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Kunming, ancient name, Han Dynasty general name of the tribes in Guizhou One of them comes from the ancient Diqiang system. Mainly distributed today Yunnan West and Dianchi Lake Around and in the northeast of Yunnan, Guizhou Western China Sichuan It also exists in the southwest.
Chinese name
Ancient Diqiang system
Ethnic tracing
In the early years of Yuanshou in the Western Han Dynasty, Han envoys were blocked Body poison (now India), Martial Emperor Chisel near Chang'an“ Kunming Lake ”Training the water army to prepare for the battle. Yuan Ding Six years (111 years ago) Sima Qian I was sent to his place. From the second year of Yuanfeng (109 BC) to the sixth year of Yuanfeng Erhai Regional incorporation into newly established Yizhou County
In the second year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (77) Helong County (Today's Yunnan Weishan )Yan Cheng, the leader of, helped Han defeat Mourn the savages , was granted the title of the Marquis of Pokupang.
In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was one of the main components of the South Central Yi people, and Old man It is also called "big race" and "small race".
Since then, it has been divided and combined. From the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty, it has evolved into Wuman Only part of the ethnic groups in the system retain the name of "Kunming", that is, "Kunming Man" in the New Book of Tang · Biography of Southern Man "and" Kunming Fourteen Surnames "among the attached ethnic groups in the early Tang Dynasty.
contemporary Yi nationality Naxi minority Hani nationality Lisu nationality Lahu nationality Achang nationality And other ethnic groups, all of which are closely related to the Kunming people. [1]