
One of the northern constellations
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Hercules Northern constellation one of. The central position is Right ascension At 17:20, the declination was 32 ° and the area was about 1225 square degrees, ranking fifth. South of the constellation Draco, Lyra and Corona Borealis between. Intracerata Apparent magnitude There are 181 stars brighter than the sixth order, of which 23 are brighter than the fourth order. There is a famous star in the western constellation Globular cluster M13 It is composed of more than 300000 stars with a diameter of 35 light-years. Latitudinal variation It can be seen between+90 ° and − 50 °, and the best observation month is July.
Chinese name
Right ascension
Distance from ground
35 light years
Name of celestial body
Latin name
Latin abbreviation
1225 km²
Area ranking
Number of bright stars
2( Tianshi Youyuanyi Tianji II
Brightest star
Tianshi Youyuanyi (Hercules beta)
Adjacency constellation
the dragon Herdsman Corona Borealis Serpent Ophiuchus Aquila Sagittarius Foxy Lyra
Best observation time
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 90 ° and − 50 °
Apparent magnitude of brightest star
two point seven eight
Fully visible area


Hercules is a big constellation in the sky at night in summer, and also one of several big constellations in the whole day. Although Hercules has a large range, unfortunately, the stars in the constellation are not very bright, and they are all composed of stars such as 3 and 4. It was once found in the constellation of Hercules in 1934 Nova explosion , its brightness reaches 1 grade, but it has become Dark star Has. In 1960 and 1963, it was found that there were new star bursts in the constellation, but the brightness was not as bright as that of the new star in 1934.
Hercules alpha (middle name emperor) is Konductra Primary star by Irregular variable star η. ζ, β, δ, ε and π (middle name Tianjizengyi Tianji II Hezhong, Wei, Tianji Sanhe Female bed 1 )Arranged as "πε ζη" quadrilateral , constitute the main features of this constellation.
Hercules has many double stars: alpha Hercules is a triple star, which consists of Red Giant , a yellow main sequence star and a dwarf star. Also, δ, κ and ρ of Hercules are binary star Near the η star between η star and ζ star in the constellation Hercules, there is a famous globular cluster M13, whose brightness is equivalent to grade 4. In 1934, a very dazzling new star explosion was observed in this constellation, Hercules, whose brightness once reached the first order. The cluster is 22500 light-years away, 100 light-years in diameter, and its member stars are 300000. The more stars inside the cluster are, the denser the stars are. The density of stars in the center is solar system nearby Stellar density Hundreds of times. It is the brightest star cluster in the northern sky. Another cluster is M92 , 25000 light years away, available Binocular telescope It is observed that the density of stars in its core is more than M13.

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Hercules alpha Hercules 64 Rasalgethi Throne ---- binary star The fifth bright star of Hercules
Hercules beta Hercules 27 Kornephoros Tianshi Youyuanyi ---- The brightest star in Hercules
Hercules gamma Hercules 20 ---- Tianshi Youyuan Second ---- ----
Hercules δ Hercules 65 Sarin Tianshi Zuoyuanyi ---- The third bright star in Hercules
Hercules ε Hercules 58 ---- Tianji III ---- ----
Hercules Zeta Hercules 40 ---- Tianji II ---- The second bright star in Hercules; A member of the moving star group Zeta Hercules
Hercules η Hercules 44 ---- Tianjizengyi ---- ----
Hercules θ Hercules 91 ---- Tianji Nine ---- ----
Hercules constellation Hercules 85 ---- Galla pentaphylla ---- Cepheus beta variable
Hercules κ Hercules 7 Marfik Tianshi Youyuansan ---- ----
Hercules λ Hercules 76 Masym Tianshi Zuoyuan No.2 ---- ----
Hercules μ Hercules 86 ---- Tianshi Zuoyuansan ---- ----
Hercules ν Hercules 94 ---- Zhongshan Zeng'er ---- ----
Hercules ξ Hercules 92 ---- Zhongshan Zengyi ---- Long-period variable star
Hercules o Hercules 103 ---- Tianshi Zuoyuansi ---- Cassiopeia gamma variable
Hercules π Hercules 67 ---- Female bed 1 ---- The fourth bright star in Hercules
References in the table above: [1-2] [4]

star map

As shown in the figure, Khra Chris The right leg is half kneeling, the right hand is holding the big stick high, and the left hand is holding the Hydra tightly. How majestic. Interestingly, the image of Heracles Northern Hemisphere It looks upside down. Only in the southern hemisphere can you see it standing like this star map. Hercules was a hero of the world before his death, but he was very modest in the sky and did not want to be famous. Therefore, the constellation Hercules is not obvious, and the brightest star is only 3m star. But the area of Hercules is not small, ranking fifth among 88 constellations.

deep space

Herkules Fotball
Hercules Galaxy cluster It's 650 million light years away Cosmic Island Group, this Galaxy The cluster has a large amount of dust rich clouds and Star formation Regional Spiral galaxy , and a small amount of Elliptical galaxy Galaxies with star birth areas are blue, while elliptical galaxies are slightly yellow. Many galaxies in this cosmic field of vision seem to be colliding or merging, showing distorted shapes. Researchers believe that the Hercules Galaxy Cluster and Early universe The young galaxy clusters in the Hercules constellation are very similar, so exploring the type of the Hercules galaxy and how they interact can find clues to the evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters. if Galaxy It is a huge "star island", so is there only this "isolated island" in the universe? No. In the vast Cosmic space , an island like the Milky Way, called Extragalactic galaxy , called galaxy for short. About 1 billion extragalactic galaxies have been discovered. It's really "heaven is beyond heaven".
Extragalactic galaxies are also composed of billions to hundreds of billions of stars, nebulae and Interstellar matter form. Extragalactic galaxies themselves are in motion. They vary in size and diameter from thousands of light years to hundreds of thousands of light years. The Milky Way is just an ordinary galaxy in the galaxy world. The structure and appearance of galaxies are various space distribution It is also uneven. Galaxies also exist in pairs or clusters. Our Milky Way Galaxy and more than 30 surrounding galaxies form a group called Local galaxy cluster Among them, the nearest to the Milky Way is Large Magellanic Galaxy Magellanic galaxy and Andromeda galaxy And so on. They are all close neighbors of our Milky Way Galaxy. There are more than 10000 known galaxy clusters. By analyzing the mass, shape, structure, motion, spatial distribution, and composition of internal stars and gases of galaxies Observational research And further promote the development of large scale Of Cosmic structure This is the most active field in contemporary astronomy.
Hercules Cluster
The Hercules Galaxy Cluster is an island among many cosmic island galaxies, which is only 650 million light years away. This cluster has many spiral galaxy These spiral galaxies are rich in gas and dust, and stars are born here; However, it also has relatively few elliptical galaxies, which lack gas, dust and related nova. The stars that form spiral galaxies are Light blue The stars that form elliptical galaxies are yellowish. In the deep universe, many galaxies seem to be colliding or merging, while others seem to be distorted, which is an obvious evidence that the interaction between galaxy clusters is common. Over time, the interaction of galaxy clusters is likely to affect the composition of the cluster itself. Researchers believe that the Hercules cluster is closely related to the distant Early universe The cluster of galaxies around Hercules is very similar, and exploring the types of galaxies near Hercules and their interactions will help to solve the mystery of the evolution of the cluster of galaxies.


23500 light years from the earth, the brightest sky in the north Globular cluster It is located on the edge of the vault stone, one third of the way from H star in Hercules to Z star. M13 There are hundreds of thousands of stars. The naked eye - like a hazy stellar binocular - clearly sees a small telescope half the width of the full moon - and the brightest is smaller and dimmer than M13.


relatively M13 Small and dim.

Constellation myth

Heracles yes Demigod Half human, his father is Zeus, the king of the gods, and his mother is the granddaughter of Parseus, Princess Michenai Alkmene It is said that when he was young, he could kill two Mang snakes with his hands and dug them out empty handed Strait of Gibraltar
When he was eighteen, he rode a horse, shot arrows javelin , swimming, fencing and other skills are no longer in question. He is the bravest, most handsome, greatest and most intelligent hero in Greece, and the strongest person in the world. He has made many outstanding achievements in his life, especially killing the lion spirit and the nine headed serpent Hydra Twelve achievements were most praised by people. There is nothing he can't do in the world. Even the gods were defeated by his help Giants But, days later Hera But she was very jealous. She could not tolerate the child born by the husband's mistress and tried to kill him again and again. Hera failed to defeat him, but Heracles lost to his lover in the end. After his death, he was elevated to the sky and became the constellation of Immortals. But the image of this great hero, for people in the northern hemisphere, is upside down with his head down and feet up, which looks inconvenient, but for people in the southern hemisphere, it is very natural.
He is MYTHOS One of the core figures, it is said that he has left the world twelve great achievements.
The first is to kill the giant lion in the forest of Menea.
Second, subdue the monster Lernaean Hydra (Hydra, hydra )In this event, the accomplice sent by Tianhou Hera, Cancer, was also killed.
Third, catch the red deer Cerinean alive. This one Red deer Bronze hooves and gold horns are dedicated to the god of hunting Artemis Artemis )Hercules spent a year chasing after the red deer, and finally caught it after it slept.
Fourth, catch the ferocious boar alive. Hercules drove it out of the forest and forced it into a snow covered canyon. The wild boar was trapped in the snow and caught alive.
Fifth, Augia's Corral Augia, the king of Elis, has a huge herd. He asked Hercules to clean his huge corral in one day( stall )。 Heracles opened two gaps in the corral and led the nearby river water to complete the cleaning. Heracles asked Augia for a reward and was refused.
Sixth, expel strange birds. The strange birds near the Stimphal swamp have bronze beaks and claws, and they attack and eat people passing by. For Heracles Athena The divine clock presented by the goddess scared them off, and then shot them with bows and arrows.
Seventh, easily subdue strange cattle.
Eighth, Diomedes and his monster. Diomedes is the king of the warlike Bistons. He has four man eating monsters. Hercules subdued them and loaded them on the boat to return. Later, Diomedes led troops to catch up. Hercules defeated Diomedes and threw him to the monsters.
Ninth, Hyppolita's Gold belt The Queen Hyppolita of Horsewomen has a gold belt. Although Hera tried to provoke the relationship between the Queen and Heracles, Heracles still succeeded in taking the gold belt.
The tenth, Jerion and his livestock. Jerion is a man eating devil with three heads and six arms. Hercules hit all three bodies of Jerion with one arrow and killed him. Hercules possessed his opponent's livestock.
Eleven, get Golden apple Golden apple trees in the far west Atlas Mountains Up, by Optimus Atlas Of their seven daughters (i.e Pleiades )And a giant dragon sent by Hera, who never sleeps, is guarding. Heracles Bong Athena From the wise old man Nerus in the sea, Heracles learned that he could not go alone to get the golden apple, but to ask Atlas for his consent. Hercules found Atlas and negotiated with him to get four golden apples and three for Atlas. Hercules took one to Athena and handed it over to Athena. Heracles shot the dragon Raton to death with an arrow, obtained four golden apples, and distributed three to Atlas. Hera was sad about Raton's death, so she lifted Raton up into the sky and became a Draco. [3]
Twelve, go deep into the underworld and defeat Hades And brought his love to the ground with three vicious dogs. After completing the twelve meritorious deeds and obtaining freedom, Hercules left Megara and went to Ocalia to propose to Iol, Eurytos' daughter. At this time, the owner's cattle were stolen. To prove his innocence, Hercules went out with Eurytos' son to search. Hera drove him mad and killed his companion. In order to atone, he gave Lydia Her queen, Umphale, was a slave for three years. Legend has it that he once participated Argo Ship Hero And Kaludon hunted and attacked the king of Troy, Laomedon. When he attacked Piros, Hades He personally helped the local king Neelus and was severely wounded by him. Later, he married Deianera of Kaludon and took his wife to Trakis Nessus He tried to take his wife away and was used by him poisoned arrow Shoot to death. Before dying, the centaur persuaded Ianegra to collect his poisonous blood so that he could use it to restore his husband's love for her in the future. When Hercules attacked Ocalia, he captured Iol, who worried about being abandoned, and gave the shirt smeared with poison blood to her husband. After he put on this dress, his whole body caught fire and he was in agony. He misunderstood his wife for hurting him. When she found out the problem, she was ashamed and committed suicide. He also understood that he had misunderstood Ianella. according to Zeus His will became Olympus Hera voluntarily reconciled with him Herb He was promised to be his wife.