
[wén xué jiā]
Outstanding figures in the field of literature
zero Useful+1
Literateur refers to the experts engaged in literary creation or research, especially the writers with great influence and all-round writing style, or the writers in novels, poems, essays, dramas Literary criticism And other literary workers who have made outstanding contributions and made outstanding achievements in the field of literature. [1]
Writers have many works literary genre Of Classic works He has rich creative practice and more published works to support his creative position, and also has his own literary thoughts or views, literary academic and theoretical attainments and Literary writing On the creative level.
Chinese name
Foreign name
wén xué jiā
Those who have made outstanding contributions and made outstanding achievements literature worker
representative figure
Tao Yuanming Li Bai Tagore Lu Xun

Representative of China



Modern and Contemporary

Contemporary: Rotel Shi Tiesheng Lin Qingxuan Yu Hua Mo Yan Harshness teaching , Chen Zhongyuan Han Shaogong Yu Qiuyu , Tie Ning Bi Shumin Wang Anyi Su Tong Li Bihua, Lu Wei Wang Xiaobo Wang Shuo Liu Cixin He Xi, Han Song, Wang Jinkang

Foreign representatives

India: Valmiki Kali whirlpool Dule Sidas Tagore
Russia Tolstoy Dostoevsky Golgi Nikolai Ostrovsky , Sholokhov
Persia: Sadi Phil Dorsey



Washington Irving

Washington Irving ,W.( Washington Irving 1783-1859) TOP
Born on April 3, 1783 New York He dropped out of school at the age of 16 and studied law in several law firms, but was not interested in law. He loved literature and roaming. In 1804, he went to Europe for recuperation due to illness France Italy And England, once wanted to be a painter. After returning to China in 1806 Virginia He worked as a lawyer and later helped his two brothers manage import business. At this time, he was engaged to Matilda, the daughter of lawyer Hoffman, who died early in 1809; Later, although he had several times love , but has been living a single life. In 1807, he, his brother William, and others jointly founded an irregular publication, Mixed Food, and began his literary creation activities, revealing his humor, wit, and implicit satirical talent.
Owen's first major work was《 New York History 》Attack (1809). For the next 10 years, he has been helping his brother in business, except for serving as a short-term military officer in 1814 during the Anglo American War. Owen went to England in 1815 Liverpool Working in a branch set up by his brother; In 1818, the branch collapsed due to the economic depression, and Owen stayed in England to write for a living.
In 1819, Owen successively published many essays, essays and stories, totaling 32; In 1820, it was collected and published as "Notes on Stories", which caused Europe and the United States Literary circles Attention. This work established Owen's position in the United States Literary history Status on. Later, Owen wrote similar genre Bresbridge Grange (1822) and story collection Travelers' Talk (1824), both of which are inferior to Reading Notes. In 1826 Madrid As a resident of the United States Spain embassy Librarian. In 1828, he published The Life and Voyage of Columbus. In 1829, he published The Conquest of Granada; In the same year, he visited Alhambra, the Moors' Palace Museum in Granada, and later published Alhambra (1832), a collection of travel notes, essays and stories. Owen was the secretary of the American Embassy in Britain. Oxford Honorary Doctor of Law, Royal Society He was also awarded a medal. In 1832, Irving returned to the United States and was warmly welcomed in New York. As readers urgently need him to describe the life of his country, he once went to the newly developed Western United States I made an investigation and wrote "Journey to the Grassland". He also John Materials provided by Jacob Astor. For this plutocrats Write a hair Family history : Astoria (1836). Went again in 1842 Madrid , served as the U.S. Minister to Spain. He returned to China in 1846. He spent his later years near Sleeping Valley, which he once described. During this period, his main works were three biographies: The Biography of Goldsmith (1840), Mohammed and His Heirs (1849-1850) and five volumes《 Biography of Washington 》(1855-1859)。 Owen died on November 28, 1859. Owen is a master of prose American Literature One of the Moki people. His writing style is elegant and natural, fresh and delicate, and often shows mild humor. Owen's several masterpieces have been Lin Qinnan Introduced to China, including the Record of Citrus Palm (that is, the Reading Notes)《 Traveler's Narration 》(i.e. "Travelers' Talk") and "The Remaining Years of the Palace Museum" (i.e《 The Alhambra 》)。 Translations after 1949《 The Alhambra 》《 Selected Short Stories of Owen 》And Reading Notes.


Cooper ,J.F( James Fenimore Cooper 1789-1851) TOP
A novelist. Born on September 15, 1789 New Jersey Of Burlington At the age of 2, the family moved to New York Cooperstown. The nearby lakes, forests and legends about Indians deeply attracted him. In 1806, he studied sailing on a merchant ship, and later he went to naval base Participated in shipbuilding and was once appointed as lieutenant In 1811, he resigned from his naval post, married the daughter of a landlord, and settled in Cooperstown. He began writing novels at the age of 31. The first novel, Vigilance, was written in 1820 Published at one's own expense , very Unsuccessful Encouraged by his wife, he changed his direction and wrote a book he thought "should be a purely American book with patriotic theme", namely "Spy". The novel became popular after its publication in 1821. Later, he wrote The Pioneer (1823), which reflected the frontier life, and The Helmsman (1824), which reflected the navigation life, creating three different types of novels in the history of American literature, namely Revolutionary historical novel "Spy", frontier adventure novel "Pioneer" and maritime adventure novel "Helmsman".
In 1826, he served as the ambassador of the United States Lyon, France And travel to Italy and Britain. In addition to writing adventure novels on the sea, he also wrote a trilogy reflecting European life: Assassin (1831), The Black Clothed Religious Earth (1832) and The Executioner (1833), showing the religious power and feudal forces capitalism It has been decaying and declining before its rise.
After returning to China in 1835, the novels "The Way Home" and "The Face of Home" (1838) not only satirized the American society, but also satirized the hypocrisy and folly of some characters in Cooperstown, so they were attacked by public opinion. In his later years, he even supported the United States Mexico Of aggressive war He died on September 14, 1851.
Cooper has written more than 50 novels and other works in his 30-year writing career. His most successful works, such as《 Leather Stocking Tales 》Five series have a great influence on American western novels. There are still many readers.


Emerson, R.W( Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882) TOP
A thinker, prose writer, poet. He was born on May 25, 1803, in a pastor's family in Boston. April 27, 1882 Massachusetts Concord Death. Graduated at 17 Harvard College. He entered Harvard Theological Seminary in 1826 and was approved the next year Sermon In 1828, he became the pastor of Boston's Second Church New England The dominant monotheistic sect. Later, because he did not agree with some doctrines of this sect, he gave up his priesthood and went to Europe for a visit in 1833 Romantic Movement Landauer, Coleridge, Wordsworth and other pioneers of Apriorism The influence of philosophy. After returning to China, he published On Nature in 1836, which contains almost all his important thoughts germ On August 31, 1837, Emerson was in the United States Fraternity of college students He delivered a speech on the topic of "On American Scholars", attacking the subordination of soul to money in American society Money worship And capitalism Division of labor Phenomenon that makes people become objects, emphasizing Human value The task of scholars is to reveal the truth freely and bravely from their appearance, so as to inspire, improve and guide people; He called for development National pride , against blindly following foreign theories. This speech caused a sensation national culture The rise of Declaration of Independence ”。
On July 15, 1838, Emerson Cambridge The theological seminary of New England, which delivered a famous speech entitled "The Speech of the Theological Seminary", was protested and attacked by Calvinism, the only denomination and other forces in New England. Emerson's Philosophical thought It maintains the positive element of the unitheism that emphasizes the value of human beings, and also absorbs Europe Idealistic transcendentalism And developed into Transcendentalism Views. Its basic starting point is to oppose authority and advocate intuition; Its core is that people can understand truth directly beyond feeling and reason. This view helped to break the shackles of theology and foreign dogmas at that time and establish national culture, which epitomized time spirit , for American politics On democracy And the economic development of capitalism provides a theoretical basis.
Since 1836, Emerson, Alcott, Ripley and others have met at Concord in Boston irregularly to discuss the "bad situation of theology and philosophy", which can be said to be the starting point of the transcendentalism movement. They founded the quarterly review journal "Daily Rules" (1840-1844), published literary works and advocated the reform of education, ethics, politics and other papers. Emerson once served as editor in chief and was the main representative of the transcendentalism movement.
Emerson's works are mostly written in prose. His important works include On Self help, On Chaoling, etc《 proceedings 》(1841) and Collected Papers: Part II (1844). Two volumes were published in 1847 and 1867 respectively《 Poetry anthology 》。 Besides《 representative figure 》(1850), The British Character (1856), etc.


Hawthorne ,N.( Nathaniel Hawthorme 1804-1864) TOP
A novelist. Born on July 4, 1804 Massachusetts Salem The town is a declining family. Some of his ancestors once participated in the event of inviting believers to persecute heresy, and he was one of the three judges in the famous Salem witch case in 1692. This period of history had a profound impact on Hawthorne's thought. Hawthorne's father, a captain, died when he was four years old. In 1821, Hawthorne entered Bodoyin College with the support of his relatives. Among his classmates were poets Longfellow And Pierce, who was later elected president. After graduating from university in 1825, he returned to Salem and started writing. He has anonymously published the novel Fan Xiao (1828) and dozens of short stories, and has successively published short story collections Green Moss in Ancient Houses (1843), Snow Shadow (1851), etc., which have gradually received attention and praise. Hawthorne's short stories are mostly based on the history or real life of New England, focusing on human nature and human destiny.
Hawthorne served in the Customs twice in 1836 and 1846, and in 1841 he joined the Brook Farm founded by Transcendentalists. He married in 1842 and lived in Concord Village. In 1848, he lost his post as a customs officer due to different political opinions from the authorities. He devoted himself to writing and wrote his most important novel《 Scarlet letter 》(1850)。 This work takes the life of New England in colonial period as the background, describing a man who is bound by unreasonable marriage Young woman Having committed the crime of adultery prohibited by the Calvinist Church and been exposed to the public, exposed some darkness in the colonial society under the rule of the theocratic system at that time. The Scarlet Letter was a great success after its publication, and Hawthorne subsequently created many works. The House with Seven Sharp Corner Pavilions (1851) reflects the bloody plunder in the early stage of capitalist development. Another novel《 Legend of Fukuoka 》(1852) Taking the life of Brooke Farm as the theme, the author expressed his views on this Social improvement I am disappointed in my attempts and disgusted with the zealous reformers. After Pierce was elected president of the United States, Hawthorne was appointed consul in Liverpool, England in 1853. After 1857, he emigrated to Italy and wrote another novel, Jade Statue (1860), which discussed good and evil. In 1860, he returned to the United States, settled in Concord, and continued to write. He died on May 19, 1864, leaving four unfinished novels behind.


Longfellow ,H.W.( Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882) TOP
poet. Born on February 27, 1807 Maine portland A lawyer's family. He entered Bodoyin College in 1822 and was a classmate of Hawthorne. After graduation France Spain Italy And Germany to study the language and literature of these countries. Since 1836 Harvard University Teaching language and literature, devoted to introducing European culture and romanticism The author's works have become an important figure in the literary and social circles of Cambridge, the cultural center of New England. In 1839, he published his first poetry anthology, Night Ode, including famous lyric poems with beautiful sound, such as "Ode to Night", "Ode to Life", and "Light of Stars". In 1841, he published the poetry collection Ballads and Others, including Story poem "Armored Skeletons" and "The Death of Venus", as well as "Country Blacksmith" and "Climbing Higher" with simple philosophy in the narrative. The poem is filled with the spirit of hard work and optimism. These two collections of poems are in Atlantic Both sides of the Taiwan Straits were very popular for a time, and he has been famous as a poet ever since. Longfellow published his poetry anthology "Bruch Bell Tower and Others" in 1845. He was praised for his collection of excellent works such as "Springfield's Arsenal", "Bridge", "Nuremberg" and "Bruch Bell Tower". "The Sea and the Fireside" (1849) contains the "dedication" that the poet announced his intention to the readers, and the long poem "the construction of the ship" that eulogizes the creation of the Union through the image of shipbuilding.
Longfellow's main poems include three masterpieces narrative poem , or "popular epic": Ivan Jilin (1847)《 Song of Haiwarsaw 》And The Proposal of Miles Standish (1858). In 1854, he resigned from the teaching position of Harvard University and specialized in creation. The following year, he published the Song of Haiwarsaw. This is a long poem carefully conceived with Indian legends, which describes the heroic performance of Indian leader Haiwarsaw in defeating the enemy in his life, and his important contributions to ending tribal wars, teaching people to plant corn, cleaning up rivers, and eliminating diseases. This is the first epic describing Indians in the history of American literature, but the material of the poem mainly comes from Kuer The author of Kraft's works lacks direct life experience; A complete imitation of the rhyme of poetry Finland Although the epic "Kalevala" was praised by readers at that time, it was criticized by some critics of later generations. Since 1843, the Longfellow couple have been living in the quiet Craig villa He has spent 17 years of happy family life. In 1861, his wife was unfortunately burned to death, which has made him extremely sad. In order to get rid of the mental burden, he devoted himself to Dante Of《 Divine Comedy 》He also wrote six sonnets about Dante, which is his best poem. The Story of Roadside Inn (1863) is generally imitated Chaucer Of《 Canterbury Tales 》。 The trilogy poetic drama named after Christ was completed in 1872.
Longfellow's works in his later years were not important and were highly respected, Oxford and University of Cambridge He was awarded Honorary doctorate On his 75th birthday, schools across the United States celebrated. Longfellow died on March 24, 1882. London Westminster Abbey He was the first American poet to gain this honor.
Longfellow created a large number of lyric poems, ballads, narrative poems and poetic dramas throughout his life. His poems were widely read in the United States, appreciated in Europe, and translated into more than 20 languages; Since the 20th century, his poetic name has declined sharply, and his position has changed greatly, which is also rare in the history of American literature.


Whittier, J.G. (John Greenleaf Whittier 1807-1893) TOP
poet. Born in Heifrier, Massachusetts. Farming since childhood, studied in a junior college for one year, but read a lot, deeply English literature in especial Scotland poet Burns Impact of; The collection of poems and essays "The Legend of New England" published in 1831 describes the simple life and historical legends of the New England countryside, which shows this influence. In 1849, he published the prose work "Fragments of Margaret Smith's Diary", which described the life in early New England and people's mentality
Since 1833, Whittier has been actively involved under the influence of abolitionist William Garrison Abolition Movement , edit the newspaper, write editorial And pamphlets, while writing poems calling for the abolition of slavery. Poems Written in the Process of Abolition (1838) and the Voice of Freedom (1846) reveal that Slave owner Atrocities and Black slaves A tragic fate. His poetry has strong Combatability , reflecting a major event in the struggle for abolition of slavery in the United States chronicle
Whittier's poetry collection, "Song of Labor" (1850), eulogized the labor of fishermen, farmers, shoemakers, and lumberjacks in early America in plain language. Other of his poems protest against social violence and show sympathy for the oppressed lower class people. Around 1859, Whittier turned to describe the life and scenery in the countryside of New England, and published poetry anthologies All Inclusive (1856), Home Ballads (1860), etc. His famous long poem "The Gate Closed in the Snow" (1866) was praised by critics as "a beautiful New England Pastoral poetry ”。

Allan Poe

Allan Poe ,E.( Edgar Allen Poe 1809-1849) TOP
Poet, novelist, critic. Born in Boston on January 19, 1809. Parents in He died successively as a child. In 1811, he was appointed by Virginia Richmond Businessman John Allen adopted it and went to England with the couple. After returning to Richmond, enter University of Virginia One year's study. Participated in US Army , selected to West Point In 1831, he was expelled from the military academy for some reason Baltimore Richmond, New York and Philadelphia He wrote articles in other places, and participated in editing work in Southern Literary Messenger and Burton Gentleman Magazine. In 1835, he married his cousin Virginia Clem; His wife died of illness in 1847, and became increasingly insane after that. He died in Baltimore on October 7, 1849.
Allan Poe's poetry collection includes《 Timur 》(1827), Al Araf (1829), and Anthology of Poetry (1831). Most of the poems are strange, strange, and morbid images. He emphasized the writing of melancholy emotions, the famous《 crow 》(1845) A poem is a representative work in this regard. Poe's short stories are also influential. He wrote about 70 short stories and collected them in the Collection of Narrative Differences (1840). His novels can be roughly divided into Horror novel And mystery novels. The former includes《 The Collapse of Ashegu House 》"Red Death Mask Dance", "Ligia", "Black Cat", "The Barrel of Armando", etc; The latter is as follows《 Mog Street Murder 》"The Stolen Letter", "The Secret of Mari Rogate", "You Are That Man", "The Golden Beetle", etc. Ligia is considered his best novel. Allan Poe is also regarded as the originator of detective novels in the West. His above-mentioned novels have a certain impact on the development of western detective novels. Poe's literary criticism works include Philosophy of Creation (1846), Principles of Poetry (1850), etc.


Stowe ,H.B.( Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896) TOP
woman writer. Born Connecticut Father is a priest. In 1832, she moved with her father Cincinnati , as a teacher. This city and the south Slave owning state Just across the river, her family took an active part in helping runaway slaves. She was very sympathetic to the experience of black slaves Slavery cherish an undying hatred. In 1836, he married Professor Calvin Ellis Stowe. In 1850, she moved to Maine with her husband: her novels《 Uncle Tom's hut 》(1852) exposed the south Plantation The cruelty of black slavery and the suffering of black slaves. The novel praises the struggle of the black people represented by Eliza and his wife to fight against oppression and fight for freedom and liberation, and at the same time, it also praises the submissive Christian fraternity and forgiveness spirit embodied by Tom. After its publication, the novel aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad, effectively promoting the struggle against slavery in the United States, but it was also slandered by slave owners. In 1856, she published the novel Dred, the Story of the Dark Marsh, which was written according to the deeds of Dred Scott, the leader of the slave uprising.


Thoreau ,H.D.( Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862) TOP
Writers and thinkers. Growing up in Concord Village, the Transcendentalist Ideological Movement Center near Boston, his father is Small owners Graduated from Harvard University at the age of 20, once worked as a teacher and engaged in various fields physical labor I met Emerson when I was a student. Under the influence of Emerson, I read the works of Coleridge, Carlyle and others, studied the philosophy of the East, and thought with the spirit of "self-help" advocated by Emerson, forming a set of independent opinions.
Thoreau's works are based on his experience in nature. In 1839, he and his brother rowed on the Merrimack River and wrote A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River (1849), giving full play to his views on nature, life and literature and art. His representative work, Walden, or Life in the Woods (1854), recorded a period of seclusion he spent at Walden Lake near Concord from 1845 to 1847. In his works, nature, human and transcendental ideals blend and converge. He was an important representative of the transcendentalism movement in the 19th century.
Thoreau's essays are concise and powerful, simple and natural, rich in ideological content, and unique among American essays in the 19th century. His thoughts on Britain the labor party Gandhi in India and African American leaders Martin Luther King Everyone has a great influence.


Whitman ,W.( Walt Whitman 1819-1892) TOP
poet. Born on May 31, 1819 Long Island His father worked as a farmer and moved to Brooklyn due to poverty. He worked as a carpenter and contracted to build houses; He was right Utopian socialism The works of Pan Si, a thinker and democratic thinker, were very interesting, which also deeply influenced Whitman. Whitman Public schools Studied Rural teachers In my childhood, I also worked as a messenger and learned typesetting. Later, he worked in a newspaper office and became an editor. He likes wandering, meditation, and the beauty of nature; But he prefers cities and streets, opera, dance, public speaking, and reading Homer Greek Tragedy And the works of Dante and Shakespeare. From February 1846 to January 1848, he was the editor of Brooklyn Eagle. In 1848, he went to New Orleans to edit newspapers, and soon returned to Brooklyn. In the next five or six years, he helped his elderly father build houses, run small bookstores printing plant , free and unrestrained, wandering at will; Just like when I was a teenager pilot , coachman, mechanic, fisherman, handyman, etc.
In 1855, the first edition of Leaves of Grass was published, with a total of 12 poems. When the ninth edition was published, 383 poems were collected. The longest one, which was later called "My Song". 1336 rows in total. The content of this poem almost includes the main ideas of the author's life, and it is one of the most important poems of the author. The poem mentioned grass leaves many times: grass leaves symbolize all ordinary, ordinary things and ordinary people. This epoch-making collection of poems was generally ignored. Only Emerson wrote a passionate letter to the poet. Whitman gets great encouragement from this letter.
In 1856, the second edition of Leaves of Grass was published, collecting 32 poems. "Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry" is one of the poet's best works. In addition, "Song of Broad Axes" and "Song of the Road" are also famous works.
Christmas in 1859, Saturday Weekly Special number An excellent lyric poem of Whitman, "From the cradle where the water keeps swinging", was published on the magazine, which is an ode to love and death. The following year, I should publisher Please, printed《 Grass leaf collection 》The third edition is the first "official publication" of this poetry anthology. There are 124 new poems in the collection, including From the Endless Swaying Cradle and three groups of poems named "Song of Democracy", "Adam's Children" and "Reed Flute" respectively.
Civil War During this period, Whitman, as a firm democratic fighter, showed his profound humanitarianism Natural color. The war is fierce In progress He took the initiative to serve as a nurse in Washington, and devoted himself to caring for the wounded and sick soldiers all day long, which seriously damaged his health. His life is very hard. He lives by copying and uses the money he saves on the sick and wounded. During his nearly two years as a nurse, he has contacted about 100000 soldiers, many of whom have kept in touch with him since then.
After the war, Whitman worked as a junior clerk in the Indian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior, and soon the minister found out that he was《 Grass leaf collection 》The author of, dismiss him; Later, he worked in the Attorney General's Office for 8 years. As a result of training and experience in the civil war, political thought His understanding has also been improved, and his creation has entered a new stage. In 1865, Whitman at his own expense printed and published his poetry collection, "The Collection of Drums and Beams", which was written in the late Civil War in New York, including 53 new poems. A few months later, he published a sequel, including Lincoln's famous article "When lilacs recently opened in the courtyard".
In 1867, the fourth edition of Leaves of Grass had only eight new poems, but it was included in the Collection of Sample Drums and its sequels. What is worth noting is the long article "Democratic Vision" published in 1871, which summarized the author's literary and artistic views and political propositions.
Grass leaf collection 》The fifth edition of was printed in 1871 and 1872 respectively. For the first time, 13 new poems were added, and for the second time, the last important long poem "The Road to India" and a few new poems were added. In January 1873, Whitman suffered from paralysis, Writing ability Since then, he has never recovered. But his optimism His love and sensitivity to life, his democratic ideals, etc. are still immortal. In his later years, he was depressed and frustrated. In addition to compiling and printing several versions, he occasionally wrote some poems. In 1876, the sixth edition of Leaves of Grass was published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. This is a collection of two volumes, including prose works. The first volume is the content of the fifth edition. The second volume is called "Two Streams", including prose, 18 new poems, "The Road to India" and attached poems. The poetry tends to be abstract. The text, the title and the order of arrangement of each poem in the seventh edition (1881-1882) of Leaves of Grass have been finally approved. This edition includes 20 new poems. Whitman continued to write poetry until his death in 1892.
In 1882, the poet published his collection of essays, "Typical Days", which included the article "Democratic Vision". November Branch, published in 1888, included 62 new poems and some articles, and the concentrated poems were later included《 Grass leaf collection 》The 8th edition (1889), and became "Attached Poem 1". In 1891, the Philadelphia publisher published Whitman's new book Goodbye, My Fantasy, in which the poem became the "second attachment" to Leaves of Grass. The ninth edition (1892) of Leaves of Grass includes "Episode I", "Seventy Years" and "Episode II", "Goodbye, My Fantasy". The posthumous poem "Echo of Old Age" of the poet after his death is regarded as "poetry attachment". See the collections published from 1897 to 1898, and the later collected collections are also included. The universal complete works is the so-called "deathbed edition", that is, the ninth edition published in 1892.


Melville ,H.(Herman Melvill 1819-1891) TOP
A novelist and poet. Born on August 1, 1819 New York He left school at the age of 15 and worked as a bank clerk, a leather shop clerk and a teacher. In 1839, I went to England at Yitiao Liverpool He acted as a waiter on the merchant ship and contacted the sea, which had an impact on his later creation. In 1841, when he was 22, he sailed again Whaling ship As a sailor, Agushina sailed South Pacific One Belt. His later masterpiece Moby Dick was based on this sea life. July 1842 Disembark , once the South Pacific Marquesas Captured by the Taipi people who are known as cannibals. After escaping, in August of the same year Australia As a sailor on a merchant ship, he was imprisoned for violating discipline Tahiti After escaping from prison, he wandered around the local islands, and what he heard and saw was later written into his book "Oumu". In November, he worked as a pitchfork on a whaling ship. In August 1843, he served as a sailor on a warship and retired from the army in Boston in October 1844. Then start writing.
Melville's first two books, Tapi (1846) and Omu (1847), were travel notes based on his experiences in Tapi and Tahiti, which were artistically processed. In 1847, Melville began to write "Marty", contacted the literary and art circles in New York, and often wrote for literary and art journals. In 1849, Melville published Redburn, and in 1850, White Coat. Both of them wrote about sailing life and were well received. That summer he met Hawthorne and they became neighbors and friends. Melville published his most important work Moby Dick in 1851. This novel became an outstanding work with rich ideological content, epic scale and gloomy and wonderful writing style, but it was not paid attention at that time.
Melville's novels include Pierre (1852) and Israel Porter (1855). His short stories and essays include Bartleby on behalf of the author (1853), Lost Island (1854), Benito Cilano (1855), etc. Later, he integrated Square Story and published it in 1856. In 1857, he published the novel "The Deceiver's Costume Performance". One novel he wrote before his death was Billy Byrd (1924), which was published more than 30 years after his death.
Melville turned to poetry in his later years. From 1866 to 1885, he served as a customs inspector in New York. In 1866, he printed his first collection of poems, The Collection of War, at his own expense. In 1876, he also published at his own expense 18000 lines of long poem "Clarell" on the theme of religion. In 1888 and 1891, he published at his own expense the collection of poetry "Yohan Mahl and Other Sailors" and the collection of poetry "Timolyon", with 25 copies printed respectively.
Melville died on September 28, 1891. His works were not popular until the 1920s.


Dickinson, E. (Emily Dickenson 1830-1886) TOP
Poetess. Born on December 10, 1830 Massachusetts Amherst A lawyer's family in the town. His father once served as a member of Parliament, and his family regarded itself as a conservative tradition. She was brought up to be orthodox religious education In his youth, he lived a monotonous and peaceful life. He seldom went out and only took a trip. He began to write poems at the age of 20, and most of his early poems have been lost. After 1858, it was closed, and after the 1970s, it was almost not only door In the history of literature, she was called "the nun of Amherst". Researchers still do not understand the reason for her long-term seclusion.
She immersed herself in writing poems in solitude, leaving 1775 poems. In her lifetime, only 7 poems were copied from her letters by her friends and published. When she was writing, the "Transcendentalism" movement led by Emerson rose in Concord, not far from Amherst. When she was young, she came into contact with Emerson's ideas. Emerson opposed authority and advocated intuition, which made her conflict with orthodox religious feelings, and she was in the contradiction between religious piety and suspicion. Her poems are mainly about arrogant loneliness, disappointment in religious pursuit, and serenity of death, which reflect the complex psychological state.
Dicken was born on May 15, 1886 and died. Her relatives and friends once selected and edited her poems, which were published in three episodes at the end of the 19th century, but gradually forgotten. Until the United States modern poetry As a pioneer of modern poetry, she was warmly welcomed, and her research became a hot topic in modern American literary criticism. Since 1921, Dickinson's letters have been selected and published in succession. Many of them show the mysterious interest similar to her poems, which also shows that her life is too narrow.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain (Mark Twain 1835-1910) TOP
Writer. Samuel Longhess Clemens' pen name. Born on November 31, 1835 Missouri Florida town, grown in Mississippi River Upper town Hannibal His father, an unhappy country lawyer and shopkeeper, died at the age of 12. He once learned typesetting. In 1851, he worked as a typesetter in the newspaper office set up by his brother Olais, and began to learn to write humorous sketches. After 1853, he worked as a typesetter in the Midwest and East. I went to New Orleans in 1856 and wanted to change my way Brazil , at the boating edge Mississippi River When I went south, I met the old helmsman Horace Bixby. I took him as my teacher. After 18 months of graduation, I worked as a helmsman on the Mississippi River until the civil war broke out and the water transportation was cut off. He once joined the Confederate Army in the war. In 1861, President Lincoln sent Olais to the western Nevada territorial government as a secretary. He accompanied him to try to make a fortune in the timber industry and mining industry, but failed. He turned to writing articles for a living. In 1862, he worked in a newspaper office in Virginia City, Nevada. In 1863, he began to use the pseudonym "Mark Twain". In 1864 San Francisco Get to know the humorous writer A · Ward and the novelist Bu · Hart, get their encouragement and help, and improve their writing skills. In 1865, he published a humorous story "The Famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in a New York magazine, which made him famous nationwide. After that, he often wrote humorous articles for newspapers and periodicals. In 1866 Hawaii Island In 1867, I went to Europe and Palestine Travel. The report he wrote was later compiled into "The Fool's Journey Abroad" (1869).
Mark Twain and New York State in 1870 capitalist Her daughter Olivia Langdon married. Living after marriage Buffalo He edited and issued the Express, which was sold a year later due to excessive losses. In 1872, he published the book "Hard Days", which reflected his life experience in the new western development area, and recorded some anecdotes, especially humorous stories with American western characteristics. He wrote it with Cha Warner in 1873《 Gilded Age 》Is his first novel.
Mark Twain moved to eastern Connecticut with his family in 1871 Hartford By this time, he had become a famous writer and humorous speaker. His childhood after that was the harvest time of his creation. In 1875, Mark Twain was appointed by Howells to《 the atlantic 》Writing. In his early years Mississippi River I wrote 7 articles on the life of being a helmsman be published in book form , called The Past of the Mississippi River. Eight years later, he returned to his hometown and expanded the book into On the Mississippi River (1883).
In 1876, a novel《 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 》Publication. Although it is a juvenile book set in a small town on the Mississippi River, it is loved by readers of all ages. Many stories about naughty Tom and his partner Huckleberry Finn and Tom's girlfriend Becky Thatcher are written in the book, many of which are the author's own experience, and there are many interesting plots in line with children's psychology.
Mark Twain's Another Important Novel《 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 》He started writing in 1876 and published it in 1884. This novel has been highly praised by critics, welcomed by readers at home and abroad, and has also been constantly banned.
Mark Twain published "Connecticut Americans at the Court of King Arthur" in 1889. Both it and "The Prince and the Poor" (1881) are satirical against the British background Feudal system And religious novels. In 1894, Mark Twain wrote Fool Wilson, which created a rich man Militancy 's female slaves Roxy Image of. Before and after that, his family suffered misfortune: two daughters fell ill and died, and his wife's health deteriorated; He failed to invest in making an automatic typesetter and went bankrupt. In order to repay the debt, he went on a trip to give a speech and visited Hawaii New Zealand Australia India And South America. In 1897, he wrote Equator Travel, which satirized and condemned Imperialism The oppression of the colonial people and the opposition to imperialism became the central ideas of his later works. In 1896, the biography of Joan of Arc was published, which describes the life of Joan of Arc, the 15th century French national heroine. In 1898, Mark Twain paid off all his debts. In October 1900, after leaving the United States and living in Europe for nearly ten years, he returned to the United States with his family, received a warm welcome and became a leader in the literary and art circles. Many works on time published after 1900 have not been cut down.
In 1904, his wife died in Italy. Mark Twain entered the final stage of his career. His early works include《 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 》The pessimism towards "human beings" (actually towards the property class), which has been expressed in, has now become the main theme of some of his works. Novella《 The people who ruined Hadleyburg 》(1900), the prose "What's the matter with people?" (1906), and the story "The Mysterious Visitor" (1916) are all reflected. The most important work in his later years was his autobiography, which was dictated and recorded by his secretary. He died on April 21, 1910.


Hart, B( Bret Harte 1836-1902) TOP
A novelist. Born New York Albany. I didn't receive much education when I was young, but I read extensively. In 1854, he moved to the west with his family and worked as a miner. In 1860, he settled in San Francisco and worked as a teacher and editor. 1848 California After the discovery of gold, gold miners swarmed in. Hart described the lives of these gold diggers in the form of short stories, with a distinctive writing style. He was called "Western Humor Novelist", "Local Literature Writer", etc. His representative work is the collection of short stories The Lucky Boy of Roaring Camp and Other Short Stories (1870). After becoming famous, Hart moved to the east, served as the consul of the United States in Germany and Britain, and continued to write, but his later novels lost their early glory.


Howells ,w,D.(William Dean Howells 1837-1920) TOP
Novelists literary critic Born in Ohio His father is a printer. He used to be Ohio Newspaper reporter is famous for helping Lincoln run for president and writing a biography of Lincoln. 1861-1865 Venice consul. Founded in Boston, New York and other places after returning home Literary magazine , creating novels. In 1909, he served as the first president of the American Literary and Art Society. Howells《 the atlantic 》And the editor of Harper magazine Romantic novel He believes that the primary purpose of novels is education, not entertainment; Literary works should adopt realistic mode of artistic creation He has written nearly 40 novels. A Modern Example (1882) written in the 1980s wrote about a young couple's hasty marriage, which led to tragedy. The Rise of Silas Lapham 》(1885) is his representative work, writing about a newly rich man who exploits miners to get rich. Critics believe that it is full of "keen observation" and "well intentioned criticism". In the late 1980s, capitalist society In turbulent times, Howells believed that "competitive capitalism" was no longer satisfactory and that "socialism should be replaced". Under the guidance of this thought, he wrote a novel, The Harm of New Wealth (1890), describing the“ socialist ”The "divergence of views" with Wall Street bosses on labor movement issues. The Traveler from Ortrulia (1894) advocates utopian socialism, and Through the Eyes of a Needle (1907) advocates adoption“ referendum ”Resulting from Christian socialism

Henry James

Henry James ,H.(Henry James 1843-1916) TOP
A novelist. Born on April 15, 1843 New York His father Henry is a philosopher and theologian, and his elder brother William is a famous philosopher and psychologist, pragmatism Pseudo founder. He grew up in a well educated family. Like many educated Americans at that time, he admired the ancient European civilization. From childhood to childhood Europe and America Between 1875 and 1875 London In 1915, the United States did not participate for a while World War , and became a British citizen. He died in London on February 28, 1916.
James studied under the guidance of a tutor when he was young. From 1862 to 1864 Harvard Law School Study and work with famous Realism The novelist Wei Di Howells met. In 1864, he began to write literary reviews and short stories. From 1875 to 1876, I met the famous writers Turgenev, Maupassant, Flaubert, Dude and Zola in Paris, as well as the British writer Luo Lu Stevenson. His disability prevented him from Civil War Serve every hour. For a long time, I have worked hard and wrote numerous books. Obtained from Harvard University in 1911 Honorary degree In 1912, he won the honorary title of Doctor of Literature from Oxford University. In 1916, the British government awarded him the highest civilian medal.
James's main work is fiction, in addition, he wrote a lot Literary criticism , travel notes, biographies and scripts. His novels often deal with the problems between American and European exchanges; How the evil of adults affects and destroys the pure and intelligent children; The contradiction between material and spirit; The loneliness of artists, the life of writers and artists, etc moral character Has a strong interest in. This is what the educated intellectuals cherish Humanism Tendency, rather than the familiar humanitarian sympathy for the poor. The author praises the beautiful and honest character and places high personal quality Material interests Even above cultural education, personal quality and other people's interests are above everything.
Important novels include An American (1876-1877), The Portrait of a Lady (1881), The Bostonian (1885-1889), Princess Casamaxima (1885-1886), The Treasures of Boeing Town (1896), What Messi Knows (1897), The Immature Childhood (1899), Holy Spring (1901) And three later works, Pigeon Wings (1902), Special Envoy (1903) and Golden Bowl (1904).
Famous novellas and short stories include Daisy Miller (1878), Espoon's Manuscript (1888), Real Goods (1890), Pupils (1892), Screws Are Tightening (1898), Jungle Beasts (1903), A Corner of Happiness (1909), and a group of novellas and short stories describing the life of writers and artists.
James has written many insightful reviews involving British, American, French and other writers, such as george eliot Stevenson, Anthony Trollope Hawthorne Emerson, Balzac george sand as well as Turgenev Etc. Collected works include French Poets and Novelists (1878), A Group of Incomplete Portraits (1888), Impressions and Comments (1908), Short Comments on Novelists (1914), Notes and Comments (1921), etc. His travel notes include Sketch Across the Atlantic Ocean (1875), Pictures of Everywhere I've Been (1883), A Little Tour in France (1885), When in England (1905), What America Saw (1907), When in Italy (1909). There are three kinds of autobiographies: Childhood and Others (1913), As Son and Brother (1914), Middle Age (1917).

O Henry

O Henry (O.Henry 1862-1910) TOP
O Henry
A short story writer. Originally named William Sidney Porter, born in North Carolina A small town. Father is a doctor. fifteen At I worked as an apprentice in my uncle's pharmacy. Five years later Texas A ranch grazes cattle. After 1884 Accountant Land Bureau clerk And the bank teller. In 1896, the bank found that it was short of a small sum of money, and O. Henry was summoned on suspicion. He went by way of New Orleans Latin America take refuge. In 1897, he returned to China to visit his wife, and was arrested and sentenced to five years imprisonment He once worked as a pharmacist in prison, and began to take O. Henry as a pseudonym (originally a French book used in prison pharmacopoeia He wrote a short story and published it in McLure magazine. In 1901, he was released early for "good behavior" and came to New York to write specially. Although he also Upper class society He often goes to poor people's apartments, taverns and low-grade theaters. He thinks that New York is worth 4 million yuan Petty citizen And not one of 400 millionaires.
There are more than 300 short stories written by O. Henry, including Cabbage and the King (1904), Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907)《 voices of the marketplace 》(1908), Rolling Stone (1913), etc Manhattan The works of citizen life are the most famous. He has rendered the atmosphere of the streets, small restaurants and dilapidated apartments there very lifelike, so he is called "Manhattan's Poet Laureate". His best short stories can be listed among the world's best short stories. For example, in The Gift of Maggie, a poor young couple gives gifts to each other Christmas gifts Coincidence in, portrayed their overstretched life and mutual considerate feelings. Police and hymn 》Write about homeless tramp To spend the winter in prison, the police have repeatedly tried the law, but the police have ignored it. When he decided to abandon the old and start a new life, the police arrested him without reason. The author reveals that this society is so black and white, right and wrong. The Last Rattan Leaf is full of sentimentality. The author affectionately praised the friendship between poor artists, and highlighted the image of an old painter who sacrificed his own life to create the "last masterpiece" of his life. The Endless Story expresses deep sympathy for the weak women struggling to make a living in the metropolis. A Room for Rent with Furniture is also a sad and moving story. The author uses a mysterious atmosphere to play up the tragedy of a pair of lovers committing suicide in the same room.
from Artistic technique It seems that O. Henry is good at capturing the ironic and philosophical Dramatic The scene outlines the characteristics of the characters with caricature style. The plot of the work develops rapidly, and an unexpected ending suddenly appears at the end, which makes the readers stunned and cannot help but admit that the story is reasonable, and then praise the ingenuity of the author's idea. His writing is lively and good at using Pun , false sound, homophonic sound, and old classics and new ideas are full of fun. He also took the accurate Detailed description , create and reproduce the atmosphere, especially the atmosphere of the night life in the metropolis, so that readers can experience the atmosphere. But because the works are written too much and too fast, the techniques are inevitably the same; Especially influenced by the vulgar taste of the society at that time, it often adds a happy ending to the tragic story, which sometimes dilutes the social significance of the works.


Norris, F( Frank Norris 1870-1902) TOP
Writer. Born Chicago A wealthy businessman family, he studied art in Europe when he was young. Return to China and enter University Of California After graduation, he worked as a journalist. Long lived in the western United States, claiming California People. At the beginning of his creation, he tended to romanticism, such as "Moran on the Lady Lettie" (1898), which describes the maritime legend. Later novels were drawn by Zola naturalism The influence of creative methods, such as "McTeague" (1899) and "Vantover and the Beast" (written at the same time in "McTeague", published in 1914).
When Norris interviewed the news in the west, he learned that the railway represents the interests of monopoly capital trust And farmer With this as the theme, he wrote a trilogy of "wheat epic". Among them, "Octopus" (1901) is the best one, which is his representative work. It accused the oppression and exploitation of monopoly capital, compared the railway to octopus, and countless arms and feet invaded every corner. Norris has written some literary and artistic papers, which were collected in the collection of The Responsibility of a Novelist (1903), mainly emphasizing "writing truth", "speaking truth" and "studying human nature".


Klein ,S.( Stephen Crane 1871-1900) TOP
Writer. Born in New Jersey Newark He studied in two universities and went to New York as a reporter in 1891. In 1893, he wrote a novella, Street Girl Mei Ji, which was based in New York Slums Life. In 1894, another novel was published by stages《 Red Medal of Courage 》It was written in 1895. After this novel gained the attention of European and American countries, "Street Girl Mei Ji" was republished. In 1896 Cuba Interview: The ship encountered a storm on the way. Based on this experience, he wrote a short story, The Boat on the Sea (1898), which describes in detail how four people struggle and fight in the vast sea. It is a famous American short story. Visited Cuba again in 1898 Spanish American War In 1900, due to lung disease Died in Europe.
Klis is also a poet, who has published two poetry collections, Black Rider (1895) and War is Kind (1899). His poems are free in writing, regardless of traditional syllables and rhythms, simple in style, and often reveal some truth of life through allegorical images. Critics believe that he and Emily Dickinson are both pioneers of modern American poetry.


Dreiser ,T.( Theodore Dreiser 1871-1945) TOP
A novelist. Born on August 27, 1871 Indiana Treehot Town. His father was a German textile worker. In 1846, he evaded military service and went to the United States to open a textile factory. Dreiser has been acting as woolen cloth The staff of the silk shop and newsboy At the age of 17 Chicago He made a living, washed dishes in a small restaurant, and worked as a waiter in an ironware shop. At the age of 18, supported by a female teacher in her childhood, she entered Indiana University Dropout, have a chance to Contact Darwin Huxley and spencer Works of. Back a year later Chicago , acting as real estate agency And Laundry The deliveryman of. From the age of 23. In Chicago and St. Louis I worked as a reporter in the newspaper of New York, and as the editor in chief of New York Monthly magazine. Started writing in 1899《 Sister Carrie 》, completed and published in the second year. Sister Carrie 》The story of a rural girl, Jia Li, who came to Chicago to make a living and became a famous actor, reveals that capitalist society Unemployment, poverty and hunger beneath the surface of prosperity have made a profound description of the opposing society between rich and poor in the United States. Sister Carrie 》Writing with Balzac style realism has created a new world in American literature. Although it was banned in the United States, it was later published in Britain. In 1907, it was finally published again in the United States.
Sister Carrie 》After being banned, Dreiser was forced to stop writing for 10 years. He has remained an editor for the past 10 years. Started writing novels in 1909《 Miss Jenny 》, published in 1911. Later, he wrote the first part of the famous Trilogy of Desire《 financier 》(1912), Part 2 Giant (1914), Part 3《 stoic 》(1947)。 This trilogy describes the monopoly capitalist Ke Baiwu Jackal Wolf like life, from Civil War The end of the "gilded era" until the death of Cowperwood at the beginning of the 20th century implied the inevitable demise of capitalism.
In 1917, Dreiser lived in New York Greenwich village , and later become American Communist Party William Haywood, the leader, met John Reed, the author of Ten Days of Shaking the World. Other socialists and Anarchism The. During this period, Dreiser published a collection of natural and supernatural dramas (1916); Collection of short stories Freedom and Others (1918), Twelve People (1919); The play The Hand of the Pottery Worker (1918); Collection of essays "Knock, Drum!" (1920) and "About My Own Book" (1922).
Dreiser's representative work The American Tragedy (1925) made Dreiser gain world reputation. novel describe The unfortunate experience of a poor female worker profoundly demonstrates the American social system Is caused by working people The root of tragedy. In 1927, he published the collection of short stories, Chain. Invited visit in November of the same year Soviet Union In 1928, he published Impression of Dreiser's Visit to Soviet Union. The collection of short stories "Women's Images" published in 1929 created the image of Ainida, a female Communist Party member. In 1931, he published the collection of political essays, The Tragic America, which carried out a calm and serious comprehensive analysis of the American capitalist society. This year, he published the autobiographical Dawn. In 1941, he published a collection of political essays, America is worth saving.
In 1944, he received the honorary award from the American Academy of Arts and Literature. He married Helen Richardson in the same year. On July 1, 1945, Dreiser applied to join the American Communist Party. December 28, 1945 California Of Hollywood Death. His posthumous works include Fortress (1946) and Stoic (1947).
Dreiser's works have long been introduced in China. Some famous novels of Dreiser, such as American Tragedy, Trilogy of Desire and《 Sister Carrie 》And so on, all of which have been translated into Chinese.


Kaiser ,W.( Willa Cather 1873-1947) TOP
woman writer. Born in Virginia , moved to the Midwest with his parents when he was young Nebraska university of nebraska After graduation, he worked as a middle school teacher, reporter and magazine editor. He started writing in 1912. His early works were influenced by Henry James. Later, I followed the advice of the female writer Sarah Ona Jowett and wrote works with local characteristics based on the life in the western frontier that I was familiar with since childhood. "Oh, the pioneers!" (1913) and "My Antonia" (1918) describe the first generation of novels Eastern Europe and Northern Europe The hard life of immigrants struggling with nature, and their handling of the old and the new cultural conflict The situation of the relationship between Chinese and foreigners. "A Fallen Woman" (1923) wrote a story about industrialist 's wife was speculator Induce to fall. The Professor's Residence (1925) describes a history professor's family who is not used to admiring money, and makes an old friend with a young scholar named Tom Autland who was born in poverty.
Kaiser's later works are further developed from North America To discover the spiritual beauty she wanted in her history. In Death Comes to Meet the Archbishop (1927), he eulogized the 19th century New Mexico The dedication of Catholic priests who preached among Indians. Shaphira and Female Slaves (1940) wrote before the Civil War Virginia How a white woman helped a female slave escape Canada And gained freedom. Cather's works are well proportioned in structure, slow and leisurely in rhythm, and fresh and beautiful in writing. In recent years, American critics have regarded her as one of the most outstanding American novelists in the 20th century.


Frost ,R.( Robert Frost 1874-1963) TOP
poet. Born California His father, a former headmaster and journalist, died at the age of 11. His mother brought him to his ancestral home New England Massachusetts. After graduating from high school Harvard University Undergraduate for 2 years. Before and after that, he worked as a textile worker, teacher, ran a farm, and began to write poems. He has traveled many places on foot and is known as "the farmer poet of New England". Frost His poems initially attracted attention in the United States. After his family moved to Britain in 1912, he continued to write poems ezra pound With his support and encouragement, he published his poetry collections The Will of Teenagers (1913) and North of Boston (1914), which were well received and attracted the attention of the American poetry community. Returned to the United States in 1915 New Hampshire Run a farm. His poetry became more and more famous, and he won four titles in 1924, 1931, 1937 and 1943 Pulitzer Prize And served as a teacher, poet in residence and poetry consultant in several famous universities. He was an American in his old age unofficial Poet Laureate; His poems often start from describing the natural scenery or customs of New England, and gradually enter the realm of philosophy. His poems are simple, yet subtle and thought-provoking. The famous poem "White Birch" tells that ordinary people always want to escape from reality, but they must return to reality after all. There are many visible and invisible walls that are unnecessary in the world. In addition to his short lyric poems, he has some dramatic long narrative poems depicting the Mental outlook The tone is relatively low and distinctive.
Frost is often called "the poet of alternation", which means that he is in the Traditional poetry and Modernist poetry An alternate period. He is also regarded as the two centers of modern American poetry with Albert. Famous poetry collections also include Mountains (1916), New Hampshire (1923), Streams Going West (1928), Another Pasture (1936), etc. In 1949, he published Complete Poems, and new works have been published since then.

Jack London

Jack London (Jack London 1876-1916) TOP
Writer. Born on January 12, 1876 California Of San Francisco His father was a bankrupt farmer and his family was very poor. From his childhood, he made a living by selling his physical strength. He once sold newspapers and unloaded goods. 14 years old Auckland Child labor in a cannery. At the age of 15, he illegally fished oysters (called "oyster thieves") in San Francisco port despite the government's ban. Later, he became a sailor and went to Japan. After returning home, he worked in jute factory and railway factory. The "Workers' Army", which was composed of unemployed workers, marched into Washington and demanded that living conditions be improved. Later, he wandered around the United States and was once jailed as a "jobless vagrant", who was sentenced to several months of hard work. After returning to his hometown, he studied hard. From 4 to 1896, he studied in middle school while working and once entered the university. 1896 Alaska He once joined the ranks of gold miners and went to Klondike, Canada to find gold Septicemia , return empty handed. From then on, he immersed himself in reading and writing and became a professional writer.
He has written 19 novels, more than 150 short stories and stories, 3 plays, as well as papers and features. From 1900 to 1902, he published three collections of short stories, including The Son of the Wolf. These novels are generally called "Northern Stories" and are his famous works. In 1902, according to the London, UK And wrote a feature collection People in the Abyss (1903). He has two novels about animals《 The call of the wilderness 》(1903) and《 White teeth 》(1906), is considered to be an outstanding work. In a novel《 Sea wolf 》In 1904, he exposed a Nietzsche "Superman", "Sea Wolf", Rawson's brutality and Egoism
In the 1890s, he joined the socialist movement, and after 1905, he joined the activities of the Socialist Party. From 1905 to 1910, he created some outstanding realistic works, such as: anthologies of essays Class Struggle (1905) and Revolution (1908); A novel《 Iron hoof 》(1908) and Martin Eden (1909). autobiographical novel Martin Eden 》Yes Jack London It describes a realistic writer who was born in the labor force capitalist society The fate of. From 1910 to 1916, he also wrote some excellent works, such as the novel Daybreak (1910) and the Valley of the Moon (1913), the short story The Dream of Debs (1913), The Mexican (1913) and The Power of the Strong (1914), etc., and also wrote a lot of crude works to meet the needs of publishers. Later, Jack London Gradually divorced from social struggle and pursued personal enjoyment, his "white superiority theory" developed into Great power chauvinism , defending the US intervention in Mexico in 1914. After 1913, his spirit was severely hit by economic setbacks and family disputes, and he often Alcoholism On November 22, 1916, he committed suicide by taking poison.
Jack London The excellent realistic works of capitalist society He is good at expressing the theme with the action of the characters. The characters have distinctive personalities, the story is compact, the words are concise and vivid, and have considerable appeal.


Sandburg, C. (Carl Sandburg 1878-1967) TOP
Poet, biographer. Born in Illinois One in Galsberg Sweden Migrant families. My father worked as a farmer and blacksmith. Sandburg entered the Swedish Lutheran Association after studying in the local public school for 4 years summer school At the age of 13, he began to make a living, had a car, and worked as a concierge in a barber shop. In 1898, when the United States and Spain were at war, he Puerto Rico Served in the army and served as the field correspondent of the Gersburg Evening News. In September of the same year, it entered Longlong Bard College Free schooling. He left school in 1902. In 1904, he published his first poetry anthology, In the Deliberate Joy. After leaving school, I have been to many places, engaged in various occupations, and have been widely exposed to the society and Folk ballad In 1907, he was the assistant editor of Tomorrow Magazine. Later, he participated in the activities of the Social Democratic Party and served as the secretary of the mayor of Milwaukee Socialist Party.
In 1914, Sandburg's Chicago and eight other poems《 Poetry journal 》It was published on the, causing great repercussions and mixed reputation. The Chicago Poetry Anthology published in 1916 established his position in the poetry world. Since then, he has successively published poetry collections such as The Man Who Peels Corn (1918), Smoke and Steel (1920), The Western Slate Burned by the Sun (1922), Good Morning, America (1928), long poems People, Yes (1936) and Poetry Collection (1951). He and Wechel Lindsay Edgar Lee Masters They formed the Chicago School of Poetry and became the inheritors of the democratic tradition of American poetry. In addition; Sandburg also wrote The Biography of Lincoln (6 volumes, 1926-1942).


Sinclair, U( Upton Sinclair 1878-1968) TOP
Writer. Born on September 20, 1878 Maryland Of Baltimore His ancestors were noble families. When his father passed it on, his family was in a state of decline. Father earns a meager income by selling wine. Later family moved New York He worked and studied at the same time City College of New York and Columbia University Read books. At the age of 15, he began to write articles for some popular publications Contribution fee Subsistence; He joined the Socialist Party in 1902; Once on Chicago To investigate the labor situation and write a full-length novel based on it《 slaughterhouse 》(1906)。 In the 30 years after 1906, Sinclair continued to create and expose capitalist society A novel on the dark side, in which the description is more important Colorado The Coal King (1917), which attacked monopoly capitalists, and the Oil (1927), which exposed Political corruption Boston (1928) and police brutality.
Besides writing, Sinclair also actively participated in political activities. He promoted the establishment of the "Industrial Democracy Alliance". He supports "the United States Citizenship Alliance "for freedom of speech. In 1934, he put forward the slogan of "ending poverty in California" as the Democratic Party of the United States Candidates run for governor;
Since 1940, Sinclair has written 11 novels with "The End of the World" as the general theme, describing the social situation of the United States and European countries between the two world wars. Among them, "Dragon's Teeth" (1942) has won Pulitzer Fiction Award. His autobiography was published in 1962. Done in the United States on November 25, 1968 New Jersey Death.


Lewis ,S.( Sinclair Lewis 1885-1951) TOP
Novelist; Born on February 7, 1885 Minnesota Sok Center, died in Italy on January 10, 1951. During his study in Lu University, he once left the university Upton Sinclair The socialist residents of Helikon founded Test area Work. After graduating from college, he worked as an editor and began to create. In 1920, his novel Street was published; It has caused great repercussions. Then he wrote《 Babbitt 》(1922) and Arrowsmith (1925). These three novels are regarded as his best works. Among them, Arrowsmith won the title of The Pulitzer Prize , but he refused to accept the award. Later, he wrote Elmer Gantley (1927), Dodsworth (1929) and other novels. Obtained in 1930 The Nobel Prize in Literature After the 1930s, his works Lack of depth Writing Skills It is also much worse than before.
Most of his works focus on rural and small town life. The Main Street reveals the closeness and conservatism of life in small towns, ridicules the narrowness and ignorance of citizens, and ridicules the shallowness and weakness of intellectuals. Because of Lewis's work, The Main Street has almost become a synonym for the conservative life of American society.
Lewis has written more than 20 novels with narrow themes. His characteristics are detailed description of details, exaggeration and caricature satire.