material science

Applied science
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Material science is the study of the organizational structure, nature, production process and use efficiency of materials, as well as their interrelationships physics Chemistry Metallurgy It is equal to one science. Material science is a discipline related to Engineering technology Inseparable applied science
Chinese name
material science
Foreign name
materials science
applied science


English name Materials science is the research, development, production and application of metal materials, inorganic materials Non metallic materials , polymer materials and compound material Engineering field. The authorized unit of its master's degree in engineering cultivates senior engineering and technical talents engaged in research and development of new materials, preparation of materials, analysis and modification of material properties, and effective utilization of materials.
Material Wood
The main courses of study include: political theory course, foreign language course Engineering mathematics , material physical and chemical engineering, theoretical basis of material engineering, material structure and performance, material structure and performance testing technology, process control principle of material synthesis and preparation technology, application of computer technology, research methods of modern materials Materials Science and Engineering And the foundation of modern management. Material science is a science major.


Materials are the substances that human beings use to make machines, components, devices and other products. However, not all substances can be called materials, such as fuels and chemical raw materials, industrial chemicals, food and drugs, which are generally not considered as materials. Materials can be classified in many ways. It can be divided into metal materials Inorganic non-metallic materials Organic polymer materials And composite materials. Divided into Electronic materials , aerospace materials, building materials Energy materials biological materials Etc. In practical application, it is often divided into Structural materials and Functional materials Structural materials are based on mechanical properties and are used to manufacture components that are mainly stressed. Structural materials also have physical property or chemical property Requirements, such as gloss Thermal conductivity , radiation resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. According to the different uses of materials, the performance requirements are also different. Functional materials are a kind of materials that are mainly made from different reactions to external changes such as physical, chemical properties or biological phenomena of substances. as semiconductor material Superconductive material Optoelectronic material magnetic material Etc.
Materials are the material basis for human survival and development. In the 1970s, people regarded information, materials and energy as the pillars of social civilization. In the 1980s, with the high technology The rise of the group New materials And information technology and biotechnology New technological revolution Important signs of. In modern society, materials have become an important part of national economic construction, national defense construction and people's life.

Development History

The development of human society is mainly marked by materials. One million years ago, The Humans Using stone as a tool Paleolithic Age Ten thousand years ago, human beings processed stone tools into utensils and exquisite tools, thus entering the Neolithic Age. In the late Neolithic period, pottery made of clay appeared. In the process of searching for stone tools, human beings recognized ores, developed copper smelting in pottery production, and created Metallurgical technology In 5000 BC, mankind entered the Bronze Age. In 1200 BC, people began to use cast iron, thus entering the Iron Age With the progress of technology, the manufacturing technology of steel has also been developed. In the 18th century, the development of iron and steel industry became an important content and material basis of industrial revolution. In the middle of the 19th century, the emergence of modern open hearth furnace and converter steelmaking technology made mankind really enter Iron and Steel Age
At the same time, copper, lead and zinc are also widely used, and aluminum, magnesium, titanium and other metals have been introduced and applied. Until the middle of the 20th century, metal materials had always occupied a leading position in the material industry. Since the middle of the 20th century, science and technology have developed rapidly. As the mother of invention and industrial grain, new materials have undergone epoch-making changes. First, manual Synthetic polymer materials It came out and has been widely used. Nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene and other plastics, as well as vinylon synthetic rubber New engineering plastics, polymer alloys and functional polymer materials. For only half a century, polymer materials have kept pace with metal materials with a history of more than 1000 years, and have exceeded steel in the volume of annual output, becoming indispensable materials in the fields of national economy, national defense cutting-edge science and high technology. The second is the development of ceramic materials. Ceramics are the first materials made by human beings using the raw materials provided by nature. In the 1950s, the development of synthetic chemical raw materials and special preparation processes made a leap in ceramic materials Traditional ceramics The transformation to advanced ceramics, many new Functional ceramics It has formed an industry that meets the requirements of power, electronic technology and space technology The development and needs of.
The development of structural materials has promoted the progress of functional materials. At the beginning of the 20th century, the research on semiconductor materials began. In the 1950s, germanium was prepared single crystal And then prepared silicon single crystal and Compound semiconductor So that the field of electronic technology has developed from electronic tubes to transistors, integrated circuits, large-scale and vlsi With the application and development of semiconductor materials, human society has entered the information age.
The development of modern materials science and technology has promoted the development of metal Nonmetal Inorganic materials And polymer materials, resulting in a new material field—— compound material Composites, which use one material as the matrix and one or more materials as the reinforcement, can obtain superior performance than single materials. As high-performance structural materials and functional materials, composites are not only used in aerospace field, but also in modern civil industry Energy technology And information technology.

Formation process

Material is a term that has existed for a long time, but material science was put forward in the 1960s. In 1957, after the successful launch of the Soviet artificial earth satellite, the US government and the scientific and technological community were shocked and realized that Advanced materials about high technology The importance of development has led to the establishment of more than ten material science research centers in some universities. Since then, the term material science has been widely quoted.
The formation of material science is the result of the development of science and technology. This is because, first, the development of solid physics, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and other disciplines Material structure And physical properties, which promotes the research and understanding of the nature of materials; At the same time, Metallurgy The research on materials themselves has also been greatly strengthened in the fields of metallurgy, ceramics, etc., so that the research on the preparation, structure and performance of materials, as well as the relationship between them, has become more and more in-depth, which has laid a solid foundation for the formation of materials science. Second, before the term "material science" came into being, the science of metal materials, polymer materials and ceramic materials had their own systems, and there were many similarities between them, which could be used for reference to promote the development of this discipline. as Martensitic transformation It was originally put forward by metallurgists and is widely used as the theoretical basis of steel heat treatment. But in Zirconia Martensite transformation has also been found in ceramic materials, which is an effective means for toughening ceramics. Third, the research equipment and production means of various materials also have many similarities. Although different types of materials have their own special testing equipment and production devices, most of them are the same or similar, such as microscopes electron microscope Surface test and physical and mechanical property test equipment. In material production, many processing devices are also universal. The common use of research equipment and production equipment not only saves money, but also gets inspiration and reference from each other, accelerating the development of materials. Fourth, the development of science and technology requires that different types of materials can replace each other, giving full play to the advantages of various materials, so as to make the best use of everything. For a long time, the disciplines of metals, polymers and inorganic non-metallic materials have been separated from each other and formed their own systems. Because they don't know each other, people who are accustomed to using metal materials can't think of using polymer materials. Even if they want to use them, they don't know much about them and dare not pay attention to them. On the contrary, those who are accustomed to using polymer materials do not want to use metal materials or ceramic materials. Therefore, the development of science and technology puts forward new requirements for materials, which promotes the formation of materials science. Fifth, the development of composite materials organically integrates various materials. In most cases, composites are a combination of different types of materials. Through the research of materials science, we can have a deeper understanding of various types of materials and provide a necessary basis for the development of composites.

Material classification


Classification by chemical composition

Metal materials Inorganic Non metallic materials, organic polymer materials, composite materials

Classification according to physical properties

High strength material High temperature resistant materials Superhard material , conductive materials, insulating materials, magnetic materials Light transmitting material Semiconductor materials

Classified by condensed matter

Single crystal materials Polycrystalline material Amorphous materials Quasicrystalline material

Classification by physical effects

Piezoelectric material Thermoelectric material Ferroelectric materials Photoelectric material Electro optical materials Magneto optical materials, laser materials

Classification by use

Building materials Abrasive material Refractory materials, acid resistant materials, electrical materials optical material

Classification by composition

Single component materials, composite materials

Related technologies

Aerospace Materials Science
Metal material forming
Hot working
Ceramic metallurgy
powder metallurgy
Thin film growth technology
Surface treatment technology:
Surface modification technology Surface coating technology
heat treatment
3D printing technology

Specific research

The purpose of research and development of materials is application, and materials can only be made into practical materials through reasonable process flow, and can become Engineering materials In the process of transforming laboratory research results into practical engineering materials, material preparation technology, detection technology, computer technology, etc. play an important role. The practical research of materials constitutes the combination of materials science and technology.
Preparation process
The material preparation process is the basis for the development of materials. Traditional materials The product quality can be improved by improving the process labour productivity And reduce costs. The development of new materials is more closely related to technology. For example, due to the appearance of epitaxy technology, it is possible to precisely control the number of materials to atom To achieve atomic molecular design It provides an effective means. The adoption of rapid cooling technology has opened up a new way for the development of metal materials Amorphous state Many materials with excellent properties have been developed; Secondly, ultra-fine grained metals are obtained by rapid cooling technology, which improves the properties of materials; In addition, the existence of quasicrystalline state was found through rapid cooling technology, which changed the Crystallography Some traditional ideas in. Many promising materials with excellent performance, such as engineering ceramics High temperature superconductor The brittleness, stability and cost are too high to be widely popularized. These problems need technological innovation to solve. Therefore, the development of new materials must put the research and development of technology in a very important position. Modern material preparation processes and technologies are often closely related to certain conditions, such as the use of space weightlessness Conditional crystal growth Etc; In addition, strong magnetic field , strong shock wave, ultra-high pressure, ultra-high vacuum And forced cooling may become an effective means of material preparation process.
Detection technology
The development of material science largely depends on the improvement of testing technology. The invention and creation of each new instrument and testing method promoted the emergence and development of new materials at that time. In 1863, optical microscope It is used for the research of metal materials. Then came the electron microscope scanning electron microscope High resolution electron microscope, whose point resolution is about 0.2 nm, is enough to observe atoms, which provides a prerequisite for studying the internal structure of materials. And then scanning Transmission electron microscope Scanning tunneling microscope It can not only observe atoms and analyze the chemical composition and structure of small areas, but also can be used for atomic processing microcosmic The foundation is laid for the design of new materials in structure.
Testing technology is also the main means to control the material process and product quality. NDT can not only check the macro defects of materials, but also monitor the initiation and development of cracks, providing a basis for material failure analysis. Various detection sensors use physical, chemical or biological principles to transmit the information generated during the use and production of materials, so as to control the product quality. With the development of science and technology, various detection technologies and devices are constantly updated to adapt to online, dynamic and various adverse conditions Environmental testing The testing device of will be used in the research and production of materials.
Computer Aided Design
Using computer technology to design materials is a development new materials Important means. Material design is usually divided into three levels. The first is the micro level, that is, the application of statistical mechanics And quantum mechanics To study the collective behavior of atoms and molecules. The second is the microscopic level, whose size is above micrometer. It studies the average properties of many atoms or molecules within a certain range, such as deformation , magnetism, etc., are generally described by continuous statistical equations. The third level is the macro level, such as the relationship between macro performance, production process and service performance, material fracture and Microstructure Formation, etc. Computer technology can take three levels of factors into consideration. Through establishing models and computer simulation, the best composition, the best structure and the most reasonable process flow of new materials that meet the expected performance can be obtained. The combination of computer's high-speed computing power, huge storage capacity and logical judgment ability with human's creativity can put forward creative ideas for material design; It can be retrieved and compared from a large number of stored materials; Available on overall design And local design; The design scheme can be comprehensively analyzed and optimized, the design drawings can be determined, and the management information This design greatly improves design quality It shortens the design cycle and creates conditions for the development of new materials and processes.

application research

The extensive application of materials is the main driving force for the development of materials science and technology. Materials with superior performance in the laboratory do not mean that they can be applied under actual working conditions. It must be judged through application research, and then effective measures must be taken to improve them. The determination of service life of materials after they are made into parts is another aspect of material application research, which is related to safety design and economic design, effective use of materials and reasonable selection of materials. The application research of materials is also the basis of failure analysis of mechanical components and electronic components. Through application research, we can find the regular things in the materials, so as to guide the improvement and development of materials.

Development trend

With the development of high technology, material science and new materials are mainly developed in the following aspects. ① Composite materials are the focus of the development of structural materials, which mainly include resin based high strength modulus Fiber composite Metal matrix composites Ceramic matrix composites And carbon Carbon matrix composite Etc. Surface coating Or modification is another kind of composite material, which has a large amount and a wide range, is economical and practical, and has broad development prospects. ② Functional materials are combined with devices and tend to be miniaturized and multifunctional. In particular, epitaxial technology and Superlattice With the development of theory, the preparation of materials and devices can be controlled at the atomic scale, which will become the focus of development. ③ development Low dimensional materials Low dimensional materials have properties that are not available in bulk materials. for example Zero dimension The nano metal particles of insulator And light absorbing Blackbody , in nanometers particulate The ceramics made have high toughness and superplasticity The hardness of nano aluminum is 8 times that of bulk aluminum; High strength as a one-dimensional material Organic fibre light-guide fiber , as 2D materials Diamond film Superconducting film It has shown broad application prospects. ④ Information function materials Increase variety and improve performance. This mainly refers to semiconductor, laser, infrared photoelectron , liquid crystal, sensitive and magnetic materials, etc IT industry The foundation of. High temperature superconducting materials will continue to receive attention and are expected to reach industrialization by the end of the 21st century. ⑤ biological materials It will get more applications and development. everything biomedical science Materials can be used to replace or repair various human organs, blood and tissues; The other is biological simulation materials, that is, to simulate biological functions, such as Reverse osmosis membrane Etc. ⑥ Traditional materials will still play an important role. Metal materials in Price performance ratio , technology and existing equipment have obvious advantages, and new varieties continue to emerge, which will still have strong vitality in the future. Polymer materials will be greatly developed, and their performance will be more excellent, especially Polymer functional materials It is under development. Engineering ceramics will be developed under the condition of improving performance and reducing cost. Functional ceramics have played a major role in functional materials and will continue to develop. ⑦ The emergence of C60 has opened up a new way for the development of new materials. utilize Atomic cluster Technology may develop more new materials.