Quercus in Fagaceae
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Oak( Quercus palustris Münchh.), It is also called oak tree or oak tree. Fagaceae A general term for plants, including Quercus cyclobalanopsis and lithocarpus A species of Quercus, usually referring to the genus Quercus, rather than a specific species. There are 615 species of Quercus, 450 of which are from Quercus And 188 are subgenus Cyclobalanopsis. Its fruit is called acorn, and its wood is generally called oak.
Oaks mostly grow in the Northern Hemisphere. About 200~250 kinds of oak trees are distributed in the Americas, and more than 300 kinds of oak trees grow in Asia, Europe and northern Africa. Although there are more than 50 species of Quercus species in China, which can be roughly divided into five groups (Peng Yansong et al. In recent years, with the improvement of people's quality of life, people's requirements for the color of urban garden plants have gradually increased. As a good autumn leafy tree species, the introduction and domestication of oak has received widespread attention. Oak is the largest flowering plant in the world; Its life span is very long, and it can reach 400 years old. [7] The fruit is nut , one end is hairy, the other end is smooth squirrel And other animals. The study found that a Jurupa oak tree in California, USA, has lived for at least 13000 years, which may be the oldest known tree in the world Living organism
Chinese name
Latin name
Quercus palustris Münchh.
Quercus acutissima

History of botany

[1] Oak is the general name of oak. Oaks have been used as fuelwood since ancient times. It is recorded in The Book of Songs, The Materia Medica that the big ones can be used as building materials, and the small ones can be used as fuel charcoal. Compendium of Materia Medica of the Ming Dynasty also recorded that "the wood is solid and heavy, the big can be used as pillars, and the small can be used as firewood". China is the earliest country with an ancient civilization One is the habit of cooked food since the discovery of fire. Wood is the earliest bioenergy used by human beings. Human beings have always attached great importance to the use and production of fuel wood. Because oak trees (such as Quercus variabilis, Quercus acutissima, Quercus quercus, etc.) have strong sprouting ability, and the oak wood has high heat《 The Book of Songs 》There is a record of "analyzing its firewood" in, which has always been the best energy firewood in China. [10]
The development of oak biomass energy is not only a supplement to China's future energy, but also can further accelerate the pace of afforestation and improve the quality of forests. It is a new growth point of forestry development, which can effectively open up new employment channels for farmers, increase people's income, and prosper the rural economy. It is also a way to realize industry's feedback to agricultural cities, support rural areas An effective way to speed up the construction of a well-off society in rural areas.
If 66700 hectares of oak forest dominated by Quercus variabilis is developed, 332 million cubic meters of water can be stored; 66.67 million tons of water can be added and conserved annually, and 4.53 million tons of dust can be retained; Absorbable CO every day two 66670 tons, simultaneously releasing O two 48666.18 tons; The interception (rainfall) rate of 12~13 year old Quercus acutissima forest canopy is 21.8%~26.35%, which reduces the surface runoff by about 75% compared with the grassland.
In the United States, oak is regarded as the national tree, and English oak is an important representative tree species of British pastoral landscape. However, in China, due to the short introduction time, the immature seedling raising technology and planting and maintenance technology, and insufficient seedling sources, the garden application is still in its infancy. Oaks can be used as shade trees, garden trees, street trees, etc. [7]

morphological character

Deciduous or evergreen trees Up to 25 to 30 meters or more. The bark is dark grayish brown, slightly smooth. Branchlets brown, glabrous.
Winter buds are long ovoid, 3-5 mm long, glabrous, dark brown bud scales, most of which are imbricated. The leaves are ovate or elliptic, 10-20 cm long and 7-10 cm wide, gradually pointed at the top and wedge-shaped at the base, with 5-7 pinnate deep cracks on each side of the leaf margin, lobes with fine teeth, dark green on the leaf surface, light green on the back, hairless or tufted in the vein axils; The petiole is 2.5~5cm long and glabrous when old.
Male inflorescences and leaves open at the same time, several clusters; Female flowers are solitary or 2-3 flowers are born on the total stalk about 1 cm long.
The shell is cup-shaped, covering 1/4~1/3 of the nuts, with a diameter of 1.5~1.8 cm and a height of 1~1.2 cm; Bracteoles triangular, closely imbricate, glabrous and shiny. Nuts are oval in length, about 1.5 cm in diameter, 2~2.5 cm in height, light brown, thin tomentose, and then gradually shed; The top is round, with small stigma; The navel is flat or slightly concave. Flowering from April to May, fruiting The following year September. Native to America. This species is resistant to moisture. Nuts contain 46.1% starch, 10.6% tannin, 12.6% oil and 7.4% protein. [2]
Oak plants are deciduous or evergreen, with magnificent tree form, huge crown, deep roots and luxuriant leaves, beautiful and colorful leaves, colorful autumn colors, long life, and anti pollution. They can be used as high-quality urban and rural greening landscape trees. [7]

Growth environment



Oak is an important component of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest. It is distributed in hills and mountains, and has strong ecological functions such as water and soil conservation, water conservation, disaster prevention and mitigation. [8]


Stress resistance Strong, resistant to dryness, high temperature and moisture, frost and urban environmental pollution, strong wind resistance, likes well drained soil, but can also grow in viscous heavy soil. Oak likes sandy loam or slightly acidic soil with good drainage, which is resistant to environmental pollution and has strong adaptability to poor, dry, acidic or alkaline soil. Oaks grow at a moderate rate and grow 60 cm high every year on wet and well drained soil.

Distribution range

Portugal Liaoning, China Xiong Yue , Beijing, Shandong Tai'an , Qingdao, mountainous areas in western Hebei, mountainous areas in western Hubei (Enshi Prefecture, Changyang Prefecture), and Henan; Ankang is cultivated.

Reproductive methods

Oaks are mainly propagated by seeds. [3]
Cultivation period: spring
Germination period: the seeds are propagated and can germinate without treatment, but the germination time is long. If the seeds are treated at 5 ℃ for 30 to 45 days before sowing, the germination rate can be increased, and the seeds can germinate after 2 to 3 weeks. The sowing amount of every 667 square meters (1 mu) is 100~250 kg. When sowing, the seeds should be placed horizontally to facilitate the downward growth of radicle. The covering soil thickness is 2-5cm, and the seedling height can reach 20-40cm.
Strong seedling cultivation
(1) Select healthy mother trees of the right age (20-80 years old) for sowing and seedling raising, select pure seeds at the right time, carefully select good seeds, select deep ploughing, harrowing, milling, ditching and drilling in the nursery, and carefully manage the suitable sowing amount and density of thinning seedlings and cutting roots;
(2) Cutting seedling: the survival rate of tender branch cutting is high. The survival rate of Quercus variabilis softwood cutting is 56%, that of hard wood cutting is 10%, and that of Quercus acutissima softwood cutting is 60%~70%;
(3) Grafting experiments of different oak trees such as Quercus variabilis at different stages showed that the survival rate of grafting was high in the spring germination stage;
(4) Container seedling raising: it is conducive to improving the survival rate of afforestation. According to the experiment of Anhui Forestry Institute, container seedlings were planted in the mountains for 60 days, and the survival rate reached 80%~100%. [1]

cultivation techniques

Sowing, in the cultivation technology of oak trees, as the basis for ensuring the healthy growth of oak trees, planting needs to further clarify the relevant technical essentials, so as to improve their own cultivation level. In terms of the technical essentials of oak tree sowing, growers should carry out sowing work when the germination rate reaches about 80%. In this process, growers should first use tools to drill holes in the light matrix, and cut about 1/3 of the radicle of the oak tree bud, then put the tree bud into the light matrix hole by standing, bury 1/2 of the tree bud, and the rest can be directly exposed. In addition, in terms of operation mode, growers have two choices, namely operating platform seeding and seedbed seeding. Planters can put the tray on the operating platform, and put the tray back into the seedbed after the sowing work is completed, or sow after the tray is properly placed on the seedbed. There is not much difference in seeding effect between the two methods, and growers can select specific operation methods according to the efficiency. At the same time, generally speaking, it is appropriate to sow oak trees in February to May or September to November every year. Planters should often observe the growth of oak trees after sowing. If there is no emergence of seedlings, replanting should be carried out in a timely manner. [9]
Seedling raising: In order to ensure the survival rate of oak trees, growers should do a good job in seedling raising, so as to enhance the implementation effect of oak cultivation technology. In seedling raising, growers should ensure that the temperature in the greenhouse is 20 ℃ - 25 ℃ in the daytime and not less than 15 ℃ at night. At the same time, the oak tree species should be watered. The watering work should be subject to the moisture of the soil. In the process of watering, the growers had better apply potassium dihydrogen phosphate in combination with watering to provide sufficient nutrients for the oak seedlings and enhance the immunity of the oak seedlings. In addition, planters also need to transplant oak trees. In this process, growers had better choose the terrain platform, fertile soil and convenient irrigation and drainage area as the transplanting site of oak trees, and carry out fine land preparation treatment on the land, and apply 3% carbofuran granules 2.5kg/667m2 to kill the pests and bacteria in the soil; At the same time, sufficient base fertilizer shall be applied, and then the oak trees shall be transplanted. [9]

Disease and insect control

Insect pest
Moths are the main pests of oak trees. Taking the oak powder boat moth and the chestnut weevil as examples, the oak powder boat moth mainly eats oak leaves, which leads to the weakening of oak tree growth and accelerated drying of branches. To prevent and control this kind of insect pest, we can take foliar spraying measures, and spray dicofol solution on the foliage, which can effectively prevent and control the growth of moth larvae. In the oak forest area with high canopy density, the enemy horse smoke agent is released in the windless morning or evening to improve the larval control effect. During the high incidence period of moth larvae from July to August, trapping and killing larvae with high wattage black light or mercury lamp can significantly improve the effect of pest eradication. Or introduce natural enemy resources of larvae, such as predatory birds, parasitic wasps, mantis, etc., to suppress pests in a way that is free of chemical pollution. Chestnut weevil, also called Chestnut weevil, is a kind of larva. Adults will have pseudo death and do not tend to light. They use the cotyledons of chestnut seeds as food to supplement their own nutrition, and lay eggs in chestnut seeds for the larvae to eat. To prevent and control this kind of insect disease, the chestnut seeds should be harvested in time after maturity, and the chestnut seeds should be soaked in 50 ℃ warm water to kill the larvae. The fallen fruit shall be treated in time, and the oak garden reclamation measures shall be taken to eliminate the overwintering larvae in large areas and prevent the growth of eggs. [9]

Subordinate classification

  • Subgenus: Quercus (Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America)
    • English oak Quercus robur L. 'Fastigiata')
    • American White Oak Quercus alba L.)
    • Quercus grandis Quercus macrocarpa Michx.)
    • Blue Oak Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.)
    • Quercus pubescens Quercus pubescens Willd.)
    • Gallop tree Quercus infectoria Olivier)
    • Yellow Oak Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.)
    • Big medicinal oak Quercus macranthara
    • Quercus summer Quercus robur L.)
    • Sessile flower oak Quercus petraea< Mattuschka>Liebl)
    • Quercus flavipectus Quercus bicolor Willd.)
    • Hungarian Oak Quercus frainetto Tenore)
    • Quercus variabilis Quercus variabilis Bl.)
    • Quercus acutissima Quercus acutissima Caruth.)
    • Quercus castanea Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Meyer)
    • Cochineal Quercus Quercus coccifera L.)
    • Quercus suber Quercus suber L.)
    • Quercus lebanese Quercus libani Oliv.)
    • Quercus cerris Quercus cerris L.)
    • Quercus ilex Quercus ilex L.)
    • American black oak Quercus velutina Lam.)
    • Spanish oak( Quercus falcata Michx.)
    • Red oak tree( Quercus rubra L.)
    • Bright red oak( Quercus coccinea Muench.)
    • Overlapping oak Quercus imbricaria Michx.)
    • Quercus maliland( Quercus marilandica Muench.)
  • Subgenus: Cyclobalanopsis (Asia)

Key values


Research value

Wood: There are many honeycomb structures inside, honeycomb The interior of the oak is full of air, so the elasticity of the oak is very good. Oak itself is very wear-resistant, and many cylinder gaskets of engines in various countries use oak as raw material.
In addition, oak is moisture-proof and waterproof Wormhole It can ensure that the wine will not pass away with the years in the dark and humid cellar. This pure natural material has no harm to human body, so it has been widely used in the production of wine stoppers and champagne for more than 100 years.
On March 5, 2021 local time, French Minister of Culture Roselyn Bachelot announced that, Notre Dame de Paris The protection work is completed and the repair work officially begins. On the same day, she visited a state-owned forest in Sart Province with the Minister of Agriculture Julian De Normandy and others, and selected 8 oak trees to be used for restoration [5]

Ornamental value

It can be used as shade tree, garden tree, street tree, etc. As one of the few tall trees, oak trees have high application value. They can be planted alone as the main landscape trees, or planted in parks, lawns, residential areas and other places as shade trees, which can not only enrich the elevation level of the landscape, but also enrich the seasonal color changes; In plant landscaping, it can be planted alone or in clusters on the edge of the barge bank, on the slope, in front of and behind the buildings. It can become the visual focus in the best viewing period, and can play a key role in the landscape effect of planting in the courtyard or on both sides of the road, street colored ribbon, etc; As street trees, oaks can solve the problem of single tree species and monotonous color of urban street trees. In spring and summer, the trees are luxuriant and green. In autumn, the leaves are red, beautiful and lovely, and the landscape value is very high. The Shanghai Municipal Greening Management Department has already used it in the Expo Park, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden and other new green spaces. [7] Optimize the urban landscape. Oak is a deciduous tree with strong adaptability and beautiful tree shape. Its leaves will turn golden yellow in autumn, which is of great ornamental value. [9]

economic value

Fagaceae plants in China are widely distributed and rich in resources. They are important resource plants for producing high-quality wood, nuts, tannin extracts, etc., and have great economic value. [8] Oak wood is hard and moderately dense, which can be used to make furniture, building materials, etc. At the same time, because the bark and shell of oak contain a large amount of tannin, which can extract tannin extract, oak is one of the important industrial production raw materials in the contemporary era. [9]

Edible value

The oak tree is rich in fruit, and the starch content in the fruit is sufficient. After processing, it can be used as feed. At the same time, its leaves are also the feed for silkworms. [9]

Widely distributed

Oak resources are widely distributed in China. For example, the Cyclobalanopsis species of Quercus L. are distributed in the vast area from the Yangtze River estuary in the east, through the Dabie Mountains in Anhui, to the south slope of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi in the north, to Sichuan and Yunnan in the west, and to Hainan in the south. Alpine oaks mostly grow in tropical mountains, and are mainly distributed in Yunnan, neighboring Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other regions at an altitude of 1500~3500m; Quercus acutissima is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Taiwan, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Liaoning and other places, from temperate summer green forest to tropical evergreen forest, from low altitude 200m to high altitude 2500m (Quercus variabilis is 800~1600m). It is distributed in plains, hills, mountains, hillsides and river valleys. Quercus acutissima is only produced in Zhejiang, Hubei and Anhui. Quercus is more widely distributed than Quercus from the Great Khingan Mountains in the northeast to the Gaoligong Mountains in the southwest. In addition to Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Tibet, Quercus can be found in cold temperate zone, temperate zone, warm temperate zone and subtropical zone. It can be said that oak trees are distributed in all provinces and cities in China, and Xinjiang can also be introduced and cultivated Summer Oak (Q. robur L.)。
There are more than 350 species of Quercus, and about 140 species in China. Deciduous oak mainly includes: Quercus acutissimna, Quercus variabilis, Quercus cheni, Quercus liaotungens Quercus quercus also called Tussah silkworm (Q. alienu), Quercus (Q. dtentou), Quercus mongolica, Quercus fabri, Quercus glandulifera;
Green oaks mainly include: Q. glaunca, Q. myrsinaefolia, Q. semicarpifolia, Q. francheni, Q. senescens, Q. monimotricha, Q. giliana, etc. [1]

Plant culture

Oak trees
Birthday flower
September 27 every year
Flower language : Eternity
Flower divination:
You have a big heart, everything is easy to see, and your natural optimism makes your life full of joy. But you must strengthen your inner potential, accept new knowledge, and enrich yourself. This is the eternal happiness. Don't fish for three days or bask in the net for two days, waste time, and end up empty.
Flower maxim: The most important thing is to have a solid foundation when a tall building rises from the ground.
European and American countries
In Europe and America, oak is regarded as a mysterious tree. It is said that the ruler of this tall and strong tree is the Greek god Zeus , Roman god of love Cupid And Vesta, the Kitchen God. It is said that in the mountain forest in the temple of Zeus, there stands a towering oak tree with divine power. The rustling of the oak leaves is a metaphor of the main god Zeus to the Greeks. Many countries regard oak tree as a holy tree, which has magic power and is a symbol of longevity, strength and pride. The oak tree is hard and has a broad crown, which is known as the "King of the Forest". English is oak People often tie red ribbons on oak trees to express their hope and yearning for their relatives in the distance.
British and French countries
In England and France, the early wizards were called Druids. The name comes from Celtic , which means "know the oak tree". Those who "know the oak tree" belong to the earliest group of intellectuals in the society and generally serve as local priests, teachers and judges. In European and American culture, oak is a symbol of strength. It has extraordinary dignity, special bearing and mysterious power. In the ritual of Druid religion, oak trees were placed as an axis, symbolizing the wisdom of men; its fruit It is regarded as the holy fruit of Druid religion. In Greek mythology, when the priest of Zeus performed the magic of praying for rain, he would hold an oak branch to dip water in the holy spring. The oak tree is strong and tall, with luxuriant crown, which is related to human life.
It is said that dreaming of a crown with oak leaves is a sign of success. The dream of thunder splitting the oak tree indicates that there will be twists and turns in love. Dream of climbing the oak tree, it means that the career is smooth and there can be gains. It is said that wearing oak fruit can help to produce more ever-young Free from disease; Hang it on the window to protect the house. In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Romans, the branches of the oak tree were essential to enhance the emotional harmony of the newlyweds and bless them with many children and grandchildren. [4]
Unique Understanding of Western Oaks
Westerners think that the oak tree is a symbol of strength and strength. The oak tree symbolizes glory, strength and perseverance. There is a proverb in German that "one palm cannot push down an oak tree".
Druids worship nature and worship the oak tree as a symbol of the supreme god, so they believe that Mistletoe (mistletoe) is a panacea, which has sacred power and the best curative effect. Of course, it needs to be collected through a particularly serious ceremony. Only when full moon This ceremony can only be held on the day of the new moon or the sixth night of each month. At this time, the highest level of the druid priests, Arch Druid (usually two at the same time Great Druid , one in british isles On the European continent) wearing a white robe Gold jewelry , holding a gold sickle to cut on the tree.
Related news
On May 15, 2022, after public online voting, Toronto, Canada's largest city, announced on May 14 that Oak was elected as the official "city tree" of the city. [6]