his benevolence and righteousness, selected the right generals, and refused to obey them. The Huns fled far away, and Pingdi, Qiang, Kunming, and Nanyue were all in the style of hundreds of barbarians; Build Taixue, build suburban worship, set Zhengshuo, and coordinate music; Seal Taishan, Saixuanfang, Fu Ruiying, Baoding and Bai Linhuo. You can't preach all your merits and virtues. [108]
  • Xiahousheng : Although Emperor Wu had the power to fight against all the barbarians and destroy the territory, he killed many people, exhausted the people's financial resources, and lost the luxury. The world was wasted, and the people were exiled. Grasshoppers have sprung up, thousands of miles of bare land, or people eat each other, and livestock has not recovered. It is not appropriate to build a temple for the sake of the people who have lost their virtue. [109]
  • Gongyu : When Emperor Wu first came to the world, he respected the good and employed the people. He had a vast territory of thousands of miles. Since he had made great achievements, he began to take advantage of his ambition. He didn't spend enough. Instead, he changed everything to make those who broke the law atone for their sins, and those who entered the valley made up for the officials. This is because the world is luxurious, officials are disorderly and the people are poor, thieves rise together, and the fugitives are numerous. The prefecture was afraid of being punished, so it chose those skilled officials who were accustomed to counting books and could deceive the government, thinking they were in the right position; If the traitors are too weak, they will take those who are brave and able to deal with the people, and subdue those who are cruel and powerful, so that they can occupy the top position. Therefore, those who have lost their righteousness and become rich are seen in the world, those who cheat and abuse and those who are good at writing are respected in the court, and those who are rebellious and brave are more expensive than officials. [110]
  • Liu Xin : Emperor Xiaowu Min China Stop working When there is no peace, it is time to send general Fubo and Louchuan to destroy the seven counties of Baiyue. The Huns were fought in the north, and the Kun evil people were subdued. Five subordinate countries were set up, starting from Shuofang, to seize their fertile land. The eastern expedition to Korea started from Xuantu and Lelang to break the left arm of the Huns. The Western Expedition to Dawan and thirty-six countries led to Wusun, starting from Dunhuang, Jiuquan and Zhangye, separated the Diqiang and split the right shoulder of the Huns. Shan Yugu, a general, retreated to the north of the desert and had nothing to do with his surroundings. The established achievement is that the Prime Minister was appointed as the Marquis of enriching the people, so as to secure the world and enrich the people. Its scale is visible. He also enlisted the talents and talents from all over the world to work with Xiexin to promote the system, change Zhengshuo, change clothes and make sacrifices to heaven and earth. It was established as a Zen, with a special official title. After being preserved in the Zhou Dynasty, it determined the system of princes. It has never had the heart to fight against each other, and has relied on it for generations. Shan Yu defends Tibet, and hundreds of barbarians obey, which is the foundation of all ages. The contribution of Zhongxing is not so great. [127]
  • Huantan : Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is of high quality and has the rule of respecting the past and the broad. Therefore, he ascended the throne and developed great ambitions. He has studied the ancient and modern models, and won the stories of the former saints. He has built a new era, established a system, recruited and selected heroes, raised his power and anger, strengthened the martial arts and righteousness, and recruited people to wear clothes. He has developed six arts and widely promoted Confucianism. Since its inception, only the Han family has been the most prosperous, so it appears to be the emperor of the world. However, it is too much and too bad. It not only wants to repel the vast territory, but also is a profitless person who is greedy for profits. It is said that there are famous horses in Xiyi Dawan, that is to say, a large number of soldiers have been sent. Many of them died in the past years, but the number is ten. And the singer Wei Zifu was lucky enough to love her so much that she begged Empress Chen to lead a bad life. That is to say, he made his son his prince. After listening to the Zen of the evil minister, the rear guard worried about death. The prince ran away and perished, but did not know where it was. Believe in its witchcraft and seek solutions that are not urgent; The death of the common people is incalculable when the palace is built up, the treasury is exhausted inside, and the world is stopped outside. This can be said to be the one that can be explained. [127]
    • ① When filial piety and martial arts were first established, they were outstanding in dethroning hundreds of schools of thought. With their six classics, they sought advice from domestic scholars and made contributions to their Junmao. The Imperial College was promoted, the suburban worship was built, the Zhengshuo was changed, the calendar was fixed, the harmony was played, the poetry and music were made, the Zen was built, and the hundred gods were honored. After the Zhou Dynasty, the order articles were shining, and the descendants were able to follow the Hongye, and there was a trend of three generations. Such as Emperor Wu's great talent and great strategy, he did not change his style, and his scenery was respectful and frugal to help the people. Although it is called in poetry and books, how can it be better! [215]
    • ② Shizong Yeye, who has thought about the great cause of his ancestors, has made great contributions to the prosperity and prosperity of the society. What are you doing? Hundreds of barbarians are bustling, stretching back to our territory and expanding to the four wastelands. The martial arts are both anti Japanese and anti Japanese. The six principles of the Charter unite the holy and true. Fengchan Suburb Sacrifice, rank 100 gods; Harmony correction will last forever. [216]
    • ③ In the age of filial piety and martial arts, the Huns were drawn from the Western Kingdom, and the patients formed a party with Nanqiang. It was in the west of the river, listed four prefectures, opened the Yumen, and connected four regions to cut off the right arm of the Huns, and isolated Nanqiang and Yuezhi. Shan Yu lost his help, so he fled far away, and there was no royal court in the south of the curtain. Being valued by Wen, Jing Xuanmo, and supporting the people for five generations, the world is rich and has more financial resources, and the people are strong. Therefore, seeing rhinoceros cloth and tortoise shell is to build seven prefectures on the Pearl Cliff, feeling Chinese wolfberry paste and bamboo stick is to open Zangke and Yueqi, and smelling Tianma and Putao is to connect Dawan and rest in peace. Since then, the treasures of pearl, Wenjia, Tongxi and Cuiyu have filled the harem, the horses of thin tip, Longwen, fisheye and sweat and blood have filled the Huangmen, and the giant elephants, teachers, fierce dogs and great birds have eaten in the outer enclosure. Foreign matters come from all directions. So they opened up the forest, wore the Kunming Lake, built palaces for thousands of families, erected a platform for gods to reach the sky, and built a tent of A and B, which was built with pearls and jade. The Son of Heaven followed the pearls, followed the green quilts and Feng Yuji, and stayed among them. Set up a wine pool and a meat forest to entertain guests from all over the world《 Bayu Dulu , Haizhong《 Dang pole 》The scene of fish and dragons spreading and arriving at each other's corner can be seen. As well as gifts and gifts, thousands of miles to serve each other, and the cost of teachers' travel, it is impossible to win. As for the shortage of expenses, it is necessary to discuss wine, salt and iron, cast platinum, make leather coins, and even rent six livestock. The people's strength was bent and their financial resources were exhausted. Because of the bad years, bandits and robbers rose together, and the road was blocked. They just pointed out to the envoy. Clothes were embroidered with sticks and axes, cut off in the prefecture, and then won. Is it not the pity of benevolent saints that they abandoned the land of Luntai in the last year and issued the edict of grief! [40]
  • Cui Yin : In the past, Emperor Xiaowu was the son of heaven at the age of 18. He believed in the holy way, and his teacher was the first king. In five or six years, he was called Shengwen and Jingjing. Forgetting the former is good. [204]
  • Ying Shao : Shizong fought against the barbarians to create a new environment, respected the theory of etiquette, and wrote systematic articles, ranking first among hundreds of kings. [228]
  • DuDu : Xiaowu has a deep and far-reaching meaning because of the savings of the rest of the money name of Xiongnu ruler during Western Han Crime, school Pingcheng The enemy. He was ordered to ride as hard as Wei Qing. He was brave as a hawk. His army was like a meteor. The Huns were deep enough to split the royal court, sweep the desert north, kowtow the Qilian Mountains, divide the city horizontally, and slaughter hundreds of barbarians. The burning and compressing account is the name of an argh, who lives in a comfortable house, who lives in a strange grey state, who lives in Zhumingdysprosium, who nails Luli, who lives in Chikengyan, who wins Kunmi, captures (people+number) 侲, drives mules and donkeys, guards Wanma, and whips Hinny. Pioneering thousands of miles, awe eight wastelands. Zhao set up four prefectures and guarded Dunhuang. It is a territorial country and a county. Standing in the north of Marquis Corner, building and protecting the Western Qiang. Chui Qudi, Bo, Liaolangang, and Li. East Mowuhuan, trampling over Mo. Nanji Goucho, the water sword is stronger than before. The tattoo of remnant barbarians, the blood of sea waves. prefectures and counties Sunan And float over Zhuya. The Ministry of Military Affairs in Southeast China Yellow branch It is connected with slow ears, carved inscriptions, destroying the heaven and the governor, holding the elephant rhinoceros, vertebrate clams, broken colored glass, tortoise shell, and mouth piercing. Therefore, in the area of fur and brown on the same acupoint, and in the country of Sichuan's nose and drink, there is no exception. The great Han Dynasty is prosperous in the world, and the Yongtu's forgiveness can help the world to control the external and internal affairs. Who can do so well! [205]
  • kong rong : In the past, filial piety and martial arts were carried forward, and the ancestors were promoted. [205]
  • Xun Yue : Emperor Xiaowu has established the foundation for future generations. It cultivates literature internally and shines martial power externally, so as to extend the talents of the world. The style of the former king can be tested. However, it is still good at writing, but not really; Start at the beginning, not at the end. Luxury and limitless, the destitute are extremely armed, the people are exhausted, and the people will stop cheating. At this time, the world is full of excitement, the domestic is boring, and the filial piety industry is declining. [127]

Wei Jin, Sui Tang

  • Cao Pi : Emperor Xiaowu inherited the legacy of many generations. When he met Yin Fu in China, he left money in the treasury, and the granaries and livestock rotted. Therefore, he intended to wipe out the Huns and clear the border. So at the beginning of his accession to the throne, from the painting of Wang Huizhi to the plan of Ma Yi, he levied more than 40 Huns from the Yuan Dynasty to the time of the conquest and between forty and fifty years ago: he raised the number of Huns, surpassed the Guanghan Dynasty, cut off the Ziling Mountains, granted the wolf to live in Xu, the tent of Zen Gumu, the Liangbei River, watched the vast sea of soldiers, cut down the flag of Shanyu, exterminated the head of the Argentines, explored the cave of Fuli, and swept the court of the five kings. Naxiu is attached to Tukun Evil, and is awarded the treasure of heaven worshipping golden man. Thousands of famous kings were killed and tens of thousands were captured. Both chasing their exiles and destroying their accumulations, the captives are too busy to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. They are trapped in pregnancy and fall. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was accused of taking charge of the martial arts festival. He was afraid of taking the charge of the two Yues. At that time, he was called the mighty Hun. [127]
  • Cao Zhi : Shizong Guangguang, civil and military are bustling. It is powerful and has hundreds of barbarians to expand the territory. Simple law calendar, identify and repair the old chapter. Seal the heaven and Zen soil, and make great achievements. [127]
  • Liu Yuan : Emperor Shizong Xiaowu expanded the land to fight against the barbarians and passed the Tang Dynasty. [128]
  • Wang Dun : Han Wuxiong's strategy also misled Jiang Chong into slander and heresy, so that father and son would kill each other and bleed to the ground, so that they could finally understand without losing the outline. [129]
  • Yu Xin : There is a wide way to offer books and a wide collection of books. Qin Confucians went out of the valley, and Han bamboo slips blew soot. The jade casket was sealed with the seal of Zhini. The custom of sitting and watching is not to leave Lantai. [127]
  • Wang Xuan : In the past, the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, the war was extremely desperate outside, and the palace was extravagant inside. Since human resources were exhausted, disaster and disaster arose, didn't they want to pacify people? It is also the way to ensure people's safety. [130]
    • ① In modern times, Qin Emperor and Han Wu were the only ones who had unified the whole world and expanded the border. The first emperor was tyrannical, and his son died; The Han Dynasty is proud and extravagant, and the country is unique. [131]
    • ② When Han Wu killed Wang Hui, it was better for Qin Mu to use Meng Ming. [132]
    • ③ Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty spent more than 30 years in poverty, exhausted China and gained little. [132]
  • Yu Shinan : Hanwu inherited the career of the sixth generation, and was rich at home, with talent, so it was able to take over heroes, control heroes, promote rites and music inside, open borders outside, and have a system charter, which can be described vividly. If it is square to the first emperor, it is excellent. As for arrogance, extravagance and tyranny, they can be compared with each other. [133]
  • Ma Zhou Although Emperor Xiaowu was extravagant and extravagant, he inherited the culture and scenery and inherited the virtue, so the old man was unmoved. After the envoy Emperor Gaozu, there will be Emperor Wu, and the whole world will not be complete. [134]
  • Sima Zhen : Filial piety and martial arts are the foundation of the world. The ambition is magnificent, especially the respect for gods. The altar opens eight routes, connecting five cities. In the morning, the pro five benefits, Xi worship Wencheng. Sacrifice is not a ritual, but a good divination. Climb up Songledai, watch the scenery and spread the sound. Welcome the New Year's Day, change the calendar and set it straight. If you are tired of destroying the Middle Kingdom, you will become a soldier on the other side. Time is too busy for people to live. Looking down at Ying Zheng, I want to keep balance. [135]
  • Wang Wujing : Ye Sheng in the Han family, and there were heroes in the sixth generation. Three hundred thousand horses in the stables. How can the country afford to be cut! Langya County in the east and Shan Yutai in the north. Don't save Mao Lingkuma in the battle of recovering immortals. [234]

Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty

  • Zhao Heng : In the old Han Dynasty, when the military affairs were in progress, he showed his ambition for a while, regardless of China's fatigue, and was not sincere enough to admire. However, up to now, filial piety has been proclaimed, and the world has nothing to do, and the people of all ethnic groups have invited officials, which is also within their reach. [136]
    • ① Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was also able to use talents. [243]
    • ② Emperor Wu himself wanted to hear more. [243]
    • ③ Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was ruthless. He wanted to work thousands of miles with one horse. There were more than 70 marquis who regarded human life as worthless, so the household registration was halved. Human life is extremely important. The great virtue of heaven and earth is life. How can it be so! [243]
  • Zhao Gou : Emperor Wu is ambitious, admiring immortals inside, fighting against barbarians outside and militarizing on the border. The world is in a state of turmoil. It is not to use losses to maintain profits. [230]
  • Zhao 昚 : When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was in power, how could he be! But it has already lost a lot. [233]
  • Yu Jing In the past, the Emperor of Wu was in charge of transportation, and the Emperor of Shao was in charge of prosperity. To expand the barbarian territory, Wei Qing and the people are tired of fighting; The talk of perplexing immortals means that Shaoweng and Luan are favored and respected, while officials are tired of sacrificing. If Han Yan is pleased with her, and she is given a vice car, then the position of monarch and minister will be lost; If you believe that Jiang is the Zen and kill Li Garden, you will be very grateful to your father and son. To give you a rough idea, what a daze! As for the present day, the posthumous titles of the officials were added. They were not "spiritual" but "fierce". Instead, they promoted their temple to be a hereditary sect, and defeated the system of three kings by virtue of the law of Duke Zhou. At that time, Hong Rushuo was born like Xia Hou Sheng and Huang Ci, who discussed his movement and arrived at the imperial edict? The ancestors are meritorious and virtuous, just like Xia Shaokang , Shangzhi Terpentine Wuding All of them were abandoned and revived without losing the old things, and then they were called "Zong". The people of Zhou Dynasty came down from literature and martial arts. Although their virtue was as good as success and health, they were not punished properly; King Xuan is thriving, Jidao is thriving again, and temples are being destroyed repeatedly. In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gao started his career with great bravery. He wrote the book of Ying Dao, and called it Zu when wearing it; Filial piety upholds benevolence and righteousness, saves punishment, eliminates military reform, and serves frugality. However, the prison is empty, the universe is peaceful, and the temple is called Taizong, so it is appropriate. Although filial piety and martial arts are widely divided into different regions, they have lost their virtue and common people. If they do not add evil posthumous titles, they are lucky. If they respect them as ancestors, they will lose their integrity? Or: filial piety and military prowess are far and slightly higher than hundreds of kings. The territory of Yelang in the west, the county of Korea in the east, the Huns moved to court, Ouyue invited officials, built ceremonies, and succeeded in Confucianism and Dengfeng. The system of the Han Dynasty was so unprepared. If so, wouldn't it be too much? Said: Although the land has been opened up, the military has been engaged; Although the distant barbarians have taken their clothes, the people have already consumed; Although Yuefu is prosperous, elegance is also chaotic; Although Mount Tai is sealed, it is wasteful to make it. The custom of literature and scenery is so tiring that it can surpass the Tao? At the end of his life, he issued an imperial edict of grief and entered into the art of governance. He had the heart to enrich the people but could not get the way. It is said that the Han family is so arrogant that they are more stupid than the Emperor Wu, and those who used to be hegemonic are inferior to those who used to be hegemonic. If the temple can not be destroyed, how can the heirs view it? In the Western Han Dynasty, there were four sects, while in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was no difference. As for An and Huan, there were also temple names, which were lost since Emperor Wu. [220]
    • ① Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had no way or foot to watch. He could only see Wei Qing when sitting in the toilet Swab a long baby It is Kejia ear. Ruoqing, Yayi Licking hemorrhoid It is appropriate to sit in the toilet. [137]
    • ② Emperor Wu's crimes increased and did no harm. [137]
    • ③ Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have been active in fighting and died from defeat. I dare not say again today. Please say the winner for your majesty... Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in addition to inheriting literature and rich scenery, first picked the Huns, and the military company could not understand them, so he made the invasion reach all countries. Year after year, we have succeeded. Between Jianyuan and Jianyuan, the war disaster started. At that time, the Chiyou flag came out, which was as long as the sky. In his spring, Prince Li was born. He had been a teacher for more than 30 years, and countless people died. As well as the witchcraft, the capital teacher bled, tens of thousands of zombies, and the prince and his son were defeated. Ban Gu thought that the crown prince grew up in the army, and was always with him. Although the emperor repented and overcame himself, his hatred for his death was out of reach! [151]
  • Kong Wuzhong Ban Gu said, "Emperor Wu is bold and generous, but he does not change his courtesy and frugality. What's more?" I took this discipline to make sure that after inheriting Wenjing, Emperor Wu stopped his army and made people happy. He was rich and solid at home. He could not practice the law to pursue the prosperity of the two emperors and the three generations. He was willing to go abroad. He was empty inside and out of the world, tried his best to exhaust the wealth of the people. In his last years, he repented and abandoned the land of Luntai, It's too late to make the prime minister a rich marquis! Where is his talent? However, it is doubtful that Shi Chen praised the former emperor rather than the public opinion of the world. However, in the past ten years, the people in the world fought for their positions in the imperial court. The article system was impressive inside, the Huns fled outside, and the Western Regions and South Vietnam were all prefectures and counties. Their preparation was grand, and later generations were not as good as them. How could they reach this point without their own expertise In the battle of Dawan, he was granted the rank of marquis, worshipped Jiuqing, celebrated and appreciated the torrent, and paid tribute to his teacher with labor. There were many evils, all of which were ignored. It can accommodate the meritorious. Princess Longyou, the elder sister of the emperor, helped her to become ill and paid money in advance to redeem her son for his crime. Although the emperor allowed her to do so, and the master son broke the law, the emperor shed tears and said, "The law was made by the former emperor, and he used his younger brother to frame the law of the former emperor. How can he enter the temple?". Its punishment is selfless. I call it broad-minded magnanimity, resolute and decisive. So the king's teacher often moved, but the general had no plan to tease him; There have been many evils, but the country is not in danger. It is powerful and beneficial to the future generations. It died in the world of Jiangong. The temple is called Shizong, and it also has the same name. At the end of his life, he took care of Huo Guang as a major event, so that he could put down the rebellion, secure the minority leader, establish filial piety, promote the rejuvenation of the country, and promote its origin. Emperor Wu's contribution is particularly impressive. Who? Huo Guang, a minister of Shita, has never participated in the national debate or civil affairs, nor has he been recommended by a public minister or praised as a scholar official. The emperor personally inspected his talents, promoted them to the near attendants, and paid the most attention to the state, such as Zhou and Zhao. There was no doubt about that. And if a light soldier can support and hold a great cause and live up to his dying mission, then it will be easy for the emperor to know people and do his job well? Xi Duke Huan of Qi have to Guan Yiwu to Bould To dominate for a while; Han Wu promoted Huo Guang himself, and the achievement of three generations was better than that of Qi Huanyuan! As for what Emperor Wu has gained, Zhuo Zhuo is so bold and resourceful, which is not the private opinion of Shi Chen, but the public opinion of the world. [223]
  • Where to go : Emperor Xiaowu, with his great talent and great strategy, inherited the wisdom of three generations of cultivation, and knew that the world's potential would be strong but not strong, so he should fight against the martial arts festival with great power. Fang was also in the right time. There was no treacherous minister inside, and there was no forced country outside. However, the Han people were the only ones who suffered from Xiongnu. Since the Chu and Han Dynasties, the Hushuns have taken advantage of the Qin Rebellion and resumed their activities in Henan. Emperor Gao once trapped a crowd of 300000 people in the encirclement of Baideng. Those who did not eat for seven days had already settled down and returned. He did not think of anything to recover it, but began to negotiate with his relatives. Empress Gao was humiliated by her book. She was so angry when facing the imperial court. She finally comforted her rebellious feelings with polite words and courtesies. All these people want to share the same interests with the people, so I will not go to school. The establishment of filial piety, which is why the people who are obedient and happy are lost, to decorate and send the daughter of the patriarch to fix their happiness. The cart was not returned, but he had already gone deep enough to wait for riding to Ganquan and Yongliang. Later, when he was close to the enemy, he was close to the enemy, and Yan Bashang, Jimen, and Xiliu garrisoned the capital. With filial piety, people can calm down, take clothes and work hard, drive people away, and even stop eating, fight for legs, and think and herd. In the era of filial piety, the number of people who are happy to serve and the number of people who are left by their husbands has increased to the maximum. However, the violence of the invasion by the bandits is not limited. From this point of view, if the Han Dynasty did not punish the Huns deeply, it would be a disaster for the future. What can we do to defeat them? It is to fight against his insightful spirit with filial force, choose to wait for learning to ride, choose to order generals, and start first and kill quickly. After ten years of practice, the famous king captured hundreds of people. Shan Yu fled to the desert and took over the land of two rivers. Brush four generations of invasions and insults, and leave the descendants strong and secure. As for the times of Xuan, Yuan, Cheng, and Ai, Shan Yudun and his officials were obedient, waiting to hear the order of the imperial court, ranking the second among the domestic princes. Although it is said that the laboring teacher needs money, the success is far away. The reason why the Han Dynasty was attacked by the border was that the garrison troops were paid to worry about the county officials. What can you expect? What a shame! I don't know whether it is right to ask for the power of the world, or whether it is strong or weak. Instead, I said obscenely, "Wen and Jing are merciful, frugal, and love the people, while Emperor Wu is engaged in military and teacher worship." How painful it is to be on the same day as the Qin Emperor instead of slandering him! If Xiaowu does not indulge in the evils of Wencheng and the Five Benefits to eliminate the world, and the battle against the enemy ends with the death of Wei and Huo, but does not end with the soldiers of the two divisions, his merits will be comparable to those of Zhou Xuan! [138]
    • ① Filial piety and martial arts are extravagant and extravagant, with heavy punishments, extravagant palaces, foreign affairs, belief in gods and monsters, and endless patrols, which make people tired and become thieves, so it is very different from those of Qin Shihuang. However, those who perished in the Qin Dynasty and prospered in the Han Dynasty can respect the way of the former king with filial piety and martial arts. They know that they are under the control of the former king. They are deceived by the honest and upright words. They are good and tireless. They punish and reward severely. They change their ways later and take care of others. Is it because of this that he lost the Qin Dynasty and avoided the disaster? [104]
    • ② Although Emperor Wu likes Confucianism, he likes its name but not its reality. He admires its beauty but abandons its quality. It is better to be good at literature and scenery, and to be good at morality. [208]
    • ① Emperor Wu has consolidated heroes, and all of them are anecdotes. It borders Guilin in the south and stands alone in the north. Military expenditure is rich and the track is poor Jiugai When the doctor was alone, he lost his fortune by rules. How about loyalty, Gaomin Since then. After the vast literary scene, the fields are polluted. What is the meaning of a general's conspiracy? It will cause Qianshou to mourn! Later, when I realized that the marquis was rich, I believed leisurely. [235]
    • ② The flood waves leak the golden dike, and Hebo is not benevolent alone. Do you know how to worry about our people without practicing Zen? To dance on the seashore is to communicate with ghosts and gods. Gold becomes empty words, and there is no reason for great flying. When Wu'an is playing in the sky, it holds all the national secrets alone. Pathetique like Xuanfang poem, the Langli end pay. Lonely for thousands of years, the truth and falsehood sink together. What is a forgotten libel? There is no truth in the world. [235]
  • Li Gang : Maoling Fairy, it's really true. The sky and the talent are grand. Hunting the Tianjiao Chiwei Huo is like making an eagle drive away a bird. Zhan Gaolan, Li Ting Longqi, and Yin Zhixing Lord. China is strong, sitting makes the barbarians weak. Recall that on the day of patrol, 100000 cavalries were drawn, and the border was crossed. The pro general mythical wild animal talked and laughed, and the crafty captive was frightened. Send a message to Shan Yu, why do you have to flee the desert when you meet each other. The heroic spirit is as outstanding as ever. [105]
    • ① Emperor Wu was not born in the world. He was especially pleased with the use of troops. However, he did not practice more and was not aware of the importance of festivals. How could there be anyone who concealed his appearance to the enemy and covered more than 300000 people without revealing it? Fortunately, it was not defeated by the enemy. [213]
    • ② Emperors Wu treated Dong Zhongshu as Gongsun Hong, retired Zhang Tang, and made (Ji) a senior official. How could he succeed in guiding the Ming Dynasty and admonishing the people to save the country? However, there are many flaws of Emperor Wu's great achievements. Instead of using it Xuchang Xue Ze Cai Yi Zhao Zhou Successive disciples To stand alone One good thing is not heard. Therefore, Ban Gu praised Emperor Wu for his great popularity and arrogance. When he came down from the general, he showed his famous family name and was the only prime minister With Ah! [213]
    • Li Guang Jie Fa fought with the Huns. He had a high level of achievement. The general was a little bit of a defender, and Huo Zhiyou was not able to Jumao The reward, and Luan Da Wear six seals. To sink into gloom Loyal and loyal to the monarch, the Han court is incomparable. He abandoned the exile in the evening and was willing to bring the access ban to Zhonglang, but it was impossible to get it Gongsun Qing He is a doctor of Taizhong. Emperor Wu was only a few decades away from the First Emperor of Qin. When he saw his chariot covered, he bowed to the former path. The villagers' aspiration to use Confucianism has become obsolete. Therefore, it is not easy to solve those who are confused due to their outstanding talents. This is the crime of ignorance of learning and weakness of body. Don't you quit? [213]
    • ④ Emperor Wu Zhishi, now in his seventies and fifths (should be sixty-eight years old), was mentally worried and tired of inspiration. He could know all the things that had gone against him in the past, deeply regretted his mistakes, and went away despite all the changes Hence non It is far away. The past mistakes of the emperor are the same as the past ones. The Yuan Dynasty can hold on to them, while the new goodness can reflect on them, which makes people repeat the taste and admire them. It can be the way for emperors to change benevolence and righteousness, Duke Mu of Qin Don't be too beautiful. The people who talk about the world are equal to Lv Zheng (the first emperor of Qin Dynasty), but they are flawed. How can we talk about it? [213]
  • Wang Shipeng : Emperor Wu is a hero like the first emperor, who is willing to engage in military affairs and almost perish. In his old age, he relied on the skill of knowing people to pay the baby. [236]
    • ① The Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty cannot be said to be unknown. The evil of witchcraft and witchcraft, the prison of the Luo weave, the world is in ruins. The empress, imperial concubines, and officials will kill when they hand in their arms. Later generations will hate the name of Erwu. [139]
    • ② Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very talented and had his own government, so he didn't choose anyone to be his assistant minister. He just made him follow the document. In addition to the use of prefectures, I have paid particular attention to... There are no details of the affairs of prefectures, and I have never been unaware of them. People who are senior officials often visit them, and there are people who do not do their best? It's a hateful thing that people can't see the virtue of the society because of its expedition and luxury! [140]
  • Zhu Xi : Emperor Wu has many ailments. However, he is talented and ambitious, which is enough to make a great achievement. It's not very impressive that the envoy can get a real Confucian assistant? It's a pity that there is no real Confucianism to help you. You can't defeat his selfish desire. Go there! In order to win over the Huns, they used the title of Lu Houman's book to cover up their losses. If he knew this, wouldn't he have the truth of "cultivating morality"? Another example is asking for help from the Western Regions. You can't go through it at first, and then go again. You just need a horse. This is very powerful! If you move here, why not do it here? At the end of the year, there was no time to go to Qin Shihuang. If Huo Guang cannot clean up, what will happen! Luntai's regret is also high in talent. As people said, the prince Renrou could not use martial arts. He replied, "Just want to keep it. If I did it, it would be a sign of killing Qin." It shows that he knew his own sin at that time. If Xiang could take Zhong Shu as his prime minister and Ji An as the imperial doctor, wouldn't he be kind Han Wu crazy, however, is not pure, not enough words. [141]
  • Lu Jiuyuan : Emperor Wu is the king, and he is the wise and wise one. However, its quality cannot be more rigid, so after inheriting the wealth of Emperor Wen, he became old and rotten, and angrily wanted to plow the court of the Huns to brush the shame of previous generations. But I don't know Dance stem Grameen Due to the fact that the garrison has been lowered, not only Wei Qing and Huo Qubing's troops, but also the soldiers of the poor two divisions, as for the domestic waste, the household registration has been halved. Although it is impossible to deliver the edict of Luntai's grief... so that they can learn to help them, and know the meaning of submergence, they will not stop there. Woo hoo! Although the effect of prosperity is due to waste Crotch leg The sigh is worse than that of the wheel platform. The hearts of Yao, Shun and the three kings were known by the imperial edict of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at the end of his life, and I cherish his lack of learning as a supplement. [221]

Ming and Qing Dynasties

    • ① Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked for a posthumous note, and the Six Classics began to emerge, and the governance of the Tang and Yu dynasties began to be visible. Emperor Wu's great talent and great strategy are rare in later generations. To the Six Classics of the Table, it explains the learning of sages, and contributes to later generations. [142]
    • ② He is the leader of talent in later generations. When there is nothing to do in the world, he will waste his heart and indulge in lust. He will be able to conquer the world. He will be like Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi, who are fond of worshipping immortals in order to live a long life. He will be tired and tired, but will never get anything. If you shift your mind to try to rule the world, will you ignore it? [143]
    • ③ Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty won the title of a horned beast and produced nine stems of ganoderma, all of which were considered lucky at that time. But we should not be modest and self destructive, pacify the common people, make peace with them, do good work to make things happen, and make the country empty and the people exhausted. After that, though I regret it, I have no chance! [144]
    • ④ Hu people suffer from China since ancient times. With the power of the Han Emperor, there were 300000 people, still trapped in Baideng. Wen and Jing Shoucheng were not compared because they were set up. Although they were harassed, they were only expelled. As soon as Emperor Wu arrived, he used his great talent and great strategy to fight against the Huns, and then the Huns began to take over the border. Although tired of China, the Huns have been weak and weak since then, and their contributions are not enough! [242]
  • Liu Ji : The talent of Emperor Wu's heroes covers the universe, and Sima Xiangru Brag The extravagance of literature is to enlighten the battle of Yelang Qiong, Tongtian Guiguan, Taishan Liangfu, and Emperor Qin Shihuang It is no different to send an edict to a diligent envoy with an axe, a marquis to enrich the people, and a decree to lower the Luntai. The harm caused by the ignorance of literature is not even worse when it comes to this? [237]
  • Zhu Di : Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty resorted to militarism to fight against the barbarians. The Han family's full strength was exhausted. Although good horses were obtained at that time, how could they pay for China's contingencies? [145]
  • Zhu Zhanji : Hanwu likes great achievements, and spends money at home. He can punish the past in the last year. At the beginning of Xuanzong's administration, there was a spirit of chastity. For a long time, he indulged in lust, shunned loyalty and allowed evil, so he went to trouble and lost his country. Emperor Wu is still good at this. When a good heart is born, it is bright; when a desire is born, it is dark. Emperor Wu regarded Tian Qianqiu as a man of virtue, and Emperor Xuanzong regarded Li Linfu For virtue, there are different reasons for this. [146]
    • ① The male of Han Wu is also rich in Te! Han Wu's crime against the people is also meritorious to future generations. Sichuan to the south, mountains to the south Wu Hui And what about the south? The thousands of people who have been taught to follow the clothes and customs of worship, Xi Ziya? [260]
    • ② There are a few people who manage their own body but are in disorder: Qin Shi, Han Wu, Tang Xuan. Is this not enough? It is only with respect that we can prosper the capital, and it is with neglect that we can defeat the capital. [260]
    • ① The Western Chu Dynasty succeeded Chiyou to promote hegemony, and Xiaowu Shaoxing the Yellow Emperor to increase the outline. They are all great saints through the ages, and should not be lightly discussed. [251]
    • ② Emperor Xiaowu was a sage with great achievements. At that time, he explored several tens of thousands of miles of land, and regarded Han Gao as a great legacy. Although the people were injured by labor and money, they were called waste by anger, and their energy was almost exhausted. However, for more than 120 years of Li Zhao, Xuan, Yuan, Cheng, Ai, and Ping, the border city was not closed, and military vehicles were not used. Although they were holding children above the world, they were alone and Pelteobagrus fulvidraco The future is coming. As for Yi, the surname was changed, but the people still blocked the case as before, and then knew that it was a gift of filial piety without knowing it. [251]
  • Ye Fangmu After the Han filial piety Wu Chengwen and Jing rested, they went to war and did everything they could. The money stored was used up, taxes were exhausted, and the rank of nobility was calculated. All the losses were even, and the profits were cut from the hair, so as to serve the soldiers. If you don't start self immolation, you will be in danger of witchcraft. Many sons have been killed! Is it right or wrong to love what they don't love and what they love? At the end of his life, he issued an imperial edict of grief, abandoned the land of Luntai, and granted Chengcheng [the prime minister] the title of rich marquis to secure the world and enrich the people. Although it is too late for him to repent, he followed the law of heaven. Because of the people's hearts, he helped the weak to rise up, saved his life, and extended his life to his descendants. It is a great success! Therefore, it seems that they do not love their relatives but dare to be evil to others, Enter the year If you carry poison, it will hit you. The best way of thinking is to benefit the people, so you can still take danger as security. What a pity! The monarch must love others! [219]
    • ① Emperor Wu's labors were very serious, and he was able to save the hungry people. The empty warehouse is used to stimulate the people, and the fake loan people who favor and enrich the people are used to save them. If not, more than 700000 people will be relocated to Shuofang and the New Qin Dynasty through their changes. They will be handed over to the county officials to give them industries. The people are happy to live, and they will go to their hometown to secure the new town, while they will be satisfied with the reality. Chao Cuo tried to say this. If it was not the right time to disturb the people, Emperor Wu would take advantage of it to benefit the people. Therefore, he is good at turning disasters into blessings because of the sky. Although the country is empty, the people can live, and the border damage can be relieved. It is not to say that there are two benefits of the technique and no injuries! The history ridicules that its cost is in the hundreds of millions, which is innumerable. But what good people are who are quick to see the people's death and sit in the treasury? Sima Qian's history is full of slanders.
    • ② Wu Di Ping Ou, Min, opened Nanyue, and today it is a county of culture and education. However, the Song Dynasty set up the people of Heshuo, Yan, and Yun, and painted the three passes of the pond and water to make them more and more unique, so that the spirit of the heaven and earth civilization moved to the south day by day, and the heaven and the Han Dynasty were both good at it, and the Song Dynasty was tired of stealing it. An used to accuse the Emperor of Wu in private. Although he argued, the wise could not listen to him.
    • ③ Emperor Wu said, "If I do not change the system, the future generations will not be able to; if I do not leave the army to fight, the world will be disturbed; for this reason, they will have to work for the people. If the future generations do what I did, it will be a sign of the death of Qin? It is not abandoned by those who believe in love, establish great laws, and guard against great dangers. However, those who have lost their virtue and threatened the world finally have no choice because of their talents and interests, and their emotions are abused by them. Because of this, I admire the gods, run palaces, and travel extravagantly. If I can see that I have enough resources to do so, I can do what I want without hurting; And the spirit of lustful and extravagant demons and witches secretly leads them to flow. Without others, there is nothing to be found but to forget about the Tao. There is no fixed feeling but no fixed nature. Those who get their benefits from the heaven tend to be longer and shorter. Fang Qizhong respected Confucianism and visited Taoism. Dong Zhongshu and Er Kuan, among others, talked about the nature of Tao and restrained the nature of Tao. They tasted the essence of Tao and were powerless to warn others. They led them to think deeply to delight themselves. Although Emperor Wu can do as well as this, Emperor Zhao and Huo Guangcheng can grant leniency without suspicion of changing their ways. Song Shenzong But I didn't know this, but Sima Jun was actually ridiculed by the three years of political reform, and he was a villain who pretended to tell me something to do for himself. Then Emperor Wu's words are just like this. How virtuous they are! [148]
    • ① To the end, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was in the Han Dynasty, and he was the master of rejuvenation. We should also promote talents and enable them to carry out discipline. Although militarism and obsession with immortals are their minor faults, how can they write their names directly and talk about them together with Qin Zheng and Cao Pi? [147]
    • ② The Han Dynasty advocated literature, among which Dong Zhongshu was the first one who was proficient in classics. He thought that he was the king fu of Jiangdu. The people who were promoted were as mediocre as Zhao Wan and Wang Zang in the past, and as pompous as Zhuang Zhu and our Qiu generation in the future. They were just called the dragon of Ye Gong. [214]
    • ③ People who talk about Emperor Wu in the world think that extravagance and militarism are the same as that of the Qin Emperor, so they demote him. But I still think there is something to be appreciated. What? It is difficult for people to know their mistakes, to repent, and to change their mistakes. Since Emperor Wu ascended the throne, he has always wanted to be benevolent and righteous, imposed heavy punishments, advocated alchemy, squandered palaces inside, and fought against the barbarians outside. He was exhausted at home and abroad, and was exhausted far and near, which was no different from the Qin Emperor. The Qin Emperor died and the country was in danger, which made him laugh for the world. After the death of Emperor Wu, he was called Shizong. He was matched with the Taizu, and his sons and grandchildren inherited him. How could it be that those who have counted the generations have been able to prevent and regret the misfortune? The leader of Yingming, the emperor of Gaiwu, was obsessed with his personal affairs for a while without knowing it. How can they change their mistakes, turn the tide around and look at what they did as if they were two people, not handsome but smart? As for the promotion of Imperial College, the promotion of filial piety, the repair of sacrifices, the rectification of the new calendar, the determination of the calendar, the harmony of music, and the examination of etiquette, they have also contributed to the later generations. Although, instead of knowing the past and being able to correct it, which one is complete if there is no past? If the Son of Heaven has made a mistake for a while, that is to say, there is no limit to the harm in the world. So that Emperor Wu has no previous mistakes. In addition, he recuperates and uses his talents to improve his ability. Although the ancient wise monarch, how can he be so wrong? [231]
    • ④ The Emperor of Qin and the Emperor of Han, Wu and Heng were both called, and I call their words inappropriate. The Emperor of Qin pitted Confucianism and valued Confucianism. One end was enough to settle the situation. Seeking immortals to worship, diligent in civil works, militarism and so on. However, its big fault is in the hook, and there is no reason to kill its mother. Disaster prevention Lupheasant Being extremely tolerant of being disabled, is it better to avoid being attacked? If the Six Classics of the Badge dethrones hundreds of schools, they will be able to prosper, be handsome and elegant. The shortcomings of Yu did not cover Sikor's ears, and the history of Han Dynasty lost its gains and losses. When he entered the silkworm room, he had a deep hatred. Sima wrote the chronicle. [238]
    • ① Ji Zan of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty... He praised Emperor Wu's literary affairs, but his martial arts did not say a word. Yangsi Emperor's great talent and strategy are in the process of martial arts.
    • ② It is said that Emperor Wu is handsome. Cheng can use his weapons as well as he can. It is better to promote cultural governance, build martial arts, and become heroes for thousands of years. He also resented the prince's death of witchcraft and witchcraft. Che Qianqiu wrote a lawsuit for the crown prince, and the emperor realized it, summoned him, and worshipped him as Dahonglu. A few months later, he became Prime Minister. The emperor's degree of external employment was like this, and at that time, the net was wide, and those with talent were able to reach their own goals. This is also evident.
    • ③ Emperor Wu has a long way to go, and all he uses are gentle and relaxed people, regardless of inferior products To the extent that they manipulate rewards and punishments, there are enough people to encourage them If rewards and punishments are so strict, who dares to cheat and avoid risks without doing their best? History has said that great talent and great strategy are solid but not empty. [149]
  • Yuan Mei : The hero leader of Emperor Wu, who is all powerful. The flag is 180000 yuan, leaving a shame on the emperor. The country of Malaysia, Dawan, has the King of Nanyue hanging over its head. A song of autumn wind can help you write. [239]
  • Wu Yuchui : Emperor Wu has great talent and great strategy. He is not ignorant of the labors of the expedition. He wants to recover the territory of three generations, flatten all the barbarians, and eliminate all the future troubles. However, he is willing to sacrifice himself by measuring his strength and virtue. As a result, the Huns, trained by the imperial court, were both commoner and rich. They moved with each passing day. They fought for defence and attacked for defence. The Huns retreated from afar and weakened with each passing day. As for Xuan, Yuan, Cheng, Ai, and Shan Yu, who were courtiers, and who were in charge of the court, the living beings of the Han Dynasty were blessed by them, and the temple was called "Shizong". What a good thing The Grand Historian suffered for Li Ling castration It is not as good as Emperor Wu, but many satire it. The people of the Song Dynasty exhausted China's financial resources, accepted money to bribe bandits, and stole their lives. As a result, the living people took sides, lost their minds, and retreated to cross the river to sail. But Emperor Wu thought that it would be wrong for the country to talk about peace. How dare the people of the Song Dynasty talk about it? [150]
  • Zeng Guofan : Since ancient times, the king of heroes and philosophers has always been at his peak. If Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty and Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty were all outstanding at that time. [152]
    • ① What a magnificent song of Hengfen, admiring the true male talent through the ages. Baoding comes out of the back of Xici Temple, and is curious about sex and determined to use martial arts. [240]
    • ② Prosperity inherits the cultural landscape, and the great talents fight for the emperor. Youwenxing School, Weiyuan serves Diqiang. It's a pity that he is so prosperous that he can't stop being lazy. Immortal Traces on the sea, the battle is bone storming. The sycophant likes to use the river, but loyalty is hard to absorb. If you are poor and extravagant, how can you repay your regret! [240]


    • ① Qin Emperor, Han Wu, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, Napoleon, or hundreds of years, decades of years, can also be described as people with lofty ideals. Napoleon promoted the code, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty praised it, not to mention martial arts, but also had a thousand year ambition. [107]
    • ② King Wen prospered by hundreds of miles, and influenced people with good politics. Those who spread force were like the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, but they failed in the end, which is sufficient evidence. [153]
    • ① After Emperor Gaozu, historians praised enlightened administration of the Han emperors Wen and Jing In fact, the two emperors, Wen and Jing, were conservative and incompetent“ follow in sb.'s footsteps ”There is nothing to praise. However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was brilliant and bold, pioneering Liu Bang In his later years, he knew the disadvantages of extravagance, militarism and fangshi, and issued an edict to punish himself. It was indeed a prosperous time. [154]
    • ② Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed all schools of thought and respected Confucianism only. As a result, there was only rigid Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty, and the ideological circle was lifeless. After Emperor Wu, how many great militarists, statesmen and thinkers were there in the Han Dynasty? [206]
    • ① Before the Qin Dynasty, the land of China was divided into numerous small countries, and its origin was unknown. After thousands of years, it was merged into seven countries, and then all six countries were destroyed by Qin, so the Central Plains was determined to be one. The Qin Dynasty pursued the Huns in the north, and opened Guilin and Xiangjun in the south, expanding the scale slightly. God bless the Divine Land. It was born in Hanwu, broke the Huns in the north, merged the Western Regions in the west, and the Western Qiang, opened Qiongbo in the southwest, and expanded in the south Sunan , Jiaoyu, Ou and Guangdong in the southeast, and Weihe and Mo in the northeast. In the past 50 years, Weiga has led the way. So the Han nationality became independent from the earth and stood tall as a big country. For these two emperors, China is not today's China. Therefore, the teaching of China can Confucius Post establishment; China's politics, after the Qin Emperor; The territory of China is determined after the Han Dynasty. All three are the reasons why China is China. Since the Qin Dynasty, it has been two thousand years. Although hundreds of kings have emerged from generation to generation, and there have been reforms from time to time, there is no great disparity in the view of its great righteousness. For example, when Confucius built a house, he laid its foundation. The two emperors of Qin and Han Dynasty built their rooms. The later king, however, made up his mistakes in order to adapt himself to the needs of the time. He could not move his deep and peaceful reasoning. [261]
    • ② Some of them were emperors of the Han Dynasty; There were emperors of China's 24 dynasties, including the Qin Emperor and the Han Wu Emperor. Many cases of China's politics began in the Han Dynasty Therefore, the masters of China are called Qin Emperor and Han Wu, because if there were no such two rulers in China, the situation in China today would be like this. Never do so. Therefore, both of them have the power to cause China, and they have been affected by it for more than 2000 years. In terms of their life experiences, their actions can be divided into three major ends: first, respect for Confucianism, second, trust in alchemists, and third, good use of troops. These three, viewed from the surface, contradict each other and cannot be understood. Why admire immortals while respecting Confucianism? Why are you addicted to killing when you admire immortals? This later generation was suspicious of being crazy and disobedient, and Han Wu also blamed himself for it. However, in terms of its subtlety, things are consistent, which is just discovered by the thought of despotism. Those who respect Confucianism do not agree with benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and frugality. They actually regard Confucianism as the most convenient teaching ear for autocracy; The intention of opening the border is not to have a ruler outside of yourself, but to make the world belong to one person and then be happy, not today's international competition; As for the quest for immortality, because of his extreme wealth, he has no hope, but hopes that he will never die to enjoy this joy for a long time. This is what people have to do. Therefore, it is possible for the two monarchs to have the same heart. However, those who are related to the future generations of the world can do no more good than fight against the barbarians, and can do no more evil than alchemists. The success of fighting against the barbarians has made China a great power and weakened the Huns. Otherwise, the disaster of the Jin and Yuan dynasties could be seen in the Qin and Han dynasties, and the cultural relics of the Chinese ancients could not exist. The crime of Fang Shi has made the absurd theory of ghosts and gods more and more rooted in the Chinese society. The customs of China today are nothing but those inherited by Fang Shi, from the yellow scarf in the late Han Dynasty to the Gengzi Boxers It all started from this. It was a disaster to China. What a disaster! If the husband respects Confucianism, it is still difficult to determine the merits and sins. [261]
  • Cai Dongfan : Looking at Emperor Wu's life, most of them are similar to the First Emperor of Qin, but the early administration was quite impressive. In his later years, Luntai issued an edict to repent his wrongdoing, which was unheard of by the Qin Emperor. Emperor Wu had the loss of Qin's death, and the death of Qin's death was spared! He ordered the younger son to be appointed, appointed Huo Guang and Gu Told, and died Liss eunuch who conspired with Li Si to influence the succession to the First Emperor The disaster, Si is also Emperor Wu's expertise. [232]
  • Lv Simian : Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism has been in vogue in China. The fact that it began with Emperor Wu can be said by everyone. However, Emperor Wu was not a man who really knew Confucianism. Emperor Wu's extravagance of official offices, his pleasure in patrolling, and his business to the world are all against the Confucian doctrine. When he was granted the title of Zen and raised the hall of brightness, he was puzzled by the words of the immortal family and did not follow the Confucian school. However, Confucianist soldiers are popular as advocated by Emperor Wu? It is said that once the climate is established, you will not know yourself if you are inspired by it Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made a great expedition to the east and the west. He has a wide range of pioneers. The territory of the later generations in the heyday has already taken on a slightly larger scale here. History readers may be praised for it. However, the Han people's comments were often criticized by Emperor Wu. What is it? It is said that the development of the times was carried out by the national strength of China, that is, Emperor Weiwu, who must also rise and take credit. However, Emperor Wu was careless, happy, angry and unrestrained, and used people privately, which greatly consumed China's national strength, and his real achievements did not cover up his sins This is what it does, and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty Why is it different? How unlucky that the protected leader is not more than five tussahs Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty likes to do great things, regardless of the future As the saying goes, "You reap what you sow, and you reap what you sow.". The reason of cause and effect should not be framed. In the Han Dynasty, superstition was deep, and Emperor Wu was particularly reckless. We worship in the temple and ask for immortals. People's fat and cream are wasted, and we don't know how many people are covered. However, he is also happy, angry and unrestrained. He is not jealous of punishment and killing. He is confused by women, but cannot obey the law. Since evil is well known, how can it cause trouble in the palace? [155]
  • Jian Bozan : When it comes to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, what a serious face does he have? In fact, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a more lively, naive and emotional figure. In addition to being militaristic, he also likes traveling, music, literature and immortals. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was the most intelligent commander of the army, the most frequent tourist on the sea, the original founder of the royal band, the most intimate friend of the litterateurs, the most loyal messenger of the alchemists, especially his wife Li's best husband. He is by no means a reckless man who knows nothing except that he is warlike. [156]
  • historian : Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, relying on the wealth accumulated in the earlier period and the national unity completed by Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, combined with his characteristics of great talent and long time in office for 54 years, made use of foreign troops, expanded the territory, developed domestic operations, and established many institutions (mainly water conservancy), changing the inaction politics of Taoism into the lust politics decorated with Confucianism. Through Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the peasants paid the price of "domestic depletion, population halving", resulting in the military and cultural heyday. The representative figures in all aspects of the Western Han Dynasty include Dong Zhongshu, a great scholar and political commentator, Sima Qian, a great historian, and Sima Xiangru, a great scholar. The Yuefu songs and poems written by Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, the great military strategists, Tang Du, Luo Xiahong, the great astronomer, Zhao Guo, the great agronomist, Zhang Qian, the great explorer, and the folk poets, which were coordinated by Li Yannian, the great musician, were concentrated in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. This is a very splendid period in history, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is the general representative of this splendid period. [157]
    • ① In the long process of fighting back against the Huns, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made great contributions to the history of the Chinese nation. However, he exhausted all the people's resources and resources to serve his government. For decades, he had no peace. In addition, he imposed heavy penalties, poor and extravagant, and played tricks on ghosts and gods, which finally made people angry and had extremely serious social consequences. The way of civil and military affairs is to relax and relax. In order to preserve the positive results achieved, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty must make a timely transition in policy to stabilize the society and enable the people to recuperate.
    • ② The historical trend shows us that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as an early autocratic emperor, is actually exploring the ruling experience, not only to develop the autocratic centralized unified country created by the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty as far as possible, but also to try not to follow the mistakes of the death of the Qin Dynasty. After the great development of the Western Han Dynasty, the edict of Luntai to punish himself was followed, which showed that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had achieved considerable success in his exploration. Although the imperial edict of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to punish himself could not be like the so-called "Yu Tang punished himself, and his prosperity also flourished", the prosperity of the Han Dynasty was at its peak, after all, it saved the situation of decline. However, Luntai Imperial edict was effective because it was issued at a time when the situation was redeemable and there were ways to redeem it... So although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set a precedent for autocratic emperors to clean up the situation, there were few emperors who really succeeded in following the imperial edict of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty by "sinning themselves" until the end of the Qing Dynasty. [158]
  • Huang Renyu In Chinese history books, Qin, Huang, Han and Wu often link up with each other. Moreover, the mention of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty cannot be separated from the evaluation of great achievements. Today, when we look at his records, we cannot deny that he is a special person; But his achievements still need to be judged in the long history. The most important point is that the situation he created cannot be continued by future generations. [159]
    • ① This promising young emperor had made many reforms during his long reign. The Han Dynasty began with him and became a new dynasty worthy of the name. He can be said to be Jia Yi Practitioners of reform proposals, such as crusading against the Huns, dividing the feudal lords, honoring ministers, respecting Confucianism, changing the calendar, changing the system, cutting down businessmen, punishing rangers, and promoting education, were all implemented by Emperor Wu. Of course, Emperor Wu also had shortcomings, such as extravagant superstition in his later years, and amassing wealth and militarism. However, his great efforts to open up the territory to the outside world and reform and reform the internal system were indispensable in laying the foundation for the long-term prosperity and peace of the Han Empire. [262]
    • ② The actions of Emperor Wu in his life are really colorful, but also full of contradictions. He respected Confucianism, but his enthusiasm for greatness, extravagance, poverty and superstition towards immortals all ran counter to Confucianism. He often felt inadequate in recruiting talented people, but he also abused them because of minor mistakes. He sometimes showed extraordinary courage, such as punishing the Huns and rangers; On the one hand, he is very afraid of death and always beware of other people's plot. He is clever, but sometimes he is fooled like a child, even causing huge tragedies. He devoted his whole life to the cause of Kaibian happily, but ended up regretting. In a word, it is difficult to find a contradictory figure like Emperor Wu among the emperors of all previous dynasties in China. [262]
  • Yang Shengmin : The era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is far away from today. Nevertheless, the great achievements of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty in inheriting and developing Chinese traditional culture, unifying China, developing production and science and technology will forever shine in Chinese history. The pioneering and enterprising spirit of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the reform spirit of courage to repent, the spirit of being good at summarizing historical experience, dialectically handling inheritance and developing relations, the spirit of bravely absorbing excellent foreign cultures, and the heroic struggle spirit of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups at that time will forever inspire and inspire future generations to forge ahead. In the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the experience and lessons accumulated in China's march towards a world power can still be used for reference today. In this sense, the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is immortal in Chinese history. [249 ]
  • Xin Deyong : Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty spent his whole life harming the country and the people, and did not make a fundamental change. The concrete manifestation of its disaster to the country and the people is to plunder the people's wealth crazily through measures such as salt and iron monopoly, and to oppress the people with severe punishment; At the same time, a large number of people were recruited to join the army and attacked everywhere to expand the territory, which not only cost huge amounts of money, but also destroyed countless lives. In his later years, although the number of foreign wars has decreased significantly, it is not because his line of governance has changed, but because the territory of the Han Dynasty has reached the limit of the expansion of the Central Plains regime, it is no longer necessary to fight, rather than not want to fight... Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is an "epoch-making" figure in Chinese history The figure of... is that the tyrant Han Wudi completed the great social change started by the tyrant Qin Shihuang. The specific time to complete this change can be roughly set in the first year of Taichu (104 BC). The so-called "Taichu reform" is a major event in Chinese history. I think that only by understanding the historical position of Emperor Hanwu in this sense can we better judge his merits and demerits If I were to make an emotional evaluation of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it would be very simple and clear, just eight words - a lone husband and a thief, full of evil. [160]

interpersonal relationship

Among Liu Che's family members, there should be more than this number of concubines. According to historical records, Liu Che "took thousands of good women to fill the harem" [110] My daughter is afraid of more than that. The following is only recorded in the official history and its annotations.
full name
Empress Xiaowen
Co marquis
After Liu Che ascended the throne
Pingyuan Jun
King of Yan Zang tea granddaughter
Parent generation
Empress Xiaojing
Peer generation
Half brother
Thirteen persons in total, see Liu Qi Entry "Family members - children" directory
Sister in law
marry Cao Shou Xiahoupo , Wei Qing
First, Liu Chumei, married Chen Xuan , whose son Zhao Pingjun and Chen Mou married Liu Che's daughter Princess Yi'an
Xiu Chengjun
Wang Tu and his ex husband King Sun The daughter of Liu Che, who knew of this sister after he ascended the throne, took Chang'an back and granted Xiu Chengjun
Wives and concubines
A proper wife
Chen Shi
The unofficial record is named Chen Ajiao , Aunt Liu Che, Princess Guantao and Chen Wu Daughter, because art of casting spells Be abandoned
After thinking
She used to be a singer girl of Princess Pingyang's family. After the first year of Yuanshuo (128 BC), she committed suicide in the disaster of witchcraft
Empress Xiaowu
I.e Mrs Li , who was born as a singer girl, was pursued by Huo Guang as the Empress Xiaowu during the reign of Emperor Zhao
Queen Mother of Qi
I.e Mrs. Wang Liu Che Chases Queen Mother of Qi
An imperial concubine
I.e Madam Gou Yi Liu Che was executed by Liu Che one year before his death
An imperial concubine
I.e Madam Yin , born singer
娙 E
I.e Li Ji , unpopular
Prince Li
Wei Zifu was born in the first year of Yuanshou (122 BC). He committed suicide in the disaster of witchcraft and witchcraft. Sun Xun was the Xuandi
King Huai of Qi
Born by Madame Wang, he was crowned King of Qi in the sixth year of Yuanshou (117 BC)
Yanla King
Li Ji was born. In the sixth year of Yuanshou (117 BC), he was granted the title of King Yan. Later, he was involved in Shangguan Jie's rebellion and committed suicide
King Li of Guangling
Born by Li Ji, he was granted the Guangling King in the sixth year of Yuanshou (117 BC) and committed suicide on suspicion of cursing Emperor Xuan
King Ai of Changyi
Born to Mrs. Li, he was granted the title of Changyi King and son in the fourth year of Tianhan (97 BC) Liu He He was emperor for 27 days
Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty
Born by Madame Gou Yi, Liu Che became Crown Prince before his death
Wei Zifu Born, also known as Princess Wei Chang, married Cao Xiang Luan Da
Her biological mother is unknown, also known as Princess Gaichang. She once raised Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, but later she was involved in Shangguan Jie's rebellion and committed suicide
In historical records, Suo Yin called his mother Wei Zifu and died of witchcraft
In the historical records, Suo Yin called his mother Wei Zifu. His life is unknown
Unknown birth mother, also known as Princess Deyi, died of witchcraft
Unknown birth mother, married Liu Che's nephew, Zhao Pingjun, Chen
reference material [169-171]

Anecdotes and allusions



Unofficial history《 Han Wu Story 》It is recorded that when Liu Cheshang was in the belly of Wang Yu, Emperor Jing dreamt that Liu Bang had a dream, and that his son could be named "彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘24408. [112]
Another unofficial history《 Inside Story of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 》It is recorded that before Liu Che was born, Emperor Jing dreamed that a red boar (red boar) fell from the clouds and went straight into Chongfang Pavilion. When he woke up, he sat down at your excellency, and then saw "red dragons like fog, coming to cover Windows and doors ”, Danxia appeared on the pavilion. After the Danxia disappeared, the red dragon still lingered among the pillars. When the Emperor of the Jing asked Yao Weng, the diviner, Yao Weng answered that it was a good omen. Those born in this pavilion "fought against the barbarians and gained Jiarui and became the leader of Liu Zongsheng", but they were also "big demons". Later, the Emperor dreamed that the goddess held the sun to grant the rabbit, which was swallowed by the rabbit. Wang Yu was fourteen months pregnant and gave birth to a son. The Emperor of Jing named him Liu Xuan. When he was three years old, the Emperor of Jing held Liu Xuan on his knee and asked Liu Xuan, "Is he happy to be the Son of Heaven?" Liu Xuan replied, "The heaven will not let him go. He would like to live in the palace every day and play in front of his majesty." The Emperor took a different view of his son. Liu Xuan has an amazing memory and a strong thirst for knowledge. He especially likes reading the stories of ancient sages, emperors and great men, and never forgets them. The Emperor of Jingdi was very surprised and changed his name to "Che" after his "Holy Che". [183]
As for this record in the Han Wu Story, scholars such as An Zuozhang once made an analysis and pointed out that it was a novelist's statement, which was not credible. First, this theory is not found in the Records of the Historian and the Book of the Han Dynasty. Second, the Western Han Dynasty has been very strict Taboo system If Liu Chuchu was named "彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘彘24408“ pork ”Is the name. As recorded in the Book of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu Ji, in the second year of Yuanfeng, "Yang Fu, the general of the building ship, and Xun Xuan, the general of Zuo, were sent to attack the recruited criminals in Korea". Even the son of Liu Fa, King of Changsha, the brother of Emperor Wu, was also named Liu Gougui. In the fifth year of Yuanshuo (124 BC), Liu Goudang was granted the title of Marquis Taoyang. Therefore, Emperor Wu's initial name should be "Che". [229]

settle one 's young wife in a golden house

According to the unofficial history "Han Wu Story", when Liu Che was still the King of Jiaodong, Liu Piao, the eldest princess of Guantao, held him on her lap and asked, "Do you want to marry a daughter-in-law?" The King of Jiaodong said, "Yes." The eldest princess pointed left and right Chang Yu Liu Che didn't want more than a hundred people. He pointed to his daughter Chen Ajiao (i.e. Empress Chen) and said, "How about marrying Ajiao?" Liu Che replied, "OK! If Ajiao marries me, I will build a gold house and hide her inside!" Princess Guantao was overjoyed, and finally Liu Che and Chen Ajiao got married. [184]

Private visit in WeChat

In the third year of Jianyuan (138 BC), Liu Che began to visit the Guanzhong area in private frequently, and he chose Longxi County and Northland County A good family who is good at riding and shooting is called“ Phase Gate ”, as a personal guard when you travel. They often leave at ten minutes at night and call themselves "Marquis of Pingyang". In the morning, I would run down the mountain to hunt, or fight with bears with my bare hands, which often trampled on crops, causing people to complain and report to 鄠 County and Du County County magistrate of. The county magistrate wanted to visit the "Marquis of Pingyang", and the county magistrate, who was near Liu Che, was about to whip the county magistrate. The county magistrate was furious, and asked his officials to stop him. He detained several of the county magistrates, who were released after showing their royal belongings. Liu Che returned at night and even brought food for five days later. When he came back, he just caught up Changxin Palace Greet the Empress Dowager. Liu Chule is not tired. Later, everyone knew that it was Liu Che who went out in disguise several times. But Liu Che did not dare to go far because he was afraid of the Empress Dowager. The Prime Minister and the Imperial Historian understood Liu Che's intention, so they let Youfu Duwei Changyang During the inspection in Edong, the Right Neishi mobilized people to wait at the museum at any time. Liu Che also set up his own dressing place from Xuanqu Palace There are twelve palaces to the south. There are people for lunch break and dressing. At night, he stays in the palaces. He often goes to Changyang Palace Wuzuo Palace, Beiyang Palace, Xuanqu Palace. Later, considering the disturbance caused by petty deeds, he asked Dr. Taizhong Longevity King of Wuqiu Be responsible for the expansion of Shanglin Garden. [217] According to unofficial records, Liu Che and his entourage stayed in a hotel during a private visit in disguise, but the boss almost killed them as "gang robbers", but the boss's wife let them go. After returning to the palace, Liu Che summoned and praised the couple, but since then he has almost stopped making private visits in disguise. [218]

Favor Han Li

According to《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of Yin Xing 》It is recorded that when Liu Che was the king of Jiaodong Han Yan "Love". After becoming the crown prince, he became more intimate, and later developed to the point where he often slept with Han Yan. Han Yan is good at riding and shooting, and in response to Liu Che's ambition of "exterminating Hu", she learned the Huns' tactics, which made her even more favored by Liu Che. The official paid homage to the doctor and gave numerous rewards. Later, the king of Jiangdu Liu Fei When I entered Korea and hunted in Shanglin Garden, I saw Han Yan's pomp and mistook her for the emperor. I knelt down beside the road. Han Yan really galloped past like the emperor. Liu Fei found that he was not the emperor, so he told Han Yan in front of the empress dowager and rabbit. Wang Yu hated Han Yan from then on. Later, he learned that Han Yan had an affair in the harem and sent someone to kill Han Yan. Even if Liu Che apologized for her, he could not save her. Later, Liu Che favored another Li Yannian Li Yannian was an eunuch who was born into the imperial palace and advocated excellence New sound In Liu Che's favor, he was "lucky to get up with her", similar to Han Yan, and was favored together with his sister Mrs. Li. However, Li Yannian later became an eunuch, but he did not completely purify himself because of his "arrogance and recklessness in going in and out" Finally, he and his brother were both killed. [185]

Ask the Immortal and the Ghost

Liu Che is famous for his enthusiasm for seeking immortals and ghosts. He has visited the sea seven times to seek immortals Jianzhang Palace The Immortal Platform builds a copper fairy dew plate, which is 20 zhang high. It holds a copper plate and a jade cup for the copper casting fairy to accept the nectar in the sky. It mixes the nectar with jade chips to drink clothes, so as to achieve immortality. [111] Liu Che was cheated by alchemists many times in his life. He began to favor alchemists during the reign of Yuan Guang Li Shaojun Li Shaojun died before he could make pills. Liu Che still thought he was "immortal". Another alchemist Qi Ren Li Shaoweng He was favored because he could summon the soul of Liu Che's concubine Wang's wife. Liu Che worshipped him as General Wencheng. Later, his alchemy failed. So he secretly gave the silk book to the cow, pretended not to know, said there was something in the cow's stomach, and killed the cow to get the book, which was very strange. Liu Che knew his handwriting and asked the man who offered the cow. It was really a forgery, so he put Li Shaoweng to death and kept the matter secret. Later, someone recommended the alchemist Luan Da When Luan Da mentioned that Li Shaoweng was executed, Liu Che refused to admit that Li Shaoweng died of eating horse liver. Luan Da was worshipped as General Wuli, General Dishi, General Tianshi and General Datong, and was granted the title of Le Tong Marquis. Liu Che also married his daughter Princess Weichang to him. Later Luan Da was cut in the waist because of the failure of Donghai to seek immortality. Later, Liu Che favored another Gongsun Qing Our alchemist. [31] It was not until the failure of Zhenghe four years ago (89 years ago) to seek immortality that Liu Che suddenly repented, admitted that there was no so-called immortal, ordered to dismiss the alchemist and stop seeking immortality. [39]
As Liu Che is keen on asking for immortals and ghosts, there are many stories about his immortals and ghosts, such as he and Queen Mother of the West Between Green Bird Messenger the voice of singing reverberates round the beams of a house for days Dongfang Shuo Steals Peaches Wait for the story Ganquan Palace He Yu Nv the game of go , the story of later being sickened by the girl who wanted to occupy her, and the story of selling jade cups in the market after death, etc. [1] [127] [183]

Guangxiu Palace

When Liu Che was in power, he built a lot of buildings. After he ascended the throne, he expanded on a large scale Shanglin Garden And built Jianzhang Palace and Mingguang Palace outside the original Weiyang Palace and Changle Palace. In addition Bailiang abutment Sky Platform , Feilian Hall and other buildings. Dongfang Shuo once described Liu Che as "taking the city as a small place, starting from a picture to build a chapter, the left Phoenix Tower and the right gods, known as thousands of families; wood and soil clothes are embroidered, and dogs and horses are covered with quilts Multicomponent compression Palace people hairpin tortoise shell, hanging pearls; Set up a theatrical car to teach people how to drive, and decorate them with literary talent and strange characters; Hit the bell of ten thousand stones, hit the drum of thunder, make haiku, dance Zheng women ", the magnificence of its palace can be seen. [187]

Bailiang Feast

In the spring of the second year of Yuanding (115 BC), Liu Che built Bailiang Platform in Chang'an City. The platform is twenty zhang high, with cedar as the beam of the hall. Its fragrance can be smelled tens of miles away. [1] Liu Che held a banquet on the stage and ordered all his officials to write poems together. Only those who can write seven character poems can participate. [111] Bai Liangtai's poems are the earliest and very complete seven character poems in China, which are of great significance in the history of Chinese literature. [188]

Long live Shanhu

In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), Liu Che led the people on the way to Zhongyue Songshan Mountain A mountain peak at the east foot, at this time, all officials and soldiers heard that the mountain called "Long live three". So all the officials and soldiers complimented Liu Che and said, "This is the Zhongyue Mountain God meeting your majesty." Liu Che was very happy, so he appointed the peak he climbed as Wansui Peak At the same time, the temple officials were ordered to build a large scale "Taishi Temple" to worship Mount Song, and set up 300 households under Mount Song“ Sublime County ”, exempt from all taxes and corvee, and be in charge of sacrificing to Yue God. Later developed into“ Hu Song ”"Long live" has become the exclusive property of the emperor. [113] [186]

Main works

Liu Che is not only a politician, but also a litterateur who loves literature and advocates Ci and Fu. Later generations sorted his poems and essays into the second volume of Collection of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (now lost), so he became the first emperor in Chinese history to have a collection of essays. [182] the Qing dynasty Yan Kejun The third and fourth volumes of All Chinese include Liu Che's poems and essays, including《 Madame Li Fu 》《 Autumn Poems 》There are 100 articles in total, including system, imperial edict, volume book, policy book, imperial edict, seal book, newspaper book, tripod text and stone inscription. [178-179] There are also sentences with officials《 Bai Liangtai Poems [111] , but it is considered to be the false trust of later generations. [250 ]
Liu Che has created many songs, including《 Bottle gourd song 》(Two songs)《 Tianma Song 》《 West Pole Tianma Song 》《 Mrs. Li Song 》《 Sifeng Car Hou Ge 》《 The songs of fallen leaves and cicadas 》《 Bai Lin's Song 》(Chaolong Head) Baoding(《 auspicious star 》)《 Emperor Lin 》《 China Ye Ye 》Tianmen, Song of Zhifang(《 Room unifying 》)《 Xiangzai Yu 》(Song of Zhu Yan)《 Daily in and out 》The lyrics of fifteen songs are handed down from generation to generation. Other《 Song of Zongyang in the flourishing Tang Dynasty 》The content of Song of Jiaomen is lost. [180-181]

Character controversy


Date of birth

According to the Records of the Historian and the History of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che was four years old, seven years old and sixteen years old in Xiaojing. [115-116] Liu Chedang was born in the first year of Emperor Jingdi of the Han Dynasty (Yiyou year, 156 BC) because the ancients planned to live in a false age. The biography of Empress Xiaojing in the two books also records that Liu Che was born after Emperor Jing ascended the throne and was pregnant before the death of Emperor Wen [3] That is to say, the time of conception was before June of the seventh year after Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty (July 6, 157 BC), and the two can be reconciled.
However《 Han Wu Story 》It is said that "the emperor was born in Yilan Hall on July 7, Yiyou year" [1] That is, Liu Che was born on July 7, the first year of Emperor Jing (July 31, 156 BC). In this case, the pregnancy period exceeded 13 months, which was abnormal. There are at least three corollaries:
  • The Han Wu Story can't be mistaken. According to the Book of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che loved his concubine in his later years Madam Gou Yi She was 14 months pregnant Liu Fuling In this way, it is objectively possible that the above-mentioned pregnancy period exceeds 13 months; However, there is still doubt that the same vision is not recorded together.
  • The month and date recorded in Han Wu Story are correct, and the year is wrong. If this is true, Liu Chedang was born on July 7, the seventh year after Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty (August 10, 157 BC), and Liu Chedang is one year old as recorded in the Book of Han · Filial and Martial Annals; This is contrary to the general situation of the ancients who said false years.
  • The month and date recorded in Han Wu Story are wrong, and the year is correct. The Story of Han Wu is mainly about supernatural beings, and it is not a book that records historical facts [117] The recorded date "July 7th" should not be trusted, while the Year of Yiyou can still be confirmed by the Records of the Historian and the Book of Han.

Route in old age

In the fourth year of Zhenghe (the first 89 years), Liu Chexia Luntai Imperial edict , Reject Sang Hongyang The proposal of stationing farmland in Luntai in the Western Regions. Late Western Han Liu Xiang It was pointed out that "Emperor Xiaowu regretted it, and the imperial official Sang Hongyang asked to rent Luntai, but the imperial edict... The prime minister was named Fumin Marquis, so he stopped talking about military affairs, and the country was determined by peace and succession" [172] Ban Gu emphasized that the next Luntai Imperial edict was based on "deep regret of the past" in the Book of Han · Biography of the Western Regions, and praised Liu Che for "abandoning the land of Luntai and issuing the imperial edict of grief in his later years. Isn't it a pity for benevolent saints!" [40] Therefore, Luntai Imperial edict has always been regarded as An edict of grief and even imperial decree in which the emperor blamed himself for the suffering of the people It is a symbol of Liu Che's sudden repentance in his later years. Contemporary historian Tian Yuqing In 1984, he published a very influential academic paper, Luntai Zhao, which systematically expounded Liu Che's line change from "prospering and opening the border" to "abiding by the text" in his later years. He believes that there has long been a relationship between Liu Che and his crown prince Liu Ju“ Be observant ”And lead to“ The disaster of witchcraft ”The root cause of. However, due to the frequent peasant uprisings, the Dongchuang incident of Liu Quxuan's case, the failure of the Huns' use of troops, and Tian Qianqiu's lawsuit against the crown prince, Liu Che regretted his mistake in time, and took advantage of Sang Hongyang's request to the Luntai government to open up the fields to issue the "Luntai edict", adjusting the Han Dynasty's route to "observing the text", helping the generals to tilt the building, thus creating Zhaoxuan Zhongxing [158]
This view is almost conclusive, but there are also voices of doubt. as Chensu Town He believed that "after careful reading of Luntai's edict, Emperor Wu had been building up his army for decades, and what he regretted was only the levy and the three-year battle". Liu Che had no intention of adjusting his own line until his death, but asked his successor to continue his unfinished business. Therefore, the "Emperor Wu's career" was still inherited and promoted during the Zhaoxuan period, and was basically completed by the time of Emperor Xuan, Emperor Hanyuan Only then did the time adjust the line. [173] Chen Jinxia also believed that Liu Che did not show remorse for the past militarism in the Luntai Imperial edict, nor did he reflect on his life's mistakes, so it was not a criminal edict. [118]
Since 2014, scholars Xin Deyong Published the paper "The Political Orientation of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty in His Later Years and the Reconstruction of Sima Guang" and wrote a book《 Making Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty 》, overthrowing Tian Yuqing's views one by one. He believes that:
  • The Luntai Imperial edict is only an expedient measure to adjust the strategy of foreign operations, not to fundamentally change the political line;
  • There was no line dispute between Liu Che and Liu Ju. The truth was that Liu Ju could not bear his father's tyranny and cursed Liu Che for dying early, which led to the evil of witchcraft after being discovered;
  • Tian Yuqing believes that the line dispute between Liu Che's father and son and Liu Che's line of governance in his later years have undergone a major change, which is mainly based on the historical data Zizhi Tongjian, but the relevant records of Zizhi Tongjian are not found in the historical records of the Han Dynasty such as Historical Records and Hanshu, but from the novel Hanwu Story; Another basis is Gansu Yumen Huahai Han Dynasty Beacon Tower Site The unearthed ones are presumed to be the posthumous edict issued by Liu Che to the Crown Prince, among which he warned the Crown Prince to "be kind to the people, and be reasonable" and Huhai However, this edict may not be written by Liu Che, but more likely by Liu Bang;
  • The Han Wu Story was written by the Southern Dynasty Wang Jian The argument between Liu Che and his son described by him was intended to allude to Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty Liu Yilong And his prince Liu Shao The contradiction between them is based on some historical events in the Han Dynasty, which can not be used as historical materials for studying Liu Che;
  • Sima Guang collected the Han Wu Story in Zizhi Tongjian, and deliberately constructed an image of Liu Che who repented and changed his ways, hoping to persuade people who are also keen on making profits Song Shenzong [174-175]
Li Hao, a scholar, criticized this, and his views are as follows:
  • Liu Che's political turn in his later years was reflected in a series of things such as repentance, persuading farmers, and ceasing the army《 Theory of salt and iron 》In the actual action of Hanshu, the narration of Zizhi Tongjian is highly consistent with the above original historical data, and there is no reconstruction phenomenon;
  • The whole book Zizhi Tongjian has been reviewed all over, and the narration will not be based on the Han Wu Story. Sima Guang only listed it as historical materials, variant texts and critical objects《 The General Knowledge of Zizhi 》There is no doubt that all the original books exist;
  • Historical interpretation is not equal to historical reconstruction. Ban Gu has already emphasized Liu Che's repentance in his later years in the Book of Han. Zizhi Tongjian is just a historical observation from different perspectives of recognized historical facts. Sima Guang did not and could not reconstruct history;
  • The author and age of Han Wu Story have not been determined yet. Xin Deyong used Liu Song as a metaphor to attach the Western Han Dynasty as a suspense. [176]
In addition, some scholars believe that it is undeniable that the Luntai Imperial edict has a tendency to focus on the people's livelihood, which has opened the policy transition to a certain extent, but on the other hand, it can not be concluded that Liu Che has the intention of making a fundamental transition to his political strategy, let alone the intention of turning to "obedience". [177]

Commemoration for future generations



Mao Mausoleum of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
Liu Che was buried Maoling , on xingping 12 kilometers to the northeast. In the second year of Jianyuan (139 BC), the mausoleum was built. Maoling's enclosure is shaped like a covered bucket. It is 46.5m high, 39.25m long from east to west at the top, and 40.60m wide from south to north. Bottom length: 243 meters in the east, 238 meters in the west, 239 meters in the south and 234 meters in the north. Up to now, there are still earthen towers on the east, west and north, and the accompanying tombs of Maoling still include those of Madame Li, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Huo Guang, Jin Ridi, etc. It is the largest imperial mausoleum in the Han Dynasty, with the longest construction time and the richest funerary objects. [162]
According to《 Miscellaneous Records of Xijing 》According to the record, "The Emperor of the Han Dynasty killed all the people with pearls and jade caskets. The caskets are shaped like armor, with gold strands attached." Zigong Inside, Liu Che wears cicada jade in his mouth Jade clothes sewn with gold wire "The boxes are carved with the images of dragons, phoenix, phoenix, tortoise and lin, which is called Dragon Jade Box ”。 The underground palace of Maoling is full of rare treasures. The king of Kangju presented Liu Che with jade boxes, jade sticks, and 30 volumes of miscellaneous scriptures that Liu Che read before his death. They were filled with gold boxes and buried in the tomb. [162]
More than one hundred years later, the Red eyebrow Army entered Chang'an, and Maoling was excavated《 Maoling Book 》It was probably taken out of Maoling at this time. The Book of Maoling has been lost, but some of its contents have been Chen Zan Zhang Hua They have made great contributions to the study of the geography of the administrative regions and the rank and rank of officials in the Western Han Dynasty. [114]

Wudi Terrace

Liu Che went out on a tour and left many ruins of the ancient platform, mainly including three:
  • Changli Jieshi Mountain Sendai Peak, also known as Hanwu Terrace Emperor Taizong of the Later Tang Dynasty marched eastward Goguryeo When I was a teacher, I used to carve stones on this Hanwu Platform to record my achievements. [163]
  • Cangzhou Ancient Site of Wudi Terrace Located in Cangzhou Bohai New Area Zoje Industrial Park 5 kilometers to the east, with an area of about 1300 square meters. The lower base of the Wudi Platform is a relic of the Western Han Dynasty, and the upper part is built by later generations. According to the Land Record of the Wei Dynasty, "Emperor Wu's Terrace is located in the east of Zhangwu County, two in the north and two in the south, 60 miles apart, and was built by Emperor Gu Yun and Emperor Wu during his tour of the sea." According to the Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty, this is the south Terrace, and the north Terrace is located in today's Shajingzi Village (today's Tianjin Dagang), which has been razed to the ground. [164]
  • Shaanxi Huangling County Hanwu Sendai , on Huang Di Mausoleum On the left side, 24 meters high, there is a stone tablet beside the platform, with the words "Hanwu Paradise" written on it, which was erected in the leap July of the seventh year of Jiajing (1528) of the Ming Dynasty, and signed "Chi Nan Tang Qi Shu". It was built in the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC). According to the Records of the Historian, the Book of Incarnation, Liu Che "patrolled Shuofang in the north, sent more than 100000 troops back, and sacrificed to the Yellow Emperor's Zhongqiao Mountain". There is a saying that "once on the stage, one year's life will be increased". [165]

Ancestral Temple

Shaanxi Province Chengcheng County Wangzhuang Town Liangfuhe Village has the Temple of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which is held by local villagers on March 25 of the lunar calendar every year Temple Fair of Emperor Wu , worship the statue of Liu Che, and pray for good weather, good harvest, good luck and peace. In December 2017, Chengcheng Temple Fair of Emperor Wu was included in the sixth batch of intangible cultural heritage list of Shaanxi Province. [166]
Shaanxi Province Heyang County northwest Wudi Mountain Xifeng Mountain also has the Temple of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The existing Xiandian Hall of Emperor Wu Temple was rebuilt in the early years of the Republic of China, and the Xiandian Hall and main hall built in the fourth year of Wanli (1580) of the Ming Dynasty were destroyed by fire. In the spring of 1998, the masses spontaneously donated materials to renovate the South Tianmen Gate and Xiandian Temple, and reshaped the statue of Emperor Wu. [167]

Film and television image

particular year
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine
Emperor Wudi's Dream of Meeting Lady Wei
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Hanwu Love
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Sima Qian
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
two thousand and one
two thousand and one
two thousand and three
two thousand and four
Chen Baoguo (middle-aged and elderly), Du Chun (Youth)
Bai Yu (a teenager), Wan Changhao Childhood [192-193]
two thousand and four
Huang Xiaoming [190]
two thousand and five
two thousand and six
two thousand and six
Huang Xiaoming [190]
two thousand and seven
Yelang King
two thousand and seven
two thousand and eight
Jin Dong [200]
two thousand and ten
two thousand and ten
two thousand and fourteen
Wei Zifu
Lin Feng [196]
two thousand and fifteen
Hu Bing [197]
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and twenty
Huo Qubing