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One of the seven continents in the world
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Europe MYTHOS People of“ Europa ”( Greek :Ευρώπης)。 Europe is located in Eastern Hemisphere Northwest of arctic ocean , bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the south mediterranean sea and Black Sea From the mainland to the polar region Ural Mountains (66 ° 10 ′ E, 67 ° 46 ′ N), south to Maroki angle (5 ° 36 ′ W, 36 ° N), west to Rocca angle (9 ° 31 ′ W, 38 ° 47 ′ N), north to Nolchen angle (27°42′E,71°08′N)。 [1]
Europe has the sixth largest area in the world, with a population density of 70 people/km ². It is the third most populous continent in the world, second only to Asia and Africa , more than 99% of the population belongs to white race , relatively simple. Europe is human living standard High, environmental and Human Development Index One of the higher and livable continents. [1]
Eastern Europe Ural Mountains Ural River , Southeast Caspian Sea Great Caucasus Mountains And the Black Sea and Asia, separated to the west Atlantic Greenland Sea Denmark Strait And North America Facing each other and connecting to the north arctic ocean , separated to the south mediterranean sea Facing Africa Strait of Gibraltar Is the boundary.
The northernmost point of Europe is Norway's Nolchen Point, and the southernmost point is Spain Of Maroki angle , the westernmost end is Portugal Of Rocca angle Europe is the second smallest continent and continent in the world, only a little larger than Oceania. It is collectively called Eurasia , and together with Asia and Africa, it is called Asia Europe Africa continent.
because Culture Economics Politics For example, the borders of Europe are always different, so there are many 'Europe' concepts. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
10160000 km²
population size
About 740 million (2014)
Population density
70 persons/km2
countries and regions
45 [23]
Original meaning
West, where the sun sets
Free translation
Sunset Island
English, French, Spanish, Russian, etc



Origin of name

Europa in Greek Mythology
The full name of Europe is Europe. There are some legends about the origin of the name Europe. stay MYTHOS Medium, Demeter (Demeter) is a goddess in charge of farming. She bless the world with abundant grain and prosperous people and animals. In the portraits of the goddess, people always draw her sitting on the back of a bull. In ancient times, bulls were indispensable farm animals for human beings. Since the goddess was in charge of farming, she would naturally sit on the back of the bulls. Another name of this goddess is Europa. People call Europa the name of a continent out of respect for the goddess. In addition, there is a widely spread legend: "the king of gods" Zeus Got it Phoenicia Europa, the king's beautiful daughter, wanted to marry her, but was afraid that she would disagree. One day, Europa was accompanied by a group of girls at the seaside. When Zeus saw it, he quickly turned into a strong and docile bull and came to Europa. Europa saw the lovely bull lying beside him and stepped on the back of the bull. Zeus has a look Europa In the plan, he immediately stood up and walked forward, avoiding the crowd, then rose into the air, and then jumped into the sea to break the waves, taking Europa to live together on a land far away. [1]


The earliest human settlements in Europe can be traced back to Europe in 35000 BC Paleolithic Age Settlements, farming techniques and domesticated livestock appeared in Europe in the first 7000 years Neolithic Age Early. From the earliest recorded civilization to the temporary regression and disappearance of civilization 1200 years ago, copper was the main metal material for making tools and weapons. Historians named this period Bronze Age
Europe Classical period 700 years ago ancient Greek The text starts again. The Republic of Rome Established in the first 509 years. Roman It expanded its territory to the whole of Italy, followed by the whole Mediterranean area and Western Europe. Imperium Romanum Its territory reached its maximum in about 150 AD. In 313, Christianity Constantine the Great Legalization of governance. Just a few generations later, Christianity Becomes an imperial State Education In 395, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts. Then the barbarian tribes began to invade Western Roman Empire Visigoths It was one of the first tribes to cross the Roman border to the south and west and enter the territory of the former Roman Empire. At the beginning of the fifth century, it besieged Rome for three times. In 418, it was established in the original Roman Empire The Kingdom of Visigoth In 476, the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Dethrone , Europe enters the medieval times Period. [1]
Some parts of Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean are still getting trapped Imperium Romanum Controlled by Constantinople Not Roman rule. stay Justinian I Under the rule of the emperor, the Roman army restored imperial rule in most of the Mediterranean region, but the territory of this expansion began to be eroded in the late sixth century. Constantinople's control over the western territories has weakened, and more germanic people Invasion and establishment of kingdoms. Most of the eastern Mediterranean territory remained in the hands of the Christian emperors of Constantinople throughout the 6th century. Historians generally call the remains of the Roman Empire Byzantine Empire
An unexpected and serious threat to its power and territory - the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic nations that had just unified and converted to Protestantism - emerged in the seventh century. The provinces of the former Roman Empire in the Middle East and North Africa were Arab Empire Occupy and Islamize.
In Western Europe, many new countries only use Latin as the written language, some still retain the Roman customs, and have a common Christian faith. Latin Bible Translated by Wu Jiada It appeared in 410. Many Christian areas in the West were taken over Franks , especially Charlemagne Administer. Charlemagne was crowned king by the Pope in 800. His territory was divided two generations later, and Europe was attacked by three groups: scandinavian peninsula Of Vikings , North African Muslim , and Hungary Mazar people. Reactions to these attacks vary: some regions unite to counter the threat, while others look at their own. Since the middle of the tenth century, the threat of Muslims and Mazars to Western Europe has been eliminated, but the Vikings are still aggression and threat british isles The longest.
The division of the Eastern and Western churches in 1054 AD intensified in 451 Carlston Conference The contradiction that has already appeared in the past, and then aims to rescue the East from the Muslim occupation crusade Began to weaken the Byzantine Empire. However, the crusaders were not limited to recapturing Muslim lands in the East: the papal power was also in Spain at this time, Southern France Lithuania And other pagan regions. The feudal society began to disintegrate after the Mongolian invaders broke through the frontier of Europe, and the growing trade with other regions first brought the Black Death to southern Europe, then most of Europe. The complicated feudal hierarchy developed, and most nobles in the new country were close relatives to each other due to intermarriage.
Relying on the knowledge relearned from Muslim and Jewish scholars in Spain and the Middle East, as well as their own monastery collections, through the rediscovery of Greek and Roman knowledge and many key innovations learned from the Muslim world (including universities, scientific medicine Typography , trade association, citation index and astronomy), Europe came to life from the Middle Ages - the doctor's hat and clothes worn by scholars today evolved from the clothes worn by learned Muslim scholars when they graduated. Spanish in 1492 Recovering lost ground movement and Christopher Columbus Opening the colonial gate from Europe to America and ending it at the same time crusade And began to colonize America westward. [2]

Modern times

Factories during the Industrial Revolution
stay The Renaissance Then knowledge gained respect and began to challenge traditional scientific and theological dogmas. Protestant reform begins, German priest Martin Luther Challenge the authority of the Pope. meanwhile Henry VIII The chaotic emotional life, the desire to have a son, and the political ambition made the British church also break away from the papal control, and also enabled England to adopt a more flexible alliance policy in the ensuing religious war between Germany and Spain. However, the religious war continued until Thirty Year War , the war ended in《 Treaty of Westphalia 》; Glorious Revolution This agreement was confirmed.
Starting from the UK, the inflow of resources from the New World, plus industrial revolution , making it possible for a new economy to rely more on manufacturing and trade than on a self-sufficient agricultural economy. Early British Empire The colonial uprising in America established a representative government and divided the empire. The political reform of the European continent has been French Revolution Inspired by, the people shouted "freedom, equality and fraternity". Later French leaders Napoleon Bonaparte It conquered and reformed the social structure of the European continent through the war until 1815. As more and more small property owners gained the right to vote, socialism and trade union movements surged in France and Britain, and the revolution swept Europe in 1848. The last vestiges of serfdom were abolished in the Austro Hungarian Empire in 1848. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861. The Balkan countries started from Ottoman Empire Regain independence.
stay Franco-Prussian War Later, Italy and Germany were unified by various states in 1870 and 1871 respectively. In the process of pursuing the establishment of an empire, global conflicts broke out, until this ambition reached its peak and World War I broke out. In the hopeless war and extreme poverty, Russia in 1917 October Revolution Promise to give "peace, bread and land", Eastern Europe And the political situation of the world has changed to radicalization until today. Germany was defeated and signed《 Treaty of Versailles 》, paid the price of economic collapse Great Depression It can be seen at a glance, leading to a new outbreak the Second World War capitalism And communism Defeated Fascism Western Europe has formed a free trade area Iron Curtain And Soviet Union The latter formed the communist police state system. Berlin Wall After the collapse in 1989, Europe signed a new alliance treaty. By 2007, 27 European countries and more than 400 million people had been included. Military organizations after World War II North Atlantic Treaty Organization It has also expanded to include Russia's neighbors - this is the most significant period of European integration and military advantage since the Roman Empire in the first century. [2]



Location context

Europe is located in Asia To the west of Eurasia Part of. Its north, west and south are respectively adjacent to arctic ocean , Atlantic Ocean mediterranean sea and Black Sea The east and southeast are adjacent to Asia, just like a large peninsula protruding westward from Eurasia.
Most of Europe is located in North temperate zone Inside, it is the middle distance between the continents inhabited by people in the world equator The farthest continent. It has no tropics.
The positions of the four poles in Europe are: North Ural in the east (66 ° 10 'east longitude); Westernmost Iberian Peninsula On Rocca angle (9 ° 31 'west longitude); Northernmost scandinavian peninsula On Nolchen angle (71 ° 8 'N); On the southernmost Iberian Peninsula Maroki angle (36 ° north latitude). [3]
From the land and sea position, Europe faces the Atlantic Ocean, backs the hinterland of Asia, and is located on the west bank of the mainland. Mid latitude The west bank of the continent of Westerlies As a result, the westerly wind blows all year round in most parts of Europe, and the climate of various places is deeply affected by the Atlantic Ocean.
Broken horizontal contour is a prominent feature of European physical geography. More than 1 3 of the total area belongs to peninsulas and islands, of which the peninsular area accounts for 27% of the whole continent area, which is unique among all continents in the world.
scandinavian peninsula It is the largest peninsula in Europe, and the second largest peninsula is Iberian Peninsula Apennine Peninsula Balkan Peninsula Kola Peninsula Jutland Peninsula Crimean peninsula and Brittany Peninsula Among the European islands Great Britain For the largest and famous big island Iceland Ireland sicily Sardinia Corsica and Crete Etc.
Numerous peninsulas and islands divide the oceans on the edge of the European continent into many Marginal sea Inland Sea And the bay. Barents Sea Norwegian Weihai the north sea and Bay of Biscay It is the larger marginal sea in Europe, White Sea the Baltic mediterranean sea and Black Sea And then go deep into the mainland and become an inland sea or Intercontinental sea
The Barents Sea is arctic ocean A marginal sea between continental Europe and Svalbard Islands Franz Josef Land Islands and Xindi Island It covers an area of about 1.4 million square kilometers, all located on the continental shelf. The Barents Sea is Eurasia The deepest one among the marginal seas in the north, most of which are between 200 and 400 meters, with an average depth of 229 meters. It has vast waterways connected with the Arctic Ocean, so the salinity of the sea water is close to that of the ocean, close to 35 ‰. Barents Sea Different from other marginal seas in the Arctic Ocean, the southwest is affected by North Atlantic Warm Current Even in severe winter, the surface water temperature can reach about 4 ℃, so although it is located in high latitude, the sea water is not frozen all the year round.
White Sea
The White Sea is actually a bay of the Barents Sea deep into the interior of the European continent. It has three bays: the Kandalak Sand Bay Onega Bay And Devonsk Bay. The White Sea covers an area of only 90000 square kilometers, with an average depth of only 89 meters. As the White Sea is surrounded by land on all sides, only a narrow strait connects with the Barents Sea, and the North Atlantic Warm Current cannot reach here, so the temperature of water here is low in winter. From November to May of the next year, the sea surface is covered with ice and snow, presenting a vast white landscape, hence the name of the White Sea. because North Dwina River and Ananiac River A large amount of river water flows into the White Sea. The salinity of seawater in the south of the sea area is low, between 2.0% and 2.6%, and the salinity of seawater in the north can reach 3.0% to 3.08%.
Europe is close to the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and there is a large continental shelf between the mainland and the deep sea basin, british isles and the north sea Is located on it. It used to be part of the European continent, Quaternary glaciation Later, when the sea water rose, the North Sea appeared, british isles Is formed. There are still traces of ancient European rivers on the bottom of the North Sea. North of Beihai Norwegian Weihai And southern Bay of Biscay The continental shelf is relatively narrow, and the deep water basin is not far from the coast. [3]
Baltic position
The Baltic Sea is located in scandinavian peninsula It covers an area of 386000 square kilometers with the European mainland, and most of the sea areas are 60-130 meters deep, with an average depth of 86 meters. It has many bays deep into the mainland, among which Gulf of Bothnia It is the largest, accounting for almost one third of the entire Baltic Sea area. The larger bays also have Gulf of Finland , Riga Bay, etc. Due to the injection of a large amount of river water, high latitude, low evaporation and only some shallow and narrow channels connecting with the North Sea, the salinity of the Baltic Sea is generally very low, about 7% in the middle, 2%~3% in the bay, and even all fresh water near the estuary. The salinity of deep water is slightly higher, but the maximum is not more than 20%. In winter, the surface seawater temperature in the middle is 1~3 ℃, and it drops below 0 ℃ in the Gulf and coastal areas. The Bothnia Bay and the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland are icebound from November or December, and the ice age lasts until April or May of the next year.
mediterranean sea and Black Sea It is the two continental seas in southern Europe. The Mediterranean Sea is located between Europe, Asia and Africa, the Black Sea is located between Europe and Asia Dardanelles Strait Marmara Sea Istanbul Strait be interlinked. There are many peninsulas and islands in the Mediterranean Sea, which divide the Mediterranean Sea into several basins of different depths, Submarine topography Quite complicated. Except for a few islands in the northwest, there are basically no islands in the Black Sea Azov Sea Shallow outside. Most of them are plains with a water depth of 1500-2200m. Around the Mediterranean Sea, there are either mountainous peninsulas or Desert There is not much river water injected, and it is hot and dry in summer with large evaporation, so Seawater salinity High. The average salinity of surface seawater is 3.8%. There is a large amount of river water injected into the Black Sea. The average salinity of surface seawater is only 1.7%~1.85%, and the bottom is only 22.5%. The sea level of the Black Sea is slightly higher than that of the Mediterranean Sea, resulting in the surface current flowing from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea Istanbul Strait , the average flow rate is 2.3~4.6 km per hour; At the same time, there is self mediterranean sea injection Black Sea And the flow is small. stay Strait of Gibraltar There are also surface currents and deep countercurrent flows from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. From the Atlantic and Black Sea The surface current is an important factor to maintain the water balance in the Mediterranean Sea. [3]
Small towns on the Mediterranean coast
The Mediterranean Sea is rich in biological resources, with more than 8000 species of animals and plants. Black Sea The number of plant and animal species is much less, only 1/7 to 1/6 of the Mediterranean. Because the salinity of the upper sea water in the Black Sea is low and the vertical circulation of the sea water is weak, the deep water is often in anoxic state, and there are a lot of hydrogen sulfide Agglomeration. The hydrogen sulfide zone starts at a depth of 150~200 meters, and the organic world can only live above this depth. From about 200 meters to the seabed, it is a lifeless world.
The horizontal contour is broken, the land and the sea are intertwined, and the area of Europe is small (10.4 million square kilometers), which makes all parts of the continent not too far from the sea, and the farthest place in Eastern Europe is only about 1600 kilometers away from the sea. In this way, the influence of the ocean on the continent will be deepened, and the oceanicity of the European climate will be deepened.
Europe has a winding coastline and many excellent harbors, which also facilitates human economic activities. [3]

topographic features

The average height of the whole European terrain is 340 meters. The terrain is mainly plain, and a series of mountains stand in the south The Alps System, where Mont Blanc With an altitude of 4807 meters, Mont Blanc belongs to France and becomes the highest peak in Western Europe. Europe has a dense river network with abundant water. The longest river is Volga River 3690km long, the second largest river is the danube With a total length of 2850km, it is the largest river flowing through countries in the world. European coastline Very tortuous, with many peninsulas, islands, bays and inland seas scandinavian peninsula It is the largest peninsula in Europe. Europe is the only continent without a permanent population Tropical climate A continent of Polar Climate It also occupies a small area, so the climate is mild and the precipitation distribution is relatively uniform.
The topography of Europe has many unique features. The highest point is at Great Caucasus Mountains Of Erbruch , 5642m in height.
First of all, Europe is the lowest continent in the world, with an average height of only 340 meters. The plain with a height of less than 200 meters accounts for about 60% of the total area of the whole continent. The proportion of the plain is second to none in all continents. The European plain stretches for thousands of kilometers from the Atlantic coast in the west to the Ural foothills in the east without interruption, forming a great plain across Europe. Europe's mountains cover a small area, with fewer mountains. Mountains above 2000 meters above sea level only account for 2% of the total area of the continent.
Second, the topography of Europe can be roughly the Baltic East bank to Black Sea The west bank line is divided into two parts: the eastern part is dominated by plain, and the terrain is relatively simple; the western part is interlaced by mountains and plains, and the terrain is relatively complex. The distribution of topography is closely related to the geological structure foundation.
Third, during the Quaternary glacial period, there were two major glacial centers in Europe. One was scandinavian peninsula Of Continental glacier Center, one is The Alps The former has a great impact on Europe. Because of its role, the northern half of Europe is all over Glacial Geomorphology
Western Europe is flat and plain; Nordic Europe has the Scandinavian Mountains; Central Europe The Alps , the temperature is low; In southern Europe, there are Carpathians (Balkans), Apennines (Apennines) and Pyrenees (Iberia); Europe has four peninsulas( Iberia Apennine Peninsula Balkan Peninsula scandinavian peninsula )The temperature of the three plains (Eastern Europe, Bode and Western Europe) is warmer than that of the same latitude, which is mainly affected by the North Atlantic Warm Current.
1. General topographic characteristics: Mainly plain, glacier landform is widely distributed, and high mountains gather in the south.
2. Topographic area composition: Above 200 meters above sea level plateau hill The Heshan Mountains account for about 40% of the total area of the continent, and the plains below 200 meters above sea level account for 60%.
3. Distribution characteristics of mountains: The Alps Across the south, Scandinavian Mountains It is relatively gentle, with steep fjords deep inland along the coast.
4. River distribution characteristics: The river network is relatively dense, with many short and abundant rivers connected by canals. [4]


The major rivers flowing through several countries in Europe include the Rhine, Danube, Elbe, Ode, etc. In addition, the main rivers include Seine River, Loire River, Gallon River, etc. in France, Wova River, Dnieper River, Ural River in Russia, Thames River in Britain, Po River in Italy, etc.
Besides rivers, Europe has many lakes. The glacial lakes left by glaciers make Finland known as the country of thousands of lakes. [5]


Most of Europe is Temperate marine climate , also Mediterranean climate temperate continental climate Polar Climate and Plateau mountain climate Etc. The temperate marine climate is the most typical. Europe is the sixth largest continent in the world with an area of 10.16 million square kilometers [22]
Most of Europe has a mild and humid climate. Most of them are located in temperate zone, and they are the continent with the widest distribution of Shanghai Ocean climate in the world. Because of the vast plain, the humid westerly blowing from the Atlantic Ocean can penetrate into the interior, and the influence of the North Atlantic Warm Current makes the entire coastal area of Western Europe very humid, and the European continent transits from the marine climate to the continental climate from west to east. [4]
European Climate Map
Europe is located in middle and high latitudes, and to the west is sea The coastline is jagged due to the effect of seawater, and the ocean is the main reason for controlling the climate. Affected by the sea, Europe has a mild climate, abundant rainfall, high relative humidity and cloudy, including the inland areas in the north of the Alps.
In the east of the European continent, there is less rainfall, low relative humidity and clear sky. This climate phenomenon is widespread in the vast piedmont area where Europe meets Asia. These impacts are banded along the north-south path and cross Norway Denmark And Germany. The Alps The seasons of mobility in the southern mountainous area Subtropical high The system is dominated, so the rainfall in this area varies significantly with the season, with rainy winter and dry summer. [7]
The highest temperature in summer is in the Mediterranean region. Athens The average temperature in July is 27 ℃, 25 ℃ in Granada, Spain, and 23.5 ℃ in Turin, Italy. The average temperature in summer gradually decreases to the north and coastal areas, and the average temperature in July in Telangso and Waldo in Norway is about 11 ℃ and 9 ℃. In winter, the temperature gradually decreases from southwest to northeast of Europe; therefore Portugal Lisbon The average temperature in January is 10.5 ℃, Soviet Union The average temperature of Argentina in the same month is - 14.5 ℃, and the average temperature along the Atlantic coast is quite high in winter. For example, the winter along the Arctic Circle in Norway is not colder than that in New York City. Rainfall is mostly concentrated in the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal areas, and there is also a lot of rainfall in the islands on the northwest coast, such as the British Isles. The rainfall on the northwest coast is more than 2000 mm, and the rainfall gradually decreases to the southeast of the Black Sea. [1]

natural resources

Europe is rich in mineral resources such as coal, oil, iron and potash. Coal is mainly distributed in Ukraine Of Donets coalfield Polish Silesia , German Ruhr Industrial Zone and saarland Lorraine in France and the north, central England in England and other places, all of which have world-famous large coalfields. Oil is mainly distributed in Carpathian Mountains Mountain foothills, Beihai and its coastal areas. Other important ones are natural gas, potash, copper, chromium lignite , lead, zinc, mercury and Sulfur Etc. Albania Of Natural asphalt World famous. Europe's forest area accounts for about 39% of the total area of the continent (including Russia). It accounts for 23% of the world's total area. The west coast is a world famous fishing ground, mainly including Norwegian Weihai the north sea Barents Sea the Baltic , Biscay Bay and other fishing grounds. [7]


the danube
It flows through 10 countries, which is the largest river in the world.
Azov Sea
The deepest is 14 meters, which is the shallowest sea in the world.
Caspian Sea
The largest inland lake in the world (Haiji Lake).
Etna volcano
The volcano with the most eruptions recorded in the world.
The country with the largest land area in the world, covering an area of 17.07 million square kilometers.
The country with the smallest land area in the world, covering only 0.44 square kilometers, is also the only country in the world ruled by the Pope.
With a population density of about 16000 people/km2, it is the country with the highest population density and the highest per capita GDP in the world. The per capita GDP is 172676 US dollars (2011) at the international exchange rate. [7]
Budapest Section of Danube River


Geographically, habits are divided into Northern Europe Western Europe Central Europe Southern Europe and Eastern Europe Five regions. [1]

Northern Europe

Nordic scenery
Nordic Jutland Peninsula scandinavian peninsula One Belt. include Denmark Iceland Norway Sweden Finland and Faroe Islands (Dan). It covers an area of more than 1.32 million square kilometers. There are many plateaus, hills, lakes, and Quaternary Glaciation It is all covered by glaciers, so there are many glacier landforms and fiord coast scandinavian peninsula It covers an area of about 800000 square kilometers, Coastal Norway Steep twists and turns, many islands and fjords. Scandinavian Mountains It runs through the peninsula, with a length of about 1500 kilometers and a width of about 400-600 kilometers. The west slope is steep and the east slope is gentle. It is an ancient platform mountain. Some areas are covered by glaciers Glitter Peak The highest point of the peninsula is 2470 meters above sea level. There are many volcanoes and hot springs in Iceland. Most areas in Northern Europe belong to temperate coniferous forest climate; Only the Atlantic coastal area, affected by the North Atlantic Warm Current, has a mild climate Temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest climate The river is short and fast, with rich water resources. The main minerals are iron, lead, zinc, copper, etc. The forest is widespread. Crops include wheat Rye oats , potatoes beet Mainly. Animal husbandry is relatively developed. The west coast is one of the four largest fishing grounds in the world. The fishing volume accounts for about 9% of the world's total fishing volume.
The Nordic countries have close historical backgrounds and similar social and political systems. Although not a community politically, they are all involved Nordic Council There are three language families: Indo European Scandinavian branch of Uralic languages Of Uralic Finland Ugric and Sami , and Eskimo Aleutian Greenlandic [1]

Western Europe

Western European scenery
Western Europe in a narrow sense Western Europe The Atlantic region and nearby islands, including britain France Ireland Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg and Monaco Western Europe covers an area of more than 930000 square kilometers. Usually, Europe capitalist country It is called Western Europe. Most rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
The main minerals in Western Europe include coal, iron, oil, natural gas, potash, etc. The crops are mainly wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and sugar beets. It is rich in grapes and apples. Fishery and animal husbandry are relatively developed. Made in Belgium and France Aldenma , made in England Barkshire pig Yorkshire pig Large white pig Elshire cattle Pure blood stallion Holland cattle and other fine breeds produced in the Netherlands are famous in the world.
Western European countries are all developed countries. In a narrow sense, the terrain of Western Europe is mainly plain and plateau, and the mountain area is small. Located in the westerlies, most areas belong to the marine temperate broad-leaved forest climate, with abundant, stable and foggy rainfall. [1]

Central Europe

Central European landscape
Central European Finger the Baltic To the south The Alps Central Europe to the north. include Germany Austria Switzerland poland Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Liechtenstein China and Europe cover an area of more than 1.01 million square kilometers. In the south are the high Alps and their branches Carpathian Mountains There are many subsided basins in mountainous areas; The north is plain quaternary glaciation Action, many Glacial topography And lakes. It is located in the transition zone from marine temperate broad-leaved forest climate to continental temperate broad-leaved forest climate. Except that the Danube, the second largest river in Europe, flows eastward through the southern mountains into the Black Sea, most rivers flow northward into the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The main minerals are lignite Hard coal , potash, lead, zinc, copper, uranium magnesite , bauxite and sulfur Etc. The crops are mainly wheat, barley, rye, potato and sugar beet, as well as temperate fruits.
The livestock industry is relatively developed in Switzerland Simmental Saanen goat Tokenburg Goat And other fine livestock breeds are world-famous. [1]

Southern Europe

Southern European scenery
Southern European Index The Alps Southerly Balkan Peninsula Apennine Peninsula Iberian Peninsula And nearby islands. The Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea are adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean to the south and east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. include Greece Italy Spain Portugal Cyprus [20] Romania Bulgaria Serbia Montenegro Croatia Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Northern Macedonia Albania vatican San Marino Malta Andorra and Kosovo (The unilateral declaration of independence was not widely recognized by the international community). It covers an area of more than 1.66 million square kilometers. Three peninsulas in southern Europe There are many mountains, and the plain area is very small. It is located in the Atlantic Mediterranean Indian Ocean coastal volcanic belt, with many volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. Most areas have a subtropical Mediterranean climate. The river is short and mostly flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Main minerals Oil Natural asphalt , coal, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc, copper, etc. Southern Europe is olive , grapes fennel Europe Quercus variabilis And other cultivated plants country of origin The crops are mainly wheat, corn and tobacco. It is rich in oranges, grapes olive , lemon and cork, etc. The sheep industry is relatively developed. Spain is a world famous fine wool sheep Merino sheep The country of origin.
South Europe faces Asia and Africa across the Mediterranean Sea. Since ancient times, it has been closely connected with West Asia and North Africa, and both of them are important places of origin of ancient civilizations; yes the West In terms of, southern Europe is more pregnant ancient Greek Ancient Rome Culture, which established the early Christian society, laid the foundation for the western ideology and knowledge system.
Note: Turkey belongs to Asia according to its geographical location, and the sports circle and some political divisions belong to Asia. However, because of its pro Western policy, some international economic organizations have classified Turkey into Europe. But sovereignty still belongs to Asia according to political division. [6]

Eastern Europe

Eastern European scenery
Eastern Europe refers to the eastern region of Europe, geographically Belarus Ukraine Lithuania Estonia Latvia Moldova Russia European part. The terrain is as follows: Eastern European Plain Is the main body. There are Ural Mountains There are many hills and glaciers on the plain, many lakes in the north, and vast grasslands and deserts in the southeast. Northern Coastal Region Frigid tundra climate , moving south to temperate grassy climate , Southeast temperate desert climate The Volga River, the largest river in Europe, flows southeast Caspian Sea The main minerals are petroleum, coal, iron, manganese, phosphate, etc. It is rich in wheat, potatoes, sugar beets Sunflower The livestock industry is relatively developed, Soviet Heavy Draft Orlov trotter And Don River horses are excellent breeds of horses. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it joined the European Union in succession, attracting enterprises from all over the world to set up factories with cheap labor. There are a large population, densely populated cities, developed transportation networks, and many famous industrial zones distributed here. Russia: Moscow the Ural Mountains , Cusnec (Cusbacc, Western Siberian Plain Lake Baikal Industrial Zone( Lake Baikal (northwest of L. Baykal). Ukraine: Donei Sub industrial Zone, the largest arms industrial zone in the Soviet Union. [1]




The majority of European residents are white, and 99% are European( white race )It is a continent with a relatively single ethnic composition. [5]


Population in Western Europe
Population: 731 million (as of 2012), with relatively uniform population distribution and average density of 70 people/km2.
The urban population accounts for about 64% of the population of the whole continent, second to Oceania and North America , ranking third. However, the population has a negative growth. The population distribution in Europe is the densest in the west. The valley in the middle reaches of the Rhine River Paris Basin Belgium East and the Thames There are more than 200 people per square kilometer in the downstream, and most of the residents in Europe are European( white race )。 [5] Religion: Most people believe in Catholicism and Christianity. [4]

Language family

Indo European : Residents of this language family account for 95% of the total population of the continent, including Slavic languages Germanic languages , Latin, Albanian Greek family Celtic languages The nation of.
1 Germanic languages: English German Dutch , Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Luxemburg, Lowland Scottish, etc
2 Latin languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan
3 Slavic languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian Croatian, Slovenian
European languages
4 Celtic language family: irish , Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Brittany
5 Greek family: Greek
6 Baltic languages: Lithuanian, Latvian
Turkic languages : distributed in Southern Europe And Eastern Europe, including Turkey Azerbaijan Tartar Etc.
Uralic languages : Finnish and Ugric languages.
EU Language:
English: an international language. More than 80% of European residents can speak English, especially in Northern Europe and the Netherlands.
French: France and its neighboring countries [6]


Europe has the richest variety of languages in the world, of which more than 90% are latin alphabet and Cyrillic alphabet Based on. [5]


There are 44 countries of origin in Europe. In addition, there are also countries involved in Europe (such as trans Eurasian countries or participating in European affairs), such as Cyprus turkey Armenia Georgia Azerbaijan
Geography: Some of these countries belong to Europe, and their social economy and culture are similar to Europe.
Political: Turkey and other countries Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Member States, Cyprus European Union Member States. During the Soviet period, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan were once European countries, but after the disintegration, they were attributed to Asia.
Sports: All these countries have joined Union of European Football Associations
Military: Turkey joined North Atlantic Treaty Organization , and join it Missile defense system
According to the comprehensive strength of each country, it can be divided into three categories:
First echelon: Countries marked in dark blue have strong national strength and international influence, including politics, economy, culture, military and other aspects. They are:
The second echelon: The countries marked in light blue have strong national strength and regional influence, are economically or moderately developed, and have some influence in military affairs. They are:
Third echelon: Most of the countries with the pan green logo are small regional countries. Even though the per capita living standard of some countries is higher than that of the first and second tier countries, their comprehensive level is not as good as that of the top countries, and their restrictions may be narrow territory Or others, they are:

Sovereign state

Northern Europe
Denmark Capital: Copenhagen
Iceland Capital: Reykjavik [18]
Finland Capital: Helsinki
Sweden Capital: Stockholm
Norway Capital: Oslo
Western Europe
britain Capital: London
France Capital: Paris
Belgium Capital: Brussels
Monaco Capital: Monaco City
Ireland Capital: Dublin
Central Europe
Germany Capital: Berlin
Switzerland Capital: Bourne
Austria Capital: Vienna
Hungary Capital: Budapest
poland Capital: Warsaw
Southern Europe
Italy Capital: Rome
Spain Capital: Madrid
Portugal Capital: Lisbon
Greece Capital: Athens
Romania Capital: Bucharest
Bulgaria Capital: Sofia
Croatia Capital: Zagreb
Slovenia Capital: Ljubljana
Serbia Capital: Belgrade
Albania Capital: Tirana
Malta Capital: Valletta
Cyprus Capital: Nicosia [20-21]
Eastern Europe
Russia Capital: Moscow
Belarus Capital: Minsk
Ukraine Capital: Kiev
Lithuania Capital: Vilnius
· Estonia Capital: Tallinn
Moldova Capital: Chisinau
Latvia Capital: Riga
(All data in the table are from Xinhuanet: [8]

Overseas Territories

Overseas Territories
Clipperton Island, French Guyana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territory and Antarctic Territory (Amsterdam Island, Sao Paulo Island, Korodet Islands, Kerguelen Island, Adeleland, French Indian Ocean Islands including Indian Reef, Europa Island, Glorious Islands, New Juan Island, Tromrand Island), Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte Island French New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Bartholomew, French Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna
Aruba, Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Saint Martin, Saint Eustatius)
Bouvet Island, Peter I Island, Queen Maud Land
Azores, Madeira
Canary Islands, Western Sovereignty (Ceuta, Melilla)
Anguilla, Ascension Island, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Malvinas Islands, Montserrat, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Pitcairn Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
reference material: [9-10]

Schengen countries

Schengen agreement The Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg , France and Germany signed a contract aimed at unification European Community Later, many countries joined the agreement on national security and refugee policies in batches. The fourth article of the agreement is that the signing of the Schengen Agreement mutually recognizes the visas granted by countries to citizens of non EC member countries. This article greatly facilitates the travel of citizens from non EU countries to Europe. Joined successively Schengen agreement The countries of are: Netherlands Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Spain Portugal Italy Austria Greece Norway Sweden Finland and Denmark On December 5, 2006, Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta poland Slovakia Slovenia and Cyprus These 10 EU member states also formally joined the Schengen Agreement. [11]

European Union

In January 2020, Britain officially left the EU
The European Union (English: European Union; French: Union European é enne), referred to as the European Union (EU), is headquartered in the capital of Belgium Brussels , is by European Community (European Community, also known as the European Common Market) has mainly gone through three stages: the economic union of the three Netherlands Rupees, the European Community European Union In fact, it is a political entity and an economic entity that have an important influence in the world Regional integration Organization. European Community, December 1991 Maastricht Adopted by the Summit《 European Union Treaty 》, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty of Maastricht). On November 1, 1993, the Treaty of Mali came into force and the EU was formally born.
According to statistics in 2018, the EU has 28 member states (including the UK, which had not officially "Brexit" at that time), with a total area of 4.38 million square kilometers, a population of 510 million, and a GDP of 18.77 trillion US dollars. Its main institutions include European Commission European parliament Council of the European Union European Commission European Court of Justice and European Central Bank Etc. The EU has actively carried out all-round diplomacy, established diplomatic relations with nearly 200 countries and international organizations in the world, and established a regular leadership meeting mechanism with strategic partners. [12]
On January 31, 2020 (Greenwich Mean Time), the United Kingdom officially left the European Union, no longer a member of the European Union, and entered the "transition period". [13]
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustrating the birth of the EU


Since the 17th century, Europe has gradually become the world economic center. eighteenth century , Europe explodes The first industrial revolution Europe became the world economic center at that time. But Europe gradually declined after two world wars in the 20th century. Europe has made great contributions to the process of human history. Everything of modern civilization was laid down by Europeans. Europe's economic development level ranks first in all continents, and industry, transportation, trade, finance and insurance, etc. play an important role in the world economy. It is also in a leading position in the world in several fields of science and technology. Europe is the birthplace of modern industry, as well as geographical discovery and foreign colonial plunder in the 15th to 16th centuries. [4]


Details of European per capita income
euro (EURO) Yes European Monetary Union (EMU) The name of the national single currency is the unified legal tender of EMU countries.
Euro is European Union The currencies of 18 countries in China. The 18 countries are: Germany France Italy Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Ireland Greece Spain Portugal Austria Finland Slovenia Cyprus Malta Slovakia (Joined on January 1, 2009 eurozone )、 Estonia (Joined the Eurozone on January 1, 2011), Latvia (Joined the Eurozone on January 1, 2014), Lithuania [19] , known as the Eurozone. The Eurozone has 18 member countries and a population of more than 320 million.
British pound, the legal tender of the United Kingdom. CHF Switzerland Legal tender. Norwegian Krone Norway Legal tender. Russia rouble , legal tender of Russia. turkey lira , the legal tender of Turkey. [14]


Europe is the first continent to develop capitalist economy, with a high level of industrial production and agricultural mechanization. The gross domestic product ranks first among all continents in the world, of which Gross industrial product It accounts for a large proportion. Most countries are not self-sufficient in food. The countries with high industrial development in Western Europe are mainly Britain, Germany, France, followed by Belgium , Netherlands and Switzerland, etc. The industrial production of Britain, France and Germany is in the forefront of the world's industrial production.
1、 Industry Featured by processing type, fuel and various raw materials are imported in large quantities, and industrial manufactured products are exported in large quantities.
2. High degree of industrial mechanization and large industrial scale. [4]


European agriculture is a secondary production sector. High level of agricultural modernization, high degree of integration of agriculture and animal husbandry, and high level of intensification. It mainly grows wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, melons and fruits beet Sunflower flax The output of wheat accounts for about 50% of the world's total output, and that of barley and oats accounts for more than 60%. Horticulture Developed, main production Grape And apples. Animal husbandry is mainly about raising pigs, cattle and sheep. [1]



archaic Chinese

Europe has a profound cultural heritage. European prehistoric art Embodies Europe Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age and Neolithic Age Among the achievements of architecture, sculpture, painting and craftsmanship, the European Paleolithic art is the earliest real artwork known to mankind so far. in addition European prehistoric instrumental art It has strong expressive force and is called activity art by scholars. [15]

The Renaissance

The Renaissance The movement was a great cultural movement in human history, which laid the common foundation of modern European bourgeois culture bourgeois revolution We have made preparations in ideology and public opinion. Europe's contribution to human history includes that advanced figures constantly send advanced ideas to the world's literary thought treasure house; It also includes the major social initiatives of one group of revolutionaries after another to promote social progress; It also includes major discoveries, inventions and creations made by a large number of scientists in the field of science and technology; It also includes a large number of writers, poets and musicians who have provided brilliant literary and artistic treasures to the world's literary and artistic palace.
Europe is a small country peninsula mainland. Its "short" performance is Average altitude Only 340 meters; Its "small" area is 10.16 million square kilometers, second only to Oceania; The characteristics of the "peninsula continent" in Europe are more prominent: it is a large peninsula that the whole Eurasian continent goes deep into the Atlantic Ocean, and there are many small peninsulas on this large peninsula. The famous ones are: Balkan Peninsula Apennine Peninsula Iberian Peninsula (Southern Europe) scandinavian peninsula (Northern Europe) Jutland Peninsula (Western Europe) (55 degrees north latitude, 10 degrees east longitude). [15]

modern education

Citizens of all European countries should receive compulsory education, or at least some kind of education and training. Compulsory education in Europe starts at the age of 6 or 7 and continues until the age of 15 or 16. In most European countries, basic education lasts only four to five years, while in a few countries it takes seven or eight years. After the completion of basic education, there are many types of higher level schools where students continue to receive education, including liberal arts and science secondary schools that continue to train talents for colleges and universities in advance, and some technical schools. At the same time, there are many prestigious colleges and universities in many countries that accept students who have completed junior high school education. With the promotion of this educational system, almost all European countries have low illiteracy rates.
Sculpture art Architecture, art, literature and music are all traditional things with a long history in Europe. Many cities, such as Paris Vienna Rome Berlin as well as Moscow Today, as the capital, it is also regarded as the cultural center of the country. In addition, there are many important theaters, museums, symphony orchestras and other important cultural facilities in many cities. [15]

religious activities

The religious believers in Europe are mainly Christians (91%, including Catholicism protestantism as well as The Orthodox Church )。 8% are Muslims, most of whom live in Russia (25 million). In addition, Turkey (5.9 million), France (5.5 million), Germany (3.2 million) Albania Muslims are distributed in Europe (1.4-2.5 million) and Italy (1.1 million), and Muslims in Western Europe are mainly immigrants. Only less than 1% of European residents believe in Judaism (nearly 2 million people). Other religions (e.g hinduism , Buddhism, etc.) are also less than 1% of believers. [15]

international relation



European countries have now established normal diplomatic relations with China (except the Vatican). European countries have established vast colonies in various parts of Asia. For example, Britain once owned India, Malaysia, etc; France owns Indochina today Indochina Peninsula Eastern region; Portugal Zeng Guanzhi Timor-Leste (already independent); The Netherlands once owned East Indies , that is, today's Indonesia So Southeast Asia The relationship between countries and European countries is very profound. Because of such a profound relationship, Europe still has a certain degree of influence on Southeast Asia in today's international relations; Under Spanish rule Catholicism Stately the Philippines the pontiff Assigned cardinal It also has political and social influence. Northeast Asia Japan, Germany and Italy the axis At present, Japan, South Korea and European countries are mainly based on economic relations, and political alliances have gradually decreased. [2]


Although Europe and the United States have strong historical origins and ties in culture, folk customs and other aspects, roughly in the middle of the twentieth century, after the Second World War, the United States and Europe had a closer alliance. Before that, because America seventeenth century At that time, it was a place for European countries to exile dissidents and prisoners. Therefore, in the early days of the founding of the United States in 1786, it had antagonistic relations with European colonialists, especially Britain, which had ruled the United States. Since then, the United States and Europe have implemented the policy of political non-interference for a long time, and they developed respectively from the 18th century to the 19th century. The two world wars in the 20th century severely damaged the vitality of Europe, but the American economy has a high growth. Western European countries all need American economic assistance, so they are naturally close to the United States. Plus Eastern European countries socialist camp As a result, relations with the United States fell to the freezing point.
Cold War During the period, the threat of the socialist camp led by the Soviet Union strengthened the closeness between other European countries and the United States except Eastern Europe. However, after the end of the Cold War, the threat disappeared, and the relationship between Europe (mainly EU member states) and the United States changed. Europe needs to have its own voice, so some European countries 9 · 11 Incident Iraq Problems Palestine Israel conflict Etc U.S.A There are different opinions, even big differences, but its deep-rooted alliance will remain unchanged. In the above events, Britain was closer to the United States and formed a very firm alliance with the United States. However, it was also ridiculed that the original colonial democracy of the United States had almost become a vassal of the United States. Spain, Poland and other countries strongly supported the United States during the second war between the United States and Iraq, which made the United States praise these countries as new Europe. However, with the terrorist attacks on Spain, Spain has withdrawn from its alliance with the United States and withdrawn its troops from Iraq. [2]

Middle East

Geographically, Europe and the Middle East are close neighbors. Historically, the relationship between Europe and the Middle East has always been tense, basically due to the fundamental differences in religious concepts between the two countries: most European countries mainly believe in Christianity, while Arab countries in the Middle East mostly believe in Christianity Islamism It is a national religion. Many regions in the Middle East once became colonies of Britain and France after the First World War at the beginning of the 20th century.
Across Europe and asia minor peninsula Turkey, an Islamic country of the 20th century, has a very delicate relationship with traditional European countries. It is located at the junction of Asia and Europe, and it has already died Byzantine Empire , now eager to join European Union [2]


The relationship between Europe and North Africa is similar to her relationship with the Middle East, because North Africa is across the Mediterranean Sea from Europe, and North Africa is also a region of Muslim countries. Historically, only in the Middle Ages, Arab Empire Once ruled Spain Portugal And southern France. From Europe Colonialism The rise of Africa became European colonies, and France Central African , West and North Africa French West Africa The colony was the largest colony on the African continent at that time. European colonialists competed for natural resources in Africa. The situation was not improved until the 1950s when the independence movement of African countries and nationalities began, and many countries became independent. Europe and Africa also follow the direction of economic and trade development. [2]


Like the United States, Europe also played the role of exiling prisoners in the early days of developing Australia. However, due to the geographical distance between Europe and Australia, they have room for development. However, in terms of economic, cultural and kinship ties, Australia and Europe still have very close ties. The main immigrant groups in Australia and New Zealand all come from Europe, and develop Oceania with local indigenous peoples and other immigrants. [2]


The sports level in Europe is very high. Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Italy England , Portugal, Czech Republic, etc; Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Spain Lithuania Etc; In volleyball, Italy, Netherlands, etc. are all world strong teams.
Sports Events
Event name
Football Events
English Premier League, Italian League, German League, Spanish League, French League, Champions League and Europa League
Tennis Events
Professional Tennis Federation, International Women's Tennis Association, Grand Slam
Cycling Events
Tour de France, Tour de Italy, Tour de Spain
Basketball Events
FIBA European League, FIBA European Cup, ULEB European League, ULEB Cup
Rugby Events
Six Nations、 World Cup [16]


Generally, it refers to one or more countries, including Britain, Greece, France, etc., and many countries generally refer to three, four, five or eight countries; Among them, three countries are France, Switzerland and Italy, four countries are Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland, four countries are 12 days, and five countries are Tourist routes There are five countries in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Germany with 15 days, eight countries in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, Austria and Switzerland with 15 days, as well as northern Europe, eastern Europe and southern Europe, northern Europe with Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland, and eastern Europe with Austria The tourist routes of Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and southern Europe include Spain, Portugal and Greece. [4]
The Czech Republic is becoming a favorite of Chinese tourists Travel? One of the destinations, yes Unionpay Card The demand for cross-border payment services is growing rapidly. UnionPay cards can be conveniently used by about 800000 merchants and 230000 ATMs in 20 European countries and regions. [17]