
A general term for a kind of mushroom
zero Useful+1
Truffle is a kind of Mushroom The general name of, classified as Ascomycetes Western Truffles Truffle (Scientific name: Tuber). There are about 10 different varieties, usually annual fungi, most of which are broadleaf tree The roots of pine trees grow with filaments, usually in pine trees Oak oak Next.
It is scattered at the bottom of the tree for a radius of 120~150 cm, and the massive main body is hidden 3~40 cm underground. Distribution in Italy France , Spain, China New Zealand Etc.
Truffle has a special taste and is rich in protein amino acid etc. Nutrients Truffles are extremely demanding to the growth environment, and cannot be artificially cultivated. The yield is scarce, which leads to their rarity and high price. Therefore, Europeans will combine truffles with caviar goose liver It ranks among the "three world delicacies".
Among many kinds, French Truffle Tuber melanosporum Vitt.) and Italian White truffle Tuber magnatum Pico) has the highest evaluation. Common white truffle Raw food , ground and sprinkled on pasta or Fried Eggs On. It can be cut into thin slices and added to the meat for roasting, or used for roasting goose liver Some cheese Truffles have also been added. The taste of black truffle is not as strong as that of white truffle. It can be used as truffle salt or truffle honey. In the past, truffles were peeled, but now they are mostly ground to avoid waste.
In April 2016, Australia The world's largest truffle was found, weighing 1.5 kg.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Geobacterium Truffle Chunzi
Fungal kingdom
American truffle
Distribution area
Italy France Spain Etc
It is called "the diamond on the table" in Europe
Russian name

morphological character

The truffle fruiting body is like a block, the small one is like a walnut, and the large one is like a fist. When young, the interior is white, with uniform texture, and when mature, it becomes dark black, with light marble like texture.
Ascocarp Spherical, oval, brown or brown, some as small as beans, some as large as Fuji apple , the surface is polygonal verrucate Object, reflecting red luster, with concave top; Its flesh (sporogenous tissue) is white at first, brown or gray later, and will turn black when mature; The cut surface is brown, with marble like patterns, emitting a forest like damp smell, and with Dry Fruits The fragrance is used to lure small animals to find things and bring the spores to other places for reproduction.
Truffles can be as small as peanuts or as big as handballs. Truffle Growth cycle Only one year. Its size has nothing to do with age. It grows, dies and is born only with the changes of the four seasons. Generally, black truffles mature in about December until the next March. Overripe truffles will decay and disintegrate.

Growth habit

Truffle grows in the soil, which is a kind of stem block attached to the roots of pine trees Fungi , containing a lot of water and trace amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, etc Mineral element It is not soft and juicy like ordinary mushroom, but rather hard. The truffles prefer alkaline soil. High quality truffles are mainly produced in calcareous terrain areas, such as Alba in Italy, Perigo in France, and China Yunnan Yongren County, etc., are all located in the calcareous terrain area.
The nutrients of truffle come from the attached tree roots and soil. If truffle has been grown in a place, the nutrients of the land and plants will be absorbed by the truffle, and nothing else can grow in a period of time. Truffles can't stand any slight environmental changes in the process of growth, and its criticism of the environment is really shocking.
It is one of the few delicacies in the world that cannot be planted in an orderly way symbiosis Relationships get nutrients. As long as the surrounding living environment has changed slightly, truffle spores will not grow. But at the beginning of the 21st century the West Semi artificial growth has been realized.
Truffles are especially fond of oak Poplar tree Willow Hazelnut Trees and linden It grows under the trees, and its color and smell vary from tree species. Nowadays, mechanized farming methods, pesticide spraying on soil, excessive or insufficient rainfall, and changes in forest tree species are also the main reasons for the large yield reduction of truffles in the 20th century.

geographical distribution



White truffle, only in Italy and Balkan Peninsula White truffles have been found in Croatia. The color is slightly golden, light brown (beige) or light brown, with brown or milky white patches or small textures. Different sizes, small ones Golf So big, it's like big Apple Has. In good years, the world production of white truffle is only 3 tons, compared with Annual output About 35 tons of black truffles, you can imagine how precious they are. [1]
Piemonte Northwestern Italy Piedmont (Piemonte) in Po River Upstream valley, west and north The Alps Around, south is Liguria Apennine Mountains White truffles are produced in Alba (central and southern Piemonte, including Lange Langhe Hill and Roero region) of Cuneo province in this region.


Black truffle Provence is the most important Truffle The production area accounts for 90% of France. The main production center is located in Tricastin in the north, with an annual output of about 30 tons.
Founded in the 9th century, it has a history of more than 1000 years. It is known as the "paradise of delicious food". Rich Truffle goose liver , famous French goose liver paste Almost all manufacturers are concentrated here. Salla cuisine has a place in the southwest cuisine of France.
Black truffle, mainly produced in Southern France The color is between dark brown and black. The appearance of black truffle is rugged and small bulge.


Truffles are also produced in China French black truffle Very similar. The scales of the skin are smaller. The white stripes inside are relatively fine. It mainly grows in pine trees Fibrous root This is also the origin of the Chinese name "truffle". Mainly produced in Yunnan Yongren Sichuan Panzhihua One Belt. Mature China Truffle With a complex mushroom flavor, it is an unintelligible smell.
According to the latest report, China Taiwan Province There are also a few truffles growing in high altitude mountain areas, which are very similar to those in France/mainland, and belong to close relatives. However, Asians generally do not have much contact and understanding of this food, so they do not carry out commercial operation.
At the end of the 20th century, Chinese scientists Southeast China Found Truffle Distribution of. In fact, in southwest China the zang or tibetan people , Sichuan Panzhihua, Yunnan Yongren Yi, etc Ethnic minority areas Truffle is called "Wuniang Fruit" by local people.
Chinese Truffle Main production [2] stay Jinsha River Watershed, now found Truffle White truffle It is one of the specialties of Jinsha River. With Yongren County in Yunnan Province and Panzhihua in Sichuan Province as the center, the 200 km area is the main producing area of truffle in China.

Variety classification


Italian white truffle

Common Name : Italian white truffle or Elba truffle
Scientific name: Tubermagnatum
Origin: Italy, Croatia
Growing season: October to December every year
Taste: different. Slightly garlic flavor, somewhat similar cheese , with some pungent taste.
How to eat: usually Raw food , cut into thin slices and mix with eggs, Macaroni , Width noodle or salad Eat the same food.

Black winter truffle

Common Name: Black Winter Truffle or Perigore Truffle
Scientific name: Tubermelanosporum
Origin: mainly France , also produced in Spain and Italy Yunnan, China Yongren County
Growing season: December to March of the next year
Taste: contains Fragrance of soil , plump.
How to eat: usually heated, used to flavor eggs or rice, used for Roast Chicken Subcutaneous or cream Spicing.

Black summer truffle

Common Name: Black Summer Truffle
Scientific name: Tuberaestivum
Origin: France, Italy, Spain, Yunnan, China Yongren
Growing season: May to September
Taste: It is lighter than black winter truffle and more similar to ordinary mushrooms.
How to eat: Eat raw or heat slightly to achieve the best effect. Large pieces of food, with pasta, meat or Sauce Same as

Oregon White Truffle

Tuber gibbosum
Common Name: Oregon White truffle
Scientific name: Tubergibbosum
Origin: Northwest United States
Growing season: October to November every year
Taste: Different from European truffles, it tastes lighter, crisper and more.
How to eat: raw. Or tune in butter Olive oil , sauce or Soup Medium.

Acquisition method

The mature period of black truffle is usually from November to March of the next year, and the best season is usually between December and March of the next year. The person who collects truffle is called "truffle hunter". Each truffle hunter has a family treasure map that records the location, time and size of the parents who found truffle. The process of finding truffles is very interesting, and the methods used by hunters in different countries are also different.
In France, people are used to Sow As a right-hand man to harvest black truffles. The sow's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. It can smell the truffle buried in the ground 25 cm to 30 cm deep from 6 meters away. This is because the odor of truffles and the induction of sows Sexual impulse Androsterone of Enol similar, [3] Therefore, sows have a special preference for them.
But the sows have the problem of eating truffles. If the hunters do not stop them in time, the sows will arch out and eat them crazily when they find truffles.
stay Italy , people prefer to use trained female hounds to find White truffle Usually, the hound will make a mark on the position of the truffle with its paw, and use the small Rake Carefully dig out the precious truffle from the soil.
Training a hound who can look for truffles involves a complex process. First, train the dog to fetch the ball back, and then use cheese Replace the ball, then hide the cheese for the dog to find it, and finally use a small piece of truffle instead of the cheese for the dog to find and dig it out. Such a trained hound can sell for 3000 euros in the market. The night before looking for truffles, hunters usually do not give hunting dogs food. In this way, hunting dogs will work harder to find truffles in exchange for food as a reward.

Edible value

scientific research data display Black truffles are rich in protein 18 kinds amino acid (including 8 kinds that cannot be synthesized by human body essential amino acid )、 Unsaturated fatty acid Various vitamins, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, etc Essential trace elements , and Sphingolipids Cerebroside ceramide Triterpene , androsterone adenosine , trunic acid sterol , truffle polysaccharide, truffle polypeptide, etc Metabolites , with extremely high Nutrition and health care Value. Among them, androsterone has significant effects on promoting yang and regulating endocrine; Sphingolipids prevent senile dementia atherosclerosis And anti-tumor Cytotoxicity It has obvious activity in aspect; Polysaccharides, peptides and triterpenes have develop immunity from disease Anti aging, anti fatigue and other effects can be used for health care.

Edible method

1、 Raw material: 50g dried truffle hen One (about 1500g), onion, ginger slices, refined salt, MSG pepper
2、 Method:
1. Soak dried truffles in warm water for swelling and washing.
2. Put the slaughtered and washed chicken into the pot, add about 3 jin of water, add onion (knotted), Jiang Pianwu destroy by fire Bring to a boil, add truffles, cover the pot tightly, bring it to a boil, and then transfer it to the fire for about 3 hours. Add refined salt and MSG.

historical origin


3000 BC

Truffles first appeared in the new Sumer The inscription of the Amorites eating habits , saying they often eat truffles. Centuries later, Theophras Notes Truffle was mentioned again.
In 3000 BC, Babylonians had searched for truffles on beaches and deserts. ancient Greek Story mention Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) Especially likes to eat this mushroom (Lefkas of Filohuan is the first one to talk about truffles having Aphrodisiac Effect). One legend says that truffles are Zeus Caused by lightning.
in ancient times, Italy There are two kinds of truffles: Tuber Melanosporum (winter Truffle , black spore Truffle )And Tuber Magnatum Pico( White truffle , white lump fungus). Nevertheless, the Romans only ate Tefetz, a truffle like Mushroom Tiefeizi is called "desert truffle". It comes from Lesvos Island Carthage, especially Libya Because in ancient times, the coastal climate of those places was wetter than today.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, farmers used truffles to taste. The Savoya family in Italy likes truffles very much. Prince Akaga gave bourbon dynasty Truffles are often included in our gifts. The Pope moved from Rome to Avignon Later, he found truffles and fell in love with them. He ate them every week. In 1481, the historian of Pope Bartrum Platina wrote about the search for truffles Sow They are especially good at finding truffles, but people should let them wear mouth muffs to prevent them from eating all truffles! "

Before the 17th century

The Renaissance During this period, truffles became popular again in Europe King of France Pope Francis I Every day in the castle. Nevertheless, truffles really became popular in the 17th century. At that time, Europeans (especially the French) gave up the strong taste of oriental spices and rediscovered them Natural food The value of. In the 1780s, truffles were very popular in the Paris market. The French imported all kinds of truffles from truffle producing areas all year round. Briasa Savarin said: "Truffles are so expensive that they are only used to attract women at noble tables."

17-20th century

1711, France botanist For the first time, Etienne Francois Rufrova defined truffles as mushrooms.
In 1729, Florence Lai Giovanni Bernardo Vigo accurately defined two kinds of black truffles: Tuber Melanosporum and Summer truffle (Tuber Aestivum)。
In 1780, poland Jean Michel Borch accurately described the appearance and taste of Piemonte truffles in his "Home Letter on Piemonte Truffles".
In the 20th century, Italian white truffles became more and more famous in the world. the Second World War Later, people in Monferrato, Roero, Valikurone, Glue and other regions were actively collecting white truffles. Nowadays, truffles are used in many countries International Exposition It has a very important position. [4]

Chinese origin

In April 664 AD, Chaoliruo and Chaolaruo came to the hinterland of Zhiju from Yuelibala to hunt in the thin mud. When tracking wild boars, they found that wild boars arched black balls from the roots of trees, and they were hungry, so they had to dig up the things that wild boars arched over the place to eat. After eating, I found that the dark ball could not only fill my stomach, but also enhance my physical strength and sexual ability. Since then, Chaoliruo and Chaolaruo have Unidentified organism It is called hog arch fungus Yi nationality Lead the clansmen to collect hog arch fungus before the costume festival for reception Costume Festival The custom of eating porcupine arch fungus has continued to modern times. along with Foreign culture It was not until 1995 that people realized that hog arch fungus, also known as truffles and truffles, was the most expensive in the world edible fungi [5]

Related news

In November 2010, "Gambling King" Stanley Ho A record breaking $330000, or about HKD More than 2.5 million yuan, two Italian Tosrana weighing 1.3 kg white truffle And Maurice White truffle This is the fourth consecutive year that SJM Grand Lisboa Hold? Italian white truffle International Charity Auction dinner. [6]
On September 20, 2015, black truffle (black truffle Wild mushroom Rongdeng American State Banquet elegance! [7]
On October 21, 2015, black truffle (truffle sauce) was honored British State Banquet elegance! [8]
In August 2016, Australia The world's largest truffle was found. The truffle is black truffle, weighing 1.5 kg and worth about 3000 dollars. [9]

Food nutrition

Food name Truffle
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 487 kcal
protein 4.5 g
Fat 34.6 g
cholesterol 27 mg
Saturated fatty acid 22.5 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 8.5 g
water content 16 g
carbohydrate 41.1 g
sugar 34.3 g
dietary fiber 2.4 g
folic acid 11 μg
sodium 46 mg
magnesium 85 mg
phosphorus 156 mg
potassium 362 mg
calcium 50 mg
iron 3 mg
zinc 1.44 mg
iodine 3.8 μg
vitamin A 139 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.04 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.13 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.74 mg
vitamin D 0.1 μg
vitamin E 0.46 mg